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ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY 9 APRIL 2019 MINUTES VISION Whether you live here or visit, you will see how much we value our natural beauty, how connected our communities are, and how balanced growth makes this the best place in the world. COUNCILLOR COMMITMENT We’ll be truthful, represent the community’s needs, be positive and responsive and always strive to do better.
NOTES FOR QUESTIONS AND SUBMISSIONS FROM THE PUBLIC (In accordance with the 2015 Council Meeting Guidelines – Public Participation) The public is invited to submit questions to the Ordinary Council Meeting by completing the form on the Council’s website; or via email. Your question must be received no later than 5.00pm on the day before the Council meeting date. Questions relating to items on the agenda, or which are the same as previous questions, will not be considered. A question will not be accepted if, in the opinion of the Chief Executive Officer, it appears to be derogator y, defamatory or embarrassing to any Councillor, member of staff, ratepayer or member of the public. A limit of one question per person per meeting will ap ply. Multiple parts to a question will be treated as multiple questions. A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated to ‘Question Time’ at each meeting. As far as practicable, questions will be considered in the order they were received. Your question will be read out on the night and if possible will be answered by the appropriate officer. If a question cannot be answered on the night or if time constraints restrict the ability to read out a question, it will be answered in writing in accordance with Council’s normal correspondence procedures. You are welcome to attend the meeting and hear the answer to your question, but it is not a requirement. If your question is addressed on the night, we will provide a copy of the answer to you in writing in the days following the meeting. Submissions to Council on matters not listed on the Ordinary Council Meeting agenda will generally be heard before the items listed on the agenda. The subject should not relate to matters on the agenda for the meeting, or matters that have been already considered by Council or to operational issues. You must provide the required information at least eleven (11) days before the meeting you wish to attend to the Governance Team, to allow for consideration of your request and appropriate arrangements to be made. You should provide sufficient copies of any supporting information you want to be distributed to all Councillors and this will be circulated upon request. A copy of any supporting electronic presentation needs to be given to Governance Team by midday of the date of the meeting to ensure compatibility with the Shire’s computer system. Submissions in relation to a specific item on the agenda for consideration will be invited to come forward by the Chair in the order items are listed. For planning applications and policy issues, the Chair will invite one person to speak on behalf of any objectors and one person to speak on behalf of the applicant. For other matters on the agenda, only one person will be invited to address Council, unless there are opposing views. At the discretion of the Chair, additional speakers may be invited for items of large interest. Submissions must be made in a way that is respectful of Councillors and staff. You should make sure that you are present at the meeting when the item you wish to speak about is considered, as there will no opportunity for you to speak after the Chair has invited speakers and cou ncillors have begun to consider the item. Cr Tony Tammi Stevenson Rose Chandler Chief Troy James Ward Executive Mayor Edwards Collins Officer Director Acting Director Social & Corporate Economic Services Development Cr Len Cox Cr Tim Walling Heenan Ward Billanook Ward Cr Noel Cr Richard Cliff Higgins Streeton Chirnside Ward Ward Deputy Mayor Cr Fiona Cr Mike Council McAllister Clarke Ryrie Ward Lyster Ward Chamber Layout Cr Jim Cr Terry Child Avery O’Shannassy Melba Ward Ward Mark Varmalis Director Environment & Engineering Public Public Submitters Submitters
INDEX ITEM PAGE NO 1. COUNCIL MEETING OPENED ................................................................................ 1 2. INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS PRESENT ........................................................... 1 3. APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE .............................................................. 1 4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS .................................. 1 5. DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST ...................................................... 2 6. QUESTIONS AND SUBMISSIONS FROM THE PUBLIC ........................................ 2 7. BUSINESS PAPER.................................................................................................. 3 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 3 7.1 Planning Application YR-2018/692 - 17 Glen View Road, Mount Evelyn VIC 3796 3 7.2 Adoption of Amendment C163 Part 1 - Healesville Structure Plan Implementation 5 7.3 2020 Grants for Community Round Initiation 6 CORPORATE SERVICES 7 7.4 2019-20 Draft Annual Budget, 2019-20 Council Action Plan including 2019-20 to 2022-23 Strategic Resource Plan, 2019-20 to 2028-29 Long Term Financial Plan - Adoption in Principle 7 7.5 Audit and Risk Management Committee - Independent Member and Committee Chair Reappointments 9 7.6 Leave of Absence - Cr Cliff 10 8. COUNCILLOR MOTIONS ...................................................................................... 11 9. ITEMS RAISED THROUGH THE CHAIR ............................................................... 11 10. PETITIONS ............................................................................................................ 12 11. DOCUMENTS FOR SIGNING AND SEALING....................................................... 12 12. ASSEMBLIES OF COUNCILLORS ....................................................................... 13 13. REPORTS FROM DELEGATES ............................................................................ 17 14. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS ......................................................................................... 18 15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING .................................................................................... 18
YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MINUTES FOR THE 492ND ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 9 APRIL 2019 COMMENCING AT 7.00PM IN COUNCIL CHAMBER, CIVIC CENTRE, ANDERSON STREET, LILYDALE 1. COUNCIL MEETING OPENED Cr Tony Stevenson (Mayor) declared the meeting open, read the Acknowledgement of Country, and welcomed all present. 2. INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS PRESENT Councillors Tony Stevenson, Chandler (Mayor) (Chair) Len Cox, Walling Noel Cliff, Streeton Fiona McAllister, Ryrie Jim Child, O’Shannassy Terry Avery, Melba Mike Clarke, Lyster Richard Higgins, Chirnside (Deputy Mayor) Tim Heenan, Billanook Officers Tammi Rose, Chief Executive Officer Troy Edwards, Director Corporate Services Mark Varmalis, Director Environment & Engineering James Collins, Acting Director Social & Economic Development 3. APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE There were no apologies received for this meeting. 4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS Moved: Cr Stevenson Seconded: Cr McAllister That the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held 26 March 2019, as circulated, be confirmed. The motion was Carried unanimously. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 1
5. DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICTS OF INTEREST In accordance with section 79 of the Local Government Act 1989. Cr Noel Cliff declared a direct interest in item 7.6 – Leave of Absence – Cr Cliff. 6. QUESTIONS AND SUBMISSIONS FROM THE PUBLIC In accordance with Clause 83 of Meeting Procedures and Use of Common Seal Local Law 2015. QUESTION TO COUNCIL Ms Maddy Theodore, resident of Healesville, asked: Will Council be looking at the Local Law for short term rentals like Mornington Shire Council? Mr James Collins, Director Social & Economic Development responded: Council is currently reviewing its General Provisions Local Law. The review process includes the analysis of all issues raised through community consultation and data collection activities. Short term rentals, specifically issues relating to car parking and noise, have been raised a number of times throughout the consultation process thus far. Council will be exploring the best mechanism to tackle these issues, including the approach that Mornington Peninsula Council has adopted. Community consultation will continue for the next two months with a draft General Provisions Local Law expected to be placed on public exhibition in the second half of 2019. SUBMISSIONS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no Submissions listed on the Agenda for this meeting. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 2
ITEM 7.1 7. BUSINESS PAPER SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 7.1 Planning Application YR-2018/692 - 17 Glen View Road, Mount Evelyn VIC 3796 APPLICATION DETAILS Site Address 17 Glen View Road, Mount Evelyn VIC 3796 Application No. YR-2018/692 Proposal Buildings and works to construct four dwellings, vegetation removal and four lot subdivision Existing Use Single Dwelling Owner Mr S C Martin Applicant Mr S Martin, C/- Millar Merrigan Zone GRZ1 - General Residential Zone - Schedule 1 Overlays SLO23 - Significant Landscape Overlay - Schedule 23, DDO8 - Design And Development Overlay - Schedule 8, BMO - Bushfire Management Overlay Objections 27 Reason for Council 10+ objections Decision Ward Billanook SUMMARY The application seeks approval for the construction of four (4) dwellings, removal of vegetation (one substantial tree) and a four-lot subdivision. The site is currently developed with a single dwelling which is proposed to be removed from the site to enable development to occur. The lot has an area of 1,486m2 and fronts Glen View Road. A permit is required under the General Residential Zone (GRZ), Clause 32.08 for Construction of two (2) or more dwellings on a lot and to subdivide land. A permit is required under the Design and Development Overlay (DDO) schedule 8 for Building and works for more than one (1) dwelling. A permit is required under the Significant Landscape Overlay (SLO) Clause 42.03-2 to remove, destroy or lop a substantial tree as defined in schedule 23 to the SLO. A permit is also required under the Bushfire Management Overlay, Clause 44.06 to construct a building associated with Accommodation (dwellings). The application has been advertised with 27 objections and one letter of support received. The objection grounds primarily relate to drainage, car parking, traffic, two storey built form of the front two dwellings, privacy, the removal of large trees and overdevelopment of the site. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 3
ITEM 7.1 (Cont’d) The proposal is consistent with the relevant provisions of the Planning Scheme, as they relate to the General Residential Zone, Significant Landscape Overlay, Design and Development Overlay, Bushfire Management Overlay, ResCode and Car Parking. Accordingly, it is recommended that the application be approved with conditions and a Notice of Decision be issued. Cr Heenan moved a recommendation alternate to that printed in the Agenda Moved: Cr Heenan Seconded: Cr Cox That Council resolve to refuse Planning Application YR-2018/692 for Buildings and works to construct four dwellings, vegetation removal and a four lot subdivision at 17 Glen View Road, Mount Evelyn and issue a Notice of Decision to Refuse a Permit on the following grounds: 1. The proposal fails to comply with multiple requirements under the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme as a result of the excessive built form, including Clause 21.04 (Land Use) Clauses 21.06 (Built Form), 21.07 (Landscape), Clause 55.01-1 (Neighbourhood Character) and Clause 55.03-8 (Landscaping). 2. The layout of the development with respect to the built form, scale, building mass and site coverage will result in unreasonable cumulative offsite impact. 3. The proposal fails to respect the prevailing and preferred character of the area that seek to protect and reinforce the landscape character and environmental value of the area under Clause 21.07 of the Planning Scheme. 4. The upper level built form of the development is excessive and will be visually dominating in the street and to the adjoining properties. The proposal hence fails to comply with the building form requirements under Schedule 8 to the Design and Development Overlay. 5. The proposal fails to meet the preferred subdivision size of 400 square metres per lot as stipulated under Schedule 8 to the Design and Development Overlay. 6. This development will contribute to the traffic issues in the area and result in unreasonable cumulative impacts to the local road network because of the narrow width of road pavement on Glen View Road. The motion was Carried. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 4
ITEM 7.2 7.2 Adoption of Amendment C163 Part 1 - Healesville Structure Plan Implementation SUMMARY Amendment C163 Part 1 implements a number of actions identified in the Healesville Structure Plan, which includes formally recognising the structure plan in the planning scheme through a Local Planning Policy. The amendment also proposes to rezone public land into zones that reflect the current/future use and applies an Environmental Audit Overlay to two parcels of land. The amendment was exhibited in July/August 2018 and seven submissions were received. Council considered a report on submissions received in October 2018 and resolved to split the Amendment into two parts and make minor changes to Part 1. The Part 1 submissions were then referred to an Independent Panel appointed by the Minister for Planning and Part 2 was abandoned. The submissions were considered by an Independent Panel in February 2019. The Panel report (Attachment 1) supported the Amendment and the minor changes Council resolved to make. Should Council decide to adopt the amendment it will be sent to the Minister for Planning for approval. Moved: Cr McAllister Seconded: Cr Child That Council 1. Note the Panel’s report as shown in Attachment 1 to this report for Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme Amendment C163 Implementation - Part 1 Healesville Structure Plan. 2. Adopt Amendment C163 Part 1 to the Yarra Ranges Planning Scheme in accordance with the Panel’s recommendations and as shown in Attachment 2 to this report. 3. Submit Amendment C163 Part 1 to the Minister for Planning for approval in accordance with Section 31 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. The motion was Carried unanimously. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 5
ITEM 7.3 7.3 2020 Grants for Community Round Initiation SUMMARY This report outlines the annual 2020 Grants for Community Program, opening 1 June 2019 and closing 15 July 2019. The report seeks Council’s formal endorsement of the 2020 program. Lessons from the 2019 grant round have informed the preparation of the 2020 round to ensure the program continually improves. As a result, the report includes updated program guidelines and selection criteria, in addition to the list of proposed members of the independent assessment panels and a budget overview for each of the three grant streams for 2020. The grants program aims to help Council achieve its strategic objective: “Connected and Healthy Communities”. As such, the report also includes a summary of Council’s approach to building capacity of grant seekers and supporting their work in communities. Moved: Cr Clarke Seconded: Cr Higgins That Council: 1. Endorse the 2020 Grants for Community Program. 2. Endorse the program guidelines and criteria promoting connected and healthy communities in line with the Council Plan. 3. Endorses the proposed panel members presented in this report. 4. Note the program funding as follows and considers these allocations as part of the proposed 2019/20 Council budget process: (a) $112,500 to Festivals and Events. (b) $112,500 to Arts and Heritage. (c) $200,000 to Community Development. The motion was Carried unanimously. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 6
ITEM 7.4 CORPORATE SERVICES 7.4 2019-20 Draft Annual Budget, 2019-20 Council Action Plan including 2019-20 to 2022-23 Strategic Resource Plan, 2019-20 to 2028-29 Long Term Financial Plan - Adoption in Principle SUMMARY A draft proposed 2019-20 Council Plan Action Plan (including the Strategic Resource Plan), 2019-20 Annual Budget and 2019-20 to 2028-29 Long Term Financial Plan (including the 2019-20 to 2028-29 Capital Expenditure Program) has been prepared. These documents articulate Council’s financial strategy and how we will fund the activities in the Council Plan Action Plan. They have been prepared in draft form to provide an opportunity for community comment as required under the Local Government Act 1989. These documents will be available for public comment for a period of 28 days. Any submissions received will be considered by a Special Committee of Council on 4 June 2019 before Council proposes to adopt these documents with any required changes at the Council meeting on 25 June 2019. Moved: Cr Child Seconded: Cr Avery That 1. The draft 2019-20 Council Plan Action Plan incorporated with this resolution and initialled by the Mayor for identification, be the Council Plan Action Plan including Strategic Resource Plan prepared by Council for the purpose of Sections 125 and 126 of the Local Government Act 1989. 2. The draft 2019-20 Budget incorporated with the resolution and initialled by the Mayor for identification, be the Budget prepared by Council for the purpose of Section 127 of the Local Government Act 1989. 3. The draft 2019-20 to 2028-29 Long Term Financial Plan (including the draft 2019-20 to 2028-29 Capital Expenditure Program) incorporated with the resolution and initialled by the Mayor for identification, be the ten year Long Term Financial Plan and the ten year Capital Expenditure Program prepared by Council as part of the 2019-20 Budget process. 4. The Chief Executive Officer be authorised to (a) Give public notice of the draft Council Plan Action Plan , Strategic Resource Plan, Budget, Capital Expenditure Program, and Long Term Financial Plan in accordance with Section 129 of the Local Government Act 1989. (b) Make available for public inspection the information required. 5. A special committee of Council be established in accordance with Section 86 of the Local Government Act 1989, consisting of all Councillors (with a quorum of 5), to consider any submissions made under Section 223 of the Act on any matter contained in the proposed Council Plan Action Plan and Budget, at a meeting to be held at the Civic Centre, Anderson St, Lilydale at 6.30pm on Tuesday 4 June 2019. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 7
ITEM 7.4 (Cont’d) The committee is to provide a report and recommendations to the Council Meeting on 25 June 2019 on the consideration of submissions. 6. Appoint Mayor Cr Tony Stevenson as Chair of the Special Committee. The motion was Carried unanimously. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 8
ITEM 7.5 7.5 Audit and Risk Management Committee - Independent Member and Committee Chair Reappointments SUMMARY Section 139 of the Local Government Act 1989 requires Council to establish an Audit and Risk Management Committee (the Committee) as an Advisory Committee to Council. The terms of reference of the Committee are outlined in Yarra Ranges’ Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter (the Committee Charter) which has been approved by Council and published on Council’s website. The current Committee consists of five members, comprising three independent members and two Councillor Representatives. Council is required to appoint a Chairperson for the Committee, the Chairperson being one of the Independent Members. The term of Ms Bev Excell’s twelve month appointment as the Chair of the Committee will expire in May 2019. The Committee Charter allows for the Committee to recommend to Council the reappointment of the Chair of the Committee for a further one year term and an Independent Member for a further period up to three years duration. Ms Excell is currently serving her second three year term on the Committee and as such she is eligible for reappointment as Chair of the Committee, subject to satisfactory performance in the role. The remaining four Committee members reviewed Ms Excell’s performance as the Chair and Mr Schinck’s performance as an Independent Member at the 25 February 2019 Committee meeting. The Committee members have no hesitation in recommending the reappointment of Ms Excell as the Chair of the Committee for a further one year term expiring 31 May 2020 and Mr Schinck as an Independent Member for a second three year term expiring 1 May 2022. The Committee and management also recommend that the remuneration for the position of Committee Chair be up to $1,599 per meeting (excluding GST) and Mr Schinck’s position as an Independent Member at $1,333. Remuneration is increased in line with annual CPI figures published by the Department of Treasury and Finance in March. Moved: Cr Higgins Seconded: Cr McAllister That Council endorse 1. The reappointment of Ms Bev Excell as the Audit and Risk Management Committee Chair for a further one year period, expiring 31 May 2020 with the remuneration up to $1,599 per meeting. 2. The reappointment of Mr Steven Schinck as an Independent Member of the Committee for a three year term expiring 1 May 2022 with an initial remuneration up to $1,333 per meeting and subject to annual CPI increases. The motion was Carried unanimously. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 9
ITEM 7.6 7.6 Leave of Absence - Cr Cliff SUMMARY Cr Cliff has been unable to attend recent Council Meetings due to ill health and submitted his apologies for the last three Ordinary Meetings. In accordance with the provisions set out in section 66B of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act), Council is requested to grant a leave of absence to Cr Cliff. Cr Cliff took no part in the consideration or voting of this item due to a previously declared conflict of interest. Cr Stevenson moved a motion alternate to that printed in the Agenda Moved: Cr Stevenson Seconded: Cr Cox That Council withdraw this item from the Agenda in accordance with Clause 54 of the Meeting Procedures and Use of Common Seal Local Law 2015. The motion was Carried. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 10
8. COUNCILLOR MOTIONS In accordance with Clause 72 of Meeting Procedures and Use of Common Seal Local Law 2015 There were no Councillor motions listed on the agenda for this meeting. 9. ITEMS RAISED THROUGH THE CHAIR In accordance with Clause 80 of Meeting Procedures and Use of Common Seal Local Law 2015 APPRECIATION OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Cr Child expressed his appreciation at the recent Federal Government Funding Announcements. MONBULK MENS SHED – ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CR COX’S 35 YEARS OF SERVICE TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT Cr Stevenson acknowledged that this year marks Cr Cox’s 35th year of service to Local Government that Cr Cox. To mark the occasion, a name plate was presented to Cr Cox on behalf of Monbulk Men’s Shed, whose members fashioned a name plate from various woods recycled from local hard waste collections and letters removed from the Eastern Regional Library prior to the demolition of the Civic Centre. Cr Stevenson also acknowledged that this year will also mark Cr Cliff’s 20th year and Cr Avery’s 15th year of service to Local Government. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 11
10. PETITIONS The following petitions have been received: PART A – General Petitions 1. Request to seal Clements Avenue & Verona Street, Belgrave South. 31 valid signatures. Moved: Cr Higgins Seconded: Cr Avery That the following listed General Petitions be received and noted and referred to the appropriate officer. 1. Request to seal Clements Avenue & Verona Street, Belgrave South. The motion was Carried unanimously. 11. DOCUMENTS FOR SIGNING AND SEALING In accordance with Clause 80 of Meeting Procedures and Use of Common Seal Local Law 2015 It is requested that the following documents be signed and sealed: Letter Under Seal – Keryn Williams A letter under seal has been prepared in recognition of Keryn Williams who will retire after 24 years of service to Yarra Ranges Council and the former (Shire of Upper Yarra) firstly as a Town Planning Officer and more recently as a Senior Strategic Planner. Letter Under Seal – Phil Ison A letter under seal has been prepared in recognition of Phil Ison who will retire after 31 years of service to Yarra Ranges Council and the former Shire of Lillydale as a Parks Maintenance Crew Member. Moved: Cr Stevenson Seconded: Cr Child That the following listed documents be signed and sealed: 1. Letter Under Seal – Keryn Williams 2. Letter Under Seal – Phil Ison The motion was Carried unanimously. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 12
12. ASSEMBLIES OF COUNCILLORS The Local Government Act 1989 requires that records of Assemblies of Councillors must be kept which list the Councillors attending, the matter discussed, disclosures of conflict of interest and whether or not a Councillor left the meeting after making a disclosure. An ‘Assembly of Councillors’ is defined under s3(1) of the Local Government Act 1989 as a meeting at which matters are considered that are intended or likely to be the subject of a Council Decision or the exercise of a delegated authority and which is either of the following A meeting of an advisory committee where at least one Councillor is present. A planned or scheduled meeting that includes at least half the Councillors and at least one Council Officer. The Local Government Act 1989 also requires that the record of an assembly must be reported to the next practicable ordinary Council Meeting and recorded in the minutes of that meeting. The records for Assemblies of Councillors are attached to the report. Moved: Cr Stevenson Seconded: Cr Higgins That the following records of the Assemblies of Councillors, copies of which are attached to the report, be received and noted 1. 19 March 2019 - Council Briefing⇩ 2. 19 March 2019 - Council Forum⇩ 3. 20 March 2019 - Disability Advisory Committee⇩ The motion was Carried unanimously. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 13
ATTACHMENT 1. 19 March 2019 - Council Briefing Assembly of Councillors Public Record Meeting Name: Council Briefing Date: 19 March 2019 Start Time: 6:02pm Finish Time: 6:30pm Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Anderson Street, Lilydale Attendees: Councillors: Terry Avery, Jim Child, Mike Clarke, Len Cox (from 6:09pm) Noel Cliff, Tim Heenan & Tony Stevenson CEO/Directors: Tammi Rose, Mark Varmalis & James Collins Officers: Sarah Candeland, David Harper, Damien Closs, Chaudette Fahy, Apologies Cr Fiona McAllister, Len Cox, Richard Higgins & Troy Edwards Declarations of Nil Interest: Matter/s Yarra Ranges Amendment C148 - Implementation of the Planning Scheme 7.1 Discussed: Review 7.2 The Healesville Belonging Place Feasibility Study 7.3 Health & Wellbeing Strategy Year 1 Report 7.4 Release of the State Government's Timber Release Plan 7.5 CT5815 Enterprise Systems Project Tender Evaluation Report 7.6 Review of Delegations Made to Council Staff 7.7 Rue De Gare and Prospect Road, Wandin North Declaration of Special Charge 7.8 Expression of Interest - Former Montrose MCH Building 7.9 CT5775 - Warburton Mountain Bike Destination - Award of Contract 7.10 CT5843 - Yarra Valley Trail - Stage 1A Completed By: Sarah Candeland YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 14
ATTACHMENT 2. 19 March 2019 - Council Forum Assembly of Councillors Public Record Meeting Name: Forum Date: 19 March 2019 Start Time: 7:06pm Finish Time: 9:24pm Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Anderson Street, Lilydale Attendees: Councillors: Terry Avery, Jim Child, Mike Clarke, Noel Cliff (from 7:10pm), Len Cox, Tim Heenan, Richard Higgins, Fiona McAllister (from 8:13pm) & Tony Stevenson CEO/Directors: Tammi Rose, Mark Varmalis & James Collins Officers: Sarah Candeland, Claudette Fahy, Manjusha Pitty, Marcella Simone, Damian Closs, Greg Box, Jo Corbett, John Strachan, Tracey Pascoe, Tracey Varley, Terry Jenvey & Corinne Bowen External Guests: Danielle Jewson & David Barnes (Hansen Partnership) Apologies Troy Edwards Declarations of Nil Interest: Matter/s 1.1 Action & Agreement Record - 05 March 2019 Discussed: 1.2 Residential Design Guidelines 1.3 Place Planning 1.4 Netball Victoria State Titles Sponsorship 1.5 Lilydale Quarry Site Visit 1.6 2019-20 Capital Expenditure Program 2.1 Monthly Reports of Outstanding Forum Actions 2.2 Indicative Forum & Council Meeting Schedule 2.3 Mayor & CEO Updates Completed By: Sarah Candeland YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 15
ATTACHMENT 3. 20 March 2019 – Yarra Ranges Disability Advisory Committee Assembly of Councillors Public Record Meeting Name: Yarra Ranges Disability Advisory Committee Date: 20 March 2019 Start Time: 1.00pm Finish Time: 3.00pm Venue: Montrose Town Centre, Montrose Attendees: Councillors: Cr Len Cox, Other Attendees: Anthea Forbes, Cliff Wise, June Smith, James Wood, Aleksei Bondarenko, Shek Kho, Michelle McDonald and Amanda Davern Officers: Amanda May, Jake Brown, Caroline Perry, Cliff Overton, Isha Scott, Jonathon Makaay and Angela Draper Apologies Cr Higgins, Hilary and Rod Mellis, Susanne Riddington and Sharen Robinson Declarations of None Interest Matter/s 1.1 Introductions Discussed: 1.2 Acceptance of previous minutes 1.3 Strategy and Major project update 1.4 NDIS update from members 1.5 Update on Recreation and Active Living projects 1.6 Belgravia Centres Site Visit 1.7 Council’s Healthy and Active Ageing Plan 1.8 MetroAccess update 1.9 Member updates Completed By: Amanda May YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 16
13. REPORTS FROM DELEGATES Cr Heenan attended: with Cr Clarke, a recent fundraising event for Stable One at St Patricks Church in Lilydale where over $10K was raised in aid of local homeless people. the unveiling of tree sculpture of a Powerful Owl crafted from the trunk of a tree at Mount Evelyn Recreation Reserve. The tree sculpture was commissioned by Mount Evelyn Environmental Protection and Progress Association and created by local chainsaw sculptor Rob Bast and funded as part of Council’s Grants for Community. Cr Clarke attended: a recent fundraising event at St Patricks Church in Lilydale in aid of the Stable One Homeless 2019 campaign. Cr McAlister attended: a Community Meeting with the Mayor, Cr Child with 100 members of the community on 8 April 2019 led by a Group looking to develop an Equestrian Park in the Yarra Valley. Cr Stevenson: publically acknowledged Mr Mark Varmalis, Director Environment and Engineering, for the enormous amount of work he has undertaken over a considerable number of years and more so in recent times to develop Council’s Unsealed Road Advocacy Strategy, forming a collaborative approach with Cardinia Shire, resulting in a Federal Budget funding package of $300M over 10 years for the two Councils' Unsealed Roads Program. met with the Honourable Tony Smith MP, Member for Casey on Saturday 6 April 2019, outlining where the funding for the Unsealed Roads Program would be spent sealing roads around local schools, pre-schools and community facilities within the municipality. met with the Chief Executive Officer, Ms Tammi Rose and Bill Brindle ALP endorsed candidate for Casey today Tuesday 9 April 2019, highlighting the needs of the community in relation to Council’s Unsealed Roads Program and offering to provide a tour of the municipality. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 17
14. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS In accordance with section 89(2) of the Local Government Act 1989 There were no confidential items listed on the agenda for this meeting. 15. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next Ordinary meeting of Council is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 14 May 2019 commencing at 7.00pm, at Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Anderson Street, Lilydale. 16. CLOSE OF THE MEETING There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at: 8.10pm. Confirmed this day, Tuesday 14 May 2019. ………….…………………………….. Cr Tony Stevenson Mayor YARRA RANGES COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES - 9/04/2019 18
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