Report by the Executive Board Chairman and CEO Joachim Kreuzburg

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Report by the Executive Board Chairman and CEO Joachim Kreuzburg
Report by the Executive Board Chairman and CEO
Joachim Kreuzburg
Report by the Executive Board Chairman and CEO Joachim Kreuzburg
     This presentation contains statements concerning the future performance of the Sartorius
        Group. These statements are based on assumptions and estimates. Although we are
      convinced that these forward-looking statements are realistic, we cannot guarantee that
    they will actually materialize. This is because our assumptions harbor risks and uncertainties
           that could lead to actual results diverging substantially from the expected ones.

                    It is not planned to update our forward-looking statements.

Report by the Executive Board Chairman and CEO Joachim Kreuzburg
2020 was both an intense and highly successful year

   Sartorius makes a valuable contribution towards
    overcoming the coronavirus pandemic
   Very significant profitable growth achieved across nearly
    the entire portfolio and in all geographies
   Complementary strengthening of the portfolios of both
    divisions by completion of three acquisitions
   Very strong outlook for 2021; mid-range targets for 2025
    raised; extensive investment program

Report by the Executive Board Chairman and CEO Joachim Kreuzburg
Sartorius is part of the solution

                          Companies and research institutions across
                           the globe are working on developing and
                           manufacturing coronavirus vaccines and
                                 medications to treat Covid-19

                               Every day many of them receive
                              deliveries of essential products and
                                  technologies from Sartorius

Report by the Executive Board Chairman and CEO Joachim Kreuzburg
Workflows adapted to changed basic conditions

Safe working environment                       Changed collaboration                            Production largely running 24/7
Protection and testing policies at all sites   Less personal, more digital interaction          Working from home not always an option

                                                  Virtual meetings             +160%                          >1,000

                                               Seamless adaptation and change
                                                                                                Admin                           Operations
                                                                                                ~1,500                            ~5,000
                                                           -70%               Business travel                    ~11,000
                                               Long term ~1/3 fewer business trips expected

                                               New hires onboarded             >2,500
   Very limited number of infections
   No severe cases                            Virtual formats reaching certain limits          Marketing & Sales
   No transmission at work

Report by the Executive Board Chairman and CEO Joachim Kreuzburg
Pandemic as a catalyst: Customer requirements will change

Some products highly complex       Customers’ expectations changed          Implementing new approaches
Consulting and support essential   Requirements on sales and services       Digital interaction and training

                                      Seamless combination of direct and
                                       digital sales
                                      Digital procurement processes
                                       widely established
                                      Even larger investments are
                                       processed digitally
                                      No return to pre-Covid-19
                                       interaction model expected

Report by the Executive Board Chairman and CEO Joachim Kreuzburg
Mid-range targets for 2020 exceeded

2400    Sales CAGR                               ~15%                                                                                                           ~€2.34bn   39

        EBITDA1 margin                           ~+10pp
2200                                                                                                                                                                       37

2000                                                                                                                                  +13.2%                               35

                                                                                                                    +9.3%                                                  33
                                                                            +16.0%                                                                                         31

1400                                                     +12.6%                                                                                                            29

                                     +8.8%                                          ~€1.12bn                                                                      29.6
1200                                                                                                                                                                       27

1000                                                                                                                                                   27.1                25

                                                                                                                               25.1        25.9
800     ~€650mn                                                                                           25.0                                                             23

                                                                                       23.6                                                                                21

                                                20.5                21.0
            19.7             20.1
400                                                                                                                                                                        19

200                                                                                                                                                                        17

    0                                                                                                                                                                      15

            2011             2012               2013                2014               2015               2016                 2017        2018        2019       2020
         Sales revenue             EBITDA1 margin in %           Intec Division divested in 2|2015
Sales growth and CAGR from 2011 to 2020 for continued operations, in constant currencies; 1 adjusted for extraordinary items

Report by the Executive Board Chairman and CEO Joachim Kreuzburg
Exceptionally dynamic growth above expectations

Order intake1                                        Sales revenue1                                        EBITDA & margin2                                      Earnings per share3
in millions of €                                     in millions of €                                      in millions of €                                      in €

               +49.0%                                                +30.2%                                               +39.6%                                    +43.0%                   +42.9%
                                                                             2,335.7                                                                                        4.37                    4.38
       1,939.5                                               1,827.0
                                                                                                                                                                  3.06                    3.07
                                                                                                                                                                 Ordinary shares        Preference shares

          2019            2020                                 2019            2020                                 2019             2020                          2019 2020              2019 2020

1 Growth rates for order intake and sales revenue in constant currencies; 2 Underlying EBITDA = adjusted for extraordinary items; 3 After non-controlling interest, adjusted for extraordinary items and
non-cash amortization, as well as based on a normalized financial result and a normalized tax rate

Report by the Executive Board Chairman and CEO Joachim Kreuzburg
Double-digit growth in all geographies

Americas                                             EMEA                         Asia | Pacific             Sales by region
in millions of €                                     in millions of €             in millions of €           in %

                  +32.8%                                            +28.4%                    +29.6%                            ~35%

                                                                  733.4                                               ~€2.34
              629.9                                                                                  588.4
                                                                                           463.7                      billion

                                                                                                              ~40%       Asia | Pacific
               2019       2020                                    2019    2020             2019      2020                   ~25%

According to customers‘ location; growth in constant currencies

Report by the Executive Board Chairman and CEO Joachim Kreuzburg
BPS: Strong demand in all product categories and across all geographies

Order intake                                                              Sales revenue                                        Underlying EBITDA and margin
in millions of €                                                          in millions of €                                     in millions of €
                          +56.4% cc                                                          + 34.4% cc                                           +46.5%

                                                                                                       1,782.6                                        575.9
                    1,457.6                                                            1,350.5                                             393.1

                                                                                                                                           29.1%      32.3%

                      2019 1         2020                                                 2019 1        2020                               2019 1     2020

    High growth in “core business”
    Sales increase: Pandemic-driven effects approx. 12pp; acquisitions accounted for close to 5pp of growth
    Underlying EBITDA margin: increase due to economies of scale and lower costs in some areas due to the pandemic

1 Figures reported for 2019: Order intake €1,479.3 million; sales revenue €1,372.1 million; underlying EBITDA €406.8 million

LPS: Catch-up effects after challenging first half

Order intake                                                            Sales revenue                                     Underlying EBITDA and margin
in millions of €                                                        in millions of €                                  in millions of €
                         +26.4% cc                                                          +18.1% cc                                        +13.2%

                                   598.2                                                             553.0
                     481.9                                                             476.5                                                      116.3

                                                                                                                                      21.6%      21.0%
                      2019 1        2020                                                2019 1        2020                            20191       2020

    High demand for products used for coronavirus testing (membrane, pipette tips)
    Acquisitions contribute around 15pp to sales growth; net effect from pandemic approx. -1pp
    Underlying EBITDA margin edged down slightly as a result of lower capacity utilization in H1 due to the pandemic

1 Figures reported for 2019: Order intake €460.3 million; sales revenue €454.9 million; underlying EBITDA €89.0 million

The most recent acquisitions strengthen both divisions

Bioanalytics                                      Downstream processing                   Tools for gene and cell therapies
Innovative instruments for label-free real-time   Significant expansion of portfolio of   Market-leading products for analysis and
analysis of biomolecules; integrated into the     chromatography solutions for            purification of large biomolecules, such as
Lab Products & Services Division                  purification of biopharmaceuticals      viruses, plasmids and mRNA

      Selected businesses from                          Selected businesses from             WaterSep               BIA Separations
      Danaher Life Science                              Danaher Life Science                 BioSeparations         (Nov. 2020)
      (Apr. 2020)                                       (Apr. 2020)                          (Dec. 2020)

Financial indicators remain at a very solid level

Key financial indicators                                                              Net debt and
                                                                                      Net debt to underlying EBITDA1
                                                  Dec. 31,               Dec. 31,     2,000                                               4.0
     Sartorius Group
                                                   2019                   2020
                                                                                      1,500                                               3.0

     Equity ratio                                    38.1                      29.9
     in %                                                                             1,000                                               2.0

     Net debt                                       1,014                  1,884
                                                                                       500                                                1.0
     in millions of €
                                                                                         0                                                0.0
     Net debt |                                                                               Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4 Q1-Q4
                                                      2.0                      2.6            2014 2015 2016     2017 2018 2019 2020
     Underlying EBITDA1
                                                                                                 Net debt in millions of € (lhs)
                                                                                                 Net debt | Underlying EBITDA (rhs)
1 Includes underlying pro forma EBITDA of the acquisitions completed in 2020

Dividends to rise significantly again

Dividends in €
                                                                  0.70 0.71            0.70     0.71                       Total profit distributed would be €48.2 million;
                                             0.61 0.62                                                                      payout ratio2 at 16.1%
                        0.50 0.51                                                                                          Reminder: Dividends for 2019 adjusted due to the
     0.45 0.46
                                                                  0.35 0.36

        2016                 2017                2018                 2019                 2020 1
                           Ordinary shares              Preference shares

1 Proposal submitted to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting; 2 Related to the relevant net profit of the Sartorius Group

Sartorius shares outperformed the market yet again
                                                                                             Price development 2020
                                                                                                 SAG pref.       +80.1%
 350%                                                                                             SAG ord.       +97.1%
 300%                                                                                               MDAX          +8.8%
                                                                                               MSCI Europe        -4.3%                           SAG pref.
                                                                                                                                                  SAG ord.
 200%                                                                                                                                             DAX
     100%                                                                                                                                         MSCI Europe


       Jan-20     Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20                       Jul-20   Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20   Jan-21   Feb-21 Mar-21

As of March 25, 2021; share prices of the major stock exchanges; source: Nasdaq

Number of employees increases to over 10,600

Creation of jobs                                   Key topic: people integration    Dynamic spectrum of tenure
Total number of employees                          Over 2,500 new employees         Length of employment

               ~900 additional jobs                                                      31%
             created on avg. per year                                               Between 5 and
                                                                                       15 years
                                          10,637                                                                     52%
                                  9,036                                                                            Less than
              7,501       8,125
     6,911                                                                                                          5 years

                                                      482                 2,033
                                                                                    More than 15 years
     2016      2017       2018    2019    2020      From M&A            New hires

                                                                                         2.124             1.539
Reporting date: Dec. 31, 2020

Becoming more international and younger; hiring more women

International workforce                                    Many younger than 40                           Proportion of women to further rise
Employees by nationality                                   Workforce by age group                         Relatively high proportion of women at the
                                                                                                          senior management level
     ~3,500                                                                        1,936
                                                             ≤29                                          Percentages of the entire workforce
                                     Top 5                                   864
                                          ~1,600                                                  3,636          39%                    61%
                   96                     ~1,000                         666
                nations                   ~800
                                                                                          2,545           At the first level below the Executive Board
                                          ~650             40-49
                                          ~600                                                                  38%                    62%
 Other | ~2,500                                                                           2,520
                             71% Non-German                                                       Ø 40
                                      managers                 Total          New hires                                 Women        Men

Reporting date: Dec. 31, 2020; partially rounded figures

Sustainability is an integral part of our corporate purpose

                                               Our mission

                                               We empower scientists and engineers to simplify
     Good health and well-being at             and accelerate progress in life science and
     the focus of Sartorius‘                   bioprocessing, enabling the development of new
     business activities                       and better therapies and more affordable medicine.

Further sustainability initiatives at Sartorius

Product responsibility                                              Climate protection                                       Supply chain
Our products increase safety and                                    Significant improvement in emissions                     Already ~30% of the purchase volume2 externally
efficiency in the manufacture of medicines                                                                                   analyzed

                                                                  Development of climate-relevant emissions1                     Suppliers                Purchase volume
                                                                  in proportion to annual sales, in t | € in millions
                                                                           25.1       25.5      24.3       24.2       18.5
                                                                                                                                    7,923          81    30% €748m

    Reduce the use of new plastic                                    0                                                                  Evaluation not yet available
    Improve recycling options                                               2016       2017      2018       2019 2020                   External assessment by EcoVadis

1 Emissions of production facilities acquired during the year are not included 2 based on figures for the year 2019

Comprehensive documentation of our sustainability efforts

                                             First-time publication of a separate
                                              sustainability report
                                             Applies the GRI Guidelines (Global Reporting
                                             Will be published annually in addition to our
                                              annual report

                                                        Download from:

Guidance for 2021 raised; uncertainties remain higher than usual

                                                          Sales growth1     Underlying EBITDA margin1

    Sartorius Group                                            ~35%                   ~32%
    - thereof from acquisitions | Corona demand            ~5.5pp | ~15pp

    Bioprocess Solutions                                      ~40%                    ~34%
    - thereof from acquisitions | Corona demand             ~6pp | ~18pp

    Lab Products & Services                                    ~20%                   ~24%
    - thereof from acquisitions | Coron demand              ~5pp | ~5pp

    CAPEX ratio ~14% (FY 2020: 10.3%)
    Net debt to underlying EBITDA projected at approx. 2.0 (2020: 2.6)
1 In constant currencies

Consistent strategic focus on life sciences and biopharma

                                                       Bioprocess Solutions Division (BPS)

                                          Cell line and process                       Upstream &
     Molecule development
                                             development                         downstream production
                                                     Quality control & testing

      Lab Products & Services Division (LPS)

Strong macro trends in our target markets

 Growing and aging population                Expanding biosimilars market   USA leading; China growing strongly
 9 billion people by 2050                    ~30% CAGR, 2019-20251          Biopharma market by region

World population in 2050                                                            ~€250bn               ~€365bn
 ~ 9bn |
 > 2bn                                                       2025
 Over 60                                                  > €50bn
 years old                                   ~30%                             119
                                                           €14.5bn                     38

                World population in 2020                                            2020                   2024
             7.8bn | 1bn Over 60 years old                                      USA        Europe    China        Other


Accelerated innovation dynamics in the sector

Established biopharmaceuticals                            Next generation
Proteins, peptides                                        Virus-based therapies, advanced therapies

      mAbs             Plasma             Vaccines             Vectors          Vaccines             mRNA,          Gene and cell    CRISPR/Cas9
                                                                                                     pDNA            therapies          CAR-T

                                            Industrial products for                         Individually manufactured products as
                                                many patients                           personalized medicines for each distinct patient

                   Cost, efficiency,                                  Product yields,                     Robust manufacturing methods, closed
               acceleration, automation                                 scalability                        systems, production close to patients

Increasing digitalization across the value chain

               Bioanalytics                                 Bioprocess data                           Artificial intelligence
               Molecule development                         Production of active                      Interdisciplinary topic
                                                            pharmaceutical ingredients

Digital real-time analysis of complex data      Data management and analysis, process    Data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI)
in drug discovery                               optimization and automation              for life science applications

        Biolayer interferometry technology         Leading software for process data        Learning systems for life science
         for label-free analysis                                                               applications
                                                    Improved process control and
        High-throughput analytical platform         robustness                               Sartorius a shareholder of the DFKI
         for suspension cell screening                                                         since 2020
                                                    Deeper process understanding of
        Incubators for real-time imaging and        complex data sets                        Extension of joint Sartorius AI Lab
         cell analysis                                                                         (SAIL)

Extensive program for expansion of production capacities

     Investments moved ahead of                                                                Kajaani            China
     schedule and accelerated                                          USA
     CAPEX in millions of €; ratio in %            450                 Marlborough

                                                                                                                                  South Korea
                                 240                                                                                              Songdo

                238     226


       209                                         250                                Germany

       14.9    15.2     12.3              ~14      200

                                 10.3                                                 Guxhagen

                                                                     Puerto Rico



0                                                  0

       2017    2018     2019    2020      2021 e

      Production stable during the pandemic             Separation Fluid            Instruments         Cell Culture       Customer
                                                                    Management       & Systems           Media              Interaction
      Supply chains partially under stress
      High additional demand, especially from
       vaccine manufacturers

High investments in Europe; focus on Germany

                                               Germany | Göttingen                           Germany | Guxhagen
                                               Membrane manufacturing capacities             Capacities for bioprocessing equipment;
                                                  New building for casting machines         available by end of 2021
                                                  First machines available by end of 2022   Customer Interaction Center, planned for
                                               Research & Development
                                                                                             Finland | Kajaani
                                                  Additional laboratories
     Germany | Göttingen, Guxhagen                                                           New manufacturing cells for pipette tips
                                                  Completion scheduled for Q3 2022
     Finland | Kajaani                                                                       Building extension by more than 1,000m2
     Production capacities increasing

     Separation   Instruments   Lab Products
                   & Systems

Significant expansion of key sites in Asia

                                            China | Beijing                         South Korea | Songdo
                                            Additional manufacturing facilities     New site
                                               ~3,000m2 cleanroom for single-use      25,000m2 for cell culture media, assembly,
                                                products                                labs and application center
                                               Completion scheduled for H2 2021       Close to Samsung Biologics
                                            Customer Interaction Center                Construction to begin in 2021
     China and South Korea
                                               ~700m2 space, planned for Q1 2021      Operations to start in 2023
     Capacities will be created
     in selected areas
                                                                                                      Samsung Biologics

     Separation      Fluid   Cell Culture
                                                                                            Planned site
                  Management   Media

Ramp-up and extension of manufacturing in North America

                                                  Puerto Rico | Yauco                         USA | Marlborough, Massachusetts
                                                  Set up cell culture media manufacturing     New Customer Interaction Center
                                                     Production scheduled to start in 2022      New site ~4,000m2
                                                                                                 Completed by end of 2020
                                                  Additional cleanrooms
                                                     Fluid Management and Separation
     Puerto Rico and USA                              Technology
     Capacities will be ramped up
     in selected areas

     Cell Culture    Fluid           Customer
       Media      Management        Interaction

Mid-range targets up to 2025 significantly raised

Growth strategy                                                                        BPS       LPS     Sartorius Group

Continued strong organic growth
targeted; additional acquisitions with                           Sales               ~€3.8bn   ~€1.2bn      €5bn
complementary portfolios                                       revenue
 Above-average growth in the                                  EBITDA
  Americas and Asia
                                                               margin                 ~34%      ~25%         ~32%
 Create >1,000 new jobs on
  average per year

2025-Ziele auf Basis von Wechselkursen von 2020; EBITDA bereinigt um Sondereffekte

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