Page created by Ashley Weber
Study that takes
you places.

                 U N DE R G R AD UATE
               CO U R S E G U I D E 202 2
Welcome to Country,
     Orientation Week,
     Tasmanian Museum
     and Art Gallery, Hobart.


                                                                                   5    Glossary of uni terms     STU DY A R E A S                Education, Humanities
                                                                                                                                                  and Social Sciences
                                                                                   7    Open Day
                                                                                                                  Business and Law
                                                                                                                                                  76    Education
                                                                                   10   Uni life in Tasmania
                                                                                                                  52    Business
                                                                                                                                                  98    Humanities
                                                                                   12	Support for Aboriginal
                                                                                                                  72    Economics
                                                                                        and Torres Strait                                         106 Justice Studies
                                                                                        Islander students         118   Law
                                                                                                                                                  186 Social Sciences
                                                                                   16   Explore our campuses
                                                                                                                  Creative Arts and Design        114   Languages
                                                                                   20   Our accommodation
                                                                                                                  44	Architecture and Built      136	Media and
                                                                                   22   Overseas experiences            Environments                    Communication

                                                                                   23	Get the support you need   198 Theatre and Performance     Science, Technology
                                                                                   25	Information for year 11    64	Design                      and Engineering
                                                                                        and 12 students                                           80	Engineering
                                                                                                                  90	Fine Arts
                                                                                   28   Pathways to uni                                           126	Maths, Physics
                                                                                                                  152	Music
                                                                                   29   Our scholarships                                                and Chemistry
                                                                                                                  Earth, Sea, Antarctic           194	Surveying and
                                                                                   31   Getting started at uni
                                                                                                                  and Environment                       Spatial Sciences
                                                                                   33	Opportunities for
                                                                                                                  40	Agricultural Science        102	Information and
                                                                                        high achievers
                                                                                                                  48    Biological Sciences	           Communication
                                                                                   35   Double degrees
                                                                                                                  68    Earth Sciences

                                                                                                                  122 Fisheries and Aquaculture   Health and Medicine

                                                                                                                  94	Global Logistics and        58    Dementia Care

                                                                                                                        Maritime Management       86	Exercise and Sport Science

                                                                                                                  122	Marine and Antarctic       110   Laboratory Medicine
                                                                                                                                                  140 Medical Radiation Science
                                                                                                                  132	Maritime Engineering
                                                                                                                                                  144 Medical Research
                                                                                                                  156	Natural Environment
                                                                                                                                                  148 Medicine
                                                                                                                        and Wilderness
                                                                                                                                                  162 Nursing
                                                                                                                  170	Ocean Seafaring
                                                                                                                                                  166 Nutrition Science
We acknowledge the palawa/pakana of lutruwita and Gadigal people of Sydney,
the traditional owners of the land upon which we live and work. We pay respects                                                                   174	Paramedicine

to Elders past and present as the knowledge holders and sharers. We honour their                                                                  178 Pharmacy
strong culture and knowledges as vital to the self-determination, wellbeing and
                                                                                                                                                  182 Psychology
resilience of their communities. We stand for a future that profoundly respects
and acknowledges Aboriginal perspectives, culture, language and history.                                                                          190 Social Work and
                                                                                                                                                        Community Support
Geography, Planning,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and Spatial Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                                  students, Derby.

Your journey starts here
Tasmania is a place filled with creativity,       No matter what you study, you’ll have a hands-
industry, nature and adventure.                   on education and an unforgettable adventure.

Because we’re the only university in the state,   In the natural and social sciences, our island
you get close access to the producers and         becomes your living laboratory. In health, you’ll
people that are shaping our island. That means    travel the state and apply your learning to real-
                                                                                                         Flexible study options                               A great student lifestyle
learning alongside the very best so you can       life scenarios. If you’re a maker, you’ll access
hone the skills for a successful career.          cutting-edge facilities and technology.                Whether you want to kick-start your career,          Tasmania offers a living experience unlike any
                                                                                                         pick up a new skill, or tackle a lifelong passion,   other. Here, you can go from the world’s wildest
Plus, our committed staff and class sizes mean    Our courses also put you alongside key
                                                                                                         we have a flexible course for you. You can study     art festivals to World Heritage Wilderness –
you’re always more than a number. We’ll give      decision makers in government, industry, and
                                                                                                         part-time, online, or however fits your lifestyle    all within a day.
you the personalised attention and support        the community. You’ll empower yourself and
                                                                                                         and commitments.
that you need to succeed.                         future generations to create a better tomorrow.                                                             Our campuses will put you in the heart of
                                                  You’ll also find yourself at the heart of a creative   You might want to combine two degrees,               bustling cities and amongst a creative, diverse
Our whole island is your campus                   revolution. Working on real briefs and projects,       study a short course, or graduate job-ready          and welcoming community.
                                                  you’ll connect and collaborate with the                in just two years.
When you’re in one of the world’s most
amazing places, you need to get outside,          acclaimed artists, performers and creatives            University is an exciting journey, and we’re
explore and live while you learn.                 that are drawn here.                                   here to help you every step of the way.

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The language of university
For new students, it might seem like university has its own language.                          Course                                             Semester
But don't worry. It's easy to translate.                                                       A program of study that leads to an award, e.g.    A formal university teaching period. There
                                                                                               the Bachelor of Education course. Courses are      are two main semesters, each comprising
Associate degree                               Bachelor’s degree                               made up of individual units.                       of 13 weeks of teaching.

Associate degrees are shorter and more         A qualification awarded after completing an
                                                                                               Discipline                                         Undergraduate study
industry-focused study options. They’re        undergraduate course of at least three years
a formal qualification, which can lead to      (full-time), e.g. Bachelor of Science or        A field of related studies, e.g. the disciplines   Study undertaken to gain a diploma,
bachelor-level studies.                        Bachelor of Fine Arts.                          of Physics, Mathematics or History.                associate degree, or bachelor's degree.

Diploma                                        College                                         Full-time study load                               On-time applications
Diplomas are one-year qualifications           A college is an academic body that runs a       When studying your degree, a full-time             This is the date that applications for study
(full-time study or part-time equivalent)      group of courses. For example, the College of   study load is typically eight standard units in    close. If you apply later than this date, you
that are developed to be flexible and easily   Health and Medicine oversees all the courses    semesters one and two of a calendar year.          may not get a place in your course.
accessible. They can also provide a pathway    relating to health and medicine.
                                                                                                                                                  Learn more at utas.edu.au/glossary
for further learning.

    Business students walking
    along King's Bridge,

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Join us for
Open Day
Open Day is your chance to learn everything
about studying with us.

It’s a great way to explore our campuses
and get a taste of life at the University of
Tasmania. Plus, you can hear all about our
courses, pathways and scholarships – straight
from our students and teaching staff.

Each day is packed with exciting hands-on
activities, great food, live music and more.

We also offer an exciting virtual experience.
So you can jump in anywhere, anytime.

Find upcoming dates and more at

                                                                                 Students exploring
                                                                                 marine life at
                                                                                 Maria Island.

7          U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA           UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2          8
Uni life in Tasmania
                                                     There’s much more to university than studying. That’s why we encourage you
                                                     to go beyond the classroom and take part in all the social opportunities we
                                                     have on offer.

                                                     Our campuses                                      Accommodation
                                                     Our university has campuses in the three          University accommodation is a great way
                                                     distinct regions of Tasmania: Hobart in the       to immerse yourself in Tasmanian culture
                                                     south, Launceston in the North and Burnie         and make friends. You can live in the heart
                                                     in the North West. We also have a specialised     of our cities or a short walk from campus.
                                                     Nursing and Paramedicine campus in Sydney.
                                                                                                       Find our accommodation options on page 20.
                                                     Each campus is home to a thriving student
                                                     community, with loads of events and social        Support and Wellbeing
                                                     opportunities to engage with.                     Study can sometimes be stressful, but
                                                     Explore our campuses on page 16.                  we’re here to help. Our support services
                                                                                                       include health and wellbeing, study skills
                                                     Making friends                                    development, career guidance, and more.

                                                     Having a strong support network while             Visit utas.edu.au/support
                                                     you’re at university makes a big difference.
                                                     There are plenty of ways you can meet             Exploring Tasmania
                                                     people and make new friends.                      With more than 40% of the state protected in
                                                     Studying in Tasmania offers lots of               national parks and reserves, Tasmania is the
                                                     opportunities to make social connections.         perfect place for outdoor adventure. You can
                                                     This includes events, off-campus trips, travel    also enjoy our vibrant restaurant scene, soak
                                                     opportunities, campus tours and much more.        up live music and theatre, and check out our
                                                                                                       world-famous arts festivals, museums and
                                                     Visit utas.edu.au/uni-life

                                                     Clubs and societies
                                                                                                       Uni Sport
                                                     From music, to bushwalking, to sports, our
                                                                                                       Interested in joining a local sports club?
                                                     student societies cover all kinds of interests.
                                                                                                       Whether you want a new experience or to
                                                     It’s a great way to meet new people and
                                                                                                       pursue sport at its highest level, our clubs
                                                     connect with like-minded students.
                                                                                                       provide first-class equipment and facilities
                                                     During Orientation Week, we host society          for athletes at any level.
                                                     days where you can learn all about what
                                                                                                       Visit utas.edu.au/sport
                                                     each club and society has to offer. If you
                                                     can’t make it to O-Week, don’t worry –
                                                     you can sign up anytime.

                                                     Visit tusa.org.au

                                 Students on
                                 campus during
                                 Orientation Week.

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Support for Aboriginal and
                                         Torres Strait Islander students
                                         We provide a welcoming space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                         students. Through our Riawunna team, you'll access a vibrant community,
                                         with plenty of academic and cultural support.

                                         Here's what we offer.

                                         Murina Pathway Program                              Cultural Collections
                                         This supportive program provides Aboriginal         Riawunna is proud of its cultural collection
                                         and Torres Strait Islander students with the        of water carriers, shell necklaces and baskets.
                                         necessary skills for further study at university.   We also have an art collection across our three
                                                                                             Tasmanian campuses.
                                         Tutoring Services
                                                                                             Cultural activities
                                         The Riawunna Tutoring Program supports
                                         Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students      We host cultural activities with the University
                                         undertaking university award level courses.         Aboriginal community for events like NAIDOC
                                                                                             week, Orientation Week, Open Day, Harmony
                                         Riawunna Community Room                             Day, Mental Health Day, and many other

                                         This is a welcoming space for students to           important occasions.

                                         hang out, chat, relax, and connect. We hold         Learn more at utas.edu.au/riawunna
                                         events throughout the academic year, such
                                         as lunches, morning teas, yarning circles,
                                         community events, and film nights.

Indigenous display
during Orientation
Week, Hobart.

11          U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                             UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2    12
Tourism students
                                                                  visiting the Floating
                                                                  Sauna, Derby.

Explore our
                                                    Tasmania is a very special place.
                                                    No matter where you choose to study,
                                                    you’ll find yourself immersed in a
                                                    vibrant campus lifestyle, filled with
                                                    hands-on learning and adventure.

                                                    We have campuses in the three distinct regions
                                                    of Tasmania: Hobart in the south, Launceston
                                                    in the North and Burnie in the North West.
                                                    We also have a specialised Nursing and
                                                    Paramedicine campus in Sydney.

                                                    Our campuses build on their region’s strengths,
                                                    which means your learning is informed by the
                                                    place you live in. We’re also building exciting
                                                    new campuses and spaces to connect you
                                                    with industry and community.

                                                    Learn more at utas.edu.au/campuses

                                                    Hobart is a perfect slice of urban living on the
                                                    edge of pristine wilderness. Study in the heart
                                                    of the city, on the harbour, or by the beach.

                                                    Our beachside Sandy Bay campus is located
                                                    five minutes’ drive south of the city centre.

                                                    Located on Hobart’s waterfront, the Institute
                                                    for Marine and Antarctic Science combines
                                                    Tasmania’s strengths in marine and Antarctic
                                                    studies in one precinct. The building provides
                                                    unique facilities for around 300 students
                                                    and staff.

                                                    Our Hobart campuses also include the new
                                                    Hedberg building. This cutting-edge facility
                                                    provides a learning space for music and
                                                    creative arts students unlike anywhere else
                                                    in the country.
     kunanyi overlooking the Institute for Marine
     and Antarctic Studies, Hobart waterfront.

15      U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                        UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2     16
Launceston                                        Burnie
Launceston is a vibrant city with a welcoming,    Located on the picturesque North West
small-town feel. Our campuses in Inveresk and     Coast, our Cradle Coast campus offers
Newnham offer hands-on learning in creative       modern, purpose-built teaching and learning
and collaborative environments.                   facilities. Here, you’ll find yourself immersed
                                                  in a community of makers, artists and
If you want to study the Arts, Theatre, or
                                                  industry leaders.
Architecture, our Inveresk campus is a great
place to realise your creative vision. Our        You'll also be studying in our brand new
campus is conveniently located near the inner     $50 million facilities that deliver unique
city, alongside the Queen Victoria Museum         learning experiences for the people of
and Art Gallery.                                  the North West.

It’s home to the School of Creative Arts and      We offer flexible, hands-on learning alongside
Media, School of Architecture and Design,         the industries that are transforming the
as well as the Inveresk Apartments.               North West. At our regional campus, you’ll
                                                  find the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture
If you’re passionate about Technology, Maritime
                                                  (TIA), the Rural Clinical School (RCS), and
Studies or Nursing, Newnham is a great place
                                                  student accommodation at West Park.
to explore your interests. Our spacious campus
overlooks the stunning Tamar River and is just
a short drive to Launceston’s city centre.        Sydney
Home to the Australian Maritime College,          In Sydney, you can complete your Nursing or
Newnham offers world-leading marine               Paramedic Practice course in just two years
simulation and teaching facilities.               with our special accelerated courses.

                                                  Our close partnerships with a range of NSW
                                                  Local Health Districts, St Vincent’s Hospital,
                                                  Ambulance NSW, and other private healthcare
                                                  providers give you a range of great hands-on
                                                  work placement opportunities.

                                                                                                                             Artist's impression of the
                                                                                                                             new facilities at Cradle Coast
                                                                                                                             campus, Burnie.

17        U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2            18
Students using the community spaces at

                                                                           Our accommodation
                                  our new Melville Street accommodation.

                                                                           From self-contained apartments to communal         Jump into uni life
                                                                           living colleges, we have accommodation to suit
                                                                                                                              Our accommodation also helps you make
                                                                           every student’s needs.
                                                                                                                              friends and get more out of your time at uni.
                                                                           We also offer plenty of financial support to       Having a constant support network around
                                                                           keep our accommodation affordable. This gives      you, you'll always have someone to chat to
                                                                           you close access to beaches, the inner city, or    and study with.
                                                                           our campuses – all on a student's budget.
                                                                                                                              As a resident, there are plenty of events and
                                                                                                                              programs to get involved in. You can keep
                                                                           Find your place
                                                                                                                              fit, rug up on a movie night, take art classes,
                                                                           Our Hobart apartments offer all the                compete in sports, tour the state, and much
                                                                           conveniences and attractions of city living.       more. Your student leaders and Student Living
                                                                           And for those seeking a little more tranquility,   staff will help get you started.
                                                                           Sandy Bay is an oasis of calm, less than 10
                                                                           minutes from the city.                             How to apply
                                                                           In Burnie, our brand-new West Park                 Applying for accommodation is easy and
                                                                           apartments front a beautiful beach, so you         can be done online. To get started, head to
                                                                           can hear the waves lapping the sand as you         utas.edu.au/accommodation and create
                                                                           drift off to sleep.                                an account.

                                                                           Tasmania’s second largest city, Launceston
                                                                                                                              Cost and scholarship opportunities
                                                                           offers a vibrant blend of culture, nature, and
                                                                           industry. You can soak up the scene in studio      Moving can be expensive, but we're here to
                                                                           apartments, in on-campus accommodation,            make it easier and more affordable. Relocation
                                                                           and more.                                          bursaries may be available, depending on your
                                                                                                                              individual circumstances. These help to cover
                                                                                                                              the costs associated with moving.

                                                                                                                              Learn more about scholarships on page 29.
                                                                               We're guaranteeing all Australian
                                                                               students space in our uni
                                                                               accommodation. And with a fully
                                                                               refundable deposit, you have nothing
                                                                               to lose if you change your mind.

                                                                               Learn more at

19   U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                                                     UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2    20
Go places
                                                              from home
                                                              EXPE R I E N C E THE WORLD
                                                              F R O M TA S M A N IA

                                                              For many students, studying and travelling
                                                              go hand in hand. While international travel
                                                              remains a challenge, we look forward to
                                                              delivering our exciting overseas experiences
                                                              in 2023.

                                                              In the meantime, we have plenty of virtual
                                                              travel experiences to choose from.

                                                              You can immerse yourself in another
                                                              culture, learn how to adapt to new
                                                              environments, and build global
                                                              connections – all without leaving home.

                                                              Some of the areas you can study include
                                                              Media, Languages, Sustainable Tourism,
                                                              Business, Law, Humanities, and Music.

                                                              We have a number of grants and
                                                              scholarships available, and you’ll earn
                                                              credit towards your degree.

                                                              You can also complete a virtual internship
                                                              with organisations in China, Hong Kong,
                                                              Indonesia, Japan, South Africa, Spain,
                                                              and the USA.

                                                              To find your perfect virtual overseas
                                  Students at the pinnacle,   experience, complete your application
                                  kunanyi/Mt Wellington.
                                                              to study with us today.

21   U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                               UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2   22
Business students on a
field trip to Bridestowe
Lavender Estate, Nabowla.

Get the support you need                                                                    People that care                                The Safe and Fair Community Unit is
                                                                                                                                            a university-wide service providing
                                                                                            Our staff are here to support you. Whenever
                                                                                                                                            information, support and advice to
                                                                                            you have a question or concern, you can reach
Whether you need academic help, career guidance, or just someone to talk to,                                                                keep everyone safe and well.
                                                                                            us by email or by phone. You can also discuss
we're here. These are just some of the ways we support our students.                        your study options with course advisors via     utas.edu.au/safe
                                                                                            video chat.                                     We also provide practical assistance and
Help with your studies                    24 Hour Study Support
                                                                                            utas.edu.au/onlinesupport                       support for any student with accessibility
                                          Live chat 24/7 with our experts for
As a student, you'll have access to all                                                                                                     needs or health conditions.
                                          assignment feedback.                              Studying with us also gives you access to
kinds of study support. These include:                                                                                                      utas.edu.au/support
                                                                                            confidential and professional counselling,
                                          Learning Lounge
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS)                                                         both in person and online. We can help
                                          Drop in and talk with other students                                                              Making you job ready
Take part in student-led study groups                                                       with any academic, mental health and
                                          and peer mentors.
for your units.                                                                             personal concerns.                              Getting the right advice makes the transition
                                          We can also give you training in time                                                             from study to work much easier. We’ll help
Student Advisers
                                          management, researching, assignment               A safe and diverse culture                      you make decisions about your career, find
One-on-one specialised support to
                                          writing, and more.                                We’re committed to creating a culture that's    work while you’re studying, and connect with
help you stay on track.
                                                                                            safe, promotes equality and values diversity.   future employers.
Learning workshops and webinars           A simple online experience                        Respecting and maintaining the rights and       utas.edu.au/student-careers
Join live and pre-recorded sessions
                                          Our online Student Portal makes it easy to get    dignity of our staff and students is our
across a range of topics.
                                          the information you need, when you need it.       highest priority.
                                          From career guidance to counselling, learning     utas.edu.au/diversity
                                          support and university news, you'll gain access
                                          to the portal when you accept your offer.

23          U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                                                            UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2   24
Our Schools Recommendation Program                                                                                                                 Student visiting the
                                                                                                                                                   Coal Mines Historic Site,
                                                                                                                                                   Port Arthur.

No matter what happens, we have a place          Some courses, like Medicine and Paramedicine,       K EY DAT E S FO R
for you at the University of Tasmania.           are not part of the Schools Recommendation          YE A R 12 STU D E N TS
                                                 Program. That's because these are quota
Together with your school, we’ve worked with                                                         Get your applications in by 18 June to
                                                 courses, which are in high demand. These
the Department of Education to introduce a                                                           be eligible for a first round offer.
                                                 may also have different application opening
program to help year 11 and 12 students
                                                 and closing dates.                                  Applications open
get ahead.
                                                                                                     31 May
                                                 For more details, please refer to the relevant
You can choose from a range of exciting,
                                                 course and unit handbook pages.                     Round 1 applications close
diverse courses that will prepare you for a
                                                                                                     18 June
successful career. You'll apply for these when   Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery:
you return to study in term two.                 utas.edu.au/courses/m3n                             Round 1 offers released
                                                                                                     1 – 19 July
Rather than an ATAR, your application is based   Bachelor of Paramedic Practice:
on your school’s recommendation and your         utas.edu.au/courses/53a
year 11 results.
                                                                                                     Applications can be submitted until
                                                 In May, we'll be in touch asking you to express
                                                                                                     31 October, and offers will continue
Here's how it works:                             your interest in these courses. This is so we can
                                                                                                     to be released in rounds, up until
                                                 keep you up to date and prioritise your offer
 • Use this guide to find the course                                                                 10 December 2021.
                                                 once school results are released in December.
     that interests you
                                                                                                     Round 2 offers released
                                                 If you don’t receive a recommendation for
 • Submit your application from 31 May                                                               13 August
                                                 your preferred course, we’ll help you find an
 • After mid-year assessments, your school       alternative pathway. These include the Diploma      Round 3 offers released
     will complete the recommendation            of University Studies, which gets you ready to      10 September
     and give us your year 11 results            complete your chosen bachelor's degree.
                                                                                                     Round 4 offers released
 • You’ll receive an offer once the              University is an exciting journey and we’re         8 October
     recommendation is received                  here to help you every step of the way.
                                                                                                     Applications close
     from your school
                                                                                                     31 October

                                                                                                     Round 5 offers released
                                                                                                     5 November

                                                                                                     Final round offers released
     Not a year 12 student? Applying to                                                              10 December
     study with us is easy and free.

     Learn more at utas.edu.au/apply

25         U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                                                         UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2   26
Pathways to your future
                                          T H E R E ' S M O R E T H A N O N E WAY I N TO U N IVE R S I TY

                                          University is for everyone, but we all take different paths to get there.
                                          Our programs will give you the experience, skills and confidence to take
                                          the next step.

                                          Programs to get you started                        Help to get ahead
                                          We're here to help you adjust to life as           The University Preparation Program (UPP)
                                          a student and make the most of your                is perfect for anyone who wants to go to
                                          learning experience.                               uni but needs a little help getting there.

                                          Our Pathway Programs give you the skills           We'll help you adjust to life as a student
                                          and confidence to pursue a university              and make the most of all the experiences
                                          qualification. To help you make the transition,    we have on offer.
                                          we offer a range of courses, as well as short
                                          foundation programs.                               Pathways for Aboriginal and
                                                                                             Torres Strait Islander students
                                          These programs are available at our Cradle
                                          Coast, Hobart, Launceston, and Rozelle             The Murina Program is designed to help
                                          campuses. Plus, many of our courses are            Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
                                          also available online.                             gain the skills and confidence to explore
                                                                                             undergraduate studies and other goals.
                                          Take another path to uni
                                                                                             We invite Aboriginal knowledge holders to
                                          If there is a degree that you would love to        share about people, place and politics through
                                          do, but you need a little help getting there,      storytelling, yarns, reading and research – all
                                          the Diploma of University Studies is for you.      through a Tasmanian Aboriginal lens.

                                          You can choose from pathways that match            The Murina Program is offered on the Sandy
                                          the degree you’re thinking of studying. These      Bay, Newnham and Cradle Coast campuses
                                          include Arts, Business, Education, Engineering,    via online, face-to-face classes, and On Country
                                          Health Science, Nursing Foundation Studies,        experiences.
                                          Psychology, Social Work and Science.
                                                                                             Learn more at utas.edu.au/pathways
                                          You'll learn important skills that will help you
                                          at uni. The units you study can also be credited
                                          into your bachelor's degree. This means you
                                          can start studying your degree straight away.

     Outdoor education
     session, Taroona.

27           U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                            UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2    28
Don't let costs get in your way

University is a life-changing experience that should be open to everyone.
We won't let anything get in your way.
                                                                                                                   Kat Stuart was born in Chicago
                                                                                                                   and raised in Sydney. She received
Easy access to scholarships                         Pay for uni later with a HECS loan                             a relocation scholarship and moved
                                                                                                                   to Hobart.
Unlike other universities, you don't need           Many of the things we buy in life, like cars and               "Moving down here was one of the
                                                                                                                   best decisions I've ever made. Hobart
to spend hours searching through our                houses, are paid off gradually. Paying for a                   is an amazing city and IMAS is full of
scholarships. When you apply to study with us,      degree is no different.                                        amazing opportunities."

we'll find the right ones for you.
                                                    As an Australian student, you can study with
We have hundreds of scholarships across             a HECS loan. This means that the Government
all areas of study. They can provide you with       pays for your education and you don't need to
financial support, help moving from home,           pay it back until you're earning a good salary.
or recognition for your achievements.
                                                    Learn more at utas.edu.au/hecs
Best of all, scholarships give you peace of
mind and let you to make the most of your
time studying.



Adam got $5,000 to help him move                    $15,000 helped Sophie get started
Adam grew up in Brisbane and wanted to              Growing up on the North West Coast, Sophie
study Agribusiness in Tasmania. Thanks to the       always wanted to be a marine biologist. She’s
Tertiary Access Payment (TAP), he received          now studying an undergrad at the Institute for
$5,000 to make the move.                            Marine and Antarctic Studies.

For Adam, the money really helped. It took          After being accepted for a Destination Australia
all the pressure off moving so that he could        Scholarship, she’s received $15,000 each year
make the most out of his time in Tasmania.          to study with us.

You don’t even need to live on the mainland         Receiving this scholarship was a life-changing
to receive the TAP. You could be eligible even      moment for Sophie. It made her time at
if you’re moving to a different part of Tasmania.   university much easier.

For school leavers on the mainland, we also         These scholarships are for students beginning
offer relocation allowances that can provide        full-time studies in Tasmania for the first time.
an extra $5,000.                                    You can receive $15,000 per year for up to
                                                    four years.

29         U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                   *
                                                                                                            These are examples based on student scholarship experiences. No identification with actual persons should be inferred.
Getting started at uni                                                                 Students on campus,
                                                                                       Sandy Bay.

Our team is here to take all the stress
out of starting uni.

We've designed a range of programs to
make your transition smooth, including
orientation, study groups, workshops
and fun social events.

Enrolment sessions
Attending an enrolment session is a great way
to prepare for university. These help you with
the administrative parts of studying, including
enrolling in courses, finding your timetable,
understanding fees, and learning about the
online systems you will use.

To learn more at utas.edu.au/enrolments

UniStart is delivered on-campus and online.
It's a program that helps you pick up the skills
to succeed at uni. This include critical thinking,
research, and assignment writing. We'll also
teach you to get more out of lectures, tutorials
and online learning.

To learn more at utas.edu.au/unistart

Student advisers
Student advisers are connected to each college
and offer you individual support. They can help
you with time management, study tips, stress,
financial issues, housing and relocation.

To learn more at utas.edu.au/support

31         U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                UN D E RG RA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2        32
Extra learning opportunities
At the University of Tasmania, we like to reward hard work and passion.
That’s why offer a range of exciting programs for high achieving students,
as well as anyone who wants to get a taste of uni while they're still in school.
These add unforgettable experiences to your time studying with us –
even when you're still in years 11 and 12.

Study with us in years 11 and 12                Add to your uni experience
You can study units with us while you're        Want to combine your degree with
in school. Not only is the University           overseas trips, summer research programs,
Connections Program (UCP) a great               scholarships and special events? Our
introduction to university, the units have      Catalyst Program offers high achieving
no HECS fees.                                   students all this and more.

Some units can even contribute to the TCE       You don’t even need to take any extra steps
and can be included in the ATAR. They can       to apply. It’s all done automatically when
also provide credit to your future degree.      you submit an application to study with us.

Learn more at utas.edu.au/ucp                   To check whether a course has a Catalyst
                                                Program, look for this symbol      throughout
Our High Achiever Program (HAP) is also a
                                                the guide.
great way to get a head start on university.
You get to experience what it’s like to study   Learn more at utas.edu.au/catalyst
                                                                                                 Geology honours student
with us, while completing units that can                                                         at Tessellated Pavement,
count towards your future degree. Plus, our     Graduate with a real edge                        Eaglehawk Neck.

units will contribute towards your TCE and      By adding an extra year to your degree,
can be included in your ATAR.                   you can boost your skills in research, project
It opens up special courses, discounted         planning and critical thinking. This is what's
fees, scholarships and more. You’ll also        called studying 'honours'. You'll also pick
get to make the most of our incredible          up useful skills that will help you in your
facilities, staff and support services. The     future career.
units you study under the program have          Honours is also a way into degrees like
no HECS fees.                                   masters or doctorates.
Learn more at utas.edu.au/hap                   Learn more at utas.edu.au/study

33        U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                                        UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2   34
Choosing your course

University is about more than gaining the skills for a job. It should be a once-in-a-lifetime
experience that changes the way you see the world. Our exciting, diverse courses allow
you to embark on a journey as unique as you are.

More choice than ever                                 Combine your interests with
At the University of Tasmania, we give you
                                                      a double degree
the freedom to study your degree, your way.           Our new double degrees allow you to deepen
                                                      your knowledge within two separate study
We now offer more choice in your course
                                                      areas. That means you can pursue your career
content than ever before. You can choose to
                                                      and follow your passion at the same time.
study a broad range of topics or focus in on just
a few. Either way, you'll graduate with a deeper      And when you graduate, you’ll have a set of
knowledge and skill base that will see you            skills that will really set you apart.
thrive in your chosen career.
                                                      Use this guide to find out if your course
Unlike other universities, we don't have              is double degree compatible. Look for
mandatory 'breadth' units. This means you'll          the     symbol.
only learn about the things you're really
                                                      Learn more at utas.edu.au/double-degrees
passionate about.

More reasons to study a double degree

Get more out of              Maximise your          Build your own               Study for your
your time at uni.            employability.         unique set of skills.        career and yourself.

                                                                                                        A double degree could
                                                                                                        see you diving into marine
                                                                                                        environments and mastering
                                                                                                        a musical instrument.

35        U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                                                 UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2   36
Nutrition students on a field trip,
                                                     Hillwood Berry Farm, Hillwood.

37   U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA   UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2            38
Agriculture students on a field
     trip with an industry contact,
     Reid Fruits, Jericho.

                                           Agricultural Science
                                           Become part of a thriving industry that's                CO U R S E O PT I O N S
                                           changing the world.
                                                                                                    Bachelor of Agricultural Science
                                           Some of the world’s biggest challenges and
                                                                                                    with Honours
                                           opportunities have agriculture at their core.
                                           These include sustainably feeding a growing              4 years full-time
                                                                                                    Optional exit at 3 years without Honours
                                           population, protecting our natural resources,
                                                                                                      Hobart and Launceston (first year only)
                                           and adapting to a changing climate.
                                                                                                    Note: First year can be studied at the Launceston
                                           Our courses draw on the expertise of the                 campus. However, you’ll need to be in Hobart to
                                           Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA), which          continue your studies from the second year onwards.
                                                                                                    We offer relocation scholarships that can help cover
                                           is a specialist research and teaching institute.         the costs of moving. Go to page 29 to learn more.
                                           You’ll learn with a focus on sustainability and
                                           animal production systems. Through work                  Bachelor of Science
                                           placements and field trips, you’ll also have             3 years full-time, up to 7 years part-time
                                           strong connections to local industry.                      Hobart, Launceston

                                                                                                    Associate Degree in Agribusiness
                                                                                                    2 years full-time, up to 5 years part-time
                                                                                                      Hobart, Launceston, Cradle Coast

                                                                                                    Diploma of University Studies (Science)
                                                                                                    1 year full-time, up to 3 years part-time
                                                                                                      Hobart, Launceston, Cradle Coast, online

                                           Over $250,000 worth                     Learn beyond the                             Gain career-ready
                                           of scholarships are                     classroom and engage                         experience from our
                                           available each year.                    with Tasmania's thriving                     work placement units.
                                                                                   agriculture industry.

39           U NIVERSITY O F TA SM A NIA                                                                      UN D E RG RA D UATE CO U R SE G UID E 202 2   40
WHAT YOU CAN STUDY                                                CARE E R OPPORTUNIT IE S

Crop Science and Plant Health                                     There’s a growing demand for skilled
                                                                  Agricultural Science graduates. The knowledge
Learn how to be more productive and
                                                                  you’ll gain will allow you to work all over the
sustainable in a range of production settings.
                                                                  globe, in both government and private sectors,
You'll study useful topics like plant physiology,
                                                                  indoors, outdoors, in the lab and the field.
agronomy, horticultural science, plant
pathology, botany, and more.                                      Here are some of the exciting career paths
                                                                  you can take:
Available in the Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours.

Sustainable Agriculture                                           Agronomist

Gain a deep understanding of the social,                          Sustainable farming relies on producers

economic, and environmental factors                               having the most up-to-date information.

impacting agricultural industries. You’ll                         As an agronomist, you can work with

also learn the scientific skills that go into                     industry to ensure farming systems remain

sustainable practices. This study option has                      economically and environmentally sustainable

a foundation in ecology and spatial science. In                   for future generations.

your third year, you'll learn about farm business
                                                                  Agricultural Scientist
economics, soil science, and animal science.
Available in the Bachelor of Agricultural Science.
                                                                  Feeding more people with fewer resources is
                                                                  a global challenge. A career in any area of the
Food Innovation and Safety                                        agricultural research sector – including soils,
                                                                  pest and disease management, plant and
This major focuses on post-farm gate
                                                                  animal genetics, and much more – will place
innovation (for example, fermentation science),
                                                                  you on the front line.
as well as the quality of food products. It
takes advantage of our close links with the                                                                                                                                                                 Agriculture students
                                                                  Food Safety Consultant                                                                                                                    visiting Reid Fruits,
thriving food industry sector in Tasmania. You'll                                                                                                                                                           Jericho.

graduate with practical skills in food analysis,                  We waste approximately one third of the

production, new product development and                           food we create. Much of this waste is due

processing technologies.                                          to bacteria or inappropriate storage. A career       STU DY H I G H L I G H TS
                                                                  in the food safety sector will give you the
Available in the Bachelor of Science.
                                                                  skills to reduce food waste and the impact           Experience a three-day intensive tour of some
Agribusiness                                                      of pathogens.                                        of Tasmania's most innovative agricultural

This is a stepping stone for those currently                                                                           enterprises and our own research farms.
                                                                  Agricultural Entrepreneur                            You’ll also interact with industries including
working in agriculture who want to move into
leadership and management roles. It's also a                      Australia has become one of the world's hottest      dairy operations, the pyrethrum industry,

great foundation if you're looking to enter the                   food tourism destinations. Studying with us,         vegetable and fruit production, tomato

industry.                                                         you'll get hands-on skills in agricultural science   production, cattle farm, milk factories,         "I have learnt a lot on the job, especially
                                                                  and farm management, combined with the               and TIA’s own vegetable research farm.           about vegetable seed production, but
Our program combines business studies
                                                                  marketing and economic knowledge to run a            This will introduce you to the concepts of       my degree gave me a good grasp on
in management, finance, marketing and
                                                                  successful business.                                 supply and value chains, value adding and        key concepts and a great head-start.”
planning with technical studies in agriculture.
It incorporates a blend of online learning,                                                                            quality assurance, as well as food and fibre     Sally Stone-Schack,
face-to-face classes, practical workshops, and                                                                         processing. Plus, you’ll engage in practical     Agricultural Science graduate
industry engagement.                                                                                                   and tutorial sessions with guest speakers
                                                                                                                       and group discussions.
Available in the Associate Degree in Agribusiness.

41            U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                                                                                  UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2          42
Architecture student sketching
     Launceston's Gas Works 1930s
     Retort Building.

                                            Architecture and
                                            Built Environments
                                            Architecture is about making big ideas                  CO U R S E D E TA I LS
                                            come to life.

                                            It's a creative profession, where you find new          Bachelor of Architecture
                                            ways to connect people with places and                  and Built Environments

                                            objects. You also need to be a great problem            3 years full-time, up to 7 years part-time
                                            solver and outside-the-box thinker.                      Launceston

                                            Studying with us, you’ll work on your own
                                            exciting projects with local businesses. You'll
                                            get hands-on experience, engaging with
                                            everything from scientific research to world-
                                            famous music festivals.

                                            We'll also give you access to our fully equipped
                                            workshop. You'll get to work with 3D printers,
                                            laser cutters, CNC routers, high-tech robots,
                                            and more.

                                            Study in an award-winning               Learn by making and get                  Become an expert in
                                            conversion of a 1952                    your hands on the latest                 designing and creating
                                            locomotive workshop.                    technology.                              with sustainable resources.

43             U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                 UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2    44

The best way to study Architecture and Built             In 2020, an architecture firm founded
Environments is to get stuck in and start                by our graduates was named one of the
creating things. We'll get you working with real         top 10 firms to watch. All four directors
clients, making a real difference.                       of Cumulus Studio, as well as more than
Recently, our first year students designed and           half of the staff, are graduates from
built a series of 'species hotels' to help restore       Architecture and Design.
habitats for local wildlife.                             "We see architecture as a way of
Students also work closely with Tasmania's               reinvesting in the State and further
booming creative scene. One of these exciting            contributing to all the little things
projects includes designing sound stages                 that make Tasmania a unique,
and performance spaces for renowned music                special place to live."
festival Mona Foma.                                      Peter Walker,
No matter what you do, you’ll have a rewarding           Co-director and Principal Architect
learning experience, building practical skills for
your career.

Your core units will involve building technology,
history and theory, and communication. These         CARE E R OPPORTUNIT IE S
are all taught within a workshop and studio-
focused environment. Graduating, you may             Our graduates are known for their hands-on
be eligible to enter the Master of Architecture,     design and fabrication experience. They are
which is the main pathway to becoming a              also celebrated for their skills in using cutting-
practising architect.                                edge technology, and their focus on creating
                                                     environmentally and socially-conscious
                                                     design solutions.
                                                     Careers in architecture are growing fast, with
The best part about studying Architecture
                                                     employers demanding strong design skills
is designing, creating and experimenting
                                                     across construction and building.
with cutting-edge technology.
                                                     In fact, architectural, engineering and technical
Our facilities aren't just award-winning,
                                                     services are expected to grow by 14.6% by 2024.
they're fully accessible and allow you to learn
by making and doing. This means you graduate         Architectural, building and surveying
with a portfolio that's been tested in real-         technicians are one of the largest growing
world situations and in partnership with             occupations in the construction industry, set
our community.                                       to increase by 19.5% by 2024.

                                                                                                                                                 Architecture students
                                                                                                                                                 surveying buildings,

45         U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                     UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2         46
Biological Sciences
                                         From single-celled organisms to animals,                  CO U R S E O PT I O N S
                                         plants and fungi, the study of life on Earth
                                         is vital to its protection. Studying Biological           Bachelor of Science
                                         Sciences, you can help to create sustainable              3 years full-time, up to 7 years part-time
                                         practices for the future.                                   Hobart, Launceston
                                         A degree in Biological Sciences can take you
                                                                                                   Associate Degree in Applied Science
                                         anywhere. In Tasmania, you'll learn from the
                                                                                                   2 years full-time, 5 years part-time
                                         pristine resources of our island. Our courses
                                                                                                     Hobart, Launceston, Cradle Coast
                                         offer unique opportunities to get up close and
                                         personal with nature.
                                                                                                   Diploma of University Studies (Science)
                                         This will help you develop a deeper                       1 year full-time, up to 3 years part-time
                                         understanding of biology, as well as the                    Hobart, Launceston, Cradle Coast, online
                                         importance of protecting life on our planet.
                                                                                                   Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science
                                                                                                   3 years full-time, up to 7 years part-time

                                         Immerse yourself in our                  Get your hands on                            Get experience with
                                         pristine land and marine                 cutting-edge facilities                      summer research projects,
                                         ecosystems.                              and field equipment used                     field trips and more.
                                                                                  by industry.

 Biological Sciences
 student, Derby.

47          U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                      UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2   48
WHAT YOU CAN STUDY                                           Plant Science
                                                             Investigate plants and their impact on human
Ecology                                                      life. You’ll study how plants function and
Explore and develop strategies to understand,                develop, and how they’ve evolved through
support and conserve animal and plant                        time. With pristine ecosystems accessible
populations. You’ll study interactions among                 directly from campus, we offer not only
organisms and their environment, including                   unparalleled access but also a distinctive
processes such as competition, predation and                 breadth and depth of flora and fauna to give
disease, along with responses to factors such as             you a truly holistic education.
rainfall, temperature and soil nutrients.                    Available in the Bachelor of Science.

Available in the Bachelor of Science.
                                                             Sustainable Aquaculture
Marine Biology                                               Tasmania’s pristine waters produce some of
Learn the role that plants and animals                       the best seafood in the world. If you’d love to
play in marine ecosystems. Offered at our                    work in the booming aquaculture industry,
world-class specialist research and teaching                 this hands-on course is for you. We developed
institute, your classroom will include everything            this study option in response to the growing
from Tasmania’s giant kelp forests and                       demand for talent covering all aspects of
thriving aquaculture industry to the entire                  aquaculture, including salmon, trout, oysters,
Southern Ocean.                                              mussels and abalone.
Available in the Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science.
                                                             Available in the Bachelor of Marine and Antarctic Science.
Available in the Bachelor of Science.
                                                             Available in the Associate Degree in Applied Science.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Student studying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    fungi, Tahune Forest,
                                                             Zoology                                                                                                                                                Southern Tasmania.
From bacteria and viruses to fungi, single-
                                                             Zoology looks at the structure and function
celled animals and algae, microorganisms are
                                                             of animals, and how these traits have
fundamental to the cycles that underpin life
                                                             evolved over time. There is no better place
on Earth. You’ll investigate infectious diseases,
                                                             to immerse yourself in the study of animals
explore the production of foods and chemicals,
                                                             than Tasmania’s living laboratory. We offer
and gain practical skills that are applicable
                                                             unparalleled access to our distinctive range
around the world.
                                                             of ecosystems, flora and fauna, coastal
Available in the Bachelor of Science.
                                                             landscapes, and the Southern Ocean.
                                                                                                                          CA R E E R O PP O RTU N I T I E S
Molecular Bioscience                                         Available in the Bachelor of Science.

Explore how living organisms function from                                                                                Here are the roles that are projected to grow
both a molecular and cellular perspective.                   STUDY HIGHL IGHTS                                            by 2024.
                                                                                                                                                                                "My biggest passions are both
Focus on the role these molecules have                                                                                                     Environmental
in health and disease, and cover issues
                                                             When you study with us, your experiences                      12.5%           Scientist roles
                                                                                                                                                                                conservation and behaviour welfare.
                                                             go beyond the classroom. We incorporate                                                                            They’re my two biggest goals in life.
that are globally relevant. You’ll apply your
                                                             our extraordinary natural surroundings into                                   Professional, scientific             Improving the behaviour welfare for
knowledge and skills to real-world problems
                                                             our curriculum, so that we can offer you                      14.7%           and technical service roles          any animal."
in collaboration with business, natural science,
                                                             opportunities to study plants and animals                                                                          Jade Fountain,
and medicine.                                                                                                                              Market research and
Available in the Bachelor of Science.
                                                             in their natural environments. You’ll run                     16.5%           statistical service roles            Bachelor of Science graduate,
                                                             experiments in controlled settings using                                                                           Zoology major.
                                                             state-of-the-art facilities, as well as relate               ABS Labour Force Survey, National Skills Commission
                                                             complex genomic data to real-world                           trend data to May 2019 and projections to 2024.

                                                             problems and processes.

49            U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                                                                                          UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2          50
                                          A degree in Business will give you the skills           CO U R S E O PT I O N S
                                          to turn your passion into a career.
                                                                                                  Bachelor of Business
                                          Our connections with industry give you a
                                          real-world advantage. Whether you're looking            3 years full-time, up to 7 years part-time
                                          to enter the workforce as fast as you can, or you        Hobart, Cradle Coast, online
                                          want a balanced study experience to fit with
                                                                                                  Bachelor of Business (Accelerated)
                                          other commitments, we have an option to suit
                                                                                                  2 years full-time, up to 7 years part-time
                                          your lifestyle.
                                                                                                   Launceston, online
                                          Our degrees are built around entrepreneurial
                                          thinking, strategic management and                      Associate Degree in Applied Business
                                          innovation, so you’ll graduate with a real edge         2 years full-time, up to 5 years part-time
                                          in your chosen industry.                                 Hobart, Launceston, Cradle Coast, online

                                                                                                  Associate Degree in Agribusiness
                                                                                                  2 years full-time, up to 5 years part-time
                                                                                                   Hobart, Launceston, Cradle Coast

                                                                                                  Diploma of Construction Management
                                                                                                  1 year full-time, up to 3 years part-time
                                                                                                   Hobart, Launceston, Burnie

                                                                                                  Diploma of University Studies (Business)
                                                                                                  1 year full-time, up to 3 years part-time
                                                                                                   Hobart, Launceston, Cradle Coast, online

                                          Get hands-on experience                Fast-track and                            Gain access to the
                                          with corporate internships,            complete your studies                     Bloomberg Lab, a
                                          guest lectures, and                    in two years with our                     real-time financial
Business students visiting local
entrepreneur Kim Seagram at
                                          business case studies.                 accelerated study mode.                   data system.
Stillwater, Launceston.

51           U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                  UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2   52
WHAT YOU CAN STUDY                                                  Human Resource Management                                           Business Improvement                                     Tourism Engagement
                                                                    The most valuable asset to a business is its                        Learn the skills to help businesses improve              Tourism is the industry of experiences.
Accounting                                                          people. As a human resource manager, you                            and evolve. Engage in your chosen industry,              Tasmania is fast becoming a worldwide
Accountants are needed in every industry. They                      help to nurture the real power behind your                          with units in contract negotiation, professional         tourism hub, famous for its fine produce,
provide sound advice on all financial aspects                       organisation. In this major, you’ll learn all about                 communication, events, and supply chain and              breathtaking scenery, and unique way of life.
of a business. As a registered CPA Program                          organisational behaviour and why people                             logistics management.                                    You'll collaborate with local businesses to
tuition provider, we offer a globally recognised                    perform differently in the workplace.                               Available in the Associate Degree in Applied Business.   create distinctive experiences for visitors, while
qualification that can take you anywhere.                           Available in the Bachelor of Business.                                                                                       creating a path to a fulfilling career.
                                                                                                                                        Event Design and Management
Available in the Bachelor of Business and accelerated study mode.                                                                                                                                Available in the Associate Degree in Applied Business.
Available on campus at Cradle Coast.                                Management                                                          Talented event designers and managers are
                                                                    All businesses, from large corporations to small                    hugely in demand. You’ll work alongside the              Construction Management
Business Economics
                                                                    start-ups, need to be managed well in order to                      industry, learning how to design and run high            Gain the skills and knowledge to take the
Economists use data to understand the big
                                                                    succeed. Learn how to lead a modern business                        quality events that have real community and              next step in your career, while meeting
questions facing people, organisations, and
                                                                    and manage people effectively.                                      commercial impact.                                       the demands of Tasmania’s booming
the world. We’ve been teaching economics
                                                                    Available in the Bachelor of Business and accelerated study mode.   Available in the Associate Degree in Applied Business.   infrastructure. Developed in close consultation
for over 100 years and have produced some
                                                                                                                                                                                                 with industry, this course is specially designed
of Australia’s leading experts in the field.                        Marketing                                                           Leisure, Sport and Recreation
                                                                                                                                                                                                 for you to build on your technical work
Available in the Bachelor of Business.                              Marketers develop creative solutions to link                        Sport and recreation is a serious business.              experience and prepare you for a variety
                                                                    products and services with consumers.                               It’s all about health and wellbeing, efficiently         of roles such as site supervisor, contract
                                                                    You’ll learn how to identify a target audience,                     operating clubs, and engaging communities.               administrator, project management associate
Careers in finance suit analytical, inquisitive
                                                                    develop strategies to reach them, and                               This stream will give you the skills to thrive in        and estimating associate.
thinkers who want to work closely with the
                                                                    communicate effectively to drive action.                            the industry, managing facilities and delivering         Available in the Diploma of Construction Management.
key decision-makers within an organisation.
                                                                    Available in the Bachelor of Business and accelerated study mode.   high-quality programs.
You’ll learn how banking and financial                                                                                                                                                           Agribusiness
                                                                                                                                        Available in the Associate Degree in Applied Business.
institutions operate, along with financial                          Tourism Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                 This is a stepping stone for those currently
planning and management, investment                                 Set yourself up for a successful career in the                      Procurement and Supply Chains
                                                                                                                                                                                                 working in agriculture who want to move into
analysis, and corporate and international                           tourism sector. You’ll develop an understanding                     Understanding the supply of goods and                    leadership and management roles. It's also a
finance.                                                            of best practice, recognise the value of research                   services can improve the efficiency of any               great foundation if you're looking to enter the
Available in the Bachelor of Business.                              and critical thinking, and build tools for effective                organisation. You’ll be exposed to all elements          industry.
                                                                    communication.                                                      of the supply chain, including inventory
Hospitality Management                                                                                                                                                                           Our program combines business studies
                                                                                                                                        planning, procurement, transportation,
Gain industry-specific skills in hospitality                        This major is designed for holders of a TasTAFE                                                                              in management, finance, marketing and
                                                                                                                                        distribution, and logistics.
management, and graduate ready for a                                Advanced Diploma of Tourism Management or                                                                                    planning with technical studies in agriculture.
managerial position within the private,                             equivalent qualification with the opportunity to                    Completion of this stream and the required               It incorporates a blend of online learning,
public and community sectors.                                       gain a professional university degree in tourism                    electives will allow students two years credit           face-to-face classes, practical workshops and
                                                                    management.                                                         into the Bachelor of Global Logistics and                industry engagement.
This major is designed for holders of a
                                                                    Available in the Bachelor of Business.                              Maritime Management from the Australian                  Available in the Associate Degree in Agribusiness.
TasTAFE Advanced Diploma of Hospitality
                                                                                                                                        Maritime College (University of Tasmania).
Management or equivalent qualification,
                                                                                                                                        Available in the Associate Degree in Applied Business.
with the opportunity to gain a professional
university degree in hospitality management.
Available in the Bachelor of Business.

53            U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                                                                                                                 UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2         54
Business students on a
STU DY H IG H LIG H TS                             CARE E R OPPORTUNIT IE S                                    site visit to the Agrarian
                                                                                                               Kitchen, New Norfolk.
Employers and recruiters seek graduates            Our graduates have exceptional career
who stand out from other applicants. They          outcomes. 80% of our undergraduate business
want people who have practical experience,         students find full-time employment within
a positive attitude, and the ability to learn      four months of graduating, which is above the
on-the-job.                                        national average.

The Corporate Internship Program is an             You’ll gain job-specific skills in your major
intensive work-integrated learning opportunity     area of study, so you’re ready to enter the
that will connect you with your chosen             workforce. Transferable skills also set you up
industry. Not only will you gain a competitive     for long-term success. We embed the principles
advantage for employment, you’ll also achieve      of entrepreneurship and innovation, and teach
credit towards your degree.                        you critical thinking, strategic analysis, and
                                                   evidence-based decision making.
In our Agribusiness course, you'll gain a deep
understanding of your future workplace.            Careers requiring business skills are growing
You'll do this through case studies, field work,   fast, with employers demanding formal
simulated environments, and design thinking.       qualifications and advanced finance, economic
This means you graduate with exactly the skills    and analytical skills. Here are some of the careers
that the industry is looking for.                  projected to grow into 2024:

                                                   9.7%             Accountants

                                                                    Advertising and
                                                   21.7%            Marketing Professionals

                                                                    Human Resource
                                                   15.7%            Professionals

                                                   2020 Graduate Outcomes Survey.

                                                   Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family
                                                   Business five year projections from May 2019 to May 2024.

55         U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                                                       UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2   56
Dementia Care
                                                    Learn from the global leaders in dementia               CO U R S E O PT I O N S
                                                    education to make a positive change.
                                                                                                            Bachelor of Dementia Care
                                                    The Wicking Dementia Centre is leading the
                                                    way in dementia research and education.                 3 years full-time, up to 7 years part-time
                                                    Our mission is to transform the understanding            Online
                                                    of dementia worldwide. We offer online
                                                                                                            Diploma of Dementia Care
                                                    education, based on the latest research,
                                                                                                            1 year full-time, up to 3 years part-time
                                                    that is suitable for everyone at any stage
                                                    of their career.

                                                    We have been offering online education                  Diploma of Ageing Studies and Services
                                                    since 2012. We constantly update and refine             1 year full-time, up to 3 years part-time
                                                    our courses to ensure the most relevant                  Online
                                                    and up-to-date information, based on the
                                                    latest research.                                        Diploma of Creative Arts and Health
                                                                                                            1 year full-time, up to 3 years part-time

                                                    Make a real difference                 Use what you learn to                      Study with no exams –
                                                    to people living                       raise awareness and                        learn through assignments
                                                    with dementia and                      reduce stigma.                             like quizzes, discussion
                                                    their families.                                                                   boards, essays, and
Community member with a carer studying
Dementia Care, Simmons Park, Lindisfarne, Hobart.

57          U NIVERSITY OF TA SM A NIA                                                                             UN D E RGRA D UATE CO URSE G UID E 202 2      58
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