Page created by Sandra Leon
Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

ALIS FOR IATA753                                                              ALIS for IATA 753

        A Request for a Tender (RFT) is invited from organizations
     wishing to bid for the proposed contract for the provision of
        Airport Identification Systems (ALIS) in support of IATA 753

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

                           Request for Tender (RFT)

   The provision of Airport Luggage Identification
  Systems (ALIS) to support IATA resolution 753 for
 Aviation Coordination Services (Pty) Limited - ACS.

         RFT No. ACS/PMO/IATA753/ALIS/06/09/2019

 Date of Issue                    2nd December 2019

 Compulsory Briefing Session      12th December 2019, ACS Boardroom, O.R.Tambo Int. Airport

                                  21st January 2020 - O.R.Tambo Int. Airport (ORTIA)

 Compulsory Site Visits           22nd January 2020 - Cape Town International Airport (CTIA)

                                  23rd January 2020 - King Shaka International Airport (KSIA)

 Closing Date and Time            14th February 2020, 15h30

 Place                            Tender box, ACS Main Reception, O.R.Tambo Int. Airport

 Enquiries                        ACS PMO                             E-mail:

 ACS business hours               08h00 – 16h30

 Category                         Supply, Install, Test, Commission

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

Table of Contents

1         SECTION I - INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 5

    1.1       THE CLIENT ................................................................................................................................... 5

    1.2       THE ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER (OEM) ............................................................ 5

    1.3       THE SYSTEMS INTEGRATOR ........................................................................................................ 5

2         SECTION II - REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................... 5

    2.1       STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENT .................................................................................................. 5

    2.2       TENDER SPECIFICATION ............................................................................................................. 6

      2.2.1          PART 1 - Technical Tender ............................................................................................... 6

      2.2.2          PART 11 - Commercial Tender ........................................................................................ 6

      2.2.3          Evaluation Categories - Technical Tender ................................................................... 7

    2.3       ELIMINATION CRITERIA............................................................................................................... 7

    2.4       TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA ......................................................................................... 7

      2.4.1          Company Experience ...................................................................................................... 7

      2.4.2          Human and Technical Resource Capabilities ............................................................. 8

      2.4.3          Method Statement and Execution ................................................................................ 8

3         SECTION III – TENDER TERMS AND CONDITIONS ....................................................................... 9

    3.1       VENUE FOR TENDER SUBMISSION ............................................................................................. 9

    3.2       TENDER PROGRAM .................................................................................................................... 9

    3.3       SUBMISSION OF TENDERS .......................................................................................................... 9

    3.4       MANDATORY TENDER DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................... 10

    3.5       DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION.................................................................................................... 11

    3.6       AWARDING OF TENDERS......................................................................................................... 11

    3.7       EVALUATION PROCESS ............................................................................................................ 11

      3.7.1          Evaluation of Tenders ..................................................................................................... 11

    3.8       PRICING TENDER ...................................................................................................................... 11

    3.9       VALIDITY PERIOD OF TENDER.................................................................................................. 11

    3.10      APPOINTMENT OF SERVICE PROVIDER ................................................................................. 11

    3.11      ENQUIRIES AND CONTACT WITH ACS ................................................................................... 12

    3.12      MEDIUM OF COMMUNICATION ............................................................................................ 12

    3.13      COST OF TENDER ...................................................................................................................... 12

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

    3.14      CORRECTNESS OF RESPONSES ............................................................................................... 12

    3.15      VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................. 12

    3.16      TRAVEL EXPENSES ..................................................................................................................... 13

    3.17      ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ................................................................................ 13

    3.18      ACS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO .................................................................................................. 13

    3.19      DISCLAIMER ............................................................................................................................... 13

    3.20      DECLARATION BY BIDDER ....................................................................................................... 15

    3.21      CONTACT PERSON ................................................................................................................... 16

    3.22      ADDENDA TO THIS RFT ............................................................................................................. 16

    3.23      BRIEFING FOR POTENTIAL BIDDERS ........................................................................................ 16

4         SECTION III - ANNEXURES ......................................................................................................... 17

    4.1       ANNEXURE A – SCOPE OF WORK .......................................................................................... 17

      4.1.1          General Requirements ................................................................................................... 17

      4.1.2          Oliver Tambo International Airport (ORTIA) ................................................................ 18

      4.1.3          Cape Town International Airport (CTIA) ..................................................................... 24

      4.1.4          King Shaka International Airport (KSIA) ....................................................................... 28

      4.1.5          Overall Quantities - ALIS Locations .............................................................................. 31

    4.2       ANNEXURE B – SICK OEM SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................... 35

      4.2.1          OEM SPECIFICATION DATA ............................................................................................ 35

      4.2.2          Technical Specification Scanner CLV690................................................................... 36

      4.2.3          Technical Specification Evaluation unit MSC800. ..................................................... 37

      4.2.4          Configuration 360°scan array. ...................................................................................... 39

      4.2.5          Warranty Requirements ................................................................................................. 39

    4.3       ANNEXURE C – TECHNICAL EVALUATION MATRIX .............................................................. 40

    4.4       ANNEXURE D - BID EVALUATION METHOD ........................................................................... 43

    4.5       ANNEXURE E – ACS PAYMENT TERMS & CONDITIONS ....................................................... 43

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

1.1        The Client
Aviation Coordination Services (Pty) Limited (ACS) is a company established to provide a
number of essential services across all ACSA owned and operated airports in South Africa.
These services include the installation and, operation of Hold Baggage Screening (HBS),
Baggage Reconciliation Services (BRS), Common Use Self Service (CUSS) systems and
equipment, Common Use Terminal Equipment (CUTE) and Cargo Screening.

100% Hold Baggage Screening (HBS) is a requirement stipulated by the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO). HBS is currently in operation at all ACSA-managed airports as
well as a number of other airports in South Africa.

1.2        The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
SICK Automation South Africa is a leading global manufacturer of sensor and sensor solutions
as well as Automatic TAG Reading systems for Airports. SICK has installed more than 3500 ALIS
Laser based systems at 220 airports worldwide. All sensor technology must be procured from
SICK Automation South Africa.

1.3        The Systems Integrator
Krier Technologies (Pty) Ltd has been retained as the designer and systems integrator for the
IATA753 installation at Oliver Tambo International Airport (ORTIA), Cape Town International
Airport (CTIA) and the King Shaka International Airport (KSIA). Krier Technologies (Pty) Ltd is a
systems integrator responsible for maintaining and supporting Airport Luggage Identification
Systems (ALIS) reader systems, also known as Auto Tag Reader (ATR) systems, installed and
operating within the King Shaka International baggage handling make-up environment.

2.1        Statement of Requirement
This Request for Tender (RfT) is to invite suitably qualified, experienced, competent and skilled
technology companies to partner with the OEM referred to above to procure, install, integrate,
test and commission Airport Luggage Identification Systems (ALIS) as outlined in more detail
in ANNEXURE A – Scope of Work.

The end user is Aviation Co-Ordination Services (Pty) Ltd. (ACS). The project is to:

      1. Supply, install, integrate, test and commission new (ALIS) systems that address IATA
         resolution R753. IATA resolution 753 requires bag tag scanning at arrivals and transfer.
         Installation is required at Oliver Tambo International Airport (ORTIA), Cape Town
         International Airport (CTIA) and King Shaka International Airport (KSIA).

      2. Supply, install, integrate, test and commission upgraded (ALIS) systems to address the
         already installed end-of-life equipment using the latest scanning head technology
         from SICK. The specified scanners are SICK model CLV 690 laser barcode scanners
         connected to two MSC800 controllers per unit of replacement. There are nine (9) ALIS

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

          systems at King Shaka International Airport (KSIA). Existing frames will only be modified
          where necessary.

Summary Scope for new Arrivals ALIS systems (all 3 airports - IATA743):

     Airport     Quantity of    Array Scanning     Array Scanning          Hand       IT/NIC      220v
    Location     ALIS arrays      Type - 360°       Type - 270°            Scan       points     Power

     ORTIA            27               15                  12                 4         54          31

      CTIA            10                0                  10                 4         24          14

      KSIA            5                 0                  5                  5         13          7

      Totals          42               15                  27                13         91          52

Summary Scope for upgrading Departure ALIS systems (Only KSIA airport):

     Airport     Quantity of    12 head - Array    Array Scanning          Hand       IT/NIC      220v
    Location     ALIS arrays    Scanning Type       Type - 270°            Scan       points     Power
                                     - 360°

      KSIA            9                 9                  0                  0         18          9

      Totals          9                 9                  0                  0         18          9

2.2          Tender Specification

2.2.1        PART 1 - Technical Tender
Describes the company’s experience and capabilities in the disciplines indicated in the scope
of work as well as the methods to deliver the required systems and/or services.

•         Supply, install, integrate, test and commission new ALIS equipment and associated
          infrastructure into Johannesburg (ORTIA), Cape Town (CTIA) and Durban International
          Airports (KSIA).
•         Supply, install, integrate, test and commission upgraded (ALIS) systems at King Shaka
          International Airport (KSIA) only.

2.2.2        PART 11 - Commercial Tender
Describes the itemized pricing and commercial offer.

•         Supply, install, integrate, test and commission new ALIS equipment and associated
          infrastructure into Johannesburg (ORTIA), Cape Town (CTIA) and Durban International
          Airports (KSIA).
•         Supply, install, integrate, test and commission upgraded (ALIS) systems at King Shaka
          International Airport (KSIA) only.

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

2.2.3     Evaluation Categories - Technical Tender
a)       Company profile; describing Company experience and evidence of experience in the
         type of work described.
b)       Human and Technical Resource Capabilities; describing qualifications, experience and
         capabilities of personnel to work on this project.
c)       Method Statement and Execution; describing the work to be done for each
         deliverable, demonstrating an understanding of the scope of work, outcome and
         method of executing the work.

2.3       Elimination Criteria
Tenders will be eliminated if:

a)       Submitted after the deadline.
b)       Submitted to an incorrect location.
c)       The tenderer’s principal resources are not professionally qualified and certified as
         control systems automation engineers or technicians by a national or international
         recognised professional body.
d)       A tenderer has failed to demonstrate to the satisfaction of ACS its professional
         capabilities, certifications and associations in the field of integrated systems
         automation, sensor systems and sensor technology attached to conveyor systems as
         well as PLC interface installations support and maintenance.
e)       Tenderers fail to attend the compulsory briefing session.
f)       Tenderers fail to attend the compulsory site visits.
g)       The tenderer is not a 100% black owned enterprise.

2.4       Technical Evaluation Criteria
a)       The weighted evaluation of the technical detail of the Tender will be based on the
         following criteria:

                                        Technical Criteria

        Main Category                             Description                              Weighting

         Competency                         Company Experience                                 50

     Company Capabilities         Human and Technical Resource Capabilities                    20

        Methodology                   Method Statement and Execution                           30


Refer to ANNEXURE C – Technical Evaluation Matrix for the scoring that will be used to evaluate
Technical capabilities.

2.4.1     Company Experience
a)        A tenderer must demonstrate its professional capabilities, certifications and
          associations in the field of integrated systems automation, sensor systems and sensor
          technology attached to conveyor systems as well as PLC interface installations.

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

b)       A tenderer must demonstrate its experience and capabilities in interfacing to airport
         sorter allocation computer (SAC) systems, baggage conveyor systems and
c)       A tenderer must demonstrate its experience and capability to deliver complex
         integration projects into an operational aviation air-side environment.
d)       A tenderer must demonstrate its experience and capability to comply with all
         National and ACSA Health, safety and environmental (HSE) compliance regulations.

2.4.2    Human and Technical Resource Capabilities
a)       The tenderer and it’s the principal resources must demonstrate significant (more than
         five years) experience and capability in control systems automation.
b)        Must have demonstrated successful recent experience in delivering the installation,
         integration, testing and commissioning of control systems automation and sensors into
         a live operating environment.
c)       Composition of the applicant’s teams
d)       Tenderers s ability to mobilize an execution team on site by no later than the 2nd March

2.4.3    Method Statement and Execution
This criterion relates to the organization’s understanding of the work and proposed approach
to likely issues and includes:

a)      Method Statement for working in a live operating environment;
b)      Proposed procurement strategy for specified OEM SICK equipment;
c)      Proposed installation partnering and skills transfer from the OEM to the local technology
        partner. The expectation is that the local technology partner will be in a positon to
        provide installation, test and commissioning support by working with the OEM
        installation team during installation phase.
d)      Project Management methodology and approach;
e)      Proposed method, project plan and schedule for implementing the solution across the
        three different locations.
f)      The organizations understanding, description and approach to developing the various
        deliverables as described under ANNEXURE A – Scope of Work

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

All Tenders must be submitted at:

•      ACS offices.
•      Reception, Room TAD M 10.
•      Terminal A.
•      International Departures.
•      Mezzanine Floor.
•      O. R. Tambo International Airport.
•      Gauteng.

The Tender program, as currently envisaged, incorporates the following key dates:

a)      Issue of Tender documents:                  2nd Dec 2019
b)      Compulsory briefing session:                12th Dec 2019 at 10h00
c)      Compulsory Site Visits:

       o      ORTIA                                 21st Jan 2020
       o      CTIA                                  22nd Jan 2020
       o      KSIA                                  23rd Jan 2020

d)      Clarifications Window:                      5th Dec 2019 to 12th Dec 2019 resuming
        13th Jan 2020 to 31st Jan 2020
e)      Closing / submission Date and Time:         14th Feb 2020 at 15h30
f)      Estimated Date of Award:                    25th Feb 2020
g)      Mobilization Date:                          2nd Mar 2020
h)      Project Completion Date:                    30th July 2020

a)     All Tenders are to be sealed. No open Tenders will be accepted.
b)     All Tenders are to be clearly marked with the RFT number and the name of the bidder
       on the outside of the main package. Tenders must consist of two parts, each of which
       is placed in a separate sealed package clearly marked:
       •      PART 1: Technical Tender: RFT No. ACS/PMO/IATA753/ALIS/06/09/2019.
       •      PART 2: Pricing Tender, B-BBEE and other mandatory documentation: RFT No.
       •      PART 3: General Documentation: RFT No. ACS/PMO/IATA753/ALIS/06/09/2019
c)     Tenders submitted by companies must be signed by a person or persons duly
d)     ACS will award the contract to a qualified bidder whose Tender is determined to be
       the most advantageous to ACS, taking into consideration the technical (functional)
       solution and price.

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

3.4      Mandatory Tender Documents
ACS will disqualify bidders that fail to submit the mandatory documents. Bidders should
therefore ensure that all the mandatory returnable documents and information have been
submitted, Use this format for your tender index.

 No                                      Description                                              Yes/
        Cover Letter
 1.1    Bidders Tender Document (Technical)
 1.3    Original Equipment Manufacturer Standard Warranty
 1.4    Original Equipment Manufacturer ISO Certificate
 1.5    Original Equipment Manufacturer Maintenance Schedule
 2.1    Bidders Tender Document (Commercial)
 3.1    Tender Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
 3.2    Non-Disclosure Agreement
 3.3    B-BBEE Certificate and proof that the Bidder is 100% black owned
 3.4    Tax Clearance Certificate
 3.5    COIDA Letter of Good Standing with Department of Labour for Compensation
        for Occupational Injuries and Diseases.
 3.6    Certificate of Incorporation (CIPC)
 3.7    Names and Certified copy of ID’s of Directors
 3.8    Shareholders Certificate
 3.9    Health and Safety Certificate (OSHAS)
 3.10   Public Liability Insurance (Proof of Public Indemnity Cover for minimum of R1
 3.11   Declaration of Annual Total Revenue (one page overview of last three years
        audited/reviewed financial statements approved by auditor)
 3.12   Declaration of Interest Form (Completed and Signed)
 3.13   Declaration of Forbidden Practices (Completed and Signed)
 3.14   Bank Letter (Not older than 3 months)
 3.15   ACS Supplier Information Form (Completed and Signed)

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

Tenders shall be submitted at the address mentioned above no later than the closing date of
14th February 2020 during ACS’s business hours. ACS business hours are between 08h00 and
15h30. Where a Tender is not received by ACS by the due date and stipulated place, it will be
regarded as a late Tender. Late Tenders will not be considered.

Awarding of contracts will be via a formal letter of award to the successful bidder. No regret
letters will be sent out.


3.7.1    Evaluation of Tenders
All Tenders will be evaluated by an evaluation team for functionality and price using the price-
per-point methodology (refer ANNEXURE D - Bid Evaluation Method). Based on the results of
the evaluation process and upon successful negotiations, ACS will approve the awarding of
the contract to a single successful bidder.

A three-phase evaluation process will be followed.

a)      Phase 1: Evaluation of Mandatory Administration Requirements
        •    Submissions that do not meet the Mandatory Administration Requirements will be
             disqualified and will not be considered for the next phases of the evaluation
b)      Phase 2: Evaluation of Technical Requirements
        •    Tender that do not meet the minimum qualifying score for Phase Two, will be
             disqualified and will be not considered for the next phase of the evaluation.
c)      Phase 3: Evaluation of Price

a)      Pricing Tender must be cross-referenced to the sections in the Technical Tender.
b)      Price needs to be provided in South African Rand (excl. VAT), with details on price
        elements that are subject to escalation.
c)      Payment will be according to ACS Payment Terms and Conditions.

Each Tender shall be valid for a maximum period of three months from the closing date.

a)      The contract will be awarded to the bidder who scores the lowest price per point
        during the evaluation process. (refer to ANNEXURE D - Bid Evaluation Method)

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

b)      Appointment as a successful service provider shall be subject to the parties agreeing
        to mutually acceptable contractual terms and conditions. In the event of the parties
        failing to reach such agreement ACS reserves the right to appoint an alternative

Any enquiry regarding this RFT shall be submitted in writing to ACS at with
“RFT No. ACS/PMO/IATA753/ALIS/06/09/2019 - The provision of Airport Luggage Identification
Systems (ALIS) to support IATA resolution 753 for Aviation Coordination Services - ACS.

Any other contact with ACS personnel involved in this Tender is not permitted during the RFT
process other than through a formal written request, duly referenced and controlled or as
requested by ACS as part of the RFT process.

All documentation submitted in response to this RFT must be in English.

Bidders are expected to fully acquaint themselves with the conditions, requirements and
specifications of this RFT before submitting Tenders. Each bidder assumes all risks for resource
commitment and expenses, direct or indirect, of Tender preparation and participation
throughout the RFT process. ACS is not responsible directly or indirectly for any costs incurred
by bidders.

a)      The bidders must confirm satisfaction regarding the correctness and validity of their
        Tender and that all prices and rates quoted cover all the work/items specified in the
        RFT. The prices and rates quoted must cover all obligations under any resulting
b)      The bidder accepts that any mistakes regarding prices and calculations will be at their
        own risk.

a)      Bidders should check the numbers of the pages to satisfy themselves that none are
        missing or duplicated. No liability will be accepted by ACS in regard to anything arising
        from the fact that pages are missing or duplicated.
b)      One hard copy and one electronic copy (CD or USB memory key) of each Tender must
        be submitted. In the event of a contradiction between the submitted copies, the hard
        copy shall take precedence.
c)      All documents in electronic copy are to be in the portable document format (.pdf)

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

d)      Pricing schedule and B-BBEE credentials should be submitted with the Tender, but as a
        separate document and no such information should be available in the technical
e)      If a courier service company is being used for delivery of the Tender document, the RFT
        description must be endorsed on the delivery note/courier packaging to ensure that
        documents are delivered to the designated address , by the stipulated due time and

a)      No international travel is envisaged for the project, while limited national travel may be
        required. In such instances travel expenses are for ACS’s account and will follow strictly
        the ACS travel policy after approval of the ACS project director.

a)      A bidder shall not assume that information and/or documents supplied to ACS, at any
        time prior to this request, are still available to ACS, and shall consequently not make
        any reference to such information document in its response to this request.
b)      Copies of any affiliations, memberships and/or accreditations that support your
        submission must be included in the Tender.
c)      An omission to disclose material information, a factual inaccuracy, and/or a
        misrepresentation of fact may result in the disqualification of a Tender, or cancellation
        of any subsequent contract.
d)      Failure to comply with any of the requirements and terms and conditions as set out in
        this document will invalidate the Tender.

a)      Extend the closing date.
b)      Verify any information contained in a Tender.
c)      Request documentary proof regarding any bidder issue.
d)      Award this RFT as a whole or in part.
e)      Cancel or withdraw this RFT as a whole or in part.

Answers to this RFT must not be construed as acceptance of an offer or imply the existence of
a contract between the parties. By submission of its Tender, bidders shall be deemed to have
satisfied themselves with and to have accepted all Conditions of this RFT. ACS makes no
representation, warranty, assurance, guarantee or endorsements to bidders concerning the
RFT, whether with regard to its accuracy, completeness or otherwise and ACS shall have no
liability towards the bidder or any other party in connection therewith.

ACS is not committed contractually in any way to those applicants whose applications are
accepted. The issue of this Request for Tender does not commit or otherwise oblige ACS to
proceed with any part or steps of the process.

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

Whilst the information contained in this Request for Tender has been formulated with all due
care, ACS does not warrant or represent that the information is free from errors or omissions.
The information is made available on the understanding that ACS and its respective
employees and agents, shall have no liability (including liability by reason of negligence) for
any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred or arising by reason of any person using or relying
on the information and whether caused by reason of any error, omission or misrepresentation
in the information or otherwise.

Furthermore, ACS takes no responsibility for the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness
of any information included in this Tender.

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753


Only bidders who completed the declaration below will be considered for evaluation.

RFT No: ……………………………..

I hereby undertake to render services described in the attached Tender documents to ACS in
accordance with the requirements and task directives / Tender specifications stipulated in RFT
No.………….……….. At the price/s quoted. My offer/s remains binding upon me and open for
acceptance by ACS during the validity period indicated and calculated from the closing date
of the Tender.

I confirm that I am satisfied with regards to the correctness and validity of my Tender; that the
price(s) and rate(s) quoted cover all the services specified in the Tender documents; that the
price(s) and rate(s) cover all my obligations and I accept that any mistakes regarding price(s)
and rate(s) and calculations will be at my own risk.

I accept full responsibility for the proper execution and fulfilment of all obligations and
conditions devolving on me under this Tender as the principal liable for the due fulfilment of
this Tender.

I declare that I have no participation in any collusive practices with any bidder or any other
person regarding this or any other Tender.

I accept that ACS may take appropriate actions, deemed necessary, should there be a
conflict of interest or if this declaration proves to be false.

I confirm that I am duly authorized to sign this Tender.

NAME (PRINT) ………………………….

CAPACITY ……………………….

SIGNATURE …………………………….

NAME OF FIRM ………………………….….

DATE           ……………………………….

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

3.21     Contact Person
Refer all requests for information about this RFT process to the following Contact Person:

 Name:                          Peter Kruger
 Telephone number:              +27 (011) 921 2167
 Mobile number                  +27 64 852 3613
 Facsimile number:              +27 (011) 390 3747
 e-mail address:      

3.22     Addenda to this RFT
ACS may issue an instruction amending the RFT, as a result of an applicant’s request for
clarification or any other reason. Any such instruction will be issued in writing in the form of an
Addendum, which becomes part of this RFT. Written Addenda issued by ACS are the only
recognized explanations of, or amendments to, the RFT.

Any applicant that did not obtain the RFT documents directly from ACS should advise the
Contact Person before submitting an application, to ensure that they have received all
Addenda and allowed for any changed requirements.

3.23     Briefing for Potential bidders
A briefing session will be held at 10h00 – 11h00 on the 12th December 2019 at ACS offices, Room
TAD M 10, Terminal A, International Departures, Mezzanine Floor, and O. R. Tambo International

An applicant may be represented at the briefing by a maximum of two people.

Written questions about the Request for Tender may be submitted before the briefing and
applicants may ask questions at the briefing. If a question cannot be answered at the briefing,
a written response will be provided as soon as possible afterwards.

A written record of all questions asked at, before or after the briefing, and all answers given,
will be provided to applicants.

Clarifications Window:

    1. 5th Dec 2019 – 12th Dec 2019
    2. Resuming        13th Jan 2020 to 31st Jan 2020

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

4.1      ANNEXURE A – Scope of Work

4.1.1    General Requirements Installation/ Commissioning
All work conducted at the customer's site including final acceptance tests are defined as part
of the set-to-work phase. This work is only included if specifically stated in this quotation. Where
it is not stated, it will be charged based on actual working, travelling and waiting time together
with actual costs for travel and accommodation.

ACS will make sure that the site is ready on the agreed date so that the SICK systems can be
installed without delay.

ACS is responsible for providing the connections specified by SICK. ACS will make available
skilled staff to assist with the operation of the plant and installation work during the set to work
phase, and for acceptance testing.

Waiting times and additional overtime charges will be invoiced if the installation and
commissioning has to occur outside normal working hours, as will costs incurred as a result of
conditions at the customer's site delaying the project completion date, where not previously
agreed to by SICK in writing.

Where operations allow, Installation shall be carried out on regular working days. In the event
of operations priority, work shall be conducted after hours as directed ACS. Acceptance tests
Site acceptance tests will be carried out immediately upon completion of the set to work

ACS will sign the site acceptance test report on successful completion. Logs of working time
and materials are also required to be signed by the customer on site. Dynamic Read Tests
The scope of this test is to check the reading capability of the ALIS for various baggage and
code positions. It is performed with barcode labels on test parcels for different parcel and
code positions. The conveyor is running at nominal speed during these tests.

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

Coordinate System for tests only

                             Coordinate System Definition for tests only
                     Orientation                                           Origin
 X – in conveyor direction                         X = 0 trigger point
 Y – horizontal , perpendicular to the
                                                   Y = 0 right side of conveyor
 Z – vertically up                                 Z = 0 at conveyor belt

Code Type: IATA T-Codes

Code Orientation: The barcodes are oriented at a tilt angle of 0° (in conveying direction).

Code Positions: Code positions are measured from the center of the barcode

Parcel Dimensions: Parcel 1: L x W x H 600 x 400 x 650 mm (approximate)

Parcel 2: L x W x H 600 x 300 x 50 mm (approximate).

4.1.2        Oliver Tambo International Airport (ORTIA)
The overall scope of work at Oliver Tambo International Airport (ORTIA) - ALIS R753 Terminal
A/B/CTB Arrivals Baggage Scanning, is to supply new ALIS systems to address the IATA resolution
R753 which requires bag tag scanning at arrivals and transfers. The tender is to be based upon
the SICK CLV 690 laser barcode scanners with the MSC 800 controller for 27 X ALIS systems on
the arrival carousels and transfer lines at OR Tambo International Airport (ORTIA).

        1.     ARRIVAL CAROUSEL PROPOSAL — the standard ALIS system should be for a 270-
               degree 12-head laser scanner system with MSC800 controller for data acquisition
               and transmittal and one IP Camera.
        2.     TRANSFER LINE PROPOSAL — the standard ALIS system should be for a 360-degree
               10-head laser, with 2 CLV69x (i.e. Total x12) laser scanners for under belt barcode
               scanning, with MSC800 controller for data acquisition and transmittal and one IP

Note: Options and additions to the ALIS systems should include:

        a)     Mirror Hood - for restricted space scanning
        b)     CLV650 - for further restricted scanning
        c)     Light tree - for visible Good / No Read indication
        d)     Baggage Analytics PRO (for IP_CAM) - For data / image capture and
               comprehensive reporting capabilities. General System description.
The "Airport Luggage Identification System" (ALIS) is a fully automatic reading gate including
all framework, scan heads with on board decoder, local network-controller and host

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

communication to read the IATA-Barcodes on belt-conveyors or tilt-tray sorter-systems and
arrival and departure carousels.

The local network-controller MSC800 incorporates a controller for the local CAN-Scanner-
network, opto-isolated digital I/O's, flexible HOST-Interface. Diagnostic data for use with the
Baggage Analytics (a.k.a SVP) is available but optional. The HOST-interface can be adapted
to customer’s specific requirements in terms of HOST-Protocol and physical interface.

The complete system consists of bar code readers, the control unit MSC800, photoelectric
switches for object-trigger, cables and incremental encoder.

                                      Figure 1 - BASIC DESIGN 1 Technical Data
  Barcode-Specification according IATA Resolution 740, Large Sortation Bar Code
  Symbology                                         Interleaved 2 of 5 L & T Code
  No of Characters                                  TBC
  Narrow module width                               TBC
  Print ratio                                       TBC
  Code height                                       TBC
  Code contrast (PCS)                               TBC
  Check digit                                       TBC
  Quiet zone                                        TBC

HBSS3L1-PMO-ACS-PR-RFT-IATA753_V1.9             02 Dec 2019                                           19
Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753 Quantities
  ALIS Reading Gate Systems,360° & 270°scan array for belt/sorter systems designed to read IATA T-
  Barcodes The system consists of:
  Item      Quantity            Article / Description                                            Included
  A         318                 Code readers CLV 69x                                             Yes
  B         13                  Code readers CLV 65x                                             yes
  C         27                  Control unit MSC800                                              yes
  D         27                  ALIS Mounting Frames                                             yes
  E         27                  Mounting material and accessories Incl. quick release            yes
                                brackets, photo eyes and cables.
  F         27                  Mechanical support framework The ALIS frame can                  yes
                                be installed on the floor or on a mounting platform.
                                Note: A permanent installed mounting platform
                                (approx. 1m x 2m) is required, if the distance between
                                floor and upper edge of the belt/tray is >1200 mm.
                                This mounting platform is not Supplied by SICK.
  G         27                  Installation, Commissioning on site and Acceptance               yes
                                Tests. Installation of the mechanical rack, system
                                internal wiring, adjustment of scanners. Acceptance
                                tests according to the test specification. Power and
                                Host connection must be available at the reading
                                gate. Customer to provide.
                                Pricing is confidential and only applies should SICK
                                Southern Africa be the preferred supplier of the

  ALIS System detail types
  Item    type         Article / Description                                                 Quantity
          Type         12 HEAD 360 ALIS (10 HEADS WITH 2 CLV690 UNDER BELTS INCL             9
          01           BLOWERS NO MIRRORS) INCL 1 IP
          Type         12 HEAD 360 ALIS (10 HEADS WITH 2 CLV690 UNDER BELTS INCL             3
          02           BLOWERS AND TWO MIRRORS) INCL 1 IP CAMERA
          Type         14 HEAD 360 ALIS (10 HEADS WITH 4 CLV650 UNDER BELTS INCL             2
          03           BLOWERS NO MIRRORS) INCL 1 IP
          Type         15 HEAD 360 ALIS (10 HEADS WITH 5 CLV650 UNDER BELTS WITH             1
          04           NO BLOWERS AND NO MIRRORS) INCL 1 IP CAMERA
          Type         12 HEAD 270 ALIS NO MIRRORS INCL 1 IP CAM                             11
          Type         12 HEAD 270 ALIS WITH 2 MIRRORS INCL 1 IP                             1

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753 ORTIA ALIS Arrival Locations

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

  4.1.3        Cape Town International Airport (CTIA)
  The overall scope of works at Cape Town International Airport (CTIA) – ALIS R753 is to supply 10
  X new ALIS systems to address the IATA resolution R753 which requires bag tag scanning at
  arrivals at International and Domestic Arrivals Carousels. This proposal is based on the SICK CLV
  690 laser barcode scanners.

  Note: Options and additions to the ALIS systems should include:

          a)      Mirror Hood - for restricted space scanning.
          b)      Light tree - for visible Good / No Read indication.
          c)      Baggage Analytics PRO (for IP_CAM) - For data / image capture and
                  comprehensive reporting capabilities.
          d)      RTU for Remote log-in.
          e)      Service Level Agreement.
          f)      Extended Warranty.
          g)      Dedicated stock holding.
          h)      UPS - Un-interrupted power supply. General System description.
  The "Airport Luggage Identification System" (ALIS) is a fully automatic reading gate including
  all framework, scan heads with on board decoder, local network-controller and host
  communication to read the IATA-Barcodes on belt-conveyors or tilt-tray sorter-systems and
  arrival and departure carousels.

  The local network-controller MSC800 incorporates a controller for the local CAN-Scanner-
  network, opto-isolated digital I/O's, flexible HOST-Interface. Diagnostic data for use with the
  Baggage Analytics (a.k.a SVP) is available but optional. The HOST-interface can be adapted
  to customer’s specific requirements in terms of HOST-Protocol and physical interface.

  The complete system consists of bar code readers, the control unit MSC800, photoelectric
  switches for object-trigger, cables and incremental encoder. Technical Data
    Barcode-Specification according IATA Resolution 740, Large Sortation Bar Code
    Symbology                                        Interleaved 2 of 5
    No of Characters                                 TBC
    Narrow module width                              TBC
    Print ratio                                      TBC
    Code height                                      TBC
    Code contrast (PCS)                              TBC
    Check digit                                      TBC
    Quiet zone                                       TBC

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

                                             Figure 2 - Basic Design 2 Quantities
     ALIS Reading Gate Systems, 270°scan array for belt/sorter systems designed to read IATA T-
     Barcodes The system consists of:
     Location                           Quantity                Article / Description
     Domestic Arrivals                  6                       270° - Array TCB750/10 MSC800
     International Arrivals             4                       270° - Array TCB750/10 MSC800
     Total                              10


   Due to space and belt restrictions no under-belt scanning is offered. A full site evaluation is
   required to assess the mounting options and best scanning angles.

   The CLV690 Laser scanner is suitable for this application, but if required as per the site
   assessment, quantities may change and devices or mirrors may be used.

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753 CTIA ALIS Locations

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

   4.1.4        King Shaka International Airport (KSIA)
   The scope of works at King Shaka International Airport (KSIA) is:

   •          The supply of 5 X new ALIS systems to address the IATA resolution R753 which requires
              bag tag scanning at arrivals at International and Domestic Arrivals Carousels. This
              proposal is based on the SICK CLV 690 laser barcode scanners.
   •          The supply of 9 x upgraded departure ALIS systems based on SICK CLV 690 laser
              barcode scanner technology. General System description.
   The "Airport Luggage Identification System" (ALIS) is a fully automatic reading gate including
   all framework, scan heads with on board decoder, local network-controller and host
   communication to read the IATA-Barcodes on belt-conveyors or tilt-tray sorter-systems and
   arrival and departure carousels.

   The local network-controller MSC800 incorporates a controller for the local CAN-Scanner-
   network, opto-isolated digital I/O's, flexible HOST-Interface. Diagnostic data for use with the
   Baggage Analytics (a.k.a SVP) is available but optional. The HOST-interface can be adapted
   to customer’s specific requirements in terms of HOST-Protocol and physical interface.

   The complete system consists of bar code readers, the control unit MSC800, photoelectric
   switches for object-trigger, cables and incremental encoder. Technical Data
       Barcode-Specification according IATA Resolution 740, Large Sortation Bar Code

       Symbology                                     Interleaved 2 of 5

       No of Characters                              TBC

       Narrow module width                           TBC

       Print ratio                                   TBC

       Code height                                   TBC

       Code contrast (PCS)                           TBC

       Check digit                                   TBC

       Quiet zone                                    TBC

HBSS3L1-PMO-ACS-PR-RFT-IATA753_V1.9               02 Dec 2019                                                 28
Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753 Quantities
       ALIS Reading Gate Systems, 270°scan array for belt/sorter systems designed to read IATA T-
       Barcodes The system consists of:
       Location                            Quantity               Article / Description
       Common Arrivals KSIA                5                      270° - Array TCB750/10 MSC800
       Total                               5

                                               Figure 3 - Basic Design 3

HBSS3L1-PMO-ACS-PR-RFT-IATA753_V1.9                     02 Dec 2019                                                 29
Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753 KSIA ALIS arrival and transfer Locations

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

4.1.5   Overall Quantities - ALIS Locations

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753 KSIA ALIS departure locations.

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

  4.2          ANNEXURE B – SICK OEM Specifications
  The Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) is SICK systems technology, all shall only consider
  SICK solutions as per specification.

  The following list of OEM specifications must be applied to the installations.

          1.     SPEC_MSC800_Modular_System_Controller__2015-05-19__02-44-11
                 •    This document provides instructions for technical staff on the installation and
                      operation of the following MSC800 models:

                       o     MSC800-0000: Logic controller (see also Chapter 2.2, page 18)
                       o     MSC800-1100: Logic controller with a power supply unit (10 A) in a
                       o     MSC800-2100: Logic controller with a power supply unit (10 A) in a
                       o     MSC800-2300: Logic controller with a power supply unit (30 A) in a
                       o     MSC800-3400: Power supply unit (40 A) in a cabinet
                       o     MSC800-3600: Power supply unit (60 A) in a cabinet

                 •     Depending on the number of connected 1D/2D sensors, either an MSC800-
                       1100/-2100 or an MSC800-2300 is used. The MSC800-2300 can be combined
                       with further MSC800- 3400s or MSC800-3600s to increase the total power of
                       the power supply units.
                 •     This document contains the following information:

                       o     Installation and electrical installation
                       o     Startup
                       o     Operation and configuration
                       o     Maintenance
                       o     Troubleshooting
                       o     Replacing system components
                       o     A step-by-step approach is taken for all tasks.

          2.     SPEC_MSC800_Modular_System_Controller__2015-05-19__02-45-08
                 •    This document contains all the information required for on-site configuration
                      of the MSC800 controller. The factory configuration (default setting) of the
                      Modular System Controller MSC800 is designed for use as a stand-alone
                 •    Information on mounting, installation, maintenance and troubleshooting are
                      listed in the operating instructions of the MSC800 controller (document no.

          3.     SPEC3_online_data_sheet_MSC800-0000_en_20150519_1440
                 •    This document lists the SICK System components.

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

            4.     SPEC4_ALIS_Barcode_RFID_Airport_Luggage_Identification_System__2015-05-
                   •    This document describes the SICK ALIS Solution.

    4.2.2        Technical Specification Scanner CLV690
    The CLV690 high-end barcode scanner features integrated real time decoder, real time auto
    focus function, extremely high depth of field and low energy consumption (15W) in the smallest
    housing in the high-end scanner range. If more than one scanner will be used in an application
    specific configuration SICK is talking about OMNI Portal Systems (OPS). The OPS can be
    precisely adapted to customer’s application as a result of the good performance of the
    CLV690 barcode scanner and optimized system configuration regarding the number and
    positions of the scanners. This results in the system’s high level of reliability and cost-

    SICK’s OPS reference are more than 2000 installed systems worldwide with a proven record of
    success. All systems fulfilled customer requirements to their complete satisfaction.

    Scanner type                                  CLV 690 / line scanner

    Light source                                  Laser diode, red light (∟=660nm)

    Laser protection class                        Class 2 (as per IEC 60825-1)

    Reading distance                              500 ... 2100 mm

    Scanning / decoding frequency                 400 ... 1200 Hz

    Bar code print contrast                       ε 70% (PCS)

    Ambient light immunity                        2000 lx (on bar-code)

    Indicators                                    LED status indicators

    Data interface                                Host:RS422; Terminal: RS232; Ethernet

    Data transmission rate                        300 ... 57600 bit/s

    Electrical connections                        Depending on the cloning plug used

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

    Operation and parameterization           With menu / command strings / Windows

    Switching inputs/outputs                 6 x IN / 4 x OUT

    Operating Voltage / consumption          DC 24V~20% / typ. 9W

    Housing                                  die-cast aluminium

    Enclosure rating/protection class        IP65 (IEC 60259 (1989-11)) / class 3 (EN

    EMC test                                 To IEC 801

    Vibration test                           As per EN 60068-2-6 (2008-02)

    Shock test                               As per EN 60068-2-27 (2009-05)

    Weight                                   Approx. 1.5 kg

    Dimensions                               117 mm x 117 mm x 94 mm

    MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure)         100.000 h

    MTTR (Mean Time To Replace)              5 min

    4.2.3      Technical Specification Evaluation unit MSC800.

    Function                                         •   Scanning the digital inputs (proximity
                                                         switches and read signal)
                                                     •   Collecting any read results from all bar code
                                                         readers via CAN-Bus or any RFID-Data from
                                                     •   Evaluating and filtering the individual results,
                                                         calculation of the read result
                                                     •   Host communication
                                                     •   Transmitting any kind of diagnostic data for
                                                         Remote Monitoring
    No. of Antenna per system (Option)               4
    No. of barcode scanners per system               Up to 20
    Optical display elements                         26 x LED status- and functional displays

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

    Interfaces                                  RS-232, RS-422/485, Ethernet, Profibus-DP data
                                                output format selectable
    Data transmission rate                      Serial: 300 ... 57 600 Bit/s Ethernet: 10/100 MBit/s
                                                Profibus-DP: 12 MBaud
    Protocols "HOST"                            SICK-Standard, all standard system integrator
                                                interfaces, customer-specific protocols upon
    Data interface "Terminal"                   RS-232, 9600 Bit/s, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop
                                                bit Ethernet TCP/IP
    Functional switching inputs                 16 (all inputs are visualised via LEDs, opto-
                                                isolated and reverse polarity protected
    Functional switching outputs                4 x PNP Imax=30mA, short-circuit proof, signal
                                                length selectable, 2 x Relais
    Electrical connections                      1 x connector, AUX (9-pin D-SUB for diagnosis,
                                                serial) 3 x connector, Ethernet (RJ-45)
    Housing                                     Steel, varnished
    Enclosure rating                            IP65 (to DIN 40 050)
    Protection class                            Class 3 (acc. to VDE 0106/IEC 1010-1)
    Operating Voltage                           AC 100 ... 264V/ 50 ... 60 Hz
    Compliance with standards                   Acc. to EN55011, EN 50082-1, EN 50082-2 / acc.
                                                to IEC
                                                68-2-6 Test FC / acc. to IEC68-2-27 Test EA
    Weight                                      Approx. 15kg (incl. power supply)
    Operating Temperature                       0 to +50 °C
    Storage Temperature                         -20 to +70 °C
    Max. rel. humidity                          95%, non-condensing
    Dimensions                                  500mm x 400mm x 155mm

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

    4.2.4     Configuration 360°scan array.

    4.2.5     Warranty Requirements
    ACS requires OEM warranties for a period of 1 year for components which are part of the
    delivered systems. This period will begin after the acceptance test by ACS. The warranty shall
    include all hardware components and software functions as commonly agreed upon. The
    warranty shall cover a free of charge repair of the system when returned to the OEM’s facilities.

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

   4.3       ANNEXURE C – Technical Evaluation Matrix

    Category      Criteria      Criteria    Sub-Criteria                                                         Description
    Weighting                   Weighting
    50%           Company       60%         A tenderer must demonstrate its professional capabilities,           At least three verifiable integration
                  Experience                certifications and associations in the field of integrated systems   and installation projects that confirm
                                            automation, sensor systems and sensor technology attached to         the firm’s capability in this field.
                                            conveyor systems as well as PLC interface installations.
                                10%         A tenderer must demonstrate its experience and capabilities in       At least one verifiable integration and
                                            interfacing to airport sorter allocation computer (SAC) systems,     installation project that confirm the
                                            baggage conveyor systems and technology.                             firm’s capability to interface to
                                                                                                                 disparate     systems    through    PLC
                                10%         A tenderer must demonstrate its experience and capability to         At least three verifiable integration
                                            deliver complex integration projects into an operational aviation    and installation projects into high
                                            air-side environment.                                                volume       secure      operational
                                20%         A tenderer must demonstrate its experience and capability to         At least three verifiable projects that
                                            comply with all National and ACSA Health, safety and                 confirm the firm’s performance and
                                            environmental (HSE) compliance regulations.                          compliance to HSE requirements.

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

 0 = not met requirement, 1 = partially met requirement, 2 = fully met requirement, 3= exceeded requirement.

  Company Resources
  Category          Criteria                   Criteria         Sub-Criteria                                               Description
  Weighting                                    Weighting
  20%               Human        and           25%              The tenderer and the principle/key resources must          Provide CV and qualification and proof of
                    Technical                                   demonstrate significant (greater than five years)          SICK certifications.
                    Resource                                    experience and capability in OEM supplier SICK
                    Capabilities                                technologies.
                                               25%              Must    have      demonstrated      successful    recent   Provided a precise description of the
                                                                experience in delivering the installation, integration,    projects/engagements worked on in terms
                                                                testing and commissioning of OEM SICK technology           of size, type, value, complexity and
                                                                sensor solutions into the aviation airside environment.    deliverables
                                               25%              Composition of the applicant’s teams                       Provide a project organogram for the
                                               25%              Organizations ability to mobilize an execution team on     Confirmation letter required
                                                                site within 30 days of letter of Award (LOA)
 0 = not met requirement, 1 = partially met requirement, 2 = fully met requirement, 3= exceeded requirement.

 0 = not met requirement, 1 = partially met requirement, 2 = fully met requirement, 3= exceeded requirement.

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Request for Tender (RFT) – ALIS for IATA753

  Category     Criteria      Criteria    Sub-Criteria                                           Description
  Weighting                  Weighting
  30%          Method        25%         Method Statement for working in an operational         Provide a proposed but detailed method
               Statement                 airside aviation environment;                          statement for the installation of ALIS sensor
               and                                                                              equipment in airport environments.
                             15%         Proposed Procurement strategy for specified EOM        Provide your strategy for procuring the OEM
                                         SICK equipment;                                        equipment.
                             15%         Project Management methodology and approach;           Provide a copy of your Project Management
                             25%         Proposed method, project plan and schedule for         Project Management Plan and schedule
                                         implementing the solution across the three different
                             20%         The organizations understanding, description and       Describe your understanding and response to
                                         approach to developing the various deliverables        each requirements outlined in scope of services.
                                         described under ANNEXURE A – Scope of Work

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You can also read