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                                                                                S P R I N G 2 02 2


30% discounted
for first time
     In this issue

   Help to Buy for new-build   Commonhold to give             New 95% mortgages now
   homes gets underway         leaseholders more control      available for home buyers
homes for
first time
First time buyers are being
offered discounted homes
as part of a new government
housing scheme.

The First Homes scheme will help local     at least 10,000 homes a year being         Home website which provides a
first-time buyers on to the property       delivered in the years ahead and more if   single gateway for all routes to home
ladder by offering homes at a discount     there is demand.                           ownership.
of at least 30% compared to the market
price.                                     Major high-street lenders Halifax and      Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick said:
                                           Nationwide Building Society, along with    “These homes will be locked in for
That same percentage will then be          local building societies and community     perpetuity to first-time buyers and key
passed on with the sale of the property    lenders, announced that they will be       workers from their local area – making
to future first-time buyers, meaning       offering high loan-to-value mortgages      them an asset to both their owners and
homes will always be sold below market     against First Homes to support the roll-   the wider local community.”
value – benefiting local communities for   out of the scheme.
generations to come.
                                           First Homes follows on from the 95%
The scheme will support local people       mortgage guarantee scheme which
who struggle to afford market prices       helps first-time buyers secure a
                                                                                       Please contact us if you
in their area but want to stay in the      mortgage with just a 5% deposit and         would like more information
communities where they live and work.      the government’s ‘Own Your Home’
                                           campaign showcasing the range
                                                                                       about the issues raised in
The first properties went on the market    of flexible home ownership options          these articles or any aspect
in Derbyshire on June 4. Further sites     available.
are set to launch across the country in
                                                                                       of residential property law.
the coming weeks. A further 1,500 will     First-time buyers can find the right
enter the market from the winter, with     scheme for them via the Own Your
Help to Buy for new-build homes gets underway
                                             Help to Buy (2021-2023) has regional         How much you can spend on your home
First-time buyers interested                 price limits, set at 1.5 times the average   will depend on which region it is in.
in new-build homes can now                   first-time buyer price in each region in
                                             England.                                     In the North East it is £186,100; North
apply for the new Help to                                                                 West 224,400; Yorkshire and the Humber
Buy: Equity Loan scheme.                     This keeps the prices of new homes           £228,100; East Midlands £261,900; West
                                             closer to the average regional first-time    Midlands £255,600; East of England
                                             buyer property prices, reducing the          £407,400; London £600,000; South East
                                             amount that first-time buyers need to        £437,600; South West £349,000.
With a Help to Buy: Equity Loan, the         borrow.
government lends homebuyers up to                                                         You must fund at least 80% (60% in
20% (40% in London) of the cost of           Help to Buy homebuilders must                London) of the sale price with a mortgage
a newly built home. Customers pay a          agree to follow the Consumer Code            and put up at least a 5% deposit. Interest
deposit of 5% or more and arrange a          for homebuilders, the New Homes              fees start at 1.75% and rise each year
mortgage of 25% or more to make up           Ombudsman, the Building Safety               in April in line with the Consumer Prices
the rest. The equity loan is interest-free   Charter and fulfil planning permissions      Index, including owner occupiers’
for five years.                              and building regulations.                    housing costs, plus 2%.

  New 95%                                    subject to the usual affordability

  mortgages now                              The Covid-19 pandemic has led
                                             to a reduction in the availability of
  available for                              high loan-to-value (LTV) mortgage
                                             products, particularly for prospective

  home buyers                                homebuyers with only a 5% deposit.
                                             The new scheme is intended to
                                             address that problem.
  The government’s new scheme
  to help people buy a home with a           The mortgages are now available              originated; evidence shows that
  95% mortgage has now come into             from lenders including Lloyds,               loans are unlikely to default after
  effect.                                    Santander, Barclays, HSBC, NatWest           such a period has elapsed.
                                             and Virgin Money.
  It means buyers can get on the                                                          The scheme is intended as a
  property ladder even if they only          The government will compensate               temporary measure. It will be open
  have a 5% deposit. The mortgages           the mortgage lender for a portion of         for new mortgage applications until
  are available to both first-time buyers    the net losses suffered in the event         December 2022, in line with the
  and existing homeowners for houses         of repossession. The guarantee will          government’s view that the current
  costing up to £600,000.                    apply down to 80% of the purchase            scarcity of high loan-to-value lending
                                             value of the guaranteed property.            is primarily a response to the
  The government will offer lenders                                                       pandemic rather than a symptom of a
  the guarantee they need to provide         The guarantee will be valid for up           longer-term structural change in the
  mortgages that cover the other 95%,        to 7 years after the mortgage is             mortgage market.

                  Your Services

                                                           Commonhold to give
                 Meet the Team
                                                           leaseholders more control
                                                                                                             Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick,
                                                                                                             pictured below, said: “We are taking
                                                           The government is planning                        forward the biggest reforms to English
                                                           to give leaseholders more                         property law for 40 years – and the
                                                                                                             widespread introduction of commonhold
                                                           control over their homes by                       builds on our work to provide more
                                                           developing a new collective                       security for millions of existing
                                                                                                             leaseholders across England, putting
                                                           ownership system known as                         an end to rip-off charges and creating a
                                                           commonhold.                                       fairer system.”

                                                                                                             This builds on the announcement in the
                                                                                                             Queen’s Speech, where the government
                                                           The commonhold model is used widely               set out its intention to restrict ground
                                                           around the world and provides a                   rents for new residential long leases
                                                           structure for homeowners to collectively          to a peppercorn. Earlier this year, the
                                                           own the building their flat is in, with           government also announced changes
                                                           a greater say on their building’s                 that will mean that any leaseholder can
                       Address                             management, shared facilities and                 extend the lease on their home by 990
                                                           related costs. They are in control of             years, on payment of a premium, and
                                                           their building through a ‘commonhold              will no longer pay any ground rent to the
                                                           association’.                                     freeholder.
                                                           There are no hidden costs or charges,             A Law Commission report said last
                                                           preventing some of the unfair practices           year that the leasehold system was not
                       Email                               currently seen in some leaseholds.                working for home owners. Ministers
                                                                                                             hope these changes will make it fairer,
                                                           The newly formed Commonhold Council               cheaper and simpler.
                       Website                             will manage the system with the aim of
                                                           making home ownership fairer and more             We shall keep clients informed of
                                                           secure.                                           developments.

This newsletter is intended merely to alert readers to legal developments as they arise. The articles are not intended to be a definitive analysis of current law and
      professional legal advice should always be taken before pursuing any course of action. Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority
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