SAFE EVENT PLAN - COVID 19 - * Correct as of 22 November 2022. Subject to further updates

Page created by Sergio Howard
SAFE EVENT PLAN - COVID 19 - * Correct as of 22 November 2022. Subject to further updates

                   * Correct as of 22 November 2022. Subject to further updates
SAFE EVENT PLAN - COVID 19 - * Correct as of 22 November 2022. Subject to further updates
The health & safety of our attendees, partners and staff remain our top priority. At RX, it is important that we demonstrate
social responsibility in staying vigilant and taking enhanced measures at our events.

➢ At the company level, the RX Global Security Compliance Team has developed a 5-Point Safety Plan that looks at
  Collaboration & Engagement, Risk Management, Planning, Communication and Safeguarding Measures at our events

➢ At the country level, RX Singapore has consistently monitored the COVID-19 situation and followed regulations and advice
  provided by the Ministry of Health as well safety measures put up by the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) for the MICE

➢ RX Singapore has also attained the SG SafeEvent Certification managed by the Singapore Association for Convention,
  Exhibitions Organiser & Suppliers (SACEOS) that is issued to enterprises that uphold the highest standards of safe
  management practices to deliver confidence to visitors and organisers in the Conduct, Construct and Compliance of safe
  events in Singapore

RX endeavors to provide a safe environment for our attendees, speakers, staff & suppliers, minimizing the risk of transmission
of COVID-19 at our events
SAFE EVENT PLAN - COVID 19 - * Correct as of 22 November 2022. Subject to further updates
The below provides an overview of the measures that RX has undertaken in order to provide a safe and clean environment for all exhibitors and visitors attending APM 2022.

 Pre-show planning
 1. Conduct Risk Assessment                                   Security                                                     Environmental Hygiene
 2. Pre-show meetings with contractor, suppliers,             1. Security/staff on all entry and exit points               Hygiene protocols will include:
    venue, to discuss move in schedules, floor plans &
    covid safe plans                                          2. Manage/minimise queues at registration area               1. Provide hand sanitizers        at   various    locations
                                                                                                                              throughout the show
 3. Only official contractors allowed to minimize too         3. Monitor visitor numbers
    many parties entering the hall during build up                                                                         2. Extra staff to clean, disinfect and monitor high touch
                                                              4. Safe Distancing Ambassadors/ushers to rove all areas         areas and surfaces
Exhibitors & Visitors planning                                   to ensure social distancing is observed                   3. Advisory signage on hygiene throughout the venue
RX will update exhibitors and visitors planning to                                                                         4. Air supply monitored and managed to maximize
attend APM with pre-show communications and the                                                                               circulation.
following points have been considered when
developing a COVID safe environment:                          Technology & Equipment

1. Pre-show communications via email and/or                   1. Contactless Registration                                  Food Service
   EDMs and APM website
                                                              2. Trace Together Safe Entry App                             Food Services will be operated by the venue in a safe
2. Registration Information                                                                                                manner considering the following:
                                                              3. Lead Retrieval System to minimize contact
3. Health and safety signage on arrival and at the                                                                         1. Increased cleaning and sanitisation
   show entrance
                                                                                                                           2. Spaced seating
4. Covid awareness signage
                                                                                                                           3. No self serve
5. Environmental hygiene and sanitation practices
6. Social distancing signage
7. Mandatory face masks policy                                                                                                                                          3
SAFE EVENT PLAN - COVID 19 - * Correct as of 22 November 2022. Subject to further updates
  • All staff have been briefed and trained on the prevailing Safe Management Measures deployed at
    the event

  • APM is opened to the fully vaccinated (i.e. has received the full regimen of either Pfizer-
    BioNTech/Comirnaty, Moderna, or WHO EUL vaccines3) where records have been captured in
    Ministry of Health (MOH)’s national IT systems*

  • Pre-Event Testing will be conducted. Details to be released closer to date

  • APM will refuse entry to any contractor, exhibitor or visitor who present symptoms consistent
    with COVID-19

  • Deployment and use of TraceTogether (TT)-only SafeEntry check-in for entry into and exit from
    the event venue
* Travellers who are vaccinated overseas should present your vaccination certificate(s) to the ICA officer at immigration clearance in order to get the overseas vaccination records reflected electronically in
their HealthHub or TraceTogether apps to show on demand to be eligible for VDS. For more information, please refer to
SAFE EVENT PLAN - COVID 19 - * Correct as of 22 November 2022. Subject to further updates

                            Social distancing and avoid
                                   body contact

                                                                           Mandatory for all
                                                                       personnel to put on mask

Separate lane for entry and exit where

                                                              Engagement of Safe Event Ambassador and
                                                             ushers to ensure that criteria are being met &
                Use of technologies such as: contactless
               registration, Lead Retrieval Systems, Trace
                         Together Safe Entry App                                                5
SAFE EVENT PLAN - COVID 19 - * Correct as of 22 November 2022. Subject to further updates

        Practice high level of hygiene      Plan for isolation rooms near exit    Develop an emergency route
(including cleaning of common surfaces and point as a backup in the event where    for suspected case to exit
 personal hygiene). To conduct disinfection  there are suspected/emergency
           after show closes daily                         cases.

Your safety is at the forefront of all our planning. While our guidelines
& plans reflect the essential role that RX & it’s suppliers play to help
protect the health and safety of our customers and our employees, it is
a shared responsibility for everyone onsite to uphold and adhere to
the rules & guidelines in order to safeguard everyone.

                   THANK YOU
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