Odiham District Fresh Beginnings - U3A Site Builder

Page created by Jeanette Marquez
Odiham District Fresh Beginnings - U3A Site Builder
learn,                                               News
                                                                            May 2021
 Odiham District

Fresh Beginnings                                             Out & about in Hartley
Last month saw the beginning of our gradual return to
normality with the restart of some of our outdoor                With Viv Needham
groups; more about this from our Group
Coordinators, Nicki and Hugh and individual group
leaders in Group News. Now, as we move into May, we
build on this on this with Liz and Gary Glazerman
planning the launch of ‘The Local Theatre Group -
LTG’ by asking you to take part in a survey, also found
in Group News.

A further contribution to our ‘fresh beginnings’ is a
summer visit. One of our members, Pam Forey, has
kindly offered to arrange a garden visit for us (e.g. a
garden south of Alton or another near Farnham)
under the National Garden Scheme. There are some
specific gardens that are only open to groups and
could therefore accommodate 20-30 of us. We
would have sole access to the garden for the
duration of our visit.

The earliest the visit is likely to take place is July and
obviously will be subject to any changing Covid
regulations that might still be in place. It would be
appreciated if there could be some car sharing as it is
unlikely that 30 cars could be accommodated in the
car park. The cost will be around £5 per person.
There is no commitment at this stage, but if you
would be interested in joining a visit, please would
you be kind enough to email me
( chair@odihamu3a.org.uk) as soon as possible. If
there is sufficient interest then Pam will then go
ahead with the booking arrangements and contact
those who have registered an interest with further

Helen Smith

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Odiham District Fresh Beginnings - U3A Site Builder
Monthly Meetings & our last Spring Surprise!

Wednesday May 5th at 10.30 am
Sally Botwright: ‘London Curiosities and Oddities’

Sally was born in London and has always loved this
wonderful city and was therefore delighted when she
initially passed the City of London Guide exams and
then the London Blue Badge Tourist Guide exams in
2001. She is a full member of the Institute of Tourist
Guiding which is responsible for setting the standards
for the tourist guiding industry. She spoke to us in June
2018 on London Docklands and many members said
how much they enjoyed that talk which was both
entertaining and highly informative. Sally says this is
her most popular talk and so we are surely in for a

Thursday 20th May at 2 pm
Anney Harris: 'Beatrix Potter: Artist, Scientist, Storyteller, Farmer, and Conservationist'

Beatrix Potter was a remarkable and many talented Victorian. Anney's illustrated talk tells of
her privileged childhood in Kensington, the flowering of her creative abilities and how the
famous Peter Rabbit books came to be published, her long struggle for independence and
eventual move to the Lake District. There, she became Mrs Heelis, the successful sheep
farmer and ardent supporter of the aims of the National Trust.

                                If you thought you already knew all about her, Anney can
                                guarantee that you will come away from her talk with some
                                new insights and probably a few amusing stories.
                                For 30 years Anney Harris worked as a professional librarian
                                in a wide variety of organisations, from stately homes to a
                                prison library including for two public library authorities. She
                                co-founded the Beatrix Potter Society in 1980, having
                                worked for 5 years as Librarian of the National Book League
                                ( now the Book Trust), then custodians of the Linder
                                Collection of original watercolours, drawings and first
                                editions by Beatrix Potter.

 Talks in June:

 Wednesday 2nd June 10am
 Malcolm Nelson: ‘The History of Smuggling’

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Groups’ News                                      hurdles to overcome but good progress is
                                                  being made.
With the latest part of the Government’s
roadmap for emerging out of lockdown in           One of the benefits of interest groups
place, we are looking forward to working          meeting on Zoom has been that we have
towards achieving a “new normal” for our          been able to open these meetings to other
interest groups.                                  members. Once groups start using a venue
We had a very successful Group Leaders’           for their meetings, this might not be possible
Conference and you can read more about            due to limits on numbers. However, for many
this in Hugh’s report, below.                     groups, this is still a long way off and group
                                                  leaders will be able to advise you about what
As groups of six are now able to meet             is going to be possible. As before, if you are
outdoors, Walking for Pleasure, Bowls and         interested in a particular group, please
Tennis have resumed and Nordic Walking will       approach the group leader in the first
soon be following in their footsteps (excuse      instance using the information in the Annual
the pun!). The Towns and Villages group           Programme or the groups’ pages on the
leaders have surveyed their group members         Odiham and District U3A website.
so that they have a clear idea of what
members think before putting any plans into

The next milestone will be in mid May, when
groups of 6 are able to meet indoors. Several
group leaders are already making plans for
their groups to restart, including at least two   We are looking forward to the start up of a
of the Wine Appreciation groups.                  new group called Local Theatres as soon as
                                                  the easing of restrictions allow. Please read
                                                  and respond to the piece in the Groups
                                                  section from Gary and Liz Glazerman who will
                                                  be coordinating this group if you are

                                                  We would like to say a big thank you to
The most important aspect of any plan is          Patricia Davison who started the Drawing
finding out what the group members want to        Group during lockdown. Now that the weather
do. So, please do respond when you are            is improving and people are getting out and
contacted so your group leaders are armed         about more, Patricia has decided to stop
with the best information.                        putting activities on the group’s page on our
                                                  website. However, we will leave the page up
Of course we appreciate that not everyone         and running for a while to give members a
will be feeling confident enough to rejoin a      chance to engage with the activities. We are
group at face to face meetings. We are            hoping that there might be some more
currently exploring the possibility of “hybrid”   projects available in the winter time. Thank
technology which could enable some                you to everyone who has submitted their
members of a group to meet face to face,          drawings. You are a talented bunch of
while others remain on Zoom. There are some       people!
                                                                                     (Continued on page 4)

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(Continued from page 3)

Group Leaders’ Conference

Each year the Committee hosts a Group Leaders lunch and Conference as a means of
thanking them for the work they all do on behalf of us all and also to exchange ideas and
information. Sadly, this year a lunch was impossible but we did have a virtual conference
on the morning of Monday 29th March.
The aim of the conference was to discuss our mutual thinking as lockdown eases and to
agree a broad route map for 2021/22.
We all are missing the social interaction that face-to-face meetings brings but everybody
recognised that despite the vaccine we will face continued uncertainty. Quite simply no
one can predict how the covid virus will evolve or how regulations will change. So,
everybody agreed that flexibility was vital and it would be up to each group and its
members to decide how quickly they wanted to progress toward actual meetings indoors.
One phrase perhaps sums up the general perspective – “Make haste slowly”.
Reflecting this need for flexibility, the speakers for next year’s monthly meetings will be
able to present either in the hall or via zoom and indeed the Cross Barn now has the
ability to handle what are called “hybrid” meetings. Thus, if social distancing limits the
numbers who can actually be in the hall, all other members will be able to watch it on
zoom. This is similar to the system Parliament currently uses and clearly will be
particularly helpful to members who have mobility issues.
Other highlights were:
       There will be no increase in the annual subscription of £15
       A simplified and printable on-line Annual Programme will be emailed to all members
        at the start of July, after which online renewals will commence
       The website has recently been updated and greater use will be made of it so that all
        members will be able to easily access updates and more detailed information
        regarding all our activities.
       The monthly newsletter which is a vital link between us all has also been visually
        updated and an interesting new section about members activities added.
       The various task forces set up after the survey of members are now beginning to
        prove their value. A good example is that the technological team are now
        undertaking tests to see if our own portable version of the hybrid option, described
        above, can be made available at other locations.
So, as we move toward the “new post-covid norm” members can be confident that the
Odiham District u3a’s commitment to “Learning, Living, and Laughing” continues

Hugh and Nicki - Joint Groups Coordinators

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Groups                                             together, greatly assisted by some
The Local Theatre Group (LTG)                      members whose previous academic studies
                                                   are now benefitting the rest of us. We have
The Local Theatre Group (LTG) hopes to
                                                   adapted well to Zoom and to using various
start booking performances for later this
                                                   other online means such as You Tube.
year, as soon as social distancing
                                                   Please contact Deborah Markham if you are
restrictions are lifted and it's officially safe
                                                   interested or have any questions via the
to do so.
                                                   Shakespeare Uncovered page on the
                                                   Odiham District U3A website . Click here

                                                   The Bowls group is due to restart outside,
                                                   on Monday 27th April. We play on the green
                                                   at Odiham & North Warnborough Bowls
                                                   Club every Monday, 2pm to 4pm, and by
                                                   the time we are due to play indoors in
                                                   September, we hope restrictions will have
The group coordinators (Gary & Liz
                                                   been lifted to allow for this.
Glazerman) want to find out:-
                                                   Throughout the winter months we play on
•    Who, of our u3a members, want to join
                                                   two mats in the
     the group
                                                   clubhouse, tea or coffee
•    When folk will feel confident to start
                                                   and biscuits always
     attending performances
                                                   mark half time!
•    What sort of performances folk would
                                                   If you would like to join
     like to attend
Please look at the LTG page on the Odiham          us, woods are available
u3a website (Local Theatre Group) and if           but you will need to bring clean flat shoes or
you are interested in joining the group and        trainers. We provide some coaching but we
attending live performances please                 don’t take ourselves too seriously and have
respond to the survey in the link survey
                                                   a lot of fun. Please click here to look at our
                                                   website page or contact David Woodward
Shakespeare Uncovered                              bowls@odihamu3a.org.uk if you are
This group was set up three years ago to           interested in joining us.
look at the works of Shakespeare, starting
with the most famous plays.
We have recently
progressed to
some of the less
well known works
and to the sonnets,
and the more we
look the more we
find! The group has
the same original                                  First game back!
core membership and our individual
                                                                                      (Continued on page 6)
knowledge and understanding has
developed over the years of studying
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(Continued from page 5)

Creative Writing Group 2                       better recall of digitally recorded
                                               experiences, how to start writing and
In March, the Creative Writing Group 2         managing word limits. The hour flew by,
hosted a session to explore a                  interspersed with lots of laughter. It
contemporary writer's perspective on           encouraged us to reconsider how the smart
authorship. Luke Turner’s writing talent       phone can be used for recording material,
came to my attention when his proud            thoughts, quotes, events, sights, and
mother, a long-term friend from student        sounds and for starting the writing process.
days, regularly sent me digital links to his   It seems so obvious now.
work. These included his recent acclaimed
                                               Luke inspired us to write about Nature for
book, Out of the Woods1: a memoire,
                                               May’s piece and I may well start on it by
Guardian newspaper articles, including
                                               taking my phone onto Danebury Hill Fort
clever pieces about Vera Lynn's musical
influence and the TV programme, Grand
Designs, reviews of his work in The Times,     Helen New
publications from 2Quietus, an online music
magazine, where he is founder and editor       1
                                                   Out of the Woods: A memoire by Luke
and his piece on Countryfile about Epping
                                               Turner, reprint 2021, Greystone Books
Forest, which features in his book.
His writing career was picking up pace. His
book continues to attract interest and
praise in the Western World, just being
launched in North America and Canada.
Though for many, it is shocking and
disturbing. I decided to read it and make
up my own mind.

He is evidently a very able, up and coming
writer. So, I suggested to the group that we
ask him to do a session with us. As with
most newly published authors, he was
delighted to be asked and we planned a
Q&A zoom call. We agreed a fee and a
theme of ‘Writing about Nature’.

The discussion ranged from recording the
sounds and sights of Nature, the accuracy
of memories, checking of facts,
authenticity, consistency, how other                                              (Continued on page 7)

authors write about nature, the possible
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(Continued from page 6)

Walking for Pleasure – The Relaunch               The other photograph shows that we do try
                                                  to keep to the social distancing rules.
On 6th April 13 members of the walking
group set off in cold, crisp, sunny weather
for a five mile circular walk around Upton
Grey. This was our first group walk since
December and there was a definite buzz in
the air. Although we had all led very similar
lives during lockdown there was no
shortage of things to talk, and laugh, about.
The combination of fine weather, good
company and exercise in lovely countryside
in the early stages of spring was a real
For the second walk on 22 April we were           The u3a has agreed that walking groups
blessed with equally wonderful weather,           may operate under the guidance of The
although this time considerably warmer and        Ramblers Organisation which allows up to
spring much further advanced, and our
                                                  30 people to meet for an organised walk..
numbers almost doubled. This time we
were in Finchampstead and stumbled                If you would like to join us on a future walk,
across a link to Dogmersfield. A small            you will find more information on the
plaque informed us that King Henry VII and        Walking for Pleasure page on the Odiham
Prince Arthur had been hunting in the area        District u3a website, or contact
when they received word that Catherine of         walking@odiham.org.uk
Aragon had arrived at Dogmersfield Park. In
the spirit of learn, laugh, live, we all learnt
something new on that walk.
One of the attached photographs shows
some of the members reading the rather
unprepossessing plaque.

                                                              Click here to go
                                                               to the Groups
                                                                page on our

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Odiham District Fresh Beginnings - U3A Site Builder
Online Safety
                                                •    For general technical queries then use
Be aware... Connect with care.                       the Click to send a message button at
                                                     the top of the screen
As mentioned in the report on the Group
Leaders’ Conference, Marin Sharp has been       By clicking on the link called Safe on Line
busy with updating our website. As well as      you move to this page where you will find;
finding out about what our groups are up to
and what the next Monthly meeting is                Stay Safe on the internet
about , there are also some useful                  AGE UK Making the most of the
information pages, including four articles on        internet
being ‘safe on Line’                                AGE UK Safe on Line Advice
                                                    Thorpe Bay U3a Scam alert page
The menu that runs across the top of the
website includes a tab called IT Help.
                                                The U3A nationally has supported a series
Clicking on it will take you to the IT Help
                                                of seminars put together by Barry Linton of
page where you are offered the following
                                                Thorpe Bay U3A and Essex Police. ‘Stay
options, the links being listed on the right
                                                Safe on Line’ is a write up by Hugh Thomas
hand side of the page;
                                                of Barry’s recent Zoom presentation to our
•    If you have queries using Zoom then        u3a which took place at the end of March.
     please click the Zoom link at the side     Take the challenge mentioned in the article
     of the page.                               and see how long a computer would take to
                                                work out your password!
•    For hints and tips on beacon use then
     again hit the Beacon link at the side of
     the page .                                            42
•    For Hints and Tips for staying Safe on            Minutes!
     Line then visit the Safe on Line link at
     the side of the screen

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Odiham District Fresh Beginnings - U3A Site Builder
Light Relief

BREAKING NEWS: Yorkshire holds its breath as
main shipping route of pork pies is blocked!

Fred Slathwaite, Captain of the vessel, said,
“One minute we were fine, then a gust of wind
caught us!”

“Yorkshire is expected to loose as much as
£3.45 a day until the carnage can be cleared,
which could potentially take weeks to clear” a
spokesman said.

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Odiham District Fresh Beginnings - U3A Site Builder
Light Relief (continues)                         I got over my addiction to chocolate,
                                                 marshmallows, and nuts. I won’t lie, it was a
PUN-ISHMENT                                      rocky road.
Dad, are we pyromaniacs? Yes, we arson.          What do you say to comfort a friend who’s
What do you call a pig with laryngitis?          struggling with grammar? There, their,
Disgruntled.                                     they’re.

Why do bees stay in their hives during           I went to the toy store and asked the
winter? Swarm.                                   assistant where the Schwarzenegger dolls
                                                 are. He replied, “Aisle B, back.”
If you’re bad at haggling, you’ll end up paying
the price.                                      What did the surgeon say to the patient who
                                                insisted on closing up their own incision?
Just so everyone’s clear, I’m going to put my
                                                Suture self.
glasses on.
                                                I’ve started telling everyone about the
A commander walks into a bar and orders
                                                benefits of eating dried grapes. It’s all about
everyone around.
                                                raisin awareness.
I lost my job as a stage designer. I left
                                                Scientists got together to study the effects
without making a scene.
                                                of alcohol on a person’s walk, and the result
Never buy flowers from a monk. Only you         was staggering.
can prevent florist friars.
                                                The Vegetable Garden This is how your
How much did the pirate pay to get his ears
                                                vegetables get stolen!
pierced? A buccaneer.
I once worked at a cheap pizza shop to get      Wild Hamster Has A Graveyard Feast |
by. I kneaded the dough.                        Seven Worlds, One Planet | BBC Earth

My friends and I have named our band
‘Duvet’. It’s a cover band.
I lost my girlfriend’s audiobook and now I’ll    Coffee Time
never hear the end of it.
Why is ‘dark’ spelled with a k and not c?        Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful
Because you can’t see in the dark.               World
Why is it unwise to share your secrets with a
clock? Well, time will tell.                     Norah Jones - Everybody Needs A Best
Bono and The Edge walk into a Dublin bar
and the bartender says, “Oh no, not U2           Quizzes:
‘Prison’ is just one word to you, but for some   Guess 25 Movies By Famous MUSIC
people, it’s a whole sentence.                   Themes
I’m trying to organize a hide and seek
                                                 Cryptic Football Clubs            Answers
tournament, but good players are really hard
                                                 Dingbats Catchphrases             Answers
to find.

                                                                 Page 10 Odiham District News
Story Time


     Slender, reaching up and out, I stand at the edge
   Of the path through the wood, revelling in the dance;
                    I shiver with delight at
           The lifting of my skirts in the breeze.

      My skirts of fresh bright green will mellow and
            Turn to darker shades as the sun
       spends its days climbing through the sky,
          but still my gown flutters in the wind.

      The wind is cooler now and sometimes rough,
           Tossing my young limbs to and fro.
      The sun grows lower in the sky, losing its heat,
           Making my gown change its colour.

         Oh how I dance in my new glowing robe
          Shades of yellow, orange, ochre, red.
           I sing each morning with the birds
                And long to move my feet.

        The wind plays with my multi-hued gown
          Ripping pieces off and tossing them
          High into the air, only to let them fall
          Discarded, unwanted, on the ground.

           Naked I stand, stripped of my skirts.
     But along my limbs the nascent furled leaf buds
                Are waiting for Spring and
             The new season’s dancing gown

By Pam Howard
Creative Writing Group 2

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The Host

J imfiftieth
        had left the Army soon after his
             birthday, his knee never having
                                                  They headed south: M6, M5 and into the
                                                  West Country. Jim explained to his
properly recovered from an awkward                bemused daughter that they were heading
landing on what was to be his last                to Cornwall, to “help out an old Army friend
parachute jump, and soon afterwards his           for a bit”. Jim explained, quickly so she
wife left him. She took the cat, the              couldn’t interrupt, that they were going to
stroppier one of the two daughters, enough        run his mate’s pub for the summer while he
money to buy a plain pebble-dashed                went off to Australia, and he knew she’d
house three roads back from the sea in            worked in a bar, and done a cookery course,
Blackpool and round the corner from her           been a waitress and was a dab hand at
ageing parents who had never liked Jim.           changing a duvet cover, so OK? There was
The feeling was always mutual. After the          silence in the car until there was an
initial shock, he surprised himself by feeling    explosion of noise from the passenger seat.
nothing but relief, and when Jessica, the         “Fantastic, Dad! It’ll be amazing and we’ll
easy one, had finished at University and          work our socks off, have fun, and we’ll show
came home for a breather, he was                  Mum, my boring sister and that swine of a
brimming over with plans for the future.          boyfriend, that there’s more to life than
She was needing some light relief as her          putting up with them!”
boyfriend of three years had
unceremoniously dumped her the day after
graduation.                                       It was, of course, very hard work. The other
                                                  staff were young seasonal workers who
                                                  needed considerable training, but the chef
“Right, my girl, we’re off on adventure, you,     at least was experienced and innovative,
me and Hector”, Jim smiled as Jessica             and best of all, Jim took to being the host
yawned over her yoghurt the next morning,         with good humour and a bonhomie that he
indicating the Labrador asleep in the sun in      never thought he had. Hector learnt to
the open doorway. Hearing his name, he            relinquish his place in front of the fire or in a
thumped his tail twice, cautiously opening        patch of sun to visiting dogs, and one night,
one eye to see if either of them had              when they were closing up, Jim brought his
noticed he’d pinched the piece of toast           glass of whisky to sit beside his dog, ruffling
lying on the table. They hadn’t. “Dad, I’ve       his ears. Suddenly he burst out laughing.
only just got home, and I’ve got things to        “You, old boy, have become a host too: you
do.” She paused. “Actually, I don’t think I       are giving refuge to a whole army of fleas!
have got anything,” Jessica grinned at her        We welcome everyone here, with possibly
dad.                                              one or two exceptions …”
“Pack a bag, we’re off in half an hour, and all
will be revealed.”
                                                               By Caroline Mitchell ,
                                                            Creative Writing Group 1.

                                                                  Page 12 Odiham District News
Members’ Corner                                                          The link should take you to our
                                                                         news page where you can read
Members’ news and information taking place outside of                    about the walk, look at the
the U3A.                                                                 ‘thermometer’ and trace our
                                                                         route around Britain on the
Derek Spruce                        • A volunteer at the Citizens        map. There are also
                                      Advice Bureau and Relate           photographs of the many
Derek has been nominated by     •     a long serving trustee of          places where walking took
members of the community for          Odiham Consolidated                place.
a Parish Council Community            Charities and is President         Basingstoke Ladies' Choir
Award. This is a précis of the        of the Odiham Society and          News
nomination that was read out at       continues to serve in that
the APA.                              role.
                                 Derek and his Wife Wendy                Can you help members Peter
Derek Spruce has served the     always walk if they can and set          & Moira Kelsey?
community in numerous ways      an example to all, uplifting the         We are sorting through our
for many decades and            spirits of all they meet.                many cine film reels which we
continues to do so. He is                                                used to watch on our Eumig P8
modest and never seeks          A huge swathe of the parish              Imperial projector.
recognition, which makes him    population would be delighted
all the more deserving.         to see Derek honoured in this
                                    way and could think of no one
Derek is the foremost               more deserving.
historian and author and has
also written many articles for      Margaret French says;
local newsletters and journals.
He leads numerous walks and         I am delighted to be able to tell
                                    you that the choir members,          We cannot remember how to
gives many talks each year to                                            get the drive belts to work.
inspire others and pass on his      their families and friends,
                                    together with other volunteer        Is there a U3A member with
love and knowledge of our local                                          some knowledge of this
heritage and                        walkers unconnected to the
                                    choir, really embraced this          particular projector who could
countryside. Additionally, he is                                         help us?
also a great supporter of local     initiative and did indeed walk
heritage and history societies      throughout March for the Trust.
                                                                         We live in central Odiham, and
and a well-known and                                                     can be contacted through the
respected researcher at             Around sixty participants
                                    walked a total of 4125 miles and,    Odiham U3A .
Hampshire Records Office. As a
former Open University              as of yesterday evening, had
                                    raised £2 181 with more to come.     Thank you
lecturer, he is a great supporter                                        Peter and Moira Kelsey
and advocate of Odiham U3A,                                              01256 703616
leading varied and energetic        I would like to thank everyone
interest groups over several        who supported Basingstoke
decades.                            Ladies’ Choir. We have more
                                    than doubled our original target
Derek's span of past activity       of £1000.00 and we are all
and service is exceptionally        thrilled that we have been able
broad. He has been;                 to raise so much for our chosen
•    Chair of both Odiham           charity.
     Parish Council and Robert
     May’s School Governing

                                                                        Page 13 Odiham District News
You can also read