2021 Trends and Challenges for Hospitality Operators - A guest-centric strategy plus a fully integrated intuitive technology stack is key to ...

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2021 Trends and Challenges for Hospitality Operators - A guest-centric strategy plus a fully integrated intuitive technology stack is key to ...
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                                                     PAGE 1

                                     2021 Trends and
                                     Challenges for
                                     Hospitality Operators
                                     A guest-centric strategy plus a fully integrated intuitive technology stack is key to navigating travel in 2021

                                                                                   Report compiled by RMS Cloud
2021 Trends and Challenges for Hospitality Operators - A guest-centric strategy plus a fully integrated intuitive technology stack is key to ...
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                            PAGE 2


2020 was a year like no other, with a global crisis that       Taking this global state of flux into consideration, we have
impacted heavily on the hospitality industry and reshaped      created this report to provide guidance and help property
people’s travel mindset.                                       operators plan, prepare and react to the anticipated 2021
                                                               travel and accommodation market.
2021 certainly isn’t without its challenges either, with the
pandemic still prevalent in many countries around the          With you at the forefront of hospitality technology.
world. What might have worked for hospitality operators
in pre-COVID days now needs a rethink, as we adapt
our strategies in response to this shifting landscape and      Peter Ferris
changes in consumer behaviour.                                 Chief Sales & Marketing Officer
2021 Trends and Challenges for Hospitality Operators - A guest-centric strategy plus a fully integrated intuitive technology stack is key to ...
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                                                            PAGE 3

Guests are evolving, are you?                    Accelerated adoption of technology                      Rethinking marketing and revenue
Safety and cleanliness are high priorities       Cloud-based software to become the standard             management
Domestic travel will be the top choice in 2021   Demand for contactless guest-facing tech                Repositioning to meet demand

Local experiences matter                         Accelerating operational efficiency and collaboration   Shift in marketing spend and strategy

Travelling shorter but staying longer            Thinking ahead with fluid inventory operations          Social media more significant than ever

A shift in travel demographics                   Turning to online staff training                        Personalisation fosters deeper relationships

Evolution of business travel                     Bridging the gap between ADR and guest needs            Ability to handle constant disruption is essential

Direct bookings on the rise                                                                              Automated pricing no longer just ‘nice to have’

Last-minute bookings still high                                                                          A change in approach for pricing optimisation

                                                                                                         Challenging the revenue strategy ‘mantra’
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                                                             PAGE 4

                                     Guests are
                                     evolving, are you?
                                     Last year, we saw a whole new era of travellers emerge,      Although the industry is slowly recovering, many of the
                                     battling travel quarantines, pandemic safety concerns,       pandemic-induced sentiments are expected to stick around
                                     barriers to the freedom of movement and the impacts of       for a while longer. Along with some other trends that will
                                     the induced recession. As a result, last-minute bookings     influence how guests will react and behave in 2021:
                                     have soared, business travel has plummeted, and in-country
                                     holidays have become the norm.
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                                                                                            PAGE 5

 Safety and cleanliness are high priorities                        Domestic travel will be the top choice in 2021
 The repercussions of COVID will continue impacting                For many in 2020, international travel was impossible, which
 hospitality businesses for the foreseeable, which means           led to a steep rise in staying local. Although some borders
 health, safety and cleanliness remain top priorities for          have reopened or are planning to open later in the year,
 travellers.                                                       local tourism boards and accommodation providers have
                                                                   shifted their strategies to encourage domestic travel; this
 As seen in the New York Times, the word ‘clean’ is dominating     has led to many travellers choosing to ride the staycation
 the hospitality industry, for operators and guests alike. To      wave and explore their home country.
 deliver maximum assurance, properties are expected to go
 above and beyond to maintain the highest levels of virus-
 free cleanliness in both public areas and private rooms.
                                                                                                                                                                          search term

DEC                                                                                                                                                                                     JULY
2016                                                      Google Trends search for ‘staycation’ worldwide over the past five years shows a steep incline from July 2020                 2020
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                                                         PAGE 6

                                     Insights into Europe’s market trends show recent demand         In countries such as Singapore, operators are crafting new
                                     is fuelled by domestic and regional travel within driving       ways to satisfy the domestic travel demand and taking
                                     distance, particularly in areas surrounded by nature. This is   the opportunity to reassert themselves as a desirable
                                     a drastic change to the traditional city seeker, with more      experience.
                                     people opting for rural spaces away from bustling crowds.
                                                                                                     “We’ve seen a rising trend in locals looking at alternative
                                     “In the 2020 staycation boom, many UK accommodation             experiences and accommodation such as farm stays which
                                     providers reported nearly 100% occupancies for August,          are gaining popularity in Singapore,” says Jasmine Leong,
                                     with those close to nature and beaches performing               VP of Sales & Marketing for Asia at RMS Cloud. “Changi
                                     exceptionally well,” says Zen Valli, VP of Sales & Marketing    Airport even added an indoor glamping getaway to its
                                     for UK/EU at RMS Cloud. “Hospitality operators are adapting     annual Changi Festive Village as a unique alternative to the
                                     their marketing strategies to encourage repeat business         more traditional hotel staycation.”
                                     and preparing for what will surely be a 2021 staycation
                                     boom, with many holiday makers feeling safer exploring
                                     locally than travelling abroad.”
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                                                              PAGE 7

Local experiences matter                                       Travelling shorter but staying longer
With accommodation options in abundance, those that            We’ve seen a shift from traditional tourism to a hybrid of
showcase the lesser-known attractions in their local area      living, working and exploring, with long-term stays in regional
are scoring extra points with researchers. Millennials, for    areas and small cities increasing in popularity, particularly
example, crave authentic experiences and are keen to explore   in furnished accommodations that offer a home away from
the places they visit. With 86% travelling for experience      home.
and culture, local attractions such as educational events,
historical sites, cultural festivals and off-the-beaten-path   Locations requiring mandatory quarantine upon arrival is
hikes appeal to them much more than areas saturated with       also boosting length of stay; with many people opting to
tourists.                                                      isolate in self-contained accommodation, some operators
                                                               have started offering tailored packages, enticing travellers
“Never underestimate the power of local experiences and        with quarantine comforts, including unlimited streaming
the millennial generation combined with the smartphone,”       services, food deliveries and game consoles.
says Zen. “These three components are essentially free

advertising for your business, area and brand. One instagram   Some people have taken the opportunity to use their remote
post, a TikTok video or a Facebook story exposes your          freedom to relocate, but instead of uprooting abruptly, they
local attractions and brand to hundreds if not thousands       are staying a while in nearby accommodation to get a feel
of your guests’ connections who are looking to share           for the area before committing to the move. According to
                                                                                                                                 increase in guest reviews citing
similar experiences. Hoteliers we speak to who are actively    Airbnb, there was a 128% increase in guest reviews citing
                                                                                                                                 “relocation” and “remote work”
promoting these local experiences have observed increases      “relocation”, “relocate”, “remote work” and “trying a new
                                                                                                                                 according to Airbnb
in direct business through recommendations.”                   neighborhood” from July to September 2020, compared to
                                                               the same time in 2019.
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                                                            PAGE 8

                                     A shift in travel demographics                                    domestically for a change of scenery or a coworking retreat.
                                     While millennials are eager to pick up where they left off when   Key essentials for their ‘workation’ include stable internet,
                                     it comes to international travel, their elderly counterparts      quiet rooms and desk space, with many also seeking
                                     will need increased reassurances to regain their confidence       information on local sights that they can explore in their
                                     levels pre-pandemic. Because of their vulnerability to the        downtime.
“Never underestimate the             virus, research in the UK shows that the initial sentiments
                                     of the elderly indicate that they intend to make fewer air        Where traditional corporate travel involved roundtable
 power of local experiences          trips than before the coronavirus pandemic. For the at-risk       meetings, high-level conferences and the closing of deals,

and the millennial                   groups, the perception of risk in contracting COVID-19
                                     during various stages of their journey is a sizable travel
                                                                                                       the rebound of travel in 2021 means business travel is more
                                                                                                       likely to focus on re-establishing connections through small
generation combined with             deterrent.                                                        social events, such as dinner or drinks.

the smartphone”                      Evolution of business travel                                      Direct bookings on the rise
                                     Last year, many businesses moved to telecommunication,            Although OTAs retain online booking dominance, many
                                     replacing both the office and corporate travel with online        have experienced gradual negative growth over the years,
                                     chat platforms and video conferencing. In 2021, corporate         with direct web bookings claiming their portion of the
                                     travel is unlikely to return to normal, but it is gaining         market share. This was particularly noticeable in 2020 and
                                     momentum, albeit in a different way.                              is expected to continue in 2021, due to more properties
                                                                                                       implementing internet booking engines and because
                                     The rise of remote working is inspiring home-based                apprehensive guests prefer to be in direct contact with their
                                     employees to make the most of their office liberty, travelling    accommodation provider during times of unpredictability.
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                                                          PAGE 9

Market Share of Distribution Channels
Percentage of reservation revenue after cancellations by channel in Europe and Asia-Pacific (excl. Mainland China)

                                                           2017                                  2018                        2019           2020   Change

Booking Group                 EUROPE               51.8%                                 48.2%                       45.5%          48.0%           -3.8
                                                   32.4%                                 40.2%                       38.5%          35.9%            3.5
Website Direct                EUROPE               18.3%                                 19.3%                       20.7%          28.4%           10.1
                                                   23.9%                                 26.8%                       28.1%          35.8%           11.9
Expedia Group                 EUROPE               17.0%                                 18.5%                       18.7%          10.4%           -6.6
                                                   15.8%                                 16.2%                       15.9%           9.1%           -6.7
Wholesalers                   EUROPE                5.5%                                  5.9%                        5.8%           4.4%           -1.1
                                                    2.7%                                  3.7%                        2.9%           2.1%           -0.6

Other OTAs                    EUROPE                4.3%                                  4.5%                       4.8%            4.9%            0.6
                                                   23.6%                                 10.8%                       12.1%          15.6%           -8.0
Other Sources                 EUROPE                3.2%                                  3.7%                       4.3%           4.0%             0.8
                                                    1.6%                                  2.4%                        2.5%           1.5%           -0.1
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                                                   PAGE 10

Website Direct Share                                                     36
a comparison of direct bookings by year

                                                                                     Last-minute bookings still high
                                          28                28                       Although the industry is showing positive signs of recovery,
                                               27                                    travellers are likely to remain cautious in how far they
                                                                                     book in advance. According to Airbnb, the percentage of
                                                                                     last-minute bookings has doubled since the arrival of the
                                                                                     pandemic, and this is unlikely to fluctuate much until global
                                                                                     uncertainty settles. Guests also want to be prepared in
                        19                                                    2018
                                                                                     case of any rapidly-changing regulations. “Those who are
                                                                                     thinking about travelling are understandably wanting more
                                                                              2019   flexibility to rebook or cancel reservations,” says Caroline
                                                                                     Robbins, Connectivity Partnerships Manager for Airbnb.
                                                                              2020   This is echoed in a survey by Booking.com, where 74% of
                                                                                     travellers want booking platforms to be more transparent
10%                                                                                  about cancellation policies, refund processes and trip
                                                                                     insurance options.

                           Hotels in Europe         Hotels in Asia
                                                    (excl. Mainland China)
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Key takeaways
Revisit your guest journey                                                                                                      “With our Hospitality Recovery Tracker, we’ve seen strong
While contactless technology became a buzzword in 2020,        on staycations and include your safety protocols, local          growth from brand.com in many markets, particularly in
it is now the basic expectation in 2021 and beyond. Consider   attractions (highlighting those that are crowd-free), on-        Australia and New Zealand in recent months,” says Duncan
how guests will be making their way to your property and       site activities and any other benefits that will help you        Waterman, Country Manager for AU/NZ at D-EDGE
identify touch-free ways to alleviate concerns and reinstall   stand out among competitors and attract guests to stay.          Hospitality Solutions. “During this crucial period, it is
confidence.                                                                                                                     essential for property owners to continue focusing on their
                                                               Uplevel your hospitality services                                direct distribution channel. In the most simple terms, the
Activate PMS integrations that will complement your guests’    Is your in-house guest experience geared towards the type        direct booking provides you with the guest’s email and
overall experience (such as access control), and consider      of guests that you’re trying to attract? Consider providing      phone number, which are essential for communications for
business-facing integrations such as a CRM, which is crucial   on-trend services such as local guide information, streaming     pre-arrival, cancellation and the check-in process which is
for understanding guest habits and booking behaviour. This     platforms, contactless food delivery options and spaces to       different today for many hotels compared to pre-COVID
will help you drive revenue by offering services or products   gather in a socially responsible manner. Dig into your PMS       times.”
you may have overlooked and changing those that aren’t         guest data to identify opportunities that will enhance your
working to something more attuned to your guests’ needs.       offering.                                                        Dynamic pricing strategy
                                                                                                                                With last-minute bookings on the rise, ensure your rate
Consider growing segments such as staycation travellers        Faultless booking experience                                     manager is configured to react to the dynamic supply and
If you can cater to staycation ideals, ensure that you’re      With direct bookings on the rise, it is increasingly important   demand. This puts you in a better position and helps you
communicating that to your guests. Spark interest              for consumers to easily find the information that matters to     get the most out of every last-minute booking. Shortening
among locals and spread the word about your property           them, and have a seamless booking experience. Ensure that        the booking funnel with last-minute and mobile deals is
by segmenting guest data in your PMS to target those           your website and booking engine is up to date to make the        also a good way to encourage guests to follow through with
within driving distance. Create email campaigns focused        most of the captive intent of these potential guests.            their booking.
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                                     adoption of tech
                                     While the circumstances around travel have drastically       The following trends show no sign of slowing and will help
                                     shifted, guest expectations and property operating goals     you maintain efficiency and deliver exceptional guest
                                     remain the same; we just have to take a slightly different   satisfaction, even without the face-to-face interactions.
                                     approach in order to reach them. By embracing the right
                                     technology stack, operators can effortlessly meet the
                                     evolving needs of guests and staff alike.
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                  PAGE 13

                                                    Cloud-based software to become the standard
                                                    Cloud hosting was already popular pre-pandemic, but
                                                    following the surge in remote working and the need to
                                                    rapidly adapt, it has become an essential foundation for
                                                    many hospitality businesses.
“Integration between
                                                    Compared to on-premise systems, cloud-based software
 systems will play a bigger                         is resilient, scalable and fully accessible via an online

 part than ever before,                             server. Provided they have internet access, front desk
                                                    staff can oversee bookings, revenue managers can view
allowing operators to                               reports to make pricing decisions, and owners can compare

 manage their entire
                                                    multi-property performance, remotely or on-site. After the
                                                    unpredictability of 2020, having the capabilities to switch
 solutions with minimal                             to a remote working environment at short notice is a rising
                                                    trend that causes minimum disruption to staff and guests.
Luke Weuffen, Chief Operating Officer - RMS Cloud   “True cloud enterprise technology creates a unified
                                                    operational experience,” says Luke. “Not only does it enable
                                                    greater flexibility, but it also drastically lowers operating
                                                    costs, which is front of mind for many operators in 2021.”
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Demand for contactless guest-facing tech
Self-service is being more widely adopted due to the
pandemic and is a trend that is set to accelerate throughout
2021 and beyond.

Many hoteliers are opting for app-based technology, which
guests can easily access from their mobile and also cuts
down costs as you don’t need to invest in expensive on-site
kiosks. This form of technology can also be used to notify       “From a 2021 perspective, this will
guests (such as asking them to sign terms and conditions)
and communicate with them via a messaging system. This           revolve primarily around promoting a
is a good substitute for the warm welcome and personal
touch of face-to-face conversations which will remain            safe, touch-free experience for actions
limited in hospitality settings.
                                                                 like checking-in and out, making
“Hotels have been forced to speed up digitalisation due to
guest preference for less contact,” says Jasmine. “From a
                                                                 contactless payments, requesting
2021 perspective, this will revolve primarily around promoting   amenities and accessing rooms with
a safe, touch-free experience for actions like checking-
in and out, making contactless payments, requesting              phone-enabled entry.”
amenities and accessing rooms with phone-enabled entry.”
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                            PAGE 15

                                     Accelerating operational efficiency and collaboration
                                     Traditionally, housekeepers would complete their assigned
                                     tasks using manual, paper-based reports generated out of
                                     their PMS system. Not only is this method outdated, time-
                                     consuming and insecure, with the risk of sensitive reports
                                     being left on housekeeping trolleys in full sight of guests,
                                     it’s also unsanitary, especially in light of social distancing.

                                     A digital communication tool allows teams to collaborate
                                     virtually and promotes safety by limiting face-to-face
                                     interactions. It also increases operational efficiency by
                                     streamlining tasks, including general housekeeping, deep
                                     cleaning and inventory control. Although the emergence
                                     of COVID accelerated digital technology for staff, the
                                     productivity-boosting capabilities mean it will certainly
                                     stick around post-pandemic.
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Thinking ahead with fluid inventory operations                  Turning to online staff training                                  Bridging the gap between ADR and guest needs
Many operators are looking at fluid inventory in the wake       Managing a remote workforce became the norm for many              As personalisation is a key driver for guest satisfaction in
of the pandemic to better assist them with any future           businesses in 2020, and with it came a need to adjust their       2021, many property managers are turning to technological
downturn. This implementation allows you to quickly             staff training strategy. Technology, like in most other areas,    enhancements in their PMS to create a deeper guest
reconfigure your accommodation inventory to long term in        was fully embraced and has proven to be an effective and          understanding. For example, they are studying guests’ stay
the event of another short-term market collapse.                efficient way to onboard and upskill employees. This will         history to see if they made any special requests, added
                                                                continue in 2021, especially in places where remote working       extras to their booking or stayed during a specific time to
Becoming a long-term accommodation provider on-                 is still required/preferred, or in the event of furloughs. Even   draw a clearer picture of their motives and desires. Operators
demand helps property managers target a different market,       when staff are back on-site, a tech-based training program        that effectively use the data-driven tools available in their
such as students, remote workers and residents (providing       will free up staff trainers and can be completed at a time        PMS are in a strong position to increase their revenue per
short-term letting and government housing, for example).        that suits each employee.                                         available guests, grow their ADR (average daily rate) and
This ability to pivot the business model is forward-thinking,                                                                     create tailored upsell opportunities to encourage extended
allowing operators to plan ahead for possible global market                                                                       stays.
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Key takeaways
Upgrade your game by switching to cloud                        Switch to a staff portal to foster more effective               Customise your PMS to reflect your business strategy
Cloud-based PMS providers offer remote access,                 collaboration                                                   Create your perfect hospitality ecosystem to suit your
operational collaboration and real-time upgrades when          Adopting interactive tools for back-of-house staff helps        business strategy and operations. The ideal PMS solution
new features are released. With innovation at its peak in      you run a tighter ship by taking advantage of forward-          should help you implement fluid inventory management,
response to rapidly changing consumer needs, these are         thinking tech. Utilise staff portals to enable real-time task   integrate with other tech solutions and automate a range
crucial benefits that keep you at the forefront of best-in-    tracking, boost productivity, and help staff maintain a safe    of processes to get the very best out of your tech stack,
class hospitality technology.                                  distance.                                                       freeing up your time to spend on guests.

Implement a contactless strategy                               Reap the rewards of your powerful PMS
Mobile check-in functionality will be highly desired, if not   Intuitive PMS software will help you identify hidden pockets
demanded by guests in 2021. Make sure your offering            of revenue and smart ways to trim costs. Features like
includes this, as well as an online messaging service so       native channel managers and internet booking engines
guests can reach out with any questions. You should also       help you extend reach and drive direct bookings, without
be able to digitally capture guest declarations for contact    needing to invest in third-party products. As most PMS
tracing purposes, storing completed forms in your PMS for      features are bundled in a subscription fee, you’ll be able to
60 days in case your government requires copies.               easily demonstrate a tangible ROI, achieved from increased
                                                               reservation numbers, improved ADR and labour cost
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                                         PAGE 18

                  marketing and revenue
                 Marketing and revenue management are tied closer than          need to combine their strategies and the intelligence of
                 ever, however both functions are likely to undergo shifts in   their tools to optimise revenue performance.
                 the way they approach their efforts. Marketing strategies
                 are expected to be agile, catering to the fluctuating con-     Here are a handful of trends that marketers and revenue
                 ditions and reduced budgets, while revenue managers will       managers should be on top of in 2021:
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Repositioning to meet demand                                    teams exploring more digital-centric channels, focused
Remote working and ‘workations’ are starting to replace         on tailored, relevant and disruptive marketing. People have
traditional ‘bleisure’ (blend of business and leisure) trips.   grown even more accustomed to fast technology, online
Marketing to these traveller types draw attention to            communication and rapid responses, particularly during
appealing features, such as work/home comforts, spacious        long stints of lockdowns, which means you’ll need to keep
outdoor areas and window views, with price points aligned       your finger on the pulse to deliver at the pace they now
with duration as many are looking to stay awhile (2+ weeks      expect.
according to Airbnb).

Shift in marketing spend and strategy
With consumer foot traffic and outdoor activity redefined in
2020, brands have pivoted from traditional media to a more
digital/hybrid approach. Investment in out-of-home media
is expected to stay at reduced capacity, with marketing
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                                                                                                                             “Now more than ever, consumers crave a
                                                                                                                             sense of connection and belonging,” says
                                                                                                                             Michelle McCarthy, Global Marketing
                                                                                                                             Manager at RMS. “In addition to agile
                                                                                                                             marketing strategies, brands need to
                                                                                                                             focus on nurturing these relationships
                                                                                                                             and consistently build connections.
Social media more significant than ever                                                                                      The fastest and most engaging way to
To replace physical connection, consumers are increasingly       said they trust online reviews as much as they trust        do that is through short video bites to
turning to social media as an outlet to escape, explore          recommendations from family or friends, and 82% said        keep your brand front-of-mind while
and dream. Social media channels, therefore, remain key          positive reviews make them more likely to use a business.   still satisfying people’s short attention
research hubs as well as densely-populated platforms that                                                                    spans.”
are great for hyper-targeted advertising. But your content
has to stand out, as fingers scroll the equivalent of 300 feet
per day with the average attention span lasting only eight

From a marketing perspective, social media success
doesn’t just come from regular posting and engagement;
good old fashioned reputation management is creating
lasting benefits too. In a recent survey, 79% of interviewees
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Personalisation fosters deeper relationships
A high proportion of travellers are desensitised to generic
promotions, expecting to see offers much more tailored to
their interests and budget. This is particularly true with Gen
Z, who according to Netimperitive, wish email marketing
was more catered to them, with 25% claiming they would
show more loyalty to a travel service who sent relevant
marketing emails understanding their needs. For example,
they don’t want to receive vacation offers for a season they
wouldn’t travel in or for a holiday type they’ve never shown
interest in.
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                          PAGE 22

Revenue management

Ability to handle constant disruption is essential             Automated pricing no longer just ‘nice to have’
Faced with the challenges carried over from 2020, properties   Following last year’s unpredictability, revenue management
must be smarter, more integrated and adaptive to sudden        must be treated as a core business element, with a data-
landscape changes.                                             driven system that is constantly evaluating and adjusting
“With reduced lead times and stop/start travel movements,      your rates multiple times a day.
businesses must find better ways to adapt to the surges
and changes in booking patterns,” says Murtaza Rangwala        “Serious accommodation owners are seeing the value of
of Pace Revenue. “As we’ve seen in ANZ, operators have         switching from manual to automated pricing,” says Marvin
responded in near real-time to domestic booking pattern        Speh from Room Price Genie. “One key change you notice
fluctuations, executing surgical changes to pricing at a       is the immediate reaction to demand, never allowing your
granular level for each unit, 24/7, over 365 days. This has    rooms to undersell. As algorithms are truly rational, they
led to significant rate- and volume-driven RevPar growth       easily adapt your business to any pandemic or high-season
during high demand.”                                           environment.”
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                                                            PAGE 23

                                     A change in approach for pricing optimisation                   Challenging the revenue strategy ‘mantra’
                                     In the past, historical data and booking patterns were key      A successful pricing strategy traditionally focused on
                                     drivers in delivering an accurate pricing strategy. However,    targeting the right prospects, on the right channels at the
                                     since the pandemic, these factors are proving less reliable     right time for the right price. This is still important but the
                                     in times of travel uncertainty.                                 difference now is how we accumulate the data. The focus
                                                                                                     is shifting from historical stats to more real-time data to
                                     “The pandemic is serving as a catalyst to escalate business     account for the current unpredictable nature of travel.
                                     transformation,” says Murtaza. “Early adopters of innovation
                                     pre-COVID have now experienced the strategic advantage          “Operators need to understand how to deal with the shifts
                                     of automation that has helped them pivot nimbly to the          in business mix, consumer expectations and distribution
                                     volatile changes in demand patterns.” Forecasts, therefore,     patterns in near real time,” says Murtaza. “Forecasting
                                     need to focus on real-time data supported by AI (artificial     with the help of real-time analytics and diagnostics aid
                                     intelligence) rather than relying heavily on historical data.   businesses in being agile with their marketing and operations
                                                                                                     based on the most current data and buying behaviour.”
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Key takeaways
Make your brand matter                                        positive impression on prospective guests and boost your          Adopt dynamic rate strategies
With travellers faced with more choices than ever, you need   ranking, bringing more traffic to your page. With a little time   The effects of the pandemic has disrupted the status quo,
to make sure you’re capturing their attention in the right    and patience, this free marketing tool can help you and your      leaving many people extra price-sensitive, but that’s not
places.                                                       property prosper.                                                 to say that your rates need to drop across the board to
                                                                                                                                achieve full occupancy. Instead, you need to implement a
“Marketing leaders have to be masterful in making reduced     Explore conversational marketing with an AI chatbot               dynamic revenue optimisation strategy that can intuitively
budgets stretch,” says Mitchell Nunis, Global Marketing       integration                                                       adapt prices to maximise profit at every opportunity.
Strategist at RMS Cloud. “The challenge is not only about     Consider high-tech chatbots to not only personalise the
showing up where consumers are now spending their time,       moment, but to also elevate your guest’s experience by            Make timely and informed decisions with an integrated
but trying to stand out from the barrage of advertising and   instantly answering their questions. Guests that have to          tech stack
marketing. For brand building, now is the time to explore     wait hours for simple answers will just go elsewhere.             Revenue management enables operators to forecast
new channels such as streaming music, digital video or                                                                          demand and refine rates in order to yield maximum profit.
co-marketing efforts. If you’re looking at direct response    “Matching your guests’ new digital expectations is crucial        Integrating a revenue management platform, therefore,
initiatives, it’s about showing up when travellers are        for your business,” says Tracy Patterson, Australian Market       ingests your PMS data in high volume and frequency,
searching. Understand your target segments, and how you       Manager for AI chatbot, Book Me Bob. “They want to stay           allowing you to effectively forecast with the help of real-
pivot your marketing spend will be clearer.”                  in properties that cater to their needs instantly and unless      time analytics and data.
                                                              you want to answer their questions within 30 seconds, day
Nurture relationships on social media                         or night, you need to understand that your guests no longer
Engaging with guests and showcasing the faces behind          need to talk to you, they just need an answer.”
your brand builds trust and helps create meaningful
relationships. Social media engagement can help improve
guest satisfaction (e.g. responding to reviews), make a
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                             PAGE 25

The state of travel in 2021 is not as linear as it has been
in previous years. The demand for touch-free tech,
personalised offerings, work/travel destinations and instant
communication is dominating the minds of travellers and
is something properties will be expected to deliver. As we
continue on the road to recovery, it is crucial to stay on
top of hospitality trends, so you can ensure your offering
coincides with industry standards and meets your guests’
ever-evolving needs.
RMS CLOUD TRENDS & CHALLENGES 2021                                                                                                                                                                   PAGE 26

                                                                Market Share of Distribution Channels
                                                                Percentage of reservation revenue after cancellations by channel in Europe and Asia-Pacific (excl. Mainland China)

Direct bookings on the rise
Although OTAs retain online booking dominance, many                                                         2017                       2018                        2019                      2020   Change
have experienced gradual negative growth over the years,        Booking Group        EUROPE        51.8%                       48.2%                      45.5%                      48.0%            -3.8

with direct web bookings claiming their portion of the                               APAC          32.4%                       40.2%                      38.5%                      35.9%             3.5

market share. This was particularly noticeable in 2020 and      Website Direct       EUROPE        18.3%                       19.3%                      20.7%                      28.4%            10.1
                                                                                     APAC          23.9%                       26.8%                      28.1%                      35.8%            11.9
is expected to continue in 2021, due to more properties
                                                                Expedia Group        EUROPE         17.0%                      18.5%                      18.7%                      10.4%            -6.6
implementing internet booking engines and because
                                                                                     APAC          15.8%                       16.2%                      15.9%                       9.1%            -6.7
apprehensive guests prefer to be in direct contact with their   Wholesalers          EUROPE                                                                                           4.4%            -1.1
                                                                                                    5.5%                        5.9%                       5.8%
accommodation provider during times of unpredictability.                             APAC           2.7%                        3.7%                       2.9%                       2.1%            -0.6

                                                                Other OTAs           EUROPE         4.3%                        4.5%                       4.8%                       4.9%             0.6
                                                                                     APAC          23.6%                       10.8%                       12.1%                     15.6%            -8.0
                                                                Other Sources        EUROPE         3.2%                        3.7%                       4.3%                      4.0%              0.8

                                                                                     APAC            1.6%                       2.4%                       2.5%                       1.5%            -0.1
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