Road Safety Plan eThekwini Municipality 2017-2021
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eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 1 Introduction eThekwini’s Road Safety Plan is helping to build a better city ETHEKWINI has a well-earned reputation as a great place to live, work, play and visit, but unless we work together to reduce road trauma, the quality of life we enjoy is at risk. Two people are killed on Durban’s roads every day and there are 60 000 crashes a year. There has been an improvement in the past few years, but we need to do better. After all, “accidents” don’t just happen. They are caused by errors or selfishness. So let’s call them what they really are – crashes – so we can work to fix things. How are we going to do this? The eThekwini Road Safety Plan, spells it out. It explains the problem GREEN MEANS GO: eThekwini’s Road Safety Plan spells out the problems and provides solutions. and gives detailed solutions. It explains that users must do their bit too people rely on public resources can be best road engineering and to reduce crashes. transport while the rest used for the good of all. changes to vehicles will It’s a big job because have their own transport The plan helps people help, but people disobey eThekwini is a big place or walk. in all the municipality’s road rules and make – and growing. It’s also The Road Safety departments to work mistakes so behaviour has diverse. Plan deals with traffic together to reduce road to change too. The municipality engineering, policing deaths and injuries. It also A practical and efficient includes urban and rural and education, but fits in with the National road network is being areas so its 3.6 million it is part of other, Department of Transport’s built, but people must be people live close together bigger City plans and the United Nations’ shown how to use it. Here, in some places, but are that together work to road safety goals to halve enforcement agencies have scattered elsewhere. balance the competing road deaths and injuries a big role to play, but they Some are old and others needs of everyone in and to improve public can’t be everywhere – road young; two in every five eThekwini so that transport.
2 eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 Safety is the target Principles AIM: The Safe System Approach is at a glancee SAF E SYSTEM ELEMEN TS guided by principals and targets. • Expect mistakes. Crashes es happen even when people ple SAFE SYSTEM CIPLES obey road rules, so the PRIN system must be improved d Pe to reduce death and les op m injuries and to help hic Saf te le people after a crash. A safe sys ma Safe ve e roa • The human body is Integrated road system ke m fragile so speeds must ds be reduced and cars increasingly free istakes and roads made safer to give people a better chance of survival. of death • It’s everyone’s job and serious to improve safety. injury le Pedestrian, drivers and Sh designers of roads and ab ar er cars all must play a part. ed ln re • The safety of all parts sp vu e Sa of the system – roads and d on sib il le ar fe ro ds roadsides, speeds, vehicles les ad ity Peop e e and road use – need to be e us sp e rs fe improved so if one part fails ails Sa other parts will still protectt the people involved. System takes total approach ETHEKWINI’S Road Safety Plan designing safer roads and cars. and tackled; better control of follows what’s called the Safe This makes crashes less likely licensing; good laws supported by System Approach. and less severe. policing and the courts; education; The system, which is used in The right speed limit needs to and good after-crash care. many countries, says it’s wrong be set for a stretch of road and It’s hard to get people to change to accept death or disabling adjusted when necessary. their habits, that’s why education injury as the price we must pay Getting people to stick to speed is important. for transport. It works to control limits is vital too. To help this Road users need to know the roads, vehicles and speed and to happen the following things are laws and that if they break them limit human error. needed: proper collection of crash that there is a good chance they’ll Part of the solution lies in details so problems can be spotted be caught and face a stiff penalty.
eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 3 Crash Rate Total per 1000 vehicles Crashes 80 000 GETTING BETTER: 101 The number 98 70 000 of crashes on eThekwini’s roads (green) has Number of cahses 60 000 been relatively stable and even decreased since 50 000 peaking in 2007. Yet there are a growing number 40 000 of vehicles on 77 the city’s roads. For this reason 30 000 the crash rate per 1 000 vehicles 20 000 (red) has dropped, over the period 2000 to 10 000 2016. 0 1999 2005 2010 2016 Year Making sense of the figures eThekwini crash statistics ETHEKWINI’S population is Despite pedestrians being banned About 9.3% of vehicles on the road growing and there are more vehicles from freeways, 24% of all pedestrian are taxis, yet are involved in 18.3% on its roads – up by 23% from deaths occur there. of fatal and serious crashes. 713 272 in 2007 to 880 174 in 2016. Half of all fatal and serious Only 4.6% of vehicles are trucks, Despite this, there has been a big casualties are pedestrians. but they are involved in 7.3% of drop in deaths and serious injuries, About 61% of all road deaths are crashes. from 4 303 in 2007 to 2 838 in 2012. pedestrians. Special enforcement, education But after 2012 the numbers have Driver deaths account for 23% and and communication projects aimed stayed much the same. passengers 16%. at the freight and minibus taxi There has also been little change Reducing speeds, curbing industries could help. since 2012 in the number of crashes drink-driving and getting All age groups are involved in that did not involve injuries. people to wear seat belts can crashes, but young adults (20 to 34) Pedestrian deaths and serious cut deaths and injuries in all of and children aged five to nine are injuries peaked in 2007 (2 935) and these categories. more likely to be among the dead fell to 1 751 in 2013. There has been A disproportionately high number and seriously injured. a gradual increase since then, with of taxis and trucks are involved in A special effort is needed to 1 966 casualties recorded in 2016. fatal and serious injury crashes. improve the safety of children.
4 eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 Fatal and Serious Casualties by Crash Type Vehicle/pedestrian 9 387 Single vehicle 3 179 Same direction 2 977 Opposing direction 1 534 Right angle 1 329 Other 299 0 2 000 4 000 6 000 8 000 10 000 Casualties For the period 2012 to 2016 Age of Drivers in Fatal and Serious Crashes 70+ 158 SERIOUS: One-third (33%) of the drivers involved in fatal and serious 65-69 194 crashes were under the age of 30 60-64 382 for the period 2012 to 2016. 55-59 574 Driver age groups 50-54 818 45-49 1041 40-44 1426 35-39 1751 30-34 2325 25-29 2435 20-24 1553 15-19 200 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Crashes
eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 5 Fatalities by Road Users Drivers 23 % Pedestrians 61 % Passengers 16 % SAFETY WATCH: Pedestrians constituted 61% of road deaths from 2012 to 2016, followed by drivers at 23% and passengers, at 16%.
2 6 eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 Minibus and Out of all proportion: truck crashes are over represented compared to the minibuses and trucks number of vehicles on eThekwini roads. Source: Fatal and are more likely serious crash figures by vehicle type for 2012-2016. to crash Minibuses as a percentage of vehicles on eThekwini Pecentage of fatal and serious roads 18.3% crashes involving minibuses 9.3% Trucks as a percentage Percentage of crashes of vehicles on involving trucks 7.3% eThekwini roads 4.6%
eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 7 PAIN IN THE POCKET: Crashes cost R5 billion a year over the past decade. What it costs us each year... CRASHES claimed 620 lives and R5bn caused 3 671 serious injuries in eThekwini each year over the past decade. This cost R5 billion each year, including medical costs and damage to property. It’s hard, though to put a cost to the trauma and grief victims and their families suffer or to measure lost skills and potential. Crashes also increase congestion 3 671 hurt and journey time for other road users. In 2015, crashes cost the country R142.95 billion – about 3.4% of the value of all goods and services produced. 620 lives . . .
8 eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 WHAT, ME WORRY? Depending on our cultural group, we may have different views on what is acceptable risk taking. Culture clash Why it’s hard for people to change and a few solutions WE are all members of different, and we don’t always agree to this. Perhaps because the risk of an often overlapping groups. These Depending on our cultural group, individual road user being killed include ethnic, gender, education, we may have different views on is relatively low. Individual road job, religious and political groups. what is acceptable risk taking. We users also tend to believe they are in The culture of the groups we may differ too on what is the right control – that they are skilled and belong to shape our values and balance between road rules and that crashes are caused by somebody common beliefs and guide our personal freedom. else, never them. actions. It determines how we It can be hard to convince people Drivers often feel anonymous and understand each other and behave that they need to change their that they are not responsible for the towards one another. deeply held cultural attitudes when safety of others on the road. When it comes to road safety, our these stand in the way of improved Alone in their vehicles, they don’t cultural beliefs and values affect safety for all road users. feel a need to cooperate or obey how we interact with others on the Some people seem unconcerned traffic laws. road. We all want to be safe, but this about crashes and injuries. People also fail to realise that may require limits to our freedom Why is this so? even if it’s only them who is hurt in
eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 9 “ Individual road users tend to believe they are in control – that they are skilled and crashes are caused by somebody else a crash, others are affected. They to expect much higher safety levels Organisations have an important may not realise that crashes have on our roads. part to play too in helping to foster a a cost to society, including medical We must back this up by getting road safety culture. care and unemployment insurance them to change their behaviour and The municipality has its eye payouts. values so that they obey road rules. on a number of programmes to Another reason why it’s hard to A concern for road safety needs to transform road safety culture. shift people’s cultural attitudes shape transport decisions taken at These include identifying on safety is because crashes are all levels. The Safe System Approach volunteers and champions and commonplace and often involve only works by bringing together plans for developing a cellphone app a few people. For this reason they vehicles, roads and road users. so road users, including taxi seldom make news headlines. It needs the community to commuters, can report bad All these things make it tough to get involved – people and their drivers. Other programmes change traffic safety culture, but it councillors – to tackle crime, include promoting a road safety can be done. antisocial behaviour and other culture in society and municipal For starters, we have to get people things that hamper road safety. departments.
10 eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 ACTION STATIONS: The municipality’s road safety action plan targets 11 ACTION PLAN Roa areas (shown in blue). The plan ols dS ho is built around the Safe System Sc Cu afe g ltu ty Approach. in re iv Dr E SYSTEM ELEMEN SAF TS P ed Saf es ety Tax us SAFE SYSTEM tria ib is Min CIPLES PRIN n Pe les op Ma m hic Saf te le sys nage ma Safe ve A safe Speed e roa Integrated ke m Incident Safety Man road system ment ds increasingly free R o a d Closure age m istakes of death and serious injury Route t Freig le Sh ab ar sa er h s ed re ln vu n d e nt sp e ar Sa on sib il le fe ro ity Peop ds ad ee sp ty us Sa ol fe fe e rs Sa ad ho Sc fo Tra f Ro En rc fi c s em r d ou a H a z ti o n en a t D at a L o c a ti o n a n d C o ll e c ti o n E li m in R ese arch Getting plans into gear ETHEKWINI uses crash data to collecting data and research; agencies, including transport, health, identify what is most in need of traffic enforcement; road police, justice and urban planning. attention and to work out what must closures and incident safety Non-governmental organisations and be done. management; and road safety the private sector play an important Targets and goals are set to initiatives for minibus taxis, part too. encourage action and to measure driving schools, schools and A road safety coordinating results. The targets are reviewed freight routes. committee oversees the efforts later to shape future plans. There are 36 programmes to tackle of four working groups: traffic law The action plan focuses on a these areas, but because this is enforcement; road safety engineering; number of broad areas. such a big project and resources are learner road safety; and programme These include: promoting a limited, priorities must be set. specific groups. road safety culture; pedestrian The municipality draws on the Strong partnerships are needed safety; speed management; expertise of officials from its own so that everyone knows what to do to eliminating hazardous locations; departments and government help the plan work well.
eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 11 WRONG PLACE: Inappropriate town planning can put pedestrians at risk. Pedestrian priorities People on foot are most at risk in a crash PEDESTRIAN deaths and serious are other reasons and we need to Poor walking habits are another injuries are the biggest road safety understand these so we can improve reason for South Africa’s high concern in eThekwini, accounting for pedestrian safety. pedestrian death figures. Often half of all fatal and serious injuries For example, many pedestrians pedestrians walk with their backs and 61% of deaths. do not use footbridges or dedicated to the direction of traffic. They also Currently 24% of pedestrian crossing points because they fear tend to take the shortest route so fatalities occurred on the freeways, being mugged at such places. if they think a footbridge is too far despite only 4% of all pedestrian The speed at which cars travel on away, they won’t use it. crashes occurring on freeways in the freeways means any crash with a Many pedestrians are exposed to municipality. pedestrian is likely to end in death. dangerous situations when informal About 40% of those who die Drivers often don’t expect settlements develop in inappropriate on South Africa’s freeways are pedestrians on freeways, as they places. pedestrians – nearly double the 22% are banned from freeways. At night Freeway pedestrian crashes are in the rest of the world. motorists can’t see pedestrians or often dispersed, so an entire length Part of the reason for these high when they do there’s little time to of road may need to be studied to figures are the many informal avoid them because of the speeds settlements near freeways. But there involved. Continued on page 12
12 eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 Continued from page 11 Pedestrian Deaths & Serious Injuries by Road Type understand the problem. The first step is to identify what is affecting 35 Serious injuries 34% pedestrian safety. 30 Deaths A kick-off meeting of 29% stakeholders can be a good 25 way to get people to help Percentage 24% 23% 22% identify problems and find 20 22% solutions. 15 Data must be collected. 15% 10 13% 12% This can be from police records, interviews with residents and drivers, 5 4% crash data, traffic and 0 pedestrian volumes, speed Freeways Arterials Distributors Collectors Local data and behavioural Road Type data. It can then be studied and the most pressing SPEED KILLS: Deaths and serious injuries by road type for 2012 to 2016. The proportion of deaths pedestrian safety concerns is higher on higher speed roads. identified. There may be common reason for crashes and hurt or killed most often. many drivers disobey • Setting up pedestrian the fix might work for According to eThekwini traffic laws. They ignore safe zones in busy a corridor or a whole figures, 10% of fatal red traffic signals; stop places; network. and serious pedestrian illegally to pick up or drop • Engineering On the other hand, crashes occur in the off passengers; use the and awareness action might be needed at central business district. wrong lane when turning; interventions in the a single site. This is because there are and drive too fast for the CBD; With reliable crash many people in the CBD, number of pedestrians • Increased policing; data it is possible to work some of whom cross roads about. and out which crash spots to wherever they like, with The municipality has a • Building more tackle first. little regard for traffic and number of programmes to sidewalks and Often the priority is the traffic signals. tackle pedestrian safety. putting in traffic place where people are At the same time, These include: calming measures. Tech and training to tackle taxis MINIBUS taxis are a vital part Improving the attitudes cellphone app to report bad driving of the public transport system, of drivers is at the heart of and other safety issues. The app but they are driven hard, fast and the municipality’s plans to will give commuters information often overloaded. In the fierce improve commuter safety. on their driver and taxi. competition for fares, safety often The municipality is working A minibus driver road safety takes a backseat and passengers to develop a public transport awareness programme is in are compromised. service improvement the pipeline too. Minibuses are involved in 18% of programme. It will encourage taxi drivers to fatal and serious injury crashes yet It will incentivise operators and take a more professional approach account for only about 9% of the use vehicle monitoring devices. to their work, improve attitudes vehicles on eThekwini’s roads. Commuters will be able to use a and reduce risk taking.
eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 13 SAY CHEESE: The presence of cameras tends to slow traffic. Speed management Cameras put the brakes on speedsters SPEEDING is a factor in management, but a mixed better guide drivers. of cameras also tends to one-third of all crashes approach is a better way Municipal slow traffic. worldwide. to get people to stay programmes include The public needs to Statistics for eThekwini within the speed limit. plans for pilot projects be reminded of the show that 21% of fatal and Enforcement needs to be at high crash sites importance of keeping serious injuries happen combined with education where road engineering within speed limits. This when a vehicle overturns, so people change their can be used to reduce can be done through is involved in a head-on behaviour, while road speeds. awareness campaigns, but collision or hits a fixed engineering can be used to Mobile and fixed cameras these should be researched object. In many cases slow traffic and separate have been identified as an if they are to hit the mark. speeding is a factor. vehicles from pedestrians. effective way of enforcing Roadblocks are also We all need to slow down, The right speed limit speed limits. useful for getting the but instead people are must be set for a particular The plan is to put in message across, while driving faster as cars and stretch of road, in keeping more cameras to help media releases and roads get better. with its use. Additional catch speedsters, who once advertisements tend to be Policing has long been lines, road studs and penalised are less likely to more effective if they put a at the centre of speed signage may be needed to speed again. The presence human face to the problem.
14 eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 WALKING THE TALK: The training of traffic wardens and scholar crossing assistants is one of a number of school road safety School road safety programmes supported by eThekwini. Pilot programme targets teachers and children OVER one-fifth of fatal and serious The safety of children walking to incentives to improve the attitude pedestrian crashes near schools and from specific schools is rated and behaviour of drivers and involve children under the age of 15. under the Safer Schools programme operators earning a living by taking And in crashes across eThekwini, and countermeasures are then children to school. The plan is to get 17% of victims who died or were considered. The cost of these will be these drivers to have professional seriously injured were children. calculated and once the plans are in driving permits and to lay down Education at school plays an place they will be measured to see specifications for their vehicles. important role in tackling the how well they have worked. Also on the cards are driver problem, but children also need A dedicated primary schools monitoring devices and software to practical experience to develop skills. programme involves visits to keep tabs on things like speeding They need to be helped to develop about 20 schools a week, with and harsh braking. judgment and timing, to be trained presentations in English and Meanwhile, the training of traffic to look and listen for clues that a Zulu. wardens and scholar crossing vehicle is approaching. Infrastructure includes installing assistants continues. But this and The municipality has been and maintaining speed humps, road other related programmes need the involved in a pilot Safer Schools markings and signage near schools. help of parents. The municipality programme. It combines It’s part of a dedicated engineering plans to drum up support through education for schoolchildren interventions programme. meetings and by using social media. with teacher training and A learner transport programme This should also make parents putting in infrastructure. is being developed. It will use better road users.
eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 15 Freight route fixes Changing the behaviour of drivers is key HEAVY vehicle crashes most commonly happen when a single truck leaves the road. Driving too fast and the poor condition of trucks, especially brakes, increases the chance of this happening. And when it does, truck drivers are often not wearing seat belts and their cabins give them poor protection. Their driving styles can be aggressive, putting other road users at risk and younger truckers are more likely to be in a crash than their older colleagues. But rather than playing the blame game, improving safety for all road users works well to improve heavy vehicle safety. BOBBIES ON THE BEAT: The municipality is working on a freight route policing programme, with Better road design; more police on the street and a dedicated road freight team. tackling driver behaviour and attitudes; getting truckers to rest more training improves safety. them to get treatment unhealthy drivers react often; managing speeds; Safety accreditation because they are out on slower. and using accreditation schemes help too. They the road much of the time. They also struggle to schemes help too. can be a good way to By making it easier for concentrate or manage Road design get companies to better them to get medical help tasks, making them more improvements include: maintain trucks and safety can be improved. of a risk on the road. truck climbing lanes; improve the health and They work long shifts, Getting truckers to lane restrictions; and fitness of their drivers. often at night and their slow down makes a big improving truck stops Truck drivers sometimes work can be boring and difference to safety. while making sure they suffer from diabetes or are exhausting. Onboard technology is are in the right places. overweight. But when it’s time to proving to be increasingly Research shows that If they are depressed, rest truck drivers have useful in doing this. literate truckers are less anxious or abusing trouble sleeping. This is likely to be in a crash and medicines it’s harder for a worry because tired, Continued on page 16
16 eThekwini Municipality Road Safety Plan 2017-2021 Policing Data and research Continued from page 15 pays off PEOPLE have all kinds of ideas on how to tackle road Speed cameras work too. safety, but the best way is based on research and this Putting police on the INTERNATIONAL starts with collecting reliable data. roads helps cut speeding, experience shows that Road safety practitioners need evidence so they but often when officers targeted policing really can properly diagnose the problem and find the best leave an area, drivers go works and can more than remedy. Cost must also be balanced against other back to speeding. pay for itself in lives priorities. The municipality plans saved, injuries prevented The Safe System Approach involves gathering data to put in more cameras to and fines collected. and documenting road injuries and the measures curb this. Two programmes taken to prevent crashes and how this helps society It is also working on have been identified to save money. This builds political support for road a freight route policing boost enforcement in safety efforts. Data for study includes details of programme, with more eThekwini. crashes, road inventories, survey findings, and police on the street and The one focuses on enforcement records. But there is no sense in a dedicated road freight identifying motorists collecting data if no one uses it. team, with officers who disobey the traffic Road crashes happen for complex reasons that manning the compulsory signals and jump are often related. It takes a team effort to tackle heavy vehicle stop on the red lights. Problem the problem, so the findings of research must be M7. intersections will be widely shared. Keeping the police, health officials, Officers will get regular identified and cameras engineers, policy-makers and the public informed training to help them installed to catch helps them to make better decisions. It also lets them crack down on law- offenders. see if their plans are working. The municipality has breaking truckers. The other programme data collection and research programmes in place, Culturally savvy safety involves general but more needs to be done to improve the sharing of awareness programmes enforcement. data as well as its collection, storage and analysis. will play a part too. Eliminating hazardous locations Road closures and incident STUDIES of crash and traffic volume data are crashes and see what can be done to prevent these. at these places. Inspections are used to management being used to identify Check-ups will be done to rate the safety of roads locations where fatal and see if countermeasures are and award stars, with the MOTORISTS often brake other serious crashes working. safest roads getting five hard at the last moment happen frequently. The International Road stars. or change lanes without Traffic engineering Assessment Programme Traffic engineering warning as they approach officials will look at will be used to identify measures can be used to roadworks. hazardous locations, work hazardous locations and fix any unsafe roads that Speeding at roadworks out what is causing the find ways to reduce crashes scored below three stars. is common. This is despite the greater risk of crashes near roadworks. Conclusion The municipality has programmes to manage road closures and PROGRESS has been made in reducing together and make life better for the city’s incidents. road deaths in eThekwini, but for this to poor, who are more likely than anyone There are inspectors continue, partnerships must be forged. else to be victims of crashes. checking on roadworks to Everyone involved needs to know his If we do these things right we can make see that the right signage or her role in the Road Safety Plan. eThekwini a better place to live in, work, is in place and that Road safety efforts can bring people play and visit. regulations are followed.
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