REFORGING THE SUPPLY CHAIN - The Association of ...

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REFORGING THE SUPPLY CHAIN - The Association of ...
SUMMIT          ISSUE 06


                By David Egan, Senior Vice President, Stockbridge

REFORGING THE SUPPLY CHAIN - The Association of ...
AFIRE                                                 SPRING 2021

Delivering on the service                                                CERTAIN SMALLER MARKETS BECOME JUST AS
                                                                         STRATEGIC AS LARGE

promises of the on-demand                                            The revenues of online retailers
                                                                     are highly dependent on their
                                                                                                         Typically, these markets such
                                                                                                         as Pittsburgh, Detroit, and
economy requires the kind                                            ability to deliver, far more
                                                                     so than their ability to sell.
                                                                                                         others have been designated as
                                                                                                         secondary or even tertiary and
of reimagined supply chain                                           Nearly all US consumers have
                                                                     the ability to shop online, but
                                                                                                         have been viewed by investors
                                                                                                         as somewhat risky. However,
that will support industrial                                         if an item cannot be delivered
                                                                     quickly, a consumer is more
                                                                                                         many of these markets have
                                                                                                         characteristics that make them

real estate growth for years                                         likely to buy from a competitor
                                                                     or a physical store. As service
                                                                                                         important in the modern supply
                                                                                                         chain dynamics:

to come.
                                                                     requirements have dropped
                                                                     from weeks to days, the need        • Large industrial labor pools
                                                                     to position inventory in a much       at relatively low cost
                                                                     wider set of markets proximate
                                                                                                         • Access to key transportation
                                                                     to end consumers has also
                                                                     increased. This has had a
                                                                     measurable impact on leasing        • Populations of more than
In the aftermath of iconic toy retailer Toys “R” Us’ 2017 activity in secondary markets.                   1 million people
bankruptcy filing, the toy suppliers that had previously distributed
heavily through the now-shuttered retailer were faced with new All markets feature population            • Growth in key
distribution complexities. Previously, these suppliers relied on clusters that need to be serviced,        demographics; young and
a relatively small footprint of stocked warehouse buildings to but the focus throughout this               affluent populations
replenish merchandise that would ultimately populate Toys “R” cycle has been disproportionately
Us shelves in fairly predictable volumes. Now they would have aimed at the largest markets.              Over the past decade, industrial
to rely on new distribution channels to fill the Toys “R” Us void, More recently, logistics users        space demand in these markets
largely turning to Amazon and other “e-tailers” that depended on of all types have broadened             has outpaced completions by
fast, on-demand service in just about every location with virtually their focus to a network design      more than 35 million SF/3.25
unlimited choices (including the choice to return orders with few that        aggressively   expands     million SM and rents have
exceptions). The net effect required a reimagination of the toy      into  a  wider  configuration  of   increased by 40%, according to
companies’ supply chains. Inevitably, they would need to ensure      strategic markets  with the goal    CoStar. Due the steady leasing
merchandise was stocked amply in more warehouse locations, of reaching as many consumers                 that has persistently outpaced
closer to end consumers and often strategically positioned near the in as short a period as possible.    construction in these markets,
distributors’ own supply chain networks.                                                                 vacancy rates have declined
                                                                                                         to about 5%, which slightly
As the COVID-19 pandemic               Among the wide-ranging supply                                     outpaces the overall industrial
continues to support major             chain changes are three notable                                   national average.
e-commerce growth acceleration,        trends impacting real estate
this type of restructuring is now      demand:                                                           These strategic industrial markets
reverberating to just about any                                                                          are also offering investors
business that relies on the supply     • The growing importance                                          compelling opportunities, as the
chain to operate: retail, logistics,     of industrial real estate                                       ten-year US economic expansion
manufacturing, trucking and              proximity to the end                                            has lowered yields and reduced
transportation, grocery, and             consumer                                                        available supply and land sites
on and on. The only way to                                                                               for new development in primary
                                       • The changing point of                                           industrial hubs.
deliver on ambitious service
                                         production and increase of
promises of the on-demand
                                         inventories in the system
economy is through a complete
reconfiguration of the supply          • The pressures of growing
chain, much like the foundation          returns and need for better
of the industrial boom of the            reverse logistics
past decade. As we see it,
the net effect will be not only
major ongoing demand for
industrial real estate, but also
far more breadth of demand
across industrial property types
and locations.

REFORGING THE SUPPLY CHAIN - The Association of ...
SUMMIT                                           ISSUE 06


Demand for well-located,                         According to CoStar, light-
                                                 industrial properties account
                                                                                    Apart from demand for
                                                                                    light industrial, demand for

small, light-industrial
                                                 for 9 billion SF/836 million       proximity to population-dense
                                                 SM—or roughly half of the          locations has supported a new
                                                 total US industrial stock. The     wave of industrial building types
properties—less than                             vacancy rate for this segment
                                                 has declined by 50% over the
                                                                                    and functions—from multi-
                                                                                    story warehouses to robotics
120,000 SF/11,148 SM—                            past decade to its present rate of
                                                 4.5%. Consequently, their rents
                                                                                    solutions for order fulfillment—
                                                                                    all of which are likely to see
continues to surge, largely                      have climbed at the same rate to
                                                 an average of US$8.24 per SF.
                                                                                    increased investment should
                                                                                    they continue proving their

driven by local economic                                                            ability to increase throughput
                                                 Despite the strong demand and efficiencies.
                                                 fundamentals, new development
activity, urban population                       in this segment has been
                                                 extremely      limited,      with
growth, and same-day                             completions accounting for
                                                 just 1% of total light-industrial
delivery expectations of                         warehouse     inventory      since
                                                 1990.1 This dearth is attributable

consumers.                                       to challenges in developing
                                                 smaller parcels in densely
                                                 populated areas, including
                                                 competition with other uses and
                                                 high land values.

Source: CBRE Research

AFIRE                                                    SPRING 2021


One of the less reported impacts     These adjustments to business      This extra inventory inevitably
of the pandemic has been the         supply chains will increase the    sits in warehouses waiting to
need for businesses around the       demand for warehouse space in      be pulled into retail or business
world to quickly assess and          all markets. After a slight blip   supply chains. The impact of
adjust the amount and source         in early 2020, the growth of US    this additional inventory is
of inventory in their systems.       business inventories has resumed   massive. According to CBRE
The crisis has underscored the       as economic activity has picked    Research, a 5% increase in
fragility of just-in-time (JIT)      up, fueled partly by wholesalers   business inventories requires an
production networks, which           and retailers adding stock to      additional 400 million to 500
historically have involved very      store materials and products       million SF of warehouse space.
intricate global supply chains       closer to manufacturing centers    To put this in perspective, the
in which goods often go back         and consumers. The need for        US market is currently 5.5%
and forth across international       additional “safety stock” has      vacant, which equates to 800
borders many times using many        grown over the past year as        million SF/74.3 million SM, so
different transportation modes.      suppliers and retailers protect    the increase in space required
These JIT systems were stressed      against the unknown future of      would cut the overall vacancy
to the breaking point in the early   the pandemic.                      rate in half.
days of the pandemic, which
led to disruptions ranging from                                         The demand generated by
household staples to critical                                           the rise of inventories has the
medical supplies. A 2020 survey                                         potential to reach all markets.
by the Institute for Supply                                             Most likely, users will seek
Management found that nearly                                            options on the coasts near
75% of business respondents                                             seaports, but with vacancies at
have experienced supply chain                                           historical lows in all seaport
disruptions and more than 80%                                           locations, the demand will likely
believe they will in the future. 2                                      flow inland to a wide variety of
As a result, many businesses are                                        locations connected to ports by
planning major restructuring of                                         rail or road.
their supply chain processes.

Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve; CBRE Research

An effective reverse logistics
supply chain requires
approximately 15% to 20%
more space than a traditional
outbound supply chain.
AFIRE                                                                   SPRING 2021


Along with the exponential           While the measurable costs          Given both the urgent need for a better returns network, and the
growth of e-commerce, to             to a liberal returns policy are     insufficient in-house process employed, many retailers outsource
remain competitive, online           significant, the major challenge    their returns management to third-party logistics (3PL) providers
retailers must meet consumer         that can make or break an           in order to free up space for forward logistics. This has created
demand for free returns, along       effective     reverse   logistics   a significant amount of opportunity for the 3PL industry, which,
with a simple return process.        strategy is controlling for time    according to CBRE, has grown in terms of square footage by
Demand for returns can reach as      and product value depreciation.     approximately 31% since 2015. Large 3PLs that offer reverse
high as 30% of total e-commerce      By some estimates, fashion          logistics services include XPO Logistics, Ryder, and NFI. The types
sales—a massive amount in a          apparel depreciates by 20% to       of products being returned drive specific real estate requirements
rapidly growing sector.              50% of its value within three       and space criteria. Typically, second-generation space is preferred
                                     months3,      creating   urgency    over modern, Class A space. Lower ceiling heights are more
Efficient    return   strategies     to get inventory back into          appropriate, because the activities within the space are high-touch
are increasingly important           circulation and ready for resale.   with slower processing, and the odd configuration of pallet loads
for retailers, and the tried-        Depreciation levels vary by         makes them difficult to safely stack or store in high racks. But,
and-true model of in-store           product type, with electronics      given the time-sensitive nature of processing returns, quality
returns remains the best, most       losing between 4% and 8% of         locations both in high density markets and submarkets proximate
cost-effective way to handle         their value per month.              to major highways (returns are almost exclusively moved by trucks)
returned merchandise. This                                               is paramount.
creates an obvious challenge         An effective reverse logistics
for online retailers because         supply        chain      requires
an online order can rarely be        approximately 15% to 20%
returned in a brick-and-mortar       more space than a traditional
environment. As such, shipped        outbound        supply    chain.4
returns include significant          However, in many cases, returns
shipping and handling costs,         are handled on an ad-hoc basis
along with challenges in             when time permits, and often
processing times, liquidation        literally in the corner of an
recovery, and manual processes       outbound fulfillment center.
that can result in more than         This type of disorganized
US$50 billion in profit loss and     approach only adds time and
more than 10 billion needless        cost to the process and increases
shipments and touches.               the risk of product depreciation.

                                                                         David Egan is Senior Vice President at Stockbridge, a real estate
Source: Internet Retailer; CBRE Research
                                                                         investment management firm with approximately US$20 billion of
                                                                         real estate assets under management across the risk spectrum on
                                                                         behalf of US and non-US institutional investors.

                                                                             CBRE Research, Q4 2020,
                                                                             I nstitute for Supply Chain Management Coronavirus Impact on Supply Chain,
                                                                              March 2020,
                                                                              irstin Linnenkoper, “Saving billions by making smart re-commerce decisions,”
                                                                             Recycling International, 19 May 2020,

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