ROYAL & DUCAL CASTLES - Abercrombie & Kent

Page created by Kelly Henderson
ROYAL & DUCAL CASTLES - Abercrombie & Kent

ROYAL & DUCAL CASTLES - Abercrombie & Kent
Experience the life of Britain’s great country
estates as a privileged guest.
The English nobility inhabit an opulent world open to only a privileged few — and
now, that includes you. I created Royal & Ducal Castles to grant our small group
of guests a peek into a life of grand country estates, fine motorsports, polo (my own
sport of choice) and, of course, five-star hospitality and exquisite dining. Following
visits to Windsor Castle and Goodwood Motor Circuit, we spend three nights at
Cowdray House, a picturesque Tudor estate where my co-host, His Grace the Duke of
Roxburghe, joins us. We finish our journey at Floors Castle in Scotland, the Duke’s
ancestral seat, as his personal guests, enjoying a special program of country pastimes
arranged just for us. Join me as we immerse ourselves in Britain’s most beautiful
landscapes and experience some of its most storied private residences on a luxury
journey you will never forget.

                              Geoffrey Kent
                              Founder, Co-Chairman & CEO | Abercrombie & Kent

                              Follow @geoffrey_kent on Instagram
ROYAL & DUCAL CASTLES - Abercrombie & Kent
ROYAL & DUCAL CASTLES - Abercrombie & Kent
Royal & Ducal Castles
   An Inspiring Expedition by Geoffrey Kent
     May 1–9, 2022 | Limited to 20 Guests
     $135,000 per person, double occupancy
           $12,995 single supplement

   Visit Windsor Castle, residence of the Royal
    Family, exploring areas normally closed to
                    the public

  Get behind the wheel of a BMW racecar for a
  thrilling track experience at world-renowned
             Goodwood Motor Circuit

Learn the sport of kings at a private polo lesson at
Cowdray House, followed by an exhibition match
               put on just for you

  Spend four nights at Floors Castle, the private
    residence of the Duke of Roxburghe, who
           personally hosts your visit

Visit Alnwick Castle and explore the grounds on a
 private tour guided by a resident family member

 Enjoy the sporting life with a day to pursue the
  activities of your choice at Floors Castle, with
  options including golf, clay pigeon shooting,
          off-road driving and fly fishing

View the art collection of the Duke of Buccleuch
     at his residence in Drumlanrig Castle
ROYAL & DUCAL CASTLES - Abercrombie & Kent
MAY 1, 2022: Arrive London, UK
                                 Arrive in London, where you are met and escorted to your hotel, where
                                 a pre-tour room night has been booked to ensure immediate occupancy
                          SEA    on check-in. Set in the heart of Mayfair, Claridge’s is an Art Deco icon
EDINBURGH     CASTLE             and a byword for understated elegance. Enjoy a relaxing afternoon before
                                 meeting your fellow guests for a festive welcome dinner in a private room
                                 at Annabel’s. Claridge’s Hotel | Meals: D
                                 MAY 2: Windsor Castle | A Royal Welcome
                                 After breakfast, head out to world-famous Windsor Castle. This special
                                 visit is by kind permission of Her Majesty the Queen and is led by a
                       LONDON    member of staff who knows all of the castle’s ins and outs. Then continue
                                 to Cowdray House, your home for the next three nights. The 16,500-acre,
         COWDRAY                 family-owned Cowdray Estate is set in the heart of the South Downs
         HOUSE                   National Park, an area of exceptional beauty in West Sussex. The estate
                                 offers a complete range of country sports as well as lavishly tended
 HELICOPTER                      grounds, with meals prepared from the estate’s own products. The on-site
                                 spa is also at your disposal for a relaxing treatment. Gather this evening
                                 for cocktails and dinner with your hosts, Geoffrey Kent and His Grace the
                                 Duke of Roxburghe. Cowdray House | Meals: B L D

                                 MAY 3: Goodwood Motor Circuit | Adrenaline on the Circuit
                                 After breakfast this morning, transfer by luxury car to Goodwood Motor
                                 Circuit, England’s greatest sporting estate, for a full day of track activities.
                                 Goodwood hosts the internationally famous Festival of Speed, The Qatar
                                 Goodwood Festival and Goodwood Revival, three of the largest events
                                 in the British sporting and social calendar. The ninth Duke of Richmond
                                 was a famous racing driver and turned the Second World War airfield on
                                 the Goodwood Estate into the Goodwood Motor Circuit in 1948, which
                                 hosted some of the famous racing drivers and iconic cars in thrilling
                                 wheel-to-wheel racing. Today, you try your hand at this thrilling sport.
                                 After some instruction from professional race car drivers, get behind the
                                 wheel of your classic or performance car and take to the track for a racing
                                 experience and some stunt driving. After lunch in the Jackie Stewart
                                 Pavilion, take to the track again for a BMW performance experience, and
                                 then follow a classic Land Rover route back to Goodwood House for a
ROYAL & DUCAL CASTLES - Abercrombie & Kent
tour followed by afternoon tea. Tonight, enjoy dinner on HMS ‘Victory,’
Lord Horatio Nelson’s fabled flagship from the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
This 104-gun Royal Navy ship launched in 1765 and is the world’s oldest
naval vessel still in commission, with 243 years of distinguished service
to its credit. Enjoy a guided tour of the ship’s interior, including the
Upper Gun Deck where Lord Nelson kept elegant quarters, followed by a
Champagne reception and three-course dinner, accompanied by a string
quartet. Your host for the evening is Dan Snow, creator of History Hit, the
most popular history podcast in the UK. Cowdray House | Meals: B L D

MAY 4: Easebourne | A Day of Polo
Cowdray House was home to the estate’s original polo field, commonly
referred to as the House Ground. Geoffrey himself played here with His
Royal Highness Prince Charles, leading the Windsor Park Polo Team to
victory. This morning, meet with the professionals from the Cowdray
Polo Academy and learn about this exciting traditional sport. Those who
wish to try their hand at it may take some instruction from on-hand
experts. Then, after a gourmet picnic lunch at the fields, enjoy a match put
on especially for you. If you prefer, you may enjoy a round of golf at the
Cowdray Golf Club. Enjoy cocktails and dinner at Cowdray House this
evening. Cowdray House | Meals: B L D

MAY 5: Roxburghshire, Scotland | The Ducal Estate
Transfer by helicopter to Floors Castle in southeastern Scotland, the
largest inhabited home in all of Scotland and the seat of the Duke of
Roxburghe. Home of the Innes-Ker family since it was built for the first
Duke of Roxburghe 300 years ago in 1721, Floors is a constantly evolving
estate that bears the mark of each successive generation of inhabitants. To
commemorate the castle’s third centennial, view a special exhibition on
the estate along with a new portrait of the Duke by Jamie Coreth, found
in the main hall of the castle. After lunch, enjoy some time at leisure and
explore the castle and grounds. Just a short walk from the castle are the
spectacular Victorian Walled Garden and a formal Millennium Garden,
and with the woodland and riverside walks and a delightful cycle trail,
there is much for you to discover. Dine this evening at the castle.
Floors Castle | Meals: B L D
ROYAL & DUCAL CASTLES - Abercrombie & Kent
Your Co-Host
                      Charles Innes-Ker,
                      11th Duke of Roxburghe

Geoffrey’s co-host during your journey is the
hereditary owner of Floors Castle, His Grace
the Duke of Roxburghe. Born Charles Innes-
Ker, he was educated at Eton College and served
in the famed Blues and Royals regiment of the
British Army alongside his friend Prince Harry.
Chief among his duties today is the overseeing of
Floors Castle estate’s farm and businesses. Floors
is also his private residence, and he is especially
pleased to welcome you as the castle celebrates
its 300th anniversary.
ROYAL & DUCAL CASTLES - Abercrombie & Kent
ROYAL & DUCAL CASTLES - Abercrombie & Kent
MAY 6: Alnwick Castle | Private Garden Visit                      MAY 8: Galloway | Drumlanrig Castle
Today, head out in a fleet of chauffeured vehicles for the        Fly by helicopter to visit the Queensberry Estate &
drive to Alnwick Castle. One of Britain’s most iconic castles     Drumlanrig Castle, owned by the Duke of Buccleuch.
and the second-largest inhabited castle in the United             The castle is the stunning seat of the Duke and Duchess
Kingdom, Alnwick dates back to the Norman period and,             of Buccleuch and Queensberry, and its 90,000-acre estate
since 1309, its story has been intertwined with that of the       boasts miles of beautiful walks and acres of gardens. Your
Percy family, whose history is as illustrious as the castle’s     visit includes a chance to experience the beautiful heather
own. Alnwick has served as a military outpost, a teaching         moorland landscape as well as viewing the Duke’s art
college, a refuge for evacuees and the filming location           collection, which includes Rembrandt’s An Old Woman
for Hogwarts, as well as the Percy family home. Explore           Reading, family portraits by artists such as Thomas
the castle and learn about its history from one the family        Gainsborough, landscapes by Paul Sandby and the Dutch
members. After your private tour, you may opt to have a go        masters, and cartoons by Georgian-era caricaturist Thomas
at archery and test your abilities with a bow or learn to fly a   Rowlandson. If you want to test your aim, the team can stage
broomstick in the spot where Harry Potter first took flight.      a simulated game drive, where coveys of clay targets are used
Have lunch in the State Dining Room at the castle, hosted by      to simulate a real country shooting experience. Celebrate
the family, followed by a private tour of the award-winning       your extraordinary royal castles experience tonight at a
Alnwick Garden, a modern delight combining sculpture,             gala farewell dinner at Floors this evening. Don traditional
water features and beautiful plants. Return to Floors Castle      Highland attire and gather for a Scottish themed dinner,
for some time at leisure, followed by a whiskey tasting and       featuring a private mass pipe band.
dinner. Floors Castle | Meals: B L D                              Floors Castle | Meals: B L D

MAY 7: Floors Castle | Design Your Day                            MAY 9: Depart Edinburgh
The day is yours to choose from a variety of Duke’s activities.   Transfer by private car to the airport in Edinburgh in time to
Take your pick from fly fishing, a simulated game drive with      board your homebound flight. Meals: B
clay pigeon shooting, an eagle and falconry experience, an
off-road excursion on the castle grounds or a relaxing 18
holes of golf. Plenty of other options such as tennis, yoga or
a pampering massage are also on hand. Enjoy a butler-served
lunch at one of the charming private fishing huts on the
bank of the River Tweed. For dinner this evening, travel to
Abbotsford, the home of Sir Walter Scott. Over drinks and
dinner, your host provides a unique insight into the life of
the famous novelist, poet and playwright.
Floors Castle | Meals: B L D
ROYAL & DUCAL CASTLES - Abercrombie & Kent
Your Accommodations

Floors Castle
Originally begun in 1721, this breathtaking Georgian gem is one of Scotland’s most iconic structures, the heart of an estate
encompassing 52,000 acres of rolling hills and working farmland. Experience the luxurious hospitality of Floors as the personal
guests of His Grace the Duke of Roxburghe, relaxing in spaces off-limits to the visiting public.
Cowdray House
Cowdray House is the exclusive private house on Cowdray Estate, nestled in 110 acres of secluded gardens and parkland.
Originally home to the estate’s polo field, it features the classic luxuries and amenities of the English country house, along with
both an indoor and outdoor pool, tennis court, croquet lawn and postcard-worthy views in every direction.

Claridge’s Hotel
A Mayfair landmark, Claridge’s is set within an elegant Art Deco building located steps from London’s finest boutiques and
restaurants. The hotel’s illustrious legacy dates to the 1850s, its registry bearing the names of royals, celebrities and aristocrats.
Claridge’s invites guests to experience a legacy of refined elegance, inspiring dining and impeccable service.
Terms & Conditions
These Abercrombie & Kent USA, LLC (“A&K”) Terms and                       airline change and cancellation fees will apply.                          Passports must be valid for six (6) months after completion of your
Conditions apply to Royal & Ducal Castles, an Inspiring                                                                                             journey and should also have sufficient blank visa pages for entry
Expedition by Geoffrey Kent from May 1–9, 2022.                           BAGGAGE                                                                   and exit stamps. You may be refused boarding or disembarked
                                                                          A&K provides porterage of up to two (2) pieces of baggage per person.     from a plane, vessel or train without liability for refund, payment,
INCLUDED IN YOUR JOURNEY PRICE                                            Baggage on internal flights is limited to one small carry-on bag          compensation, or credit of any kind if you do not have proper
All accommodations, meals and fully guided sightseeing (including         per person. The bulk of guests’ luggage will be transferred between       documentation, and you will be subject to any fine or other costs
park and entrance fees) as noted in the itinerary; arrival and            Cowdray House and Floors Castle by land. Details will be provided         incurred by A&K which result from improper documentation
departure transfers regardless of day of arrival and departure; all on    in your Pre-Travel Documentation. Baggage and personal effects            or noncompliance with applicable regulations. A&K shall not be
tour transportation; services of A&K Tour Director and experienced        are at the owner’s risk throughout the travel program, and A&K            responsible should any guest be denied entry to a country due to
guides/hosts throughout; beverages with included meals; local             assumes no liability for lost or damaged baggage. Please check with       noncompliance with these requirements.
bottled water during sightseeing; complimentary Internet access           your international carrier for other baggage restrictions and fees
(where available; service levels are not guaranteed); hotel taxes;        applicable to your international flights.                                 RESERVATION AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE
A&K’s Travelling Bell Boy Service (because of security regulations,                                                                                 Any payments made to A&K constitute your acceptance of the terms
this service may be limited at airports); and gratuities throughout.      PRICES AND ARRANGEMENTS                                                   and conditions set out herein and in your Pre-Travel Documentation.
                                                                          The price of the full tour is $135,000 per person, double occupancy.
NOT INCLUDED IN YOUR JOURNEY PRICE                                        Single supplement is $12,995. Although not expected, published prices     A&K ACCEPTS ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS.
A&K’s Guest Protection Program; airfares to join/leave the program;       may be modified due to unexpected significant external factors not        A deposit of USD $27,500 per person, which is non-refundable
costs associated with obtaining passports or entry visas; reciprocity     forecasted at the time of printing. A&K is under no obligation to give    if you cancel, is required. A second non-refundable deposit of
and other border fees; airport departure taxes, unless otherwise          a breakdown in costs of any journey. Pre- and Post- Tour Extensions       $40,000 is required by December 2, 2021. Final payment of $67,500
noted; excess baggage charges; meals other than those specified in        are only available to guests booked on related group journeys.            is due by February 1, 2022. If your reservation is made on or after
the itinerary; beverages other than those noted in inclusions above;                                                                                February 1, 2022, the entire cost of the trip must be paid at the time
sightseeing not included in the published itinerary; and personal         ACTIVE ELEMENTS & CONDUCT                                                 of confirmation. If the tour is fully booked when your reservation is
expenses such as laundry and dry cleaning, communication charges,         The suppliers of some activities on journeys may require a minimum        received, your payment will be returned, or with your authorization,
and any optional activities (which are subject to availability).          age or minimum/maximum height or weight to participate. Some              we can retain the deposit and place your name on a waiting list in
                                                                          active elements have been incorporated into select itineraries.           case other guests cancel their reservations.
ROOM UPGRADES/SPECIAL REQUESTS                                            To enjoy the journeys as intended, a minimum level of fitness is
Limited upgrades are available on request at Claridge’s Hotel for         required. A&K will require prior notice if any participant has any        CANCELLATION
an additional cost. Please ask A&K for details and prices. Specific       physical or other condition or disability that would prevent them         Cancellations will be effective on the date of receipt by A&K whether
requests such as adjacent or connecting rooms, bedding requests,          from participating in active elements of any journey and/or could         by phone, email or fax. Cancellations received by A&K are subject
smoking rooms and special dietary needs should be advised at time         create a hazard to himself or herself or to other members of the          to the following:
of booking. Please note that reasonable efforts will be made to secure    group. Specific journeys have conditions that may require a guest
special requests; however, they cannot be guaranteed.                     produce a doctor’s certificate to A&K prior to travel. A&K will make      CANCELLATION FEES PER PERSON
                                                                          reasonable efforts to accommodate a disability-related request for        Date                                                 Amount
ITINERARIES                                                               accommodation. However, if A&K, in its sole discretion, is unable         From Booking                                         USD $27,500
A&K reserves the right to modify program itineraries, including           to properly accommodate the need of the person(s) concerned or            From December 2, 2021 to January 31, 2022            USD $67,500
arranged sightseeing and featured experts, and substitute                 believes that health and safety may be compromised, A&K reserves          On or after February 1, 2022                         USD $135,000
accommodations, including vessels, aircraft and trains, at any time due   the right to refuse participation. The guest represents that neither      The guest agrees the sums referenced in the cancellation provisions
to unforeseen circumstances or circumstances beyond A&K’s control.        he nor she nor anyone travelling with him or her has any physical         above are not a penalty and represent a reasonable effort on behalf
Reasonable efforts will be made to operate itineraries as planned, but    or other condition or disability that could create a hazard to himself    of A&K to establish its loss prospectively and represent liquidated
alterations may occur after the final itinerary has been issued.          or herself or other members of the tour. A&K also reserves the right      damages. These include amongst other costs but not limited to fees
While A&K acknowledges the participation of Geoffrey Kent                 to remove from the trip, at the guest’s own expense, anyone whose         charged by hotels and travel suppliers to A&K for cancelled bookings.
and His Grace the Duke of Roxburghe in the tour forms a part of           physical condition or conduct negatively impacts the enjoyment of         Partial Room Cancellation:
the tour experience, this cannot be guaranteed. Events outside of         the other guests or disrupts the tour.                                    If a guest cancels or leaves a journey and a roommate remains, an
A&K’s control such as medical or personal reasons may result in                                                                                     additional supplement may apply to the price for the remaining guest.
Geoffrey Kent or His Grace the Duke of Roxburghe not being able to        INSURANCE
participate or join the tour. Notwithstanding any non-participation       Trip cancellation is strongly recommended for coverage of any             CANCELLATION CHARGES FOR EXTRA SERVICES
by Geoffrey Kent or His Grace the Duke of Roxburghe, the tour shall       cancellation or curtailment of the program arising from circumstances     Additional hotel nights and other extra services booked in connection
continue to operate on the set itinerary.                                 such as, without limitation, change in itineraries, change in medical     with A&K journeys are subject to specific cancellation penalties. These
                                                                          condition, and change in logistical arrangements or circumstances         will be provided at the time of booking and noted on the invoice.
AIR TRANSPORTATION                                                        beyond our reasonable control. You should ensure that the insurance
International airfare (to the journey starting point and from the         policy does not contain any exclusion clauses limiting coverage for the   CANCELLATION BY A&K
ending point) is not included in program pricing. A&K has special         type of activities included or the locations included in this program.    A&K reserves the right to cancel the tour at any time for any reason
agreements with many air carriers and can offer quotations from any       We will provide you with details of our recommended insurance             whatsoever, in its sole and absolute discretion.
gateway. Helicopter transfers within the journey are included. All        provider. Insurance premiums and refunds are subject to the policies      The guest’s acceptance of any alternate arrangement or refund
international and internal air quotes are subject to change until final   of the insurance carrier. We reserve the right at our discretion to       offered under this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any
payment has been received by A&K. Flight confirmation is based on         refuse to allow any member of your party who is inadequately insured      additional remedies. If we are unable to offer you a suitable
availability. Air reservations cannot be confirmed until a passport       to participate in the program or any part of it. In that situation,       alternative, then we will give you a refund of the tour price which
copy is received by A&K.                                                  we would not refund any part of the program price and would               you have already paid. Subject hereto, we will have no further
All air carriers are independent contractors and are not owned,           have no further liability to you arising from such refusal. It is your    liability to you arising from the tour cancellation.
managed, controlled or operated by A&K. Your airline ticket               responsibility to ensure that the policy is suitable for the tour.
                                                                                                                                                    Refunds are not made for any missed services. Please see our Limits
constitutes a contract between yourself and the airlines (and not                                                                                   on A&K’s Responsibility clause below.
A&K), even if purchased through A&K. A&K shall not be liable
                                                                          PASSPORTS AND VISAS                                                       A&K assumes no responsibility and shall not be held liable for
and does not assume responsibility for, or accept claims with
                                                                          It is the guest’s sole responsibility to obtain and have available        acts of nature, fire, flood, fog, smog, weather, mechanical failures,
regard to, seat assignments, name changes, schedule changes, flight
                                                                          when necessary the appropriate valid travel documents. All guests         acts of government or other civil or military authorities, wars,
changes and/or cancellations. Should you change or cancel your air
                                                                          are advised to check with the appropriate government authority            civil disturbances, riots, terrorist acts, crimes, strikes, shortages of
transportation arrangements before or after your travel begins, all
                                                                          to determine the necessary documents required for their travel. A         aviation fuel, epidemics, quarantines, hazards incident to sea, land
and air travel, or any other similar occurrence, without limitation,           vehicles. A&K purchases transportation (by aircraft, coach, train, vessel    ARBITRATION AGREEMENT
that is beyond its reasonable ability to control.                              or otherwise), hotel and other lodging accommodations, restaurant,           Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to these Terms
                                                                               ground handling and other services from various independent suppliers        and Conditions, to the Limits on A&K’s Responsibility clause,
COVID-19 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                       (including from time to time other affiliated A&K companies). All such       to any A&K brochure, or to any information regarding any A&K
Guest must provide required health documentation for travel and agree          persons and entities are independent contractors. As a result, the A&K       journey, service or package, or to any A&K-related trip, activity,
to comply with all health protocols as directed by A&K staff during their      Parties are not liable for any negligent or willful act of any such person   service or package, shall be settled in the first instance by binding
journey. Noncompliance with these measures will result in not being            or entity or of any third person.                                            arbitration before one (1) arbitrator in Chicago, Illinois. Any party
able to travel or continue on the journey. Guest voluntarily assumes all
                                                                               In addition and without limitation, the A&K Parties are not                  or their representative may appear for the arbitration by telephone
risks and related expenses in the event that they or any member of their
                                                                               responsible for any injury, financial or physical loss, death,               or video conference. Each party shall bear its own fees, costs and
travelling party require testing or quarantine, become infected with
                                                                               inconvenience, delay or damage to personal property in connection            expenses and an equal share of any arbitrator and administrative
COVID-19 or experience travel interruptions or delays.
                                                                               with the provision of any goods or services whether resulting from           fees; however, the prevailing party shall be entitled to full recovery of
FORCE MAJEURE                                                                  but not limited to acts of God or force majeure, illness, disease, acts of   all such costs and fees. Disputes shall be arbitrated on an individual
Force majeure means unusual and unforeseeable circumstances                    war, civil unrest, insurrection or revolt, animals, strikes or other labor   basis, with there being no right or authority for any disputes to be
beyond A&K’s control or the control of our suppliers, the consequence          activities, criminal or terrorist activities of any kind, overbooking        arbitrated on a class action basis or in a purported representative
of which neither A&K, nor its suppliers, could avoid even with all             or downgrading of services, food poisoning, mechanical or other              capacity on behalf of the general public, other travel suppliers or
due care, including, but not limited to, war or threat of war; riot;           failure of aircraft or other means of transportation or for failure of any   other entities similarly situated.
civil strife; terrorist activity (actual or threatened); industrial dispute;   transportation mechanism to arrive or depart on time.
                                                                                                                                                            ONE NAME: ONE UNPARALLELED
technical problems with transport, machinery or equipment; outages             There are many inherent risks in adventure travel of the type
or power failures; natural or nuclear disaster; fire, flood, drought or        involved here, which can lead to illness, injury, or even death. These       STANDARD WORLDWIDE
adverse weather conditions; pandemics, epidemics or outbreaks of               risks are increased by the fact that these trips take place in remote        Throughout this brochure, you’ll see references to “Abercrombie
illness; and ice conditions in oceans and level of water in rivers.            locations, far from medical facilities. Guest assumes all such risks         & Kent” (or simply “A&K”). This is our shorthand for the many
                                                                               associated with participating in these trips.                                independent Abercrombie & Kent companies that work with
In the event of a cancellation or material alteration to the journey as
                                                                                                                                                            A&K, to provide its guests with a consistent worldwide standard
a result of the circumstances as described in this clause, A&K may in          If you decide to participate in any activities including, but not
                                                                                                                                                            of expertise and excellence in travel. Their independence allows
its sole and absolute discretion:                                              limited to, any excursions involving animals, riding on animals,
                                                                                                                                                            our guests to benefit from unique local knowledge and specialized
(i) offer the guest(s) alternative travel arrangements or products of          scuba diving, snorkeling, boating, hot air ballooning, helicopter
                                                                                                                                                            services available only from destination-based operating companies
comparable standard as may be appropriate in the circumstances; or             flights, ziplining, high altitude treks, climbing, quad biking,
                                                                                                                                                            around the globe.
                                                                               parasailing, parachuting, kayaking, whitewater rafting, jet boat
(ii) if alternative travel arrangements or products are not offered by
                                                                               rides, snowmobiling, primate tracking and any other activity which           AMENDMENTS
A&K, A&K will provide a travel credit to the guest equal to the value
                                                                               A&K considers to carry inherent risk of serious illness, injury or           A&K reserves the right to correct any errors or omissions in its
of the trip less any sums A&K is not able to recover from any supplier.
                                                                               death (“Activities”), then you fully understand and acknowledge that         published materials and to amend these Terms and Conditions
A&K cannot assume responsibility for any other travel related costs            Activities carry with them various inherent risks, including serious         at any time as the result of any material changes to legislation
included but not limited to air, insurance, visas and other travel             illness, injury or death and you take complete responsibility for your       or regulation. All amended Terms and Conditions shall
arrangements, etc.                                                             own health and safety and agree to assume all risks of injury, illness       automatically be effective upon being posted by A&K to the website
                                                                               or death, whether foreseen or unforeseen, that may befall you as a  Accordingly, guests should check the website
                                                                               result of participating in any Activities and agree to release the A&K prior to travel in order to ensure they are
A&K will not accept any liability for any claims and will not provide
                                                                               Parties from any liability whatsoever related thereto.                       aware of any changes.
refunds except as may be specifically allowed herein.
                                                                               Further, as consideration for being permitted to participate in
PHOTOGRAPHY DURING TRAVEL                                                      the Activities; you release the A&K, Parties whether known or                PRIVACY NOTICE
A&K reserves the right to take photographs and video of guests                 unknown, from, and agree not to sue or make claim against the                See the A&K USA Privacy Notice, which can be found at
during the operation of any program or part thereof and to use,                A&K Parties for, property damage, cancellation of any Activities   , and which is incorporated herein.
re-use, publish, and republish their image, identity likeness, name,           for any reason, illness, negligent rescue operations or procedures,          ©2021 Abercrombie & Kent USA, LLC, ABERCROMBIE & KENT,
voice, interview, statements, video clips and sound recordings,                personal injury, or death arising out of your participation                  A&K, CONNECTIONS, CONNECTIONS BY ABERCROMBIE
and/or photographic portraits or pictures in which guest(s) may                in the Activities, and any activity related thereto, including               & KENT, DESIGN YOUR DAY, INSPIRING EXPERIENCES,
be included (an “Image”), for promotional purposes during the                  transportation to and from the site of the Activities, regardless of         GUARDIAN ANGEL, MARCO POLO CLUB, MARCO POLO
program and thereafter. By booking a program with A&K, guests                  whether such property damage, illness, personal injury, or death             JOURNEYS, RESIDENT TOUR DIRECTOR, SIGNATURE SERIES,
acknowledge that A&K is the owner of the photographs and video                 results from the negligence of the A&K Parties and/or from any               SIMPLY THE BEST WAY TO TRAVEL, TRAVELLER’S VALET,
and agree to allow their Image to be used in such photographs and              defect in equipment. You further agree to indemnify and hold the             TRAVELLING BELL BOY and the ampersand design are service
videos, which may thereafter, be used by A&K. Guests who prefer                A&K Parties harmless with respect to any claim made against the              marks owned by A&K Sarl.
that their images not be used must (1) identify themselves to their            A&K Parties by anyone else which (a) related to your participation           CST #2007274-20
Resident Tour Director at the beginning of their Journey; and (2)              in any trip or any Activities, or (b) which would be subject to the
notify their A&K Travel Consultant by email, not later than thirty             above release and covenant not to sue if you had made the claim
(30) days following the end of the guest’s journey. In the event               directly yourself. Upon receipt of notice of the assertion of a claim,
the guest fails to comply with both obligations, the guest shall not           the A&K Parties reserve the right to approve, or withdraw approval
be exempt from this section. If such written notice is not timely              of, counsel, in its sole discretion.
provided, the guests, individually and on behalf of any minor
child travelling with them, have granted unrestricted rights and               TRAVEL ADVISORIES/WARNINGS
permission for A&K to use the Images.                                          It is the responsibility of the guest to become informed about the
                                                                               most current travel advisories and warnings by referring to the U.S.
                                                                               State Department or their respective government agencies. In the
                                                                               event of an active State Department or government agency Travel
Neither A&K nor its parent company, affiliates or subsidiaries, nor            Warning against travel to the specific destination location(s) of the
any of their respective employees, shareholders, officers, directors,          trip, should the guest still choose to travel, notwithstanding any
successors, representatives, agents and assigns (collectively the “A&K         travel advisory, the guest assumes all risk of personal injury, death or
Parties”), owns or operates any entity which is to or does provide goods       property damage that may arise out of the events like those advised
or services for your trip with the exception of a limited number of            or warned against.

     If you live within the U.S., please call 888 755 3491 or email

If you live outside the U.S., please call +44 (0) 1242 546 699 or email

                             USA: +1 888 755 3491 | UK: +44 (0) 1242 546 699
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