Rotary designated month - FEBRUARY 2021 - Issue 31 FEBRUARY 4, 2021 - Rotary India

Page created by Sheila Haynes
Rotary designated month - FEBRUARY 2021 - Issue 31 FEBRUARY 4, 2021 - Rotary India
Issue 31 • FEBRUARY 4, 2021

Peace and Conflict
Prevention or
Resolution Month
Rotary designated month - FEBRUARY 2021 - Issue 31 FEBRUARY 4, 2021 - Rotary India
THE LIGHTHOUSE • FEBRUARY        4, 2021       2

Let’s bring out the BIG GUNS against Polio!
Greetings dear Rotarians.
From a conversational and poignant meeting with Niren Chaudhary              18th Feb – Rtn. Punkaj Sachdev
just 2 days earlier, we jumped into a passionate and electrifying one
with none other than the Big Boss of Rotary in fighting polio - Rtn. Mike    20th Feb – Rtn. Ashok Doshi
McGovern himself, talking about what looks like our last lap in this
long race and finding that burst of energy to fly past the finish line, as   22nd Feb – Rtn. Archana Shri
well as the challenges we face. Joining him was a battery of
committed stalwarts from the Rotary super-army. Indeed, it felt like the     19th Feb – Ann. Jyothi (Rtn. Ashok
very air was charged with renewed vigour to fight against the deadly         Bajaj)
disease, listening to these Rotarians speak about our mission statement
and how we can make it happen. Lighthouse this week is dedicated to          19th Feb – Ann. Sangeeta (Rtn.
                                                                             Vijay Dugar)
Rotary’s fight against this debilitating disease; a fight that’s sometimes
celebrated, sometimes unsung, but always marching on, full throttle...       20th Feb – Ann. Niyati (Rtn.
                                                                             Abhay Mehta)
- Rtn. Shri Shakthi Girish
                                                                             20th Feb – Ann. Reena (Rtn
                                                                             Rajasekar Gorantla)

                                                                             16th Feb – Rtn. Dr. Sharon Krishna
                                                                             Rau & G. Lakshminarayan

                                                                             16th Feb – Rtn. Ramakanth Akula
                                                                             & Ann. Niharika

                                                                             16th Feb – Rtn. Siddharth
                                                                             Ganeriwala & Ann. Harsha

                                                                             17th Feb – Rtn. Anil Srinivasan &
                                                                             Ann. Archana

                                                                             17th Feb – Rtn. M.S. Nagarajan
                                                                             Ann. Savithri

                                                                             19th Feb – Rtn. Ravee Malhotra &
                                                                             Ann. Meenakshi

                                                                             20th Feb – Rtn. Rajasekar
                                                                             Gorantla & Ann. Reena

                                                                             20th Feb – Rtn. V. Pratish
                                                                             Devadoss & Ann. Divya
Rotary designated month - FEBRUARY 2021 - Issue 31 FEBRUARY 4, 2021 - Rotary India
Rotary designated month - FEBRUARY 2021 - Issue 31 FEBRUARY 4, 2021 - Rotary India
Rotary designated month - FEBRUARY 2021 - Issue 31 FEBRUARY 4, 2021 - Rotary India
Rotary designated month - FEBRUARY 2021 - Issue 31 FEBRUARY 4, 2021 - Rotary India

                        THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2021
Sgt-at-Arms Rtn. PP George B. Cherian drew the         speaker Rtn. Michael K. McGovern, Chair -
attention of all and President Kapil Chitale called    International PolioPlus Committee of RI.
the 31st meeting of RCM to order.
                                                       PP Gopi read out Rtn. McGovern’s long list of
Rtn. Rajesh Somasundaram played the RCM theme          accomplishments and his life story. Rtn. McGovern
song.                                                  has received many accolades around the world,
                                                       within and outside of Rotary. He is also the
President welcomed all for the special meeting,        recipient of the Rotary Foundation Citation for the
where many RI dignitaries were present and would       Meritorious Service.
be addressing all of us.
                                                       Rtn. Mike McGovern extended his special greeting
President felt proud of the yeoman service being       to RCM and updated everyone on the status of
done by Rotary, for all of humanity. Polio             polio eradication, challenges faced and resources
eradication is one such success story and thanks to    utilised.
the tireless efforts of Rotary, the disease has been   He presented a clear and lucid PPT to show us all
almost eradicated from the planet, with only the       these details, well populated by statistical facts
last leg of the race left.                             and figures.
                                                       He then took questions from the audience, via PP
He said that, that said, we are now at the cusp of a   Srikanth.
new era with Covid-19 but Rotary will - as always -
step up, as and when the need arises.                  Guest of Honour PRIP Kalyan Banerjee recounted
                                                       his association with RCM and the efforts made in
President gave everyone the happy news that the        the Polio eradication.
Tamilnadu Govt. has announced their partnership        PRIP complimented PDG Tunji for his vital role in
with RCM in the vaccination drives and projects. As    Nigeria.
a nodal club, RCM will formulate the process to        PRIP recollected his memorable days in 2011-12
achieve this goal, in coordination with the Dist.      and how it was difficult to get the job done in some
and other Clubs therein.                               remote and difficult regions in India.

President thanked PP Vivek Harinarain, Rtn. Dr.        Past TRF Chair Dr. Bob Scott also recollected his
Anuradha Ganesan and Rtn. Dr. Gautamadas Udipi         experiences in polio eradication efforts and
for their efforts and requested everyone’s efforts     association with various agencies worldwide.
and support to fulfil this arduous task and make
Rotary proud.                                          PP Dr. Jacob John commended RCM for being at the
                                                       forefront on service for human health.
Rtn. PP S.N. Srikanth welcomed all and said that       He said that whenever RI announced any health
the large no. of attendees shows the testimony and     schemes, RCM was ready and willing to help.
commitment of RCM and Rotary to end polio. It          He said, preventing polio is the moral
also is a tribute to the efforts of RCM for the        responsibility of RI and with the association of
eradication of polio.                                  WHO and Bill Gates, we can all achieve 100%
He quoted that we have to live with small              eradication across the globe.
frustrations, to succeed ultimately.
The reward for doing good is the opportunity to do     PDG Tunji thanked everyone for being a part of this
more and the current pandemic is that call for         meeting and recollected the efforts put in various
Rotary to do more.                                     parts of Africa to make it polio-free.
Visuals on the efforts of RCM in polio eradication     He valued the role of India, he said, in the
were shown.                                            worldwide eradication of polio.
The last polio victim in India was a girl named
Ruksaar Khatun from West Bengal and her photo          Rtn. Shanno Ravi thanked everyone for being a
was shown.                                             part of the meeting.
PP Srikanth thanked President and Secretary of RC      She acknowledged the sparkling array of
Howrah for contacting the girl and bringing her to     dignitaries, from PDGs, Presidents and Past
the meeting.                                           Presidents, JWD Clubs to Rotarian guests from
                                                       across the globe.
Rtn. PP N.K. Gopinath introduced our special           She gave special thanks to PP S.N. Srikanth, PP
Rotary designated month - FEBRUARY 2021 - Issue 31 FEBRUARY 4, 2021 - Rotary India

N.K. Gopinath, the Programmes Committee and Rtr.    and for his very interesting presentation on a topic
Sasi.                                               that is an intrinsic, foundational part of Rotary and
On behalf of RCM and all guests present, she
thanked Rtn. Michael K. McGovern for his presence   The meeting was then adjourned.
Rotary designated month - FEBRUARY 2021 - Issue 31 FEBRUARY 4, 2021 - Rotary India
THE LIGHTHOUSE • FEBRUARY       4, 2021         8
      RI WORLD

                                                           HOLGER KNAACK -
February 2021                                      community members. These inspiring but
                                                   marginalised women will reclaim their inner
In Rotary, 23 February is our anniversary, and     strength as peace-builders at the grassroots
February is also the month when we focus on        level. In this way, we will take steps toward the
promoting peace. There is a reason for this:       sustainable, peaceful society we need so much,
Contributing to peace and international            not only in our region, but throughout the
understanding has been a high priority for us      world. — Nino Lotishvili
since our earliest days.
                                                 I was excited to join the peace incubator project
We are often asked: “How can we get involved in  and to further strengthen my ties with Rotary’s
peace now?” There are many paths to peace in     peace community by working with past and
Rotary. Our youth programs point us in the       current peace fellows to develop these proposals.
direction of Positive Peace, as does the work of My team wrote five proposals — three in
inter-country committees and the Rotary Action   Bangladesh, one in Iraq, and one in Poland —
Group for Peace.                                 that focus on the arts and on education to
                                                 generate dialogue across religious divisions and
Another path is the Rotarian Peace Projects      avert the radicalisation of young people. I was
Incubator (RPPI), an inspirational collaboration inspired by how, despite the pandemic, we came
among Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Rotary Peace together via technology with a vision to develop,
Fellows and alumni. Led by Rotarians in          test, and strengthen ideas and to produce
Switzerland and Liechtenstein, RPPI has          workable solutions that clubs across the world
designed 48 global projects that any club can    can support to advance peace. I am excited to
support, either directly or through Rotary       work with Rotary’s peace community to
Foundation global grants. Nino Lotishvili and    transform these visions into reality. — Matthew
Matthew Johnsen, alumni of the Rotary Peace      Johnsen
Center at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok,
Thailand, are two of the many volunteers.        Here is further proof that in Rotary, we prefer
                                                 action to words. This is Rotary at its best. I
During my Rotary peace journey, I have learned encourage you to visit to explore the
how personal resilience helps build inner peace projects and support them.
and create sustainable outer peace. This was the
inspiration behind the Women Peace               We have lasted 116 years because of our strong
Ambassadors for the South Caucasus project,      ethics, our passion for Service Above Self, and
which is based on my field research in Georgia. our unique approach to problem-solving. One of
The RPPI team of Rotarians and peace fellows     our greatest strengths is how we reach across
recognised the incredible potential of women     our communities and across national, ethnic,
from mixed-ethnicity families who live on        religious, and political divisions to unite people
borderlands to be role models for peace within   of all backgrounds and to help others. This
and beyond their communities. Through            month, let’s celebrate our history and the many
workshops on building inner and outer peace      ways that Rotary Opens Opportunities to
that draw on the power of storytelling, 40       advance world understanding, goodwill, and
participants will be sharing their stories and   peace, our ultimate mission.
reaching around 400 extended family and          ***
Rotary designated month - FEBRUARY 2021 - Issue 31 FEBRUARY 4, 2021 - Rotary India

Rotary designated month - FEBRUARY 2021 - Issue 31 FEBRUARY 4, 2021 - Rotary India
THE LIGHTHOUSE • FEBRUARY          4, 2021           10

                                                    WE WILL
                                                    WIN THIS
                                                    Rtn. Mike McGovern, Chair of International
                                                    PolioPlus Committee gives us all the lowdown on
                                                    the fight against polio across the world,
                                                    especially from the Rotary community.
“Mike is someone who doesn’t much care for              the forum listening to him and sent a ‘shoutout’ to
awards or accolades but has received many,              our own polio warriors at RCM, like Rtns. PP S.N.
nonetheless, for his exemplary work and                 Srikanth and N.K. Gopinath, as he recounted the
commitment”, introduced Rtn. PP N.K. Gopinath,          resounding success of the RCM-Rotary End Polio
about our speaker of the day, Rtn. Mike McGovern,       Flame which travelled around the world and added
Chair for the International PolioPlus Committee.        a burst of energy to polio-fighters around the
Before we listen in on what Rtn. McGovern spoke
about, here’s a quick background of his experience      Throughout the meeting, Mike walked us through
and life spent in Rotary:                               the prevalence of polio across the world:
He joined Rotary in 1986 as a member of the             What it used to be, what it has reduced to, problem
Rotary Club of South Portland-Cape Elizabeth,           areas, financial assistance received and allocated
Maine, USA. He has served as Club President,            globally, focus areas around the world and even
District 7780 Governor, District Foundation Chair,      how, in Afghanistan, one of the line items of work
Rotarian Action Group chair, International Training     in progress is discussions with the Taliban and
leader, RI Committee Member and Chair, Trustee          other groups, along with global agencies, to ensure
and Vice Chair of the Rotary Foundation, and            that access and vaccination are possible.
Director and Vice President of Rotary International.
He has served in numerous other positions at the        Mike also spent a little time talking about the rise
district, zone and international levels and has         in some areas, of vaccine-derived resurgence and
attended five councils on legislation in various        how processes are being put in place to overcome
roles. He currently also represents Rotary on the       these. He also spoke about the novel oral vaccine
Polio Strategy Committee of the Global Polio            and how new medical technology has created a
Eradication Initiative.                                 vaccine that’s genetically stable.
Mike serves on the board of PPH National
Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Rotary               Moving on, Mike gave an exhaustive discourse on
International providing liability insurance coverage    HOW and WHERE funds are being utilised for the
to Rotary clubs in the United States.                   End Polio campaign, as well as how much was
He is a Major Donor to the Rotary Foundation and        being engaged for what purpose.
a recipient of the Rotary Foundation’s Citation for     ‘Where is the money being spent?” was given a
Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service           detailed clarification, even as this passionate
Award.                                                  polio-warrior congratulated India for our incredible
                                                        success story with sustained and widespread
A sparkling resume to read out, indeed; one which       vaccination programmes, awe-inspiring across the
is emphasised by his knowledge on all things            globe.
Rotary, especially all things polio across the world.
                                                        As Rtn. McGovern spoke, all of us in the audience
In his easygoing manner, Mike greeted everyone at       got to not only learn a lot more about the disease

itself as well as its impact on people across the     the association of Bill and Melinda Gates
world, we also sat back in amazement and              Foundation.
admiration at the amount of work being done from      Every single penny of that contribution has been
the ground up: The HUGE groups of volunteers and      given with the hope of fighting this deadly disease
medical workers involved, political and socio-        until its gone forever.
cultural associations, engaging entire govts. (like
our own dynamic Indian Govt.) for ops and funding     Mike ended by thanking everyone and celebrating
support and getting pretty much the whole global      the persistence, passion and commitment of
community involved in the eradication of polio.       Rotarians in the fight against polio.
Rotarians alone have contributed more than US$1
billion, which then comes to over US$2 billion with   ***



             UNITED WE STAND!
  Rtns. PP N.K. Gopinath and S.N. Srikanth, as well as other members of RCM received
numerous congratulatory messages after the enthralling Feb 4 th meeting. Our own members
         too had admiring remarks and stories to share. Here’s a brief roundup...

Mike McGovern, Chair, International PolioPlus
Committee, RI in a note to our Rtn. PP Srikanth:       Your club members are amazing. Thank you for a
                                                       great evening.
Dear Srikanth,                                         Rtn. Anil Changaroth - RC of Pandan Valley,
Thank you very much for inviting me and for your       Singapore
great organisational skills.
The presentation and related spreadsheets are          Thank you Gopinath for a wonderful meeting.
attached.                                              PDG. Ada Cheng, Hongkong
All the best to you,
                                                       I had a very late night taking a friend to surgery in
Mike                                                   San Jose and back but I still managed to get up in
                                                       time. It was a wonderful and informative meeting.
Great job!                                             Nandri!
On behalf of Rotary Club of Rapid City I would like    Rtn. PP Doug Brown - RC of Corral di Tierra,
to pledge $500 annually to fund Rukhshar’s             California
family, as a token of our newly established
friendship with Madras Rotary Club. Or the fund        Yet another well organised meeting.
can go to a polio victim in Tamil Nadu.                Congratulations to Team RC Madras for the
Dr. Ashok, RC Rapid City, South Dakota, USA            wonderful session.
                                                       Rtn. Raghunandan Parakkal - RC of Palghat
Another opportunity to take the flag and the good      Yesterday’s meeting was excellent! I was elated to
name of RCM higher!                                    see Bob Scott who has contributed tremendously to
                                                       the cause of polio eradication. The revelations
It was a great meeting! Thoroughly enjoyed it.         from Dr. Jacob John regarding the spread of cVDPV
Thanks for inviting me. I was in awe to learn of       were terrifying. The video on Rotary End Polio
your efforts towards polio eradication.                Flame of RCM as well as introduction of last polio
K. Vasudev, UK                                         victim of India were timely. Kudos to you and other
                                                       organisers! Keep up the good work! Best wishes!
Congratulations on another wonderful meeting.          Rtn. Bhaskaran Pillai - RID 3201
Well conducted. Thank you for inviting me
PDG Ganesh, UK                                         (Rtn. PP Gopi responded: Glad you were there and
                                                       liked the program too. I will let my colleague PP.
Thank you, for inviting me. Wonderful meeting and      S.N.Srikanth know; who actually put this meeting
very informative presentation by Mike. You did a       together, with a little help from the outside from a
great job MCing it.                                    few of us. These good words coming from you is
Case Pieterman, USA                                    heartening to know and we in RCM, feel vindicated.
                                                       Thanks much, yet again.)
Pls. accept my hearty Congratulations to our
GREAT RCM. Advance congrats for Covid 19               Your meeting was phenomenal thank you for the
monitor for TN with TN Govt. My great                  gracious invitation.
appreciations to your Pres. Kapil, PP Srikanth and     Rtn. Geetha Maneck - Trustee TRF - RC of
to you. No club can beat our RCM in arranging          Muthaiga, Kenya.
meetings with RI top officials
like Gen. Secy. RI President Kolger Rtn Jennifer and   Thanks to you and your club for a great event. I
Rtn. Mike. I am very fortunate to attend all the       ordered Dr. Jacob's book yesterday and l look
above meetings through your kind invitations.          forward to reading it.
Thanks, Regards                                        Best Wishes,
Rtn. S.S. Venkatachalam of the RC of Chennai IT        Terry Ziegler
City                                                   Rotary Region 36 Endowment/ Major Gifts
Good evening. Good initiative and great meeting.       Polio Eradication Update Newsletter Editor
Thanks. Regards.                                       Rotary Books for the World - Volunteer
Ravi Srinivasan - RC of Madras Marina                  Coordinator
THE LIGHTHOUSE • FEBRUARY         4, 2021             17

RI Convention 2022 Host Hospitality Night               As the meeting is on, proud to recall Ann.
Committee Chair                                         Bhagyalakshmi, my wife, is a childhood Polio
                                                        patient. Recovered with a limp of 1.5 inches off the
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in         left leg. It was great her grandather was in the
today’s event of your club . It was very well done .    forefront to encourage her in her studies (Home
Regards.                                                Science graduate of QMC - Madras University). Her
PRIP Kalyan Banerjee                                    major exercise was learning Bharatha Natyam and
                                                        had her Arangetram at the age of 10 years. Her BW
Many thanks for your note and congratulations on        picture annexed. And I am proud to state that I am
a successful event. It was delightful to join so        a Polio Survivor with both legs affected. who was
many from across the world to celebrate the End         involved with the Red Measles Immunisation since
Polio Now flame, the 10th anniversary of India          its inception as a medical student and Rotoractor
being polio-free, and the role the Rotary Club of       followed by the the Polio Plus program as a
Madras has played in achieving a polio-free India.      Rotarian. I may even have the distinction of being
The highlight for me was seeing Rukhsar Khatoon         the polio survivor who has personally immunised
and knowing that she is doing well, and that            the most number of children in India and the
Rotarians maintain contact with her and are             world!
helping with her education. Thank you for inviting      Rtn. Dr. Gautamadas Udipi - RC Madras
me to attend the event and congratulations to all
who had a hand in organising the event. Kind
Carol Pandak, Director-PolioPlus, The Rotary

Great meeting this evening. Thanks for the invite.
Rajiv Walpita, Sri Lanka

Thank you for the invitation to the meeting, it was
great to be in touch with India once again as I am
missing my visits for the Joy Patankar Polio
Surgical Correction Camps and of course my many
friends there. I thought that the presentation by
Mike McGovern was interesting and very
informative and I will bring this to the attention of
my Club.
With Very Best Wishes; NEMASTE!
Dr. John J. Clegg, UK

Thank you for a very enjoyable and informative
meeting yesterday. It was good to hear from so
many people from a around the world and to catch
up with some I had not seen for some time.
Would it be possible to have the slides if Mike’s       Thank you for the invitation to attend the meeting
speech, there was a lottery of information there I      in Madres Rotary Club with Mike McGovern as
would like to share with my club?                       speaker. I was honoured- It was a great opportunity
 Yours in Rotary friendship                             to get the latest information about EndPolioNow. I
Jon Pearce, UK                                          enjoyed it very much.
                                                        During the meeting I noticed you were recording
Thoroughly enjoyed yesterday’s Zoom meeting -           all. I wonder if it is possible to get a link to this
thank you! Clearly you and you Club members             because I think it could be a good idea to show
have a wide circle of friends on the international      Mike’s speak to those people. Do you think this is
stage; very impressive!                                 possible?
I know my other Club members who sat in for the         And thank’s again for inviting me.
meeting also enjoyed it. I was frantically trying to    Best regards
make notes of some of the figures from Mike’s           PDG Peter Stærmose - D-1470
presentation, but couldn’t keep up! Is it possible to   Head of Ambassador Programme, Water &
have access to his charts and figures? That would       Sanitation Action Group, RI (from Denmark)
be very helpful at our next committee meeting.
Thank you for a great meeting! Enjoy the rest of        As usual, the Rotary Club of Madras conducted
your year in the Chair!!                                another fabulous virtual event. Your Club should be
Sincerely                                               very proud of how it continues their tradition of
David Broughton, UK                                     "Service Above Self" with incredible dedication to
                                                        "End Polio Now". As usual, Rtn Michael McGovern
OUR OWN RTN. DR. GAUTAMADAS UDIPI:                      did a fantastic job of giving valuable information
THE LIGHTHOUSE • FEBRUARY          4, 2021            18

on the status of PolioPlus.                            Thank you for inviting me to Thursday’s meeting. I
Keep up the great work!                                thought it was a splendid occasion, truly
Sincerely in Rotary Service,                           international, and truly supportive of the great
John A. Nanni - Board Member, Polio Survivor           vision of eliminating polio. Well done to your club
Network NJ/ DE, USA                                    for taking this initiative!
                                                       My wife and I well remember our visit to your Club
What a great list of Polio "celebrities" were in       a few years ago, and the very warm we’d received.
attendance! You and your club did a great job and      We were planning a further visit to Chennai this
are to be congratulated. I was honored to attend. I    past year, but the pandemic restrictions prevented
also ordered Dr James's book yesterday and look        this. We are hoping to come again soon when
forward to his wisdom. Thanks for making this          travelling conditions improve.
special event a reality! Best Wishes for a safe,       Yours in Rotary
happy, and somewhat more normal 2021. Maybe            The Rev. Andrew Anderson, Rotary Club of Oxford,
I'll see you in Houston in 2022!                       England
Terry Ziegler - Polio Eradication Newsletter Editor,
USA                                                    WELL ORGANISED MEET. VERY INFORMATIVE,
                                                       Excellent program. CONGRATS to you and to all
Congratulations on the excellent meeting with          members of RCM.
distinguished guests like Rukshar and prominent        PDG Dr E.K. Sagadevan - End Polio Now
speakers!Very informative and inspiring! Thank         Coordinator, Zone 5
you to the whole team!
Emma Groenen - End Polio Now Coordinator Region        Thank you the event was well constructed with the
22, Belgium and the Netherlands                        inclusion of São Paulo video and the crossover of
                                                       your kind help to the Last Indian Child.
It was my pleasure to be a small part of your          I was surprised by the many international friends
astonishing meeting. Astonishing because of the        that I could meet again during the social part of the
widespread internationality of the participants, and   evening - but then the Promotion of the event was
also because you were able to control so many, all     strong by yourself and Gopi - plus social media!
with a common purpose.                                 Congratulations to you all; I was glad that I
How well I remember taking the flame to all clubs      attended.
in my District during my term as DG. and               Susanne Rea - World’s Greatest Meal
afterwards. Along with PDG Tony Sharma the flame
visited several countries at Conferences making for    It was a pleasure spending time with your members
an immediate strong talking point.                     during your last event on Polio. As President of
Please pass on to your members my best wishes          Rotary Club of Karachi in 2002 I must have done
and congratulations.                                   many things. Most important & memorable one
Regards                                                was signing Twin Club agreement with RC Madras
PDG David Palmer - Rotary Club of Barkingside -        President Sudhakar Reddy. We cherish this bond.
Dist. 1130                                             Aziz Memon, Trustee, the Rotary Foundation

It was a great event and nice to hear the world        Very good news. Worthy recognition and
Polio Leader. I met him at Kolkata and SanDiego.       acceptance of Rotary's role in a major initiative for
The video where in an younger you was carrying         containing Covid Pandemic. Congratulations & Best
the Polio torch made me thrilled.                      wishes.
Thanks for inviting me to the event.                   PDG. Venugopal C. Govind
Looking forward for more such events in the            Rotary Club of Cochin
future. Regards to all at Rotary Madras.
Sincerely yours                                        (PDG. Venu, is a stalwart among Rotarians and was
Mukul Sinha, PDG, Kolkata                              one of the youngest District Governors of our larger
                                                       and undivided District in the year 1979-80, which
I found the meeting very well run and very             incidentally was our Golden Jubilee Year.
informative. It would be a pleasure to join again in   He was very much a part of our Red Measles and
the future. Stay safe stay well be blessed.            Polio Eradication campaigns and was instrumental
Dr Robert Scott (Bob Scott) - Former Chair, The        in it becoming a District program from what was
Rotary Foundation and International PolioPlus          predominantly a Madras club and a Madras based
Committee (from Canada)                                program then.
                                                       This was because he asked our own PDG. Krish to
Thank you very much my friend. Thank you very          approach our then President CT and Krish Chitale
much for a very well put together program. It was      for the vaccines to be distributed to the whole of
an honour to join the august team. I had so much       South India.
to say but I had to stay within my allotted time.      The above encouraging words from PDG. Venu,
Warm regards.                                          after reading the Hindu is truly inspiring.)
PDG Tunji Funsho, Chair, Nigeria PolioPlus
Committee                                              That was a classy meeting. Hats off to you, Master
THE LIGHTHOUSE • FEBRUARY          4, 2021            19

Artist conjuring up pieces of art in real life, like the   participants, the smooth moderation by Srikanth,
Flame, its journeys, this meeting.                         the heart tug moment of the last known polio
Please let me know your mailing address to send            infected child in India and the video truly lifted my
you a copy of the book:                                    spirits and made me feel good about our fraternity.
Malady And Its Remedy. Take your time reading it,          I was first drawn to the Rotary because of the
and after finishing it, please give me a critique --       incredible work on polio in the 80s. I used to hear
you know I value your views on matters of concern          about it from my father who was with the Madras
to Rotary.                                                 North Club (both as a member and its President).
Dr Jacob John, renowned virologist                         While I left India soon after, I believe this work
(Who was also our Guest Speaker just a few weeks           inspired my career choice to work in HIV/AIDS
ago)                                                       prevention and family planning for 20+ years
                                                           around the world So, thank you Rotary and RCM!
An excellent program that is a must-view for every
Rotarian. The vital contribution of Chennai rotary         Listen to this session also left me a 'dil mange
is noteworthy. RC Madras is to be complimented for         more' feeling! It seems to me that RI, Rotary India
putting this in the international context                  and RCM had truly focussed on one big area - Polio
PDG Krishnan Chari                                         and that focus made a huge impact. This multi-
                                                           year approach has made a lasting impact. Would
We also received congratulatory notes from                 love to be part of such a focussed and sustained
Coimbatore Rotarians, who have also received the           effort. But focus demands sacrifice; and sacrifice
notification of our club's appointment as the nodal        demands the discipline to say no to other projects. I
agency for Covid vaccination program.                      recognize its hard to do this in a membership entity
                                                           such as Rotary which primarily plans on one year
AN INSPIRED GREEN ROTARIAN.....LEADING TO                  cycles. But, might it be possible? It was in the 80s
A DESIRE                                                   it seems.

I was very inspired by the session on 'End Polio           So, once again, shaken and stirred am I. And
Now.' As a relatively new entrant, I was truly             gratitude to being a part of this larger whole!
motivated and elevated. KUDOS to the current and
previous members who contributed. It took a few            Rtn. Sanjay Chaganti - RC Madras
days for my thoughts to marinate....
In particular, the galaxy of distinguished                 ***
                         MORE GOOD NEWS!
THE LIGHTHOUSE • FEBRUARY                 4, 2021                      20


                                                   GET                           Rtn. Kapil Chitale
                                                                                 HONORARY SECRETARY

                                                   READY                         Rtn. P.B. Prasad
                                                                                 IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT
                                                                                 Rtn. Dr. Vijayabharathi Rangarajan
                                                   FOR                           PRESIDENT-ELECT
                                                                                 Rtn. P.V. Mohan Raman

                                                   TEE-                          PRESIDENT-NOMINEE
                                                                                 Rtn. Jayshree Sridhar

                                                   TIME!                         ASST. SECY./ BULLETIN EDITOR
                                                                                 Rtn. Shri Shakthi Girish
                                                                                 DIRECTOR-CLUB ADMINISTRATION
Chennai: The Rotary Club of Madras,    areas of community development,           Rtn. Shanno Ann Ravi
an institution of nearly 100 years, is education, vocational training,           DIRECTOR-YOUTH SERVICES
all set to host the 14th edition of itswomen empowerment, water and              Rtn. Balaji Chinni
annual Merchant’s and Banker’s Golf    sanitation along with advocating to       DIRECTOR-PUBLIC IMAGE & FUND
Tournament presented by HMA in         make the planet a greener place to        RAISING
association with Omega Healthcare      live in, many new and old sponsors        Rtn. Hemant Chordia
and Hindu BusinessLine on the          come on board year after year.            DIRECTOR-SERVICE PROJECT 1
Friday of 19th February 2021 at the    HMA have upgraded their alignment         Rtn. N. Prakash
Tamil Nadu Golf Federation (TNGF)-     and shared focus of serving and
                                                                                 DIRECTOR-SERVICE PROJECT 2
Cosmo Golf Course here.                uplifting the underprivileged in
Over 130 of the country’s top          society by becoming the title             Rtn. Dr. Anuradha Ganesan
Corporate Business Leaders,            sponsors of the event for the first       DIRECTOR-PANDEMIC & DISASTER
Industrialists and High Net worth      time. The Hindu BusinessLine, for         MITIGATION
Individuals will congregate to         the fifth year running are the            Rtn. S. Balakrishna
support and enhance the various        associate sponsors.                       TREASURER (CLUB FUNDS)
community building projects            Omega Healthcare continue to be           Rtn. Aditya Agarwal
undertaken by the 1929 inaugurated     involved by being Platinum partners,      TREASURER (CHARITABLE TRUST)
Rotary Club of Madras.                 along with Saggezza while Beardsell,      Rtn. Gooch Kumar
                                       Airtel, Prodapt & Fenesta have also       TREASURER (SPECIAL PROJECTS)
The third-oldest Rotary Club of India, seen the progress made by the Club.       Rtn. Nimish C. Tolia
after Calcutta and Bombay, will host
the event taking strict Covid 19       The golf event will be played on the
precautions and adhering to            Stroke play format using the unique       LIGHTHOUSE COMMITTEE
government and industry protocols      ‘Double Peoria’ system of                 EDITOR: Rtn. Shri Shakthi Girish
under the leadership of President,     handicapping. The Peoria system           Rtn. Indrani Krishnaier
Kapil Chitale, Director Fund Raising, evens out the playing field unlike the     Rtn. Shanno Ravi
Hemant Chordia and Golf Chair,         traditional handicaps. The twelve         Rtn. Sharon Krishna Rau
Nikhil Raj.                            hidden holes in a Double Peoria           Rtn. Rinku Mecheri
Over the past 13 years, the event has system are same for every player and       Rtn. Rani Muralidharan
provided countless networking          depending on what they card on
opportunities for the participants     those holes, their handicap for the       Send in your articles, news and stories for
with engagement amongst the            day is calculated for their nett score,
                                                                                 consideration in the Lighthouse bulletin to:
appropriate business fora using the    giving utmost credence to the current
Rotary platform being the common       playing form of the participant.
denominator.                           The main prizes up for grabs are for      Stay updated with our very own RCM
Some of the regulars who come out      the participating corporate teams         magazine!
and actively participate include       along with individual prizes for the
Harish Murthy of HMA, Gopi             winners and runners up in handicap        EDITED & PUBLISHED BY
Natarajan of Omega Healthcare - the categories for which there is a              RTN. ASST. SECRETARY: Rotary Club of
title sponsors of the last five        special Rotarian category.                Madras, RAYALA TOWERS, 2nd Mezzanine
editions, M. Lanka Lingam of Lanson Complementing them are various fun           Flr., 158, Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002
Group of Companies, P.S. Jagadish of on course prizes so all the members         Phone: +91 44 2859 1020
Peruvamba Estates, Jacob Kurian of     of a fourball win something on the        CONTACT THE EDITOR AT:
Kurian & Kurian Advocates along        day. AVM Studios and Peruvamba  
with Ishwar Achanta of Portman,        Estates will present the Overall          Bulletin design:
Arun Murugappan of Murugappa           Rolling trophies for the ‘Longest         Visit RCM’s official website
Group amongst others.                  Drive’ and ‘Closest to Pin’ contests
As a testimony to large-scale projects respectively.
undertaken by the Rotarians in the     ***                                       CONTACT RCM SECRETARY AT:
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