S T P EEBLES Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday 26 September - St Andrews Leckie Parish

Page created by Brad James
S T P EEBLES Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday 26 September - St Andrews Leckie Parish
September 2021
                            No 429



                 Harvest Thanksgiving
                 Sunday 26 September



S T P EEBLES Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday 26 September - St Andrews Leckie Parish
We would love to be able to               people to know Jesus.
encourage, support and pray
                                          Join Zoom meeting
for you in any way that we can.
Sunday Services                           j/950531397?
If you are able, please come and          pwd=SEFwRDVnQzU3aVJqakYwSUhia
join us in church or you can              W5IZz09
continue to watch online for a            Passcode 191243
livestream of our Service @ 11am
                                          Wednesday: 9.30am-10am the
on Sundays through our
                                          church will be open for a time of
website standrewsleckie.co.uk
                                          prayer. Please feel free to join us in
Previous sermons are also available
                                          church for open prayer or to pray
from our website or YouTube
                                          silently from your heart
Channel. If you (or someone you
know) can’t access the service
online, please try to dial in using
your landline phone. Simply dial                  Sunday mornings
01721 444 833 .                                  until further notice
Support and Prayer                                      11 am
If you would like support or to have        We now allow limited numbers into
someone to talk with or to pray for       the building. It is preferred that you
you, you can make confidential             pre-book; you can do so through the
prayer requests from our website            online booking system (Monday to
standrewsleckie.co.uk or contact            Friday) or through phoning Heather
us by email at                            in the office from 9 am to 12 noon on
office@standrewsleckie.co.uk or              Wednesdays. You can also turn up
telephone 01721 723 121                        on the day although you will be
Tuesday - Thursday 9am to                     turned away if we reach capacity
12noon).                                     and you will be asked to give your
Don’t worry about anything, but in               contact details for track and
all your prayers ask God for what                trace so it is simpler to book
you need, always asking him with a               beforehand. Sunday Services
thankful heart. And God’s peace,           will continue to be accessed through
which is far beyond human                       the Church website or dialling
understanding, will keep your             in using your landline. Contact for all
hearts and minds safe in union with       church information is 01721 723121 ,
Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)           Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
                                                    mornings 9am-12 noon.
ZOOM PRAYER MEETINGS                  :
Mon day-Friday: 8.30am-9am (on                Contact for all church information
Thursday we start earlier at 8am to                   is 01721 723121
pray for revival) We gather to pray           Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
for God to move by His Spirit,                     mornings 9am-12 noon.
bringing His kingdom near and

S T P EEBLES Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday 26 September - St Andrews Leckie Parish

It has been wonderful to look out on a Sunday morning each week and see
more and more faces from our church family returning to worship. Life is far
from being back to ‘normal’ (masks come with their challenges!) but with the
return of singing, children and young people to the services, our gatherings
have known a renewal of colour and joy.
There is a beautiful picture of God revitalising His people in Jeremiah, where
the prophet announces that “their life shall be like a watered garden and
they shall languish no more” (Jeremiah 31:12). As I was praying recently for
our church family, I had an image of a plant with large leaves that were
withering for lack of water. There has been much to sap our strength, take
away our momentum and deflate and depress us.
The transformation that water brings to dry land is remarkable and thrilling.
In the summer, during that spell of glorious weather, we were negligent in
watering my in-laws’ garden, which we were charged to look after while they
were on holiday. My Father-in-law had kept stressing that we needed to
particularly look after his tomato plant, so you can imagine how panicked we
were when we arrived to find it sun-scorched, withered and apparently
lifeless. We gave it a soaking and prayed (!) before returning a few hours
later. I couldn’t believe the revival that had taken place!

I pray that the Lord will use our gatherings on Sundays to be times of
refreshing and renewal. Part of that renewal comes through one another, as
each of us play our part. Of course there are many good reasons for some
of us to be cautious about being part of any bigger gatherings and that is
totally understandable. We pray that you would know the care and love of
our fellowship and the refreshing of God’s Spirit in your own homes. Perhaps
though some have just fallen out the habit of coming along.

The New Testament reminds and urges us to “consider how to stir up one
another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the
habit of some, but encouraging one another…” (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Some of you have shared with me that it has taken a little effort to come
back over the threshold for all sorts of reasons and yet have spoken of/

S T P EEBLES Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday 26 September - St Andrews Leckie Parish
of the blessing of coming back in person to worship God. I encourage all
those who can to come and enjoy the privilege that we have of being able
to serve and worship God together.
May the Lord renew us with the living water of His Holy Spirit as we seek


S T P EEBLES Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday 26 September - St Andrews Leckie Parish
What a challenge it has been over this   our prayer life grow. Pray that we see
time of pandemic - COVID has affected    the Holy Spirit move among us,
everyone in some way. We have had to     empowering us to do the work of
adapt and change our church and          Jesus, to see the darkness pushed
prayer life working in new ways and      back and the Kingdom of God
our online prayer and worship have       established here.
been a great support to many in our
                                         Trust that prayer makes a difference,
Church family.
                                         even when you don’t see the
Now as restrictions are eased off, it is difference.
important that we begin to think
                                         It may take a while for you to see God
about how we can reshape our worship
                                         answer your prayers. But don’t miss an
and prayer life.
                                         “in the meantime answer” you can
There was a wonderful increase in        receive right away. Philippians 4: 6-7
interest with people using online        reminds us of the immediate answer
prayer and worship to cope with their to every prayer: “Do not be anxious
difficult and unpleasant situations;     about anything, but in every situation,
the data presented is really only a      by prayer and petition, with
fragment of the true prayers because     thanksgiving, present your requests to
we realise that those who were less      God. And the peace of God, which
confident with the internet didn’t       transcends all understanding, will
always manage to connect to digital      guard your hearts and your minds in
worship. Worship and prayer didn’t       Christ Jesus.” (NIV)
stop because of this pandemic!
                                         Did you catch it? It’s the peace of God
Please continue to develop your          that will guard your heart and mind in
personal prayer life by learning to pray the process while you’re waiting for
the Bible regularly. Practice praying    God to reveal His answer to your
Scriptures in your own prayer times      request. When you pray, you can trust
with the Lord.                           you are doing your part and God will
                                         certainly do His part.
Pray that God raises up an army of
pray(ers) asking God to give us a heart We want to know Jesus more and for
for prayer and a vision that we will see others to come to know Him….

S T P EEBLES Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday 26 September - St Andrews Leckie Parish
SO we must be a Praying                      Wednesday and Friday 8:30 am - 9
Church. Prayer is important and              am and on Thursday (specifically
making time for it in our (now busier)       for Revival prayer) 8am - 9am.
lives shows that Jesus is precious to        Please contact Heather or
us.                                          Carrie@standrewsleckie.co.uk for
                                             assistance and/or details of login.
Now as restrictions are eased off it
is important that we begin to think          From Wednesday 1st September
about how we can reshape our                 the Church will be open from
worship and prayer life.                     9.30 am - 10am for a time of
                                             prayer. Please feel free to join
So we need to intentionally gather
                                             us in Church for open prayer or
together to pray! I encourage you to
                                             to pray silently from your heart.
get involved and make it a priority!
                                             We intend to (very soon) offer prayer
Our online zoom prayer meetings
                                             after the Service on Sunday
will continue Monday/Tuesday/

       Here is a Weekly prayer schedule for use at home:
Sunday - Pray for
    our minister and his family
    the elders and ministry leaders in our church and their families
    our government leaders and our nation

Monday - Pray for
   the children in Sunday club, Youth and children's groups, their
    leaders and helpers
   our schools, Kingsland, Priorsford, Halyrude and Peebles High School
   all children around the world

Tuesday - Pray for
    your family and friends especially anyone with specific needs
    for a strengthening in your friendships
    for any financial needs for ourselves and the Church thanking God for his

Wednesday - Pray for
   your co workers, thanking God for your job
   our staff and all volunteers in the church
   for all our Church activities, all Parent and toddler groups, worship
    group, and all housegroups

S T P EEBLES Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday 26 September - St Andrews Leckie Parish
Thursday - Pray for
    outreach and all Christian missionaries,
    our emergency services, fire, ambulance and police
    medical staff, all doctors, nurses and hospital staff

Friday - Pray for
    opportunities to serve others, thanking God whenever they appear
    wisdom about specific situations and future decisions
    those who are sick, those housebound or in hospital
    for those who are struggling with doubt, ask God to give them confi-
     dence to walk in faith with Him

Saturday - Pray for
    for the persecuted church in countries where believers are
     regularly targeted and often killed for their faith that they would know
     the hope God gives and how much he loves
    for ourselves to be prepared for Sunday's worship

Each day:
    praise God for who He is, thank him for what He has done and ask
     for forgiveness for any sins in your heart. Pray that God would
     guide you to set goals that would glorify Him, give you the strength
     to achieve them and to help you seize every opportunity to learn
     and grow

S T P EEBLES Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday 26 September - St Andrews Leckie Parish
   Sunday 5 November

We will stream the service live from YouTube much the same as
normal with the option to phone in if you don’t have an internet
connection. When it comes to sharing the peace, those not at
the service in person are encouraged to message others by text,
social media or in the comments section if watching via https://
leckie.online.church, something like “The peace of the Lord be
with you”. You will also need to provide your own bread and
wine/grape juice.

For those attending in person, you will be instructed how we
will administer the elements on entry. This will be in line with
guidelines at the time. Please contact the office in the preceding
week if you have any specific dietary requirements.

Although it will be different, we hope you still feel the invitation
to come to the Lord’s table.

S T P EEBLES Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday 26 September - St Andrews Leckie Parish
As a footnote to Christian Aid Week in May, Peebles and District Christian
Aid Committee would like to say another huge thank you to everyone who
supported us this year. We have learned from Christian Aid Scotland that
our amazing total of £12614 raised, is one of the highest of any group in
Scotland. This is down to the good folk of Peebles who gave of their time
and money to make the week so successful in raising funds for people in
need around the world.
                                          Nancy Hutchinson
                         Secretary, Peebles Christian Aid Committee

We have some news! God willing, we are planning a return to live events as

   Symphonic Praise - St Mary's Cathedral Edinburgh, 9 October

   Christmas - Usher Hall, 4 December

   Foot Stomping Band - starting from March 2022

And more online events are currently in the pipeline

In case you missed them, there are some wonderful events and items out
there on the Origin YouTube Channel. First off, subscribe to our channel
and click the bell icon. YouTube will then remind you when we put up
something new.

S T P EEBLES Harvest Thanksgiving Sunday 26 September - St Andrews Leckie Parish
    I was a stranger and you welcomed me

    I was hungry for God’s word and you were His instrument in feeding me
     and teaching me

    I was thirsty and tired and found here refreshing and renewed strength
     in the Lord

    I was ill, bereaved and you visited me, wrote to me, comforted me.

    I was fighting spiritual battles and you prayed for me

    I was unable to be with you in person - you phoned me and provided
     church services on CD and phone line so faithfully for me

A special and sincere THANK YOU to each of you who did just that for me and
my sister Lysbeth Duncan over the years. In Paul’s words (Philippians 1 vs 3-
4 “I thank my God every time I pray for you. In all my prayers for all of you, I
always pray with joy”

As I wrote the words at the beginning of this, I was reminded of Jesus’ words
in Matthew 25:31-46 and especially verse 40:
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it for

Be encouraged, friends at St. Andrews Leckie! Nothing we do in love for Jesus
is done in vain! Praise God for working in and through you!

Keep close to our Lord Jesus! Keep reaching out to others in His love and for
His glory! “He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or
imagine, according to the power that is at work within us, to Him be glory”
Ephesians 3: 20

                                                  Mary Clare Duncan

Alan and Elizabeth Herd have recently
moved down south and here they tell us
how they became involved in St Andrews
             Herds are Moo-ving
In the beginning was the Word, and     was involved with Sunday Club and
the Word was with God, and the Word    the start-up of 7UP, to provide a
was God. Before we even resided in     youth group on Sunday mornings,
Peebles we attended a blessed Holy     along with Maureen Noble. These,
Week series of morning services led    along with Lunch and Chat, Church
by Hazeley Moore and all the other     flowers, coffee mornings in various
ministers, while we were on a week’s   guises and the occasional special
holiday here. Many years later and     event for fund raising, as well as her
after much searching we found a        pastoral visiting enabled her to meet
house and a Church, but God            some amazing people and make
through you has blessed us in so       many wonderful and lasting
many ways. The fellowship at St.       friendships.
Andrews Leckie drew us in, and we
have been with you ever since. Very    We are sad to be leaving our Church
quickly someone found out that Alan    family in Peebles but as we believe
was an elder and he was invited to     God led us to this fellowship we
join the Kirk Session. This led to a   know that he is directing our move
Parish Outreach team where we all      now and will guide us as we move to
deepened our prayer lives. Then a      Eccleshall in Staffordshire to be
stint doing a youth strategy between   nearer our family. We don’t know
the Old Parish Church and St.          what we will encounter when we get
Andrews Leckie which led to the        there but we know that God will be in
recruitment of a youth leader. Then    it. The Lord is my shepherd, so may
the glorious days of the Alpha         he shepherd us on to pastures new.
courses which have been a blessing
to so many both here and at Manor.     As a congregation, each of you has
Not to mention prayers, readings,      loved us as your neighbour and we
and occasional evening services.       have loved you. And now these three
Elizabeth’s involvement latterly was   remain: faith, hope and love. But the
with the Wednesday Parent and          greatest of these is love.
Toddler group and the Women’s
Group, although to begin with she            Love, Alan and Elizabeth

David and Jacqueline Powell another two of
our congregation have also left us due to the
relocation of David’s business.

After eleven wonderful years living         was with Try Praying. David handles
on a sheep farm near Dawyck                 the printing and USA distribution for
Botanical Gardens, and nine of those        them. They have now asked for help
years being a part of the St Andrews        in the UK, so from September 1st, I
Leckie family, we have recently left for    will be handling their mail order
a new season in West Sussex, where          processing and shipments…..who
David's business has relocated to.          knows maybe we will be sending a
We have both loved our time in              box to The Leckie one day!
Scotland and have found it hard to
leave the beautiful Borders and our         I want to say a huge thank you to
lovely family at St Andrews Leckie.         Malcolm for his endless
                                            encouragement, support and
The Leckie has been a very special
                                            pastoral care - St Andrews is truly
part of my life and it has been a joy
                                            blessed to have him and Hannah
to have been involved in the prayer
                                            leading it. I will continue to pray,
side of church life, through 24 hour
                                            that revival will come and the
prayer, healing/prayer teams, and
                                            Community transformed by God’s
intercessory prayer. Greeting many
                                            endless love.
of you at the door twice a year whilst
stewarding, was a highlight and an
opportunity to meet different folk
and give many of you a hug (though
some of you managed to escape)! It
has been a time of growth personally
and spiritually. It has been a joy and
a huge blessing to have made some               On your behalf, I wish
very special friends, who will now              Mary-Clare, Alan, Elizabeth ,
remain lifelong friends.                        David and Jacqueline all the
So now what? We have moved to live              very best and hope that they
100 metres from the English Channel             will be able to come and visit
and overlooking the South Downs                 us from time to time.
rolling hills in a place call                                  Heather
Littlehampton.....and it can be as
windy as Peebles and just as often!!

One of the connections that came
during my time at St Andrews Leckie

As Lonely as a St Andrews Leckie Gardener

Hello from the newest member of the      The new chapter in the life of the
gardening team. As I write this I have   garden is a blank page. There is a
been working with the existing team      place for new ideas and ways of
members for two weeks. The three         working to fit around commitments.
others have tended the gardens for       We want to be very flexible as we
many years, ensuring a beautiful         fully understand that your time is a
display of colour and texture and        very valuable commodity. At the
creating an area of peace and calm       moment three of us work together
which is enjoyed by many. It is a        for one hour per week. The fourth
wonderful sanctuary for prayer, tears    member works happily on his own
and laughter as many of you will         when he can. I would be happy to
have experienced.                        support anyone who has never tried
                                         gardening and would like to try their
In just two weeks I have shared          hand.
a lot of laughter with my fellow
                                         If you would like to be involved in
gardeners and have really enjoyed
                                         the stewardship of our lovely garden
their company, benefited from their
                                         please contact Heather and she will
knowledge and loved hearing their
                                         put you in contact with me.
ideas. People who love gardens are
                                         Many thanks Marion
special BUT … after years and years
of gardening, knees, hips and backs
begin to creak and then a realisation
slowly dawns that perhaps the time
is coming to enjoy sitting in the
garden rather than working in it.
The existing gardening team would
love to see more folk involved so
that they can reduce their workload
and eventually see their guardianship
of the garden passed on to others.
As for me … I don’t want to be

I’m sure like me, very few could
have anticipated another year where
we find ourselves trying to maintain
the life of our church within the
challenges and restrictions of the
Covid pandemic. There have of
course, been some recent changes
which have allowed more of us to
worship together in the church
building, albeit still with the
frustrating requirement for
us to wear masks. Throughout
all of this however, we have been
blessed by the regular and             encouraged to give in other ways
frequent giving of our members         too. There have been appeals in
and from financial donations by        recent weeks for folk to help with
many who tune into the weekly          our children’s and youth work,
YouTube recording.                     stewarding at our church services,
                                       driving, light gardening, etc.
The figures indicate that giving to
                                       Perhaps you could consider helping
the General Fund for the 6 months,
                                       at times to suit you, in an area of
January to June 2021 are up by 3%
                                       church life that appeals to you?
on the comparable period in 2020.
While this is very encouraging, we       While we agree that standing orders
must remember that the figures for       are a wonderful way for us to
the whole of 2020, showed a              maintain our income throughout the
reduction in overall income of 19%       year and indeed, I believe that they
                                         have contributed enormously in
Like most Treasurers, I’m constantly
                                         helping to keep our financial figures
looking for ways in which we can
                                         looking very healthy during Covid-
increase our financial giving. Given
                                         19, the downside of standing orders
the challenges that many have faced
                                         is that once they are set up with the
during the pandemic, I haven’t made
                                         banks, we are inclined to forget
this appeal for a while, but I think it
                                         about them, knowing that the
is appropriate now and I would
                                         electronic transaction happens
therefore, graciously ask everyone
                                         without any need for monthly or
to reconsider their regular financial
                                         weekly intervention. Many standing
commitment to St Andrews Leckie.
                                         orders will have been set up several
I am very aware that many have had years ago and I would appeal to our
to cope with, and indeed still face      members to consider whether any
hardship, through reduced hours,         increase could be made at this time.
loss of employment or ill health. It
                                         Amazon Smile
may be impossible for some
                                         If you are inclined to buy online
members to increase their financial
                                         using Amazon, there is a facility
giving but as Christians, we are
                                         which, at no extra cost to you,
donates 0.5% of your eligible           year. Congregations can use the
purchases to a charity of your          money locally or direct it towards
choice. I have set up our church as     projects at home or overseas,
an eligible charity. It is shown as     provided that it will be used in line
Church of Scotland St Andrews           with the charitable objectives of the
Leckie: Peebles. All you need to do     Church.
is start your shopping
at smile.amazon.com. You can            The money raised through your
get here by typing Amazon Smile         congregation's involvement in the
in the search box. The items you        National Giving Day will not be
are looking to buy are all there at     assessable for Ministries and
the same prices but, by using this      Mission purposes. Congregational
route, the church can make some         Treasurers should separately
money too.                              identify the income donated and be
                                        able to demonstrate it was
Church of Scotland National
                                        specifically given as part of this
Giving Day
                                        initiative. The total received should
This is an extract from a
                                        be recorded under a ‘National
communication that has been
                                        Giving Day' line in the analysis of
circulated to all churches from the
                                        donations note in the accounts. This
Church of Scotland Stewardship
                                        will enable these gifts to be
and Finance Department:
                                        excluded from assessable income
Congregations have been                 which is used in calculating the
encouraged by the General               Ministries and Mission allocation.
Assembly to participate in a
church-wide National Giving             Congregations are encouraged to
Day at a time of their choosing         engage with this initiative on a day
over the season of Harvest 2021.        of their choosing between Sunday 5
This will provide people of all         September and Sunday 31 October
ages an opportunity to reflect          2021.
on God's presence with us through       We are very keen to participate in
these challenging times and to offer    this initiative and the minister has
gifts of thanksgiving back to God.      identified Sunday 24 October as
                                        the day when the service will focus
Money received through this             on this initiative. A planning
initiative will remain with             meeting is already in the diary and
participating congregations who         plans and information will be
will choose how to use these gifts.     shared in due course.
This money may be used to fund
specific work, to launch a new          With my personal thanks and every
project or simply to offset deficits    blessing,
taking into account the challenging
financial circumstances faced by                             Yvonne
many of our churches over the last

The Counselling service operates with face to
face client sessions at our relaxing rooms at
County Buildings, Rosetta Road, Peebles.

Are you ready to talk? Has something been held by you alone and
causing you discomfort or emotional pain? Do you know someone
who is suffering in silence?

Let one of our carefully matched Counsellors draw alongside you.

The phone is answered - Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays. Email
enquiries also welcome.
                         Tel. 01721 400616
                    e-mail: info@soulrestore.co.uk

       Website for more information: https://soulrestore.co.uk

Sarah, our Youth Ministry
Leader has been organising
activities for our young
people over the past few
months. Here, she bring us
up-to-date with what’s been

            Some of the youths playing games

In August, 14 youth and some           fortunate to be offered the field,
youth leaders took part in a one       including portaloos!
night overnight camp in St Boswells.
                                       We had a huge campfire, we ate
We had a great time, the weather
                                       hotdogs and we played games, as
was perfect, and we were really
                                       well as listening to Sarah talking

about being part of a family             doing the cooking and campfire,
together. Many of the youth were         Stevie on games and Lizzie on
surprised by how cold it got at night    breakfast! Many thanks to everyone
time, and not everyone got enough        else who helped with different things
sleep, but it was a great first          - providing cakes etc. This kind of
experience of camping together.          thing always needs a team effort!
                                         Extra special thanks go to Phil the
 We were so fortunate to have a
                                         farmer for the field, for getting the
great team of leaders using their
                                         sheep moved out, and his dad for
skills, such as Fiona, helping us to
                                         putting a sink in for us!
get tents set up and ready, Dougal

                     Stevie and Dougal cooking

Youth Sundays                           help lead it! If you like young
We are back at 10.45am in the           people and want to support them
Bakehouse every Sunday! P7+             to become wonderful rounded
welcome to join us! We grab             human beings, maybe you would
some refreshments and then              like to be part of our team? Roles
head up to the balcony at church        needed are: running a tuck shop or
for the first 20 mins, before           making snacks, playing board
heading back to the Bakehouse           games or outdoor games, chatting
for our group. We finish at             and listening or perhaps driving a
12.15pm.                                minibus to special events…. You
                                        would need to do a PVG and
Developments                            application, as well as having a
We would love to start a Youth          chat with Sarah to check it’s the
Club, but of course, we need a          right role for you. Except for
team of adults (aged 18-100) to         driving, the commitment will be

approx. fortnightly, 2-hour youth     develop are amazing! Speak to
club, plus helping with setting up    Sarah for more info.
and putting away and the rewards      Find us on Facebook or Instagram
of seeing young people grow and       @STANDLECKIE

Babies and Toddlers:
Our groups continues on Tuesdays, at 10-11.30 and 1.30-3pm. Both
groups are growing gradually, and we are a bit busier in the morning
session. This week in the morning (24 August), we had a Bible Story read
by Marion as well as some lovely nursery rhymes and songs led by
Margaret. We now have room for more and there is no need to book!
Find us on Facebook @toddlersleckie

      Margaret leading
      the singing

                             As my old dad would say “the nights are
                             fair drawing in” and I was wondering if
                             anyone would like to join me in creating
                             for Christmas to raise funds again this
                             year. Please let me know if you would be
                             willing to get involved. Please contact me
                             direct or you can contact Heather and she
                             will put you in touch with me.
                                              Marion Anderson

                                                APPEAL 2021

Your kindness and generosity makes such a difference; receiving a Shoebox
brings so much joy. Blythswood are looking ahead to their Shoe Box Appeal
2021 and to helping vulnerable communities across Eastern Europe.
They trust they will be able to deliver boxes and bags to Albania, Bulgaria,
Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine.
Filled shoeboxes and drawstring bags will both be gratefully received
There are also additional resources to help, including knitting patterns
and filler ideas, (see filler ideas on next page) If you would like a copy
of the knitting patterns for hats, scarfs and gloves, please get in touch
with Heather In the office.

Copies of the 2021 leaflet are available from the Church Office or
outwith office hours, you can pick one up from the box on the railings at
the Eastgate entrance to the Church. Please ensure that you follow the
guidelines on the leaflet. Heather also has a small supply of flatpack
shoeboxes in the office if you have difficulty in finding one.

In order to get the boxes to Blythswood in time for
Christmas , they need to be delivered to the Church Office by Thursday
21 October at the very latest. Please contact Heather (9am-12 noon
Tuesday - Thursday) to arrange delivery.

Shoe Box Appeal 2020 Update
Blythsood were overwhelmed with the amazing response to their Appeal last
year. Thank you so much.
75,218 shoeboxes and bags were donated and sent off to Eastern Europe.

Laura’s Children’s Ministry
Update on Sunday Club
The Summer                                Thomson, Wilma Barrett, Marion
                                          Anderson, Shona Haslam and Hilary
We had a number of different church       Rogerson for volunteering to help
members leading Sunday Club over          over the summer, and also to Sarah
the school holiday period. This gave      and Matt Brown and Lizzie McLean
the Sunday Club leaders a                 who did a brilliant singing session
well-earned break, and gave the           with the children back at the start of
children the benefit of meeting other     the holidays.
adults from our church family and
doing lots of     different fun           Here are some photos from over the
activities. I’m very thankful to Nancy    summer

        Nancy, Wilma and Marion told the children the story of
        Peter healing the lame man and they made these
        brilliant bouncing men!

Shona did amazingly creative prayer and craft activities with the children

                              Fun games!

The new session                       thinking about inspiring stories of
                                      friendship and resilience from this
Since starting back after the         summer’s games. The leaders all
summer break, we are delighted to have different ideas for these
be able to have our children back     creative sessions, including
into the church building for the      outdoor worship, a light party,
start of the service. Sunday Club     drama, sport and art activities. We
children are meeting at 10.45 at      hope these sessions will be times
the Bakehall and then coming over where we can experience God
together with their leaders to sit at together more deeply and in
the front of the church for the       special ways, and for the children
start of the service. We then         to draw closer in relationship to
return to the Bakehall for the        Jesus.
children’s activities before
finishing at about 12.15. It was a Our Sunday Club leaders for this
real blessing that we were able to session are Bill Jacobs, Elizabeth
tune into the children’s address      Harrison, Andy Gibson, Marion
online over recent months, but it is Anderson, Mary Ritchie, Patsy
so wonderful to be able to be back Gemmell and Hilary Rogerson,
in person for the children’s          along with myself.
address and to worship alongside
the adults in church.
In Sunday Club time we are
continuing with our Share-Faith
materials, which take the children
through the Bible each week.
There are great videos, graphics
and activity ideas to help the
children explore the Bible stories
and think about what they mean
for us personally and our lives
today. We are picking up where
we left off last session, mid-way
through Exodus, with the children
learning how powerful God is. He
is mighty to save.
Every third week, we are going to
have different creative worship and
response sessions, led by different
                                          One of the stops on our Bible-lympics Trail
members of our Sunday Club
leaders team. We started with a
session looking at Tokyo 2020,
doing a Bible-lympics trail and

Safeguarding is concerned with
creating and maintaining a safe
environment for all, especially
children and adults at risk.
The Church of Scotland
Safeguarding system seeks to adopt
a preventative approach through:
      Safe recruitment practices
      Safe working practices
                                    This means that all our volunteers
      Managing safe worship        and paid workers must take the
      Training.                    Safeguarding Training and undergo
In St Andrews Leckie we are         a refresher course every 3 – 5 years.
committed to implementing and       The current scheduled online
sustaining the Church of Scotland’s training courses are:
Safeguarding Practices.

   Introductory Safeguarding                Kirk Session Safeguarding
            Training                                 Training
                                               Wednesday 8th - 10am
        Saturday 4th - 10am
                                               Saturday 25th - 10am
         Monday 13th - 7pm
                                               Wednesday 29th - 7pm
        Saturday 18th - 10am
                                               Saturday 9th - 10am
         Tuesday 5th - 7pm
                                              Thursday 21st - 7.30pm
        Thursday 7th - 10am
                                                 Tuesday 7th - 7pm
        Saturday 6th - 10am
   Safeguarding Co-ordinator               Safeguarding Panel Training
             September                          Tuesday 2nd - 7PM
       Saturday 11th - 9.30am

                                                   Ian Hamilton
   Please contact me if you require          Safeguarding Co-ordinator
   help or further information                07977 467416 (Mobile)

Therefore He is able to save completely those who draw near to
God through Him, since He always lives to intercede for them.

                          Hebrews 7: 25

  N.B. The next issue (430) is likely to be December /January
      The deadline for items will be Sunday 14 November

         All items for inclusion should be submitted to the
                     church office by that date.

             email: office@standrewsleckie.co.uk
                      Tel: 01721 723121
 All correspondence relating to church matters should be sent to
             the Church, Eastgate, Peebles EH45 8AD

The Minister
                       Rev Malcolm Jefferson
                            Session Clerk
                         Alasdair Sutherland
                             Yvonne Elliot
                       Church Administrator
                            Heather Collin
                           723121 (Office)
                        Data Administrator
                          John Dimmock
                          723121 (Office)
    Soul Restore Counselling Service - Head of Counselling
                          Janice Pace
                        01721 400616
                           Prayer Promoter
             Carrie Duthie - carrie@standrewsleckie.co.uk
                     Safeguarding Co-ordinator
                            Ian Hamilton
                           07977 467416
                          Youth Worker
                            Sarah Brown
                          07942 592435

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