The Hitchhiker's Guide to Testing Statistical Significance in Natural Language Processing
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The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Testing Statistical Significance in Natural Language Processing Rotem Dror Gili Baumer Segev Shlomov Roi Reichart Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion, IIT {rtmdrr@campus|sgbaumer@campus|segevs@campus|roiri} Abstract The extended reach of NLP algorithms has also resulted in NLP papers giving much more empha- sis to the experiment and result sections by show- Statistical significance testing is a standard sta- ing comparisons between multiple algorithms on tistical tool designed to ensure that experimen- various datasets from different languages and do- tal results are not coincidental. In this opin- mains. This emphasis on empirical results high- ion/theoretical paper we discuss the role of statis- lights the role of statistical significance testing in tical significance testing in Natural Language Pro- NLP research: if we rely on empirical evalua- cessing (NLP) research. We establish the funda- tion to validate our hypotheses and reveal the cor- mental concepts of significance testing and discuss rect language processing mechanisms, we better the specific aspects of NLP tasks, experimental se- be sure that our results are not coincidental. tups and evaluation measures that affect the choice This paper aims to discuss the various aspects of of significance tests in NLP research. Based on proper statistical significance testing in NLP and this discussion, we propose a simple practical pro- to provide a simple and sound guide to the way this tocol for statistical significance test selection in important tool should be used. We also discuss the NLP setups and accompany this protocol with a particular challenges of statistical significance in brief survey of the most relevant tests. We then the context of language processing tasks. survey recent empirical papers published in ACL To facilitate a clear and coherent presentation, and TACL during 2017 and show that while our our (somewhat simplified) model of an NLP paper community assigns great value to experimental re- is one that presents a new algorithm and makes the sults, statistical significance testing is often ig- hypothesis that this algorithm is better than a pre- nored or misused. We conclude with a brief dis- vious strong algorithm, which serves as the base- cussion of open issues that should be properly ad- line. This hypothesis is verified in experiments dressed so that this important tool can be applied where the two algorithms are applied to the same in NLP research in a statistically sound manner1 . datasets (test sets), reasoning that if one algorithm is consistently better than the other, hopefully with 1 Introduction a sufficiently large margin, then it should also be The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) better on future, currently unknown, datasets. Yet, has recently made great progress due to the data the experimental differences might be coinciden- revolution that has made abundant amounts of tex- tal. Here comes statistical significance testing into tual data from a variety of languages and linguis- the picture: we have to make sure that the prob- tic domains (newspapers, scientific journals, so- ability of falsely concluding that one algorithm is cial media etc.) available. This, together with the better than the other is very small. emergence of a new generation of computing re- We note that in this paper we do not deal with sources and the related development of Deep Neu- the problem of drawing valid conclusions from ral Network models, have resulted in dramatic im- multiple comparisons between algorithms across a provements in the capabilities of NLP algorithms. large number of datasets , a.k.a. replicability anal- 1 ysis (see (Dror et al., 2017)). Instead, our focus The code for all statistical tests detailed in this pa- per is found on: is on a single comparison: how can we make sure testSignificanceNLP.git that the difference between the two algorithms, as 1383 Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Long Papers), pages 1383–1392 Melbourne, Australia, July 15 - 20, 2018. c 2018 Association for Computational Linguistics
observed in an individual comparison, is not coin- will encourage further research into the role of cidental. Statistical significance testing of each in- statistical significance testing in NLP and on the dividual comparison is the basic building block of questions that still remain open. replicability analysis – its accurate performance is a pre-condition for any multiple dataset analysis. 2 Preliminaries Statistical significance testing (§ 2) is a well re- In this section we provide the required preliminar- searched problem in the statistical literature. How- ies for our discussion. We start with a formal def- ever, the unique structured nature of natural lan- inition of statistical significance testing and pro- guage data is reflected in specialized evaluation ceed with an overview of the prominent evaluation measures such as BLEU (machine translation, (Pa- measures in NLP. pineni et al., 2002)), ROUGE (extractive summa- rization, (Lin, 2004)), UAS and LAS (dependency 2.1 Statistical Significance Testing parsing, (Kübler et al., 2009)). The distribution of In this paper we focus on the setup where the per- these measures is of great importance to statistical formance of two algorithms, A and B, on a dataset significance testing. Moreover, certain properties X, is compared using an evaluation measure M. of NLP datasets and the community’s evaluation Let us denote M(ALG, X) as the value of the standards also affect the way significance testing evaluation measure M when algorithm ALG is should be performed. An NLP-specific discussion applied to the dataset X. Without loss of gener- of significance testing is hence in need. ality, we assume that higher values of the measure In § 3 we discuss the considerations to be made are better. We define the difference in performance in order to select the proper statistical significance between the two algorithms according to the mea- test in NLP setups. We propose a simple deci- sure M on the dataset X as: sion tree algorithm for this purpose, and survey the prominent significance tests – parametric and non- δ(X) = M(A, X) − M(B, X). (1) parametric – for NLP tasks and data. In § 4 we survey the current evaluation and sig- In this paper we will refer to δ(X) as our test nificance testing practices of the community. We statistic. Using this notation we formulate the fol- provide statistics collected from the long papers lowing statistical hypothesis testing problem:2 of the latest ACL proceedings (Barzilay and Kan, 2017) as well as from the papers published in the H0 :δ(X) ≤ 0 TACL journal during 2017. Our analysis reveals H1 :δ(X) > 0. that there is still a room for improvement in the way statistical significance is used in papers pub- In order to decide whether or not to reject the lished in our top-tier publication venues. Particu- null hypothesis, that is reaching the conclusion larly, a large portion of the surveyed papers do not that δ(X) is indeed greater than 0, we usually test the significance of their results, or use incor- compute a p−value for the test. The p−value is rect tests for this purpose. defined as the probability, under the null hypoth- Finally, in § 5 we discuss open issues. A par- esis H0 , of obtaining a result equal to or more ticularly challenging problem is that while most extreme than what was actually observed. For significance tests assume the test set consists of the one-sided hypothesis testing defined here, the independent observations, most NLP datasets con- p−value is defined as: sist of dependent data points. For example, many NLP standard evaluation sets consist of sentences P r(δ(X) ≥ δobserved |H0 ). coming from the same source (e.g. newspaper) or document (e.g. newspaper article) or written by the same author. Unfortunately, the nature of these Where δobserved is the performance difference be- dependencies is hard to characterize, let alone to tween the algorithms (according to M) when ap- quantify. Another important problem is how to test plied to X. The smaller the p-value, the higher significance when cross-validation, a popular eval- the significance, or, in other words, the stronger uation methodology in NLP papers, is performed. 2 For simplicity we consider a one-sided hypothesis, it can Besides its practical value, we hope this paper be easily re-formulated as a double-sided hypothesis. 1384
the indication provided by the data that the null- 2017 papers, and observe that the most commonly hypothesis, H0 , does not hold. In order to de- used evaluation measures are the 12 measures that cide whether H0 should be rejected, the researcher appear in Table 1. Notice that seven of these should pre-define an arbitrary, fixed threshold measures: Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F-score, value α, a.k.a the significance level. Only if Pearson and Spearman correlations and Perplexity, p−value < α then the null hypothesis is rejected. are not specific to NLP. The other five measures: In significance (or hypothesis) testing we con- BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002), ROUGE (Lin, sider two error types. Type I error refers to the 2004), METEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005), case where the null hypothesis is rejected when it UAS and LAS (Kübler et al., 2009), are unique is actually true. Type II error refers to the case measures that were developed for NLP applica- where the null hypothesis is not rejected although tions. BLEU and METEOR are standard evalu- it should be. A common approach in hypothe- ation measures for machine translation, ROUGE sis testing is to choose a test that guarantees that for extractive summarization, and UAS and LAS the probability of making a type I error is up- for dependency parsing. While UAS and LAS are per bounded by the test significance level α, men- in fact accuracy measures, BLEU, ROUGE and tioned above, while achieving the highest possible METEOR are designed for tasks where there are power: i.e. the lowest possible probability of mak- several possible outputs - a characteristic property ing a type II error. of several NLP tasks. In machine translation, for example, a sentence in one language can be trans- 2.2 Evaluation Measures in NLP lated in multiple ways to another language. Conse- quently, BLEU takes an n-gram based approach on Evaluation ACL 17 TACL 17 the surface forms, while METEOR considers only Measure unigram matches but uses stemming and controls F-scores 78 (39.8%) 9 (25.71%) for synonyms. Accuracy 67 (34.18%) 13 (37.14%) All 12 measures return a real number, either in Precision/ 44 (22.45%) 6 (17.14%) [0, 1] or in R. Notice though that accuracy may Recall reflect an average over a set of categorical scores BLEU 26 (13.27%) 4 (11.43%) (observations), e.g., in document-level binary sen- ROUGE 12 (6.12%) 0 (0%) timent analysis where every document is tagged as Pearson/ Spear- 4 (2.04%) 6 (17.14%) either positive or negative. In other cases, the in- man correla- dividual observations are also continuous. For ex- tions ample, when comparing two dependency parsers, Perplexity 7 (3.57%) 2 (5.71%) we may want to understand how likely it is, given METEOR 6 (3.06%) 1 (2.86%) our results, that one parser will do better than the UAS+LAS 1 (0.51%) 3 (8.57%) other on a new sentence. In such a case we will consider the sentence-level UAS or LAS differ- Table 1: The most common evaluation measures ences between the two parsers on all the sentences in (long) ACL and TACL 2017 papers, ordered by in the test set. Such sentence level UAS or LAS ACL frequency. For each measure we present the scores - the individual observations to be consid- total number of papers where it is used and the ered in the significance test - are real-valued. fraction of papers in the corresponding venue. With the basic concepts clarified, we are ready to discuss the considerations to be made when In order to draw valid conclusions from the ex- choosing a statistical significance test. periments formulated in § 2.1 it is crucial to ap- ply the correct statistical significance test. In § 3 3 Statistical Significance in NLP we explain that the choice of the significance test is based, among other considerations, on the dis- The goal of this section is to detail the considera- tribution of the test statistics, δ(X). From equa- tions involved in the selection of a statistical sig- tion 1 it is clear that δ(X) depends on the evalu- nificance test for an NLP application. Based on ation measure M. We hence turn to discuss the these considerations we provide a practical recipe evaluation measures employed in NLP. that can be applied in order to make a good choice. In § 4 we analyze the (long) ACL and TACL In order to make this paper a practical guide for 1385
the community, we also provide a short descrip- tical power compared to non-parametric tests that tion of the significance tests that are most relevant do not make this assumption (Fisher, 1937). for NLP setups. Here we discuss the prominent parametric test for NLP setups - the paired student’s t-test. 3.1 Parametric vs. Non-parametric Tests As noted above, a major consideration in the se- Paired Student’s t-test This test assesses lection of a statistical significance test is the dis- whether the population means of two sets of mea- tribution of the test statistic, δ(X), under the null surements differ from each other, and is based on hypothesis. If the distribution is known, then the the assumption that both samples come from a nor- suitable test will come from the family of para- mal distribution (Fisher, 1937). metric tests, that uses this distribution in order to achieve powerful results (i.e., low probability of In practice, t-test is often applied with evalua- making a type II error, see § 2). If the distribu- tion measures such as accuracy, UAS and LAS, tion is unknown then any assumption made by a that compute the mean number of correct predic- test may lead to erroneous conclusions and hence tions per input example. When comparing two de- we should rely on non-parametric tests that do not pendency parsers, for example, we can apply the make any such assumption. While non-parametric test to check if the averaged difference of their tests may be less powerful than their paramet- UAS scores is significantly larger than zero, which ric counterparts, they do not make unjustified as- can serve as an indication that one parser is better sumptions and are hence statistically sound even than the other. when the test statistic distribution is unknown. Although we have not seen this discussed in But how can one know the test statistic dis- NLP papers, we believe that the decision to use tribution? One possibility is to apply tests de- the t-test with these measures is based on the Cen- signed to evaluate the distribution of a sample of tral Limit Theorem (CLT). CLT establishes that, in observations. For example, the Shapiro-Wilk test most situations, when independent random vari- (Shapiro and Wilk, 1965) tests the null hypothesis ables are added, their properly normalized sum that a sample comes from a normally distributed tends toward a normal distribution even if the orig- population, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test quanti- inal variables themselves are not normally dis- fies the distance between the empirical distribu- tributed. That is, accuracy measures in structured tion function of the sample and the cumulative tasks tend to be normally distributed when the distribution function of the reference distribution, number individual predictions (e.g. number of and the Anderson-Darling test (Anderson and Dar- words in a sentence when considering sentence- ling, 1954) tests whether a given sample of data is level UAS) is large enough. drawn from a given probability distribution. As One case where it is theoretically justified to discussed below, there seems to be other heuris- employ the t-test is described in (Sethuraman, tics that are used in practice but are not often men- 1963). The authors prove that for large enough tioned in research papers. data, the sampling distribution of a certain func- In what follows we discuss the prominent para- tion of the Pearson’s correlation coefficient fol- metric and non-parametric tests for NLP setups. lows the Student’s t-distribution with n − 2 de- Based on this discussion we end this section with grees of freedom. With the recent surge in word a simple decision tree that aims to properly guide similarity research with word embedding models, the significance test choice process. this result is of importance to our community. 3.2 Prominent Significance Tests For other evaluation measures, such as F-score, BLEU, METEOR and ROUGE that do not com- 3.2.1 Parametric Tests pute means, the common practice is to assume Parametric significance tests assume that the test that they are not normally distributed (Yeh, 2000; statistic is distributed according to a known dis- Berg-Kirkpatrick et al., 2012). We believe this tribution with defined parameters, typically the issue requires a further investigation and suggest normal distribution. While this assumption may that it may be best to rely on the normality tests be hard to verify (see discussion above), when it discussed in § 3.1 when deciding whether or not to holds, these parametric tests have stronger statis- employ the t-test. 1386
3.2.2 Non-parametric Tests The next test is a special case of the sign test for When the test statistic distribution is unknown, binary classification (or a two-tailed sign test). non-parametric significance testing should be used. The non-parametric tests that are com- McNemar’s test (McNemar, 1947) This test is monly used in NLP setups can be divided into two designed for paired nominal observations (binary families that differ with respect to their statistical labels). The test is applied to a 2 × 2 contingency power and computational complexity. table, which tabulates the outcomes of two algo- The first family consists of tests that do not con- rithms on a sample of n examples. The null hy- sider the actual values of the evaluation measures. pothesis for this test states that the marginal prob- The second family do consider the values of the ability for each outcome (label one or label two) measures: it tests repeatedly sample from the test is the same for both algorithms. That is, when ap- data, and estimates the p-value based on the test plying both algorithms on the same data we would statistic values in the samples. We refer to the first expect them to be correct/incorrect on the same family as the family of sampling-free tests and to proportion of items. Under the null hypothesis, the second as the family of sampling-based tests. with a sufficiently large number of disagreements The two families of tests reflect different pref- between the algorithms, the test statistic has a dis- erences with respect to the balance between tribution of χ2 with one degree of freedom. This statistical power and computational efficiency. test is appropriate for binary classification tasks, Sampling-free tests do not consider the evaluation and has been indeed used in such NLP works measure values, only higher level statistics of the (e.g. sentiment classificaiton, (Blitzer et al., 2006; results such as the number of cases in which each Ziser and Reichart, 2017)). The Cochran’s Q test of the algorithms performs better than the other. (Cochran, 1950) generalizes the McNemar’s test Consequently, their statistical power is lower than for multi-class classification setups. that of sampling-based tests that do consider the The sign test and its variants consider only pair- evaluation measure values. Sampling-based tests, wise ranks: which algorithm performs better on however, compensate for the lack of distributional each test example. In NLP setups, however, we assumptions over the data with re-sampling – a also have access to the evaluation measure val- computationally intensive procedure. Sampling- ues, and this allows us to rank the differences be- based methods are hence not the optimal candi- tween the algorithms. The Wilcoxon signed-rank dates for very large datasets. test makes use of such a rank and hence, while it We consider here four commonly used does not consider the evaluation measure values, it sampling-free tests: the sign test and two of its is more powerful than the sign test and its variants. variants, and the wilcoxon signed-rank test. Wilcoxon signed-rank test (Wilcoxon, 1945) Sign test This test tests whether matched pair Like the sign test variants, this test is used when samples are drawn from distributions with equal comparing two matched samples (e.g. UAS values medians. The test statistic is the number of exam- of two dependency parsers on a set of sentences). ples for which algorithm A is better than algorithm Its null hypothesis is that the differences follow a B, and the null hypothesis states that given a new symmetric distribution around zero. First, the ab- pair of measurements (e.g. evaluations (ai , bi ) of solute values of the differences are ranked. Then, the two algorithms on a new test example), then ai each rank gets a sign according to the sign of the and bi are equally likely to be larger than the other difference. The Wilcoxon test statistic sums these (Gibbons and Chakraborti, 2011). signed ranks. The test is actually applicable for The sign test has limited practical implications most NLP setups and it has been used widely (e.g. since it only checks if algorithm A is better than (Søgaard et al., 2014; Søgaard, 2013; Yang and B and ignores the extent of the difference. Yet, Mitchell, 2017)) due to its improved power com- it has been used in a variety of NLP papers (e.g. pared to the sign test variants. (Collins et al., 2005; Chan et al., 2007; Rush et al., As noted above, sampling-free tests trade sta- 2012)). The assumptions of this test is that the tistical power for efficiency. Sampling-based data samples are i.i.d, the differences come from methods take the opposite approach. This a continuous distribution (not necessarily normal) family includes two main methods: permuta- and that the values are ordered. tion/randomization tests (Noreen, 1989) and the 1387
paired bootstrap (Efron and Tibshirani, 1994). Does the test statistic come Pitman’s permutation test This test estimates from a known distribution? the test statistic distribution under the null hypoth- esis by calculating the values of this statistic un- Yes No der all possible labellings (permutations) of the test set. The (two-sided) p-value of the test is calculated as the proportion of these permutations Use a para- Is the data where the absolute difference was greater than or metric test size small ? equal to the absolute value of the difference in the Yes No output of the algorithm. Obviously, permutation tests are computation- ally intensive due to the exponentially large num- Use bootstrap Use sampling- ber of possible permutations. In practice, ap- or random- free non- ization test parametric test proximate randomization tests are used where a pre-defined limited number of permutations are Figure 1: Decision tree for statistical significance drawn from the space of all possible permuta- test selection. tions, without replacements (see, e.g. (Riezler and Maxwell, 2005) in the context of machine trans- lation). The bootstrap test (Efron and Tibshirani, If the distribution of the test statistic is 1994) is based on a closely related idea. known, then parametric tests are most appropri- ate. These tests are more statistically powerful Paired bootstrap test This test is very similar and less computationally intensive compared to to approximate randomization of the permutation their non-parametric counterparts. The stronger test, with the difference that the sampling is done statistical power of parametric tests stems from with replacements (i.e., an example from the orig- the stronger, parametric assumptions they make, inal test data can appear more than once in a sam- while the higher computational demand of some ple). The idea of bootstrap is to use the samples as non-parametric tests is the result of their sampling surrogate populations, for the purpose of approx- process. imating the sampling distribution of the statistic. When the distribution of the test statistic is un- The p-value is calculated in a similar manner to known, the first non-parametric family of choice the permutation test. is that of sampling-based tests. These tests con- Bootstrap was used with a variety of NLP tasks, sider the actual values of the evaluation measures including machine translation, text summarization and are not restricted to higher order properties and semantic parsing (e.g. (Koehn, 2004; Li et al., (e.g. ranks) of the observed values – their statis- 2017; Wu et al., 2017; Ouchi et al., 2017)). The tical power is hence higher. As noted in (Riezler test is less effective for small test sets, as it as- and Maxwell, 2005), in the case where the distri- sumes that the test set distribution does not deviate butional assumptions of the parametric tests are vi- too much from the population distribution. olated, sampling-based tests have more statistical Clearly, Sampling-based methods are computa- power than parametric tests. tionally intensive and can be intractable for large Nonetheless, sampling-based tests are compu- datasets, even with modern computing power. In tationally intensive – the exact permutation test, such cases, sampling-free methods form an avail- for example, requires the generation of all 2n data able alternative. permutations (where n is the number of points in the dataset). To overcome this, approximate ran- 3.3 Significance Test Selection domization can be used, as was done, e.g., by With the discussion of significance test families Yeh (2000) for test sets of more than 20 points. - parametric vs. non-parametric (§ 3.1), and the The other alternative for very large datasets are properties of the actual significance tests (§ 3.2) sampling-free tests that are less powerful but are we are now ready to provide a simple recipe for computationally feasible. significance test selection in NLP setups. The de- In what follows we check whether recent ACL cision tree in Figure 1 provides an illustration. and TACL papers follow these guidelines. 1388
4 Survey of ACL and TACL papers Statistical Test ACL ’17 TACL ’17 Bootstrap 6 1 t-test 17 2 General Statistics ACL ’17 TACL ’17 Wilcoxon 3 0 Total number of pa- 196 37 Chi square 3 1 pers Randomization 3 1 # relevant (experimen- 180 33 McNemar 2 3 tal) papers Sign 2 3 # different tasks 36 15 Permutation 1 4 # different evaluation 24 19 measures Table 3: Number of times each of the prominent Average number of 2.34 2.1 statistical significance tests in ACL and TACL measures per paper 2017 papers was used. 42 ACL and 15 TACL pa- # papers that do not 117 15 pers reported the significance test name. 5 ACL report significance papers mentioned an unrecognized test name. # papers that report 63 18 significance with an average of 2.34 (ACL) and 2.1 (TACL). # papers that report 6 0 Table 1 presents the most common of these evalu- significance but use ation measures. the wrong statistical test The lower part of Table 2 depicts the disturb- ing reality of statistical significance testing in our # papers that report 21 3 research community. Out of the 180 experimen- significance but do not tal long papers of ACL 2017, only 63 papers in- mention the test name cluded a statistical significance test. Moreover, out # papers that have to 110 19 of these 63 papers 21 did not mention the name report replicability of the significance test they employed. Of the 42 # papers that report 3 4 papers that did mention the name of the signifi- replicability cance test, 6 used the wrong test according to the # papers that perform 23 5 considerations discussed in § 3.3 In TACL, where cross validation the review process is presumably more strict and Table 2: Statistical significance statistics for em- of higher quality, out of 33 experimental papers, pirical ACL and TACL 2017 papers. 15 did not include statistical significance testing, and all the papers that report significance and men- We analyzed the long papers from the pro- tioned the name of the test used a valid test. ceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the As- While this paper focuses on the correct choice sociation for Computational Linguistics (ACL17, of a significance test, we also checked whether the (Barzilay and Kan, 2017)), a total of 196 pa- papers in our sample account for the effect of mul- pers, and the papers from the Transactions of the tiple hypothesis testing when testing statistical sig- Association of Computational Linguistics journal nificance (see (Dror et al., 2017)). When testing (TACL17), Volume 5, Issue 1, a total of 37 pa- multiple hypotheses, as in the case of comparing pers. We have focused on empirical papers where the participating algorithms across a large number at least one comparison between methods was per- of datasets, the probability of making one or more formed. false claims may be very high, even if the proba- Table 2 presents the main results from our sur- bility of drawing an erroneous conclusion in each vey. The top part of the table presents general individual comparison is small. In ACL 2017, out statistics of our dataset. In both conference and 3 We considered the significance test to be inappropriate in journal papers, the variety of different NLP tasks three cases: 1. Using the t-test when the evaluation measure is quite large: 36 tasks in ACL 2017 and 15 tasks is not an average measure; 2. Using the t-test for a classifi- in TACL. Interestingly, in almost every paper in cation task (i.e. when the observations are categorical rather then continuous), even if the evaluation measure is an aver- our survey the researchers chose to analyze their age measure; and 3. Using a Boostrap test with a small test results using more than one evaluation measure, set size. 1389
of 110 papers that used multiple datasets only 3 guarantees of the various tests were developed. corrected for multiplicity (all using the Bonferroni The impact of this phenomenon on our results correction). In TACL, the situation is slightly bet- is hard to quantify, partly because it is hard to ter with 4 papers correcting for multiplicity out of quantify the nature of the dependence between 19 that should have done that. test set examples in NLP datasets. Some papers Regarding the statistical tests that were used in are even talking about abandoning the null hy- the papers that did report significance (Table 3), in pothesis statistical significance test approach due ACL 2017 most of the papers used the Student’s to this hard-to-meet assumption (Koplenig, 2017; t-test that assumes the data is i.i.d and that the test McShane et al., 2017; Carver, 1978; Leek et al., statistics are normally distributed. As discussed in 2017). In our opinion, this calls for a future col- § 3 this is not the case in many NLP applications. laboration with statisticians in order to better un- Gladly, in TACL, t-test is not as prominent. derstand the extent to which existing popular sig- One final note is about the misuse of the word nificance tests are relevant for NLP, and to develop significant. We noticed that in a considerable alternative tests if necessary. number of papers this word was used as a syn- onym for words such as important, considerable, Another issue that deserves some thought is that meaningful, substantial, major, notable etc. We of cross-validation. To increase the validity of re- believe that we should be more careful when us- ported results, it is customary in NLP papers to ing this word, ideally keeping its statistical sense create a number of random splits of the experimen- and using other, more general words to indicate a tal corpus into train, development and test portions substantial impact. (see Table 2). For each such split (fold), the tested We close this discussion with two important algorithms are trained and tuned on the training open issues. and development datasets, respectively, and their results on the test data are recorded. The final re- 5 Open Questions ported result is typically the average of the test set In this section we would like to point on two issues results across the splits. Some papers also report that remain open even after our investigation. We the fraction of the folds for which one algorithm hope that bringing these issues to the attention of was better than the others. While cross-validation the research community will encourage our fellow is surely a desired practice, it is challenging to re- researchers to come up with appropriate solutions. port statistical significance when it is employed. The first open issue is that of dependent obser- Particularly, the test sets of the different folds are vations. An assumption shared by the statistical obviously not independent – their content is even significance tests described in § 3, that are com- likely to overlap. monly used in NLP setups, is that the data samples are independent and identically distributed. This One solution we would like to propose here assumption, however, is rarely true in NLP setups. is based on replicability analysis (Dror et al., For example, the popular WSJ Penn Treebank 2017). This paper proposes a statistical sig- corpus (Marcus et al., 1993) consists of 2,499 ar- nificance framework for multiple comparisons ticles from a three year Wall Street Journal (WSJ) performed with dependent test sets, using the collection of 98,732 stories. Obviously, some of KBonf erroni estimator for the number of datasets the sentences included in the corpus come from with significant effect. One statistically sound way the same article, were written by the same author to test for significance when a cross-validation or were reviewed before publication by the same protocol is employed is hence to calculate the p- editor. As another example, many sentences in the value for each fold separately, and then to per- Europarl parallel corpus (Koehn, 2005) that is very form replicability analysis for dependent datasets popular in the machine translation literature are with KBonf erroni . Only if this analysis rejects taken from the same parliament discussion. An in- the null hypothesis in all folds (or in more than a dependence assumption between the sentences in predefined threshold number of folds), the results these corpora is not likely to hold. should be declared significant. Here again, further This dependence between test examples vio- statistical investigation may lead to additional, po- lates the conditions under which the theoretical tentially better, solutions. 1390
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