Renewable Energy policies in the EU Member States - Indicators assessing market status, policy effectiveness & efficiency
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Renewable Energy policies in the EU Member States Indicators assessing market status, policy effectiveness & efficiency Mario Ragwitz, Fraunhofer ISI Max Rathmann, ECOFYS 0
Main support policies for RES electricity Feed-in tariffs Feed-in premiums Quota obligations with tradable green certificates Loan guarantees Soft loans Investment grants Tax incentives Tendering schemes Also very relevant: Permitting procedures Grid access & operation Power market design & structure R&D, industrial policy 1
Key features FIT, FIP & Quota TGC revenues RES-support Market price FIT FIP Quota fixed premium - cap & floor - sliding/Cfd Fixed feed-in tariff (FIT) Quota Gov fixes price, market decides quantity Gov fixes quantity, market decides price Fixed tariff (€/MWh) Obligation for suppliers: Guaranteed during lifetime or x years Minimum RES-E share Purchase obligation Increasing over time (Grid (access & use) priority) Penalty Tradable certificates for RES-E production (‘market’ price) Feed-in premium (FIP) Obligation is met by submission of certificates to Fixed premium (€/MWh) competent authority Guaranteed during lifetime or x years Power sold on conventional markets Power sold on conventional markets 2
Main RES-E support instruments in the EU-27 Quo ta obligatio n Feed -in tariff Feed -in premium Oth er instrumen ts t han th e above N otes: 1 ) The patt ern ed colours repres ent a c ombin ation of ins tru ments 2 ) Inves tment s grants , tax exempt ions and fis cal incen tives are not inc luded in th is pictu re. Source: RE-SHAPING 2010 Finland Sweden Estonia L atvia Denmark Li th uania Ireland United Neth erlan ds King dom Poland Germ an y Belgium Czech Luxembo urg Repub lic Slo vakia Austr ia Hungary F ran ce Ro mania Slo venia Bulgaria Por tu gal Italy Spain Cyprus Greece 3 Malta
97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 All RES-E AT technologies Feed-in tarif f Main support All RES-E BE technologies v Quota / TGC All RES-E BG technologies Tender CY All RES-E technologies v v Tax incentives / Investment grants instrument RES-E & policy changes All RES-E CZ technologies Change of the v All RES-E system DK technologies EE All RES-E technologies v v Adaptation of the system 1997-2010 All RES-E FI technologies Wind v v FR Bioenergy v v v v PV v v All RES-E DE technologies All RES-E HU technologies v All RES-E GR technologies All RES-E IE technologies v Wind IT Bioenergy v PV v v v All RES-E LT technologies v All RES-E LU technologies Wind LV Other RES-E technologies Wind MT Bioenergy v PV All RES-E v NL technologies v v v All RES-E PL technologies v All RES-E PT v v technologies All RES-E RO technologies v All RES-E ES technologies All RES-E SE technologies v All RES-E SI technologies v All RES-E SK technologies v All 4 RES-E UK technologies v
Main support policies for RES heat Investment grants Tax exemptions and other fiscal incentives Use obligations 5
Overview of indicator set Policy Policy effectiveness indicator Ex-post evaluation of performance Support level vs generation policy performance indicators cost Profit range (efficiency) Market Deployment status indicator Framework conditions status for RE policy (RET indicators Electricity market market maturity, preparedness indicator electricity market) Used (e.g. by EC) since 2005 and constantly improved, updated, extended. 6
Deployment Status Indicator A rough characterisation of the status of 14 technologies in 27 Member States For differentiation in policy performance analysis Three sub-indicators expressing different aspects of RET deployment status Deployment Status Production as Production as Installed Typical characteristics % of sector % of 2030 capacity consumption potential >100MW Advanced Shows relevancy Established players, fully mature & visibility on technology, growth may slow down. energy market Intermediate Higher share Passing Higher share indicates that minimum Increasing market, strong growth. indicates that low-end threshold Growth related barriers (e.g. low-end barriers barriers have indicates that infrastructural and supply chain). have been been market players Some countries stop at this level. overcome; overcome; gained trust & high-end barriers high-end experience. Immature may occur (e.g. barriers may Proof that Small market, few players, low integration occur (e.g. barriers can be growth. Inexperienced administration electricity competition overcome. & banks. Low or unreliable support. system) resources) 7
Biomass non- Ground source Wind on- Wind off- Solid Geothermal Biomass grid Geothermal Solarthermal shore Photovoltaics Biogas electricity grid heat pumps shore biomass 100 100 SE Other T MS SI SE A BG DK LT LV PT RO CZ EE FI FR PL DK FI FI ES GR ES DE Deployment status HU Electricity Heat Advanced Advanced PT DK SE SK DE IE LT BE AT AT IT BE 67 CY 67 NL SE CY Deployment Status indicator DK Deployment Status Indicator LV IE EE PT Intermediate Intermediate NL HU DE IT AT AT NL GR LU HU DK GR DE AT IT CZ UK SK RO FI UK DE IT UK 33 HUSEBEFREE 33 NL NL DE SI EE MT IT DK ES ES SI AT BE CZ IT BG SK DE, DE SI, PT, CZ, BG LT PL PL LU PT FR PL IT IE DE FR ES, SI DK, NL, IT, Immature CZ FI UK BE IT FR ES GR CZ AT DK NL ES DK PT CZ PL FR SK SE, SK,FRFR, LU PT CZ BE UK PL IT IT BE SK PL SENL Immature NL GRFR PL DE RO UK IE BE, HU IE, PL, LU RO, UK, HU IE NL AT UK HU LV SE LU BG SE HU SI LV SI FI LT PT LU CY SI HU EE FI BE RO SI RO LT RO IE BEDE SK EE LT FI BGDK CY SE LV IE Other MS LT MS Other LV EE 0 SK SI CY MT BG SI RO SK AT CZ PL PT MS LV IT LU LT FR HU GR ES EE MT CY MT Other MS RO SK PL HU FI LV LT IE EE BG LU GR CY MT BG RO OtherMT MS FR AT UK BG BE SK RO CZ NL PL SI SE LU IE LT HU FI GR ES DK EE CY MTMS 0 OtherLV DE BG ES IET GR CY M PT UK Other SE EE LU ES FI FR GR CY DK LT LV M PT UK BEMS IET NL CZ ROGR SK PT LV LU ES BG CY MT CZ Other MS Other Other MS 8 Note: Note: RET markets where the share of the potential in sector consumption is < 1% are not shown. Other MS Status in most MS advanced), solarthermal electricity and tideFor Not shown is hydro (Deployment example & wave (in in case of biomass non-grid this applies to UK and MT. 2008 Deployment Status in all MS still close to zero).
Measuring the effectiveness of RES-E support 1. Relative or absolute growth rates are typically used to demonstrate the achievements of countries, however both measures are biased 2. Better measure to judge the performance is the absolute growth as ratio of the additional potential i G in − G in − 1 E n = i ADD − POT n i E n Effectiveness indicator for RES technology i for the year n i G n Existing electricity generation potential by RES technology i in year n ADD− POTni Additional generation potential of RES technology i in year n until 2020 9
Policy effectiveness - wind onshore 18% Immature Intermediate Advanced 16% Average effectiveness indicator 2003 - 2009 14% Effectiveness indicator 2009 Effectiveness indicator 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% SI LT AT SK BG BE EE SE ES CZ FR HU PL MT LV FI RO IE LU GR PT CY UK NL DK DE IT Feed-in tariff Quota / TGC Tender Tax incentives / Investment grants 10
Support level ranges - wind onshore 250 System services cost Minimum to average generation cost [€/MWh] 200 Average to maximum support level [€/MWh] 150 100 50 0 AT BE BG CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GR HU IE IT LV LT LU MT NL PL PT RO SE SI SK UK 11
Potential profit ranges - wind onshore (=cost-effectiveness of policies) 18% 16% 14% Policy effectiveness indicator 2009 PT 12% IE 10% HU DE ES 8% SE EE IT 6% BE UK FR 4% NL LU BG PL 2% LT GR AT FI SK SI MT LV CZ RO CY 0% -40 -20 0 DK 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 -2% Potential profit range [€/MWh] 12
Electricity market preparedness for RES-E market integration High score necessary but insufficient precondition for successful use of FIP/Quota? Electricity market preparedness for RES-E market integration 100 High 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 *****Malta *Luxembourg Greece *Cyprus *Hungary Sweden France *Belgium *United Kingdom *Austria Denmark Germany *Latvia *Estonia *Slovenia **Slovakia Portugal Spain Poland Czech Republic *Bulgaria Romania Netherlands Italy Ireland Finland Lithuania Low Placehoder for missing data points (=10 points as default) E: Gate closure time D: Share of electricity traded at exchange (spot) C: Number of companies with more than 5% share in the national retail market B: Number of companies with more than 5% share in generation capacity / wholesale market 13 A: Share of TSOs that are ownership unbundled
Conclusions - General 1. Policy performance is rather heterogeneous depending on RET/MS 2. If support levels are below generation costs, little or no capacity growth can be observed 3. High support levels compared to generation costs do not in all cases lead to substantial capacity growth Growth can be allowed & support levels reduced by reducing barriers, applying best practice support system design and reducing risk -> Triple-A policy presentation 4. Markets with a higher deployment status tend to grow faster. However, examples show that markets can grow quickly without having a long track-record. Countries with low deployment status can benefit of other countries’ experiences. Policy effectiveness can be rapidly increased by adopting best-practice support policy design and organisation of administrative processes. Can profit from spill-over effects from internationally available project development expertise and supply chain. 5. Support levels heat sector provide less profit than in electricity sector, despite the low generation costs of many RES-H technologies. On average, policy effectiveness in the heat sector is also lower than in the electricity sector. Ensure balance between developing higher cost technologies (progressing on learning curve) and fully utilizing low cost technology potentials (e.g. heat). 14
Conclusions – Heat sector Reconsider whether observed low profit levels in heat sector need to be increased 1. RES-H support usually depends on public budget, resulting stop- and go policies create stronger uncertainty for investors than common in RES-E Apply off-budget policies, e.g. via surcharge on heat (fuel) cost 2. AT, DK, FI, LV, SE effectively promoted biomass-based centralised heating. Success factors: Existing district heating networks in Northern Europe, biomass availability, sufficient heat demand 3. Support for decentralised biomass heating plants is on a higher level than that of centralised plants 4. BE, CZ, DE, RO most effectively supported decentralised biomass heating 5. Policy effectiveness solar thermal heat rather low (also due to a high remaining resource potential). AT, GR, CY leading countries 6. Ground-source heat pumps effectively promoted by using obligations in SE and investment grants and fiscal incentives HU & FI 7. Long reinvestment cycles limit the diffusion rate for the integration of renewable heating systems that are integrated in buildings Due to long reinvestment cycles it might be useful to already start now supporting especially those technologies that are likely needed in the future energy system. This might refer especially to technologies that are beneficial for system integration of fluctuating RES-E, like heat pumps or biomass CHP with heat storage. 15
Conclusions – Electricity sector 1/2 1. Most effectively supporting wind onshore: IE, PT, ES, DE 2. Wind offshore just starting in UK, IE, DK, DE 3. Most effectively supporting PV: DE, CZ, IT 4. Most effectively supporting biogas: AT, DE, UK 5. BE, SE, NL, DK, AT, HU, DE and CZ show high policy effectiveness in Biomass 6. FIT-countries still show highest effectiveness but quota countries are catching up in particular with regard to low cost RET (e.g. wind onshore in UK, IT, BE, SE in 2009). In the same period e.g. in the UK quota system certificate revenue risk has been reduced substantially – from an investment risk perspective the system is close to a less risky FIP. 7. Remuneration in FIT tends to be lower (higher) for low (high) cost technologies than under a quota. In most quota systems support levels are insufficient for high cost technologies such as PV. Many quota countries offer separate incentives: BE minimum prices for PV, IT FIP for PV, UK FIT for small-scale applications. Technology- banding within the quota as applied in UK can help to support cost- intensive technologies like wind offshore, but is less suitable for small- scale projects than feed-in tariffs. 16
Conclusions – Electricity sector 2/2 Differentiate support instruments according to technology maturity (e.g. rather mature wind onshore or rather immature wind offshore), project size (rather kW-range, few MW, or several hundred MW), type of envisaged investor (utilities, new independent power producers, small- scale business, households or farmers), or lender. 1. Stimulated capacity growth may develop faster than envisaged causing high policy costs. Stop-and-go policies harm industry as a whole. FIT/FIP for RET with rapid cost reduction require frequent tariff adjustment cycles and good coordination of tariff levels with other relevant markets. (Frequent) tariff adjustments based on (automatic) adjustment formulae (related to market growth) at dates known to the market sufficiently long beforehand can manage this policy cost risk without negatively affecting the investment climate EC could oblige MS to be more transparent in their RES-support. E.g. putting information on (the assumptions for calculating) average support and profit levels directly from the MS governments on a transparency platform. This should help MS to determine (technology-specific) support levels in such a way that they suit their (technology-specific) deployment target. 17
Thank you for your attention! 2010 indicator report available on 2011 indicator report available as of early summer 18
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