If you Can't Beat Them, Join Them: Should States Embrace Bitcoin?

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If you Can't Beat Them, Join Them: Should States Embrace Bitcoin?
If you Can’t Beat Them, Join Them:
© 2021 IAI

                                                Should States Embrace Bitcoin?
                                                by Jesse Colzani
ISSN 2532-6570

                                                Bitcoin – the most secure and well-                 Bitcoin mining
                                                established technology to store value1
                                                – was created in 2008 to challenge the              Bitcoin is not only a widely distributed
                                                state’s centralised monopoly on money.              database. Like any other internet
                                                It is a digital currency worth 1 trillion           technology, it runs thanks to a
                                                US dollars that knows no boundaries                 network of machines which rely on
                                                and is not controlled by any central                an energy infrastructure of significant
                                                authority. Although it is considered                proportions. It is no coincidence that
                                                a threat to the established order,                  the way new bitcoins are produced
                                                countries and institutional actors are              is defined as “mining”:2 if traditional
                                                gradually realising Bitcoin can also be             mining consists of the extraction of
                                                a tool to advance their economic and                resources from Earth, bitcoin mining
                                                geopolitical interests.                             can be considered the extraction of

                                                                                                    resources – coins – from its network.
                                                Today, governments find themselves in               The mining process is an essential
                                                the difficult position of having to decide          aspect of Bitcoin’s functioning: it is
                                                whether Bitcoin should be integrated                only by pooling computational power
                                                into their economies and governance                 globally that trust in the whole system
                                                structures or if they should continue               can be built and maintained.
                                                to oppose, block or seek to co-opt the
                                                digital currency. But to understand                 Bitcoin mining activities recently
                                                Bitcoin and make an informed decision,              became anti-economical in most areas
                                                one has to first appreciate the different           of the world. This is because it requires
                                                components of its ecosystem.                        huge amounts of electricity, specialised
                                                1                                                   2
                                                 Roland Stautz, “Bitcoin Is Demonetizing              The word choice is interesting because Bitcoin
                                                Gold”, in Bitcoin Magazine, 19 May 2021, https://   is often identified as digital gold for its ability to
                                                bitcoinm agazine.com /c ult ure/ bitcoin-is-        hedge inflation and not be affected by monetary
                                                demonetizing-gold.                                  policies.

                                                Jesse Colzani is an independent consultant and Senior Fellow at The Good Lobby. He
                                                specialises in blockchain, international law and global governance.
If you Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: Should States Embrace Bitcoin?

                                                Figure 1 | Average monthly share of bitcoin’s total hashrate, April 2021
© 2021 IAI
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                                                Source: Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI) website: Bitcoin Mining Map,

                                                hardware and adequate temperatures               Beijing,   however,     has     recently
                                                to prevent machines from overheating.            implemented stricter policies to ban
                                                Areas where electricity is cheap and             mining activities. The move is justified
                                                where temperatures are low enough                by the perceived threat that Bitcoin
                                                are ideal for such practices.                    poses to monetary sovereignty, by a
                                                                                                 related hardship to enforce anti-money
                                                Thanks to its proximity to hardware              laundering policies, as well as by the

                                                manufacturers,        shorter    supply          Chinese ambitious plan to become
                                                chains, reduced shipping fees and                carbon-neutral by 2060.5 A Chinese
                                                lower import tariffs, Chinese miners             crypto-exodus followed thereafter,
                                                enjoyed a considerable competitive               leading to a significant redistribution
                                                advantage.3 Indeed, until June 2021,             of mining companies to other areas
                                                China accounted for an estimated 65              such as China’s neighbour Kazakhstan
                                                per cent of Bitcoin’s mining power,4             or crypto-friendly and energy-rich
                                                with the remaining share coming from             Texas.6
                                                the United States, Iran, Kazakhstan and

                                                3                                                5
                                                  Morgen E. Peck, “Why the Biggest Bitcoin         David Pan, “Why China’s Ban on Crypto
                                                Mines Are in China”, in IEEE Spectrum, 4         Mining Is More Serious Than Before”, in
                                                October 2017, https://spectrum.ieee.org/why-     CoinDesk, 9 July 2021, https://www.coindesk.
                                                the-biggest-bitcoin-mines-are-in-china.          com/policy/2021/07/09/why-chinas-ban-on-
                                                  See Statista, Distribution of Bitcoin Mining   crypto-mining-is-more-serious-than-before.
                                                Hashrate from September 2019 to April 2021, by     MacKenzie Sigalos, “China Is Kicking Out
                                                Country, July 2021, https://www.statista.com/    More Than Half the World’s Bitcoin Miners…”, in
                                                statistics/1200477.                              CNBC, 15 June 2021, https://cnb.cx/3grw4eD.

If you Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: Should States Embrace Bitcoin?

                                                Most of the Bitcoin community has                   uses resources that would otherwise be
                                                welcomed China’s crackdown since                    wasted – like flared gas11 – and gives
                                                centralisation of mining has been a                 strong incentives for miners to move
                                                concern for a long time due to Bitcoin’s            to rural areas where renewable energy
                                                traditionally de-centralised structure              is cheap. As a result, some argue that
                                                and China’s historical political will               Bitcoin will facilitate the transition to a
© 2021 IAI

                                                to create its own central bank digital              cleaner, more resilient electric grid.12
                                                currency to challenge the US dollar
                                                dominance.7 The Chinese exodus has                  Bitcoin exchanges
                                                also been welcomed because Bitcoin
                                                mining uses considerable amounts                    While originally embraced as a
                                                of fossil fuels, especially in coal-rich            means to bypass traditional financial
ISSN 2532-6570

                                                regions such as inner Mongolia. It is               intermediaries, in an ironic twist of
                                                no secret that the electricity required to          fate Bitcoin has now paved the way
                                                run the Bitcoin network is significant:             to a new and very powerful category
                                                Bitcoin currently consumes between                  of     middleman:     cryptocurrency
                                                20 and 300 terawatt-hours per year.                 exchanges.
                                                That is almost equivalent to the yearly
                                                electricity consumption of Belgium                  Exchanges currently constitute one of
                                                and the Netherlands.8                               the most “attractive regulatory access
                                                                                                    point” in the crypto world.13 Just like
                                                Yet, before dismissing Bitcoin as an                the mining centres, these businesses
                                                unsustainable solution, it is worth                 are established in the most convenient
                                                having a better look at the data. A                 areas. But it is the regulatory framework
                                                recent report estimated that “mining’s              that matters most. Since it has the
                                                electricity mix increased to 56%                    highest number of users and trading
                                                sustainable in Q2 2021”, arguing that               volumes in the world, the United States

                                                Bitcoin is “one of the most sustainable             currently hosts most cryptocurrency
                                                industries globally”.9                              exchanges, but a number of other
                                                                                                    crypto-friendly       jurisdictions  such
                                                Moreover, Bitcoin appears to be greener             as Malta, Hong Kong and the United
                                                than the industries it aspires to replace,          Kingdom also emerged, attracting more
                                                such as gold mining and the banking
                                                industry.10 Also, Bitcoin increasingly              and Resource Sustainability”, in Resources
                                                                                                    Policy, Vol. 32, No. 1-2 (2007), p. 42-56;
                                                                                                    Hass McCook, “A Comparison of Bitcoin’s
                                                   Martin Farrer, “Currency and Control: Why        Environmental Impact with That of Gold and
                                                China Wants to Undermine Bitcoin”, in The           Banking”, in Nasdaq, 4 May 2021, https://www.
                                                Guardian, 9 July 2021, https://www.theguardian.     nasdaq.com/node/11169036.
                                                com/p/tx247.                                        11
                                                                                                       Laila Kearney, “Oil Drillers and Bitcoin Miners
                                                   CBECI website: Comparisons, accessed August      Bond over Natural Gas”, in Reuters, 21 May 2021,
                                                2021, https://cbeci.org/cbeci/comparisons.          http://reut.rs/3wlR1Nc.
                                                9                                                   12
                                                   Bitcoin Mining Council, Bitcoin Mining Council      Square, Bitcoin Is Key to an Abundant, Clean
                                                Survey Confirms Sustainable Power Mix, 1 July       Energy Future, April 2021, https://squareup.
                                                2021, https://bitcoinminingcouncil.com/2021-        com/us/en/press/bcei-white-paper.
                                                07-01-mining-council-press-release-q2.              13
                                                                                                       Michèle Finck, Blockchain Regulation and
                                                    Gavin M. Mudd, “Global Trends in Gold           Governance in Europe, Cambridge, Cambridge
                                                Mining: Towards Quantifying Environmental           University Press, 2018, p. 54-55.

If you Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: Should States Embrace Bitcoin?

                                                exchanges to their territories.                     its value is still dependent on large
                                                                                                    speculative activities, unconfirmed
                                                The role of these companies is to                   news and Elon Musk’s tweets.16
                                                convert customers’ cryptocurrencies
                                                into conventional fiat money and                    Yet, the limited supply of 21 million
                                                vice versa. Through this process, they              coins (or 2,100 trillion Satoshi – the
© 2021 IAI

                                                manage up to 50 billion US dollars per              smallest units of a bitcoin) and very low
                                                day in Bitcoin transactions and have                transaction fees make it an interesting
                                                been growing in value and power.                    alternative to traditional assets and
                                                                                                    currencies. It is on this basis that
                                                Most exchanges collaborate with                     sovereign states are slowing warming
                                                regulators and have sound regulatory                to the idea of embracing Bitcoins as an
ISSN 2532-6570

                                                compliance frameworks for anti-                     alternative – parallel – currency.
                                                money laundering and fiscal purposes.
                                                Bitcoin exchanges manage about 10 per               One such example is El Salvador: a
                                                cent of the total supply of Bitcoin, while          country that was using US dollars as
                                                the remaining 90 per cent is potentially            national currency, where 70 per cent
                                                escaping     regulatory     scrutiny   by           of the population is unbanked and
                                                authorities.14 In the long run, exchanges           where 20 per cent of GDP comes from
                                                could constitute an ideal regulatory                international remittances.
                                                bottleneck for governments but only
                                                if significant percentages of users will            El Salvador is the first and only nation
                                                decide to use them.                                 in the world to adopt Bitcoin as legal
                                                                                                    tender. Citizens are now able to pay
                                                Towards a Bitcoin standard?                         their taxes and purchase goods using
                                                                                                    bitcoins. President Nayib Bukele’s
                                                Crypto     exchanges     and    mining              move in June 2021 has been widely

                                                companies are consequences of the                   criticised by financial institutions: the
                                                widespread adoption of Bitcoin. With                International Monetary Fund recently
                                                Bitcoin slowly infiltrating the global              defined it as an “inadvisable shortcut”17
                                                economy, some have speculated that                  and the World Bank rejected a request
                                                it could eventually become the world’s              from El Salvador to help with the
                                                reserve currency, thereby challenging               implementation of Bitcoin as legal
                                                the supremacy of the US dollar.15                   tender.18

                                                Currently, the high volatility of the
                                                world’s first cryptocurrency does not               16
                                                                                                       Akane Otani, “Elon Musk Has Become
                                                make such an outcome desirable, since               Bitcoin’s Biggest Influencer, Like It or Not”, in
                                                                                                    The Wall Street Journal, 23 May 2021.
                                                                                                       Tobias Adrian and Rhoda Weeks-Brown,
                                                   Primavera De Filippi, “Bitcoin: A Regulatory     “Cryptoassets as National Currency? A Step Too
                                                Nightmare to a Libertarian Dream”, in Internet      Far”, in IMF Blog, 26 July 2021, https://blogs.imf.
                                                Policy Review, Vol. 3, No. 2 (May 2014), https://   org/?p=33546.
                                                doi.org/10.14763/2014.2.286.                        18
                                                                                                       Rodrigo Campo, “World Bank Rejects
                                                   Ruchir Sharma, “Will Bitcoin End the Dollar’s    El Salvador Request for Help on Bitcoin
                                                Reign?”, in Financial Times, 9 December 2020,       Implementation”, in Reuters, 16 June 2021,
                                                https://t.co/aFhJV6Pn44.                            https://reut.rs/2U1p6Ej.

If you Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: Should States Embrace Bitcoin?

                                                It is not clear whether the move should              Meanwhile, about 80 per cent of the
                                                be considered part of a de-dollarisation             world’s central banks are exploring the
                                                plan and if El Salvador’s economy will               possibility of creating their own central
                                                benefit from the adoption of Bitcoin.                bank digital currency (CBDC).23 In the
                                                But there are good chances that other                short term, this will create competition
                                                dollar-dependent countries will act                  between        different     state-backed
© 2021 IAI

                                                similarly – for example, the government              currencies but also with the original
                                                of Cuba recently announced it will                   cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, which
                                                legalise cryptocurrency transactions in              are a-national by nature. It is crucial to
                                                the country.19                                       understand that, in this global race for
                                                                                                     digital currencies, CBDCs will represent
                                                While it seems unlikely that most                    a more efficient version of traditional
ISSN 2532-6570

                                                governments and central banks will                   state-backed currencies, while Bitcoin
                                                accumulate bitcoins in the short                     represents a new universal and
                                                term, the private sector has been less               decentralised currency.
                                                sceptical. Companies such as Tesla,
                                                MicroStrategy and Square are adding                  Governments are slowly understanding
                                                billions of dollars in bitcoins to their             that regulating Bitcoin per se would
                                                balance sheets.20 There is speculation               be almost impossible. Bitcoin is
                                                that big companies such as Twitter,                  both everywhere and nowhere, and
                                                Amazon and Apple will do the same                    authorities cannot enforce laws both
                                                or accept Bitcoin payments from their                within and outside national borders.
                                                customers.21                                         Bitcoin has no servers that can be
                                                                                                     shut down, no chokepoints and no
                                                To understand how much the private                   single individual is responsible for the
                                                sector is invested in cryptocurrencies,              network.
                                                it’s enough to look at how the 1 trillion US

                                                dollars infrastructure proposal approval             Only a global and carefully coordinated
                                                by the US senate was blocked because                 regulatory approach could ensure
                                                of concerns about how the government                 a certain degree of control. But not
                                                would regulate cryptocurrencies – a                  only would this require a coordinated
                                                powerful effort from a crypto industry               compression of individual freedoms
                                                that invested 5 million US dollars in                (e.g. restrictions on Internet Service
                                                crypto lobbying this year.22                         Providers or mass surveillance), but also
                                                                                                     a truly multilateral approach,24 which
                                                   Cuban Central Bank, “Resolución 215/2021”
                                                (GOC-2021-814-EX73), in Gaceta Oficial, No.          Became a Powerful Force in Washington”, in
                                                73 (26 August 2021), p. 695, https://www.            The Washington Post, 7 August 2021, https://
                                                gacetaoficial.gob.cu/sites/default/files/goc-        wapo.st/3lVC1nt.
                                                2021-ex73.pdf.                                       23
                                                                                                        Nicola Bilotta, “CBDCs for Dummies:
                                                   A list of companies holding large amounts         Everything You Need to Know about Central
                                                of Bitcoin can be found in the Cryptocurrency        Bank Digital Currency (And Why You Shouldn’t
                                                Treasuries website: https://cryptotreasuries.org.    Be Afraid of It)”, in IAI Papers, No. 21|24 (June
                                                   Sarah Perez, “Jack Dorsey Says Bitcoin Will Be    2021), p. 4, https://www.iai.it/en/node/13508.
                                                a Big Part of Twitter’s Future”, in TechCrunch, 23   24
                                                                                                        Cathy Mulligan, “Blockchain and Sustainable
                                                July 2021, https://techcrunch.com/?p=2181337.        Growth”, in UN Chronicle, Vol. 55, No. 4 (January
                                                   Todd C. Frankel et al., “How Cryptocurrency       2019),    p.    47-49,   https://doi.org/10.18356/

If you Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: Should States Embrace Bitcoin?

                                                Figure 2 | Price of bitcoin in US dollars, 2013–2021
© 2021 IAI
ISSN 2532-6570

                                                Note: A logarithmic scale is used for the y axis.
                                                Source: CoinMarketCap website: Bitcoin, https://coinmarketcap.com/en/currencies/bitcoin.

                                                currently seems difficult to envision.             opportunities into their economies.
                                                                                                   Local authorities are well-positioned
                                                Rather than attempting to regulate,                to negotiate favourable agreements
                                                co-opt or limit the technology, states             with mining companies to invest
                                                should carefully consider their options            in rural and underdeveloped areas

                                                and foresee possible future scenarios. If          while cutting carbon emissions in the
                                                the value of Bitcoin can increase tenfold          industry. Crypto-friendly regulations
                                                as some predict,25 it makes sense for a            could increase the amount of Bitcoin-
                                                country to acquire some amounts of it              related businesses that are established
                                                as a reserve.26                                    in a country, which in turn can attract
                                                                                                   more investments into the country’s
                                                Governments      can      individually             economy and allow governments to
                                                implement policies to attract bitcoins             have more control on the economy.
                                                and    crypto-related      investment
                                                                                                   Ignoring (or trying to block) Bitcoin
                                                c78b1d78-en.                                       constitutes a risk for states. These could
                                                   Tim Falk and Madeleine Gracie, “Bitcoin         miss an opportunity that could benefit
                                                (BTC) Price Prediction 2021”, in Finder, 15 July
                                                2021, https://www.finder.com/uk/bitcoin-btc-       their country and economy but there
                                                price-prediction.                                  is also the risk of falling behind other
                                                   Osato Avan-Nomayo, “Governments Are             countries and the private sector.
                                                Looking to Buy Bitcoin, NYDIG CEO Confirms”,
                                                in Cointelegraph, 25 March 2021, https://
                                                cointelegraph.com/news/governments-are-            Small countries that may like to follow
                                                looking-to-buy-bitcoin-nydig-ceo-confirms.         El Salvador’s example could do so in an

If you Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: Should States Embrace Bitcoin?

                                                effort to become less reliant on global
                                                powers such as the US and China, while
                                                attracting investments to strengthen
                                                their energy infrastructure. Conversely,
                                                larger economies have the opportunity
                                                to increase international capital inflow
© 2021 IAI

                                                and consolidate their influence over
                                                other countries by offering services
                                                such as Bitcoin exchanges.

                                                Bitcoins will continue to grow and
                                                expand and may thus move to challenge
ISSN 2532-6570

                                                the role of the US dollar. Some even
                                                predict Bitcoins to replace the US dollar
                                                altogether. As far-fetched as that might
                                                sound today, the consequences would
                                                be cataclysmic in multiple ways, from
                                                geopolitics to the global economy and
                                                power relationships between states.
                                                The crypto-clock is ticking, and to avoid
                                                being caught off guard, governments
                                                need to have a plan that takes into
                                                account the success of Bitcoin and its
                                                likely future trajectories of growth and

                                                                       2 September 2021

If you Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: Should States Embrace Bitcoin?

                                                Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)
                                                The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) is a private, independent non-profit think tank,
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