Role of microRNAs in fluoropyrimidine-related toxicity: what we know

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Role of microRNAs in fluoropyrimidine-related toxicity: what we know
European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences                        2021; 25: 3306-3315

Role of microRNAs in fluoropyrimidine-related
toxicity: what we know
 “Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuţă” Oncology Institute, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
 Department of Immunology and Allergology, Faculty of Medicine, “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of
 Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  Department of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, “Iuliu
 Hațieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, “Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and
 Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Abstract. – Although more than half a cen-            used in Asia, and TAS-102 is used in subsequent
tury has passed since the discovery of fluoro-        treatment lines upon the failure of classical fluo-
pyrimidines, they are still used in the treatment     ropyrimidines and targeted therapy.
of many types of cancer, and it is estimated that
annually two million patients undergo fluoropy-
                                                         The prodrugs Capecitabine, TAS-102, S-1, and
rimidine-based chemotherapy. The toxicity re-         Tegafur are converted to 5-FU, which is sub-
sulting from the use of fluoropyrimidines affects     sequently activated in several steps to FdUMP
about 30-40% of patients, which in some cases         (fluorodeoxyuridine monophosphate), which is an
may prove to be lethal. The key player in fluoro-     inhibitor of TS (thymidylate synthase)1,2. TS inhi-
pyrimidine toxicity is DPD activity, and patients     bition leads to the depletion of dTMP (deoxythy-
with deficits are more likely to develop signifi-
                                                      midine monophosphate) but an accumulation of
cant adverse events. In addition to genotyping
DPYD variants associated with DPD deficiency,         dUMP (deoxyuridine monophosphate). FdUMP
overexpression of miR-27 has also been shown          and dUMP can be phosphorylated to FdUTP
to be a predictive factor for fluoropyrimidine tox-   (fluorodeoxyuridine triphosphate) and dUTP (de-
icity. This review aims to relate what we know so     oxyuridine triphosphate), respectively, and incor-
far about the involvement of miRNA in fluoropy-       porated into DNA1,2. TAS-102 is the combination
rimidine toxicity and to open new perspectives        of TFT (trifluridine) and TPI (tipiracil hydrochlo-
in this field.
                                                      ride). TFT can be phosphorylated to TF-thymine,
Key Words:                                            which can be inhibited by TPI. TFT is phosphor-
  Fluoropyrimidine, Chemotherapy, Toxicity, Pharma-   ylated to TFT-MP (trifluridine-monophosphate),
cogenetics.                                           which is a reversible inhibitor of TS, while upon
                                                      phosphorylation to TFT-TP (trifluridine-triphos-
                                                      phate), it can also be incorporated into DNA.
                                                      Substitution of dTTP (deoxythymidine triphos-
                 Introduction                         phate) by either TFT-TP or dUTP or FdUTP leads
                                                      to DNA damage and cell death3.
   Fluoropyrimidines are antimetabolite drugs            Capecitabine and Tegafur are converted to
widely used in the treatment of head and neck         5-FU by thymidine-phosphorylase (TP) and
cancer, breast cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric     CYP2A6. 1-5% of 5-FU is transformed into
cancer, pancreatic cancer, hepatobiliary cancer,      cytotoxic metabolites FdUMP, FdUDP (fluoro-
colorectal cancer, anal cancer, and vulvar cancer1.   deoxyuridine diphosphate), FdUTP and FUTP
The fluoropyrimidines used in clinical practice       (fluorouridine triphosphate)1,2. 5-FU is directly
are 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), Capecitabine, Tega-        transformed to FUMP (fluoridine monophos-
fur, S-1 (tegafur/gimeracil/oteracil), and TAS-102    phate) by OPRT (orotate phosphoribosyltrans-
(trifluridine/tipiracil). 5-FU and its oral prod-     ferase) or indirectly through FUR (fluorouri-
rug, Capecitabine, are the most commonly used         dine) by UP (uridine phosphorylase) and UK
fluoropyrimidines, Tegafur and S-1 are mostly         (uridine kinase). FUMP is then phosphorylated

3306               Corresponding Author: Andrada Larisa Deac, MD; e-mail:
Role of microRNAs in fluoropyrimidine-related toxicity: what we know

to FUDP (fluorouridine diphosphate), which is        variants in the gene encoding DPD (DPYD) are
phosphorylated to FUTP. FUDP can also be             known to be related to severe and lethal fluoropy-
converted to FdUDP by ribonucleotide reduc-          rimidine toxicity5.
tase (RR)1,2. In an alternative activation path-        Not all severe fluoropyrimidine adverse events
way, 5-FU is converted to FUDR (fluorodeoxy-         can be explained by DPYD variants; sometimes,
uridine) by thymidine phosphorylase. FUDR            carriers of a DPYD variant associated with an
is converted through thymidine phosphate in          increased risk of severe adverse events may toler-
FdUMP, which is phosphorylated to FdUDP,             ate well the treatment with fluoropyrimidine and
which is phosphorylated to FdUTP. Eighty per-        may not experience major toxicity6. As such, the
cent of the 5-FU is catabolized by dihydropy-        intervention of other factors capable of affecting
rimidine dehydrogenase into the non-cytotoxic        DPYD expression may influence fluoropyrimi-
metabolites DHFU (5-fluoro-5,6-dihydroura-           dine metabolism in patients both with and with-
cil), which is then converted to FUPA (flu-          out DPYD variants.
oro-beta-ureidopropionate) and FUBA (fluo-              MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous, short
ro-beta-alanine), which are eliminated through       non-coding RNA molecules, about 20-22 nucleo-
urine. To modulate the activity of fluoropyrim-      tides in length, which are found in all eukaryotic
idines, inhibitors of DPD can be administrat-        cells and assist in regulating post-transcription-
ed, which slow the degradation of 5-FU and           al gene expression by binding to 3’untranslated
improve the response rate1,2 (Figure 1).             regions or 5’untranslated regions of target mes-
   The rate-limiting enzyme of 5-FU catabo-          senger RNAs. This also leads to the inhibition
lism is dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD),       of translation of messenger RNA degradation7,8.
which metabolizes almost 80% of the dose of          Almost 30% of human genome proteins are regu-
5-FU and Capecitabine4. DPD is the essential en-     lated by miRNAs, with half of these genes being
zyme for the 5-fluorouracil catabolism, and there-   associated with cancer7,8. MicroRNAs regulate
fore the amount of 5-FU converted in cytotoxic       the gene expression involved in essential biolog-
metabolites depends on the systemic activity of      ical processes such as cell proliferation, cell dif-
DPD4. Some of the severe side effects that occur     ferentiation, apoptosis, metastasis, and immune
during fluoropyrimidine treatment are due to         response9-11. Many studies have tried to prove that
metabolism through the DPD. Deleterious genetic      miRNAs can be used as diagnostic tools, predic-

Figure 1. Fluoropyrimidine metabolic pathways

A.L. Deac, C.C. Burz, C. Militaru, I.C. Bocșan, R.M. Pop, P. Achimaș-Cadariu, A.D. Buzoianu

tive biomarkers of disease progression, prognos-         elosuppression, severe diarrhea, and rare events
tic biomarkers, survival rate, progression-free          such as acute cardiac ischemia following the first
survival, treatment responsiveness, and chemo-           or second cycle of 5-FU, hepatitis, and encepha-
therapy-related toxicity12-14. The importance of         lopathy22.
microRNAs regarding chemotherapy toxicity is                DPD expression varies from tissue to tissue
less well known.                                         and exerts its activity predominantly in the liver,
   In our review, we summarize the role of miR-          peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and inflam-
NAs in fluoropyrimidine toxicity, the relation           matory and tumor tissues.
with DPD, and how miRNAs may be a tool in                   The DPD activity is also influenced by the
selecting patients who will benefit from the ef-         circadian rhythm, which DPD activity follows:
ficacy of fluoropyrimidines without developing           DPD activity peaks near midnight, and through
major toxicities.                                        DPD activity in the early afternoon; this was dis-
                                                         covered during the administration of continuous
Fluoropyrimidine-Related Toxicity                        5-FU infusions23.
   Severe toxicity in chemotherapy is usually as-           The activity of DPD has high interindividual
sociated with interruption or treatment discontin-       variability, but the most important are variants of
uation and often requires hospitalization. Fluoro-       the DPYD gene, the gene that encodes the DPD
pyrimidine-related toxicity is a well-recognized         enzyme24.
clinical problem that impacts patients’ quality of          The DPYD gene allelic variants most fre-
life and, in some cases, can be life-threatening.        quently associated with toxicity during the
   5-FU and Capecitabine can induce grade 3 or           treatment with fluoropyrimidine are DPY-
4 toxicity in 10-30% of patients and fatal tox-          D*2A (IVS14+1G>A, c.1905+1G>A), DPYD*9B
icity in 0.3-2% of patients15. When we compare           (c.2846A>T), DPYD*13 (c.1679T>G), HapB3
5-FU to Capecitabine, data from the Adverse              (c.1129-5923C>G)24-28.
Event Reporting System (AERS) of the Food                   In addition to DPYD gene polymorphisms,
and Drug Administration (FDA) have shown                 polymorphisms of other genes such as thymi-
that certain side effects are more common for            dylate synthase (TYMS), methylenetetrahydro-
one or the other, such as myelosuppression has           folate reductase (MHTFR), enolase superfami-
been shown to be more common in patients                 ly member 1 (ENOSF1), ATP-binding cassette
receiving 5-FU and diarrhea or hand-foot syn-            subfamily B member 1 (ABCB1), and cytidine
drome in patients receiving Capecitabine16. The          deaminase (CDA) appear to be involved in fluo-
lower prevalence of adverse effects of S-1 and           ropyrimidine toxicity29-34.
TAS-102, compared to 5-FU and Capecitabine,                 Fluoropyrimidine toxicity, especially of 5-flu-
is due to them carrying a DPD inhibitor in their         orouracil, can be manifested through hemato-
composition, which increases the bioavailabil-           logical non-cumulative toxicity most common in
ity of 5-FU3.                                            bolus infusion (neutropenia, thrombocytopenia,
   5-FU has a narrow therapeutic index; there-           anemia), immediate digestive toxicity (nausea,
fore, there is a small limitation between efficacy       vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis, ileitis), alopecia
and toxicity17. Adverse events are likely the re-        in case of continuous perfusion, thrombophlebi-
sults of genetic variation, especially ones such         tis and photosensitivity along the vein pathway,
as DPD. Decreased DPD activity implies a de-             neurological toxicity from high doses (cerebellar
creased clearance and an increased half-time of          ataxia), ophthalmological toxicity through tear
5-FU, resulting in an increased risk of toxicity18,19.   excretion (conjunctivitis, tear hypersecretion),
More than 80% of the 5-FU dose is converted              skin toxicity usually aggravated by sun exposure
to inactive metabolite 5-fluoro-5,6-dihydrouracil        (hand-foot syndrome, hyperpigmentation, rash,
by DPD19. DPD deficiency accounts for 20-60%             hives) and reversible cardiac toxicity caused by
of fluoropyrimidine-related severe toxicity, and         continuous perfusion (angina, myocardial infarc-
20-30% can be explained by DPYD deleterious              tion, myocardial necrosis, coronary dissection,
variants19,20. It is estimated that 3-5% of Cauca-       heart failure, arrhythmia, cardiogenic shock, car-
sians are carriers of a partial DPD deficiency           diac arrest, and sudden cardiac death)35-38. Se-
and that 0.1-0.3% present complete deficiency20.         vere adverse events may appear within the first
Overall, 5% of the general population present a          chemotherapy cycle – a fact that supports the
DPD deficiency21. This pharmacogenetic “DPD              importance of treatment personalization before
syndrome” manifests as mucositis/stomatitis, my-         treatment initiation37.

Role of microRNAs in fluoropyrimidine-related toxicity: what we know

   Fluoropyrimidine cardiotoxicity represents                           cardiac tissue, and (4) TAS-102 is not catabolized
one of the most severe fluoropyrimidine-induced                         by DPD, which consequently means a reduced
toxicities. The incidence ranges from 1% to 18%,                        formation of FBAL and a lower risk of cardio-
and chest pain is the most frequent symptom36,37.                       toxicity due to FBAL accumulation39. A reduced
The incidence variability is due to various man-                        level of cardiotoxic metabolites also explains the
ifestations of cardiotoxicity, but the risk is in-                      lack of cardiac toxicity of S-1 due to the presence
fluenced by the schedule and route of admin-                            in its composition of gimeracil, a DPD-inhibitor.
istration of 5-FU, the use of concurrent chest
radiotherapy or anthracycline administration,                           How to Assess Fluoropyrimidine Toxicity?
underlying coronary artery disease, and how fre-                           Over time, many studies have focused on
quently the patients were monitored36,37. Several                       studying the mechanisms involved in fluoropy-
mechanisms for fluoropyrimidine cardiotoxicity                          rimidine toxicity. Most strategies have tried to de-
have been proposed, such as (1) vasoconstric-                           termine the DPD deficiency through genotyping
tion, (2) direct myocardial injury with systolic                        and phenotyping method (Table I).
dysfunction, (3) accumulation of alpha-fluoro-be-                          The fact that DPD activity can affect 5-FU
ta-alanine (FBAL), a metabolite of 5-FU, which                          efficacy through the development of important
is first converted to fluoroacetate and later to                        adverse events was demonstrated in many stud-
fluorocitrate leading to citrate accumulation and                       ies, and therefore an upfront screening for func-
downstream depletion of ATP resulting in isch-                          tionally relevant DPYD genes and treatment ad-
emia, (4) dysfunction of vascular endothelium,                          justment in patients with related toxicity allelic
(5) hypercoagulable status leading to thrombosis,                       variants to avoid severe toxicity is justified. The
(5) changes in the shape of erythrocyte mem-                            first functional mutation related to fluoropyrim-
brane leading to increased blood viscosity and                          idine toxicity was DPYD*2A. Deenen et al40
decreased ability to carry and release oxygen,                          demonstrated in a prospective study the clinical
and (6) an acute coronary syndrome caused by                            validity and utility of DPYD*2A genotype-guid-
an allergic reaction also known as Kounis syn-                          ed dosing40. However, due to the low frequency
drome3. 5-FU and Capecitabine have the same                             of DPYD*2A, less than 1% in Caucasian patients,
frequency of cardiac adverse events, while on                           attention was focused on identifying other DPYD
the other hand, TAS-102 is considered to be a                           variants associated with DPD deficiency41. Until
“cardio-gentle” fluoropyrimidine. The following                         now, four variants have demonstrated their utility
mechanism seems to be responsible for the lack                          and clinical validity based on high-level evidence
of TAS-102 cardiotoxicity: (1) trifluorothymidine                       from meta-analyses42.
(TFT), an analogue of thymidine and one of the                             There are situations in which the DPD defi-
components of TAS-102, induces a higher level                           ciency is not explained by the presence of DPYD
of cell death and does not obtain an autophagic                         variants or by phenotypic methods. These cases
survival response in cancer cell lines, (2) a dif-                      are in part explained by a variability in the reg-
ferent oncological target – DNA synthesis, (3)                          ulation of DPD at the post-transcriptional lev-
the incorporation of the molecule into the DNA                          el by microRNA. The 3’-untranslated region of
of tumor tissues is higher than the incorporation                       DPYD is directly targeted by mir-27a, miR-27b,
into DNA of normal tissues, thereby sparing the                         miR-134, miR-494, miR-582-5p, and in the cod-

Table I. Available methods to identify patients at risk for severe fluoropyrimidine toxicity24-28,42-44,48-53.

      Stategies                                 Methods                                                    Evidence

  Phenotyping methods DPD activity in PBM’s                                                Clinical validity established
  		                                                                                       Clinical utility in research
                      Endogenous uracil serum concentration                                Clinical validity and utility established
                      2-13C uracil breath test                                             Clinical validity and utility in research
                      Uracil dose test                                                     Clinical validity and utility in research
  Genotyping methods  DPYD mutation                                                        Clinical validity and utility for
  		                                                                                       DPYD*2A, 13, 9B and HapB3
                      miRNA mutation                                                       Clinical validity and utility in research

DPD – dihydrodioyrimidine dehydrogenase, DPYD – dihydrodioyrimidine dehydrogenase gene, miRNA – microRNA.

A.L. Deac, C.C. Burz, C. Militaru, I.C. Bocșan, R.M. Pop, P. Achimaș-Cadariu, A.D. Buzoianu

ing sequence by hsa-miR-302b-3p40-43. Of these,        5-fluorouracil, SW480, and SW480/5-FU cells45.
miR-27-a and miR-27-b have been shown to               So be these meanings, DPYD expression was
downregulate DPD expression by targeting an            under the control of miR-494, and 5-fluorouracil
RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) protein           resistance and toxicity can be associated with
to DPYD43. Moreover, miR-27-a functions as an          abnormal downregulation of miR-49447.
oncogene, and its overexpression has been asso-           The gene encoding for thymidylate synthase
ciated with poor prognostics, increased risk of        (TYMS) has been investigated to highlight the
metastasis and disease progression, and chemo-         possible role as a biomarker for fluoropyrimidine
therapy resistance43.                                  toxicity and effectiveness. Sinicrope et al46 re-
   The clinical relevance of miR-27a polymor-          vealed that the overexpression of TS in colorectal
phism has been demonstrated in three studies           cancer was related to poor response to 5-flu-
on patients undergoing fluoropyrimidine-based          orouracil, chemoresistance, and toxicity47. The
chemotherapy. Amstutz et al42 showed, in a study       TYMS variants associated with fluoropyrimidine
with 514 patients who presented fluoropyrimi-          toxicity involve tandem repeats of a 28-base-
dine-related toxicity after the first two cycles, an   pair sequence instead of three in the 5’-untrans-
association between rs895819 variant G allele of       lated region or a 6-base-pair variation in the
miR-27a and increased early-onset toxicity and         3’-untranslated region of TYMS, also known as
also the fact that this association is dependent       TYMS enhancer region (TSER)47,48. The activity
on the DPYD variant related to DPD deficien-           of TYMS can also be controlled by microR-
cy42. In the same study, another polymorphism,         NA. Increased expression of miR-218 suppresses
rs11671784, was analyzed, but no association with      TYMS-enhanced fluoropyrimidine toxicity and
fluoropyrimidine toxicity was observed and no          is associated with progression-free survival and
significant relation with DPYD mutated variants        overall survival in colorectal cancer48.
was detected42. Meulendiks et al43 confirmed the          Regarding phenotyping methods, the main
above information in a study including 1592 pa-        methods related to fluoropyrimidine treatment
tients in treatment with fluoropyrimidine43. They      are the determination of DPD activity in periph-
showed that rs895819 polymorphism is mod-              eral blood mononuclear cells (PBM), uracil dose
erately associated with toxicity, but those who        test, pretreatment determination of the endoge-
have DPYD mutation also have a significantly           nous concentration of dihydrouracil and uracil
increased risk grade 3 or 4 toxicity, these facts      in plasma, urine, and saliva (UH2/Ura ratio),
suggesting the additional role and importance          2-13C uracil breath test49-54. Among all phenotyp-
of miR-27-a polymorphism43. The carriers of            ic methods, the highest accuracy is assigned to
rs11671784 polymorphism showed no significant-         pretreatment serum uracil determination54.
ly increased risk of toxicity regarding the DPYD
status43. In a small study of 64 patients, Falvella
et al44 showed in both univariate and multivariate                       Discussion
analysis the association between rs895819 and
grade 3 or 4 adverse events44.                            Side effects are one of the factors that limit
   Another miRNA that shows promising results          the efficacity of chemotherapy, and they usually
based on in vitro studies is miR-494. This miR-        require either dose reduction or delayed adminis-
NA, located in chromosome 14q32.31, works as           tration of treatment until remission.
an oncogene in breast cancer metastasis and is            Due to the multiple indications that fluoro-
overexpressed in hepatocellular carcinoma cells,       pyrimidines have, they are probably the most
although some studies also suggest its tumor sup-      commonly used chemotherapeutic agents, and
pressor role by repressing the proliferation, mi-      therefore it is essential to find ways to prevent
gration, and invasion of prostate cancer cells by      toxicities that can decrease the efficacity or in-
suppression of C-X- C chemokine receptor 4 (CX-        terrupt the treatment, or which endanger the
CR4) gene, and of gastric cancer cells by target-      patient’s life.
ing c-myc45,46. Chai et al45 showed in their study        Many detection methods are available now-
that miR-494 has tumor suppressor function and         adays, phenotypic or genotypic, and we know
can sensitize colon cancer cells to 5-fluoroura-       that the onset of toxicity is influenced by DPD
cil by binding to the 3’-untranslated region of        activity. At the present time, four variants of
DPYD and negatively regulate DPYD expression           DPYD have proven their clinical utility and their
in modified colon cancer cell lines sensitive to       influence on DPD deficiency, but due to the low

Role of microRNAs in fluoropyrimidine-related toxicity: what we know

frequency and the multitude of mutant variants,        for colorectal cancer was updated in September
their routine testing has not yet progressed into      2017 and recommended DPYD genotyping in all
clinical practice. It is estimated that almost 3-15%   patients before initiating treatment with fluoropy-
of patients present a partial DPD deficiency and       rimidine58,59.
0.1-5% a complete deficiency54.                           On 13 March 2020, the European Medicines
   The Group of Clinical Pharmacology in Oncol-        Agency’s (EMA) Pharmacovigilance Risk As-
ogy (GPCO)-UNICANCER and the French Net-               sessment Committee (PRAC) has recommended
work of Pharmacogenetics (RNPGx) recommend             testing for DPD deficiency before initiation of
the following regarding the treatment with fluoro-     fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy; patients
pyrimidine: (1) the screening of DPD deficiency        with complete DPD deficiency should not receive
before starting treatment with 5-fluorouracil or       any type of fluoropyrimidine, and those with a
Capecitabine, (2) performing DPD phenotyping           partial deficiency can receive fluoropyrimidine
by determination of plasma uracil concentra-           treatment with a reduced dose and later in the
tions and DPD genotyping (variants DPYD*2A,            course of the treatment adjustment of the dose
DPYD*13, DPYD*9, and Haplotype B3), (3) re-            depending on the toxicities associated60.
ducing the first cycle dose of fluoropyrimidine ac-       In 2015, uridine triacetate (UT, Vistogard) was
cording to DPD status and later in the treatment       approved by FDA as an antidote in case of se-
to consider increasing the dose according to each      vere fluoropyrimidine toxicities, with a survival
tolerance55.                                           benefit in 96% of cases, based on two open-label,
   The Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementa-           single-arm trials61,62. Vistogard can be used in
tion Consortium (CPIC) has formulated a guide-         the first 96 hours after the last dose of 5-FU or
line for better interpretation of clinical DPD         Capecitabine for life-threatening toxicities such
genotyping tests and how to adjust the treatment.      as severe neutropenia, diarrhea, or cardiotoxicity
Based on DPYD genotype and phenotype they              unresponsive to drug cessation and antianginal
calculated DPYD activity score (DPYD-AS) and           therapy63.
made the following recommendations: (1) in pa-            In recent years, miRs are involved and control
tients who are DPYD normal metabolisers with           many of the processes involved in cancer, but also
activity score of 2 (AS) and two normal func-          in efficacy, resistance, and toxicity to treatment.
tional alleles a dose modification is not recom-       So far, in terms of fluoropyrimidine toxicity, only
mended, (2) in DPYD intermediate metabolisers,         mir-27 has proven its potential role as a predic-
meaning decreased DPD activity and increased           tive factor. Previous studies45-47 have illustrated
risk of toxicity with AS 1 or 1.5, and one normal      that the presence of rs895819A>G presents only
functional plus one non-functional allele, or two      a moderate risk of toxicity, but the association of
decreased functional alleles, a reduction of 25        rs895819A>G and a DPYD variant are associated
to 50% is recommended (the percentage of dose          with an increased risk of early-onset severe fluo-
reduction depends on activity score) and (3) in        ropyrimidine toxicity. This fact highlights the im-
DPYD poor metabolisers with complete DPD               portant role that microRNAs could play in DPYD
deficiency and very increased risk of toxicity,        genotyping and, subsequently, in providing an
with AS 0 or 0.5 and two non-functional alleles or     appropriate treatment with limited side effects.
one non-functional plus one decreased functional       As mentioned previously, CPIC recommends the
allele, it is recommended to avoid the use of flu-     association of phenotyping and genotyping for
oropyrimidine treatment; if AS 0.5 and there is        the screening of DPD deficiency, but the com-
no other therapeutic option, 5-fluorouracil should     bined determination between polymorphism on
be administered with a significant dose reduction      DPYD gene and microRNA can be a method
and under therapeutic drug monitoring56.               with greater accuracy and could help us detect
   Another working group, the Dutch Pharmaco-          more patients who may be suffering from major
genetics Working Group (DPWG), offers some             toxicities.
recommendations regarding fluoropyrimidine
treatment. In contrast to the CPIC guideline, DP-
WG also includes Tegafur in their guideline, not                        Conclusions
only 5-fluorouracil and Capecitabine; they also
recommend patients with AS 0 or 0.5 using a phe-          Even today, when target therapy and immuno-
notyping method to initiate the treatment with a       therapy, alone or combined with chemotherapy,
fluoropyrimidine57. The Dutch National guideline       tend to become the first-line treatment in many

A.L. Deac, C.C. Burz, C. Militaru, I.C. Bocșan, R.M. Pop, P. Achimaș-Cadariu, A.D. Buzoianu

types of cancer, fluoropyrimidine is still the cor-             5) Froehlich TK, Amstutz U, Aebi S, Joerger M, Lar-
nerstone in the treatment of many types of cancer                  giadèr CR. Clinical importance of risk variants in
                                                                   the dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase gene for
and represents one of the most used chemother-                     the prediction of early-onset fluoropyrimidine tox-
apies worldwide. DPD deficiency and its impli-                     icity. Int J Cancer 2015; 136: 730-739.
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extensively studied over time, and as a result of                  Klein K, Dippon J, Kerb R, Blievernicht J, Fischer
these studies, the determination of DPD activity                   J, Hofmann U, Bokemeyer C, Eichelbaum M. Role
before treatment is recommended or even imple-                     of genetic and nongenetic factors for fluorouracil
mented; an example would be the Netherlands                        treatment-related severe toxicity: a prospective
                                                                   clinical trial by the German 5-FU Toxicity Study
and some of the centres in France. EMA rein-                       Group. J Clin Oncol 2008; 26: 2131-2138.
forces the studies and recommends testing DPD                   7) Almeida MI, Reis RM, Calin GA. MicroRNA histo-
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the dose according to the degree of the deficiency.                tiers. Mutat Res 2011; 17: 1-8.
   The role of miRNA in fluoropyrimidine tox-                   8) Acunzo M, Romano G, Wernicke D, Croce CM.
icity is still unclear. On the one hand, we need                   MicroRNA and cancer – A brief overview. Adv Bi-
several studies that will confirm the clinical                     ol Regul 2015; 57: 1-9.
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suffer more severe adverse effects. Possible direc-                Pourhanifeh MH, Bokharaei-Salim F, Mirzaei H,
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