Poland & Medjugorje May 2-14, 2022 - Join Fr. Philip Mahalic on a Pilgrimage to - 206 Tours

Page created by Michael Carr
Poland & Medjugorje May 2-14, 2022 - Join Fr. Philip Mahalic on a Pilgrimage to - 206 Tours
Join Fr. Philip Mahalic on a Pilgrimage to

   Poland & Medjugorje
        May 2-14, 2022
  $4,719 per person from San Antonio, TX
          Additional Add On Cities Available

Poland & Medjugorje May 2-14, 2022 - Join Fr. Philip Mahalic on a Pilgrimage to - 206 Tours
Day 1 | Monday, May 2, 2022: Depart for Warsaw                                                 camp during the Second World War. Upon arriving at the former camp, you can feel the
Make your way to your local airport where you will board your overnight flight(s) to           darkness and sorrow that overtakes the atmosphere as there were numerous unspeakable
Warsaw. Your meals will be served on board.                                                    atrocities that occurred at this site. Additionally, while on this visit, you will have the
                                                                                               opportunity to view the cell that imprisoned the Christ-like, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and
Day 2 | Tuesday, May 3, 2022: Arrive Warsaw                                                    visit the Martyrdom Museum. After this reflective day, return to your hotel in Krakow
Welcome to Warsaw, Poland! Upon arrival, make your way to the baggage claim area               for dinner and a restful overnight.
and collect your luggage. Proceed to the Arrival's Hall, where you will be greeted by          Day 8 | Monday, May 9, 2022:Krakow - Divine Mercy - Lagiewniki - Wieliczka -
your tour guide and/or driver. Transfer to your hotel. Following check-in at your hotel,       Krakow
your pilgrimage will officially begin with Mass. Following Mass, enjoy a delicious             On your last day of touring, after breakfast depart for your excursion to Lagiewniki, the
dinner and have the opportunity to explore the city of Warsaw before retiring for a            capital of the Divine Mercy. Through the mediation of St. Faustina, Christ passed on
restful overnight.                                                                             the message of Divine Mercy at Lagiewniki. While here, you will have the opportunity
                                                                                               to visit the Shrine of Divine Mercy that contains images of the Merciful Jesus, relics of
Day 3 | Wednesday, May 4, 2022: Warsaw                                                         St. Faustina, as well as, the Saint's convent chapel and her Tomb. Visit and celebrate
Your day will begin with breakfast followed by Mass at St. James Church, iconic for its        Mass at the Shrine of Divinity, which was visited by Saint John Paul II in 2002. Fol-
tower and square base. This church is where Helena Kowalska prayed extensively upon            lowing Mass, have the opportunity to pray by a relic of Saint John Paul II. Continue to
entering Warsaw. Also, it is where she confessed all that burdened her soul, and asked         Wieliczka and visit Europe's oldest salt mine, which has been listed by UNESCO as a
for the advice of Rev. James Dabrowski, which eventually resulted in the Saint entering        World Heritage Site. Return to Krakow for your farewell dinner and last overnight.
the convent. Following this prayerful morning, your day of sightseeing begins. Your
group will explore the Old Town, comprised of beautiful maze-like cobblestone streets          Day 9 | Tuesday, May 10, 2022: Krakow - Medjugorje
and picturesque architecture that are symbols of Poland's successful rebuild following         Early morning departure from Krakow for your flights to Medjugorje. Upon arrival,
its destruction during World War II. Some of the sites will include the Market Square          you'll be greeted by a tour guide and/or driver who will then take you on the 2.5 hour
(the center of the city filled with restaurants, cafes and shops), the Barbican, defense-      drive by private coach to the village of Medjugorje. Once there, you'll meet your fellow
like structures that have been rebuilt following World War II, and the Warsaw Ghetto           pilgrims and be introduced to your host family in who’s modern and comfortable house
monument that commemorates the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 during World War                 you will be staying for the next several nights.
II. You will also take in the Lazienski Park, a beautifully landscaped park, the Chopin
Statue (a large bronze statue of musician, Frederic Chopin), and the Royal Castle (the         Days 10 to 12 | Wednesday-Friday May 11-13, 2022: Medjugorje
official residence of the Polish monarchs). In the afternoon, visit the Stanislaw Kostka       The most beautiful features of Medjugorje are its simplicity and peace. While in Medju-
Church and view a special exhibit dedicated to Fr. Jerzy Popieluszko. This priest was a        gorje, you may experience your faith grow, and share in the faith journey of pilgrims
great personality of the Catholic Church, and killed by communists in 1984. In 1987,           from all over the world. A local guide will accompany your group throughout your stay
Saint John Paul II visited here to pray in front of Fr. Popieluzko's tomb. Your tour of        in the village.
Warsaw will conclude by returning to the hotel for a delicious meal, followed by an
overnight at your hotel.                                                                       Some activities that you will participate in during your spiritual journey:

Day 4 | Thursday, May 5, 2022: Warsaw - Niepokalanow - Swinice Warckie -                       Attend Daily Mass: Each morning at 10:00 AM, your group will assemble at St. James
Czestochowa                                                                                    Church for Mass (English-Speaking). At the end of each Mass, regardless of language,
This morning, you will enjoy breakfast followed by a transfer to Niepokalanow. This            there is a blessing of the religious articles that you have with you.
Franciscan Monastery is in the community of Teresin, and was founded by martyr, St.
Maximilian Kolbe. This remarkable saint was arrested by the Nazis and died in Ausch-           On Feast Days, and Sundays: English Mass is at 12 PM.
witz, giving his life for the life of another prisoner. Following your visit to this Holy
Monastery, transfer to the village of Swinice Warckie. In Swinice Warckie, visit the           Climb Apparition Hill: This mountainous hill is where the visionaries first encoun-
church of St. Casimir. This historically rich parish is the site of baptism for St. Faustina   tered Our Lady. At the base of this hill is a Blue Cross, where it is said Our Lady ap-
(formally known as, Helena Kowalska). Little Helena received her first confession, and         peared to the children while they hid from the communist police in the early days of the
First Holy Communion, at this parish. Additionally, she and her family attended Sunday         alleged apparitions. While climbing, your group is invited to recite the Rosary, pausing
Mass and other services at this church. After visiting this simple, yet elegant church, we     five times for each decade of the Rosary. At the top of the hill, you will witness the
will continue to Czestochowa. Upon arrival in Czestochowa, you will check-in to your           exact location of the first alleged apparition of Our Lady to the visionaries, and enjoy
hotel, enjoy a magnificent dinner, and a restful overnight.                                    private time for prayer.

Day 5 | Friday, May 6, 2022: Czestochowa - Wadowice - Krakow                                   Climb Mt. Krizevac (Cross Mountain): In 1933, the villagers built a 30' high cross
Today, you will awake in the home of the grandest pilgrimage shrine of Poland since            atop a mountain to commemorate Jesus' passion and death on the cross. Your group will
the 14th century! You will begin your day with breakfast and Mass at Jasna Gora Mon-           have the opportunity to climb this mountain, and venerate that very cross. While climb-
astery. This hill-top monastery is home to the beloved icon of the Black Madonna.              ing, your group is invited to pray the Stations of the Cross (to meditate on Jesus' suffer-
Additionally, Saint John Paul II is said to have made frequent visits to this monastery        ing Road to Calvary), pausing fifteen times for each Station.
throughout his life. Tradition tells us that this icon was painted by Luke the Evangelist,
discovered by St. Helen, and later enshrined. While here, you will have the opportunity        Apparitions: Each evening at 5 PM or 6 PM (depending on daylight savings time),
to venerate not only the Holy Icon, but also many other priceless treasures that are           your group will join the villagers and fellow pilgrims of Medjugorje in saying the Ro-
contained within. Following your prayerful visit to the Chapel of the Black Madonna,           sary, as all anxiously await the alleged arrival of Our Lady to the visionaries. Following
you will continue on to Wadowice, the birthplace of Karol Wojtyla (Saint John Paul II).        the apparition, at 5:40 PM (6:40 PM during Daylight Savings Time), feel free to stay at
While in the small city of Wadowice, you will have the opportunity to visit the church         St. James Church and attend the Croatian Mass. Following the Croatian Mass, there is a
where this beloved Saint was baptized, and attended Mass as a child. Following this            Blessing of the Sick.
historically captivating experience, continue on to Krakow. Enjoy dinner at the local
restaurant before resting up for the next day of activities.                                   Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Our Lady has always called us to be close to her
                                                                                               Son. For this, you will have the opportunity to adore the Blessed Sacrament at the altar
Day 6 | Saturday, May 7, 2022: Krakow - Zakopane - Krakow                                      outside of St. James Church. Adoration is held on Tuesdays and Saturdays; Veneration
After breakfast, you will drive through the mountains to the breathtaking, yet small and       of the Cross is held on Fridays inside the church. Additionally, there is an Adoration
remote village of Zakopane. Take a cable car ride to the nearby mountaintop. At the            Chapel on the grounds of St. James Church, where Adoration is held in the afternoon
top, you will truly experience God's magnificent Glory when you look out at the mag-           hours.
nificent panoramic view. Following the many photos captured atop the mountain, head
to the Jaszczorowka Chapel. This architecturally distinct chapel was visited many times        Meetings with the Visionaries: Pending their availability, your guide will arrange
by the young, Karol Wojtyla (Saint John Paul II). As a young boy, Karol Wojtyla often          meetings with the visionaries at their homes.
used the walking paths surrounding the Jaszczorowka Chapel for prayer and reflection.
After you experience this beautiful site that assisted in Saint John Paul II's Holy jour-      Visit to the Community of Cenacolo: You will have the opportunity to visit the com-
ney, you will continue your tour to the colorful, Krupowki Street. While on this street,       munity of Cenacolo, founded by the Sisters of Charity, for young men and women who
you will have the opportunity to do some shopping at the local bazaar before returning         have taken a wrong path and are on the road to recovery. You will be able to listen to
to Krakow. Enjoy a beautiful dinner and an optional stroll through the old city before         their inspirational words about their journeys back to Jesus Christ.
retiring for the evening.
                                                                                               Prayer at the Statue of the Risen Christ: The bronze statue of the Risen Christ is
Day 7 | Sunday, May 8, 2022: Krakow - Auschwitz - Krakow                                       located on the grounds of St. James Church. Many pilgrims sit and pray on the benches
After breakfast, you will explore Krakow's Market Square as the sound of the silver            surrounding this peaceful statue. This statue miraculously seeps droplets of water at all
trumpet from St. Mary's Tower fills the air. The captivating beauty of this square is          times of the day, out of Christ's right knee.
largely due to the fact that it has remained unchanged for almost 700 years. It contains a
number of buildings that hold important historic value such as, the Town Hall Tower,           Day 13 | Saturday, May 14, 2022: Medjugorje - USA
the Cloth Hall, and the Burgher's houses. Following your time in this longstanding             After an early breakfast and heartfelt farewells, you will leave by motor coach for Du-
square, you will make your way to Wawel Hill, where you will visit the beautiful Ca-           brovnik Airport (Split or Sarajevo) for your return flights home.
thedral, and Coronation Chapel. These are among the most important sites in Poland as
the Cathedral has been the coronation site of the Polish monarchs and has held numer-
ous pieces of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque, Classicist and Modern art. Also at this site,
you will have the opportunity to pray at the tomb of the patron saint of Poland, St.
Stanislaus. Next, a short drive to Auschwitz, notoriously known as a Nazi concentration
Poland & Medjugorje May 2-14, 2022 - Join Fr. Philip Mahalic on a Pilgrimage to - 206 Tours

 Round-trip airfare
 All airport taxes & fuel surcharges
 One way flight from Poland to Medjugorje
 Centrally located hotels: (or similar)
        ~ May 3-5 | 2 nights: Radisson Blu Centrum, Warsaw
        ~ May 5-6 | 1 night: Mercure Patria, Czestochowa
        ~ May 6-10 | 4 nights: Radisson Blu, Krakow
        ~ May 10-14 | 4 nights: Modern Pansion/Hotel, Medjugorje
 Breakfast and Dinner daily
 Wine with dinners
 Transfers as per itinerary
 Transportation by air-conditioned motor coach
 Assistance of Christian guide throughout
 Sightseeing and admissions fees as per itinerary
 Catholic Priest available for Spiritual Direction
 Mass daily & spiritual activities
 Meeting with visionaries (pending availability)
 Visit to Community Cenacolo
 Free Wifi (in Medjugorje)                                                                  Not included: Lunches, Tips to your guide & driver
 Luggage handling (1 piece per person)                                                      Optional: Travel Insurance optional: www.206tours.com/insurance
 Flight bag & portfolio of all travel documents                                             Extended Cancellation Protection Plan @ $299: www.206tours.com/cancellationprotection

                                                       To Register www.pilgrimages.frmahalic
               To Book or For More Information contact: Piernha Tel: (800)206-8687 extension 1237 OR email                    Piernha@206tours.com

         Pilgrimage to Poland & Medjugorje | May 2-14, 2022| $4,719 pe r p er son f r om S a n An t o ni o , T X
**Items indicated in RED are mandatory**                                                                        ( *please indicate country of passport - if not US)
Last Name/First Name, Middle Name (as it appears on passport)                     Date of Birth                      US Passport #                      Passport Exp.
1 ________________________________________________________                        MM ____ DD ____YY____              ____________________              _________________
gender: ⃞ Male ⃞ Female
2 ________________________________________________________                        MM ____ DD ____YY____              ____________________              _________________
gender: ⃞ Male ⃞ Female
Address __________________________________________________                        City __________________________________ State ______ Zip __________

Home Tel # _____________________ Work/Cell Tel # _________________________ E-mail (s) _____________________________________________

Nickname / Name tag ___________________________ Complementary flight bag: ⃞ Tote                            ⃞ Messenger         ⃞ Backpack

⃞ Private Room: $623 or ⃞ Roommate Request: __________________________
⃞ Business Class Upgrade:       ⃞ Round-Trip: $3,500 ⃞ One-Way east bound: $1,750 ⃞ One-Way west bound: $1,750
⃞ I want to purchase Travel Insurance (as per w w w. 2 0 6 t o u r s . c o m / i n s u r a n c e )
⃞ I am purchasing Extended Cancellation Protection Plan for an additional $299 (Only valid if purchased in addition with regular travel insurance!)
 For details please review back of flyer and or go to: www.206tours.com/cancellationprotection

Payment Options: (w ww . 2 0 6 t o u rs . c om / p a ym e n t s )
                                                                                                                                                              Office Use:
Please enclose $400 per person (include an additional if purchasing travel insurance)               *select One of the Payment Options Below                  PM050321
⃞ Check:       x ____ people = $ ___________

⃞ Electronic Check: (ACH): Routing # _________________________                                 Account #_________________________________
                                                   First set of digits on the left side                        Second set of digits after the routing number
⃞ Credit Card: ⃞ American Express                 ⃞ Visa      ⃞ Master Card               ⃞ Discover
Credit Card #_______________________________________________                      Exp Date ____________              Sec. Code ___________
*Please Select from the Options Below
⃞ Process the $400 per person registration deposit                             ⃞ Process the $400 per person deposit & insurance premium
⃞ Automatically process the balance 60 days prior to departure                 ⃞ Process the total trip costs now
Please make checks payable to: 206 Tours        | Full payment is required 60 Days prior to date of departure - March 3, 2022*

Signature _________________________________________________                                          Date ________________________
Enrollment in/payment for this tour constitutes your acceptance of all terms and conditions as stated on page 4 and as per: www. 2 06t ou rs . c om / t erm s

     Please Mail Reservation & Payments to: 206 Tours 333 Marcus Blvd. Hauppauge, NY 11788
Poland & Medjugorje May 2-14, 2022 - Join Fr. Philip Mahalic on a Pilgrimage to - 206 Tours
Highlights of Terms & Conditions (For Complete Terms & Conditions Please Visit w w w . 2 0 6 t o u rs. c o m / t e r m s )
Deposit, Payment Schedule & Registration: A $400.00 per person                   (airport taxes include Federal Inspection Fees for the U.S. Customs and           the time of registration. We regret that we cannot provide individual
deposit is required at the time of booking with a completed reservation          Immigration; International Air Transportation Tax; Agricultural tax;              assistance to any tour participant for walking, dining, while in their room,
application. Full payment is due 60 days prior to the departure date. If a       security fees, and other airport related taxes).                                  on flight, getting on and off motor coaches and other vehicles, or other
booking within 60 days of departure, full payment is due then.                                                                                                     personal needs. A qualified and physically able companion(s) must
                                                                                 Seat Assignment: Random seats are assigned for all. If you would like a           accompany passengers who need special assistance. It is the Traveler’s
Form Of Payment: Checks, ACH, PayPal (info@206tours.com), Ameri-                 specific seat, or to sit with a companion, please advise at the time of           responsibility to arrange for such assistance prior to making their reserva-
can Express, Discover, Visa and Master Card. If mailing a payment, note          booking, we will make every effort and will provide you with desired seat         tions. We will make an effort to accommodate disabled passengers by
tour reference. In case of any billing error, we reserve the right to re-        number, however we cannot guarantee, as seats are at the discretion and           reserving wheelchair assistance at airports and handicap accessible rooms
invoice and correct billing.                                                     are subject to airline changing aircraft and it’s seat map. We recommend          where available, however, we cannot guarantee and are not responsible for
                                                                                 that you be at the airport early on to ask for preferred seat assignment.         any denial of services by carriers, hotels, restaurants, or other independent
Price Guarantee: Price is guaranteed once trip paid in full. All prices                                                                                            suppliers. Be aware that our tours are operated outside the U.S. where the
are based on currency rates and fares in existence on 05/18/2020. 206            Without Airfare / Land Only And Transfers: Airport Transfers are                  Americans with Disabilities Act is not applicable and facilities for disa-
Tours reserves the right to alter price at any time prior to departure and       included in our Without Airfare / Land only packages for regular sched-           bled individuals are limited. The touring motor coaches, are not equipped
without prior notice if circumstances so warrant. An increase of currency        uled departure Tour # 1 -226 as per https://www.206tours.com/                     with wheelchair ramps or lifts. Motorized scooters are unsuitable and
exchange rate of 10% or more, may affect price.                                  pilgrimages only if you provide your flight schedule, on or before 45 days        impossible to accommodate. 206 Tours is not responsible for any medical
                                                                                 prior to departure. From time to time, a tour may be canceled due to non-         condition that occurs prior, during or after the tour. A pregnant woman is
Not Included: Tips to guide and driver; Travel Insurance; Cancel for             materialization. If you choose to purchase a “Without Airfare” package            advised not to travel after 6 months of pregnancy, we recommend bringing
Any Reason Waiver; Passport and Visa Fees, Items of a personal nature            and arrange your own domestic or international flights, such slights, or          a companion; note that level of comfort may be adversely affected by long
(such as telephone calls, mini bar, laundry) drinks and lunches (when not        any purchased items outside of 206 Tours are sole responsibility of client.       flights, layovers, or long bus rides through remote locations.
                                                                                 Hotel Accommodations: Hotel accommodations are based on twin-                     Young Travelers: Travelers who are less than 18 years old on the
Passports, Visas, Visa Waiver & Documents: A valid passport is                   bedded or double rooms. 206 Tours reserves the right to substitute similar        departure date must be accompanied by an adult, if this adult is not the
required, and it must be valid at least 6 months after your return date. It is   category hotels without prior notice.                                             parent, or traveling with only one parent, it is recommended that a nota-
the traveler’s sole responsibility to obtain and have available when neces-                                                                                        rized letter be written by the parents, or non-traveling parent granting
sary the appropriate valid travel documents. All guests are advised to           Sharing Room: Guests are to provide us with the name of their travel              authorization to including the dates of tour (from/to just in case of medical
check with the appropriate government authority in each country visited to       roommate at time of registration.                                                 emergencies). We also suggest that you contact the appropriate consulate
determine the necessary documents. At times, Hotel or Cruise Vessel May                                                                                            and airlines because they may have additional requirements. An infant is
require to hold your passport. Please note European Visa Waiver require-         Triple Rooms: In most hotels triple accommodations is possible, no                defined as anyone who is under the age of 24 months for the entire dura-
ment at some point in 2022 https://www.etiasvisa.com. When and if visa           reduction in cost. Due to pace of our pilgrimage, we do not recommend             tion of their trip. A child is defined as any one between the ages of 24
or visa waiver is required, it is passengers responsibility to obtain one. 206   triple rooms (it is a challenge to open up all three suitcases; take showers).    months and 11 years for the entire duration of their trip.
Tours, owner, agent, or employees cannot be held liable for clients not          Some Hotels are not set up for triple rooms, third bed might be a sofa bed,
having proper passports, visa, visa waiver or other travel documents.            or a fold up bed.                                                                 Travel Advisories: It is the responsibility of client / guest / pilgrim to
Cancellations due to lack of appropriate documents will incur usual                                                                                                become informed about their destination with most current travel adviso-
penalties. A Passport Card is not useful for International Air Travel.           Room Upgrades & Requests: Some hotels offer upgrades on request.                  ries by referring to the U.S. State Department’s travel website at trav-
Attempting to use this instead of a Passport Book will result in a denial of     Specific requests such as adjacent or connecting rooms, bedding requests.         el.state.gov or by phone at 888 407 4747. In the event of a State Depart-
boarding by the airlines and entry by the legal authorities.                     Please note that while every effort will be made to secure a special re-          ment Travel Advisory against travel to the specific destination location(s)
                                                                                 quest, it cannot be guaranteed.                                                   of the trip, should the guest still choose to travel, notwithstanding any
Final Documents: Final documents are sent within 4 weeks of departure                                                                                              travel advisory, the guest assumes all risk of personal injury, death or
and upon receipt you are responsible to check your itinerary, spelling of        Private Rooms & Single Supplement: If guest is traveling Solo,                    property damage that may arise out of the events like those advised or
your name, dates, times and other important information to insure their          private rooms are possible on request basis, and the guest is responsible         warned against as per terms and conditions.
validity. Should there be any errors it is the guest’s responsibility to         for the additional Single Supplement fees. Some hotels single rooms are
contact 206 Tours via email within 24 -72 hours.                                 smaller than a standard room.                                                     Physicality Of Our Tours: Most 206 Tours require physical fitness
                                                                                                                                                                   and a lot of walking, sometimes up/or down the hills, rough and uneven
Participation: 206 Tours and suppliers contracted for services reserve           Hotel Check-In: Most hotels check-ins take place during the midafter-             terrain. It is suggested that you practice walking approximately 3 months
the right to refuse to accept or retain any traveler whose behavior is           noon. Should you wish to have a guaranteed room ready upon your                   before departure or prepare physically, until you are able to build walking
deemed likely to affect the smooth operations of a tour, or adversely affect     immediate check-in upon arrival, it can be arranged for an additional             3 miles without discomfort.
the enjoyment or safety of other passengers. 206 Tours, its agents, and          charge usually price of additional night, already listed as if you would be
suppliers shall be under no liability to any such person for refund, com-        arriving one day prior, which is also available. Please ask for details. If       Tour Cancellation By 206 Tours: On rare occasion, a tour departure
pensation, repatriation, or any other matters arising.                           your flight arrives early in the morning and your room is not ready for           may be cancelled due to lack of participation. In the event that 206 Tours
                                                                                 check in, you may leave your luggage with hotel staff while you explore.          would decide to cancel a departure, a full refund will be issued (including
Cancellations And Refunds: Cancellations must be received in                                                                                                       travel insurance and Cancel for Any Reason Add On). 206 Tours in not
writing from email address used to register for the tour and will become         Meals: Although we cannot guarantee, we will try to accommodate all               responsible and does not assume responsibility for any additional costs or
effective on the date of receipt. Cancellations for standard tours are           special meal requests.                                                            any fees relating to the cancellation of air tickets or other arrangements
subject to the following penalty:                                                                                                                                  not made through 206 Tours. Cancellations due to state advisories and/or
From moment of registration to 61 days prior to departure the penalty is         Photography And Videography During Pilgrimage: 206 Tours                          state warnings, Acts of War, War, Terrorism, Acts of God, Natural Disas-
$400 per person                                                                  reserves the right to take photographs and videos during the operation of         ter, or any other circumstance outside the control of 206 Tours, are not the
31 - 60 days prior to departure 50%.                                             any tour or pilgrimage and to use them for its purposes thereafter. By            fault of 206 Tours. Great effort will be made to accommodate passengers
30 days prior to departure or less no refund.                                    booking a with 206 Tours, you agree to allow images to be used in such            on another trip or to revise itinerary, however, cancellation for any of
*ADDITIONAL CANCELLATION CHARGES MAY APPLY                                       photographs and video. Guests who prefer that their images not be used            these reasons will not be eligible for refund.
All special airfares upgraded airline tickets issued as well as any internal     are asked to advise us in writing at any time prior to departure and to
air is 100% non-refundable at time of final payment (some exceptions may         identify themselves into their Local Tour Guide at the beginning of the           206 Tours Itinerary Disclaimer: Though every effort will be made to
apply). Additional hotel nights, pre or post stays and other extra services      pilgrimage.                                                                       follow the itinerary, it should be considered as an indication of the tour,
booked in connection with 206 Tours Pilgrimage are subject to specific                                                                                             rather than a contract of places to be visited. Occasionally local religious
penalties.                                                                       Baggage: Each tour participant is permitted to bring, one carry on bag (8"        holidays, national days, traffic conditions and other events may necessitate
                                                                                 x 14" x 22"), and one personal item (i.e. purse, laptop case) and one             changes in the sequence of visits or the missing of certain visits. We will
Partial Room Cancellation: If a guest cancels or leaves a pilgrimage             checked bag weighing up to 50 lbs. (23 kg) and maximum dimensions of              have daily Mass and strive to be in Churches or places as indicated,
and a roommate remains, an additional supplement may apply. *Special             62 in (158 cm) calculated by adding the length + the width + the height of        however an alternative site for Mass will be arranged if needed.
event group departures may have different conditions; please carefully           the bag. Please check with your specific airline to verify the size and
review the terms & conditions for each departure.                                weight allowances. 206 Tours is not responsible for the loss of, theft of,        Printing Disclaimer: 206 Tours is not responsible for typographical or
                                                                                 delay, or damage to a participant's belongings.                                   print Traveler's errors including errors in trip cost. We reserve the right to
Travel Insurance: We highly recommend travel insurance plan https://                                                                                               re-invoice or correct billing at any time.
www.206tours.com/insurance trip investment. Travel Insurance can be              Responsibility Clause: 206 Tours acts as a tour operator.
purchased up to 72 hours prior to trip departure. Once purchased, the            The suppliers providing air or ground transportation, sightseeing arrange-        Amendments: 206 Tours reserves the right to correct any errors or
premium is non-refundable. Travel Insurance does offer a waiver of the           ments and hotel accommodations for the tour program are not 206 Tours             omissions and to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time as the
preexisting medical condition, but only, if insurance is purchased within        employees. By utilizing 206 Tours service you agree that 206 Tours, its           result of any material changes to legislation or regulation. All amended
21 days of initial trip deposit. Go to: https://www.206tours.com/insurance/      employees, officers, agents will not be liable for any change in flight or        Terms and Conditions shall automatically be effective upon being posted
insurance to view further details of Travel Insured International Insurance.     itinerary schedule, strikes, delay, acts of governments, fires, riots, theft,     on our website. Accordingly, all are expected to check the content of
For a Printable PDF Version of the Insurance Coverage for your specific          pilferage, epidemics, quarantine, medical or customs regulations, accident,       relevant tours on our website, and it’s terms and conditions found on
state: https://www.206tours.com/insurance/pdf                                    loss, injury, or damage to you or to those traveling with you in connection       https://www.206tours.com/terms prior to booking and prior to travel in
                                                                                 with any accommodations, transportation or any other services or resulting        order to ensure they are aware of any changes.
To File a Claim: Call Travel Insured International 24/7 Toll-free: 844-228       directly or indirectly from any occurrence or conditions beyond its control,
-3679 or 800-494-9907 mention plan code: T-20012 Travel Insurance is             including defects in vehicles, breakdown in equipment, thefts, delay or           If upon returning from your trip, you wish to inquire about any services
not available for purchase if you are within 72 hours of departure.              cancellation of, or changes in itinerary for any act, omission, or event          provided, please ensure that all correspondence is received by email to
                                                                                 during the time you are on tour, or on board the aircraft. Neither 206            info@206tours.com, within 30 days of the tour completion date. This will
Cancel For Any Reason Waiver: This waiver can be purchased, in                   Tours and/or agents of the suppliers concerned are to be held responsible         enable us to make a timely investigation.
addition to Travel Insurance for a flat fee of $299 per person at the time of    for the late arrival or departure on return of passengers at airports or hotels
deposit and it guarantees a 100% refund for cancellations made for any           due to inclement weather or other reasons, nor are we to be held liable for       Privacy Policy: We care about providing you with tools and infor-
reason that is not covered by Travel Insurance (ie. change of heart, work        payment or any refund for transfers or unused service, hotel accommoda-           mation to manage and protect your online privacy. We have developed
event, wedding). The Cancel for Any Reason must be purchased at the              tions or meals occasioned by such late arrivals at the hotels holding rooms       this privacy policy to inform you about what information this web site
time of booking and paid prior to final payment. Cancellations must be           as confirmed itineraries. Passengers must bear all such losses or expenses.       collects, who may receive that information, what we may do with the
received by email no later than 48 hours prior to departure. For details,        To guard against unforeseen health or other circumstances, we recom-              information, and how long we keep it. For full details on our Privacy
visit: https://www.206tours.com/cancelforanyreason                               mend you purchase insurance. 206 Tours is not responsible for circum-             Policy, click here.
                                                                                 stances beyond its control. In circumstances where trip cancellations
Changes In Reservation: After a reservation is confirmed any changes             resulting from the inability for trip to depart as scheduled, such as cancel-     Any questions, please contact us: sales@206tours.com
are subject to additional fees. If you wish to change to a different depar-      lations due to acts of war and/or terrorism, war, force majeure, act of God,
ture date outside of 61 days prior to departure, $100 non- refundable            civil unrest, illness, disease, criminal or terrorist acts of any kind, or if
transfer fee will apply.                                                         natural disaster takes place, 206 Tours, its employees and agents, are not
                                                                                 liable for any restitution, and in addition, without limitation are not re-
Air Transportation: Air transportation is in economy class, or business          sponsible for any injury, financial or physical loss, death, inconveniences,
class (additional) on IATA-approved carriers. Fares are based on levels in       traumas, or damages with connection to any inclusions other provisions of
effect at the time of booking, if you make changes price is subject to           any goods of services included.
change. Flight schedules are subject to change without notice. All is
subject to the airline’s terms of carriage. 206 Tours is not responsible for     There are inherent risks in travel as our tours go at times through remote
any cancellations, loss, delays, injury, illness, or expenses incurred due to    locations, far from medical facilities. 206 Tours guests are to assume all
actions made by the airlines. Business class is available at additional cost     associated risks and complete responsibility, including illness, injury or
for the Trans-Atlantic portions of your ticket. For any issues which arise in    even death by participating. You agree to indemnify and hold 206 Tours
relation to airline service complaints and compensation should be ad-            harmless, with respect to any claim made to 206 Tours by anyone else
dressed to the specific carrier.                                                 which related to your participation.

Airport Taxes, Fees & Fuel: Airport taxes are included in our tour               Special Medical Conditions Those Who Need Special Assistance:
packages. Airport taxes are based on departure city and government fees          You must report any disability requiring special attention to 206 Tours at
Poland & Medjugorje May 2-14, 2022 - Join Fr. Philip Mahalic on a Pilgrimage to - 206 Tours Poland & Medjugorje May 2-14, 2022 - Join Fr. Philip Mahalic on a Pilgrimage to - 206 Tours
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