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Research Summary September 2021
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Dale Peters | Report | 30-September-2021                 Tania Wilson | Report | 30-September-2021           Georgina O’Toole | Report | 30-September-2021

Public Sector Software and IT                            IndustryViews Venture Capital                       UK Central Government SITS:
Services: Suppliers, Trends and                          Q2 2021                                             Market & Suppliers 2021-2024
Forecasts 2021-2024                                      Q2 2021 was a ground-breaking                       This report provides TechMarketView’s
This report consolidates                                 quarter for VC investment into tech                 view of the UK central government
TechMarketView’s analysis of the UK                      companies in the UK and Ireland,                    software and IT Services (SITS)
public sector software and IT services                   according to data from Corporate                    market from a market and supplier
(SITS) market in 2020 and forecasts                      Finance firm Ascendant. The number                  perspective. PublicSectorViews
how the market will perform over the                     of deals grew QoQ 8%, with the                      subscribers will find TechMarketView’s
period 2021-24. It also contains an                      value of those deals up by an                       Top 20 central government SITS
update to our UK public sector SITS                      astonishing 59% in the same period.                 rankings for 2020, as well as our view
Top 20 supplier rankings based on the                    The latest edition of IndustryViews                 of those suppliers that are ‘on the
latest available financial information                   Venture Capital has more detail,                    rise’ and, therefore, threatening to
(as at end of June 2021). Top 20                         along with commentary on selected                   unseat the leading players, and a
rankings for central government                          UK tech venture funding deals and                   handpicked selection of suppliers
and Top 10 rankings for each of                          an exploration of where next for                    that are worth keeping a close eye
the remaining subsectors are also                        venture funding into UK technology                  on, due to their renewed interest
provided.                                                companies.                                          in the sector, recent successes, or
                                                                                                             differentiated approach.

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Georgina O’Toole | UKHotViewsExtra | 30-September-2021   Jon C Davies | Report | 29-September-2021           Duncan Aitchison | Report | 28-September-2021

Made Tech makes its debut on                             The Risk Management                                 UK SITS Consulting Market Trends
AIM                                                      Challenge                                           and Forecasts 2021
This month, Made Tech floated on AIM                     This document is part of                            This report contains TechMarketView’s
at a share price of 122p. The placing                    TechMarketView’s AnalystViews series                latest market size and forecast data
valued the company at £180m and                          and discusses the topic of “Enterprise              along with an analysis of market
raised net proceeds of £13.2m. Made                      Risk Management” within financial                   dynamics and the trends shaping
Tech have been around since 2008                         services. It examines how the advent                the UK SITS Consulting market.
when CEO Rory MacDonald formed                           of the pandemic has impacted                        The report also assesses the key
the company to provide technology                        the industry via a proliferation of                 challenges facing suppliers and
services to venture capital-backed                       additional risks and considers how                  recommendations. It is part of a
start-ups within the UK. However,                        technology adoption can help firms                  series of reports assessing market and
in 2017, the Group shifted its focus                     to manage the burden.                               supplier performance that includes
to concentrate on the UK public                                                                              the SITS Consulting Supplier Rankings
sector market. It’s since then that the                                                                      and Supplier Prospects reports.
business has really taken off. And its
success on Government frameworks
has landed the company on our

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Marc Hardwick | UKHotViewsExtra | 27-September-2021      Angela Eager | Report | 24-September-2021            Martin Courtney | UKHotViewsExtra | 23-September-2021

Sutherland targets European                              UK Enterprise Software Market                       NCC Group puts pandemic
Growth                                                   Trends and Forecasts 2021                           behind it to focus on long term
Sutherland is one of the biggest                         This report contains TechMarketView’s               growth
players in US customer experience                        latest market size and forecast data                NCC Group’s FY21 results underpin a
(CX). In 35 years it has evolved from                    along with an analysis of market                    company in transition as it recovers
a provider focused on offshore                           dynamics and the trends shaping                     from the economic disruption caused
customer services, into a technology-                    the UK Enterprise Software market.                  by COVID lockdown measures,
led customer experience practitioner.                    The report also assesses the key                    breathes new life into its flagging
While the business has had a UK/                         challenges facing suppliers and                     Software Resilience business and
European presence, it has principally                    recommendations. It is part of a                    capitalises on rising demand for
served US/Global clients here and is                     series of reports assessing market and              managed detection and response
less well known. This may be about to                    supplier performance that includes                  (MDR) services. We think the worst is
change with Sutherland undertaking                       the Enterprise Software Supplier                    probably behind it, and NCC Group
a renewed push within Europe, hiring                     Rankings and Supplier Prospects                     is likely to benefit from a wave of
Vishal Bhatnagar to lead the charge.                     reports.                                            cancelled or postponed projects.

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Georgina O’Toole | UKHotViewsExtra | 23-September-2021   Marc Hardwick | Report | 21-September-2021           Dale Peters | UKHotViewsExtra | 13-September-2021

National AI Strategy: Health &                           UK Solutions Market Trends &                        NAO highly critical of National
Defence as exemplars                                     Forecasts 2021                                      Law Enforcement Data
The UK Government recently                               This report contains TechMarketView’s               Programme
published its National AI Strategy. The                  latest market size and forecast data                The National Audit Office (NAO) has
report acknowledges the significant                      along with an analysis of the trends                published a damning assessment
impact that AI will have over the next                   shaping the UK Solutions market. It is              of the Home Office’s delivery of
decade and beyond. It looks at the                       part of a series of reports assessing               the National Law Enforcement
way that AI can be harnessed to drive                    market and supplier performance                     Data Programme (NLEDP). The
economic growth, deliver prosperity,                     that includes the Solutions Supplier                programme to develop the National
and bring social benefits. It is a wordy                 Rankings 2021 and Supplier Prospects                Law Enforcement Data Service
tome that looks at the key resources                     reports.                                            (NLEDS) was launched in 2016, with
that will be required to ensure the UK                                                                       the intention of replacing the Police
stays at the forefront of AI innovation.                                                                     National Computer (PNC) and the
                                                                                                             Police National Database (PND) with
                                                                                                             one modernised solution.

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Georgina O’Toole | UKHotViewsExtra | 9-September-2021    Dale Peters | UKHotViewsExtra | 8-September-2021     Georgina O’Toole | Report | 3-September-2021

CGI UK holds steady during                               Health and social care funding                      Social value in UK central
pandemic                                                 plans announced                                     government
In July we reported on CGI’s Q321                        The UK Government’s plan for health                 This report seeks to understand how
results for the period ending 30th                       and social care does not focus on the               the leading suppliers of IT services
June. We noted a decline in the last                     application of technology in reducing               to UK central government are
reported quarter for the UK & Australia                  the pressures in the system, but it is              responding to the new procurement
business unit, of 4.1% to CAN$363.4m,                    clear that the effective application                requirements as defined in the UK
and a decline year-to-date of 1.4% to                    of digital solutions will have a key role           Government’s Procurement Policy
CAN$1.1b. But, as we head towards                        in addressing the stated challenges.                Note ‘taking account of social value
the company’s financial year end, it’s                   The pressures on the NHS and adult                  through government’s commercial
worth applying a little more scrutiny to                 social care were clear prior to                     activities’.
the numbers. In this UKHotViewsExtra                     the pandemic, but COVID-19 has
article we dive deeper into the                          brought unprecedented additional
performance of CGI UK over the last                      challenges.
two years.

                           2 | | | @TechMarketView
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Richard Holway | UKHotViewsExtra | 1-September-2021   Duncan Aitchison | Report | 31-August-2021           Martin Courtney | Report | 31-August-2021

Share performance in Aug 21                           UK Application Operations                           UK Enterprise Cyber Security
August 21 will be remembered by                       Supplier Rankings 2021                              Supplier Rankings 2021
many for its harrowing scenes from                    This report contains the Top 20                     This report contains the Top 20 UK
Kabul. Elsewhere C-19 infections and                  Supplier Ranking (by revenue) for the               supplier ranking (by revenue) for the
resulting hospitalisations and deaths                 UK Application Operations market. It                UK Enterprise Cyber Security market.
seemed to be increasing. Inflation                    is part of a series of reports assessing            It is part of a series of reports assessing
has reared its head again and could                   market and supplier performance.                    market and supplier performance.
lead to increased interest rates. But                 Revenues presented in this report are               Revenues presented in this report
you would never suspect this glancing                 based on TechMarketView’s own                       are based on TechMarketView’s
at the Share Index Tables for August.                 estimates, following our analysis of                own estimates, following our analysis
What is certain is that tech is now so                annual performance for the financial                of annual performance for each
ubiquitous that it is an integral part                year ending between 1st April 2020                  company for the financial year
of the economy. The only thing that                   and 31st March 2021. It also includes               ending between 1st April 2020 and
will now knock it is a global recession               revenue estimates for some of the                   31st March 2021. We also include
or depression. Nobody currently is                    highest-ranking suppliers who report                revenue estimates for some top-
predicting either.                                    after March 2021.                                   ranking suppliers who report after
                                                                                                          March 2021.
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Tania Wilson | Report | 28-August-2021                Jon C Davies | UKHotViewsExtra | 24-August-2021      Dale Peters | Report | 24-August-2021

IndustryViews Corporate Activity                      Digital Identity Moves Up the                       TCS: Reimagining Education
Q2 2021                                               Agenda                                              Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Merger and acquistion activity in                     With the explosion in online                        has been working in the education
the UK software and IT services (SITS)                commerce there has been increased                   sector for more than a decade, but
sector fell back during Q2 2021 but                   recognition of the need for a                       its recent move to bring together its
remains on a par with activity in Q4                  universally accepted standard for                   extensive experience in the sector
2020 and the pre-pandemic peak                        identity verification. Off the back of              into a single business unit could be
seen in Q2 2019. This is according to                 this, Jon recently caught up with the               a game changer. TechMarketView
data from technology investment                       team at DIN to learn more about the                 spoke to Ankur Mathur, who leads
bank Silverpeak. See more in this                     company’s proposition, fundamental                  the new Education Business Unit,
edition of IndustryViews Corporate                    to which is a social purpose firmly                 and Priyanka Sethi (Head of Sales,
Activity, our quarterly review of the UK              based on promoting financial                        Education and CMI) about TCS’
software and IT services M&A scene.                   inclusion.                                          education heritage, proposition,
                                                                                                          and prospects.

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Anthony Miller | UKHotViewsExtra | 23-August-2021     Anthony Miller | Report | 23-August-2021             Kate Hanaghan | UKHotViewsExtra | 22-August-2021

Interview: Mile Callachan,                            OffshoreViews Q2 2021 Review                        Fujitsu Q1 marks encouraging
Founder & CEO, Snappy                                 In the three months ending 30th June                start for UK
Shopper                                               2021, the Top Six Indian Heritage                   Fujitsu’s Q1 revenue (three months to
Each time I write about Snappy                        Providers (IHPs) reported their highest             end June) came in at 801.9bn Yen,
Shopper, the ‘on demand’ grocery                      aggregate sequential headcount                      roughly in line with the comparable
delivery service for corner shops and                 growth in years. Yet in the same                    period last year. However, the firm
convenience stores, I like it a little bit            quarter a year prior, every single one              saw operating profit shoot up 50%
more. I thought it was a great idea                   of them had reduced headcount.                      to 33.7bn Yen, with all segments
when I wrote about Snappy’s seed                      In this edition of OffshoreViews, we                experiencing improved profitability.
funding round in November 2019                        compare headcount growth with                       Fujitsu’s UK performance through its
more so after their stonking £19.4m                   revenue growth for the Top Six players              first quarter has proved to be both
Series A round in July this year. Having              to see where they are on the eternal                steady and positive and we caught
recently had a long chat with founder                 quest to ‘break linearity’.                         up with NWE CEO, Paul Patterson, to
and CEO, Mike Callachan, I am                                                                             hear more about the UK specifically.
positively in love!

                           3 | | | @TechMarketView
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Tola Sargeant | Report | 18-August-2021            Marc Hardwick | Report | 18-August-2021           Marc Hardwick | UKHotViewsExtra | 9-August-2021

Integrated Care Systems -                          UK Business Process Operations                   Ten deals and Two exits - Capita
Analysing the opportunity for                      Supplier Rankings 2021                           Scaling Partner 3 years on
tech suppliers                                     This report contains the Top 20                  Capita Scaling Partner (CSP) recently
Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) are                 Supplier Ranking (by revenue) for the            announced its tenth investment
set to become an important feature                 UK Business Process Services (BPS)               deal with smart Learning Experience
of England’s health and care system.               Operations market. It is part of a               Platform provider, Filtered. I recently
But what exactly is an Integrated                  series of reports assessing market and           caught up with CSP Co-founders
Care System? How will they operate?                supplier performance that includes               John Downes and Matt Bunn, to learn
Which areas are leading the way?                   BPS Operations Market Trends &                   more about their latest partnership
And do they represent an opportunity               Forecasts and BPS Operations                     and also to take a look back at
for tech suppliers? It’s a surprisingly            Prospects reports, due for publication           the progress made at CSP over the
complicated picture and there are                  later in 2021.                                   last three years and understand
still many unknowns, but these are the                                                              what they have learnt building their
questions that we set out to address in                                                             portfolio of scale-ups.
this report.

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Duncan Aitchison | Report | 4-August-2021          Jon C Davies | Report | 3-August-2021             Richard Holway | UKHotViewsExtra | 1-August-2021

UK SITS Consulting Supplier                        UK Financial Services SITS -                     Share Performance in July 2021
Rankings 2021                                      Suppliers, Trends and Forecasts                  The indices we follow do not really
This report contains the Top 20 Supplier           This report analyses the business and            convey the significance of the
Ranking (by revenue) for the UK SITS               technology trends impacting the                  (largely) Q2 results announced in
Consulting market. At a headline                   UK financial services industry and               July. NASDAQ, TechMark and the
level, the Top 20 UK SITS Consulting               includes TechMarketView’s detailed               FTSE Software and Computing
suppliers in aggregate grew                        forecasts for expenditure within the             Services Indices all advanced
significantly in 2020. However, stripping          associated software and IT services              between 1% -3% in July. But all are
out the impact of acquisitions, their              (SITS) market. In addition to the                still showing impressive gains YTD –
combined revenues decline in line                  market perspectives, this analysis               NASDAQ up 14%, Techmark100 up
with the wider demand contraction                  also provides a ranking (by revenue)             11% and the FTSE SCS Index up 16%.
in the sector. The report details the              of the Top 20 SITS vendors operating             All have outpaced the FTSE100 which,
variations in performance across the               within UK financial services.                    with a 9% gain, has hardly been
Top 20 Consulting suppliers.                                                                        sluggish either.

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Kate Hanaghan | Report | 30-July-2021              Kate Hanaghan | Report | 30-July-2021             Jon C Davies | UKHotViewsExtra | 30-July-2021

UK Infrastructure Operations                       Infrastructure Operations                        Embark deal highlights
Supplier Rankings 2021                             Supplier Prospects 2021 &                        increasing role of technology in
Report containing the Top 20 Supplier              beyond                                           UK wealth management
Ranking for the UK Infrastructure                  In “Infrastructure Operations Supplier           Lloyds Banking Group (LBG) has
Operations market. It is part of a                 Prospects 2021 & beyond”, we look                announced a deal to acquire digital
series of reports assessing market and             at the Top Ten leading players (by               wealth management specialist,
supplier performance that includes                 revenue) in the UK Infrastructure                Embark Group for £390m. The “robo-
Infrastructure Operations Market                   Operations market and assess what                adviser” platform currently has around
Trends & Forecasts and Infrastructure              they will need to do to be successful            425k retail customers and more than
Operations Supplier Prospects reports.             this year and beyond. We also                    £40bn of assets under administration.
Revenues presented in this report are              provide our analysis of the potential            Here we highlight the increasing
based on TechMarketView’s own                      hurdles that will prevent suppliers              role of technology in UK wealth
estimates, following our analysis of               reaching their potential in the short            management, examine the acquisition
annual performance for the financial
                                                   and mid-term.                                    and explore some of the other activity
year ending between 1st April 2020
                                                                                                    taking place in the sector.
and 31st March 2021.

                          4 | | | @TechMarketView
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Tania Wilson | Report | 29-July-2021             Martin Courtney | UKHotViewsExtra | 29-July-2021       Anthony Miller | UKHotViewsExtra | 28-July-2021

IndustryViews Quoted Sector Q2                   BT expands Microsoft voice/                           Interview: Francesca Howland,
2021                                             security partnership to boost                         Founder & CEO, Bimble
Our quarterly review of the UK                   collaborative workspace                               When Anthony Miller wrote about
software and IT services quoted                  proposition                                           Oxford-based Bimble a couple of
sector with comparative share                    An updated alliance with Microsoft                    weeks back, he was curious about
price performance against leading                around managed voice and cyber                        the business model as there was
international software and IT services           security services could help BT reverse               no obvious source of revenue. He
stocks.                                                                                                recently caught up with founding
                                                 the ongoing decline of its Enterprise
                                                                                                       CEO, Francesca Howland, who
                                                 and Global businesses, which
                                                                                                       was keen to explain. Bimble is a
                                                 together saw their combined revenue
                                                                                                       community portal where people
                                                 shrink 11.5% year on year in the
                                                                                                       can share their favourite places (e.g.
                                                 quarter ending June 2021 according
                                                                                                       restaurants, shops, locations, etc)
                                                 to a trading update.
                                                                                                       with the wider world. It is free to use,
                                                                                                       and the venues mentioned don’t pay
                                                                                                       anything – yet.

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Marc Hardwick | Report | 27-July-2021            Angela Eager | Report | 27-July-2021                   Jon C Davies | UKHotViewsExtra | 26-July-2021

UK Solutions Supplier Rankings                   UK Enterprise Software Supplier                       The three Cs driving change
2021                                             Ranking 2021                                          across financial markets
This report contains the Top 20                  This report contains the Top 20 Supplier              The financial markets sector currently
Supplier Ranking (by revenue) for                Ranking (by revenue) for the UK                       accounts for around 17% of all SITS
the UK Solutions market. It is part of           Enterprise Software market​. It is part               spend within UK financial services and
a series of reports assessing market             of a series of reports assessing market               in 2020 was worth in excess of £2.2bn.
and supplier performance. Revenues               and supplier performance that                         Against this backdrop, technology
presented in this report are based               include Enterprise Software Market                    innovation is increasingly driving
on TechMarketView’s own estimates,               Trends & Forecasts and Supplier                       change as firms look to improve
following our analysis of annual                 Prospects reports, due for publication                competitiveness via operational
performance for each company for                 later in 2021. The report shows how                   efficiency, ensure regulatory
the financial year ending between 1st            performance varied across the Top 20                  compliance and reduce costs, in
April 2020 and 31st March 2021.                  software suppliers and highlights the                 particular in respect of post-trade
                                                 factors impacting the market during                   processes.
                                                 2021 and beyond.

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Martin Courtney | Report | 22-July-2021          Jon C Davies | UKHotViewsExtra | 22-July-2021          Jon C Davies | UKHotViewsExtra | 20-July-2021

Cyber security in the public                     Momentum builds for Temenos                           Recently acquired SSP’s new
sector                                           as banking market accelerates                         CEO takes the helm
The UK public sector is a unique and             Banking software specialist, Temenos,                 UK insurance software vendor and
important market for cyber security              has published an impressive set of                    broker market specialist, SSP, has
products and services. This report               H1 results, highlighting excellent                    taken another key step on its recovery
analyses the particular threats and              performance YTD amid improving                        journey with the appointment of a
vulnerabilities that public bodies must          market conditions. The Swiss vendor                   new CEO, Colin Greenhill, who took
respond to, considering each sub-                reported total global revenue of                      office on 12 July. The SSP story is an
sector separately, along with current            $445.4m, up 11.1% YTD. Momentum                       intriguing one. For around 15 years,
cyber security policy and procurement            builds for Temenos as banking market                  SSP enjoyed strong growth, however,
trends. It provides a list of top suppliers,     accelerates explore the factors                       following an MBO in 2015, a series of
an estimate of the current market                behind Temenos’ current success and                   damaging system outages occurred
size and recommendations for cyber               examines the changes in the market                    in 2016, denting the company’s
security suppliers wishing to work with          for banking technology and how                        fortunes and impairing its reputation
the public sector.                               vendors in this sector might respond.                 amongst its clients and prospects.

                           5 | | | @TechMarketView
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Georgina O’Toole | UKHotViewsExtra | 19-July-2021   Georgina O’Toole | UKHotViewsExtra | 9-July-2021     Richard Holway | UKHotViewsExtra | 1-July-2021

Foundation SP starts its investor                   Atos Digital Hub launched                           Share Performance in June 21
journey                                             Over two days of Atos Technology Days               Any fears that tech was in for a
We last wrote about Foundation                      we learnt of the next evolution in Atos’            ‘correction’ certainly did not come
SP in December after it secured                     strategy. In line with TechMarketView’s             to pass in June 21. NASDAQ had
funding from LDC to support its bold                ‘Reset & Reimagine’ research theme,                 a stonkingly good month – rising
organic growth strategy. With LDC’s                 the company is drawing on its years of              another 5.1% making it a 12.7% gain
backing, the aim is to expand its                   investment in cloud, digital, security,             in 2021 YTD. This compared to a flat-
client base, add to its suite of digital            and decarbonisation, and turning its                lining FTSE100 (up 8.9% YTD). It wasn’t
software and services, and consider                 attention to ‘digital platforms’. The               quite so good for tech here in the
complementary acquisitions. Half a                  move answers end user demands                       UK with Techmark 100 flat-lining (up
year on, we caught up with Simon                    for an accelerated journey to digital,              8.2% YTD) and the FTSE IT index up
Grosse, Foundation SP’s CEO, and Tim                more easily consumable products and                 4.7% (14.2% YTD). However, there is a
Ebenezer, COO.                                      services, and the desire to leverage the            general feeling of optimism that the
                                                    value of data across their ecosystems.              US and UK are emerging out of the
                                                                                                        darkness of C-19.

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