Quantifying Reproducibility in NLP and ML
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Quantifying Reproducibility in NLP and ML Anya Belz ADAPT Centre Dublin City University, Ireland anya.belz@adaptcentre.ie Abstract of code, data and supplementary material provid- ing increasingly detailed information about data, Reproducibility has become an intensely de- systems and training regimes is now expected as bated topic in NLP and ML over recent years, standard. Yet early optimism that "[r]eproducibility but no commonly accepted way of assessing arXiv:2109.01211v1 [cs.CL] 2 Sep 2021 reproducibility, let alone quantifying it, has so would be quite easy to achieve in machine learning far emerged. The assumption has been that simply by sharing the full code used for experi- wider scientific reproducibility terminology ments" (Sonnenburg et al., 2007) is now giving and definitions are not applicable to NLP/ML, way to the realisation that even with full resource with the result that many different terms and sharing and original author support the same scores definitions have been proposed, some diamet- can often not be obtained (see Section 2.2). rically opposed. In this paper, we test this assumption, by taking the standard terminol- Despite a growing body of research, no consen- ogy and definitions from metrology and apply- sus has so far emerged about standards, terminol- ing them directly to NLP/ML. We find that we ogy and definitions. Particularly for the two most are able to straightforwardly derive a practical frequently used terms, reproducibility and replica- framework for assessing reproducibility which bility, divergent definitions abound, variously con- has the desirable property of yielding a quanti- ditioned on same vs. different team, methods, arti- fied degree of reproducibility that is compara- facts, code, software, and data. E.g. for the ACM ble across different reproduction studies. (Association for Computing Machinery, 2020), re- 1 Introduction sults have been reproduced if obtained in a different study by a different team using artifacts supplied Reproducibility of results is coming under increas- in part by the original authors, and replicated if ing scrutiny in the machine learning (ML) and nat- obtained in a different study by a different team ural language processing (NLP) fields, against the using artifacts not supplied by the original authors. background of a perceived reproducibility crisis in Drummond (2009) argues that what ML calls repro- science more widely (Baker, 2016), and NLP/ML ducibility is in fact replicability which is the ability specifically (Pedersen, 2008; Mieskes et al., 2019). to re-run an experiment in exactly the same way, There have been several workshops and checklist whereas true reproducibility is the ability to obtain initiatives on the topic,1 conferences are promot- the same result by different means. For Rougier ing reproducibility via calls, chairs’ blogs,2 and et al. (2017), “[r]eproducing the result of a com- special themes, and the first shared tasks are being putation means running the same software on the organised, including REPROLANG’20 (Branco same input data and obtaining the same results. [...]. et al., 2020) and ReproGen’21 (Belz et al., 2020a). Replicating a published result means writing and The biggest impact so far has been that sharing then running new software based on the description 1 of a computational model or method provided in Reproducibility in ML Workshop at ICML’17, ICML’18 and ICLR’19; Reproducibility Challenge at ICLR’18, the original publication”. Wieling et al. (2018) tie ICLR’19, NeurIPS’19, and NeurIPS’20; reproducibility track reproducibility to “the same data and methods,” and and shared task (Branco et al., 2020) at LREC’20; repro- Whitaker (2017), followed by Schloss (2018), tie ducibility programme at NeurIPS’19 comprising a code sub- mission policy, a reproducibility challenge for ML results, and definitions of reproducibility, replicability, robust- the ML Reproducibility checklist (Whitaker, 2017), later also ness and generalisability to different combinations adopted by EMNLP’20 and AAAI’21. 2 of same vs. different data and code. https://2020.emnlp.org/blog/ 2020-05-20-reproducibility Underlying this diversity of definitions is the as-
surements of torc 1991,0501.129, and museum staff performed four additional weighings for this study, yielding a set of seven measured quantity values for the mass of this torc, shown in the last column of Table 1. Details such as the scales used, whether they were calibrated, placed on a flat sur- face, etc., are not normally recorded in a museuym context, but the general expectation is nevertheless that the same readings are obtained. The values in Table 1 range from 87.2g to 92g, a sizable dif- Figure 1: A torc fragment from the British Museum ference that implies there must have been some and some of the information provided about it in the museum’s collection catalogue3 (image © The Trustees differences in the conditions under which the mea- of the British Museum). surements were performed that resulted in the dif- ferent measured values. Museum records show4 that the measurements sumption that general reproducibility terminology were taken by different people (Team) at differ- and definitions somehow don’t apply to computer ent times, up to 30 years apart (Date); staff nor- science for which different terminology and defi- mally place the object on ordinary electronic scales nitions are needed. To the extent that terminology noting down the displayed number and rounding and definitions have been proposed for NLP/ML, to one tenth of a gramme (Measurement method); these have tended to be sketchy and incomplete, calibration is sometimes checked with a 10g stan- e.g. the definitions above entirely skirt the issue of dard weight, but scales are not recalibrated (Mea- how to tell if two studies are or are not ‘the same’ surement procedure). The museum catalogue also in terms of code, method, team, etc. records details of a conservation treatment in 1991 In this paper we take the general definitions (Sec- for torc 1991,0501.129 (for full details see the link tion 3) of the International Vocabulary of Metrol- in Footnote 3) which included dirt removal with a ogy (VIM) (JCGM, 2012), and explore how these scalpel, and immersion in acid (Object conditions). can be mapped to the NLP/ML context and ex- Table 1 provides an overview of the conditions of tended into a practical framework for reproducibil- measurement mentioned above (Team, Date, etc.), ity assessment capable of yielding quantified as- alongside the corresponding values for condition sessments of degree of reproducibility (Section 4). in each of the seven measurement where available. We start with two informal examples (Section 2), Despite some missing information, the information one involving weight measurements of museum indicates that the treatment for dirt and corrosion artifacts, the other weighted F1 measurements of removal in 1991 led to the biggest reduction in a text classifier, and conclude with a discussion of weight, with the exact scales and use of a standard limitations and future directions (Sections 6, 7). weight potentially explaining some of the remain- ing differences. 2 Example Physical and Non-physical Measurements 2.2 Weighted F1-score of a text classifier 2.1 Mass of a torc The second example involves non-physical mea- surements in the form of a set of eight weighted The first example involves physical measurement F1 (wF1) scores for the same NLP system variant where general scientific reproducibility definitions of which seven were obtained in four reproduction apply entirely uncontroversially. The torc (or neck studies of Vajjala and Rama (2018). In the original ring) shown in Figure 1 is from the British Museum paper, Vajjala and Rama report variants of a text collection.3 The information provided about it in classifier that assigns grades to essays written by the collection catalogue (some of it also shown in second-language learners of German, Italian and Figure 1) includes a measurement of its weight Czech. One of the multilingual system variants, re- which is given as 87.20g. Museum records contain two other weight mea- 4 Information about museum records and practices in this and other sections very kindly provided by Dr Julia Farley, cu- 3 https://www.britishmuseum.org/ rator of the British Museum’s European Iron Age and Roman collection/object/H_1991-0501-129 Conquest Period collections.
Object Measurement Measurement pro- Measured Object Measurand conditions method conditions cedure conditions Date Team quantity Treatments Scales Standard weight value 1991,0501.129 mass 0 ? ? 1991 ? 92 g 1991,0501.129 mass 0? ? ? ? JF? 92.0 g 1991,0501.129 mass 1 ? 10g 2012 JF 87.2 g 1991,0501.129 mass 1 SWS pocket scales none 2021 CM 87.47 g 1991,0501.129 mass 1 SWS pocket scales none 2021 CM 87.37 g 1991,0501.129 mass 1 CBD bench counting scales none 2021 CM 88.1 g 1991,0501.129 mass 1 CBD bench counting scales none 2021 CM 88.1 g Table 1: Some of the conditions of measurement for the seven weight measurements of torc 1991,0501.129. SWS = Smart Weigh Digital Pocket scale SWS100; CBD = Adam CBD 4 bench counting scales. ferred to below as multPOS− , uses part-of-speech surement procedure). (POS) n-grams, and doesn’t use language identity Table 2 provides an overview of the conditions information. The information provided about it in mentioned above (Team, Date, etc.) under which the paper includes a wF1 score of 0.726 (Table 3 the eight measurements were obtained. Conditions in the paper). can be seen as attribute-value pairs where the at- We have seven other wF1 scores for multPOS− tribute name is here shown in the (lower) column from subsequent research which intended, in at heading, and the values for it in the table cells. least the first experiment in each case, to repeat the We know the reason for some of the differences, original experiment exactly. Arhiliuc et al. (2020) because the authors controlled for them: e.g. the report a score of 0.680 wF1 (Table 3 in the paper). differences in compile time and run time environ- Huber and Çöltekin (2020) report 0.681 (Table 3 ments explain the difference between Bestgen’s in the paper). Bestgen (2020) reports three wF1 first and second results, and reimplementation of scores: 0.680 and 0.722 (Table 2 in the paper) and the system code in R explains the difference be- 0.728 (Table 5). Caines and Buttery (2020) report tween Caines & Buttery’s first and second results. 2 scores: 0.680 and 0.732 (Table 4 in the paper). Despite missing information, we can see that differ- Four of the measured quantity values (those shown ent CT/RT, and performing 10-fold cross-validation first for each team in Table 2) were obtained in con- vs. a single run with fixed seed, account for some ditions as close to identical as the teams could man- of the remaining differences. age, but nevertheless range from 0.680 to 0.726, a difference in wF1 score that would be considered 2.3 Comparison an impressive improvement in many NLP contexts. In presenting and discussing the physical and non- From the papers we know that the scores were physical measurements and conditions in the pre- produced by five different teams (Team), up to two ceding two sections, we introduced common ter- years apart (Date). wF1 measurements are nor- minology for which full VIM definitions will be mally performed by computing the wF1 score over provided in the next section. The intention in using paired system and target outputs, but no informa- the same terms and layout in Tables 1 and 2 was to tion about implementation of the wF1 algorithm bring out the similarities between the two sets of (Measurement method) is given. In most cases, the measurements, and to show that measurements can original system code by Vajjala & Rama (V&R) generally, whether physical or not, be characterised was used, but Caines & Buttery (C&B) reimple- in the same way on the basis of the same general mented it, and Bestgen (B) and Huber & Çöltekin scientific terms and definitions. (H&C) produced cross-validated results with 10 The two fields, curating of museum artifacts random seeds (Object conditions), rather than a and NLP/ML, also have in common that (i) condi- single fixed seed. The measured values were all tions of measurement are not traditionally recorded obtained in different compile-time (CT) (Object in any great detail, making exact repetition of a conditions), and run-time (RT) environments (Mea- measurement virtually impossible, (ii) despite this, surement procedure), except for two results where 5 a Docker container was used. The test set was the https://github.com/nishkalavallabhi/ UniversalCEFRScoring same as the original in all but three cases (marked 6 https://github.com/cainesap/ as B, C&B and H&C in the Inputs column) (Mea- CEFRgrader
Meas. method Measurement pro- Measured Object Measurand Object conditions conditions cedure conditions Date Team quantity Code* Seed CT env Method Implem. Procedure Inputs RT Env. value multPOS− wF1 V&R 5 V&R 1 fixed V&R wF1(o,t) V&R OTE V&R V&R 2018 V&R 0.726 wF1 multPOS− wF1 V&R ? A et al. Win wF1(o,t) V&R? OTE V&R A et al. Win 2020 A et al. 0.680 wF1 multPOS− wF1 V&R V&R 1 fixed B MacOS wF1(o,t) ? OTE V&R B MacOS 2020 B 0.680 wF1 multPOS− wF1 V&R V&R 1 fixed B Docker wF1(o,t) ? OTE V&R B Docker 2020 B 0.722 wF1 multPOS− wF1 V&R+s B 10 avg B Docker wF1(o,t) ? OTE B B Docker 2020 B 0.728 wF1 multPOS− wF1 V&R V&R 1 fixed C&B1 wF1(o,t) ? OTE V&R C&B1 2019 C&B 0.680 wF1 multPOS− wF1 C&B 6 ? C&B2 wF1(o,t) ? OTE C&B C&B2 2020 C&B 0.732 wF1 multPOS− wF1 V&R H&C 10 avg H&C wF1(o,t) ? OTE H&C H&C 2020 H&C 0.681 wF1 Table 2: Some conditions of measurement for eight weighted F1 measurements of Vajjala & Rama’s multilin- gual POS-ngram CEFR classifier system without language category information variant (multPOS− ). *Code here shown separately from random seed. OTE = outputs vs. targets evaluation, i.e. the standard procedure of obtaining outputs for a set of test inputs and computing metrics over system and target outputs. there is nevertheless an expectation that repeat properties of measurements (not objects, scores, measurements should yield the same results, and results or conclusions), and are defined as measure- (iii) historically, practitioners have not cared about ment precision, i.e. both are quantified by calcu- these issues very much. lating the precision of a set of measured quantity values. Moreover, both concepts are defined rela- 3 VIM Definitions of Repeatability and tive to a set of conditions of measurement, in other Reproducibility words, the conditions have to be known and speci- The International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM) fied for assessment of either concept (repeatability, (JCGM, 2012) defines repeatability and repro- reproducibility) to be meaningful. ducibility as follows (all defined terms in boldface, 4 Mapping the VIM Definitions to a see Appendix for full set of verbatim VIM defini- tions including subsidiary defined terms): Metrological Framework for NLP/ML 2.21 measurement repeatability (or repeatability, The VIM definitions provide the definitional ba- for short) is measurement precision under a sis for reproducibility assessment. However, for a set of repeatability conditions of measure- framework that tells us what to do in practice in ment. an NLP/ML context, we also need (i) a method 2.20 a repeatability condition of measurement for computing precision, (ii) a specification of the (repeatability condition) is a condition of mea- practical steps in performing assessments, and (iii) surement, out of a set of conditions that in- a specific set of repeatability/reproducibility condi- cludes the same measurement procedure, tions of measurement. In this section, we present same operators, same measuring system, the fixed, discipline-independent elements of the same operating conditions and same location, proposed framework (Section 4.1), methods for and replicate measurements on the same or computing precision in NLP/ML (Section 4.2), a similar objects over a short period of time. series of steps for practical assessment of repro- ducibility (Section 4.3), and, utilising previous 2.25 measurement reproducibility (reproducibil- work on reproducibility in the NLP/ML field, start- ity) is measurement precision under repro- ing points for identifying suitable conditions of ducibility conditions of measurement. measurement (Section 4.4). 2.24 a reproducibility condition of measure- ment (reproducibility condition) is a condi- 4.1 Fixed elements of the framework tion of measurement, out of a set of condi- Table 2 gave a first indication what (some) con- tions that includes different locations, opera- ditions might look like in NLP/ML, grouped into tors, measuring systems, etc. A specification Object conditions C O , Measurement method condi- should give the conditions changed and un- tions C N , and Measurement procedure conditions changed, to the extent practical. C P . These conceptually useful groupings are re- The VIM definitions are squarely focused on mea- tained to yield a skeleton framework shown in dia- surement: repeatability and reproducibility are grammatic form in Figure 2, which corresponds to
In reproducibility assessment in NLP/ML, sam- ple sizes tend to be very small (a sample size of 8 as in Section 2.2 is currently unique). We therefore need to use de-biased sample estimators: we use the unbiased sample standard deviation, denoted s∗ , with confidence intervals calculated using a t-distribution, and standard error (of the unbiased sample standard deviation) approximated on the ba- sis of the standard error of the unbiased sample vari- ance se(s2 ) as ses2 (s∗ ) ≈ 2σ 1 se(s2 ) (Rao, 1973). Assuming measured quantity values are normally distributed, we calculate the standard errorq of the 2 2σ 4 sample variance in the usual way: se(s ) = n−1 . Finally, we also use a small sample correction for the coefficient of variation: CV∗ = (1 + 4n 1 )CV (Sokal and Rohlf, 1971). Equipped with the above, the reproducibility of wF1 measurements of Vajjala and Rama (2018)’s MultPOS− system can, for example, be quantified based on the eight replicate measurements from Figure 2: Diagrammatic overview of repeatability as- Table 2 (disregarding the role of measurement con- sessment of measurements M1 , M2 , ... Mn of object ditions for the moment) as being CV∗ = 3.818.7 O, with measurand m, and repeatability conditions of This and two other example applications of the measurements C (same for all Mi ). Repeatability R0 is framework is presented in more detail in Section 5. defined as the precision of the set of values vi returned by Mi . (For C O , C N , and C P , see in text.) 4.3 Steps in reproducibility assessment In order to relate multiple repeatability and repro- the following definition of repeatability R0 : ducibility assessments of the same object and mea- R0 (M1 , M2 , ...Mn ) := Precision(v1 , v2 , ...vn ) surand to each other and compare them, they need to share the same conditions of measurement (same where Mi : (m, O, ti , C) 7→ vi in terms of attribute names, not necessarily val- and the Mi are repeat measurements for measurand ues, see next section). Repeatability is simply the m performed on object O at different times ti under special case of reproducibility where all condition (the same) set of conditions C = C O ∪ C N ∪ values are also the same. C P . Below the coefficient of variation is used For a true estimate of the variation resulting from as the precision measure, but other measures are given differences in condition values, the baseline possible. The members of each set of conditions variation, present when all condition values are the are attribute/value pairs each consisting of a name same, needs to be known. It is therefore desirable and a value. Reproducibility R is defined in the to carry out repeatability assessment prior to repro- same way except that condition values differ for at ducibility assessment in order to be able to take least one condition in the Mi : into account the baseline amount of variation. E.g. if the coefficient of variation is xC 0 under identical R(M1 , M2 , ...Mn ) := Precision(v1 , v2 , ...vn ) conditions C 0 , and xC under varied conditions C, where Mi : (m, O, ti , Ci ) 7→ vi then it’s the difference between xC 0 and xC that es- timates the effect of varying the conditions. Finally, 4.2 Computing precision for very small sample sizes, both baseline repeata- Precision in metrological studies is reported in bility assessment, and subsequent reproducibility terms of some or all of the following: mean, stan- assessment, should use the same sample size to dard deviation with 95% confidence intervals, coef- ensure accurate assessment of variation due to the ficient of variation, percentage of measured quan- 7 Code for computing CV∗ available here: https:// tity values within n standard deviations. github.com/asbelz/coeff-var
4.4 Conditions of measurement 2-PHASE REPRODUCIBILITY ASSESSMENT The final component needed for a metrologi- REPEATABILITY PHASE cal framework for reproducibility assessment in 1. Select measurement to be assessed, identify NLP/ML is a specific set of conditions of measure- shared object and measurand. ment. As mentioned in Section 4.1, individual con- 2. Select initial set of repeatability conditions of ditions consist of name and value, and their role is measurement C 0 and specify value for each to capture those attributes of a measurement where condition. different values may cause differences in measured 3. Perform n≥2 reproduction measurements to values. As indicated by Step 5 in Figure 3, for yield measured quantity values v10 , v20 , ...vn0 . repeatability, conditions should be selected with 4. Compute precision for v10 , v20 , ...vn0 , giving re- a view to reducing baseline variation. As it’s not peatability score R0 . practically feasible (or, normally, theoretically pos- 5. Unless precision is as small as desired, iden- sible) to specify and control for all conditions that tify additional conditions that had different can be the same or different in a measurement, values in some of the reproduction measure- ment, and add them to the set of measurement some judgment is called for here (see Section 6 for conditions, also updating the measurements discussion). The idea is that a discipline evolves to ensure same values for the new conditions. shared standard conditions that address this. Repeat Steps 3–5. It so happens that much of the reproducibility REPRODUCIBILITY PHASE work in ML and NLP has so far focused on what standard conditions of measurement (information 6. From the final set of repeatability conditions, select the conditions to vary, and specify the about system, data, dependencies, computing en- different values to test. vironment, etc.) for metric measurements need to 7. For each combination of differing condition be specified in order to enable repeatability assess- values: ment, even if it hasn’t been couched in these terms. Out of all reproducibility topics, pinning down the (a) Carry out n reproduction tests, yielding measured quantity values v1 , v2 , ...vn information and resources that need to be shared (b) Compute precision for v1 , v2 , ...vn , giv- to enable others to obtain the same metric scores ing reproducibility score R. is the one that has attracted by far the most discus- sion and papers. In fact, reproduction in NLP/ML Report all resulting R scores, alongside baseline R0 has become synonymous with rerunning code and score. obtaining the same metric scores again as were obtained in a previous study. Figure 3: Steps in 2-phase reproducibility assessment Reproducibility checklists such as those pro- with baseline repeatability assessment. Step 5 is obso- vided by (Pineau, 2020) and the ACL8 are lists lete if a field has standard conditions of measurement. of types of information (attributes) for which au- thors are asked to provide information (values), varied condition values (alone). and these can directly be construed as conditions of measurement. In this section, the intention is Figure 3 translates what we have said in this and not to propose definitive sets of conditions relating preceding sections into a 2-phase framework for re- to object, measurement method and measurement producibility assessment. If a field develops shared procedure that should be used in NLP/ML. Rather, standard conditions of measurement, Step 5 is ob- in each subsection, we point to existing research solete. In situations where reproduction studies such as the above that can be used to provide a have been carried out without a pre-defined, shared ‘starter set’ of conditions of measurement. set of conditions of measurement, reproducibility assessment can still be carried out (as we did for the 4.4.1 Object conditions Vajjala & Rama system in Section 2.2), but in this The ML Code Completeness Checklist9 (adopted situation a baseline assessment of variation under as part of the NeurIPS’21 guidelines) consists of repeatability conditions of measurement is not pos- 8 sible, and the only option is to use a single-phase https://2021.aclweb.org/calls/ reproducibility-checklist/ version of the framework as shown in Figure 4. See 9 https://github.com/paperswithcode/ Section 6 for more discussion of this issue. releasing-research-code
been termed ‘quality criterion’10 in previous work 1-PHASE REPRODUCIBILITY ASSESSMENT (Howcroft et al., 2020; Belz et al., 2020b) which 1. For set of n measurements to be assessed, took a first stab at a set of standardised names and identify shared object and measurand. definitions. These, in conjunction with a checklist 2. Identify all conditions of measurement C for for human evaluation such as the one proposed by which information is available for all measure- Shimorina and Belz (2021), can provide a start- ments, and specify values for each condition. ing point for measurement method conditions (as 3. Gather the n measured quantity values follows), and measurement procedure conditions v1 , v2 , ...vn (next section), for human evaluation. 4. Compute precision for v1 , v2 , ...vn , giving re- 1. Name and definition of measurand producibility score R. 2. Evaluation mode11 Report resulting R score. 3. Method of response elicitation 4. Method for aggregating or otherwise process- Figure 4: Steps in 1-phase reproducibility assessment ing raw participant responses for assessing a set of existing measurements where 5. Any code used (conditions as for Object) baseline repeatibility assessment is not possible. See also discussion in Section 6. 4.4.3 Measurement procedure conditions Measurement procedure conditions capture any in- formation needed to apply a given measurement five items: specification of dependencies, train- method in practice. In metric-based measurement, ing code, evaluation code, pre-trained models, this includes: README file including results and commands. These provide a good starting point for object con- 1. Test set ditions of measurement (note we group evaluation 2. Any preparatory steps taken, such as prepro- code under measurement method conditions, see cessing of text next section): 3. Any code used (conditions as for Object) 1. Dependencies In human-evaluation-based measurement, some of 2. Training code the remaining properties from Shimorina and Belz 3. Pre-trained models (2021) and Howcroft et al. (2020) can be used: 4. Precise commands to run code/produce results 1. If test set evaluation, test set and prepro- 5. Compile-time environment cessing code/method(s); if system interaction, 6. Run-time environment specification of system set up In human evaluation of system outputs, object con- 2. Responses collection method ditions don’t apply, as the object of measurement 3. Quality assurance code/method(s) is fully specified by a sample of its outputs. 4. Instructions to evaluators 4.4.2 Measurement method conditions 5. Evaluation interface In metric-based measurement where the measurand 6. Any code used (conditions as for Object) is defined mathematically, a measurement method is an implementation of a method for (or, conceiv- 5 Examples ably, a manual way of) computing a quantity value In this section we apply the framework to the two for the measurand. In this case, the method, like sets of measurements from Sections 2.1 and 2.2, the Object of measurement, is a computational arti- and an additional set of measurements from a re- fact, so the same conditions can be used as in the cent reproduction study (Mille et al., 2021). preceding section (albeit with different names to 10 In this and subsequent sections we use five closely related mark the difference; values will clearly also differ). terms which relate to each other as follows (Belz et al., 2020b): In human-evaluation-based measurement, a dif- (i) quality criterion + evaluation mode = evaluation measure; ferent set of conditions is needed. Here, the measur- (ii) evaluation measure + experimental design = evaluation method. and is identified by (ideally standardised) name and 11 Absolute vs. relative, intrinsic vs. extrinsic, objective vs. definition for the quantity being assessed. This has subjective.
5.1 Mass of a Torc 87% within one standard deviation. In the case of the torc mass measurements, the re- 5.3 Clarity and Fluency of an NLG system producibility analysis is performed post hoc, i.e. we cannot obtain more information for the three The third example comes from a recent reproduc- older measurements than was recorded at the time. tion study (Mille et al., 2021) which repeated the We therefore have to use the 1-phase assessment human evaluation of a Dutch-language football re- (Figure 4), and for the complete set of seven weigh- port generation system (van der Lee et al., 2017). ings specify all conditions (Table 1) as different. There were two main measurands, mean Clarity CV∗ results can then be reported as follows: ratings and mean Fluency ratings, and a single ob- Mass measurement reproducibility under re- ject (the report generator) was evaluated. There producibility conditions of measurement as de- were two scores for each of the measurands, one tailed in Table 1, was assessed on the basis of from the original study, one from the reproduction seven measurements of torc 1991,0501.129 as study. Here the situation was that a repeatability follows: the unbiased coefficient of variation study was intended, but not possible.12 Therefore a is 2.61, for a mean of 88.89, unbiased sample different set of evaluators and a different evaluation standard deviation of 2.24 with 95% CI (0.784, interface had to be used. 3.696), and sample size 7. All measured val- Both Clarity and Fluency ratings were obtained ues fall within two standard deviations, 71.43% on a 7-point scale (1..7). Computed on the scores within one standard deviation. as reported, for Clarity, CV∗ = 10.983, for Flu- ency, CV∗ = 13.525. However, if the 7-point scale If we used just the four measurements for which all had been 0..6, higher CV∗ values would have been condition values are known, we would get CV∗ = obtained, i.e. results are not comparable across dif- 0.519 under reproducibility conditions where only ferent rating scales. To address this, rating scales the scales used differ. For a sample size of 4 we should be mapped to range with lowest score 0. can still be reasonably confident that this is a good Results can then be reported as follows: estimate of CV∗ for the whole population (stdev Clarity measurement reproducibility under re- 95% CI [-0.04, 0.90]). producibility conditions of measurement as de- Repeatability assessment can be performed for tailed in Mille et al. (2021), was assessed the two subsets of measurements for the SDS scales on the basis of 2 measurements reported by and the CBD scales, which gives CV∗ = 0.11 for the van der Lee et al. (2017) and Mille et al. (2021), former and CV∗ = 0 for the latter, for similar-size rescaled to 0..6: CV∗ = 13.193, mean = 4.969, stdev confidence intervals. unbiased sample standard deviation = 0.583, 5.2 wF1 of a Text Classifier 95% CI [-2.75, 3.92], sample size = 2. Mea- sured values fall within one standard deviation. The situation is similar for the text classifier wF1 measurements (Table 2) in that we are restricted Fluency measurement reproducibility under re- to the information made available by the authors, producibility conditions of measurement as de- which is however, more complete than in the torc tailed in Mille et al. (2021), was assessed example. Here too we have to use the 1-phase on the basis of 2 measurements reported by assessment (Figure 4), and for the complete set of van der Lee et al. (2017) and Mille et al. (2021), 8 wF1 values specify all conditions as different. rescaled to 0..6: CV∗ = 16.372, mean = 4.75, CV∗ results can then be summed up as above: unbiased sample standard deviation = 0.691, wF1 measurement reproducibility under repro- 95% CI [-3.26, 4.645], sample size = 2. Mea- ducibility conditions of measurement as in Ta- sured values fall within one standard deviation. ble 2, was assessed on the basis of eight mea- 5.3.1 Notes on Examples surements reported by Vajjala and Rama (2018), Arhiliuc et al. (2020), Bestgen (2020), Caines CV∗ is fronted in the examples above as the ‘head- and Buttery (2020), and Huber and Çöltekin line’ result. It can take on this role, because it (2020) (Table 2): CV∗ = 3.818, mean = 0.7036, is a general measure, not in the unit of the mea- unbiased sample standard deviation = 0.0261, surements (unlike mean and standard deviation), 95% CI [0.01, 0.04], sample size = 8. All mea- 12 Original evaluators could not be used, and COVID-19 sured values fall within two standard deviations, pandemic restrictions prevented real-world interaction.
providing a quantification of precision (degree of tal results, or to ask a group of assessors to make reproducibility) that is comparable across studies such judgments, is a valid and informative thing (Ahmed, 1995, p. 57). This also holds for percent- to do, but it’s not reproducibility assessment in the age within n standard deviations but the latter is a general scientific sense of the term. It can also be in- less recognised measure, and likely to be the less formative to consider the ease with which systems intuitive for many. can be recreated, but reproducibility is not a prop- CV is a measure of precision and as such, sample erty of systems. Computer science has a history of size should be ≥ 3. For a sample of 2 (as in the departing from standard scientific reproducibility human evaluation in the last section), CV∗ is still definitions, e.g. the ACM changed its definitions meaningful as a measure of the variation found in after NISO asked it to “harmonize its terminol- the sample. However, it will generally provide a ogy and definitions with those used in the broader less reliable estimate of population CV. scientific research community.” (Association for Computing Machinery, 2020). The question is, if 6 Discussion the standard scientific terminology and definitions work for computer science, why would we not use Specifying conditions of measurement in repro- them exactly as they are, rather than adapt them in ducibility assessment is important so results can often fundamental ways? be compared across different measures and assess- ments. We have not attempted to come up with 7 Conclusion a definitive set of conditions, but pointed to other research as a starting point. One important role The reproducibility debate in NLP/ML has long the conditions play is to facilitate estimation of been framed in terms of pinning down exactly what baseline variation via repeatability testing. It could information we need to share so that others are be argued that if the goal is to ensure as near as guaranteed to get the same metric scores (e.g. Son- possible identical measurements in repeatability nenburg et al., 2007). What is becoming clear, testing, then a straightforward way to achieve that however, is that no matter how much of our code, is containerisation. However, firstly the purpose data and ancillary information we share, residual of repeatability testing is to assess variation un- amounts of variation remain that are stubbornly re- der normal use and it’s not realistic to always run sistant to being eliminated. A recent survey (Belz systems in Docker containers even in a research et al., 2021) found that just 14% of the 513 origi- context. Secondly, human evaluation can’t be run nal/reproduction score pairs analysed were exactly in a container. the same. Judging the remainder simply ‘not repro- What counts as a good level of reproducibility duced’ would be of limited usefulness, as some are can differ substantially between disciplines and much closer to being the same than others, while contexts. E.g. in bio-science assays,13 precision assessments of whether the same conclusions can (reported as coefficient of variation) ranges from be drawn are prone to low levels of agreement. typically 300% for virus tablishing expected levels closeness, seems a better titer assays (AAH/USFWS, n.d.). For NLP, such way forward. typical CV ranges would have to be established In this paper our aim has been to challenge the as- over time, but it seems clear that we would expect sumption that the general scientific reproducibility typical CV for metric-based measurements to be terms and definitions are not applicable or suitable much lower (better) than for human-assessment- for NLP/ML by directly mapping them to a prac- based measurements. For a set of wF1 measure- tical framework that yields quantified assessments ments, the 3.8% CV∗ above seems high. of degree of reproducibility that are comparable There are many ways in which results from simi- across different studies. lar studies can be compared and conclusions drawn The NLP/ML field certainly needs some way of from comparisons. For example, to make (subjec- assessing degree of reproducibility that is compa- tive) judgments of whether the same conclusions rable across studies, because the ability to assess can be drawn from a set of comparable experimen- reproducibility of results, hence the trustworthiness 13 An investigative analytic procedure in the physical sci- of evaluation practices, is a cornerstone of scientific ences e.g. laboratory medicine. research that the field has not yet fully achieved.
Acknowledgements Yves Bestgen. 2020. Reproducing monolingual, multi- lingual and cross-lingual CEFR predictions. In Pro- The contribution to this work made by Dr Julia Far- ceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Eval- ley, curator (European Iron Age and Roman Con- uation Conference, pages 5595–5602, Marseille, France. European Language Resources Association. quest period collections) at the British Museum, and colleagues, is gratefully acknowledged. In António Branco, Nicoletta Calzolari, Piek Vossen, particular their time and patience in obtaining the Gertjan Van Noord, Dieter van Uytvanck, João Silva, Luís Gomes, André Moreira, and Willem Elbers. seven historical and new weighings of a 2,000 year 2020. A shared task of a new, collaborative type old torc, as well as providing detailed information to foster reproducibility: A first exercise in the about the weighings. area of language science and technology with RE- PROLANG2020. In Proceedings of The 12th Lan- guage Resources and Evaluation Conference, pages 5539–5545, Marseille, France. European Language References Resources Association. AAH/USFWS. n.d. Assay validation methods: Defini- Andrew Caines and Paula Buttery. 2020. RE- tions and terms. Aquatic Animal Health Program, PROLANG 2020: Automatic proficiency scoring U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. of Czech, English, German, Italian, and Spanish learner essays. In Proceedings of The 12th Lan- SE Ahmed. 1995. A pooling methodology for coeffi- guage Resources and Evaluation Conference, pages cient of variation. Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of 5614–5623, Marseille, France. European Language Statistics, Series B, pages 57–75. Resources Association. Chris Drummond. 2009. Replicability is not repro- Cristina Arhiliuc, Jelena Mitrović, and Michael Gran- ducibility: nor is it good science. Presented at itzer. 2020. Language proficiency scoring. In Pro- 4th Workshop on Evaluation Methods for Machine ceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Eval- Learning held at ICML’09. uation Conference, pages 5624–5630, Marseille, France. European Language Resources Association. David M. Howcroft, Anya Belz, Miruna-Adriana Clinciu, Dimitra Gkatzia, Sadid A. Hasan, Saad Association for Computing Machinery. 2020. Mahamood, Simon Mille, Emiel van Miltenburg, Artifact review and badging Version Sashank Santhanam, and Verena Rieser. 2020. 1.1, August 24, 2020. https://www. Twenty years of confusion in human evaluation: acm.org/publications/policies/ NLG needs evaluation sheets and standardised def- artifact-review-and-badging-current. initions. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language Generation, pages Monya Baker. 2016. Reproducibility crisis. Nature, 169–182, Dublin, Ireland. Association for Computa- 533(26):353–66. tional Linguistics. Eva Huber and Çağrı Çöltekin. 2020. Reproduction Anja Belz, Shubham Agarwal, Anastasia Shimorina, and replication: A case study with automatic es- and Ehud Reiter. 2021. A systematic review of re- say scoring. In Proceedings of The 12th Language producibility research in natural language process- Resources and Evaluation Conference, pages 5603– ing. In Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the 5613, Marseille, France. European Language Re- European Chapter of the Association for Computa- sources Association. tional Linguistics: Main Volume, pages 381–393. JCGM. 2012. International vocabulary of metrology- Anya Belz, Shubham Agarwal, Anastasia Shimorina, basic and general concepts and associated terms and Ehud Reiter. 2020a. ReproGen: Proposal for a (VIM). shared task on reproducibility of human evaluations Margot Mieskes, Karën Fort, Aurélie Névéol, Cyril in NLG. In Proceedings of the 13th International Grouin, and Kevin Cohen. 2019. Community per- Conference on Natural Language Generation, pages spective on replicability in natural language process- 232–236, Dublin, Ireland. Association for Computa- ing. In Proceedings of the International Conference tional Linguistics. on Recent Advances in Natural Language Process- ing (RANLP 2019), pages 768–775, Varna, Bulgaria. Anya Belz, Simon Mille, and David M. Howcroft. INCOMA Ltd. 2020b. Disentangling the properties of human eval- uation methods: A classification system to support Simon Mille, Thiago Castro Ferreira, Anya Belz, and comparability, meta-evaluation and reproducibility Brian Davis. 2021. Another pass: A reproduction testing. In Proceedings of the 13th International study of the human evaluation of a football report Conference on Natural Language Generation, pages generation system. In Proceedings of the 14th Inter- 183–194, Dublin, Ireland. Association for Computa- national Conference on Natural Language Genera- tional Linguistics. tion (INLG 2021).
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A Verbatim VIM Definitions Primary term (synonyms) Definition 2.21 measurement repeatability (re- measurement precision under a set of repeatability conditions of measure- peatability) ment 2.20 (Note 1) repeatability condition condition of measurement, out of a set of conditions that includes the same mea- of measurement (repeatability condi- surement procedure, same operators, same measuring system, same operating tion) conditions and same location, and replicate measurements on the same or similar objects over a short period of time NOTE 1 A condition of measurement is a repeatability condition only with respect to a specified set of repeatability conditions. 2.25 measurement reproducibility measurement precision under reproducibility conditions of measurement (reproducibility) 2.24 (Note 2) reproducibility condi- condition of measurement, out of a set of conditions that includes different tion of measurement (reproducibility locations, operators, measuring systems, and replicate measurements on the condition) same or similar objects NOTE 2 A specification should give the conditions changed and unchanged, to the extent practical. 1.1 quantity property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed as a number and a reference 1.19 quantity value (value of a quan- number and reference together expressing magnitude of a quantity tity, value) 2.1 measurement process of experimentally obtaining one or more quantity values that can reason- ably be attributed to a quantity 2.3 measurand quantity intended to be measured 2.5 measurement method method of measurement generic description of a logical organization of operations used in a measurement 2.6 measurement procedure detailed description of a measurement according to one or more measurement principles and to a given measurement method, based on a measurement model and including any calculation to obtain a measurement result NOTE 1 A measurement procedure is usually documented in sufficient detail to enable an operator to perform a measurement. 2.9 measurement result (result of set of quantity values being attributed to a measurand together with any other measurement) available relevant information 2.10 measured quantity value (value quantity value representing a measurement result of a measured quantity, measured value) 2.15 measurement precision (preci- closeness of agreement between indications or measured quantity values ob- sion) tained by replicate measurements on the same or similar objects under specified conditions 4.1 indication quantity value provided by a measuring instrument or a measuring system Table 3: Verbatim VIM definitions of repeatability, reproducibility and related concepts (JCGM, 2012). (In VIM, definitions also give the earlier definition number from the second edition in parentheses which we omit here. In Definition 2.20, Note 2 relating only to chemistry is omitted. In 2.5 and 2.6, less important notes are omitted for space reasons.)
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