FUTURE - CAREER tracks DEFINE - Nanyang Technological University

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FUTURE - CAREER tracks DEFINE - Nanyang Technological University
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                                                                    JOB FUNCTIONS



FUTURE - CAREER tracks DEFINE - Nanyang Technological University
The boat to an extraordinary career is about to set sail.
             Catch it before it’s too late!

        *Apply by 24 February, 11 pm via our exclusive link:
        moe.gov.sg/2019teaching to be considered for the
        December 2019 NIE intake
FUTURE - CAREER tracks DEFINE - Nanyang Technological University

                                                                       The future of work for you is
                                                                       right here, right now.

                                                                       As the speed of digitalisation grows, it continues to         As always, my team and I at the Career & Attachment
                                                                       revolutionise the world around us and create many             Office (CAO) are here for all of you to support your career
                                                                       exciting new opportunities.                                   aspirations. With personalised career exploration and
                                                                                                                                     coaching, career skills workshops, one-to-one industry-
                                                                       In 2019, it is expected that the top jobs in demand           specific consultations, local and overseas internships,
                                                                       would be analytical and data-driven in nature. Besides        company visits, industry and alumni networking
                                                                       traditionally digital roles in data science, product          sessions, and recruitment events, we empower you to
                                                                       management and user experience design, demand                 chart and develop your own career. To find your place in
                                                                       for professionals with big data, e-commerce and               the working world, you have to start with yourself. Take
                                                                       transformation experience is also increasing across           the first step toward your future with CAO, explore your
                                                                       various sectors, such as finance, sales and marketing,        opportunities and get ready for your career success.
                                                                       as companies intensify their digitalisation efforts. In
                                                                       addition, employers will continue to emphasise on mind-       Finally, to our 2019 graduands, a very big congratulations
                                                                       sets and skills such as agility, social and emotional         to all of you! As you look toward the next stage of
                                                                       intelligence, collaboration and critical thinking for a       your life, whether as part of the workforce, an aspiring
                                                                       21st Century workplace.                                       entrepreneur or a graduate student, always remember
                                                                                                                                     to remain resilient whichever path you choose. Keep in
                                                                       The future of work for you is right here, right now. In       mind the things that you value the most, hold fast to
Goh Siew Shin   Wendy Yeo                 Soh Yong Sheng
                                                       ng              this ever-evolving global economy, I encourage you to         your dreams and you will find that the opportunities
Team Lead       Section Head, Marketing                 se Portfolio
                                          Head, Enterprise             continue to build a strong foundation in your areas of        are endless.
Actuarial       AIA Vitality              Management Office            expertise, along with digital and other future-ready skills
                                                                       that can serve to enhance your employability. As jobs         We wish you all every success and the very best in life.
                                                                       are transformed or newly created, do take the time to
                                                                       discover the full range of career options available to you.
                                                                       Have courage to pursue your passion and aspirations.          Loh Pui Wah
                                                                                                                                     Career & Attachment Office
FUTURE - CAREER tracks DEFINE - Nanyang Technological University


 Career Skills /
 Career Coaching:
 Career & Attachment Office
 Nanyang Technological University
 Student Services Centre, Level 1
 42 Nanyang Avenue
 Singapore 639815

 Internship / Industry
 Related Consultation:
 Career & Attachment Office
 Nanyang Technological University
 South Spine, SS3-B2-15
 50 Nanyang Avenue
 Singapore 639798

 Online Career Portal:

 Contact us at:
    6790 5242

 Get social with us:

                                    13 53
                                    CAREER   WHERE ARE
SUCCESS                                      HIRED?
FUTURE - CAREER tracks DEFINE - Nanyang Technological University
                            29                          40           CONTENTS

15                          7 TIPS TO NETWORK
                            LIKE A PROFESSIONAL
                                                        BEING AN ENTREPRENEUR

KNOWING YOURSELF                                        42
16                          NAVIGATING A
                                                        5 TIPS FOR
                                                        MILLENNIALS TO THRIVE

18                          33                          43
21                          34                          FINTECH
JOB SEARCH STRATEGY                                     46
22                          ACE THE ASSESSMENT CENTRE

HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE                               47
COVER LETTER AND RESUME     37                          DATA ANALYTICS

25                          4 THINGS TO CONSIDER
                            BEFORE PURSUING             48
                                                        AI AND MACHINE LEARNING
                            38                          50
26                          YOU GOT THE JOB!
                                                        MEET YOUR
                                                        CAREER COACHES

                            62                          70
                            COLLEGE OF                  SPORT SCIENCE &
                            HUMANITIES, ARTS &          MANAGEMENT
54                          SOCIAL SCIENCES
SCHOOL                      67                          MEET YOUR CAREER
                            COLLEGE OF SCIENCE          CONSULTANTS

                            83                          96
                            DATA SCIENCE                MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE
ACCOUNTING AND              89                          107
AUDITING                    ENGINEERING                 MARKETING

77                          90                          110

78                          91                          111
79                                                      112
CONSULTING                  92                          SALES
                            INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
80                                                      113
CORPORATE SOCIAL            94                          SUPPLY CHAIN AND LOGISTICS
FUTURE - CAREER tracks DEFINE - Nanyang Technological University
SODA                                                                                                                                                                                         SODA

SODA YOUR WAY TO                                                                        CAREER SUCCESS
Not sure how to get started with your career exploration and planning?
                                                                                                                             Continually review your career aspirations and align your career goals
Don’t worry. To help you get started, SODA, a simple 4-step career-planning                                                  with your education, experience, strengths and skills.
framework by CAO will guide your preparation towards your dream career.

Assess your personal attributes             Explore your full range of career options   Focus on the best available and attainable               Implement a robust career action
and discover your values, interests,        and understand their requirements           career options for yourself. Evaluate and                plan to gain exposure, enhance skills
personality styles and skills (VIPS).       through internships, career fairs, talks    fine-tune your career plan with our Career               and connect yourself to potential
Being clear about your VIPS is the first    and networking events.                      Coaches and Consultants.                                 employers and job opportunities through
step in planning for your future career.                                                                                                         recruitment and networking events.

       Career Exploration and Coaching           Industry and Experiential                  Internship                                                 Career and Employability
                                                 Career Education                                                                                      Skills Workshops
       Career Profiling                                                                     Career Planning and Coaching
                                                 Alumni Sharing and                                                                                    Gain Experience and Exposure
       Online Career Modules                                                                Career Consultations for
                                                 Networking Sessions
                                                                                            Industry Insights                                          Recruitment and Industry
                                                 Networking Opportunities                                                                              Networking Events
                                                 with Employers

    ASSESSMENT                                 O          EXPLORE
                                                          PTIONS                          D         SET
                                                                                                                                                       A           TAKE

8      CAREER TRACKS 2019                                                                                                                                               CAREER TRACKS 2019       9
FUTURE - CAREER tracks DEFINE - Nanyang Technological University
SODA                                                                                                                                                                                                 SODA

                                                  EXPLORE                                                                                             TAKE

                                                  O            PTIONS
                                                  INDUSTRY AND EXPERIENTIAL
                                                                                                                                                      A           CTION
                                                                                                                                                      CAREER AND EMPLOYABILITY
                                                  CAREER EDUCATION                                                                                    SKILLS WORKSHOPS
                                                  • Network with alumni mentors to get first-hand                                                     • Secure your dream job and build work-
                                                    knowledge of jobs and classroom-to-corporate                                                        ready skills by attending our career and

                                                    transition tips.                                                                                    employability skills workshops to get a
                                                                                                                                                        head-start in your career.
                                                  • Have a better understanding of the world
                                                    of work by attending company visits, sharing
  ELF-                                              sessions and mentorship programmes.                                                               GAIN JOB EXPERIENCE AND EXPOSURE

ASSESSMENT                                                                                          SET
                                                                                                                                                      • Participate actively and take on leadership roles
                                                  NETWORK WITH INDUSTRY                                                                                 in Co-curricular Activities.

                                                  PROFESSIONALS                                                                                       • Gain global exposure via overseas
Having self-knowledge is a fundamental step in    • Attend career events on campus to network                                                           internships and exchange programmes.
a successful job search and long-term career        with professionals as they share on their job
planning. Recruiters are always looking for
candidates who demonstrate genuine passion
                                                    roles, work culture and career progression
                                                    opportunities in their companies.
                                                                                                               IRECTIONS                              • Participate in contests and company
in the job roles.                                 		 > NTU Career Fair                                                                                • Do voluntary and community work.
                                                  		 > NTU Internship Fair
                                                                                                    • Gain practical work experience through          • Take up holiday jobs and additional
CAREER PROFILING                                  		 > Recruitment Talks
                                                                                                      internships as you decide on your future          internships.
                                                  		 > Networking Events
• Be inspired with the Self-AssessWORKOUT                                                             career path.
  session using KnowdellTM Career Card Sorts
                                                                                                                                                      RECRUITMENT AND NETWORKING EVENTS
  and discover your career values, motivated
  skills and occupational interests.                                                                CAREER PLANNING AND COACHING                      • Network with potential employers at
                                                                                                    • Evaluate your short-term and long-term career     career events.
                                                                                                      goals with your career coach.                   		 > NTU Career Fair
CAREER EXPLORATION AND COACHING                                                                                                                       		 > NTU Internship Fair
• Be guided by your Career Coach as you discuss                                                     • Review your job search progress and improve     		 > Recruitment Talks
  your career aspirations and concerns using                                                          on your resume and interview skills.            		 > Networking Events
  SODA, a four-step career development                                                                                                                		 > GradRecruit
  and planning process.                                                                             CAREER CONSULTATION                               • Check out CareerAxis regularly for job and
• Learn to write resumes that fit the position                                                      • Meet our Career Consultants for industry-         internship opportunities.
  applied for and prepare for interviews with                                                         specific advice.
                                                                                                                                                      • Build your professional brand by printing and
  ResumeFITNESS and InterviewFITNESS
                                                                                                    • Get more information and preparation tips on      presenting your very own Contact Cards to
                                                                                                      your targeted companies and jobs.                 potential employers.

• Equip yourself with career skills and gain
  greater self-awareness by completing the
  Margaret Lien Centre for Professional Success
  (MLCPS) online career module.

10     CAREER TRACKS 2019                                                                                                                                                     CAREER TRACKS 2019        11
FUTURE - CAREER tracks DEFINE - Nanyang Technological University
FUTURE - CAREER tracks DEFINE - Nanyang Technological University

To make good career decisions, you will need to know yourself. Discover your Values,
Occupational Interests, Personality Style and Skills (VIPS). By incorporating your
VIPS into your career development, you can work towards achieving long-term
career satisfaction.

                                                            Ask yourself:
          Values are the qualities that give you
                                                            • What motivates you and why?
          a sense of purpose and sustain your
          career satisfaction. These could include          • What qualities are most important to you?
          creativity, helping others, stability,            • What kind of lifestyle are you seeking?
          prestige and having a work-life balance.

                                                            Ask yourself:
          Occupational interests are work
                                                            • What past experiences have you
          activities that you are passionate about.
                                                              found fulfilling?
          It is vital to build a career that is centred
          on your interests and strengths as your           • What type of activities do you enjoy doing?
          career will become a major part of your           • What are you most passionate about?
          life. Knowing where your interests lie
          helps you to choose a career that could
          give you greater job satisfaction and

                                                            Ask yourself:
          Personality style refers to the way you
                                                            • Do you like to work in a team or alone?
          think, feel and behave. It influences
          how you process information, make                 • Are you more comfortable with a fixed or
          decisions and interact with others.                 flexible schedule?
          This plays a major role in your job               • How do you like to communicate – in writing
          satisfaction and success, and whether               or verbally?
          you are a ‘good fit’ in the organisation.

                                                            Ask yourself:
          Skills are your unique abilities
                                                            • What are your main abilities, strengths
          and talents. They may include
                                                              and talents?
          communication skills, interpersonal
          skills, or skills related to the specific         • What have you received praise or recognition
          domains in your targeted field of work.             for in the past?
          Review your accomplishments to figure             • What skills are valuable in the fields of work you
          out what skills have contributed to your            are interested in?
          success so far.

                                                    Schedule an appointment with your Career Coach or attend a
                                                    Self-AssessWORKOUT session to learn more about your VIPS.

                                                                                        CAREER TRACKS 2019         15
FUTURE - CAREER tracks DEFINE - Nanyang Technological University

     Career pathways are constantly changing with the emergence of new technology,
     business practices and an evolving global economy.

It could mean new jobs emerging from an entirely new speciality or a merging of multiple fields of expertise within
a job role. This creates new career opportunities, often outside of the traditional career path for your field. So, look
beyond the usual career options for your area of study and consider all the opportunities available to you. Here are
five things to consider when planning your future career.

KNOW WHAT MAKES                           CONDUCT A PERSONAL                          SEEK ADVICE
YOU TICK                                  SKILLS AUDIT                                Research on the traditional
Before you embark on your                 To explore the career                       occupations related to your field
career, it is essential to know           opportunities around you, you               of work and explore options

your personal values, likes and           need a good understanding                   beyond them. Speak to family
dislikes. Understanding yourself          of your talents. Identify your              members, friends, seniors and          M

allows you to identify what               transferable skills by looking back         alumni about their backgrounds         Y

types of jobs and industries are          at your studies, projects and work          and how they came to decide on
                                                                                      their careers.
suitable for you. Take some time          experiences. Put together a list of
to do a little soul-searching, then       all your technical and soft skills.                                               MY

get some guidance on your VIPS            You can even take it a step further                                               CY

from your Career Coach.                   by listing the skills you want to
                                          gain and the fields you can apply
                                          them to.                                                                           K

                                          KNOW WHAT’S                                 KEEP AN OPEN MIND
                                          OUT THERE                                   Based on your research, generate
                                          Broaden your view of the working            a list of potential industries and
                                          world by attending career events            jobs you are keen on that can
                                          to discover the full range of               guide your job search and career
                                          opportunities in the market. Visit          planning. Be open to opportunities,
                                          different companies to see what             even those you might not have
                                          they’re like and experience a day           considered before, and focus on
                                          on the job through job shadowing            emerging trends to stay relevant in
                                          programmes. Talk to alumni                  the job market.
                                          and Career Consultants to gain
                                          in-depth understanding of various
                                          jobs and industries.                                   Meet your Career Coach
                                                                                                 to explore all your
                                                                                                 career options.

16    CAREER TRACKS 2019
CAREER SKILLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CAREER SKILLS

     GET THE BEST                                                                                                                                                                                      FIRST DAY ON THE JOB

     OUT OF YOUR                                                                                                                                                                              Before starting work:

                                                                                                                                                                                              • Find out where you will be working and where
                                                                                                                                                                                                you need to report on your first day
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Plan your journey beforehand and factor in
                                                                                                                                                                                                unforeseen delays
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Check whether there is anything you need to
                                                                                                                                                                                                bring along
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Prepare a short self-introduction for when you
                                                                                                                                                                                                meet your new colleagues
     An internship is an excellent
                                                                                                                                                                                              At the workplace:
     opportunity to gain work
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Arrive at least 15 minutes earlier
     experience and a better
     understanding of the ins and                                                                                                                                                             • Find out how the office works (e.g. phone and
                                                                                                                                                                                                email systems, communication policies and
     outs of a company or industry.
                                                                                                                                                                                                lunch hours)
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Take notes and ask questions if necessary
     Here’s what you can do to make
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Show initiative in your work
     the most of your internship.
                                                                                                                                                                                              • Make sure your supervisor or colleagues know
                                                                                                                                                                                                where you are during the work day

 01       DO YOUR RESEARCH                                                                                                  05   BE ADAPTABLE
          Learn all you can about industry trends, the company’s mission and vision, culture, business, value                    Read up on the organisation’s policies and procedures to find out what is expected of its employees.
          proposition and growth trends beforehand. Get to know who your boss and co-workers are and their                       Observe the practices and people around you to understand the work culture. Pay attention to attire, work
          backgrounds. This will help you to assimilate faster into the new environment, boosting your performance               schedules, email etiquette, communication styles and protocols. If you are unsure, it is better to err on the
          and self-confidence.                                                                                                   conservative side and ask first. The company assesses your work output as well as how you fit in, whether
                                                                                                                                 you co-operate with others, adapt to company norms and have a positive working attitude. Impress them
 02       SET PERSONAL GOALS                                                                                                     with behaviour that is aligned with the organisation’s standards.

          Have a clear idea of what you want to learn and achieve from the internship. Define your own goals
                                                                                                                                 BUILD A PROFESSIONAL NETWORK
          and consider how you can attain them through the internship. Discuss with your supervisor on work                 06
          expectations and create an action plan. Goal setting is important in ensuring that you gain relevant skills.           Use your internship to expand your professional network. Interact with co-workers from your team and
          Successful interns take initiative to learn as much as possible during their internship experience.                    other departments to gain insight into the company. Offer your help to gain more working experience. The
                                                                                                                                 connections you form may lead to referrals for a full-time job in the future so make an effort to keep the
 03       TREAT IT AS AN ACTUAL JOB                                                                                              relationship warm by staying in touch with them even after your internship ends.

          An internship may only last for a few months but it may lead to a potential career. So, treat it like a job –
                                                                                                                            07   EXIT WELL
          take initiative, be resourceful, and excel in your assigned tasks. Think of solutions before consulting others.
          Do not be afraid to clarify any grey areas that you might encounter in your work. Try to take things in stride         Ending an internship professionally is just as important as making a good start. Speak to your supervisor to
          and keep your focus on the bigger picture, establishing better team work and building goodwill with your               discuss milestones in your internship journey and ask for feedback on how you have performed. This shows
          colleagues. Remember to always stay positive, committed and responsible to the job.                                    that you are willing to make changes to your behaviour. Remember to ask your supervisor if he would be
                                                                                                                                 willing to write a testimonial highlighting your key skills and achievements. Before you leave, convey your
 04       BE WILLING TO LEARN                                                                                                    gratitude to your co-workers with a farewell email or a thoughtful gift to thank those you have worked with.

          Your supervisor will be spending time coaching you at work. Show that you are equally invested in it and
          willing to learn to allow them to invest more in you. Display an interest in your work, be flexible and be
          prepared to go the extra mile. When you have completed your assigned tasks, speak to your supervisor for
          other ways you can contribute.                                                                                                                                             Find how you can get the most from your internship at
                                                                                                                                                                                     CAO’s Maximising Your Internship workshops.

18    CAREER TRACKS 2019                                                                                                                                                                                            CAREER TRACKS 2019         19

Begin your job search by reflecting on your values,
interests and accomplishments. With a clear
understanding of yourself and how you can contribute
to the organisation, you will be able to focus on the jobs
that will suit you. This can help you narrow your
keyword search while seeking opportunities on job
portals. By recognising your unique abilities, you will also
be able to communicate them more effectively to
a prospective employer.

It is important to know the outlook of the job market and
the available jobs so that you can focus your efforts at
the right place. Know more about the organisations you
are interested in, their performance, growth, culture and
values to guide you in your job choices. A good place
to start would be through online databases, such as
Bloomberg, Passport and Vault.

CUSTOMISE YOUR RESUME                                          MARKET YOURSELF THE RIGHT WAY
A well-written resume and cover letter highlighting            Your personal brand determines how you are perceived
your relevance to the job will increase your chances of        by others. With recruiters often assessing candidates
getting the interview. Customise your resume to each           via social media platforms, curating a strong personal
job by matching your skills and qualifications to the          online brand will give you an advantage. Make sure your
hiring criteria.                                               social media presence consistently portrays a positive
                                                               professional image.

                                                               KEEP TRACK OF YOUR PROGRESS
More than 70 percent of jobs are secured through
networking. You should explore your network of family          It is important to monitor your job search progress. Keep
and friends to get connected to job opportunities. Create      a detailed record of your job applications, interviews and
a LinkedIn profile, subscribe to job search newsletters        communication with employers. This will help you to
and attend recruitment events. On top of searching             keep in mind any necessary follow-ups, what you have
online, you can also network with others in-person to          done so far and what your next steps should be.
come across as more personal and sincere.

                                                  Want to learn to create your own job search strategy? Attend CAO’s
                                                  Strategies to Increase Your Job Search Success Workshop.

                                                                                              CAREER TRACKS 2019       21
CAREER SKILLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CAREER SKILLS

     HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE                                                                                                                            WHAT TO INCLUDE IN YOUR RESUME

     COVER LETTER AND RESUME                                                                                             A SECTION ABOUT YOURSELF
                                                                                                                                                                                               Font size:
                                                                                                                         Name                                                                  11-12 points
     Your cover letter connects you to the hiring manager and supports your job application. It
                                                                                                                         Contact details                                                       Font type:
     links your resume to the role that you are applying for and persuades the hiring manager                                                                                                  Arial
                                                                                                                         Professional website, online portfolio and
     that your application is worth reading.                                                                             LinkedIn account (if any)                                             Font colour:
                                                                                                                         Professional photo (optional)
A cover letter is a letter to the hiring manager that accompanies the resume as part of your job application. It is                                                                            No. of pages:
submitted either as the first page of your resume or included as an accompanying attachment.                             Personal statement (optional)
                                                                                                                                                                                               1-2 pages

                                                                                                                         EDUCATION*                                                            File format:
Here’s what you should do when writing your cover letter to make it an effective one:                                                                                                          PDF

 01       PERSONALISE YOUR COVER LETTER                                                                                  Start year – Graduation year
                                                                                                                         Qualification obtained
          Find out who the hiring manager for the organisation or the                       TAILORING YOUR                                                                                     If you choose to include a personal statement, limit
          job that you are applying for is and address your letter or email                                              GPA                                                                   it to only 3 sentences. It should be a good summary
                                                                                             COVER LETTER
          specifically to him or her. This allows you to tailor your letter not                                                                                                                of your career goals, achievements and skills.
          just to the company but to the individual as well and connect with                                             ACADEMIC PROJECTS
          them more effectively. Remember to quote the correct job title and          • Highlight relevant skills and    Institution
          job details!                                                                  experiences to show how          Start date – End date
                                                                                                                                                                                               Use the STAR method to showcase relevant skills
                                                                                        you can add real value to        Project title                                                         and results to the job you are applying for.
 02       BE CLEAR AND CONCISE                                                          the company.
                                                                                                                         Details of your final-year, school, research or                       Situation
          Keep your letter organised with a clear structure. You could start          • Mention specific aspects about   coursework projects                                                   Describe the situation that you encountered.
          off expressing your interest in the company and job role. Then,               the job or company that appeal                                                                         Task
          show how your skills and experience allow you to contribute to the            to you.                          WORK AND INTERNSHIP                                                   Describe the task you had to accomplish.
          company. Share brief examples of your significant achievements,
                                                                                      • Make references to the
                                                                                                                         EXPERIENCE*                                                           Action
          quantifying them where possible. Use short sentences and                                                                                                                             Explain what you did to accomplish the task, how
                                                                                        company’s mission and vision     Organisation you worked with / interned at
          paragraphs and keep it within one page.                                                                                                                                              you overcame the challenge and why you did it.
                                                                                        when articulating your goals     Start date – End date
                                                                                        and values.                                                                                            Result
 03       BE PROFESSIONAL                                                                                                Your position                                                         State your achievements, quantifying them
                                                                                      • Show some personality in         Your duties and achievements in the role                              where possible.
          The quality of your cover letter indicates your attention to detail,
                                                                                        your writing. Just make sure
          ability to communicate and level of professionalism. Proofread
                                                                                        you do your research on the      CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES* AND
          and ensure that the letter is free of any grammatical, punctuation
                                                                                        company’s culture and adjust     COMMUNITY SERVICES
          and spelling errors. It should also be readable: as a rule of thumb,
                                                                                        your tone accordingly.
          try to keep the font size at 11-12 points and choose a regular                                                 Club/Society
          typeface like Arial and Times New Roman.                                                                       Start date – End date
                                                                                                                                                                                             A list of the languages you are able to speak
                                                                                                                         Your position                                                       and/or write in. Indicate your level of proficiency
                                                                                                                         Your duties and achievements in the role                            in the language.
          The cover letter is meant to lead the hiring manager to read your resume. So, while you should introduce
          yourself and demonstrate why you will be a good fit for the company and job role, do not regurgitate all the   SKILLS*                                                             INTERESTS
          information from your resume. As you include details in the letter, bear in mind that it should be with the    A list of your technical and IT* skills.                            A list of your interests and hobbies.
          aim of enticing employers to find out more about you from your resume.
                                                                                                                         * Top most important resume items for employers. (Source: NTU Employer Survey 2017)
          Reiterate that you are a good fit for the company and emphasise your interest in the job. Thank the hiring
          manager for their time and, most importantly, add a clear call to action for the hiring manager to contact                                                         Attend CAO’s Up the Hit Rate for Your Resume & Cover Letter
          you for further discussion.                                                                                                                                        workshops to learn how to craft effective resumes and cover letters.

22    CAREER TRACKS 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                       CAREER TRACKS 2019        23

   The key to crafting an effective job application is understanding what employers are really
   looking for and incorporating that into your resume and interview answers.

   Here are some of the most sought after skills and values that companies are looking for in their employees today.

         TOP SKILLS                                                                     TOP WORK

                Analytical                                                                   Flexibility

        Emotional intelligence                                                                Integrity

              Presentation                                                              Willingness to learn

             Critical thinking                                                             Independence

    Leadership and management                                                                Teamwork

                                                                           Start building your repertoire with CAO’s
                                                                           Career & Employability Skills workshops.
Source: NTU Employer Survey 2017.

                                                                                          CAREER TRACKS 2019         25
CAREER SKILLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CAREER SKILLS

     ON LINKEDIN                                                                                                                                                                        https://sg.linkedin.com/in/john-doe

     LinkedIn is the social network for professionals to make connections, find opportunities                                                       EDUCATION                     EDUCATION

     and keep up with the latest happenings in the industry. It’s where you go to find and be                                                       Include your education
     found in the working world. With 9 in 10 employers saying they use social media to hire                                                        experience and any
     talent, having a standout LinkedIn profile is more important than ever today.                                                                  relevant training or                                                                             SKILLS
                                                                                                                                                    certificate courses you
                                                                                                                                                    have completed.               VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE                                               List at least five
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     skills that define your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     expertise, experience
URL                                    https://sg.linkedin.com/in/john-doe
                                                                                                                                                    VOLUNTEER                                                                                        and achievements.

                                                                                                                          HEADLINE                  EXPERIENCE                                                                                       Bear in mind the
Personalise your                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     industry and jobs
                                                                 JOHN DOE
LinkedIn URL to make                                                                                                                                Including your                SKILLS & ENDORSEMENTS
                                                                 Marketing Executive                                      This shows up next to                                    83                                                                you are going for
it easier to be found                                                                                                                               outreach and volunteer
                                                                                                                          your name on LinkedIn                                                                                                      and include skills
                                                                 Nanyang Technological University

by others. Keep it                                                                                                                                  work in the community
                                                                                                                          and in search engine                                                                                                       that match with them.
                                                                 100 Connections

between five and                                                                                                                                    can help to enhance            42

                                                                                                                          results. Use it to give                                                                                                    Your connections can
                                                                                                                                                    your personal brand

30 characters.                                                                                                            a brief introduction on                                                                                                    then endorse your
                                    SUMMARY                                                                                                         and present yourself
                                                                                                                          what you do or want                                                                                                        skills publicly.
                                                                                                                                                                                   26                        21               18

                                                                                                                                                    as a multifaceted              14                                   10

                                                                                                                          to do. Be as succinct
                                                                                                                                                    individual. It is also a
                                                                                                                                                                                   6                         6                2

PHOTO                                                                                                                     but informative
                                                                                                                                                    great way to beef up          RECOMMENDATIONS
Make a good first                   EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                          as possible.
                                                                                                                                                    your experience if you
impression with a                                                                                                                                   don’t have a lot yet,                                                                            These testimonials add
recent professional                                                                                                       CONNECTIONS                                                                                                                credibility to your profile
                                                                                                                                                    so do elaborate
headshot. Be dressed                                                                                                      Start building your       on your tasks and                                                                                and can go a long way in
appropriately, look                                                                                                       professional network      acquired skills.                                                                                 maintaining meaningful
personable, and use                                                                                                       on LinkedIn. Connect                                                                                                       interactions with other
a neutral background.                                                                                                     with people you know,                                                                                                      LinkedIn users. You can
Ensure that the photo                                                                                                     including professors,                                   ADDITIONAL INFO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     send a request to your
is at least 200x200                                                                                                       recruiters, friends and   INTERESTS                     Interests                                                          connections through
pixels so it appears                                                                                                      family members. You                                                                                                        LinkedIn. Aim for having
sharp on your profile.                                                                                                                              You can also choose                                                                              5-10 recommendations
                                                                                                                          can also join LinkedIn                                  Volunteer Causes

                                                                                                                                                    to include additional                                                                            from your employers,
                                                                                                                          groups to tap on their
                                                                                                                                                    information about your        Organizations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     colleagues, professors, etc.
                                                                                                                          networking potential.
                                                                                                                                                    interests, which may
                                                                                                                                                    attract a recruiter’s
SUMMARY                                                                                EXPERIENCE                                                   attention. Consider
Stand out with a good summary. It is like a mini cover                                 This shouldn’t be a duplicate of your resume but you can     what you may have
letter – you get 2,000 characters to demonstrate                                       start off by importing your resume and optimising it for     in common with your
your value and weave a compelling narrative of your                                    LinkedIn with more content and keywords. Include your        target audience and try    Once you are done, you can start getting active on LinkedIn! Like and comment on
experience and aspirations. Skip LinkedIn’s suggested                                  internships, part-time jobs and freelance work. Be as        to build a rapport         posts and even publish your own content. Just remember: keep them professional and
summary and put together one that describes your                                       precise in detailing your past experiences as possible.      with them.                 relevant to your field.
motivations, accomplishments, skills and what makes
                                                                                       Pro tip: Adding media links lets you showcase your
you unique. Use the right keywords to increase your
                                                                                       talents and portfolio. Complement your resume
search visibility.
                                                                                       information with links to past projects, video clips,
Pro tip: Do not be afraid to show a bit of personality!                                publications and other content you have created.
Consider your industry and peers when writing an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Build your personal brand with CAO’s
appropriate summary.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Up Your Personal Brand Value workshops.

26    CAREER TRACKS 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CAREER TRACKS 2019        27

                                                                                     7 TIPS TO NETWORK
                                                                                     LIKE A PROFESSIONAL
                                                                                     Building connections and expanding your network is vital in your career.

                                                                                   It may be unnerving to be at an unfamiliar venue and reaching out to new people. However once you figure out
                                                                                   how to make networking work for you, this can be one of the most effective ways to launch your career and build
                                                                                   meaningful connections.

                                                                                           TAP ON YOUR
                                                                                    01                                                         02      GET INVOLVED ON CAMPUS
                                                                                           EXISTING NETWORK
                                                                                                                                                       Expand your social circle by being more
                                                                                           Networking begins with building relationships               involved in activities on campus, such as joining
                                                                                           with people. What better way to start than to               a student club. This gives you the opportunity
                                                                                           leverage on your current contacts? Be active                to connect with other students, advisers,
                 Equipped with cutting-edge technologies and flexible setup
Unleash your     for both lab and office facilities, our newly opened research
                                                                                           in class and get to know your classmates.
                                                                                           Gradually grow your network by reaching out to
                                                                                                                                                       mentors and even industry professionals. A
                                                                                                                                                       leadership position may also open you to more
                 hub located in Biopolis cultivates a trusting and collaborative
potential in     culture, enables agile and continuous innovation intelligence.
                                                                                           your professors, seniors and relatives, who may
                                                                                           already be well-established in their fields and
                                                                                                                                                       interactions with others.

developing       Are you ready to be inspired and be motivated to reach
                                                                                           can link you up with their connections.

                 greater heights?
ideas with                                                                                 JOIN NETWORKING GROUPS
                 Visit careers.evonik.com and #HumanChemistry                       03                                                         04      START BEING SOCIAL
global impact.   on social media platforms for a career that enables you to
                                                                                           AND EVENTS
                                                                                                                                                       Be active on social networks, especially on
                 create global impact.                                                     Make use of every opportunity to speak with                 LinkedIn. Join groups relevant to your industry,
                                                                                           your seniors at school networking and alumni                connect with other professionals, keep up with
                 Exploring opportunities. Growing together.                                events. Participate in the NTU Xperience                    popular hashtags and even get involved in
                                                                                           programme and connect with industry                         chat groups.
                                                                                           professionals as you shadow them for a
                                                                                           day on the job.

                                                                                           VISIT YOUR CAREER                       GET YOUR OWN                            MAINTAIN THE
                                                                                    05                                      06                                      07
                                                                                           CONSULTANT                              CAREER MENTOR                           CONNECTIONS
                                                                                           Take advantage of the                   Find yourself a mentor who              Networking is an ongoing
                                                                                           exclusive opportunity to                can guide you to where                  process. The best outcome
                                                                                           get connected with the                  you want to be. Join the                is a genuine relationship
                                                                                           industry through your                   NTU ConnectingMinds                     that is lasting and mutually
                                                                                           Career Consultants. Tap                 mentorship community                    rewarding. Maintain active
                                                                                           on their strong network of              and link up with someone                communication with your
                                                                                           employers, hiring managers              from the industry you are               established contacts but
                                                                                           and alumni to gain access               interested in that can give             remember to always keep
                                                                                           to opportunities and insights           you personalised career                 it professional.
                                                                                           into how the industry works.            advice and introduce you
                                                                                                                                   to their network.

                                                                                                                                                      Learn how to network like a pro at CAO’s Network
                                                                                                                                                      Your Way to Opportunities Workshops.

                                                                                                                                                                             CAREER TRACKS 2019       29

     Recruitment events like career fairs, recruitment talks and networking sessions offer you
     valuable opportunities to connect with recruiters and prospective employers.

This could allow you to gain an advantage in the selection process. To excel in this environment, you need to be
strategic by preparing well for the event to make the right impression.

                                                                                 ON THE DAY

                                                                    • Dress professionally. Males should wear
                                                                      a shirt and tie. Females wearing skirts
                                                                      and dresses should ensure that they
                                                                      are of an appropriate length.
                                                                    • Wear comfortable shoes.
                                                                    • Bring along extra copies of your resume
                                                                      and contact cards to give to employers.

                                                                • Keep to yourself. Make full use of the opportunity to
                                                                  get to find out more about the organisations you are
                                                                                                                          Be Part of the Bigger Picture
                                                                  interested in.
                                                                • Exclude any company too quickly. Most organisations         As a leading global investor, we are the nation’s fund manager, tasked with the monumental
• Research the participating organisations and their              have a wide range of roles that could match with what                           responsibility of securing Singapore’s financial future.
  industry trends.                                                you are looking for.
• Find out what positions are being offered.                    • Appear ignorant by asking basic questions about what    Embark on an exciting journey with GIC, where you will be supported in the pursuit of your passions,
• Know your interests and what you would like to do.              the company does.                                       quest for knowledge and diverse experiences. Be part of impactful work that matters and build your
• Have a strategy. Plan your route with a list of “must         • Ask what companies can offer you. Instead, ask how                  career in an environment that values mentoring, collaboration and learning.
  visit” and “hope to visit” organisations.                       you can contribute to them.

                                                                                                                                      Graduate and Internship Programmes
• Prepare an engaging elevator pitch to introduce               • Ask personal questions that are irrelevant to the
  yourself. Be ready to tweak it to remain relevant to            industry or job.
  the different organisations.                                  • Display unprofessional or negative behaviour.
• Have a list of questions that allows you to understand        • Expect employers to shortlist you for an interview on
  the training opportunities, career paths, hiring process,                                                                          Get ahead in the world of finance with access to an extensive global network
                                                                  the day itself. But make sure they have your contact
  company culture, skills and competencies required for                                                                                            and professional expertise, with opportunities in:
                                                                  details to follow up after the event.
  the position.
                                                                • Be in casual attire and uncomfortable shoes.                              Compliance | Corporate Communications | Data & Analytics
• Prepare and rehearse answers to common
  interview questions.                                                                                                                 Economics & Investment Strategy | Finance & Accounting | Fixed Income
                                                                                                                                             Human Resource & Organization | Investment Operations
                                                                                                                                            Private Equity & Infrastructure | Public Equities | Real Estate
                                                                                                                                                   Risk & Performance Management | Technology
                                                          Attend CAO’s Network Your Way to Opportunities workshops
                                                          to be equipped with networking skills for your next event.

30    CAREER TRACKS 2019                                                                                                                                   careers.gic.com.sg

  You have just submitted your job application and you receive an email from the recruiter.
  It is an invitation to submit your response for an automated interview. If you have never
  had one before, not to worry, we are here to break it down for you.


Increasingly, automated interviews are becoming part of the recruitment process for many companies. Similar to
phone and Skype interviews, automated interviews usually take place in the initial stage of screening and selection
of candidates. However, unlike phone interviews that are typically conducted live with the recruiter, automated
interviews are recorded with limited direct interaction with the interviewer.


CHATBOT INTERVIEW                                            STRUCTURED VIDEO INTERVIEW
You may be required to converse with a recruitment           In a one-way video interview, you could be requested
chatbot, providing information about your experience,        to record a video of your responses to a series of
knowledge and skills by answering pre-scripted               automated, pre-loaded questions before the given
questions through a messaging platform. In turn,             deadline. In some cases, a practice test may precede
the chatbot could provide answers to frequently asked        the interview to familiarise you with the technology.
questions about the job and hiring process. Your             Your video responses would then be reviewed by the
responses would subsequently be assessed by                  company before the next steps are determined.
the employer.


                              PLAN AHEAD                               HAVE WHAT YOU NEED
                              Test your devices, microphones and       AT HAND
                              cameras beforehand to ensure that        Have a printed copy of your cover
                              they are working. Download any           letter and resume with you. If you
DO YOUR                       necessary software and make sure         have prepared answers to common
HOMEWORK                      you have the login details. Choose a     interview questions, keep them
Prepare for the interview     quiet and conducive location so that     close by so you can refer to them
as you would for an           you can fully focus on the interview.    easily during the interview.
in-person interview.
Research the company
and ensure that you           STAY PROFESSIONAL                                    KEEP AN EYE ON
fully understand the job      Keep in mind that all interactions                   THE CLOCK
requirements. Be ready        are recorded as part of the interview                There is usually a time limit for
with answers to common        process although there is no face-to-                automated interviews. So be
interview questions and a     face interaction. Dress appropriately,               concise yet informative with your
list of questions you may     communicate properly and maintain                    answers and use your time wisely.
have for the employer.        your professionalism throughout.

                                                                                           CAREER TRACKS 2019         33
CAREER SKILLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CAREER SKILLS

     EXCELLING AT INTERVIEWS                                                                                                      ACE THE
By now, you already know the drill: dress to impress and showcase your skills. But for many, job interviewing never               ASSESSMENT
seems to get any easier no matter how many they have gone on. So here is a little tip on making job interviews feel
less stressful: prepare in advance. The earlier you start, the more comfortable you would feel during the interview.

                                                                                    GET READY AHEAD                               Assessment centres are part of the
 01      RESEARCH THE COMPANY                                               05
                                                                                    OF TIME                                       recruitment process adopted by
         Visit the company’s website to find out its background,
                                                                                    Save yourself the panic of having to          organisations, typically for graduates
         mission and the work it does. Speak to your Career
         Consultants, mentors and seniors to find out what it’s
                                                                                    decide on an outfit or find a printer         or management associate roles.
                                                                                    that works on the day itself. Have
         like working in the industry or organisation. Read the
                                                                                    everything ready at least one day
         press releases or news articles to learn about recent                                                                They are used to assess your strengths and abilities through a range of exercises, tests and interviews designed to
                                                                                    before the interview.
         performance and industry trends. Develop a list of                                                                   evaluate how suitable you are for the role. Some common types of assessment tools include:
         questions to ask the interviewers based on your research.                  • Pick out your interview outfit and
                                                                                                                              •   Group interviews                                        • Case studies
                                                                                      have it ready to wear one day
                                                                                                                              •   Presentations                                           • Role plays
                                                                                      before. Aim to look sharp, neat
                                                                                                                              •   Aptitude and psychometric tests                         • Team games
 02      PRACTISE WELL                                                                and clean for every interview.
                                                                                                                              •   In-tray or e-tray exercises
         Prepare and rehearse answers to common interview                           • Make sure you have everything
         questions to get comfortable with talking about yourself.                    you need for the interview. Bring
         Attend interview workshops for tips on performing well                                                               DO YOUR RESEARCH                                            FIRST IMPRESSIONS COUNT
                                                                                      along extra printed copies of
         in interviews. Schedule a mock interview practice session                    your resume and necessary               Research the organisation’s mission, values and             A good first impression sets you ahead instantly. Dress
         with your Career Coaches and Consultants for feedback on                     documents.                              culture on the company’s website and social media.          professionally and appropriately for the company you
         your body language, mannerisms and facial expressions.                                                               Gather information from a variety of sources to better      are going to. Be punctual, and maintain a good posture
                                                                                    • Arrive 15 minutes before your
                                                                                                                              contextualise and interpret them. Try to also find out      and body language throughout.
                                                                                      interview. Plan your route ahead
                                                                                                                              what assessment activities you can expect beforehand
 03      BUILD RAPPORT                                                                of time. Factor in any potential
                                                                                                                              to be better prepared.
                                                                                      delays, and make sure to give                                                                       BE MINDFUL
         Find out who your interviewers are and their backgrounds
                                                                                      yourself a few extra minutes to
         beforehand. This demonstrates your interest and helps                                                                SHOWCASE YOUR VALUE                                         As you interact with the other candidates, showcase
                                                                                      do a quick mirror check in the
         you understand what your interviewers are looking for in a                                                                                                                       your strengths and ability to collaborate with others
                                                                                      restroom and calm your nerves.          The assessors are looking for candidates with the ability
         potential colleague.                                                                                                                                                             effectively. This demonstrates your confidence and
                                                                                                                              to understand work tasks and take a suitable approach       situational awareness as a team player.
                                                                                                                              to meet their objectives. Draw on your personal
 04      SEE YOURSELF IN THE ROLE                                                                                             knowledge and skills to show what you can bring to the
                                                                                                                              organisation. While doing so, you should demonstrate        NETWORK WITH CONFIDENCE
         Review your experiences and list out your skills and strengths, illustrating each with concrete examples.
                                                                                                                              the following skills:
         Then, match your abilities with the required skillsets for the job. Doing this will help you better articulate why                                                               An assessment centre is also in part a social exercise,
                                                                                                                              • Interpersonal effectiveness
         you are a good fit for the role and how you can add value to the organisation.                                                                                                   so be prepared to participate actively during informal
                                                                                                                              • Teamwork
         Frame your responses using the STAR approach:                                                                        • Ability to manage strong personalities                    sessions, such as lunch and tea breaks. Prepare a
         • Situation: Set the context for the situation you were facing                                                       • Ability to draw out quieter ones                          short self-introduction to initiate conversation with
                                                                                                                              • Effective communication                                   others. Be pleasant, polite and professional.
         • Task: Describe the task you had to accomplish
         • Actions: Explain what you did, how you overcame the challenge and why you did it
                                                                                                                              BE SINCERE AND MEMORABLE
         • Results: State the positive outcomes of your actions, emphasising your accomplishments and what you
           have learnt                                                                                                        Follow up with the company and thank them for the opportunity. To make it more personal, you could share a
                                                                                                                              short anecdote of your positive experience at the assessment centre. And don’t forget to emphasise your interest
                                                                                                                              in the job!

                                                                      Attend CAO’s Increase Your Success at Interviews                                                                     Prepare for your upcoming assessment centre with
                                                                      workshops to strengthen your interview skills.                                                                       CAO’s Ace at Assessment Centres workshops.

34    CAREER TRACKS 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                 CAREER TRACKS 2019         35

  As graduation nears, you may be considering furthering your studies for a postgraduate
  degree before joining the workforce.

While starting work early may equip you with
practical skills essential for the working world,
postgraduate education could help you gain in-depth
knowledge of the area of study. If you are thinking
of pursuing postgraduate studies, here are several
factors to consider.

        You need to be passionate about the subject
        matter. Studying in a Master’s or PhD
        programme is no easy feat and it may differ
        vastly from your undergraduate experience.
        Ensure that you fully understand the
        requirements and manage your expectations.

        Some jobs may require you to have
        postgraduate qualifications while others may
        place more value in relevant work experience.
        Find out more about the careers that you want
        to pursue, and consult your Career Coach and
        Consultants to see if postgraduate studies will
        make you a more employable candidate. Talk
        to working professionals with a postgraduate
        degree and find out if it has helped them in
        their jobs.

 03     YOUR AREA OF STUDY                                 04   LOCAL OR OVERSEAS
        Decide whether you wish to pursue a general or          Local universities allow you the convenience of
        a technical degree. A general degree may offer          completing your studies in your home country,
        the flexibility of a good foundation to pursue a        while institutions abroad offer the added
        career in a range of functions and fields, while        advantage of overseas exposure. Do your
        certain professions may require specialised             research on the various schools and consider
        technical degrees. So be clear about what you           all the fees involved, such as tuition and
        want to gain out of this from the start.                accommodation. Then, select the course that
                                                                helps you to achieve your goals.

                                                                                     CAREER TRACKS 2019      37
CAREER SKILLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CAREER SKILLS

     NOW WHAT?
     With a job offer acceptance in hand, how do you prepare yourself for your
     new job? Here are some tips to help you to start well in your career.

You got the job, now you need to
look the part. Recall what your
employers and colleagues were
wearing when you met them and try
to follow accordingly. This allows
you to project a positive image right
from the get-go.                                                                                                        STAY POSITIVE                                              LIFELONG LEARNING
                                                                                                                        The best way to make a good first impression is with a     Though you have graduated, the learning for the rest
                                                                                                                        positive attitude. Show your enthusiasm for your work      of your life has only just begun. This is your chance to
                                                                                                                        and organisation in your interactions with colleagues      develop the skillsets you need for your career.
                                                                                                                        and bosses.
                                                                                                                                                                                   • HONE YOUR SKILLS
                                                                                                                        • BECOME PART OF THE TEAM                                    Pick up technical skills on the job. Polish your
ALIGN WITH THE                          MANAGE YOUR TIME EFFECTIVELY                                                      Volunteer to help others out when you can to show          written and verbal communication skills from formal
                                                                                                                          them that you are a team player.                           workplace interactions with your colleagues. Improve
WORKPLACE CULTURE                       Meeting deadlines and commitments is part and parcel of the working world.                                                                   your presentations by finding out more about your
Not everything will be spelt out        To ensure you stay on top of things, you should:                                • BE A GOOD COMPANY CITIZEN                                  audience’s expectations and incorporate them in
clearly, so keep your eyes peeled for                                                                                     Build positive, productive relationships with those        your discussion.
                                        • KNOW WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOU                                                    around you. Stay above the fray and avoid office
the unwritten rules of the workplace.
                                          Set clear goals and communicate regularly with your supervisor.                 politics, gossip and cliques.                            • CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Observe your colleagues:
                                          Understand the priorities, what you are supposed to do and how you are                                                                     Sign up for training courses to stay ahead in the field
• Do they keep to the stipulated          expected to perform.                                                          • BUILD YOUR NETWORK                                         and keep updated so that you will consistently add
  working hours or arrive early and                                                                                       Attend staff meetings, conferences and trade shows         value to your job. If your industry requires professional
                                        • STRUCTURE YOUR WORK                                                             to interact with people from your organisation and
  stay late?                                                                                                                                                                         qualifications, make plans to take courses to get the
                                          Be very clear about the end goal of your task, work out a plan to get there     industry. Build a professional network that can aid in     certificates you need.
• Is there a protocol for requesting      and execute it.                                                                 your career development.
  time off?
                                        • EMAIL EFFECTIVELY                                                             • HAVE AN OPEN MIND
• What is the email etiquette?            At work, emails may be constantly incoming. Prioritising and managing           Listen, ask questions, and be receptive to feedback
                                          the amount of time you spend on emails is a vital skill to keep track           from your supervisors and colleagues.
Manage your expectations,                 of everything.
be flexible and fit in.
                                        • STAY ORGANISED
                                                                                                                                                                                   Get more tips on how to start your career well with
                                          Set reminders for meetings and deadlines. Keep track of your work
                                                                                                                                                                                   CAO’s Transition from NTU to Work workshops.
                                          progress with an Excel spreadsheet or a simple daily to-do list.

38    CAREER TRACKS 2019                                                                                                                                                                                          CAREER TRACKS 2019          39
CAREER SKILLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CAREER SKILLS

What got you interested in entrepreneurship?                                                                                                                                                                                                       How did you get started with your business?
Hendri Zhang: Through NTU’s Masters of Science in                                                                                                                                                                                                  MR: At the time I was getting ready for my PhD Defense,
Technopreneurship & Innovation Programme, I learnt                                                                                                                                                                                                 I heard about Entrepreneur First (EF) which is a start-up
to create a start-up and build a company. I was also                                                                                                                                                                                               incubation programme that is supported by SGInnovate.
exposed to the world of Technology Entrepreneurship                                                                                                                                                                                                As I was always passionate about entrepreneurship,
in Silicon Valley and Shanghai. For the first time, I saw                                                                                                                                                                                          I applied for the programme and joined it after
the possibilities of entrepreneurship and knew that the                                                                                                                                                                                            completing my PhD.
way to achieving my dreams was through building a
company that provides value to the community.                                                                                                                                                                                                      What are some challenges that you faced in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   starting a business?
How did you get started with your business?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   MR: Almost every start-up faces similar challenges
HZ: I run an education technology start-up, Terracotta,                                                                                                                                                                                            in the beginning. It is always difficult to find the right
which is an online education platform empowering                                                                                                                                                                                                   people to work with and form a solid team. We often
                                                                                  Hendri Zhang, co-founder of Terracotta
Chinese language teachers and students to connect                                                                                                                                                                                                  try to pair up with friends or people who have the same
and conduct lessons online. Students enjoy the benefit                                                                                                                                                                                             background as us, though that may not be necessarily
of learning at any time and anywhere. With the growing                              02        MAKE YOURSELF VALUABLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   appropriate for success of the business. Another major
global trend of learning Chinese, I chose to start my                                         The key is to make yourself valuable by having                                                                                                       challenge is the lack of sufficient funding for early
company in South East Asia because I think that the                                           a skill that you can contribute to the start-up,                                                                                                     stage start-ups and this can slow the progress of the
digital revolution and the economic development here                                          be it technical skills or soft skills. You need to                                                                                                   business significantly.
is starting.                                                                                  continuously hone it and add on new skills as
                                                                                              you grow together with the company.                                                                                                                  Do you have any advice for students keen in
What are some challenges you faced in starting                                                                                                                                                                                                     entrepreneurship?
a business?
                                                                                    03        ADD VALUE TO THE COMMUNITY                                                                                                                           MR: If you are really passionate about entrepreneurship
HZ: My biggest challenge is finding a business partner                                                                                                                                                                                             and starting your own business, do not be afraid to start
who shares my dreams and values with skills that                                              The more you give, the more you get. Start by                      Mahdi Rasouli,
                                                                                                                                                                 Chief Technology Officer of Kinexcs                                               it. You do not need a complete product or significant
complement mine. I hope to have a group of passionate,                                        thinking what you can give that is of value to the                                                                                                   financial support to start. Start the process and validate
fun and harmonious people working together to do                                              community to facilitate a better society. It can                                                                                                     your ideas, and if you are able to demonstrate that you
something meaningful and valuable. Having a strong and                                        be a simple product or service to help people do                   What got you interested in entrepreneurship?                                      are a highly motivated and capable person with validated
cooperative team is the foundation for great companies.                                       things faster, better and cheaper. It can either                   Mahdi Rasouli: I have always been passionate about                                ideas, you will not have much difficulty in finding
                                                                                              be a “2C” or “2B” type of business.                                entrepreneurship. I was greatly influenced by my                                  the right partners and even raising funding for your
Do you have any advice for students keen in                                                                                                                      family background, as my father is an entrepreneur,                               business. Remember this is going to be a long journey.
entrepreneurship?                                                                             DO SOMETHING THAT YOU ENJOY                                        and educational background, having studied for my                                 So be ambitious, strong and open to changes in the
HZ: If you are considering taking the entrepreneurship                                                                                                           Bachelor’s degree in a college where most of the faculty                          right directions.
path and are not sure how to go about doing it, my                                            Choose something that you enjoy doing. If                          had their own technology-based companies. I was
advice is to:                                                                                 you love what you are doing, you will enjoy                        always fascinated by the way they contribute to the
                                                                                              the process and be more motivated to do it                         society through educating the youths and addressing
                                                                                              continuously for a long period of time.                            the industry’s technological requirements. This interest
 01                                                                                                                                                              continued when I had the opportunity to work with
            ADVANTAGE OF                                                            05        DO IT FOR 10,000 HOURS                                             great mentors in Singapore, such as Prof Louis Phee
            This is counter-intuitive for some but it is the                                                                                                     and Prof Lawrence Ho Khek-Yu, who were both
                                                                                              If you continuously do one thing for a long
            very mind-set that will do you good in the long                                                                                                      fantastic entrepreneurs.
                                                                                              period of time, you could become better in this
            run. The willingness to sacrifice first before
                                                                                              field. If you build better products, provide better
            asking for any returns is the starting point for
                                                                                              service and add value to the community, you
            any successful start-up.
                                                                                              will definitely be rewarded handsomely.

                                                                                                                                                                 Source: This article is contributed by Mahdi Rasouli, Chief Technology Officer of Kinexcs. Kinexcs is a med-tech start-up building monitoring solutions
Source: This article is contributed by Hendri Zhang, co-founder of Terracotta. Founded in 2017, Terracotta is an online education platform that specialises in   to enhance rehabilitation, using high-resolution wearable devices to remotely monitor, track, analyse and report the progress of the patients who are
Chinese language and empowers Chinese language teachers and students to connect and conduct lessons online.                                                      undergoing rehabilitation.

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CAREER SKILLS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     THE FUTURE OF WORK           CAREER SKILLS

     5 TIPS FOR                                                                                                                                                 INDUSTRY 4.0
     MILLENNIALS TO THRIVE                                                                                                                                      Industry 4.0, or the fourth industrial revolution, focuses on smart technologies that are

                                                                                                                                                                transforming the manufacturing industry.

                                                                                                                                                         The resultant “smart factories” are characterised by interoperability, information transparency, technical assistance
                                                                                                                                                         by smart machines and decentralised decision making. In this new era of industry, humans are envisioned to work
     The gig economy allows individuals to generate income by working on a project basis                                                                 hand-in-hand with autonomous robots, Internet of Things, data monitoring, cognitive computing, 3D printing and
     which provides work-life integration – something that many professionals aspire to in                                                               nanotechnology and other emergent technological tools to increase efficiency, predict and pre-empt problems, and
     their career. This form of work arrangement continues to attract millennials and leads to                                                           ensure fewer disruptions.
     workforce transformation.

As the gig economy grows, companies are changing the way they work and tend to outsource marketing, design,
web development and customer service gigs. For freelancers, they have the autonomy to choose their projects and
the flexibility to work anywhere and at anytime.

While it sounds fascinating, freelancing is not for everyone. Think over these questions before you embark on
this journey:
• Do you want full flexibility of your schedule?                               • Are you tech savvy?

• Do you want to set your own income expectation?                              • Do you want to be your own boss?

• Can you take responsibility for your own work?

It takes true grit to be a successful freelancer but it can be very rewarding. To get you started, here are five tips to
thrive in the gig economy.

 01        BUILD YOUR PORTFOLIO                                                  02        BE ONLINE                                                     GROWING MOMENTUM IN SINGAPORE
           Your portfolio is your tool to market yourself                                  List your services on freelancing marketplace                 Industry 4.0 has been gathering momentum among Singapore-based industrial firms, which has made Singapore
           and increase your chance of getting a gig                                       like ZomWork. These platforms provide the                     a hotspot for Advanced Manufacturing. Singapore was ranked fifth for manufacturing value-added in the 2017
           project. Consolidate your past work and                                         tools to make freelancing easier. List your                   Bloomberg Innovation index1. By moving its industrial base up the value chain, Singapore is on track to strengthen
           showcase them when you are pitching for                                         services for free, bid for projects, chat with                its position as the leading industrial hub for companies worldwide2. This spells promising career prospects for new
           projects. If you do not have a portfolio, gather                                potential clients and get paid securely upon                  graduates who are prepared to take on the new economy.
           testimonials that can attest to your key                                        project completion.
           strengths or start your own project relevant                                                                                                  FUTURE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
           to your skill set.                                                    04        GET INSURANCE COVERAGE
                                                                                                                                                         Data analysts will be sought-after for their ability to                       For entrepreneurs, the platform connecting goods and
                                                                                           Protect yourself from loss of income due to                   crunch numbers with business intelligence and translate                       services to people is constantly evolving and speedy
                                                                                           illness or injury. As a solopreneur, there are                dashboards of charts and figures into effective action                        adaptation is the key. The idea of convenience and
           Calculate your daily expenses and set a target                                  freelance income protection insurance that you                plans. Engineers, who are valued for their logical skills                     sharing means that people who want to start a new
           to achieve. As an aspiring freelancer, it takes                                 can purchase at an affordable rate.                           and professionalism, will be needed to devise processes                       business need to look at the realm of social selling and
           time to build your business so start with a                                                                                                   or procedures that connect proofs of concepts to the                          the provision of hassle‐free cashless transactions and
           realistic goal of $2,000-$3,500 per month.                                                                                                    implementation and actualisation of designs seamlessly.                       funding, made possible by FinTech and cyber‐currencies.

                                                                                                                                                         The need for collaborative efforts of non‐engineering                         In this regard, the future career opportunities of Industry
 05        BUILD RELATIONSHIPS                                                                                                                           colleagues from the marketing, business development                           4.0 are linked to the other disruptive technologies —
           Be proactive in communicating with your clients and keep them informed of the progress. When the                                              and logistics departments means exciting prospects for                        multiplying their impact mutually towards not just an
           project is completed, do keep in touch with them so you can be top of their mind whenever they need                                           business, sciences and humanities graduates as well.                          industrial revolution but also perhaps something much
           your services.                                                                                                                                                                                                              greater than any social phenomenon in history.

Source: This article is contributed by ZomWork, a one-stop online gig work marketplace. A joint venture between Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) and ZBJ   1
                                                                                                                                                             Economic Development Board, 2018. Retrieved from https://www.edb.gov.sg/en/our-industries/industries-and-key-activities/advanced-manufacturing.html
Network Inc, ZomWork aims to connect companies with the right talent in areas such as design, IT, marketing, copywriting, video production and more.     2

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