REPRESENTING RACE It's not so black

Page created by Carrie Smith
REPRESENTING RACE It's not so black

It’s not so black
and white
19     years after the smash hit teen
novel ‘Noughts and Crosses’ was
                                                So, with this challenge in mind, how
                                                do content creators approach
                                                content where representation is
                                                                                             For example, for Noughts and Crosses,
                                                                                             we can look at the ways alternative
                                                                                             history has been used in fictional
published, it has finally been adapted          vital to success? Moreover, how do           content before and learn from these
for the small screen. As an alternative         we as researchers best feed into the         successes and mistakes in terms of
history, where Africa has colonised the         content development process to help          misrepresentation. We can consider
world, the plot flips racial discrimination     creators shape, refine and evaluate its      the 1995 movie ‘White Man’s Burden’,
on its head. The power firmly lies              performance? There are no hard and           which explores a similar racial power
with the black-skinned ‘Crosses’,               fast rules for success, but by viewing the   flip, in what many have argued was an
while white-skinned ‘Noughts’ are               content and audience reactions through       over-simplistic device of replacing one
descendants of slaves, without political,       a range of lenses we can give content        skin colour with another. The film failed
social or economic capital.                     creators a set of tools and guidelines for   to inspire empathy and discussions on
                                                handling this complexity.                    racial discrimination. Presenting a world
The novel was read by thousands of                                                           where black people in power commit
teenagers who are now young adults,             Step 1: Scoping the cultural landscape       the same mistakes as white colonialists
highly invested in its success or failure.                                                   might be perceived as justifying the
Its creators will be hoping that they can       Firstly, it is vital to understand the       atrocities committed by whoever is in
translate the profound effect it had on         cultural and social landscape at the         power, communicating very different
the likes of Stormzy (who calls the show        point of launch, i.e. what has come          messages from the ones desired.
a ‘gamechanger’) to new audiences.              before and what is relevant now, so that
                                                we can contextualise interpretations.        On the other hand, the 2019 remake
There is the potential for this adaptation to   We particularly need to consider the         of ‘Watchmen’ has fed discussions on
tap into contemporary social discourses         timeliness of the concept, treatment         some dark parts of US history through its
about race and power dynamics, from             and characters within emerging               references to the KKK, but has also been
#BlackLivesMatter to reverse racism.            conversations about representation. Here     accused of serving political agendas and
However, creating such an alternative           our cultural analysts use case studies       misrepresenting white audiences.
scenario is incredibly ambitious and            as springboards to illustrate the best
there’s a real risk of misinterpretation from   and worst-case examples, to provide          Furthermore, we need to consider the
a range of different audiences.                 recommendations for content creators.        importance of rich and authentic
world building. Imagining a world where     ensure content feels culturally authentic.
                     African culture is dominant, not only       This requires in-depth qualitative
There is the         requires a consideration of how western
                     society would have been different (from
                                                                 conversations through interviewing or
                                                                 sensitively handled group sessions,
potential for this   fashion and language to politics and        moderated by empathic and culturally
adaptation to tap    social structures), but also definitions
                     of what ‘African culture’ is. The African
                                                                 attuned researchers.

into contemporary    continent is extremely culturally diverse   When testing with relevant audiences,
social discourses    and talking about ‘African colonisation’
                     risks downplaying this complexity.
                                                                 content creators and show runners
                                                                 will be able to pick up on the detail
about race and                                                   and nuance of character portrayals
power dynamics       2018’s ‘Black Panther’ demonstrates
                     how to avoid such issues. It succeeded
                                                                 and authentic, culturally attuned
                                                                 behaviours that make a difference
                     in creating an inspiring vision of          in relaying an accurate portrayal. For
                     ‘Africanness’ that resonated widely         example, the way food is prepared
                     while dodging issues related to national    and eaten, family hierarchies, levels
                     identity. The Marvel movie did so by        of strictness, and the pronunciation of
                     creating the fictional nation of Wakanda,   names (highlighted as an emotionally
                     a sort of African Atlantis able to          impactful microaggression in the first
                     condense some of the strongest features     episode of Noughts and Crosses). This
                     of several African cultures without         does not always have to be manifested
                     directly referencing any of them.           through the lead characters, but subtle
                                                                 references can go a long way to delight
                     Step 2: Test and deep dive into             audiences while also educating and
                     nuances directly with relevant              exposing newer audiences to cultural
                     audiences                                   practices unfamiliar to them.

                     Sharing your concept, narrative and         Some of the most successful content in
                     depiction with relevant audiences will      this space comes from a diverse and
representative workforce (both in front         has the potential to evoke emotive,           premise, with concerns around the
Noughts + Crosses                                                        and behind the camera). We see from             thought-provoking and powerful cultural       content being anti-white and a feeling

Sentiment Analysis:
                                                                         Noughts and Crosses and other content
                                                                         that it is important to ensure the creative
                                                                                                                         and societal conversations if done well.
                                                                                                                         In an age where the rules of digital
                                                                                                                                                                       of being personally attacked. Capturing
                                                                                                                                                                       the sentiment analysis is particularly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Feeling annoyed,
                                                                         team represents the group they are trying       communication and real or virtual filter      interesting when we compare pre- and           I was looking
Pre vs. post show                                                        to depict – they’ll be able to pick up on       bubbles intensify outrage, we also need       post-waves – particularly, while positive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      forward to new
                                                                         and advise on the subtleties of cultural        to consider the potential amplification       sentiment grows slightly, negative
 Unassigned    Positive   Neutral   Negative
                                                                         nuance which audiences will expect you to       of different interpretations of the show.     sentiment does not. This suggests that         drama on @bbc,
                                                                         get right. On-screen talent must represent
                                                                         the breadth of ethnicities and cultures that
                                                                                                                         Here we can make the most of social
                                                                                                                         intelligence through using the best of
                                                                                                                                                                       while the concept was not for everyone,
                                                                                                                                                                       the adaptation itself did not seem to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      looking forward to
                                                                         exist; it’s not enough for all characters       artificial intelligence and human thinking    evoke negative reaction beyond that.           something new, yet
Pre show: based on automated sentiment analysis of 2,181 posts           to be ‘black’ or ‘African’. Content must
                                                                         reflect different races within that utilising
                                                                                                                         to answer questions using social media
                                                                                                                         data, i.e. capturing sentiment towards
                                                                                                                                                                       While perceptions are not changed for
                                                                                                                                                                       this audience type, the reception to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      now I feel like I am
                                                                         specificity to engender authenticity.           the show pre, during and post the first       first episode suggests that the backlash       being told off for
                                                                         Featuring talent that audiences are already
                                                                         engaging with and trust to represent their
                                                                                                                         episode launch.                               can be minimised.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      being born white.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I thought we were
1%      27%                             63%                       9%
                                                                         views accurately and fairly on topics such      For example, we see through social            We also see through qualitative analysis
                                                                         as diversity, class, politics, etc. can help
                                                                         to further foster a sense of connection
                                                                                                                         intelligence that #NoughtsandCrosses
                                                                                                                         captured audiences’ attention – the first
                                                                                                                                                                       of social intelligence data how powerful
                                                                                                                                                                       good representation can be. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      moving forward.
During/post show: based on automated sentiment analysis of 5,880 posts   and relatability. The rise of hashtags          episode was trending on Twitter in the        see many examples of celebrations of           I will not apologise
                                                                         such as #representationmatters and
                                                                         #firsttimeisawme demonstrate how vital it
                                                                                                                         UK as it aired. This data also helps us
                                                                                                                         pull out different interpretations, receive
                                                                                                                                                                       the issues it highlights. References to
                                                                                                                                                                       microaggressions dominated online
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for attitudes that
                                                                         is for audiences to see true reflections of     pointers on how to play to different          conversations as they are seen to be           are not mine.
2%          38%                                52%                8%     themselves.                                     audiences and, if possible, identify
                                                                                                                         where perceptions can be shifted. As
                                                                                                                                                                       highly relatable. For example, a significant
                                                                                                                                                                       micro moment within the first episode was
                                                                         Step 3: Use social intelligence for             expected, social intelligence suggests        a ‘Nought’ having to use a dark-toned          nothelpanybody
                                                                         amplification of interpretations                to us that before the first episode           plaster which contrasted significantly with
                                                                                                                         was broadcast, there was a minority           his skin, is relatable to black audiences.
                                                                         Content such as Noughts and Crosses             who rejected the show based on the            Highlighting subtle experiences of racism
forces audiences to confront these               with depth is vital. Individuals have
                                             tensions – even if they create unease. This      many facets that make up their identity,
I feel things guys,   #NoughtsAnd            is felt to be integral to educate, inform and    therefore, representing just one element
i really do—          Crosses is so good.
                                             broaden cultural perspectives (as well as
                                             having emotional impact on invested
                                                                                              of this (focusing only on ‘blackness’
                                                                                              for example) can feel limiting and
LOOK AT OUR           The tone is set just   audiences) from diverse audiences who            stereotypical. Narratives that highlight the
sephy and callum      right. A negative
                                             may see their experiences validated (e.g.
                                             Black Twitter), through to passionate book
                                                                                              depth and complexities of what makes
                                                                                              up an individual is important, e.g. gender,
#NoughtsAnd           of the Britain we      readers who may be ‘waking up’ to their          class, location, religion, sexuality, as well
Crosses               thought we had
                                             white privilege (e.g. typically white, female
                                             readers of the book).
                                                                                              as ethnicity. We have seen with Noughts
                                                                                              and Crosses a conscious effort to
                      left behind but are    Good representation is one part
                                                                                              address diversity by ensuring characters
                                                                                              are authentic. Not just showing faces of
                      fast heading back      of the puzzle                                    colour, but insights into people’s culture,
                      towards. Should        Finally, we need to be mindful that
                                                                                              homes, lifestyles, passions, and struggles.

This is probably      make some stop and     representing cultural difference is only         We look forward to seeing how Noughts
the first time this   think but probably     one part of the ‘compelling content’
                                             formula. A representative cast and the
                                                                                              and Crosses contributes to creating
                                                                                              evolving conversation and helps open
much blackness        not enough. Sadly      portrayal of characters is integral, but so is   new avenues, creating more authentic
has been on bbc       too many are hard of   delivering entertaining content, based on
                                             needs and interests. Enthralling, emotive
                                                                                              and exciting storytelling with diverse
without it relating   thought.               and timeless stories alongside thrilling
to gangs or drugs                            entertainment is what makes content
                                             memorable, creates ‘talk-ability’ and
#NoughtsAnd                                  ultimately keeps audiences coming back.
Crosses                                      We also hear time and time again that
                                             depicting multifaceted characters
                                                                     YAS ASARE ANDERSON
                                                                     Associate Director
                                                                     +44 (0)20 3059 5275

Yas’ qualitative career has seen her focus on harnessing
culture to drive change and inform strategy for media,
technology and youth brands. Yas has a particular interest in
championing diversity and has won a Virginia Valentine Award
for her work within this space.                                      LAMBERTO FERRARA
                                                                     Research Manager
Lamberto Ferrara is a trained semiotician, cultural analyst and
qualitative researcher. He applies his expertise in semiotics        +44 (0)20 3059 5134
and cultural analysis to media and technology brands,
uncovering how they can leverage cultural context to create
compelling products and content.

Joe is an experienced qualitative practitioner with a
background in media and tech research. Joe has a passion for
understanding people and their behaviours and motivations.           JOE ROBERTS-WALKER
Joe has a keen interest in how cultures are represented and          Research Manager
specialises in helping his clients deliver this with authenticity,
sensitivity, and accuracy.                                           +44 (0) 7583 0503 29
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