Roundwood Park School - MFL (SPANISH) Knowledge Outline for KS3 Spanish

Page created by Daniel Baldwin
Roundwood Park School - MFL (SPANISH) Knowledge Outline for KS3 Spanish
Roundwood Park School


Knowledge Outline for KS3 Spanish

Learning a language allows students to grow an appreciation of other cultures whilst developing key skills for effective communication. It
encourages them to build confidence in their speaking skills, write with expression, improve listening skills and solve problems when deciphering a
text. It also helps to foster a growth mindset in students who will be ready to engage in future language learning.

By the end of KS3 they will know key vocabulary from a variety of appropriate topic areas and grammar. They will know how to manipulate key
grammatical structures to create some original communication. They will also know their phonics in the foreign language to help build self-efficacy
in speaking skills. Students will be able to give opinions with convincing justifications as well as discuss past, present and future events linked to a
variety of topics.
Unit of work                                                                         Core Knowledge Year 9 Spanish
Topic 1: Me Presento                    ●   Classroom language
    1. Hola                             ●   Meeting and greeting people
    2. El alfabeto y la pronunciación   ●   Alphabet & spelling in Spanish
    3. ¿Cómo te llamas?                 ●   Numbers to 100
    4. ¿Cuántos años tienes?            ●   Giving own and others’ ages & birthdays
    5. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?        ●   Comparing use of capital letters with months of the year
    6. ¿Dónde vives?                    ●   Using adjective agreements and plurals
    7. Mi familia                       ●   Using punctuation clues ?!
    8. Hablando de los demás            ●   Physical and character descriptions
    9. ¿Cómo eres?                      ●   Verbs: AR verbs in Present Tense
    10. Las mascotas                    ●   Family members
                                        ●   Possessive adjectives
                                        ●   Animals & pets
                                        ●   Verbs: me gusta(n)
                                        ●   Colours and size
                                        ●   Using a dictionary
                                                                                                                                                  * red denotes Literacy

                                        AVOCADO – adjectives, verbs, description, others
Super curricular                        Read:     Read about the differences between Spanish in Spain and South America
                                        Do:      Make a video of your family, explaining in Spanish what they are like and what they look like
                                        Find:    Find out the secrets to learning a new language
Unit of work                                                                            Core Knowledge Year 9 Spanish
Topic 2: Mi tiempo libre                 ●   Free time activities
    1. ¿Qué actividades haces?           ●   Sports and hobbies – practicar/hacer/jugar
    2. ¿Qué deportes practicas?          ●   Give opinions & justifications
    3. ¿Qué haces cuando llueve?         ●   Connectives
    4. Los sábados voy a…                ●   Basic weather phrases
    5. ¿A qué hora?                      ●   Using time frames and frequency phrases
                                         ●   Modal verbs (to prefer, to want, to need) +infinitive
                                         ●   Telling the time (12-hour clock)
                                         ●   Days of the week
                                         ●   Using verbs to describe activities
                                         ●   Full paradigm of present tense ‘AR’, ‘ER’ and ‘IR’ verbs
                                         ●   Verb: “IR” to give future plans
                                         ●   Present continuous
                                         ●   Culture: Discussing Christmas in Spain                                                                * red denotes Literacy

                                         AVOCADO – verbs, opinions, connectives, descriptions
Super Curricular                         Read:      Read about the sport “PELOTA”. Do you think you’d like to play it?
                                         Do:        Look up a weather map for Spain today here and write a sentence or a phrase
                                         in Spanish for the weather in the following cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Seville
                                         Find:     Research about how Spain has done in the Olympics in recent years, how does this compare to England? What do they seem
                                         strongest at?
Topic 3 : En el instituto                 ● School subjects
    1. ¿Qué estudias?                     ● Opinions for subjects and teachers
    2. ¿Cómo es tu instituto?             ● Key places around school
    3. ¿Qué haces durante el recreo?      ● Telling the time
    4. ¿Cómo es tu uniforme?              ● Food vocabulary in the canteen
    5. Comparing schools in UK & Spain    ● Clothing vocabulary for uniform
                                          ● Opinions and justifications
                                          ● Verbs: ER/IR regular present tense
                                          ● Definite and indefinite articles
                                          ● Culture: Comparing schools in UK & Spain                                                            * red denotes literacy

                                         AVOCADO – adjectives, verbs, opinions
Super Curricular   Read:      Read one of these short Spanish Stories online, there is an audio version too to practice your listening skills!
                   Do:       Watch the film ‘El Hombre de las Mil Caras’ on Netflix and write a review, including who your favourite character is and why
                   Find:     Research some typical Spanish dishes and create a menu for the canteen of foods that you feel students would like to see on
                   the menu
Unit of work                                                                        Core Knowledge Year 9 Spanish
Topic 4 : Mi Barrio                         ●   Saying where you live
    1. ¿Dónde vives?                        ●   Describing the location of where you live
    2. ¿Cómo es tu casa?                    ●   Describing your house/flat
    3. ¿Dónde está tu casa?                 ●   Describing your ideal house/place to live
    4. ¿Qué hay en tu barrio?               ●   Talking about where you go in your town
    5.   ¿Qué haces en tu barrio?           ●   Looking at menus in cafes
    6.   ¿Qué vas a hacer este fin de       ●   Opportunities for structured talk and dialogue
         semana?                            ●   Verb: se puede + infinitive to say what you can do in town
                                            ●   Verb ‘hay’ - to describe
                                            ●   Culture: Semana Santa and Easter celebrations in Spanish speaking countries
                                                                                                                                                        * red denotes Literacy

                                        AVOCADO – verbs, connectives, descriptions
Super Curricular                        Read: Read any of the free ‘A1’ texts here, A1 means beginner level
                                        Do:     Create a wordsearch in Spanish on a topic of your choice that we have looked at so far. Remember to make a list of the words
                                        you’ve used!

                                        Find: FInd and choose a Peppa Pig episode in Spanish that interests you and watch it. Take notes on new vocab if you want!
Unit of work                                                                  Core Knowledge Year 9 Spanish
Topic 5 : Mis Vacaciones              ●    Countries & nationalities
    1. ¿Dónde vas de vacaciones?      ●    Transport & minor problems/issues
    2. ¿Dónde prefieres ir de         ●    Talking about holiday activities
          vacaciones?                 ●    Describing different accommodation types
    3. ¿Qué haces durante las         ●    Introducing the preterite tense
          vacaciones?                 ●    Using higher numbers & giving prices and dates
    4. ¿Qué tal te fue?               ●    Using Lo Bueno/Lo Malo de
    5. ¿Dónde te alojaste?            ●    Sequencers
    6. ¿Qué tiempo hizo?              ●    Using 3 tenses together
                                      ●    Using weather descriptions in the past
                                      ●    Using the near future tense
                                      ●    Roleplays and transactional language
                                      ●    Using ‘ser’ and ‘estar’ to describe
                                      ●    Using me gustaría + infinitive
                                                                                                                                               * red denotes Literacy

                                   AVOCADO – adjectives, verbs, opinions, connectives, description, outstanding phrases
Super Curricular                   Read:    Read a fact file or biography of a famous Spanish actor or singer and write a summary about what you have found out
                                   Do:      Print out a map of South America and label all of the countries and capital cities.
                                   Find:    Look up the word and meaning of “PARADOR” in Spanish. Then research it and create a poster about your favourite one.
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