Resort Trades THE RESORT MANAGER'S ISSUE - Every Resort; Every Month

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Resort Trades THE RESORT MANAGER'S ISSUE - Every Resort; Every Month
Resort Trades
           Vol 32, No. 8 | August 5, 2019 |

                      Every Resort; Every Month

Resort Trades THE RESORT MANAGER'S ISSUE - Every Resort; Every Month
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2 | The Resort Professionals’ monthly News Journal since 1987
Resort Trades THE RESORT MANAGER'S ISSUE - Every Resort; Every Month
Be ARDA Proud
                Protect.                    Connect.                  Affect.
          Through rigorous                Your involvement          Together, we
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Learn more at
Resort Trades THE RESORT MANAGER'S ISSUE - Every Resort; Every Month
Contents | August 2019
05 Why your website & content                 18 Island Hopping: Hawaii Retains
   MUST be Mobile                                Allure as Dream Vacation Location

                                                                                     Resort Trades
                                                                                                Vol 32, No. 8 | August 5, 2019 |

08 Supplier Profile:                          20 Timeshare 101: It exists and how
   2WayChaise                                    you can help the Class of 2020                            Every Resort; Every Month

                                                                                     THE RESORT MANAGER’S ISSUE

10 The Three “P's”: The secret to
   attracting and retaining                   TRENDING
   top resort talent                          22 Business Directory
                                              29 Classifieds
12 How to Save Money on
   Fumigation Projects

14 The Scottsdale Camelback Resort
   – A Benchmark for
   Legacy Properties

4 | The Resort Professionals’ monthly News Journal since 1987
Resort Trades THE RESORT MANAGER'S ISSUE - Every Resort; Every Month
HSI      (August sponsor) • Resort Trades • C.A.R.E.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Lifestyle Vacation Club • Festiva Resorts • RTX • GetAways Resorts • Aspen Financial • WIN • Advantage Travel • Vida Vacations • Casablanca Express • Global Connections
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MEASURE. MANAGE.
Gunn Marketing Group • Dial An Exchange • Fidelity National Timeshare • Resort Mgmt. Services • Bragfire • Club Med • Unlimited Vacation Club • Westgate Resorts •

                                                                                                                                                                                                   I’m gonna spend every minute
                                                                                                                                                                                                         appreciating life!
                                                                                                                                                                    We all wear masks, and the time comes
                                                                                                                                                                    when we cannot remove them without
                                                                                                                                                                    removing some of our own skin.” –Andre
                                                                                                                                                                    I am going to share with you what is under
                                                                                                                                                                    my mask. My cancer has spread to my brain
                                                                                                                                                                    and it is growing in my lungs again. It is my
                                                                                                                                                                    little secret because I don’t have the heart to
                                                                                                                                                                    tell my 3 girls that their mommy’s sickness is
                                                                                                                                                                    getting worse. My name is Rosemarie and
                                                                                                                                                                    I am a metastatic breast cancer survivor.
                                                                                                                                                                    Even though my girls don’t know the severity                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Who is not going
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to pay
                                                                                                                                                                    of my sickness, they are very smart and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        their maintenace

                                                                                                                                                                    intuitive. They see the effects of my chemo.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    How would
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I know?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Find out what
                                                                                                                                                                    As a woman (and a mom), we take care of
                                                                                                                                                                    everyone else first!! I might not look sick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            your guests
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          are saying with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    You could ask
                                                                                                                                                                    on the outside, but on the inside, I have those fears that every cancer
                                                                                                                                                                    survivor has. My mask hides my fears well, but I know this is not healthy.
                                                                                                                                                                    I would love to be given the opportunity to work on myself and come
                                                                                                                                                                    home a happier mommy, wife, and family member. ~ Rosemarie

                                                                                                                                                                          Absolute World Resorts • Sunset World • Karma Group • Karissma Resorts • Royal Caribbean • Vidanta
                                                                                                                                                                    Send Me on Vacation’s mission is
                                                                                                                                                                    “To Provide a much needed vacation to under served women with
                                                                                                                                                                    breast cancer who need a place to rejuvenate and heal their body,
                                                                                                                                                                    mind and spirit.” The adverse effects of fighting cancer can leave
                                                                                                                                                                    women, their families and friends in shambles. We believe that an
                                                                                                                                                                    essential first step in surviving the effects of breast cancer is to
                                                                                                                                                                    provide survivors with a healing vacation to “take a break” from the fight. If interested in becoming a recipient,                                                                                                                                                                                      FIND US ON:                      CONTACT:
                                                                                                                                                                    donor or sponsor please contact us at                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                           • SFX • TrackResults • Impact Int’l • Travel To Go • Grand Pacific Resorts • ResorTime • Welk Resorts •                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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Tell them you saw it in The Trades                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    931-484-8819 | | August 2019 | 5
Resort Trades THE RESORT MANAGER'S ISSUE - Every Resort; Every Month

Why your website & content
MUST be Mobile
By John Heffernan, EVC Marketing

We all do it, don’t we? We use our         • If our site is mobile-friendly, will   will display content based on the         your website and content are built
mobile devices like smartphones              that be good enough?                   type of device it’s being viewed          on solid foundations and all your
and tablets to satisfy our immediate                                                on? If your clients are searching on      technical bases are covered. This
need to search, find and engage            Whatever your question – you              their mobiles, do they get a mobile-      includes page speed, structure,
with websites.                            need to check your site NOW!              friendly version of the site? Or do       language and design optimisation.
                                                                                    they get the same website they            And don’t forget about Google Ana-
We are in that instant mobile-first        So, what exactly is “mobile-first          would see on a desktop screen             lytics and Google Search Console.
world where we demand instant             indexing”?                                they may have to manoeuvre
gratification with accurate search                                                   about?                                    Make sure your site has a security
results delivering just what we’re        There’s a multitude of mobile-first                                                  certificate (Secure Socket Layer or
searching for.                            explanations on technical blogs           If you have a resort website that         SSL) changing the domain name
                                          and social posts with jargon and          is not responsive, the lack of a          URL from HTTP to HTTPs (e.g.
Statistically, it’s acknowledged          acronyms only those working in            mobile-friendly user experience  A
that our increased use of mobile          digital marketing understand.             may have a negative impact on             non-secure site will simply deliver
devices means mobile search                                                         your site’s search rankings. If not       a “not secure” statement and any
                                                                                    now, it is more likely in the future to   visitor will click back and leave.

                                                                                    be the case.
  Mobile first is NOT a new Google index. It is                                                                                Remember, you need to deliver a
  the new way your content will be added to the                                     There are other factors that you
                                                                                    need to consider with mobile-first
                                                                                                                              great user experience in the right
                                                                                                                              time, with the right content, on the
  existing index.                                                                   indexing including:                       right device.
                                                                                      • Designing content for viewing         #2. Links
now far exceeds the use of search                                                       on mobile devices first, desktop
                                          In plain English, mobile-first means:
on desktop/laptop devices. More                                                         second.                               Links still play a major role in
importantly, it’s how your clients are     • Before July 1st, Google in-                                                      search engine optimisation (SEO)
                                                                                      • Having a site that loads quickly      so check your sitemap links, pri-
searching.                                   dexed the content from the
                                                                                        (page load speeds).                   vacy policies and click links on your
                                             desktop version of your website
And search engines are well aware            first.                                                                            mobile pages
                                                                                      • Optimising images and video
of this seed-change in search                                                           for mobile viewing.
behaviour and they are evolving to                                                                                            #3. Content
                                           • From July 1st, Google will
meet our needs.                              index the content from your              • Making click through links and        Make sure your mobile site has
                                             mobile version of your website             calls-to-action more promi-           high-quality, valuable content with
Google search results will become                                                       nent and clickable on a mobile
                                             first.                                                                            Meta data, titles, and optimised
mobile first on July 1st, 2019 with                                                      screen.
“mobile-first indexing”. It’s the latest                                                                                       images.
                                          Mobile first is NOT a new Google
Google development to make the            index. It is the new way your con-          • Adapting search optimisation          And the changes to search don’t
web more mobile-friendly.                                                               techniques for mobile-first
                                          tent will be added to the existing                                                  stop there. Another recent Google
But what does this mean for us, the       index.                                    Does your website need TLC?               algorithm update introduced the
business owners?                                                                    Technical – Links - Content               hungry techie to the principle of
                                          It’s all down to whether your resort                                                E-A-T: Expertise – Authority –
  • Do we have to change any-             website is responsive or not.             #1. Technical                             Trust.
                                          By responsive we simply mean that         To succeed in Google mobile-first          Your website, content, message,
  • Or everything?                        different versions of your website        search, you need to make sure             tone of voice, where and how often
6 | The Resort Professionals’ monthly News Journal since 1987
Resort Trades THE RESORT MANAGER'S ISSUE - Every Resort; Every Month
                                                                                   Let the buyers come to you.

                                                                                                                                              MORE THAN
                                                                                                                                         5.5 MILLION VISI
                                                                                                                                           ANNUALLY TO
                                                                                                                                          FAMILY OF WEB

you post or publish and who it is         (shorter sentences, compact
aimed at for likes, shares, men-          paragraphs, large and clear
tions and comment all help you            fonts, larger tap buttons).
to establish your expertise and                                                Global advertising and marketing platform with buyers and travelers from more
authority.                             • Techie-check Google Analyt-           than 225 countries and territories
                                         ics/Google Search Console to
                                                                               Top-ranked for thousands of timeshare related keywords in popular search
The higher the quality of content,       see where your traffic is com-         engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo
the easier it will be to establish       ing from.
                                                                               An average of $254 million in purchase and rental offers delivered to our
authority and trust. No content for
                                                                               advertisers annually
content sake. You need a mobile-      This change to Google search is
first content marketing strategy.      also a good time to add to your
                                      brand’s digital marketing strategy.
What if your site is already          Take the time to:
mobile-friendly or responsive?
                                        • Review your keywords – ever
Where your website is already             heard of Latent Semantic                                                    Over 14 years of timeshare resale experience
responsive, the mobile version            Indexing? It’s all about content                                        
should already match the desktop          relevance.
version. However, you will need to
ensure that the mobile experience       • Establish your brand reputa-
is optimised from a user perspec-         tion (reputation management)
tive (e.g. page speed, load time,         and use the mobile-first update
navigation, and so on).                   within your reputation market-
Good news if your site was built in
Wordpress. Most Wordpress sites         • Review the current site links
already have a responsive design          you have.
– both mobile and desktop content
                                        • Review your video content and
will be compatible.
What do you need to do now?
                                        • Review your calls-to-action and
Don’t panic!                              how you respond to mobile
                                          clicks and enquiries.
When Google indexes your mo-
bile site version, you will receive                  John Heffernan has
a notice in your Google Search                       been a renowned key-
Console (you’ll need to consult                      note presenter, digital
your techie team).                                   marketer and trainer
                                                     at the forefront of
In the meantime:                                     digital marketing since
                                                     1997. A long-standing
 • Undertake a mobile-friendly                       advocate of integrated
   site performance test.             marketing to deliver high investment
                                      return, John has worked on multi-
 • Test your page load speed.
                                      channel strategies in numerous busi-
 • Check the mobile parity            ness sectors focusing on: Search
   between mobile and desktop         – Social – Video – Content Market-
   versions.                          ing – Email - Web project design,
                                      Reputation Management & Digital
 • Review your site design on         Strategy development – Training. He
   mobile screens.                    is director at and a
                                      key member of the EVC Marketing
 • Review your content user           team. EVC Marketing has over 25
   experience on mobile screens.      years’ experience in the timeshare
                                      resort sector and delivers marketing
 • Create a mobile first content
                                      consultancy, social media manage-
                                      ment, content copywriting and digital
 • Create mobile friendly content     marketing support.

Tell them you saw it in The Trades                                                              931-484-8819 | | August 2019 | 7
Resort Trades THE RESORT MANAGER'S ISSUE - Every Resort; Every Month

Introducing 2WayChaise - the         as The New American Home
only bi-directional luxury chaise    and the New Southern home.
lounge available on the market.      Kate was inspired to create
Designed exclusively by Kate         2WayChaise during her travels
Clarke, 2WayChaise is ideal for      around the world. The patent-
resorts, cruise lines, and hotels,   approved 2WayChaise is unique
2WayChaise invites guests to         and signature to her distinct
relax their way.                     taste, eye for functionality, and

                                                                         with a highly durable frame         shades: brown or grey, chosen
                                                                         made of aluminum that will not      by our interior designers. The
                                                                         rust. The sling fabric is weather   beautiful Sunbrella fabric
                                                                         resistant and can be replaced       cushion is available in a wide
                                                                         at any time quickly.                variety of color options to
                                                                                                             complement any brand palette.
                                                                         The unique, patent-approve          Additional customization
                                                                         design is feature-rich and          requests can be met within the
                                                                         can be customized in several        design parameters.
                                                                         ways to match your brand,
                                                                                                              Each chaise comes with a
                                                                                                              5-year warranty on both the
                                                                                                              frame and Sunbrella fabric.
                                                                                                              The sling fabric comes with a
Kate Clarke is a professional        2WayChaise is expertly crafted                                           3-year warranty. The lounge
interior decorator with a            from highly durable materials,                                           is eco-friendly, made in the
long-standing reputation for         designed to withstand harsh                                              USA and is guaranteed to
exquisite taste, unique design,      outdoor weather conditions                                               support up to 350lbs.
and a very outstanding record        and extensive use over time.
of great style. Originally from      Each chaise is constructed                                                2WayChaise is available by
                                                                                                               special request. To place
                                                                                                               an order, contact us for a
                                                                                                               personal design consultation
                                                                                                               at 407-801-4680 or
                                                                         specifications, and style., or visit
                                                                         2WayChaise is available in three    our virtual showroom online at
                                                                         unique design styles to suit
                                                                         a range of uses. Each design        Our team of expert designers
                                                                         includes a frame, Sunbrella         will discuss how to customize
                                                                         cushion, and sling material.        2WayChaise to match your
                                                                         The frame can be powder-            brand, style, and unique
                                                                         coated to match your brand’s        personalization needs.
                                                                         desired color perfectly. Options
                                                                         are also available to add a
the UK, Kate has been                                                    faux-wicker exterior, as well as
adding her exceptional                                                   accessories such as a drawer
touch to homes for                                                       with secure locking capability,
over 25 years. She has                                                   solar charger, and personalized
decorated many luxury                                                    logo plate.
custom homes and
feature homes such                                                       The faux-wicker exterior is
                                                                         available in two attractive

08 | The Resort Professionals’ monthly News Journal since 1987
Resort Trades THE RESORT MANAGER'S ISSUE - Every Resort; Every Month
Create a                                                                               your    Dream Career is calling

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Tell them you saw it in The Trades                                                                            931-484-8819 | | August 2019 | 9
Resort Trades THE RESORT MANAGER'S ISSUE - Every Resort; Every Month

The Three “P's”:
The secret to attracting and retaining
top resort talent
By: Renee Blood, General Manager, RiverWalk Resort at Loon Mountain

Resorts are a “high-touch” industry,
where service is equally if not more
important than the amenities and
location. Guests pay to be treated
with respect and care, and expect
that employees from the head chef
to the housekeepers will work dili-
gently and cheerfully to give them
the best experience possible.

The easiest way to ensure supe-
rior service is to incorporate the
principle that happy employees =
happy guests. Which is why hiring                                                                                                      Non-wage compensa-
and retaining good employees                                                                                              tion elements are crucial as well.
should be just as important to a re-                                                                                     New hire referral bonuses, team
sort as guest satisfaction. Sterling                                             billion adults who are working or       financial incentives
employees can set a resort apart                                                 looking for work have a great job.      (when certain targets are met),
from the competition and ensure a         3. Promote them personally and                                                 lodging discounts for employ-
constant stream of those all-impor-          professionally                      How competitive is it with other        ees and their families, paid time
tant five-star reviews. An engaged,                                               resorts’, or with other big employ-     off, and flexible work schedules
happy and motivated workforce is          However, in today’s hiring and         ers in the area? With the possible      increase the overall attractiveness
far more likely to go the extra mile      retention environment, these           exception of non-profit organiza-        of the package and help attract a
for guests than one that is treated                                              tions, people don’t work for altruis-
                                          tenets are inextricably woven into                                             larger pool of high-quality appli-
as an afterthought.                                                              tic reasons. They work to feed their
                                          the culture of the business itself.                                            cants. “Non-wage” also pertains
                                          In fact, one-third of job seekers      families, pay their mortgages, and      to business culture: 42% of em-
Attracting and keeping good staff is
                                                                                 put gas in their cars.                  ployees say learning and 48% say
both an art and a science, and not        would pass up the perfect job if
all resorts get it right. At its sim-     the corporate culture was a bad                                                development is the most important
                                                                                 Pay is the linchpin of the equation.
plest, it can be boiled down to three                                                                                    benefit when deciding where to
                                          fit.                                    If it’s industry-leading and incor-
core concepts which are inextrica-                                                                                       work followed by health insurance
                                                                                 porates regular raises, more and
bly intertwined:                        It all starts with the hiring process.                                           (Udemy).
                                                                                 better candidates will apply. Adding
                                        To attract the best candidates a         a sign-on bonus can also create         The interview process is the impor-
  1. Pay employees well
                                        resort should first and foremost          an atmosphere of competitiveness        tant next step. Outdated or cookie-
  2. Praise them emphatically and       look at its benefits package. Keep        and further incentivize the cream of    cutter approaches will not reveal
     often                              in mind that 7% of the world’s 3.3       the crop to apply.                      the true strengths and talents (or
                                                                                                                         weaknesses) of candidates, which
                                                                                                                         is why creativity and innovation is
                                                                                                                         key. Instead of consecutive one-
                                                                                                                         on-one interviews using standard
                                                                                                                         questions, perhaps utilize a panel
                                                                                                                         approach, or try group interviews
                                                                                                                         where candidates are challenged
                                                                                                                         to solve a sample problem collab-
                                                                                                                         oratively or competitively. Giving
                                                                                                                         candidates a spontaneous trade-re-
                                                                                                                         lated test task during the interview
                                                                                                                         is a good way to discover which
                                                                                                                         ones have solid industry knowledge
                                                                                                                         and can think on their feet.

                                                                                                                         Once the best candidates have
                                                                                                                         been locked in and hired, retention
                                                                                                                         is the next challenge. Businesses
                                                                                                                         with a strong learning culture enjoy
                                                                                                                         employee engagement and reten-
                                                                                                                         tion rates around 30-50% higher
                                                                                                                         than those that don’t. In addition to
                                                                                                                         “pay,” two other “Ps” are instrumen-
                                                                                                                         tal in keeping employees on board
                                                                                                                         and happy.
10 | The Resort Professionals’ monthly News Journal since 1987
First, ongoing praise is essential.     Second, promotion from within
Why? Because employees are mo-          demonstrates to employees that
tivated to work better and harder if    they can have a future with the
they know that their work is valued     company. This gives them a sense
and appreciated. In fact, 19% leave     of security and promotes loyalty –
their jobs because they do not feel     among both staff and guests. Cul-
appreciated for the work they do. I     tivating longevity fosters a culture
believe in recognizing good work        where staff are proud to say they
often and rewarding spontaneously       work for your resort, and guests
in a million little ways, because the   plan return visits in anticipation of
fact is that 6 out of 10 employees      seeing familiar friendly faces. Fur-
are currently (and quietly) seeking     thermore, promotion should enable
new employment opportunities.           employees to move from the lowest
Some ideas and tactics include:         levels all the way to upper manage-
                                        ment, if they are so inclined - 41%      A Marine Innovations inclined elevator will make your guests love
 • Personally thanking individu-        of employees leave because they          you. Built to meet or exceed ASME A17.1-2010, Section 5.1 and 5.4
 als for going above and beyond         were not given challenging work or       standards, they are dependable, practical and affordable. Our in-
 (using personalized hand written       a career path. We’ve all heard sto-      clined elevator will let your guests enjoy all of your resort’s amenities
 thank you notes)                       ries of staffers who started out as      without the hassle of climbing stairs.
                                        hourly dishwashers or front desk
  • Doing something special for                                                  Contact us today to see how a Marine Innovations inclined elevator
                                        clerks and progressed through the
  them that they do for others                                                   can put a smile on the face of every guest (and yours too)!
                                        ranks to become the head chefs or
  • Recognizing birthdays and           reservations managers; this should
  work achievements in creative         be the rule, not the exception.
  ways during employee meetings
                                        The path to promo-
  or parties
                                        tion is facilitated by
  • Holding quarterly luncheons,        a robust training
  holiday parties and seasonal          program, another
  departmental outings                  element of                                                888-334-4666 • •
                                        employee en-
  • Sending holiday cards and of-       gagement. Of-
  fering holiday gifts                  fering career
                                        training and
A corollary to praise is making sure    development
employees feel heard and valuing        would keep                               mental and cross-departmental             moting them personally and
their input. For example, having        86% of millenni-                         training not only gives staff the         professionally is the winning
a suggestion box (and actually          als from leaving                         tools to perform their job well and       trifecta of staff hiring and retention.
monitoring it regularly) and an         their current po-                        offer superior guest service, but         If we are employees’ cheerleaders
open-door management policy lets        sition. Teaching                         also motivates them to seek pro-          and always look out for their best
staff know that they have a voice       best practices                           motion. And when merit increases          interests, we can ensure they feel
in how things are done (or could        on the job and                          are tied to performance – which            appreciated and empowered. This
be improved) at the resort. If email    off and offer-                          I believe makes more sense                 strategy ultimately pays dividends
is your resort’s primary mode of        ing depart-                             than offering automatic annual             in loyalty, engagement, and guest
communication, be creative in how                                                             increases – success-         satisfaction.
you engage and inform staff who                                                                 fully completing
might not have a company email                                                                   training becomes
account (such as housekeeping                                                                     a key motivator to
or parking attendants). This could                                                                getting a raise.
be a simple as a digital bulletin
board in a staff break room, or                                                                 Paying employ-
as high-tech as a smartphone                                                                    ees well, praising
app. In addition, translating                                                                    them often and
messages from English
into languages most
commonly spoken by
staff can go a long
way towards making
                                                                                                                           Renee Blood is the General
them feel valued
                                                                                                                           Manager of the RiverWalk Resort
and respected.
                                                                                                                           at Loon Mountain, where she is
                                                                                                                           responsible for the operation of the
                                                                                                                           newest grand luxury resort in New
                                                                                                                           England. Renee has been in the
                                                                                                                           hospitality industry for over twenty
                                                                                                                           five years and has held a variety of
                                                                                                                           management positions for Marriott
                                                                                                                           Hotels International in both cor-
                                                                                                                           porate and independently owned
                                                                                                                           properties and also ran the third
                                                                                                                           largest market for Expedia, Inc.
                                                                                                                  pro-     while living in Orlando, Fl.

Tell them you saw it in The Trades                                                               931-484-8819 | | August 2019 | 11

How to Save Money
on Fumigation Projects
By: Noel McCarthy

So, one of the worst things that can     The (usually licensed1) specialists      will tell you that. Beware if they do!    studio apartment (500 square
happen to you as a resort owner/         of a reputable company will be able      The chemicals used during the             feet) may cost between $500 and
manager has happened: a guest            to make a more accurate assess-          fumigation process are extremely          $1,500. Larger rooms, say between
has complained about a pest (or          ment of the problem than you can         toxic, so neither you, your staff,        1,000-1,200-square feet apartment,
pests) in their room or suite. Per-        and take the appropriate steps.        nor your guests should be allowed         might cost $1,000 to $3,000 to
haps the ‘invaders’ appeared in one      You may think that, depending on         anywhere near a site that’s being         fumigate. If you have suites any-
of your cabins or a chalet; maybe        the pest (or pests) involved, the        treated.                                  where from 2,000 to 5,000 square
in the changing rooms at the pool        problem may be relatively easy                                                     feet, you could be looking at costs
or in a lounge area; conceivably in      to address. But don’t count on it!       Finally, keep in mind that the            between $2,000 and $5,000.
                                         Especially since your business and       fumigated areas will not be safe for
a dining room or bar area; maybe
                                         your reputation is on the line here.     occupancy for several days; you’ll        To keep costs within reason and
even your golf carts or the shuttles
                                                                                  have to quarantine the area(s)            your budget you might keep some
you use to ferry guests around the       Be aware that the type of pests          involved until your contractor gives      of the following items in mind:
resort. At this point, however, it       you’re dealing with will have a          you the ‘all clear’.
really doesn’t really matter if you’re   direct impact on the cost of your fu-                                               • Make sure that your PMC is
dealing with getting rid of bed bugs,    migation efforts. For instance, cock-    Cost considerations                        targeting only the pests that have
mice or silverfish. What is important     roach or ant infestations will gener-                                               been identified. Remember that
is that you tackle the problem im-       ally be easier to deal with than, say,   Obviously, you should have your            ants and bedbugs require less
mediately.                               a bed bug infestation or a termite       PMC explain the costs of fumiga-           time and work than termites, and
                                         invasion. So, be sure that the PMC       tion, in detail. Fumigation prices         your costs should reflect that.
Fumigation options                       you hire properly identifies all the      depend on the type pests (or pests)
                                         pests involved (there may be others      and the square footage of the site         • If your PMC elects to ‘tent’ a
Let’s assume that your infestation
                                         you didn’t know about).                  involved. For instance, eliminating        building or facility to accomplish
problem is serious enough that you
                                                                                  termites is far costlier (and labor in-    the fumigation process, this will
have to fumigate, rather than man-       Last, but by no means least,             tensive) than eradicating bed bugs,        certainly increase your costs.
age the problem yourself (more           fumigation is a labor-intensive and      so should expect a PMC to adjust           Have your PMC explain why they
about that later). Keep in mind,         time-consuming operation that            its prices accordingly.                    are electing to ‘tent,’ and whether
however, that fumigation, even on        takes time. Don’t expect a PMC to                                                   or not the number of affected
a small scale, can be costly and         do the job in a couple of hours and      Generally speaking, costs can              rooms/areas is justified.
time-consuming. However, it is very      then declare the infested areas fit       be anywhere from $1 to $3 per
effective, which is why so many          for habitation. It doesn’t work like     square foot. So, a room that is            • If you are considering doing
resort owners go for this option.        that—and no reputable operator           roughly the size of the average            the fumigation yourself, be aware
12 | The Resort Professionals’ monthly News Journal since 1987
that most states regulate who can     Sterifab, Noel's expertise in bed
 undertake fumigations (certifica-      bugs is a newfound hobby of sorts.
 tion is often required) and control   He has enjoyed learning about
 access to the kinds of chemicals      these pesky little pests, and their
 required.                             entourage of friends including lice,
                                       mites and more
 • While you can certainly save
 money by using aerosol ‘bombs’        Footnotes
 to treat infested areas, keep in
 mind that they are a.) Not es-         1. According to the EPA, "Each
 pecially effective, or b.) Cannot      company must have at least one
 prevent insects from migrating         certified, licensed commercial
 to other location when they are        pesticide applicator in the proper
 employed.                              service category. Other company
                                        applicators must be certified ap-
It is only by scrutinizing every
                                        plicators or licensed technicians
aspect of the fumigation project
                                        under the direct supervision of a
can you ensure that you’re being
charged correctly. Spend what is        certified applicator."
required and no more. The cost dif-     “Tips for Selecting a Pest Control
ferentials can be daunting.
                                        Service”, United States Environ-
Going it alone                          mental Protection Agency, June
                                        13, 2017.
As we said, taking the DIY ap-          safepestcontrol/tips-selecting-
proach can certainly save you           pest-control-service
money. If you elect this route there
are a number of very effective         —
pesticides on the market, including
Sterifab, which is one of the most     Noel McCarthy has worked as a
versatile and effective insecticides   writer and editor throughout his
and disinfectants available. In any    career. A former director for Thom-
event, awhatever you select should     son Reuters, Noel also worked for
not only be able to kill bed bugs,     PwC for 17 years. A staff writer for
ticks, scabies, fleas, mites, roaches   Sterifab, Noel's expertise in bed
and a wide variety of other pests      bugs is a newfound hobby of sorts.
but it also clean and deodorize        He has enjoyed learning about
easily.                                these pesky little pests, and their

                                                                                  “WE NEED TO TALK.”
                                       entourage of friends including lice,
AUTHOR BIO:                            mites and more.
Noel McCarthy has worked as a
writer and editor throughout his
career. A former director for Thom-
son Reuters, Noel also worked for
                                                                                                  TIPS FROM TARS
PwC for 17 years. A staff writer for   SPONSORED CONTENT                      Timeshare associations: holding too many HOA owned intervals?
                                                                              Legal, foreclosure, and collection expenses eating into your budget?
                                                                              Are your owners aging and looking for an immediate out of timeshare?
                                                                              Not attracting new buyers to long-term or perpetual timeshares?
                                                                              Are scam exit, resale, and transfer companies attacking your owner base?
                                                                              If your answer is “yes” to any of these questions, contact us immediately at
                                                                                        timeshare advisory and resolution services (“TARS”).
                                                                              “legacy resort” does not always mean “the end!”.
                                                                              Control the fate of your resort with real solutions to legacy issues…
                                                                              •   Tars works for you by analyzing your sustainability and negotiating solutions with
                                                                                  many vetted providers in the marketplace.
                                                                              •   Our free HOA website is customized for your association to improve owner
                                                                                  communications and board transparency, rentals, resales, and add income to
                                                                                  the association.
                                                                              •   Tars can eliminate your HOA owned inventory immediately in many cases.
                                                                              •   Tars works with self-managed and professionally managed legacy resorts.
                                                                              Board Members: Don’t get caught in a scam in making your last decisions. Beware
                                                                              of any one that says, “we can do it all, and you will make a lot of $$”. Marty Kandel
                                                                              is a former Assistant Attorney General, member of the Board of ARDA, timeshare
                                                                              developer and consumer advocate. Re-purposing does not have to be the new “re-
                                                                              sale scam” and might not be the right solution for your resort. TARS works with you
                                                                              towards the best solution for your resort!

                                                                                            Marty Kandel

Tell them you saw it in The Trades                                                              931-484-8819 | | August 2019 | 13

The Scottsdale Camelback Resort –
A Benchmark for Legacy Properties
By: Marge Lennon

 Fun Facts:

 Scottsdale Camelback
 Resort (SCR) is idyllically
 located at the base of
 Camelback Mountain
 in Scottsdale, Arizona.
 The Resort features 111
 purpose-built studios, and
 two- and three-bedroom
 villas. Amenities include
 pools, fitness center, lighted
 tennis courts, meditation
 labyrinth, walking trail, movie
 theater, poolside grille and
 water spa. The 10-hole
 miniature golf, and 9-hole
 putting green were designed
 for multigenerational
 activities and are ADA
 acceptable. Scottsdale
 Camelback is affiliated with
 RCI, II and Vacations and                 “Because we are a rare single-site timeshare     Although there are only a handful of free-
 Travel, designated as Gold               resort and not affiliated with a national brand,   standing, unbranded timeshare resorts
                                          we have the freedom to focus on satisfying        around today, Lori and her management
 Crown and Select. The                    our owners instead of a shareholder,” says        team have managed to make their 30-year
 property has been named a                Lori Entwistle, General Manager. “Plus, we        old resort excel in both customer and staff
 Greenleader by Trip Advisor              have a fantastic Board that shares our vision     satisfaction, retaining many of their 70 asso-
                                          and enables us to execute and move quickly        ciates for as long as 25 years.
 and a Certified Green                    when a decision is required.”
 Hotel by the Scottsdale
 Convention and Visitors
 Bureau for their efforts in
 environmental initiatives.
 The Resort welcomed its
 first owners in 1982 and
 was sold out in 1990. For
 the past seven years, SCR
 has been managed by
 Synergy Management, led
 by Lori Entwistle who is
 Synergy president and resort
 General Manager. Synergy
 also offers consulting
 services for self-managed
 or board run properties
 seeking professional advice,
 employee training or an
 independent evaluation of
 their operations.
14 | The Resort Professionals’ monthly News Journal since 1987
To accomplish this, the Scottsdale Camel-
back Resort and its team of associates focus
daily on these 10 characteristics, calling them
the SCR Way: Teamwork, Integrity, Commit-
ment, Loyalty to Company, Accountability,
Pride, Enthusiasm, Professionalism, Partici-
pation, and Personal Responsibility.

“Those words really mean something on
this property,” Lori adds. “It’s how we deal
with associates, vendors, and owners. With
one property, 111 villas and a staff of 70, we
strive to have everyone work at their maxi-
mum capacity. This means each job becomes
far greater than its job description. When
everyone interacts in a kind and courteous
manner with owners, vendors and associ-
ates on a daily basis, their job becomes more
meaningful. They understand that they are
part of something larger in scope and their
actions can have a positive impact on the
experiences of those they serve.”

This translates to a great deal of effort from
the executive level to hire, train and recognize
associates. Adds Eric Downey, SCR Director
of Operations, with the resort for 25 years,
“We are surrounded by about 20 luxury
resorts within two miles, all clamoring for
the best associates, making competition for
exceptional candidates truly challenging. This
means we don’t always have first choice and
may take someone without experience. But
after we explain the SCR Way and the can-
didates connect with our commitment, they
eagerly become part of our great team. They
understand that there are new challenges
Tell them you saw it in The Trades                 931-484-8819 | | August 2019 | 15
Who’s Running
 the Show

 Lori Entwistle
 received a
 BS in Hotel
 from the
 University of
 Nevada Las
 Vegas and was recruited
 by Hyatt Hotels for their
 management trainee
 program. She began her
 hospitality career as Food
 and Beverage Controller at
 the Hyatt Regency Hilton
 Head, later transferring to
 Hyatt Regency Scottsdale,
 as Assistant Purchasing                 every day, but when we work as a team and         and $75 gift cards. The subliminal message
 Director. In 1994, she                  have fun in the process, the final result be-      shows that when combined, all of the puzzle
 became Purchasing                       comes exceptional guest service.”                 pieces can achieve amazing results. On a
                                                                                           daily basis, all managers can hand out puzzle
 Director at the Scottsdale              Employee Recognition/Bonus Programs               pieces “on the fly” as a deed is observed,
 Camelback Resort.                       Everyone enjoys praise and recognition for a
                                                                                           these pieces are also eligible to win a gift
 She was promoted to                     task well done. To remain frequently engaged

 General Manager in 2000,                with their associates and reward them with        Annual employee performance Success Eval-
                                         financial benefits, SCR recognizes their asso-
 helping create the resort’s             ciates on daily, monthly and quarterly pro-
                                                                                           uations are conducted semi-annually instead
                                                                                           of annually with salary increases given when
 foundation, which has                   grams, sharing their achievement company-         appropriate, meaning that increases will come
 been recognized as an                   wide at the time the award is presented.          more often. This is aimed at retaining staff
 industry benchmark for                  The quarterly bonus gift card program of vary-
                                                                                           with more frequent financial rewards. The pro-
                                                                                           gram allows managers to be more frequently
 legacy properties. Her                  ing values recognizes associates who have
                                                                                           engaged and provide positive feedback with
 leadership at SCR is a                  excelled to a certain standard within their
                                                                                           financial benefits.
                                         position. This can include helping maintain ex-
 testament to her ability                change company scores, departmental bud-           “Although decisions are always based on
 to successfully manage                  gets and acts of kindness to associates and/      what is best for the resort and its owners,”
 an aging property while                 or guests. These gestures indicate a strong       says Robin Freese – Director of Guest Ser-
                                         commitment to the resort and its owners.
 maintaining high exchange                                                                 vices and with the resort for 25 years – “Lori
                                                                                           has found the balance of taking good care
 company designations. Lori              When a manager recognizes an associate
                                                                                           of our owners, maintaining the resort at the
                                         demonstrating the SCR Way, the manger
 is a frequent guest speaker             will hand them a piece of a puzzle. Monthly,
                                                                                           highest standards and keeping our associates
 for ARDA at national and                all associates who have received a puzzle
                                                                                           happy. This is not easy to achieve but her high
                                                                                           energy, keen leadership and upbeat posi-
 regional meetings and is a              piece are recognized at the General Associ-
                                                                                           tive spirit has helped make this happen. She
                                         ate Meeting. Puzzle pieces are placed into a
 Certified Hotel Administrator           hopper, with winners receiving a free lunch
                                                                                           consistently takes care of everyone within our
 and Registered Resort                                                                     resort family, knowing if they succeed, we all
 Professional. She holds
 an Arizona Real Estate
 Brokers license and is the
 Designated Broker for the
 rental program at Scottsdale
 Camelback Resort. Lori’s
 senior management team
 includes: Eric Downey,
 Director of Operations;
 Robin Freese, Director of
 Guest Services; Erin Press,
 Director of Marketing and
 Revenue and Jennifer
 Bohnsack, Director of
 Human Resources.

16 | The Resort Professionals’ monthly News Journal since 1987
will. This makes for a very tight-knit family

Philanthropic endeavors include donating
linens to veterans, women’s shelters and
recycling centers. Past annual manager
outings were at a game arcade and bowl-
ing alley to bring managers together and
create bonds with fellow associates. Lori is
very big on creating teamwork and constant
staff training. The spa director is attending a
wellness conference, maintenance manag-
ers have been to seminars on pool mainte-
nance and the F&B director has attended
food shows and culinary seminars, enabling
them to become more knowledgeable about
their jobs and want to learn and do even

Happily married for 25 years, Lori believes
in a work-life balance for herself and her
team and has recently discovered the fun
and challenge of golfing. She loves interact-
ing with associates and welcoming return-
ing owners that she has come to know
over her many years at the resort, includ-
ing several third- and fourth-generation
families. There is a constant flow in and out
of her office and she most enjoys being
involved with her staff and assisting each
department as they work toward a common
Resort Goal, recognizing that they are all
pieces of the puzzle.

Added Erin Press, Director of Marketing
and Revenue, “I love working at SCR for so
many reasons…but the one that had the
largest impact on my decision to join the
team was that the bulk of our leadership
team has been on property for more than
20 years. It is this commitment and longev-
ity that allows us to drive our vision forward
with a focus on our owners. As a property,
we are able to truly provide a home-away-
from-home experience for our owners, ex-
change guests and rental guests.”

                Marge Lennon has been a
                publicist for the timeshare
                industry since 1978. She can
                be reached at 239-841-0553 or
                via marge@lennoncommunica-

Tell them you saw it in The Trades                931-484-8819 | | August 2019 | 17

ISLAND HOPPING                                                                        The Westin Nanea Ocean
                                                                                      Villas -Lanai View

By Judy Kenninger

When Americans are asked where             cony, and spacious living and dining
they would like to travel if money were    areas. A unique Hawaiian design is
no object, the No. 1 response year         showcased throughout the resort with
after year is Hawaii. And why not?         textures and finishes native to the Big
The weather is the among the world’s       Island’s rich, natural environment.
best, the people have that aloha spirit,
there’s a rich history and culture, the    “We are thrilled to open this magnifi-
scenery is nothing short of spectacu-      cent oceanfront resort in one of the
lar, and then there are the usual vaca-    most beautiful destinations in the
tion suspects, beaches and golf.           world,” says Mark Wang, president
                                           and CEO. “Our expansion in Hawaii
With all these attractions, it comes as    reflects our long-term commitment to
no surprise that Hawaii is also a top      providing a lifetime of vacations for
timeshare destination, with 97 resorts     our owners and guests in their most
(6 percent of all U.S. resorts), accord-   sought-after destinations.”
ing a 2018 American Resort Develop-
ment Association (ARDA) International      Part of HGV’s plan to grow its inven-
Foundation study.                          tory in Hawaii, Ocean Tower is their
                                           ninth property in the state of Hawaii.
That trend will certainly continue         Future openings are targeted for Maui
as major brands are debuting new           in 2021 and Waikiki in 2022.
properties, and properties of an age
that would be termed “legacy” in the       Marriott Vacations Worldwide, after
                                           its 2018 purchase of Interval Leisure                                      Marriott's Maui Ocean Club
mainland, have found ways to remain
vibrant.                                   Group, now has 12 resorts in Ha-
                                           waii, with six part of Marriott Vacation
                                           Club, one Sheraton Vacation club,
                                           four under the Westin Vacation Club
Brand News                                 brand, and one Hyatt Residence
                                           Club, the Hyatt Residence Club Maui,
In February, Hilton Grand Vacations        Ka’anapali Beach, which was awarded
Inc. opened Ocean Tower by Hilton          the ARDA ACE Project of Distinction
Grand Vacations Club with a traditional    Award in 2015. “Hawaii is one of the
Hawaiian blessing and ceremony.            highest demanded destinations,” says
The resort is HGV’s fourth property        Ed Kinney, global vice president for
in Waikoloa. Over the course of this       MVW. “There had been pent-up de-
multi-phase project, they plan approxi-    mand that surpassed our inventory, so
mately 350 units comprised of stu-         we added more product to meet our
dios, one-, two- and three- bedroom        members’ needs.”
suites including upgraded penthouse
residences. The project’s initial phase,   The company is also proactive in
which is now complete, features 72         meeting members’ needs through the
units. They offer resort or ocean views,   amenities it provides. “It really var-                                            Ocean Tower Bedroom
and have a full kitchen, private bal-      ies by property and by island, but,

   OT Grand Opening

                                                                                      The Westin Princeville Ocean Resort
                                                                                      Villas - Pool with Seating Aera

18 | The Resort Professionals’ monthly News Journal since 1987
Marriott's Ko Olina Beach Club                                                The Westin Ka'anapali Ocean
                                                                                                              Resort Villas North

                                                                 for example, in Oahu – Marriott’s Ko           benchmarks, while generating value
                                                                 Olina Beach Club has a spectacular             in ownership, improved association
                                                                 golf course,” he says. “On-site, what’s        health and reputation for the timeshare
                                                                 important is the location of the prop-         industry as a whole.” Because of this
                                                                 erty, the pools and beaches. Often,            success, Grand Pacific is able to offer
                                                                 guests are interested in exploring local       competitive wages in this higher cost
                                                                 restaurants, the mountains, and hiking         of living market. “All of this, combined
                                                                 and eco-tourism activities. They really        with capturing the hearts of our asso-
                                                                 want to explore the culture of each            ciates, makes our owners and guests
                                                                 island, which is unique and pretty             feel very special,” he says. As a result,
                                 The Westin Ka'anapali Ocean     special.”                                      existing owners continue to be the
                                 Resort Villas                                                                  best prospects for resales weeks and
                                                                 Kinney credits the high quality of time-       the future success of the resort.
                                                                 share resorts in Hawaii for boosting
                                                                 the satisfaction rate among visitors.          The independent status and organic
                                 Marriott's Kauai Beach Club     “This is fantastic for the industry as a       growth of many timeshare resorts
                                                                 whole.”                                        in Hawaii lend complexity. Shawn
                                                                                                                Ericson, president/owner at Pohaku
                                                                                                                Resort Management, says one of their
                                                                                                                managed properties, Pono Kai Resort
                                                                 Managing for Results
                                                                                                                on Kauai, has three separate home-
                                                                 When it comes to managing timeshare            owners associations. “Many resorts
                                                                 resorts, Hawaii’s abundant appeal has          were originally built as whole owner-
                                                                 its fair share of advantages as well as        ships and then developers came in
                                                                 challenges. Nigel Lobo, chief operating        and started buying up those condos,
                                                                 officer at Grand Pacific Resort Man-             annexing them into a new timeshare
                                                                 agement, which manages resorts in              resort within the master association,”
                                                                 Hawaii, explains that the Aloha spirit in      he explains.
                                                                 Hawaii is a natural fit with Grand Pacif-
                                                                                                                These resorts have remained vibrant
                                                                 ic’s core purpose of “enriching lives by
                                                                                                                due to the constant demand. “Even
                                                                 creating experiences worth sharing.”
                                                                                                                when owners can’t come every year,
                                                                 “It’s really all about providing heartfelt
                                                                                                                the exchange companies will tell you,
                                                                 authentic service,” he says. “The Aloha
                                                                                                                Hawaii is their No. 1 desired destina-
                                                                 hospitality is totally in synch with what
                                                                                                                tion,” he says. “So owners will get
                                 Marriott's Kauai Beach Club     do as an organization.”
                                                                                                                excellent exchanges. In the old days,
                                                                 In addition to their signature service         they sometimes would get two weeks
                                                                 culture, Grand Pacific’s successful             for depositing one week.”
                                                                 marketing programs contribute to
                                                                                                                On the flip side, the many regula-
                                                                 improved balance sheets. “We have
                                                                                                                tions in place in Hawaii add additional
                                                                 had phenomenal success managing
                                                                                                                levels of complexity. “In order to be
                                                                 the room inventory at our resorts,” he
                                                                                                                a manager in Hawaii, you have to
                                                                 says. “Grand Pacific prides itself on
                                                                                                                have what’s called a Plan Manager’s
                                                                 a 98 percent inventory forecasting
                                                                                                                License, something we don’t have to
                                                                 accuracy rate creating an exceptional
                                                                                                                do anywhere else,” Ericson explains.
                                                                 level of owner satisfaction as well as
                                                                                                                “Additionally, our banking is done
                                                                 valuable rental revenue that yields the
                                                                                                                through Hawaiian banks; and from a
                                                                 best financial outcomes for the resort’s
                                                                                                                legal standpoint everything can be a
                                                                 vacation owners association. Our
                                                                                                                little challenging at times.”
                                                                 inventory strategies dramatically in-
                                                                 crease owner use, exceeding industry                          continue on page 28

Tell them you saw it in The Trades                                                         931-484-8819 | | August 2019 | 19

It EXISTS and HOW you can HELP the CLASS OF 2020
By Dr. Amy M. Gregory, RRP

Hospitality education in the United                                                                                                     initial and future compensation benefits
States experienced its greatest growth                                                                                                  when compared to traditional lodging.
in the 1980s – along with the boom-                                                                                                     Students that enter the industry report
ing economy and expansion of the                                                                                                        back a personal understanding of the
greater hospitality and tourism industry.                                                                                               longevity that exists with employees in
In 1992, there were 128 hospitality                                                                                                     the industry. Numerous students who
programs at academic institutions                                                                                                       have taken an initial timeshare job to
in the United States offering bach-                                                                                                     fulfill a requirement (internship hours,
elor’s, master’s or doctoral degrees                                                                                                    summer job, or part-time position)
in the field. These programs varied                                                                                                      report their delight in working in such
from generalized study within a more                                                                                                    a unique environment with a paycheck
traditional College, i.e., College of Busi-                                                                                             that is difficult to give up or replicate.
ness, to specialized and focused study
                                                                                                                                        Whether it is timeshare-specific course-
of hospitality disciplines and contexts
                                                                                                                                        work or content embedded in a broader
within a hospitality-specific Department
                                                                                                                                        course topic, formalized education
or College, i.e., College of Hospitality &
                                                                                                                                        exposes future employees to the indus-
Tourism Management.
                                                                                                                                        try, provides a foundation of industry
In 2019, Statista (a leading provider of                                                                                                knowledge, and positively influences
market and consumer data) reported                                                                                                      overall perceptions. Therefore, it
that there were 19.91 million students                                                                                                  seems logical that industry should
enrolled in United States’ colleges.                                                                                                    reach out to institutions that have exist-
In the same year, College Factual                                                                                                       ing coursework and programs, but also
estimated that 13,547 people would                                                                                                      to geographically targeted institutions
pursue a degree in Hospitality Man-                                                                                                     that can be gateways for future employ-
agement each year; ranking it 42 in                                                                                                     ees. Here are a few ways to engage
terms of popularity out of 384 college                                                                                                  with Colleges and Universities:
                                                                                   ID 61271500 © Spaceheater |
majors. Institution-specific reports and                                                                                                 1. Attend existing Career Fairs – one
forecasts indicate that enrollments and       has declined in the United States.           other areas, absorption of timeshare
                                                                                                                                           measure of success for universities
degrees in the hospitality and tourism        Just 10 years ago, more than a dozen         as a topic within generalized course-
                                                                                                                                           is employment after graduation. As
segment will continue to increase for         institutions offered timeshare-specific       work rather than a stand-alone course,
                                                                                                                                           a result, most have one, if not more,
the foreseeable future. In addition,          coursework or content within a more          lack of industry presence on campus
                                                                                                                                           Career Fairs or other recruiting
university Career Fairs, internship           generalized area of study. Today,            related to student hiring leading up to
                                                                                                                                           opportunities that employers can at-
credit hours and management training          timeshare curriculum has dwindled            and upon graduation.
                                                                                                                                           tend. Set up like a trade show booth
programs in Hospitality Management            with only two institutions offering one or
                                                                                           On the positive side, 10 years of data          with lots of engaging headlines, pic-
continue to provide portals for students      more courses, explicitly focused on the                                                      tures and promotional merchandise.
                                              timeshare industry. A common trend           collection and analysis surveying col-
interested in beginning careers in this                                                                                                    Be sure to staff your booth with
                                              exists within academia in terms of time-     lege students about their perception
field. Given the current labor pool and                                                                                                     several employees who can speak
                                              share research and academic publica-         of the timeshare industry, its product
record high employment rates, get-                                                                                                         to students about your company and
                                              tion. Interviews of academics teaching       features and benefits, attractiveness of
ting to students that are considering                                                                                                      the opportunities available, collect-
                                              and/or doing research in this area           employment, and future willingness to
college, determining degree programs,                                                                                                      ing resumes and business cards, or
                                              reveal a number of reasons fueling the       use and/or purchase timeshare, contin-
fulfilling internship requirements or                                                                                                       having students sign up on an app
                                              decline: reduced course enrollments,         ue to indicate that formalized education
nearing graduation has proven to be a                                                                                                      or tablet.
                                              lack of funding and/or resources to          at the university level leads to a signifi-
successful and efficient way in which to
                                              assist faculty in their development and      cantly positive shift in college students’   2. Schedule an Information Ses-
recruit high potential employees.
                                              delivery of timeshare-specific content,       impressions of the industry. Moreover,          sion – ask to use/rent available
Sadly, timeshare-specific education            realignment of faculty resources to          institutions with formalized timeshare-         space (an auditorium, a classroom,
                                                                                            related recruitment and hiring tend to         a conference room) to conduct an
                                                                                            have more robust student enrollment
“…Timeshare-specific education                                                               in timeshare-specific coursework,
                                                                                                                                           information session wherein you
                                                                                                                                           tell students (and faculty) about
                                                                                            programming and events. Interviews
has declined in the United States.                                                          with students that are enrolled in the
                                                                                                                                           your company, products/services,
                                                                                                                                           customers, employees, history, cul-
                                                                                            coursework indicate a degree of con-
Just 10 years ago, more than a                                                              venience when initially selecting the
                                                                                                                                           ture, etc. Incorporate a few younger
                                                                                                                                           employees who recently graduated
                                                                                            course more so than a genuine interest
dozen institutions offered timeshare-                                                       in the topic. However, interest in the
                                                                                                                                           college and can speak to their ca-
                                                                                                                                           reer story at your company.
                                                                                            topic increases as students are more
specific coursework or content... To-                                                        educated and aware of the size of           3. Be a Guest Speaker – faculty
                                                                                            the industry, diversity of career paths,       and students benefit from having
day, timeshare curriculum has dwin-                                                         opportunity to work at or with a resort-       industry come in to the classroom.
                                                                                            style product, pathways for advance-           Check the course offerings at the lo-
dled with only two….”                                                                       ment and cross-training, as well as the        cal university to find a relevant topic
20 | The Resort Professionals’ monthly News Journal since 1987
ID 149492761 © Jennifer Retholtz |

   on which you’d like to speak, then           varied to expose them to various        PROVIDING A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT
                                                                                         SHOULD BE A WALK IN THE PARK
   reach out to the Department Chair            parts of the organization and fairly
   or Faculty listed on the institution’s       compensated. There is a beginning
   website for an opportunity to come           and an end with the goal (but not a
   in to the classroom.                         promise) of long-term employment.            The DOGIPOT® line of products combines
                                                                                        unparalleled convenience and superior durability to
4. Schedule a Property Visit – field          Reach out to universities and colleges
   trips work for classes, student clubs/    to learn about what they are already        help you do the job you love better and ensure the
   organizations and students liv-           doing, what things you may do to as-       perfect park experience whether on two legs or four.
   ing on campus, as well as faculty.        sist, and how you can work together

“…Interest in the topic increases as
students are more educated and
aware of the size of the industry,
                                                                                        Header Pak Dispenser      Junior Bag Dispenser     Poly Junior Bag Dispenser
diversity of career paths, opportu-                                                           1002HP-4                   1002-2                      1007-2

nity to work at or with a resort-style
product, pathways for advancement
and cross-training, as well as the
initial and future compensation ben-
efits when compared to traditional
lodging.”                                                                                                           DOGIPARK DOGIJump Hoop

   Everyone benefits from seeing how          to achieve common goals. Most
   what they are doing in the class-         institutions have a Student Services
   room applies to and fits in with the       Office and that is a great place to start
   “real world.” Consider including a        as these areas may often be over-
   speaker panel populated by indi-          whelmed with needs.
   viduals at various levels in multiple
                                             About the author – Dr. Amy M.                 Trash Liner Box                                          Roll Bag
   departments. Conducting the panel                                                                                 Header Pak                      1402
                                             Gregory, RRP is an Associate Profes-               1404
   with snacks and beverages encour-                                                                                  1402HP
   ages people to attend.                    sor at the University of Central Florida
                                             (UCF) Rosen College of Hospitality
5. Host a Workshop – help students           Management – Department of Food-
   understand how to interview, create       service & Lodging Management. After
   a business card, build a network,         more than 20 years in the timeshare
   search for and apply for jobs, or         industry, Amy was hired by UCF to de-
   make their resume more impactful.         velop/teach the timeshare curriculum,
   This provides a service to the uni-       expand academic
   versity while allowing your company       research in the
   to interact with potential employees.     timeshare seg-
                                             ment, and work
6. Build Internships and Manage-             with industry to                                                      DOGIPARK DOGIFountain
   ment Training programs – the key          develop inroads                                                              7522
   to these programs is structure and        for students in
   commitment on the company side.
   The work the students do should
                                             the timeshare
   be meaningful (to you and them),
                                                                                        The Most Trusted & Superior Quality For Over 25 Years
Tell them you saw it in The Trades                                                                       931-484-8819 | | August 2019 | 21
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