Renminbi (RMB) trends and toolkits - Deloitte

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Renminbi (RMB) trends and toolkits - Deloitte
Renminbi (RMB) trends and toolkits

As of this writing, the Chinese yuan (CNY)   impossible to predict, and these are not           noted the growing role the yuan would
was essentially trading at 7 to the US       the best of conditions. Still, there is value in   likely play in international settlement.
dollar (USD), a sharp decline in exchange    reviewing both events potentially impacting        He also remarked on three areas where
value since the end of February, when it     the yuan and the toolkit at the disposal of        significant improvement was expected in
traded in the 6.3 range. Partly the result   China’s leaders to respond to them.                China’s external-facing management of
of USD strength against most currencies,                                                        the currency, what generally is described
it does reflect a sharper decoupling from    Events                                             as the “international role of the RMB.” The
the relatively close tracking to the USD     In October 2016, the International Monetary        first was meeting high standards of data
that has been maintained over the past       Fund (IMF) added the Chinese yuan to its           transparency, working with institutions,
several years.1 Of course, the concerning    special drawing rights basket. The decision        such as the IMF and Bank of International
data on China’s economic stresses            recognized China’s continued reform                Settlement, reporting things like currency
has contributed. Still, futures markets      success and major significance as an               composition of reserves and major
in tradeable yuan continue to reflect        exporting nation. That was the first inclusion     banking statistics. The second was that the
confidence in China’s currency.2             of a new currency since 1999 when the euro         currency be “freely useable,” widely used for
                                             replaced the French franc.                         international settlement, and widely traded
Under the best of conditions and in the
                                             In the edition of the IMF News announcing          in the principal exchange markets. The
most stable times, currency trends are
                                             the formal inclusion, an IMF director              third was the development of major, well-

Renminbi (RMB) trends and toolkits

regulated capital markets; relative openness      the yuan will hold its value in the 6.8–6.9     US tightening monetary policy even as
of the capital account; and stable institutions   range but not appreciate and regain the         China’s response to its economic stresses
governed by reliable rule of law.3                levels seen earlier in 2014 or early 2018.8     is a modest loosening of monetary policy.
                                                                                                  All high and low points in the yuan’s US
As we approach the six-year anniversary           The exchange value of the yuan has become
                                                                                                  dollar value since mid-2014 occurred in the
of that decision, progress on these issues        more consequential for multinational
                                                                                                  USD:CNY range of 6.0560 to 7.1484.
remains debatable, especially with respect        companies with significant China
to openness of the capital account and            engagement, especially as they undertake        Given all that has happened in that
level of yuan trading in principal exchange       resetting their China operations in a broader   time frame, the movements have been
markets. Nonetheless, the IMF announced           global context. Analyzing yuan value trends     somewhat modest—a maximum decline
that the weighting of the yuan would be           becomes important when potentially              of 15% from the 2014 peak and 10% since
increased on August 1, 2022, to 12.28%,           liquidating some China assets or expanding      2016, counting from well before the trade
from the 10.92% level it has occupied             others. The same could be said of regulatory    frictions and all the other externalities
since 2016.4                                      practices constraining capital account          discussed.10 In comparison, the euro’s US
                                                  transfers on the Chinese side or tightened      dollar value declined more than 28% from
The impact of CNY-related events                  US listing and outbound investment              the mid-2014 peaks to the present value,
We are revisiting our previous discussions        restrictions from the US side.                  now hovering around parity with little sign
of the Chinese yuan for several reasons.                                                          of near-term recovery.11
First, although less than a 1.5% increase in      Recent events have reshaped the
total basket weighting, the IMF move does         yuan’s behavior and trajectory. Shortly         There is a balance of countervailing
represent an increase in yuan weighting of        after the yuan’s formal inclusion in the        pressures that is shaping the future value
12.5%. And increased yuan weighting was           special drawing rights (SDR), the new           of the yuan. Supporting its value is China’s
not the only change. The US dollar weighting      US administration began its broad tariff        current large export surplus, which among
was also increased, whereas the euro, yen,        and sanctions program, followed by the          many things provisions its foreign currency
and GBP saw their weighting decreased.5           economic impact of Mainland regulatory          reserves. Top leadership has consistently
The increase in the US dollar weighting was       changes, then the pandemic and                  committed to not only protecting but
a tad less than 4%. The IMF is essentially        lockdowns, the apparent end of China’s          expanding China’s role in global supply
projecting its expectations for the relative      impactful property market appreciation          chains. The depth of China’s foreign
importance of these currencies in the future      and consequent developer defaults, and          exchange (forex) holdings enables it to meet
global financial system.                          finally the Ukraine situation, bringing         foreign currency needs, including overseas
                                                  global commodity inflation and disruptive       acquisitions and imports (especially energy
Not all indicators align with what we             financial sanctions that restricted US dollar   and minerals), and importantly to defend the
interpret to be the IMF’s view. For example,      transactions. There are indications inflation   currency in the limited exchanges where its
anticipation for appreciation or stability        is now higher than nominal investment           international form, the CNH, is traded.
of the yuan figures prominently in the            returns, and infrastructure projects, even
risk premiums associated with portfolio                                                           The importance of China’s forex holdings in
                                                  those underway, are becoming more difficult
investment in Mainland equities and debt.                                                         supporting the currency, especially against
                                                  to finance.9
After years of soaring growth in booming                                                          the kind of attacks that triggered the Asian
Chinese capital markets, from 2018 to 2020,       Volatility or stability: Trend markers          Financial Crisis in July 1997, makes forex
venture capital funds from the United States      What are some relevant signs that could         trends a critical measure. In spite of China’s
into China dropped from $20 billion to            help CFOs, treasury executives, and other       sustained record-trade surpluses, foreign
$2.5 billion. The number of deals dropped         financial managers build useful scenarios?      exchange reserves fell in August by 1.58%,
from 306 in 2019 to 247 in 2020.6 More            First, how volatile has the yuan been?          or nearly USD50 billion. Domestic reports
recent analyses, based on interviews with                                                         attributed that to the complexity of the
                                                  The yuan reached peak US dollar exchange        external environment.12 It certainly reflects
much larger and previously very optimistic
                                                  values since the trade frictions in spring      capital outflows at elevated levels.
asset management groups, indicate a
                                                  2018 and February 2022, and low values
moderation of interest. Explanations vary,                                                        Among critical externalities, low interest
                                                  the fourth quarter of 2018, fourth quarter
from geopolitical pressures driving financial                                                     rates in the United States and European
                                                  of 2019, and spring 2020. The current
market fragmentation to a strong push in                                                          Union were key in the calculations that
                                                  trend down now coincides with news of
China for a larger party and SOE role in all                                                      drew major asset management wealth
                                                  a broad economic slowdown in China. At
activities of industry and commerce.7 As                                                          to China, but the impact of related yield
                                                  the same time, pressure on both capital
noted earlier, offshore yuan futures markets                                                      factors likely has flipped with the US
                                                  accounts and yuan value results from the
on contracts one year out reflect confidence                                                      Federal Reserve’s recent historic rate

Renminbi (RMB) trends and toolkits

hikes as well as the established safe-haven      Potential runs on local banks, widespread        2021. Central budget deficits have been
reputation of the US dollar.                     mortgage defaults, and private developer         rising by 2 trillion yuan a year and have hit
                                                 defaults are issues impacting the                a crescendo in the first quarter of 2022,
On the negative side is the aggravation of
                                                 perceived stability of the yuan and inviting     evidencing the impact of cash infusions via
numerous economic stresses and growing
                                                 strong government action. The National           the tax system.16
concern at home and abroad in the
                                                 Bureau of Statistics of China’s headline for
sustainability of China’s growth rate. China’s                                                    How does this work? As VAT payment
                                                 its most recent report was “production
brief economic recovery, celebrated as                                                            receipts are passed along supply chains, for
                                                 and supply continued to recover,
proof of effective management of the COVID                                                        both goods and services, the final receipt
                                                 employment and prices were generally
impact, has appeared to have faded, and                                                           holder has typically paid 4.5% to 6.8% VAT
                                                 stable, foreign trade maintained the
indeed the COVID lockdowns that are the                                                           to the local tax administration. The receipts
                                                 good momentum of growth, and people’s
hallmark of China’s pandemic management                                                           it receives can, within a specified period of
                                                 livelihood was strongly and effectively
are being blamed by many. The Q2 2022                                                             time, be redeemed from the local financial
                                                 safeguarded. The national economy
GDP declined 2.6% from Q1, against a more                                                         bureaus for the 9% official national VAT rate.
                                                 sustained the momentum of recovery.”14
modest expected decline of 1.5%.13
                                                                                                  The point is that the VAT rebate system
                                                 China’s governance structure enables the
The government response is measured and                                                           provides directable channels to inject
                                                 top leadership to react very quickly with
includes more direct stimulus in the form of                                                      cash into agents, including small and
                                                 adjustments to monetary policy, subsidies
infrastructure investment, easing of banking                                                      medium enterprises, at local levels. Local
                                                 and stimulation, and tax practices. But
reserve rules, easing of rules governing                                                          tax authorities compete in the chase for
                                                 the structure through which rules are
local bonds and other local fundraising                                                           investment and business activity generally
                                                 implemented engenders a lot of diversity at
measures, and easing of tax burdens. Even                                                         with the actual VAT collection rates. VAT
                                                 the local level if not potential misdirection
as the debt crisis remains a priority, these                                                      rebates provide a bankable margin for
                                                 and diluted impact.
steps are resulting in a significant decrease                                                     businesses that collect and convert VAT
in government tax revenue that could             Many of the ways central cash flows into         receipts. Local business registration
potentially ease the burden of growing           local economies, shaped by the monetary          requirements are such that there are
deficits from central government direct          toolkit, may be among the most unfamiliar        companies with a constellation of local
spending and support of local governments.       “Chinese characteristics” for multinational      branches whose primary revenue is
There is the continued growth of debt at         company (MNC) executives. A prime                collecting and processing VAT rebates,
the local government and SOE levels as well      example is the National Development and          shopping local tax authorities, and
as central government levels. And finally        Reform Commission (NDRC), Ministry of            harvesting maximum income between the
there is the massive impact of the turbulent     Finance (MoF), and State Administration          actual amount paid and the greater value of
property sector, which appears to be             of Tax (SAT) use of value-added tax (VAT)        the tax receipt for rebates.17
reducing household consumption, triggering       regulation to measure, time, and direct cash
                                                                                                  The use of tax policy to support local
a mortgage revolt, and forcing many local        flows in the economy at local levels outside
                                                                                                  resource needs is very granular. In just
banks to lock consumer accounts as lines of      infrastructure investment. The relationship
                                                                                                  two months alone—from the beginning
anxious account holders form daily at their      between policy goals and currency
                                                                                                  of May to the end of June 2022—the SAT,
doors. Local governments are searching           stabilization is clear.
                                                                                                  NDRC, and MoF made some two dozen
for a means to alleviate the many social
                                                 Perhaps unique to China and a good               adjustments, reductions, clarifications, and
and economic impacts of the residential
                                                 example of this point, the VAT system of         declarations about taxes, primarily VAT.
property slowdown.
                                                 payments, receipts, credits, and rebates is a
                                                 major mechanism for channeling cash into         Things to watch
Actions and reactions: The toolkit
                                                 the economy and maintaining adequate             Developing reliable scenarios for the future
China has publicly acknowledged
                                                 yuan supply. A major reduction in VAT tax        of China’s currency is not an easy exercise,
current economic challenges, and top
                                                 rates was implemented in April 2019, as          given the multiple contingencies, both
leaders have consistently assured the
                                                 part of a 2 trillion yuan tax reduction effort   domestic and international.
domestic and international public that
adequate monetary tools remain in                to stimulate the economy.15 With lockdowns       Domestically, it is easy to underestimate the
their kits to manage the challenges. The         and other disruptions amplifying economic        tools that are available to leaders to manage
explicit priority is to maintain domestic        stress, in H1 2022 tax deferrals and rebates     potentially disruptive outcomes for the
confidence in the economy and the                doubled over the previous year’s level,          currency, given the focus of top leadership
currency and avoid a prolonged downturn          reaching 3 trillion yuan, or about 2.5% of       on economic stability, the speed with which
that could erode international confidence.       China’s 114 trillion yuan GDP reported in        adjustments can be implemented, and the

Renminbi (RMB) trends and toolkits

numerous and responsive touchpoints into       to reduce that dependency, China has          role globally, especially as the EU joins in
industry and commerce China’s economic         explicitly and contrarily committed itself    and other economies around the world
and political system provides. Similarly, it   to increasing its global supply chain role    plan and invest to become competitors
is easy to underestimate the role China        and thus maintaining export surpluses         themselves in key manufacturing areas
may have in high-value exports in the          and strong forex positions. Energy policy     such as semiconductor fabrication. The
years ahead that would provide buoyant         and broader industrial planning, as well as   competition concept could constrain
forex reserves to back up the yuan under       capital controls and banking procedures,      the potential for China to become self-
continued administrative control. As of the    are integrated toward the goal of             sufficient in key technologies and also
end of August 2022, China reports forex        maintaining a positive trade balance,         for Chinese enterprises to become
holdings of USD3.055 trillion, hanging         maintaining substantial forex holdings,       genuinely competitive globally, both key
above the long-hallowed USD3 trillion          and funding ambitious international           components of the long-term growth
benchmark.18 Having said that, it is equally   programs and acquisitions.                    plan. Recent implementation rules for the
easy to underestimate the tectonic impact of                                                 Creating Healthy Incentives to Produce
                                               In the background but remaining
the property market reset on the economy                                                     Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act
                                               important for the future of the yuan,
at large, individual family wealth, and the                                                  announced by the Biden administration
                                               especially as an international currency,
currency. The mortgage burden alone in                                                       include choking off any investment from
                                               is what progress China will make on the
2021 was 40 trillion yuan.19                                                                 beneficiaries of the legislation in high-
                                               three expectations laid out by the IMF
                                                                                             tech manufacturing on the Mainland for
Internationally, China appears to have         when the yuan was first included in the
                                                                                             10 years.20 For planning and investment
avoided significant trade and currency         SDR basket. The events and responses
                                                                                             decisions, analyzing the potential success
repercussions from the Ukraine situation.      reviewed in this discussion generally
                                                                                             of Chinese companies abroad and other
And not withstanding lockdown impacts          would not strengthen those expectations.
                                                                                             exogenous strengths of and challenges to
on industrial production, exports have
                                               The outcomes of what has been called          the yuan is no less important—and may
held up well and rebounded vigorously
                                               “strategic competition” by US negotiators     prove to be more important—than the
from relatively brief dips. Even as many
                                               may be among the most consequential for       current global media focus on domestic
MNCs that have long depended on China
                                               China’s long-term currency stability and      economic stresses.
for core supply chain roles take steps


1. Bloomberg, USD-CNY currency rate, accessed September 2022.

2. CME Group, Standard-size USD/Offshore RMB (CNH) futures – quotes, accessed September 2022.

3. International Monetary Fund (IMF), “IMF adds Chinese Renminbi to Special Drawing Rights basket,” September 30, 2016.

4. Nikkei Asia, “IMF lifts Chinese yuan’s weighting in basket of top currencies,” May 15, 2022.

5. Ibid.

6. Thilo Hanemann et al., “Two-way street – US-China investment trends – 2021 update,” Rhodium Group, May 19, 2021.

7. Chris Anstey, “Why China’s ties to the global economy are fraying,” Bloomberg, July 23, 2022.

8. CME Group, Standard-size USD/Offshore RMB (CNH) futures – quotes, accessed September 2022.

9. Interviews and Deloitte analysis.

10. Wall Street Journal Markets, Chinese yuan, accessed September 2022.

11. European Central Bank, US dollar (USD), accessed September 2022.

12. China News, “The State Administration of Foreign Exchange responds to the reasons for the change in the scale of foreign exchange reserves in
    August,” September 7, 2022.

13. Dhwani Mehta, “China’s GDP contracts 2.6% YoY in Q2 2022 vs. -1.5% expected, AUD/USD unfazed,” FXStreet, July 15, 2022.

14. National Bureau of Statistics of China, “National Economy Sustained the Momentum of Recovery in July,” August 15, 2022.

15. Amber Liu, “5 big changes to China’s VAT in 2019,” China Briefing, October 14, 2019.

16. CEIC, “China tax revenue – 1995–2022,” accessed September 2022.

17. National Institute for Finance and Development, “Local and Regional Finance,” May report, 2022; Deloitte analysis.

18. China News, “The State Administration of Foreign Exchange responds to the reasons for the change in the scale of foreign exchange reserves in
    August,” September 7, 2022.

19. Wenyi Zhang, “Real estatein China – statistics & facts,” Statista, June 8, 2022.

20. Kinling Lo, “US Chips Act bars American companies in China from building ‘advanced tech’ factories for 10 years,” South China Morning Post,
    September 7, 2022.

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