The Student Guide - Lunds universitet

Page created by Jacqueline Walker
The Student Guide - Lunds universitet
The Student Guide
The Student Guide - Lunds universitet
DISCLAIMER: While care has been taken to provide accurate informa-
tion in this guide, please always check the website of Lund University,, or the websites of the other services listed in
this guide for updates.

Editor: Sara Westman. Layout: Sara Westman and Ida Thelander.
Printed by Media-Tryck 2018, 3300 copies.
Photos by Apelöga, Stefan Bengtsson, Stepan Bärtl, Charlotte Carlberg Bärg,
Daniel Gunnarsson, Lars Hedelin, Maria Johansson, Bao Lei, Camilla Lekebjer,
Gunnar Menander, Johan Persson, Rikspolisstyrelsen, Mikael Risedal, Louise
Larsson, Kennet Ruona, Lasse Strandberg, Werner Nystrand/Folio/imagebank., Carolina Romare/,, Simon
Paulin/, Staffan Widstrand/
The Student Guide - Lunds universitet

How to use this guide
Coming to another country to study is an exciting experience
and we know you will have many questions. The information
in this guide has been compiled with you in mind and we hope
that it will help you during your studies at Lund University and
in your everyday life in Sweden.

We encourage you to read the entire guide since much of
the information will be relevant to you. The information
includes both general facts about life in Sweden as well as
practical advice on studies at Lund University, bank services,
accommodation, student life and more. So, take a moment to
get acquainted with life at Lund University. We wish you the
best of luck with your studies at Lund University and student
life in Sweden!

If, after reading this guide, you still have questions or would
like some further clarification, please contact any of the
services listed in the guide and their staff will be pleased to
help you.

If you have more general questions or are not sure who to ask,
please contact the International Desk.

Tel: 046-222 01 00
Phone hours: Monday-Friday 10-12
Visiting address: Stora Algatan 4
Regular opening hours: Monday-Friday 10-13
Opening hours, Orientation weeks:
Monday-Friday 10.00-15.00

If you would like to give feedback on this guide you are wel-
come to do so by sending an email to
The Student Guide - Lunds universitet

    Table of contents
    Chapter 1: ARRIVAL GUIDE                     Chapter 6: FINANCIAL MATTERS
       Arrival check-list                   5       Banking in Sweden                     58
       International students               6       Tuition fee payments                  61
       Useful contact details               7       Part-time jobs                        63
       Frequently Asked Questions           7
                                                 Chapter 7: STUDENT SERVICES
    Chapter 2: STUDIES AT LUND UNIVERSITY           International Desk reception          64
       Your department                       9      The Student Portal and account        65
       Study administration                 10      Internet access on campus             67
       Libraries                            13      LU access card (LU-kortet)            67
       Academic calendar 2017-2018          14      Career services                       68
       Academic support                     15      Study guidance                        68
       Academic honesty and plagiarism      18      Students with disabilities            69
       Student rights and student influence 20      Copying services                      70
                                                    Venture Lab                           71
    Chapter 3: ACCOMMMODATION                       The Alumni Network                    71
       LU Accommodation                    21
       AF Bostäder (AFB)                   25    Chapter 8: GETTING AROUND
       Bopoolen                            26       Travelling by train, bus and car      72
       Housing at a student nation         28       Biking                                75
       Hostels and hotels                  28
                                                 Chapter 9: LIVING IN SWEDEN
    Chapter 4: HEALTH CARE AND INSURANCE            Swedish holidays                      78
       Emergency services              29           Register with the tax agency          79
       Health care                     30           Visas and residence permit            80
       Medical insurance               35           Learn Swedish - ”Tala svenska!”       81
       The Swedish Police              38           Shopping A-Z                          83
       Lund University campus security 39
       Student Health Centre           39        Chapter 10: WELL-BEING
                                                    Gyms and fitness centres               87
    Chapter 5: STUDENTLUND                          Sport teams and swimming pools         88
       Studentlife in Lund                 40       Faith and spirituality                 89
       Studentlund membership              41       Sexuality,relationships and well-being 90
       The Student nations                 43       Culture                                92
       The Student unions                  51       Nature                                 93
       The Academic Society                55       Explore the Skåne region               94
       Studentlund A-Z                     57
The Student Guide - Lunds universitet

Arrival check-list
̆̆ Contact family and friends back home           ̆̆ EU citizens staying for 12 months or long-
   and let them know that you have arrived           er: apply for a Swedish personal identity
   safely                                            number (see chapter 9)

̆̆ If applicable, secure accommodation (see       ̆̆ Non-EU citizens: if you have a residence
   chapter 3)                                        permit valid for 12 months or longer, app-
                                                     ly for a Swedish personal identity number
̆̆ Join the orientation activities. Tickets are
   sold at the International Desk (see chapter    ̆̆ If you have received a Swedish personal
   7)                                                identity number, apply for a Swedish ID
                                                     card (see chapter 9)
̆̆ Register for Studentlund (see chapter 5)
                                                  ̆̆ Complete your registration and enroll-
̆̆ Update your Studentlund account with              ment at the University
   your Swedish postal address (see chapter
   5)                                             ̆̆ Attend the introduction at your depart-
                                                     ment or on your programme
̆̆ Get a Jojo-card/Jojo app and explore
   public transport options in your area (see     ̆̆ Handle financial matters (see chapter 6)
   chapter 8)
                                                  ̆̆ Get furniture and decorate your home
̆̆ Get a bike (see chapter 8)                        (see chapter 9)

̆̆ Get a LU access card (see chapter 7)           ̆̆ Log into your student email account and
                                                     the Student Portal (see chapter 8)
̆̆ Get your Swedish SIM card, provided in
   your welcome package, working (see             ̆̆ If you plan to use another email address
   chapter 9)                                        than the one provided by Lund Univer-
                                                     sity, forward your student email to that
̆̆ Find your local supermarket, health care          address
   centre, pharmacy, shopping area etc (see
   chapter 9)

̆̆ If you need to leave your biometrical
   data make sure to book an appointment
   with the Swedish Migration Agency (see
   chapter 9)
The Student Guide - Lunds universitet

    International students at Lund University
    In order to give you the best service possible,   Master’s and Bachelor’s degree programme
    we will occasionally ask you what category of     students – you are a Master’s or Bachelor’s
    international students you belong to. Are you     degree student if you have applied for a pro-
    an exchange student, Master’s or Bachelor’s       gramme through www.universityadmissions.
    degree student or a course student?               se or and intend to com-
                                                      plete your degree at Lund University. Master’s
    Exchange/Study Abroad students – you are an       and Bachelor’s degree students should always
    exchange/study abroad student if you have         direct any questions regarding academic mat-
    applied to Lund University through your home      ters to the relevant programme coordinator.
    university’s international office and their
    formal agreement with Lund University. Ex-        Non-degree course students – you are a
    change students include Erasmus students. As      non-degree course student (this includes
    an exchange/study abroad student, you will        ”freemover students”) if you have applied for
    most likely study at Lund University for one or   single-subject courses or the Swedish langu-
    two semesters and then return to your home        age programme through www.universityad-
    university to finish your degree. Exchange/ or If you are
    study abroad students should always direct        a non-degree student, you should contact the
    any questions regarding academic matters to       course administrator or study advisor at your
    their coordinator, which is the person who        department for questions regarding academic
    signed the Letter of Acceptance.                  matters.
The Student Guide - Lunds universitet

Useful contact details
USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS                               USEFUL ADDRESSES
Swedish emergency telephone number: 112            International Desk, Lund
Report a crime to the Swedish Police: 114 14       Address: Stora Algatan 4
Health care advice: 1177                           Phone: 046-222 01 00
LU Campus Security: 046-222 07 00
Lund University switchboard: 046-222 00            LU Accommodation, Lund
00                                                 Address: Tunavägen 20
USEFUL WEBSITES                                    Phone: 046-222 01 00
Student Portal:                      Swedish Tax Agency, Lund
Student email:               Address: Stora Södergatan 45
Current student web:                               Phone: 0771-567 567
Swedish Migration Agency:                          Swedish Migration Agency, Malmö                            Address: Agnesfridsvägen 111
Studentlund:                    Phone: 0771-235 235
International Desk Facebook page:

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get a student card?                       I’m looking for a used bike,
There are two different cards that are useful      where should I go?
for you as a student at Lund University:           You are not alone; there is a high demand for
The Studentlund card is the card that gives        used bikes in Lund in the beginning of every
access to all activities provided by the student   semester. In chapter 9 you will find addresses
nations, unions and the Academic Society as        to some used bike shops in Lund. The City
well as student discounts. To obtain this card     of Lund usually arranges an auction for used
become a member of Studentlund and pay             bikes in the beginning of a new semester.
the membership fee. More information can           Check the International Desk Facebook page
be found in chapter 5.                             for updates.

The LU access card is key card and will give       I’m required to provide my biometrical
you access to university buildings and is also     data to the Swedish Migration Agency,
a library card. This card can be obtained th-      where do I go?
rough one of the card stations on campus.          You can submit your biometrical data at the
Find more information in chapter 7.                Migration Agency in Malmö. The address can
                                                   be found in chapter 9 of this guide. Make sure
                                                   to book an appointment.
The Student Guide - Lunds universitet

    I want to hand in my application for               International Desk. You can also travel to
    a Swedish personal identity number,                IKEA on your own. Find more information
    where do I go?                                     in chapter 9.
    Applications for Swedish personal identity
    numbers are administered by the Swedish            What should I do to get a Swedish SIM
    Tax Agency. You can find the Tax Agency on         card and mobile phone?
    Stora Södergatan 45 in Lund. They also have        A SIM card is provided in your welcome
    offices i Helsingborg and Malmö. Read more         package. If you prefer another service pro-
    about who is entitled to a Swedish identity        vider, you can find SIM cards for purcase in
    number in chapter 9.                               electronic stores and convenience stores.
                                                       Reasonably priced mobile phones can usually
    I want to use public transportation,               be found in the electronic stores at the Nova
    what do I need to do?                              shopping centre (see chapter 9).
    The city buses are green and you can find
    the time tables on           I don’t have my personal code no or a
    A map of the bus lines in Lund is provided in      LU Identity number, what should I do?
    the welcome package.                               All students have a personal code number in
                                                       the student registry, Ladok.
    It is not possible to pay with cash on the city
    buses. But you can install the Skånetrafiken       All exchange students were sent an email a
    app and buy your ticket through there. For         few months before Arrival Day with the per-
    occasional travellers, the Jojo-card Discount      sonal code number (or LU identity number as
    card (no specific student discount) is recom-      it is also called).
    mended which can be bought at the Skåne-
    trafiken office at train stations and at several   Degree students can find their personal code
    convenience stores (see list in chapter 8).        on their ”Notification of Selection Results”.

    I only have wired internet in my student           If you can´t find your code, please visit the In-
    accommodation, where do I find a net-              ternational Desk or contact your coordinator
    work cable?                                        and they will help you.
    A list of electronic stores in central Lund and
    at the Nova shopping centre is provided in         Help! I need to buy groceries and I don’t
    chapter 9.                                         know any Swedish!
                                                       You will find a small food glossary in chapter
    I need a pillow and a blanket, where               9. Most staff in the grossery stores will un-
    should I go?                                       derstand and speak English, so don´t worry.
    For addresses to shops in central Lund and at
    Nova shopping centre see chapter 9. During
    the Orientation programme, there will be
    several tours to IKEA. Tickets are sold at the
The Student Guide - Lunds universitet

Your department
The University may seem rather large and          departments at Lund University are located
complex, but it is the department that beco-      in several different areas of Lund all of them
mes your key workplace. A department is a         have their own website which can be acces-
unit within the University where your classes     sed through
and research take place within one or more
subjects. It is the department that registers     The departments work together in the same
you when the programme or course begins.          research and study centres and almost all of
At every department you will find lecturers,      the departments belong to a specific faculty,
study counselors, course secretaries, directors   e.g the School of Economics and Manage-
of studies and a head of the department. This     ment, the Faculty of Engineering (LTH) or the
is also where certain administrative services     Faculty of Social Sciences.
and laboratories are located.
                                                  A full list of the faculties, departments and
Although programme students can usually be        centres at Lund University can be found on
expected to take several courses from other
departments, they have a “home” depart-           lund-university.
ment in charge of the whole programme. The
The Student Guide - Lunds universitet

     Study administration
     REGISTRATION AND ENROLMENT                        groups of 25-30 students. All courses include
     Registration for a course takes place on the      written and/or oral exam. There are usually
     first day of class. Therefore, it is very im-     no final exams covering the entire semester’s
     portant not to miss the first lecture. If you     coursework. If you fail an exam, it is possible
     are unable to participate in the first lecture,   to re-take the exam the same semester or
     remember that you will have to contact the        later that year. Only successfully completed
     coordinator or course administrator before-       courses are recorded on your official trans-
     hand so that you do not lose your place on        cript. All student records at Lund University
     the course.                                       are stored in the student registry, Ladok.

     STUDY STRUCTURE                                   STUDENT REGISTRY (LADOK)
     Studies are usually structured so that stu-       Ladok is the name of the registry used at Lund
     dents only have one course at a time, each        University to document students and their
     concluded with some form of assesment.            study results. Ladok contains the following
     Exceptions are the School of Economics and        information about Bachelor’s and Master’s
     Management and the Faculty of Engineering         students: name and personal identity number,
     where two or more courses may run parallel        general eligibility for university studies, admis-
     to each other.                                    sion to courses/programmes, registration on
                                                       every course each semester, credits taken and
     Courses can run for anywhere from 2 to 20         degrees. Registration and academic results
     weeks, usually 5, 10 or 20 weeks. The dura-       are documented and entered into Ladok by
     tion and extent of courses and programmes         the relevant department.
     are expressed in a system of credits (högsko-
     lepoäng). The Swedish credit system is the        In accordance with Swedish legislation on the
     same as the European Credit Transfer System       principle of public access to official documents
     (ECTS), thus, one week of full-time study         (Offentlighetsprincipen) all data recorded in
     corresponds to 1.5 credits. One semester of       Ladok are accessible to the public in Sweden.
     full-time study amounts to 30 credits (15 US      If you want to learn more about the Swedish
     or Canadian Semester Credit Hours, SCH).          principle of public access, please visit
     Single subject courses vary in scope from 7.5
     to 60 credits.                                    governed/the-principle-of-public-access-to-
     The teaching methods and the number of
     classroom instructions can vary considerably      Transcripts and results
     between different subjects and courses. Some      All students at Lund University has a student
     courses, mainly in engineering, have up to 30     account and will receive a message to their
     hours of lecture per week, while some, e.g.       student email address each time a result from
     social sciences courses, can have 10 hours,       an examination has been registered in Ladok.
     and rely more on indepentent study. The           By logging in to the Student Portal (see chap-
     most common form of teaching is lectures to       ter 7) with your student account details, it is

also possible for you to print verifiable aca-    GRADING SYSTEM
demic transcripts of records and registration     In Sweden the grading scale normally consists
certificates. If you need an attested (signed     of 3 grades; Pass with Distinction (VG or Väl
and stamped) transcript of records or registra-   godkänd), Pass (G or Godkänd) or Fail (U or
tion certificate, the student receptions at the   Underkänd). However, some faculties may use
different faculties or the International Desk     a different grading scale:
can be of help.
                                                  The Faculty of Engineering uses several dif-
Make sure that your address is correct in La-     ferent grading scales. On most courses, the
dok. You can update your temporary address        grades awarded are: 3 (three) Pass, 4 (four)
in the Student Portal.                            Very Good, 5 (five) Excellent. For all courses
                                                  in architecture, the grading scale only inclu-
Personal code number                              des the grade “Godkänd” (Pass). Courses in
International students, who do not have           Industrial design uses both the three level
Swedish personal identity number, are             grading scale (5, 4, 3) and the one level scale
registered with a LU with personal code           “Godkänd” (Pass).
number in Ladok. This number consists of the
student’s date of birth and a letter followed     At the Faculties of Humanities and Theology
by three digits. If you receive a Swedish         and at the Faculty of Social Sciences certain
personal identity number while studying at        departments award A, B, C, D, E or Fail (F).
Lund University, please submit the number in      The highest grade is A and the lowest passing
the Student Portal.                               grade is E. In a limited number of courses only
                                                  the grades Pass (G) or Fail (U) are awarded.

     The Faculty of Law uses four grades; Pass with    GETTING YOUR DEGREE
     Distinction (AB), Pass with Credit (BA), Pass     When you have completed your degree
     (B) or Fail (U).                                  studies at Lund University you can request
                                                       to receive your degree certificate. A degree
     The Faculty of Medicine only uses the grades      certificate is not issued automatically, but is-
     Pass (G) or Fail (U).                             sued upon your request to the Degree Office.

     The Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Fine    Please note that the Faculty of Engineering
     and Performing Arts use two different gra-        and the Faculty of Medicine have their own
     ding scales: Pass with Distinction (VG), Pass     degree offices.
     (G) or Fail (U) and Pass (G) or Fail
     (U).                                              The general processing time for degree app-
                                                       lication to the central Degree Office is 6-8
     The School of Economics and Management            weeks. Processing times might vary during
     uses the following grading scale: A, B, C, D,     the year depending on the office’s workload.
     E or Fail (F). The highest grade is A and the     You are responsible for the information in
     lowest passing grade is E.                        your application and that it is complete and
     SEMESTER                                          Lund University Degree Office
     In some degree programmes at Lund                 website:
     University, students are required to apply
     for courses for the upcoming semester             Email:
     through or In other degree pro-            Before your graduation, remember to join
     grammes the application for the following         the Lund University Alumni Network.
     semester is made automatically. Please fol-       Website: www.
     low the instructions from your programme
     coordinator thoroughly.

     Exchange students can in some cases extend
     their studies at Lund University, but this wish
     has to be communicated to their coordinator
     several months in advance.

     Course students who want to continue their
     studies at Lund University have to apply
     through the regular application rounds on

Lund University has one of Sweden’s ol-               resources related to your search. You can also
dest and largest research library networks,           search outside Lund University’s collections.
with 26 libraries on campus. Each faculty
has one or more libraries. Course speci-              LIBRARY CARD
fic materials can often be found there,               Your LU access card is also your library card.
as well as reference copies of required               In order to borrow items from the libraries at
reading for most courses and programmes.              Lund University you need to create a library
                                                      account to which you can link your LU access
The main University Library is often referred         card.
to as ”UB” (Universitetsbiblioteket). Founded         1. Go to the library catalogue called Lovisa
in 1666, the same year as the University,                   and fill in the library card application:
it is housed in a magnificent building and        
holds large collections extending over 2000
years, covering practically all languages             2.   Go to the information desk at one of
and subject fields. In addition, the electro-              our libraries to activate your LU card as
nic library collection includes more than                  a library card.
16000 e-journals, 200 databases and many
e-books, dictionaries and encyclopaedias.             More information
LUBsearch is the entry point to the libraries’ col-   The libraries and a map of their locations
lective resources and material, both electronic       can be found on page:
and printed. A single search field enables you
to find articles, journals, doctoral theses and
books. You get an overview of all the library

     Academic calendar 2018-2019
     Autumn semester 2018                              EASTER HOLIDAY
     Monday 3 September - Sunday 20 January            As with Christmas, there is no official Easter
                                                       break in the academic year, however in prac-
     Spring semester 2019                              tice there is usually a break in classes around
     Monday 21 January - Sunday 9 June                 the time of the public holidays. Good Friday
                                                       and Easter Monday are official holidays and
     The exact period of the semesters may slightly    students are usually off on Holy Thursday. The
     vary from one faculty to another and also         exact dates are determined by each depart-
     from year to year, depending on which week-       ment so please check with your programme/
     day the official dates are that year. Check the   department to confirm the dates.
     exact dates directly with your department.

     There is no official Christmas break in the
     academic year, however in practice there are
     usually no classes over the Christmas/New
     Year’s period. The exact dates are determined
     by each department, please check with your
     programme/department to confirm the dates.

Academic support
The Academic Support Centre (ASC) aims to          Regardless of the type of text, the earlier in the
help students find their voice in the academic     writing process you set up an appointment,
conversation and joy in their daily study and      the better. You will have revisions to make
writing routines. ASC services, free for LU stu-   after you meet with the ASC consultant,
dents, include individual and group consulta-      and you will want plenty of time before the
tions, lectures, workshops, and Write Nights.      deadline to make them. You might also want
Topics cover a broad range under academic          to have a follow-up appointment or two, in
writing processes, presentation skills, and        fact, this is something we strongly encourage
reading and study skills. Most commonly,           most students to do. The more you discuss
students make appointments to discuss a text       your text, the better it will become.
they’re working on. All writers need to talk
about their writing.                               Some students bring graded assignments
                                                   with their professor’s feedback to discuss
Contact information and appointments               strategies for implementing that feedback
Website:                                           in future assignments. Other students like          to come early in the semester with their syl-
Email:                   labus and reading list to make sense of it and
Phone: 046-222 36 95                               plan their weekly study schedule. We also
Skype:                     recommend this type of meeting if you start
                                                   to feel overwhelmed with your reading list or
To make an appointment, fill in the online         work load at any point during the semester.
booking form on our website, where you             Appointment times tend to fill up quickly, es-
can also sign up for upcoming open lectures,       pecially from mid- to late-semester, so book
workshops, and Write Nights. You might             your spot well in advance. If you’re bringing
also meet an ASC consultant at a lecture           a specific assignment, we ask that you email
requested by your programme!                       a copy to the consultant at least 24 hours be-
                                                   fore your appointment time. All appointments
About appointments at the ASC                      are confidential unless otherwise discussed.
Many students make an appointment to
discuss a text they are currently working          The ASC aims to equip you with the skills
on. Through this, we hope you will not             necessary to become better writers and pre-
only improve your text, but improve overall        senters in English, and for this reason we do
as a writer and thinker. We believe that all       not provide drop-off proofreading services.
writers, from beginners to experts, benefit        The ASC is independent of any faculty and
from feedback on their texts throughout            cannot predict or guarantee your grade.
the writing process. The text could be a lab
report, a final essay, a Statement of Purpose      ACADEMIC CULTURE
letter, a presentation, or a Bachelor’s or         You will face lots of new challenges - perso-
Master’s thesis.”                                  nal, cultural, and academic - during your time

     at Lund University, and that is a good thing!     schedule for each class so you feel confident
     Part of the university experience is learning     enough to contribute and do not hesitate to
     to overcome trials on your way towards a de-      ask questions, either. Active students get the
     gree. But just as we would not expect you to      most out of class time.
     find your way to the bank without directions
     or know what a “fika” is without a Swedish        40-hour work week
     lesson, we do not expect you to deal with         Most departments and professors expect
     new academic challenges without explana-          full-time students to devote 35-40 hours per
     tions and support. The following text will help   week, the same as a normal work week, to
     you familiarise yourself with academic culture    their studies. This includes attending lectures,
     at Lund University.                               reading, and completing assignments. This
                                                       concept may not be a challenge in itself, but
     Casual yet critical classroom                     you might find it difficult to schedule your
     You might be used to addressing your profes-      time effectively. In general, class is not held
     sors as Dr. Chang or Professor Smith, but in      as often at Lund University as in other inter-
     Sweden students and teaching staff are on         national academic environments.
     a first-name basis, just Johan or Anna. As
     indicated by this custom, most professors         Many of you will take just one course at a
     de-emphasise hierarchical lecturing in the        time, and it might be as little as twice per
     classroom in favour of inclusive discussions.     week, for a total of six hours, in the class-
     Not only are you allowed to speak your mind,      room. That leaves 34 additional hours in your
     you will be encouraged to use critical thinking   academic work week. Those hours will be
     skills to engage your classmates and profes-      spent reading course material, reviewing your
     sors in debate. Keep up with your reading         notes, studying for exams, and writing essays.

Because much of the time is unscheduled,               You will find a general introduction to
some students find it especially tempting to           academic writing in English, including
procrastinate, leaving assignments for the last        correct language, text structure,
minute. To avoid the inevitable anxiety and            academic honesty and referencing, as
stress of procrastination and to be able to            well as examples and practical advice for
submit high-quality assignments, set specific          writers.
daily and weekly goals and form study groups
to help keep each other accountable.               General academic writing
                                                   • Website:
Independent work                                      Constructing academic arguments from
For most of you, your final semester at the           Harvard University, with short films,
University will be spent writing a degree             excellent sample essays, and practice
project. Students often feel overwhelmed              assignments.
and stressed during this process as it is a
completely new experience. Researching and         •   Website:
writing a long text with a well-evidenced              handouts/
contribution to your academic field in gram-           Handouts on a variety of writing and
matically correct English is meant to be the           grammar topics from the University of
greatest academic challenge of your degree.            North Carolina.
You will undertake this challenge with re-
latively little input from the staff or faculty;   •   Website:
it is your responsibility to produce a quality         Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue
degree project on time. Your department will           University
provide a supervisor, but his/her role varies
greatly between departments.                       •   Website:
                                                       Web tutorial for international students
The most successful students start thinking            on avoiding plagiarism. This is a joint
about their degree project before their final          venture from several Danish universities.
semester, create a strict schedule of their
researching and writing time, establish and        Thesis Writing
participate in peer writing groups, and visit      • Website:
the Academic Support Centre with questions            The Thesis Whisperer blog with advice
and concerns about the writing process.               and discussions about research writing
                                                      written by the Director of Research
USEFUL RESOURCES                                      Training at the Australian National
AWELU - Academic Writing in English at                University.
Lund University
• Website:                         •   Website:
   AWELU is an online resource platform                Blog by University of Toronto’s School of
   for academic writing in English at Lund             Graduate Studies.
   University. The platform contains both
   information about English language and
   how to write different kinds of texts.

     Academic honesty and plagiarism
     WHAT IS PLAGIARISM?                                  To demonstrate independence, you need to
     Students are expected to uphold the stan-            make smart choices about how to incorpo-
     dards of academic honesty at Lund Univer-            rate sources ethically and elegantly. Readers
     sity. Cheating and plagiarism are treated very       should always be able to follow who is ’spea-
     seriously. Lund University uses the following        king’ in your text. To accomplish this, you
     definitions of plagiarism and deceitful plagia-      need to be able to summarize, paraphrase,
     rism and they apply to all levels of education:      synthesize, and quote effectively and use in-
                                                          text citations and reference lists correctly.
     Plagiarism is a lack of independence in the
     design and/or wording of academic work               Three quick examples of plagiarism:
     presented by a student compared to the level         • A false claim that you have written a
     of independence required by the educational             paper, when it is in fact another student
     context.                                                who has done all work. It is considered
                                                             plagiarism even if the other student has
     Deceitful plagiarism is a lack of independence          given his/her permission.
     combined with an intent on the part of the           • If you rewrite, or paraphrase, a section
     student to present the work of others as his            from a book /article/website without
     or her own.*                                            mentioning that the information is from
                                                             that source.
     *From Guidelines and regulations on plagiarism       • To copy a section of a book/article/web-
     and deceitful plagiarism in first-, second- and
     third-cycle education at Lund University, (Reg. no      site without mentioning that the informa-
     LS 2010/722)                                            tion is copied from that source.

The Higher Education Ordinance does not             As long as you comply with the rules of aca-
specify that the person who cheats has to           demic writing and implement these methods
do so for his or her own personal advantage.        in your work you will not only be free of plagi-
This means that even a student who provides         arism, but also be able to write a better essay.
unauthorised assistance to another student,
for example by handing over his or her work,        Visit
may be found guilty of attempting “by prohi-        for more information about how to write and
bited aids or other means... to deceive during      cite texts in your studies at Lund University.
examinations or other forms of assessment
of study performance” and thus become the           SOURCES AND REFERENCING
subject to disciplinary measures.                   Some quick tips*:
                                                    • If you are quoting a text word-by-word,
HOW DOES LUND UNIVERSITY WORK                          remember to state the originial source
WITH PLAGIARISM?                                       and to use quotation marks.
Lund University has a long experience of com-       • Always inform your reader when you
bating plagiarism. All advisers and teaching           use a source other than yourself. Make it
staff are trained to look for signs of plagiarism      clear which of the text derives from your
in the students’ work. Employees at Lund               own thoughts and which of it is someone
University are obliged to report any suspicion         else’s work.
of an attempt to decieve by a student, by           • When you are reading material to pre-
prohibited aids or other means, during exami-          pare for your degree project, make note
nations or other forms of assessment of study          of author’s name, the title and the page
performance, is obliged to report this.                number when you come across an im-
                                                       portant passage.
As a complement, Lund University also uses          • If you summarise a text in your paper, es-
a plagiarism detection system called Urkund,           say or degree project, make sure to use
through which students may be required to              your own words and present everything
submit their assignment.                               in your own way.

WHAT DOES LUND UNIVERSITY                           *the source of these quick tips and more advice
                                                    can be found on Visit the
DEMAND FROM YOU AS A STUDENT?                       website to learn more about how to avoid plagia-
First of all, Lund University recommends you        rism and produce a better paper, essay or thesis.
to pay attention to all information regarding
academic writing that can be found on the
University homepage and at the webpage of
your specific department. You must always
state the source when using other people’s
work in your own text, regardless if the source
is a book, a magazine article, an online source
or even a verbal communication.

     Student rights and student influence
     STUDENT RIGHTS AND INFLUENCE                        The Student unions
     Your rights as a student in relation to the         If the problem or complaint lies with your
     University and your department are regula-          programme/course coordinator, or head of
     ted partly in acts and ordinances and partly        department, or if you do not feel comforta-
     in decisions by the University, in particular in    ble approaching either of those people, you
     the List of Student Rights.                         should contact the student union for your
                                                         faculty. In Sweden, the role of the student
     In order to make it easier for students to          unions is to ensure that your interests are
     exercise influence over their education and         represented at the university and they can
     situation, all regulations governing student        raise any issues you may have to the Univer-
     influence are gathered in a single document:        sity. They can mainly help with issues of your
     Policy and regulations for student influence        studies or learning environment.
     at Lund University.
                                                         Contact details to the student unions on:
     EQUAL TREATMENT                           
     All activities at Lund University are based on
     principles of gender equality as well as ethnic     Student ombudsman
     and social diversity. The University´s activities   The student unions also have a collective or-
     aim to provide opportunities for everyone to        ganisation called Lunds Universitets Student-
     develop according to their personal circum-         kår (LUS) or Lund University Student Unions
     stances and regardless of of sex, ethnicity,        Association. They have a student ombudsman
     religion or other beliefs, sexual orientation       whom you can contact. The student ombuds-
     and/or disability. The University has a zero-       man helps to make sure that the University is
     tolerance policy regarding discrimination.          fulfilling its legal obligation to see that Lund
                                                         University’s students receive an education
     Read the policies for student influence,            free from discrimination or unfair treatment.
     student rights and equal opportunities:             The student ombudsman will give advice and
     Website:                                            information on how to make your complaint             or how to proceed based on your concern.

     COMPLAINTS INVOLVING STUDIES OR                     Contact details to the ombudsman:
     DISCRIMINATION                                      Email:
     For help or to report a complaint involving
     your studies or discrimination, the first thing
     you should do is to try and resolve the pro-
     blem directly with the person/s concerned. If
     this is not possible, you should contact your
     programme/course coordinator or the head
     of the department to discuss the issue or

LU Accommodation
LU Accommodation (LUAcc) is a part of Lund        Contact LU Accommodation
University and offers housing for international   Website:
students. To be able to rent a room from LU       E-mail:
Accommodation you have to be a student of         Tel: 046-222 01 00 (press 2 for English and
Lund University. For any specific information     1 for accommodation)
regarding your accommodation (such as in-         Phone hours, Mon-Fri: 9.00-12.00 and
ternet connection or laundry facilities) please   13.00-15.00
check the LUAcc website.
                                                  Visiting address: Tunavägen 20, Lund,
LU Accommodation and Lund University does         Visiting hours Monday-Friday 13.00 - 15.00
not own any of the housing areas or buildings.    (different office hours during the Orienta-
These are owned by private landlords, but         tion Programme)
contracts are always signed between the
student and LU Accommodation. You are
welcome to contact LU Accommodation by
telephone, e-mail or by visiting their office.

     RENT AND PAYMENT OF RENT                           on the contract you have signed and agreed
     Rental period                                      to online. The rooms are rented out from Ar-
     Rooms offered by LU Accommodation are              rival day in January until the 15 June and the
     rented for the full academic semesters, from       10 August until 31 December. If you have a
     the middle of August to the end of December        contract ending on 31 December and need to
     (autumn semester) and from the beginning of        stay in your room for the month of January
     January to the middle of June (spring semes-       you will be offered an extension of your room.
     ter). Please check your rental period before       Information about how and when to extend
     you book any flights home.                         will be sent to you during your stay. The maxi-
                                                        mum extension is until 15 July.
     The maximum rental period is until the end of
     the academic year, regardless of your arrival      If you are a non fee-paying student, staying
     date. Please note, if you are staying longer       for one more semester or year, you will have
     than to the end of the academic year and           to search for housing at AF Bostäder or the
     you are a non-fee paying student, it is very       private market for your second year. Please
     important that you register with AF Bostäder       note that special rules apply for students with
     as soon as possible to get on their waiting        a housing guarantee.
     list for accommodation. This does not apply
     for non-EU/EEA students who are required to        Your contract must be extended before the
     pay tuition fees and are admitted to full-time     extension deadline. It is very important that
     studies of at least 30 ECTS. These students        your respect the deadline, since no extensions
     have a housing guarantee for the normal du-        can be made after the deadline.
     ration of their study programme (1-3 years).
     Please be aware that the housing guarantee         CANCELLATION OF THE CONTRACT
     only applies when all criteria of the Terms and    All rooms and apartments are rented out for
     conditions of the Housing Guarantee are met.       the entire academic semester or year. If you
                                                        want to cancel your housing contract earlier,
     Payment of rent                                    the cancellation period is three full calendar
     Rental payments are to be paid in advance          months. This means that if you want your
     before the last day of the month, for example,     housing contract to end 30 April, you will
     the payment deadline for the rent of May will      have to contact LU Accommodation before
     be on the 30th of April. The rent has to be paid   31 January. To cancel your contract please
     using a credit card, through the online service    contact LU Accommodation.
     found when logging in to your online housing
     account. You will pay rent for the whole rental    INTERNET
     period, which is stated on your contract. If       All housing areas provide an internet connec-
     you are a tenant at LU Accommodation and           tion in the rooms. There is no wireless internet
     cannot use a credit card online, please contact    connection (except in Pålsjöäng housing area);
     LU Accommodation as soon as possible.              you will need a computer network cable. The
                                                        cable is not provided. If you are experiencing
     EXTENSION OF THE CONTRACT                          problems with your internet connection,
     The rental period - the period when you            please contact the broadband provider.
     hold the contract for your room - is stated

FAQ – FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS               •    You have a card which does not allow
TO LU ACCOMMODATION                                 online payments. Please contact your
                                                    bank and let them help you assess the
How do I pay rent?                                  problem.
Rent should be paid by credit card through     •    Not enough money available in the
the online booking system.                          account

Can I pay the whole amount for one             What should I do if I arrive after
semester in one payment?                       Arrival Day?
Yes, you can request to pay the whole amount   •    If you arrive after the official Arrival Day,
for one semester in one payment. Please con-        make sure to visit the LU Accommoda-
tact LU Accommodation for more information          tion office to get your keys. Please bring
on how to do this.                                  your passport and letter of acceptance/
                                                    Notification of selection results from
I tried to pay online and got an error              Lund University in order to pick up your
message. What does the error indicate?              keys.
This usually indicates one of the following:   •    Check your room carefully and see if
•     Limits or restrictions (most probably         there are damages, broken furniture and
      geographical) on the card                     if the room is clean. Fill in your online

          inventory within 3 days after you have      Can I change room?
          picked up your keys. The online inven-      No, LU Accommodation does not allow for
          tory is for recording the existing dama-    any room changes. If you feel unsafe or
          ges in your room so that you won’t be       unhappy with your room, please contact LU
          charged for them when you move out.         Accommodation for assistance.
     •    International students normally arrive
          1-2 weeks ahead of the Swedish stu-         Am I allowed to share a single room
          dents. Don’t worry if Lund seems empty      with a friend or partner?
          when you first move in. Get to know         Single rooms are for one person only. You are
          your neighbours and dorm mates! Start       not permitted to share it with another person.
          making friends and enjoy your new life      Unfortunately, LU Accommodation cannot of-
          here in Lund.                               fer family accommodation.

     What happens if I lose my key?                   Can I sublet my room/apartment?
     Lost keys must be reported to LU Accom-          No. The housing contract you sign is for
     modation immediately, by telephone or by         you and you alone. If LU Accommodation
     visiting the office. If your keys have not been   discovers that someone else is living in your
     returned to LU Accommodation within two          room they will terminate your housing cont-
     weeks, you have to pay for a lock change.        ract.

AF Bostäder
AF Bostäder was founded by the Academic         More information and contact details to
Society in Lund in 1850 and is today an inde-   AF Bostäder
pendent foundation providing approx. 6 000      Website: Tel: 046-19 15 00
student rooms for Lund University students      Email:
in 11 different areas of Lund (e.g. Sparta,     Visiting address: Tunavägen 39 C, Sparta
Kämnarsrätten, Delphi and Vildanden). If you
study in Lund for more than one semester and    The Academic Society (AF) has an employed
have not secured accommodation for the full     “housing ombudsman” (bostadsombudsman
period of study, we recommend that you          or “BOMB”) who is the student representative
apply for housing through AF Bostäder. The      within AF Bostäder. All students are welcome
demand for student accommodation from AF        to contact the Bostadsombudsman for ques-
Bostäder is high and it is therefore strongly   tions about student housing in Lund. The
recommended that you register for their         Bostadsombudsman is a student elected by
housing queue as soon as you arrive, if you     the Academic Society council for a period of
have not done so already in your pre-arrival    one year.
                                                Contact details to Bostadsombuds-
Since the foundation is connected to the        mannen: Email:
Academic Society all housing applicants and
tenants within AF Bostäder are required to
become members of Studentlund.

     ”Bopoolen”, is a website for housing adver-        at Lund University. It is very hard to find a
     tisements run by the Lund University Student       place to live near the centre of Lund and many
     Unions (LUS). The service is managed via their     students live in the surrounding areas instead.
     website where you can              Luckily, there are a few bigger cities and a lot
     post ads for housing and search for housing        of beautiful towns that are easily accessible
     ads. does not apply a queuing          by bike, bus or train. It is easy to commute!
     system and does not charge any fees for
     their services. provides check-        Don’t be too picky – The housing situation in
     lists for housing, drafts of rental agreements     Lund is tough and most people have to wait
     and information about laws and regulations         a while for their dream apartment. However,
     as well as advice on how to avoid fraud. The       you can always demand that your living situa-
     draft contracts are available in both English      tion meets all legal requirements for housing.
     and Swedish.
                                                        Written agreement – When you find housing,
     Please note: the end of the web address is         make sure to sign a written agreement and
     .NU, not www.bopoolen.SE, which is a pri-          keep your own copy of it. It is the easiest way
     vately run website.                                to prevent problems that might occur in the
                                                        future. If you are paying a deposit, make sure
     BOPOOLEN CHECKLIST FOR ”HOUSE                      it is included in the contract. It is also a good
     HUNTING”                                           idea to photograph any damages that is in the
     Websites – Visit and other web-        apartment/room when you move in, to mini-
     sites with housing ads as often as possible        mise the risk of having to take responsibility
     to check for available housing. Personal con-      for damages not caused by you. You can find
     tact is very important and the competition is      draft contracts under “Laws & regulations”
     fierce. Again, it is key to show interest and to   on the BoPoolen website,
     make a good impression.
                                                        BoPoolen advice on how to avoid
     Advertise! – Place your own ad on BoPoolen         fraudsters
     and other websites with housing ads. Make          When searching for housing on your own,
     sure that you write a little bit about yourself    please beware of fraud. Unfortunately, there
     and what you are looking for. If you put some      are those who try to take advantage of a
     effort into your ad you are much more likely       tough housing situation by defrauding hou-
     to be contacted. Please be aware of fraud.         sing applicants. It can be difficult to recognise
                                                        fraud, especially if it is the first time you are
     Live nearby - Lund is a small city and unfor-      looking for housing on your own. The staff at
     tunately does not have room for all students is constantly working to prevent

scammers, but it is not possible for them to       More information and contact details to
prevent someone from contacting you th-            BoPoolen:
rough an ad requesting housing. It is always
important to stay alert and to recognise the       Tel: 0704 - 56 11 87
warning signs of fraud.                            Email:

Warning signs of a housing fraudster               Visiting address (during the semester):
• The landlord is abroad and not able to           Sandgatan 2, AF building, 3rd floor
  show the apartment.
• Demands for a large deposit or advance
• Requires payment through Western
  Union or to a foreign bank account.
• The landlord is pushing you to complete
  the deal quickly.
• The landlord does not want to give you
  their real name and birth date.

Advice on how to avoid housing
• Ask for the landlords full name, address
    and birth date. Names and phone num-
    bers can easily be changed.
• Look up the address of the apartment
    online to make sure it is real.
• Google the name and email address the
    landlord is using. If you are dealing with a
    fraudster you might find warnings online.
    Also look through the lists provided on
• Never send personal information or your
    ID to anyone suspicious. Your personal
    information can be used in other scams.
• Never send any money before you have
    signed a tenancy agreement and are sure
    that you have access to the apartment
    (N.B. not applicable for housing from
• Do not send money through Western

     Housing at a student nation
     Most of the student nations in Lund provide    that you are very interested in becoming a
     a number of housing arrangemnets for their     very active member at the nation. Please
     members. In order to apply for accommoda-      contact the building supervisor (Husförman)
     tion at a student nation you need to be an     at your nation for more information about
     active member of the nation or provide proof   housing.

     Temporary housing – hostels and hotels
     Selection of hostels (vandrarhem) in           More information and contact details to
     Lund, Malmö and other cities close to          the Swedish Tourist Association
     Winstrup Hostel Lund
     Tel: 046-290 800

     STF Vandrarhem Malmö City
     Tel: 040-611 62 20

     Bosses gästvåningar Malmö
     Tel: 040-32 62 50

     Torget Vandrarhem (in the town of Kävlinge)
     Tel: 046-540 80 05

Emergency help
For emergencies or life-threatening situations:     •   Poison information
Call 112                                            •   Customs authorities, for drug tips
                                                    •   On-call priests
112 is the emergency number to call in case         •   Social emergency services
of danger to life, property or environment.
The operators who answer 112 calls speak            When calling 112, the emergency operator
Swedish and English. If there is time, they         will ask: “what has happened?” to deter-
can be assisted by an interpreter, but this can     mine whether you need an ambulance, the
delay the call.                                     fire department or the police. You will also
                                                    be asked: “where did it happen?” and “from
By dialing 112, you can be connected to the         which number are you calling?”.
• Police                                            Emergency calls are free of charge.
• Fire department                                   SOS Alarm’s website has more information on
• Ambulance                                         what happens when you call 112.
• Sea rescue services
• Air rescue services                               SOS Alarm website:
• Mountain rescue services                

     Health care
     The Swedish health care system is financed         Malmö
     by a social insurance that provides all citizens   Carl-Bertil Laurells gata 7
     with subsidised health care through the go-        Tel: 040 - 33 80 00
     vernment. There are both public and private
     health care providers. If you have obtained        For non-emergencies, see information about
     a Swedish personal identity number you are         the Student Health Centre (Studenthälsan) on
     entitled to health care at the standard patient    page 39.
     fees. Dental care is not fully subsidised and
     is therefore relatively expensive in Sweden.       Non-emergency health care: 1177
                                                        For non-emergency health related situations,
     Hospitals (sjukhus)                                call 1177. The number is free of charge and
     In case of an emergency, you should allways        open 24/7. With this number you can get
     call 112. For health care emergencies, it is       medical advice from a registered nurse on
     also possible to go directly to the emergency      many things including diagnosis based on
     room (akutmottagning) at a hospital (univer-       your symptoms. If needed, they can refer
     sitetssjukhuset or lasarettet), which is open      you to the appropiate health care clinic if you
     24/7:                                              need a doctor.

     Universitetssjukhuset Lund                         You can call most of the health care clinics
     Klinikgatan 15, Lund                               on weekdays 8.00 a.m.–5.00 p.m. to make
                                                        an appointment. For other times, ask for help
     Universitetssjukhuset Malmö                        via 1177.
     Ruth Lundskogs gata 5, Malmö
                                                        HEALTH CARE CLINICS (VÅRDCENTRAL)
     Lasarett Helsingborg                               CENTRAL LUND
     Karolina Widerströms gata 12, Helsingborg          Capio Citykliniken Lund
                                                        Clemenstorget 5
     Poison control (förgiftning)                       Tel: 046-270 00 00
     Dial 112 in case you are poisoned and ask for
     poison control. Open 24/7.                         Vårdcentralen Getingen
                                                        Entrégatan 3
     Emergency psychiatric care                         Tel: 046-17 72 00
     For acute emotional or mental health care          Open weekdays, evenings and weekends
     (psykiatrisk akutmottagning):
                                                        Vårdcentralen Helsa
     Lund                                               Stora Södergatan 4
     Baravägen 1                                        Tel: 046-280 57 00
     Tel: 046-17 41 00
                                                        Vårdcentral Södertull
     Helsingborg                                        Helgeandsgatan 16
     Karolina Widerströms gata 10                       Tel: 046-275 19 00
     Tel: 042 - 406 27 30

NORTHERN LUND                                Tel: 040-623 46 60
Hälsocentralen Sankt Hans                    Vårdcentral Eden
Fäladstorget 22                              Möllevångsgatan 44
Tel: 046-19 93 00                            Tel: 040-623 91 00
Vårdcentral Norra Fäladen
Fäladstorget 4                               NEAR RÖNNEN
Tel: 046-275 21 00 (message in English)      Capio Citykliniken Malmö Singelgatan
                                             Singelgatan 2
Vårdcentral Nöbbelöv                         Tel: 040-600 28 00
Nöbbelövs torg 1
Tel: 046-275 22 50 (message in English)      IN HELSINGBORG
                                             IN THE CITY CENTRE
SOUTHERN LUND                                Capio Citykliniken Helsingborg Söder
Vårdcentral Sankt Lars                       Södergatan 11 A-D
St Larsparken (St Lars Area), building 6     Tel: 042-17 31 00
Tel: 046-275 22 00 (message in English)
                                             Vårdcentralen Tågaborg
EASTERN LUND                                 Tågagatan 47
Vårdcentral Linero/ Östra Torn               Tel: 042-406 04 00
Linero Torg 2
Tel: 046-275 20 50 (message in English)      MIDWIFE (BARNMORSKA)
                                             If you need birth control, to take a pregnancy
WESTERN LUND                                 test or have other similar questions, you can
Vårdcentral Måsen                            visit your local midwife at a midwife clinic
Tärnvägen 10B                                (barnmorskemottagning). This is free for
Tel: 046-275 19 50 (message in English)      residents with a European Health Insurance
                                             Card (EHIC) or an ID if you have a Swedish
IN MALMÖ                                     identity number).
Vårdcentral Granen                           MIDWIFE CLINICS IN LUND:
Grangatan 11                                 LUND CITY CENTRE
Tel: 040-623 42 00                           Barnmorskemottagning Södertull
                                             Helgeandsgatan 16
NEAR MALMÖ STUDENTHUS                        Tel: 046-17 64 30
Vårdcentral Rosengården
Von Troils väg 1                             Admira kvinnohälsa
Tel: 040-623 43 00                           Stora Södergatan 3
                                             Tel: 046-30 30 90
Vårdcentral Törnrosen                        Or book an appointment online at:
Bennets väg 8                      
Tel: 040-623 48 80
                                             Capio Citykliniken
NEAR MALMÖ FOLKETS PARK                      Clemenstorget 5
Vårdcentral Sorgenfrimottagningen            Tel: 046-270 00 00
Nobelvägen 56 b

     NORTHERN LUND                                     The STI clinic is located at the skin care clinic
     Barnmorskemottagning Norra Fäladen                on the first floor in the main building in the
     Fäladstorget 18                                   hospital.
     Tel: 046-17 50 15
                                                       More information about STIs
     EAST LUND/LINERO                                  Project 6 (P6), an organisation that promotes
     Barnmorskemottagningen Linero                     sexual health among students at Lund Univer-
     Linero Torg 2                                     sity, provides information and advice about
     Tel: 046-17 68 50                                 STI’s can be found on their website.
     STI AND SEXUAL HEALTH SERVICES                    konssjukdomar/
     STI (sexually transmitted infections) screen-
     ings and treatments are often offered free        If you have questions about HIV and AIDS,
     of charge for students. HIV and chlamydia/        you can also contact an organisation called
     gonorrhoea testing is free and anonymous          Noak’s Ark which works with raising aware-
     for all wheather you have a Swedish personal      ness of HIV and reducing the social vulnera-
     identity number or not.                           bility of HIV-positive individuals
     GETTING TESTED FOR STIs                           asp
     The STI-clinic at Hudkliniken                     Pregnancy tests and birth control
     Lasarettsgatan 15                                 Pregnancy tests are available at pharmacies
     Tel: 046-17 21 13 to book an appointment.         and larger food stores (usually located by the
     When calling, wait for the long Swedish           check-out counter). Pregnancy tests are also
     message to finish before you will be given        performed at the midwife clinics. Birth control
     information in English.                           pills require a prescription from a midwife.
     Website:             Morning-after pills are sold at pharmacies.
     Skanes-universitetssjukhus/Organisation-A-        Condoms can be bought in most food stores
     O/Hudmottagning/Lund1/STI-mottagning/             (usually located by the check-out counter) and
                                                       at pharmacies. The student organisation P6
     Studenthälsan/The Student Health Centre           offers free condoms and advice at their office
     Chlamydia and Gonorrhea testing                   located inside the AF building.
     Tel: 046-222 43 77 to book an appointment
                                                       HEALTH CARE FEES
     Malmö                                             The fee is paid, preferably by card, at the
     Centrum för sexuell hälsa (Centre for sexual      reception at the health care clinic when you
     health)                                           arrive. Persons with a Swedish personal iden-
     Claesgatan 7                                      tity number or an EHIC card (EU citizens) will
     Tel: 040-33 17 47 to book an appointment          be charged the same basic health care fees as
     At the centre you can also call to talk to a      Swedish citizens. For a person with a Swedish
     professional about relationships and sexuality.   personal identity number, the cost for each
                                                       visit ranges from SEK 150 to SEK 400. If you
     Helsingborg                                       do not have a Swedish personal identity num-
     The STI clinic at Helsingborg hospital            ber the fee can amount to approximately SEK
     Tel. 042-406 23 09 to book an appointment         1300. Bring your ID, insurance information
You can also read