REGULATION Photographic Contest "GiraLagune" - Venezia ...

Page created by Donald Douglas
REGULATION Photographic Contest "GiraLagune" - Venezia ...
PSR Veneto 2014-2020 - PSL 2014-2020 –
 Tipo di intervento 19.2.1x: “Attività di informazione per lo sviluppo della conoscenza e della
                                 fruibilità dei territori rurali”
                             Promozione itinerario “GiraLagune”

                               Photographic Contest “GiraLagune”


The Touristic District of Eastern Veneto (DTVO), in quality of implementing body of the project
GiraLagune Route Promotion (Promozione itinerario GiraLagune), within the “Information and
Development Activities for the Awareness and Usability of rural areas” (“Attività di informazione per
lo sviluppo della conoscenza e della fruibilità dei territori rurali”) as stated in the PSR- PSL 2014-2020,
is announcing a photographic contest denominated “GiraLagune” adjusted by this ban.

The general aim of this project is to enhance the territory as a tourist attraction, facilitating its fruition,
and to activate a positive context for the creation and the development, along the routes, of services and
utilities to create new occupational opportunities.

The photographic contest has to incorporate the territories in the Municipalities involved in the
GiraLagune route: San Michele al Tagliamento, Caorle, Eraclea, Jesolo, Cavallino-Treporti.
The connection between the GiraLagune and the coastal-accommodation context, the intersections
within the itineraries GiraFiume that interests the area (in particular the GiraTagliamento, GiraLemene
and GiraLivenza), the parallelism with the humid environments (lagoons, valleys and river outlets) and
the waterways (GiraLagune/Litoranea Veneta and GiraFiume/corresponding rivers) and the possibility
to visit these places by boat, by bike and on foot, have to be highlighted.

The particularity and the importance of the waterways, the fishing valleys and the lagoons of the
localities that are part of the project, have to be depicted within the photographs of the landscapes,
plants, animals and other characteristics and peculiarities, able to convey the beauty, the history and the

REGULATION Photographic Contest "GiraLagune" - Venezia ...
The contest participation is free. Anyone who is passionate about photography (tourists, locals,
operators and professionals) and above the age of 18 can participate.

The photographs that highlight the characteristics/particularities as well as the distinctive elements of
the localities included in the “GiraLagune” itinerary taken with a camera, a smartphone, a tablet as
long as they are high quality are allowed.

Each contestant can participate by sending a maximum of 5 photographs in digital format with the sheet
of registration filled out in every part.

The registration sheet, the photos and the permit have to be sent via e-mail trough
at the e-mail:

The registration sheet, the regulation (properly signed) and the permit form, can be found in the
dedicated section in the following page:
With the subscription of the form the contestant states the full property of the work or works, that the
material has not been awarded in other contests, that the photographs do not violate the rights of third
parties pictured in the photographs and that they will assume every responsibility for the privacy. The
form of release, whenever there will be the necessity to enclose, has to be sent via e-mail with the

Technical characteristics of the products:

   • Format .jpg;
   • Colour method RGB;
   • the files have to be under 10 MB each;
   • minimum size of the longest side: 2500 px;i
   • the name of the file (namefile.jpg) cannot include special characters (accents, apostrophes,
   symbols, spaces etc.)

The contestant has to forward an enclosure with: author, place, title of the work and a brief description
for each photograph chosen and sent.

While compiling the registration sheet, the participant will declare (while choosing the correct box) the
number of localities that they wish to compete in. Every participant can send a maximum of 5
photographs; they can not send more than 2 works for the same locality of the “GiraLagune”.

The photographs can not be awarded in previous contests, otherwise the photographs will be
disqualified. Photographs in black and white as well as coloured are allowed. Post- production is
allowed but not photo editing, provided that it is not invasive and predominant. Photographs with
signatures, watermarks or visible marks on the picture are not allowed. Photographs deemed offensive
by the sensibility and the incontestable judgment of the organizers and the jury are not allowed. The
works cannot contain data qualified as sensitive data.

The participant must inform any person pictured in accordance laid down by the D. Lg. 30 June 2003 n.
196, and procure the consent for the broadcast of the pictures. The release form can be downloaded in

the dedicated section in the following link: and sent together with the
pictures selected.

Start of the contest: 12pm of the 04 of April 2021 (from this day it is possible to send the registration
sheet, the photographs and the eventual release form).

Last day to send the photographs: 12pm of 31 of July 2021

The selection of the winners’ work will be in September.

The Touristic District of Eastern Veneto website will gather in the dedicated section
( the concerning information,
the means of subscription and participation as well as the communication services of the event.

The selected photographs will be featured in the first photographic promotional core of the itinerary
“GiraLagune” and will be the subject of an itinerary exhibition that will be housed in the localities
included in the itinerary “GiraLagune” (San Michele al Tagliamento, Caorle, Eraclea, Jesolo, Cavallino-

The contestants’ photographs (selected or not) could be used to create informative materials on paper,
digital, etc. from the other subjects (Municipalities, VeGAL, Touristic District of Eastern Veneto), as
well as photographic repertoire of the project. A selection of the winning photographs will be published
on the website and the socials dedicated to the contest. The sent material will not be returned.

   8. JURY
The works will be subjected to a jury of experts, whose members are chosen by the Touristic District of
Eastern Veneto among various personalities of the photographic and cultural world. The jury and the
Touristic District of Eastern Veneto will reserve the rights to select more works by the same author,
both in case they are about the same Municipality and in case they are divided between more than one
Municipality. The jury’s opinion is final.

The contestant, for all the classified works, will grant to the Municipality of San Michele al
Tagliamento, leader of the “GiraLagune” project, as well as the others subjects (Municipality of Caorle,
Municipality of Eraclea, Municipality of Jesolo, Municipality of Cavallino-Treporti, VeGAL, DTVO), a
complete, irrevocable and non-exclusive user license. These subjects will reserve the rights to use the
works in the context of the institutional project activities with prior communication to the author. The
author, whose name will always be referred, will maintain the moral rights of their work as well as the
intellectual property.

With the subscription at the contest, the author accepts the present regulation and declares to own the
paternity and the user rights of the submitted picture and the eventual permit. The author accepts that
their works will remain published for an indefinite period of time on the websites and social channels of
the Institutions and Municipalities involved in the project.

For the registration to the photographic contest and the acquisition of the forms to compile, visit
the website in the dedicated section:

For other requests of information please write to:


Programma di Sviluppo Regionale per il Veneto 2014-2020 Programma di Sviluppo Locale (PSL)
2014-2020 LEADER
Intervento 19.2.1x: “Attività di informazione per lo sviluppo della conoscenza e della fruibilità dei
territori rurali” Progetto di Promozione itinerario GiraLagune

Capofila: Comune di S. Michele al Tagliamento
Ambito territoriale: Comuni di San Michele al Tagliamento, Caorle, Eraclea, Jesolo, Cavallino
Soggetto attuatore: Distretto Turistico Venezia Orientale

  Place, date                                                             Sign to accept the regulation

                    Iniziativa finanziata dal Programma di sviluppo rurale per il Veneto 2014-2020
                   Organismo responsabile dell’informazione: Distretto Turistico Venezia Orientale
                  Autorità di gestione: Regione del Veneto – Direzione AdG FEASR Parchi e Foreste

                Comune di         Comune di             Comune di         Comune di            Comune di
                  Caorle           Eraclea            San Michele al        Jesolo          Cavallino Treporti

                                         PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST
                                  PSR Veneto 2014-2020 - PSL 2014-2020 –
         Tipo di intervento 19.2.1x: “Attività di informazione per lo sviluppo della conoscenza e
                                      della fruibilità dei territori rurali”
                                    Promozione itinerario “GiraLagune”

I, the undersigned (FILL OUT IN CAPITAL LETTERS)
Full Name (Last Name and First Name)
City _____________________________________________________________
Street Address _______________________________________________________________
n. ___________ POSTAL/ZIP CODE: ____________________________
Phone Number _______________________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________
I declare to participate in the Photographic Contest “GiraLagune”, whom regulation I accept in all of its
I declare to be the only author of the photographs and that the photographical material for the contest is
I declare that the material does not violate third parties’ rights, laws and regulations and I take responsibility
in relation to its content, relieving the organizers of every responsibility concerning the publication of the
I declare to have acquired from the people pictured the authorization to utilize the photographic image and
the consent to handle personal data.
Together with this I enclose the publication’s permit compiled undersigned.

Place and date _______________________________.                                         Sign

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