Red River Parish School Board - EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MANUAL - Red River Parish School ...

Page created by Adam Richards
Red River Parish School Board


School authorities have both a moral obligation and a legal responsibility to provide for protection of public
property and the life, health, and property of students, faculty and staff in emergencies. These obligations must
be met with safety, security and care at all times.

This comprehensive plan has been developed for you to use as is, or you and your staff may choose to make
modifications. Every public elementary, junior, and high school must have such plan in operation. Modifications
should be reported to my office.

Plans will include an organization chart with clear lines of succession and emergency assignments designated.
Consideration must also be given to security and preservation of essential records and sensitive areas such
as boiler room and electrical panels.

                                                              Alison Hughes


Each school will have an Emergency Procedures Plan designed to minimize injury and the loss of life and to
protect property.

The principal serves as the planning coordinator and will assign tasks to staff to accomplish the objectives of
the Emergency Procedures Plan.

Assignment of duties to specific individuals does not relieve other school employees from acting in their areas
of responsibility in emergencies.

Once a year, within a month after school commences, the principal will arrange for a faculty meeting for the
purpose of reviewing the validity of the plan and to update the staff regarding new procedures.

A chain of command (person in charge) that will include names and phone numbers of the persons to succeed
the principal in the event of his/her absence or incapacitation will be designated in writing and prominently
displayed in the school office.

The principal will send reports and documentation of emergency incidents covered in this guide to the
Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance.

Incidents occur on school campuses that involve emergency response agencies (Police, Fire, EMS, etc.). When
these agencies respond to a call from the school, that agency will assume control and command of the incident.
That incident may or may not impact the entire school. The scope of the control and command will be
determined by the incident. Regardless of the size of the incident, the principal or designee will play a vital
role in the reporting and handling of the incident.

Response to Any Emergency
• Assess situation, verify information, and notify 9ll or 932-4221 (if necessary). Notify the principal, who will
  notify the Superintendent (932-4081 ext. 23).
• Notify CPR/first aid certified persons in school building of medical emergencies, if necessary.
  Names of CPR/first aid certified persons are listed in Crisis Team Members section.
• Assemble Crisis Team and seal off high-risk area.
• Take charge of area until incident is contained or relieved by                        .
• Shelter in place or evacuate the building. Nature of incident may require alternative evacuation site.
• Designate a control area and maintain a phone log of all calls made and received and a timed sequence of
• Crisis team runners deliver any additional instructions from control center to classrooms and also collect
  status information.
• Refer media to Superintendent (318) 932-4081 ext. 23 Work (             )                    Home.


1. Establish command post in your building where Persons in Charge or designee can be found at all times.
   The office may be a logical choice because of its access to a telephone. Appoint a person to staff the phone.

2. Assign chain of command (Person in Charge) in your buildings and post in the buildings and
   administrative office. Alert all school personnel to their assignments.

3. Have first aid equipment and instructions in the office area of your building.

4. Review teacher checklist with staff on a regular basis and be certain each teacher has the list immediately
   available at his/her desk in each classroom.

5.    Review custodian checklist with staff on a regular basis and be certain each custodian has this list
     immediately available at his desk in his room.

6. Review emergency procedures with support staff on a regular basis and be certain each staff member has
   procedures immediately available in work area.

7. If it is necessary to send anyone to a hospital by ambulance for a serious injury, send a staff member along
    to serve as a liaison between the hospital and district administration. Give instructions to relay
    information on injury as soon as possible.

8. In an emergency, see Response to Any Emergency Section. Person in Charge will arrange for checking all
    restrooms, vacant rooms, and any other room that should be vacant.
9. Secretaries will secure all records and office valuables in a safe place.

10. Teachers will take grade books and “buddy” teacher class roster and take (call) roll in their assigned

11. When situation permits, the building principal of designee will transport school roster with students’
    phone numbers, medical information, and parents’ names to evacuation site or insure each teacher has a
    copy of school roster information along with grade books at evacuation site. This will greatly aid in the
    verification for student release to parents.

12. Call utilities companies if conditions warrant.

Keep detailed notes of crises event.

(Map, one floor, two or more floors, number of wings, T-buildings)

Chain of Command
(Person in Charge):                                                   Home Phone:

1st Alternate                                                         Home Phone:

2nd Alternate                                                         Home Phone:



1. If advised by principal, stay in your room. Immediately take roll count of students.

2. Take protective action if building is threatened.
   a) Keep children away from windows and outside walls.
   b) Take shelter in room or hall (as assigned by principal) and duck and cover.
   c) Move all students out of temporary building, gym, or any other open areas.
   d) Shut off any electrical or gas operated appliances.
   e) Be alert to any developing threats such as broken water pipes or electrical wires.
   f) Take grade book and check attendance. Communicate roll count of students and situation to the
      principal as soon as it is safe. If neighbor teacher is not present use your copy of “buddy” teacher
      class roster book to check attendance.
   g) Be prepared to evacuate if advised to do so.
   h) If advised to evacuate, follow the fire drill plan.
   i) CHEMICAL WARNING - Move to inner core of building, away from outside walls, the roof, and
      any openings to the outside. Remember, SHIELDING IS REQUIRED.

1. (Can happen without warning.)
   a) Move away from building to open space.
   b) Avoid overhead wires and utility poles
   c) Lie flat, face down.
   d) Keep students assembled and take roll count of students.
   e) Do not light fires or touch any fallen wires.
   f) Do not enter building until authorized to do so.
   g) Be alert for instructions from principal.


Chain of Command
Principal                                                        Home Phone:

1st Alternate                                                    Home Phone:

2nd Alternate                                                    Home Phone:


In the event of an emergency, follow the directions of the building principal or designee and refer to the
written procedures established in this Emergency Procedures Guide.

In the event of a crisis that damages the building, provide the superintendent and principal with a condition
report and a damage assessment. Always send two people for initial damage assessment.

In an emergency situation, turn off the utilities if directed to do so by a proper authority.

Have ready access to all keys for campus buildings. Update new keys regularly. Label keys as an
emergency preparedness measure. Insure a complete second set of keys are labeled and located in a
centralized area.

Features unique to your building:
(Example: location of gas turn off valve; electric panels and fuse boxes; water mains; boiler rooms; storage
areas, etc.)

Chain of Command
(Person in Charge):                                                    Home Phone:

1st Alternate                                                          Home Phone:

2nd Alternate                                                          Home Phone:

It shall be the policy of the board to authorize the superintendent to suspend normal school operations when
conditions arise that would make school attendance hazardous and unsafe. The superintendent will notify
the board president of his/her decision to close facilities and the reasons therefore.

The superintendent is authorized to make such administrative regulations as necessary to guide the
employees of the board in adjusting to emergency closing.

The safety of students and employees will be the main consideration when making a decision to close schools
or to delay the start of classes.

Lost time will be made up by extending the school year or canceling holidays only if the time lost causes the
school year to become less than 177 instructional days.

When schools are closed, the superintendent will periodically make public announcements as to whether or
not Central Office will be closed.

When school is closed or canceled due to inclement weather or emergencies, an official announcement will be
issued through media outlets. Parent/legal guardian(s) should monitor local media outlets to determine if school has
been canceled or closed early. The school district also will make use of other communications channels such as the
district website and official social media accounts to announce such closures and/or cancelations, the district will
also use the All Call Notification System.

The principal shall notify the staff of the school as soon as he/she has confirmed with the superintendent
or designee that schools are closed.

If schools close during a regular school day, the principal or designee shall remain at school until all bus
drivers have contacted their base schools, that delivery of all students is completed and all parents have
been notified.


Once the dismissal order is received from the superintendent or his/her designee, the principal will:

      1. Relay dismissal instructions to every classroom by the most rapid and efficient means.

       2. Review dismissal procedures previously provided to parents to ensure it will be followed. This
           procedure should include provisions for children whose parents are away from home during
           the day. Insure release of students to proper guardians. If unable to contact a student’s parent or
           guardian, the student will remain at his/her school site until contact is made.

       3. Designated school personnel will inspect the entire structure once dismissal is completed to assure
          the building is empty. Any precautions dictated by the Fire Plan or other specific disaster plans
          will also be enacted.

       4. The school principal may request assistance from Central Office to assure that students are
          dispersed from the school building to minimize hazards and reduce congestion.

       5. The release information to the news media and the public will be coordinated by the

When you receive information about a bus accident, follow the guidelines indicated below.

Within District:
• Record accident location, time of day, bus number, route, student/adult injuries (names/number).
• Initiate the appropriate communication contacts:
         Transportation Department---                               (number).
         Superintendent’s Office-------                             (number).
         Call 911.
• Student injured: Get info---hospital(s) sent to inform parents/guardians.
• Appoint staff/crisis team member to go to hospital(s). He/she will act as liaison between hospital,
  school & parents.
• Appoint staff/crisis team member(s) to go to accident site with cell phone---relay info, to school
command post. Media involvement: Follow media guidelines in media section of guide.

On Trips Away From School:
• Verify report with on-site police department.
• Record accident location, time of day, bus number, route, student/adult injuries (names).
• Notify Central Office and Transportation Department.
• Notify School Nurses/Counselors.
• Send designated personnel (crisis team member) to scene and to hospital.
• Request police officer with whom to maintain open communication.
• Obtain names and hospital(s) destinations of injured.
• Prepare list of the passengers.
• Inform parents/guardian, relative or emergency contact on registration card.
• Designated District spokesperson will prepare fact sheet and media statement.
• Fill out student/personnel accident report.
• Check with Business Office about insurance issues.
• Activate Crisis Team (if necessary).
• Debrief with Central Office, Crisis Team, Staff, and all agencies involved.


If a severe storm or other weather-related emergency is in the forecast and has arrived in the area, the
Superintendent will determine if school will dismiss for the day.

Tune into Alert AM, local radio or television stations for early morning reports.

If a storm or other weather-related emergency develops during the day, the Superintendent/Principal will
determine the action to be taken and advise personnel. Tune into weather radios for weather alert warnings.

Lightning is a threat during any severe thunderstorm. Personnel should move students inside to safety if
lightning is occurring.


Protective Action:
    1. School Grounds:
        • Get out of open areas and into an enclosed building as soon as possible upon the approach of
        • Do not seek shelter under isolated trees or close to metal fences, playground equipment, or
           shelters in exposed locations. Stay indoors. Do not venture outside unless absolutely necessary.
    2. School Buildings:
        • Stay away from open doors and windows, metal objects, electrical appliances, and plumbing
           until the storm has passed.
        • Keep telephone use to a minimum.
        • Do not handle flammable liquids in open containers.
        • TV sets, computer equipment, all electrical equipment and appliances should be unplugged, if

Officials in charge of athletic events should be aware of approaching severe storms or other weather-related
emergencies. School officials should use the P.A. system to warn spectators of approaching severe weather.
Game officials/Principal may stop play when unsafe weather conditions exist.

Information regarding the threat of tornadoes will be broadcast on the Weather Alert Warning radio and/or
local radio and television stations.

All Red River Parish Schools will have a weather radio in operation at all times.

1. Tornado Watch - means no funnel clouds have been sighted, but tornados can be expected to occur. If a
   tornado watch is declared, be prepared to execute the tornado drill plans for your school.
2. Tornado Warning - means a funnel cloud has actually been sighted. A resource person from your
   school should monitor the location and direction of travel of the storm and relay information to the
   administrative staff.

In the event that a tornado threatens your school, please ensure that teachers, students, and other personnel:
        Move to safe areas.
        Stay away from windows.
        Take class rosters and buddy teacher rosters to evacuation site.
        Close doors.
        Drop and tuck positions.
        Account for all students.
        Remain in safe area and under cover until immediate danger passes.

   NOTE: In the event a storm produces high winds up to 60 mph. ALL temporary buildings should
   be evacuated.


In the event of street or highway folding, the principal should determine the safest possible location within
the school until arrangements can be made for safe transportation home of students.

Notify Supervisor of Transportation

In the event a fire, smoke from a fire or a gas odor has been detected:

   •   Assess the situation. Pull the fire alarm.
   •   Evacuate students and staff to a safe distance outside of building.
   •   Follow normal fire drill route. Follow alternate route if normal route is too dangerous.
   •   Teachers take class roster and “buddy” teacher roster to evacuation site. Take (call) roll of your class
       after being evacuated. Call roll of your “buddy” teacher’s class if he/she is not available. Advise
       principal of missing students.
   •   Custodian or designated person turns power and gas off to the building(s).
   •   Principal notifies 911 or police (932-4221) and Superintendent. Principal or Superintendent must
       report incident to Fire Marshal.
   •   After consulting with Superintendent, Principal may move students to
       if weather is inclement or building has been damaged.

Primary Relocation Center
   • Principal/Coordinator/Crisis Team attends to those injured by fire/explosion until EMS arrives.
       Perform necessary immediate first-aid on victim(s): smother fire by rolling victim on ground,
       deluge with water.

Provide fire department with map of school and location of fire. Provide master key(s) to building.
   • No one may re-enter building(s) until entire building(s) has been declared safe by fire or police
   • Principal notifies students and staff of termination of emergency. Resume normal operations.
   • Complete Crisis Documentation Form.

WARNING: Do not use water on electrical fires. Do not attempt to fight fires involving explosives.
Do not attempt to fight fires involving toxic chemicals or strong oxidizers.


1.    Each elementary, junior, and high school campus shall hold at least one fire drill each month that
     school is in attendance. There shall be two (2) fire drills held during the first two weeks of a school
     term and eight (8) additional fire drills during the year. (A total of ten (10) drills are required.)

2. A record of all drills must be kept available for inspection in each school, with a copy sent to the Supervisor
   of Transportation.

     •   At the sound of the fire alarm, all students stand and move as rapidly as possible, without crowding
         or running, into the hall and out the exit nearest their room, according to the instruction given. The
         teacher will check to see that all students are out of the room and will close the door.

     •   The first pupils outside are to move away from the building in order not to block the exit for those

     •   Teachers are to direct students to move away from the building, crossing the street when necessary
         to clear the area.

     •   All occupants, including students, teachers, administrators, certified employees, and adult
         students must leave the building under his supervision.

     •   The principal of each building will be responsible for preparing an evacuation diagram for each
         floor of the building under his supervision.

     •   Teachers shall remove their class rolls or records (along with “buddy” teacher class roster) from the
         building when they depart, so that a rapid check of all students may be made.

Incident occurred on campus:                            Incident occurred off campus:
• Assess the situation.                                 • Fire/Law Enforcement/OEP will notify
• Call 9 1 1 o r 932-4221                                   Superintendent and/or Principal.
• Principal notifies Superintendent,                    • Announce Crisis Keyword.
    Fire Department, Law Enforcement                        Assemble School Crisis Team.
    and Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP)          • Fire officer in charge of scene will
• Principal seals off area of leak/spill.                   recommend shelter or evacuation actions.
• Fire/OEP or Law Enforcement will                          Follow procedure for sheltering or evacuation.
    recommend shelter or evacuation actions.            • Notify parents if students are evacuated.
• DO NOT RING FIRE ALARM BELLS.                         • Announce “all clear” after consulting with
                                                            Fire/OEP/Law Enforcement officials.
                                                        • Complete Chemical
                                                            Spill/Hazardous Materials Form.

Follow procedures for evacuation or sheltering.
• Announce Crisis Keyword (see Warning and
    Notification Section for Keywords). Use intercom
    system for communication instructions to staff
    and students.
• Principal is in charge of area until fire personnel
    contain incident.
• Notify parents if students are evacuated.
• Resume normal operations after consulting
    with fire officials.
• Complete Chemical Spill/Hazardous
    Materials Form.

                                    HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
Sheltering Notification:

•   Take all persons inside building(s).
•   Close all exterior doors and windows.
•   Turn off any ventilation leading outdoors.
•   Cover up food not in containers or put in the refrigerator.
•   If advised, cover mouth and nose with a handkerchief, cloth, paper towel or tissues.

Evacuation Notification:

•   Principal contacts Superintendent of Transportation (318) 932-4081 ext. 16 and informs him/her that
    evacuation is taking place.
•   Principal notifies all personnel to close windows and to turn off lights, electrical equipment, gas, water,
    faucets, air conditioning, and heating systems.
•   Principal and/or designee lock doors.

Teacher responsibilities during evacuation:

•   Return to homeroom or keep classes intact. Turn off air, electrical equipment and shut all windows.
•   Take (call) roll. Explain procedures to students. Instruct students to take belongings to the relocation
•   Wait in classroom until principal or designee informs teachers that buses have arrived.
•   Take class roster and “buddy” teacher roster to relocation center.
•   Take (call) roll again after arriving at relocation center.
•   Remain with students until they have been picked up by parents.

  An assault is defined as:
     • Intentionally or knowingly threatening another with imminent bodily injury.

  Battery is defined as:
      • Intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly causing bodily injury to another person.
      • Intentionally or knowingly causing physical contact with another when it’s known, or reasonably
          believed, that the other will regard the contact as offensive or provocative.

                                Ensure the safety of students and staff first

  Assault/Battery Procedures:

  1. Most assaults may be handled at the campus level. Fighting and other incidents where there is no
      injury may be resolved through campus level discipline or filing charges.
  2. Exercise necessary physical constraints to stop the incident.
  3. Request the assistance of other adult staff to break up fights, etc.
  4. Report all serious assaults or batteries resulting in injury to the School Resource Officer and the
  5. Provide first aid if necessary with CPR/First Aid certified person in school building for medical
      emergencies (names of certified persons is listed in the Crisis Team Members Section). Contact EMS
      when emergency requires further medical assistance.
  6. Protect crime scene, make note of circumstance and individuals present upon your arrival.
  7. Maintain control of students.
  8. Separate witnesses in serious incidents until police arrive for statements.
  9. Contact parents of students involved in the assault/battery.
  10. Take appropriate administrative and disciplinary actions, including detailed reports.
  11. If after hours, contact the local law enforcement.

Threatening, Disruptive or Suspicious Persons

Threatening, disruptive, or suspicious persons are described as those persons on or near your campus,
whose behavior is threatening or disruptive to the school environment, and whose conduct is suspicious
and perhaps poses a threat to campus safety.

Persons entering a school unauthorized or in a manner which a reasonable person may consider threatening
should be reported to law enforcement. This shall include an individual(s) who is loud, abusive, using
profanity, making threatening remarks, uncooperative, or suspected of carrying a weapon.

A bomb or terrorist threat is committed when a person threatens to commit any offense involving violence
to any person or property with intent to:

Cause a reaction of any type to his threat by an official or volunteer agency organized to deal with
emergencies; place any person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury, or prevent or interrupt the
occupation or use of a building, room, place of assembly, place to which the public has access, place of
employment or occupation, aircraft, automobile or other form of conveyance, or other public place.

The following should be used for Bomb Threats:

By Phone:
   Keep caller on line as long as possible, ask:
        • When is bomb going to explode?
        • Where is bomb?
        • What does it look like?
        • What kind of bomb is it?
        • What will cause it to explode?
        • Did you place the bomb?
        • Why did you place the bomb?
        • Where are you calling from?
        • What is your address?
        • What is your name?
        • Write down EXACT wording of threat
   Fill out Bomb Threat checklist

By Mail:
   • Save all materials, including envelope
   • Handle as little as possible

Turn off all two way devices
    • Walkie Talkies
    • Cell phones


A campus level bomb search procedure should be in place for each school.
   1) Initiate keyword for Bomb Threat
   2) Contact Law Enforcement
   3) Contact Superintendent
   4) Anything unusual or out of place DO NOT TOUCH - NOTIFY PRINCIPAL - AWAIT

                                         BOMB THREATS
•   Keyword initiates all personnel’s search procedures

                                   (will be at the Principal’s discretion)

   • Continuous ring pattern of the fire alarm system

Teachers in classrooms
    • Instruct all students to take all of their belongings including book-bags, purses, etc. with them
    • Perform quick search of room for any suspicious items
    • Hang proper marker on the door knob, on the outside of locked classroom door
            • Green marker means room is clear
            • Red marker means room contains a suspicious item

Teachers take grade book & buddy teacher roster
    • Evacuate students to the proper area.
    • Try not to move students to area openly visible from the street. The bomb threat could be a
       diversion to get students out in open area. During inclement weather and a possible prolonged
       search, move students to an alternate location                                after clearance
       from the Superintendent.
    • Attendance should be taken when the students are assembled away from building.
    • If need be call roll for “buddy” teacher
    • Give roll count to appropriate principal or designee.

Teachers not in classroom/Office workers
    • Assist in evacuating students to the proper areas
    • Instruct students to take all their belongings with them
    • Evacuate building

Re-Entering Building
   • All clear signal
       One bell ring
      Students return to their rooms


1. Use Bomb Threat Checklist and the Description of Caller’s Voice Form. Note the time and telephone
   number of the very next call.
2. Call the school involved.
3. Immediately notify Superintendent.

NOTE: Should a call be received after normal school hours, call Superintendent.

Time and date reported

How reported

EXACT words of caller


1. Tell caller that the school building is occupied and innocent people will be hurt. When is the bomb

   going to explode?

2. Where is the bomb right now?

3. What kind of bomb is it?

4. What is it made of?

5. What does it look like?

6. What will cause it to explode?

7. When will it go off?

8. Why did you place the bomb?

   Try to keep caller talking as long as possible.

9. How did you get in the building?

10. Where are you calling from?

11. What is your address?

12. What is your name?

                                       BOMB THREAT CHECKLIST
Description of Caller’s Voice

Male           Female                  Middle Age              Old        Child

Accent                          Speech Patterns                           Tone of Voice

Caller appeared to be:   Calm            Angry          Nervous         Drunk                 Sober


Background Noise

Is voice familiar?            If so, who does it sound like?

Other voice characteristics

Time caller hung up                     Remarks

Time and telephone number of very next call

Name of person receiving call

Action Required: Immediately notify the principal or his/her designee. Be prepared to also notify the law

enforcement                              and/or fire department                           .

Intruder - An unauthorized person who enters school property.
    • Notify Principal or School Resource Officer (SRO)
    • Ask another staff person to accompany Principal before approaching intruder.
    • Politely greet intruder, identify yourself, and ask the intruder the purpose of his/her visit.
    • Inform the intruder that all visitors must register at the main office.
    • If intruder’s purpose is not legitimate, ask him/her to leave. Accompany intruder to exit.

If intruder refuses to leave:
     • Warn intruder of consequences for staying on school property. Inform him/her that you will call
     • Notify security or police and Principal if intruder still refuses to leave. Give police full description
        of intruder.
     • Walk away from intruder if she/he indicates a potential for violence. Be aware of intruder’s
        actions at this time (where he/she is located in school, whether he/she is carrying a weapon or
        package, etc.).
     • When law enforcement arrives, they are in charge.
     • Principal notifies Superintendent and may issue lock-down procedures. (See Lock-Down
        Procedures section.)
     • Issue an “All Clear” when incident is under control.
     • Complete Crisis Documentation Form. (Crisis Manual)

   • If hostage taker is unaware of your presence, do not intervene.
   • Call 9 1 1 o r (318) 932-4221, immediately. Give dispatcher details of situation; ask for
      assistance from hostage negotiation team.
   • Contact SRO/Law Enforcement.
   • Notify Principal. Principal notifies Superintendent.
   • Seal off area near hostage scene.
   • Give control to law enforcement and negotiation team. Be prepared to provide:
      Number of hostage taker(s)
      Description of hostage taker(s)
      Type of weapon hostage taker(s) has
      Number and names of hostage
      Demands and instructions hostage taker(s) has given
   • Crisis Team Management keeps detailed notes of events.
   • Crisis Team Management completes Crisis Response Documentation Form.

If taken hostage:
     • Follow instructions of hostage taker.
     • Try not to panic. Calm students if they are present.
     • Treat the hostage taker as normally as possible.
     • Be respectful of hostage taker.
     • Ask permission to speak and do not argue or make suggestions.


 Any non-custodial adult who takes a child from the campus without permission of the court ordered
 parent/guardian may be guilty of a felony.

 Procedures to follow when releasing students to parents/guardians during the school day:
    • All adults entering a school campus must sign in at a central area.
    • Visitor passes must be worn by all visiting adults on campus.
    • The name of the parent/guardian must be indicated on Emergency Card.
        -Parents are responsible for providing current court orders.
       -Court orders should be kept on file by the school.
    • The parent/guardian should present photo identification.
    • The parent/guardian must sign out the student through front office. Sign-out logs must be
       carefully maintained.
    • Students cannot be checked out during the last 30 minutes of the school day.

 NOTE: Elementary schools should implement a security code system in which parents designate a secret
 code that identifies them as the parent/guardian.

If a child is Kidnapped/Child-napped from school:

School Crisis Team Management calls the Law Enforcement 911 or 932-4221.

School Crisis Team Management contacts the custodial parent/guardian.

School Crisis Team Management obtains witness statements.

School Crisis Team Management assists the police in their investigation.

Homeland Security will offer training to the School Crisis Management Team.

If incident occurred in school, the School Crisis Team Management will:
     • Assess the situation.
     • Call (318) 932-5753 as soon as situation warrants.
     • Notify CPR/First Aid certified person in school building of medical emergencies. (Names of CPR/
        First Aid certified persons are listed in Crisis Team Members section.)
     • If possible, isolate affected student/staff member.
     • Notify Principal. Principal notifies Superintendent, Central Office Personnel, (Parents, Guardians,
        Spouse of affected students/staff.)
     • Activate school crisis team. Designate staff person to accompany injured/ill person to hospital.
     • Gather information:           Student/Staff schedule and emergency contact person.
                                     Student/Staff close friends, siblings, and schools they attend.
                                     Names of witnesses, if any.
     • Determine method of notifying students and parents. Announce availability of counseling services
        for those who need assistance. Designate room location(s)                                          .
     • Adjust scheduled activities. Keep school personnel updated on events and circumstances.
     • Refer media to Superintendent.

If incident occurred outside of normal operation hours of school, the School Crisis Team Management will:
    • Activate school crisis team.
    • Notify staff before normal operating hours.
    • Determine method of notifying students and parents. Announce availability of counseling services
        for those who need assistance. Designate room location(s)                                      .
    • Refer media to Superintendent.

Post-crisis intervention
   • Meet with school counseling staff and Mental Health Worker to determine level of counseling
        services for those who need assistance. Designate room location(s)                                     .
   • Anticipate absences on the day of a funeral and consider alternate scheduling.
   • Designate rooms as private counseling areas.
   • Escort affected student’s siblings and close friends and other “highly stressed” students to
   • Assess stress level of staff. Recommend counseling to overly stressed staff.
   • Procure personal items of the deceased from lockers, desks, etc.
   • Identify and communicate with other affected schools.
   • Be visible on campus.
   • Follow-up with students and staff who received counseling.
   • Designate staff person(s) to attend funeral.
   • Follow-up the student day with a short faculty meeting to review the facts of the incident and the
        role of the faculty in further coping with the loss/injury. Allow the faculty the opportunity to share
        experiences and suggestions.
   • Announce the loss to the entire school providing facts that will reduce rumor. Provide a moment of
   • Notify police, if necessary.
   • Ensure the safety of the students and staff first.
   • Contain unrest. Seal off area of disturbance.
   • Notify Principal. Principal notifies Superintendent.
   • Crisis team alert. Principal may issue lock-down. (See Lock-Down Procedures section.)
   • Shut off bells.
   • Move students involved in disturbance to an isolated area.
   • Meet with student representatives to address issues.
   • Document incidents with cassette recorder or take detailed notes.

   • Keep students calm.
   • Lock classroom doors.
   • Do not allow students outside of classroom until you have received an all-clear signal from
   • Make a list of students absent from the classroom.
   • Document all incidents.
   • Take cover, if necessary. USE CAUTION.
   • Assess the situation; provide for your own safety.
   • If there are witnesses or others present, direct one of those individuals to the office to summon
       immediate assistance.
   • If no one is available, personally notify office immediately, request medical assistance if necessary,
       and return to the victim.
   • If vehicle is involved, attempt to identify (CYMBAL)
           Color of vehicle      Body (two door, type of vehicle)
           Year                  Anything else of importance (direction of travel, etc.)
           Make                  License number
   • Attempt to identify the individuals in vehicle and/or the area.
   • Indicate the location of incident.
   • Do not disturb the crime scene.
ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION: Shooting (Drive by) - No Injuries
   • Assess the situation.
   • Contact the SRO. If not available, call (318) 932-5753.
   • If necessary, announce Code and follow procedures. Crisis team reports.
   • Isolate the witness(es) with an administrator. Gather information.
   • Secure the crime scene.
   • Re-route traffic from affected areas.
   • Prepare written statements for callers/media, in cooperation with law enforcement. Provide
       updates as available.
   • When the area is clear and the emergency is over, announce all clear.
   • Prepare a written statement for students to take home.
   • Designate a place for parents who arrive on campus. Have school media spokesperson on hand to
       answer questions.
   • Hold a faculty meeting at the end of the day to inform and update the faculty staff.
   • Hold an administrative meeting to debrief and assess responses. Complete Crisis Form.
ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION: Shooting/Stabbing -- With injuries
   • Assess the situation.
   • If necessary, announce CODE. Follow procedures.
   • Contact the SRO--if available, or call (318) 932-5753. Be prepared to:
           • Describe the situation.
           • Indicate whether the perpetrator has been identified and/or isolated.
           • Describe injuries
   • School Crisis Team reports
   • Give medical assistance until help arrives.
   • Isolate the witness(es) with an administrator. Gather information.
   • Secure the crime scene.
   • Re-route traffic from effected areas.
   • Notify parish personnel if emergency is over, announce “all clear.”
   • Complete all crisis documentation forms.

A weapon is any instrument of offensive or defensive combat, or anything used, or designed to be used, in
destroying, defeating or injuring a person. In Louisiana, a dangerous weapon includes any gas, liquid, or
other substance or instrumentality, which, in the manner used, is calculated to or likely to produce death or
great bodily harm. Weapons include, but are not limited to, any size knife, firearm, air gun, sword, spear, ax,
club, explosive device, fireworks, or other incendiary device, instrument of the martial arts, firearms
ammunition, knuckles, blackjack, night stick, mace, chains, razor, box cutter, ice pick, screwdriver, homemade
weapon, or any other device which may produce bodily harm or death.

All students and staff of RRPSB shall not be in possession of any weapon while on school property or
at school functions (including personal vehicles).

Staff or student who is aware of a weapon brought to school:

• Send reporting student to the office, if possible.
• If the reporting is unable/unwilling to report, follow steps below. The student may remain anonymous.
• Notify principal.

• Send sealed message with trusted student that includes:
   • Your name and location
   • The name/description of the suspect
   • Whether the suspect has threatened anyone
   • Any information regarding the weapon’s location/type
• Discreetly call the office if the suspect is not present.
• Seek assistance from another teacher in reporting the incident.
• If teacher suspects that weapon is in classroom, he/she should confidentially notify a neighboring teacher.
• Teacher should not leave classroom; he/she should wait for administrative response.



   •   Alert SRO/Law Enforcement if a weapon is suspected, as reported by staff or student (reasonable).
       Question him/her. Crisis code announced.
   •   If a student reported the weapon, isolate him/her.
   •   Two administrators/SRO proceed to the area under suspicion.
   •   One administrator/SRO should escort suspect to a private area to wait for law enforcement, the
       other should carry all the suspect’s belongings at a safe distance.
   •   At no time should the suspect be allowed to put his/her hands in pockets or handle belongings
       (book, bags, purses, lockers, autos).
   •   Inform the suspect of his/her rights and the reasons you are conducting a search. Conduct search
       with SRO/law enforcement and a reliable witness.
   •   Take possession of and secure the weapon.
   •   Keep detailed notes of all events and the reason the search was conducted.
   •   If suspect threatens you with a weapon, do not try to disarm him/her. Back away with your arms
       up and remain calm.
   •   Notify parent(s) or guardian(s) if suspect is a student. Explain why search was conducted and what
       results were determined.
   •   Complete Gun/Weapon on Campus Crisis Form (Crisis Manual).

If the weapon is a firearm or any other illegal weapon,always notify the police and the Superintendent. If a
firearm is discharged on or near the campus, refer to the individual school’s Emergency Procedures Plan for
appropriate action. Do not attempt to forcibly disarm an individual. Permit him or her to leave the area if
necessary and provide as much information about the individual as possible (race, height, weight, clothing,
auto description and tag number, etc.) to the law enforcement agency contacted and then to the security

Suicide Attempt in School                                  Suicidal Death/Serious Injury
• Verify information                                       • Verify information
• Call 9 1 1 o r 318-932-5753, if person                   • Activate school crisis team.
   requires medical attention, has a                       • Principal notifies Superintendent
   weapon, or needs to be restrained.                      • Notify staff in advance of next school
• Notify school psychologist, school                          day following suicide or attempted
   counselor, and Principal.                                  suicide.
• Principal calls parent(s) or guardian(s)                 • Determine method of notifying
   of the suicidal person if student.                         students and parents. Do not mention
   Principal may schedule meeting with                        “suicide” or details about death in
   parents, school psychologist, and                          notification. Do not hold memorials or
   counselor to determine course of                           make death appear heroic. Protect
   action.                                                    privacy of family.
• Principal notifies Superintendent.
• Calm suicidal person.                                    Post-crisis Intervention:
• Try to isolate suicidal person from                      • Meet with school counseling staff and
   other students.                                            School Counseling Team a n d S t a f f to
• Stay with person until counselor or                         determine level of intervention for staff
   person conducting the intervention                         and students.
   has arrived.                                            • Designate rooms as private counseling
   DO NOT LEAVE SUICIDAL                                      areas.
   PERSON ALONE.                                           • Escort siblings and close friends and
• Activate school crisis team to                              other “highly stressed” students to
   implement post-crisis intervention                         counselors.
   (See next column).                                      • Assess stress level of staff.
• Determine level of intervention.                            Recommend counseling to overly
• Determine method of notifying staff,                        stressed staff.
   students and parents. Hold daily staff                  • Refer media to Superintendent.
   debriefing before and after normal                      • Do not let media question students or
   operating hours as needed.                                 staff.
• Document all calls made on incident.                     • Follow-up with students and staff who
• Do not attempt to remove a weapon                           received counseling.
   from a student.                                         • Resume normal routines as soon as

                                SUICIDE ATTEMPT/VANDALISM

Vandalism generally is the willful and malicious destruction of property. The destruction must have been
intentional or in such reckless and wanton disregard of the rights of others to be the equivalent of intent.
Malice may be inferred from the act of destruction. Louisiana also defines vandalism in the criminal laws of
criminal mischief, criminal damage to property and institutional vandalism.

Vandalism Procedures:
• Assess damage and take photos if necessary.
• Notify Superintendent and law enforcement (318) 932-5753.
• Resolve the damage at campus level or notify maintenance for assistance.
• Complete all documentation forms.

This is for the “least exposed,” not in imminent danger and a facility that is not under attack, nor
has been penetrated by dangerous individuals.

The First Day: All School Levels

  > Immediately contain the environment. Monitor entry/exit points.

  > Do not close school unless evacuated by Police, FEMS, FBI. Schools are safer than many

  > Mobilize available Crisis Team Members. Facilitate ongoing, incoming-outgoing
    communication and/or actions and instructions.

  > If a terrorist incident happens during school hours, communicate what has happened to staff
    or Crisis Team and reassure that students and staff “are all currently safe and if new issues
    develop you will inform them quickly.”

  > Mobilize Crisis Team to insure all staff are following protocol.

  > Provide secretaries with a script for answering the phone with the intent of calming parents
    and reassuring them of their child’s safety.

  > Assign staff at major entry points to greet parents and escort them to a designated waiting area,
    also staffed, while they wait for you to bring their child to them. (Having parents in the halls
    or going into classrooms only adds to chaos, increases student anxiety, and can create
    additional risk factors.) Have parental release slips available.

  > Ask for Police presence outside the entrance areas, if necessary. (The visibility of law
    enforcement can be very calming for adults and children. In some cases police might be
    asked to escort buses to help children feel safe.)

  > Immediately direct staff to assume their triage duties (responsibilities for maintaining safety
    for specific areas — halls, entry/exit points, etc. and communicating information about areas
    to the command post, providing first aid, etc.)

  > Send a letter home to parents reiterating the schools preparedness and safety.

  > Cancel after school events. (Take your lead, if possible, from statewide or nationwide

  > Be prepared (sing script) to ask for responsible behavior, especially in a diverse community.

  > Be prepared to speak to health hazards: bio-terrorism, Anthrax, etc. (Use Bioterrorism

  > Send information of such to parents and/or have available on website, etc. for parent access.

  > Provide staff that receive suspicious packages with guidelines for managing the delivery
    and inspection of packages.

  > Present all staff with a letter from the Superintendent’s office articulating expectations of
    them and comments about sensitive issues.

  > Operational Debriefing for outlining feelings, responsibilities, etc.

                          TERRORISM/BIO-CHEMICAL HAZARD

Anthrax                                            Plague
Acquisition: Difficult to obtain lethal bacteria   Acquisition: Very difficult to obtain lethal
  stock. Non-lethal stock is much more               bacterial stock.
  prevalent.                                       Lethality: Very high. Very contagious
Transmission: Introduction of the spore            Exposure: From wild rodent with infected fleas
  through the respiratory tract, skin contact,       or inhaling bacteria — can be passed person
  or consumption of contaminated food.               to person.
Lethality: Cutaneous — mild, usually curative.     Symptoms: Fever, cough, shortness of breath,
  Inhalation — very high. Intestinal —               chest pain, spitting up blood, shock.
  moderate to high. Early treatment is               Treatment: No vaccine, rapid use of
  essential. Not contagious.                         antibiotics can be effective.
Symptoms: Usually develop within 7 days of         Observations: Not considered a likely agent
  exposure                                           used by terrorists because heat and sun
  — inhalation: fever body aches, tiredness,         render it harmless and it is difficult to turn
  cough, chest discomfort, sweating, shortness       into a weapon.
  of breath, difficulty breathing, blueness
  around nailbeds or lips, shock                   Ebola
  — cutaneous: local edema (sores) occur           Acquisition: Very difficult to obtain, unsafe to
  resulting circular ulcer/sore followed by          process.
  possible discharge of fluid; sores may turn      Lethality: Very high.
  black after a few days                           Treatment: Vaccine. Some antiviral drugs
  — intestinal: inflammation of the intestinal       may work, but overall effectiveness of
  tract, nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting and      treatments is questionable. Up to 90% of
  fever followed by abdominal pain, vomiting         victims die.
  blood and diarrhea.                              Observations: Not considered a likely agent
Treatment: Vaccine exists. Treatable with            used by terrorists because it is poorly
  antibiotics, but nearly always fatal if            understood and difficult to acquire.
  inhaled, thereafter when flu-like symptoms
  develop.                                         Smallpox
Observations: Likely terrorist agent because it    Acquisition: Only confirmed sources of this
  can be stored, is resistant to weather             disease, which killed more than 500 million
  conditions and not activated until inhaled,        people in the twentieth century, are in one
  absorbed or ingested.                              U.S. and one Russian lab. But circumstantial
                                                     evidence suggests it is available elsewhere.
Botulism                                           Lethality: High.
Acquisition: Widely available, but most            Exposure: Spread through the air or by contact
  poisonous forms of this toxin are rare and         with fluid from smallpox skin blisters —
  difficult to use as a weapon.                      can be passed person to person.
Lethality: High.                                   Symptoms: Flu like symptoms, high fever for
Exposure: Eating contaminated food, infected         2 to 4 days, body aches and pains, fatigue,
  wounds or aerosolized form — it cannot be          vomiting, cluster-like skin lesions in the
  passed person to person.                           mouth, on the lips and fact progressing to
Symptoms: Blurred vision, drooping eyelids,          the rest of the body.
  slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, dry       Treatment: Vaccine exists in limited supplies.
  mouth, muscle weakness that descends from          There is no cure and generally no effective
  the shoulders down the body, possible              treatments after infection.
  paralysis of the arms, legs, trunk and           Observations: If terrorist could obtain this virus,
  respiratory muscles.                               one infected person on an airplane could
Treatment: Vaccine being tested. U.S. Centers        infect most passengers and possibly cause
  for Disease Control and Prevention                 a national epidemic.
  maintains a supply of effective antitoxin.
Observations: Stable for weeks in food or still
  water, but it is difficult to use as a weapon
  and is not considered likely for use in mass

Every building needs to establish and on-site primary and alternate location, as well as an off-
site location for evacuation and for the emergency Command Post. The Command Post and the
Medical Triage area should have immediate access to phone communications and other forms of
communication (i.e. fax machine, computers, intercom, building bell controls, etc.).

Primary On-Site Location:                                         Phone#
Secondary On-Site Location:                                       Phone#

Off-Site Location:                                   Address:
Phone#:                                          Contact:

Emergency “Go Box”

Each school should put together a “Go Box” that can be carried to any emergency Command Post
location for use during an emergency.

Items included:
• Walkie-talkies
• Cell-phone/extra batteries—one charged and ready for use.
• Bullhorn/extra batteries
• Portable, battery powered radio/extra batteries
• Flashlight/extra batteries
• Markers, pens, legal pads
• Current class lists
• Pictures of students/staff—yearbook or CD
• List of students with special needs
• Telephone book
• Copy of Crisis Plan/Emergency Guide
• Staff directory (phone numbers—work/home)
• Copies of student emergency card information
• District phone directory
• Building floor plans and blueprints (if available)—indicate room numbers and/or names of
     rooms/names of hallways—indicate main gas—electrical/water shutoff valve locations—
     locations of chemicals and/or possible explosive compounds
• Building inside/outside master keys



Signs and Symptoms
• External—uncontrolled bleeding.
• Internal—patient complaining of pain in stomach or chest, patient dizzy when standing, pulse
  rate fast (above 100)

First Aid
• Call Nurse. Call 911 (as directed by nurse or administrator).
• External—Place direct pressure over the wound. Keep wound clean. Immobilize injured area
  in a comfortable position. Elevate a bleeding extremity above the level of the heart. Do not
  remove any impaled object.
• Internal—Lay patient down with feet raised. Protect airway. Keep patient calm.


Signs and Symptoms
• Unable to talk or cry out
• Victim clutches at throat

First Aid
• Call Nurse. Call 911 (as directed by nurse or administrator)
• If patient is coughing, encourage them to continue coughing
• Do not give fluids during episode
• If patient is unable to cough and airway is completely obstructed, use five (5) abdominal
  thrusts. Pause and determine if the patient is still choking. Repeat until airway is clear, or
  medical help arrives.

Heart Attack or Stroke

Signs and Symptoms
• Chest pain, middle of chest and possibly in left arm and neck.
• Shortness of breath
• Sweating
• Loss of consciousness
• Weakness on one side of the body
• Slurred speech

First Aid
• Call nurse. Call 911 (as directed by nurse or administrator)
• Check to see if patient is breathing and check pulse
• If not pulse or breathing, start CPR
• lf stroke (weakness on one side: slurred speech) lay victim down on unaffected side, guard


Signs and Symptoms
• Uncontrolled muscle contractions caused by possible head injury, drug overdose, epilepsy,
  fever, acute infection

First aid
• Call nurse; call 911 (as directed by nurse or administrator
• Place patient on floor. Do not restrain
• Try to help maintain an open airway by supporting person in side-lying position
• Do not put anything in patient’s mouth such as fingers
• After seizure, do not attempt to awaken patient
• Note time of onset, and behavior during seizure, as well as time that seizure ends if emergency
  personnel have not arrived

School Crisis Team
Position              Name                      Work Phone     Home Phone        Mobile/Pager   Room #


Assistant Principal





Food Serve Manager



                                                                                 ____________   _______

CPR/First Aid Certified Persons in School Building

Name                                Room #             Certification (circle):

                                                       CPR               FIRST AID

                                                       CPR               FIRST AID

                                                       CPR               FIRST AID

                                                       CPR               FIRST AID

District Crisis Committee

Position                                 Name                      Work Phone           Home Phone


Alternate Coordinator
(Assistant Superintendent or Designee)

Alternate Spokesperson


Business Manager
(Financial Administrator)

Bus Transportation Director

Supervisor of School Food Service


•   Call 318-932-5753, if necessary. Assess life and safety issues first.

•   Inform                                     , in            or                                  in         .
                        Principal                     Room #                Designee                    Room #

•   Principal/Designee notifies                                        or                                  .
                                        Superintendent                        District Designee
                                        (Telephone numbers in crisis team members section.)

• Warn students and staff. If an emergency requires immediate action to protect the safety of students and
staff, activate                                                                 .
                Warning system: P.A. announcement, sounding of bell.

• To insure immediate action and total comprehension of a crisis situation, codes will not be used. The
following key words will be given. lock down, evacuate to and/or all clear.
Other key words are:                                                                                    .

Lock-down procedures may be issued in situations involving dangerous intruders or other incidents that
may result in harm to persons inside school building.
   • Principal will issue lock-down procedures by announcing warning code over PA system, sending a
       messenger to each classroom or sounding bells.
   • Direct all student, staff, and visitors into classrooms.
   • Lock classroom doors.
   • Cover windows of classrooms.
   • Move all persons away from windows and doors.
   • Allow no one outside of classrooms until all-clear signal is given by Principal or Law Enforcement,
       Fire Official or Emergency Preparedness official evacuates your room.
   • Teachers are to take class roll to holding area in room.

Sheltering provides refuge for students, staff, and public within school building during an emergency. Shelters
are located in areas that maximize the safety of inhabitants. Safe areas may change depending on emergency.
    • Identify safe area in each school building.
    • Principal initiates Crisis Code Alert. Follow procedures.
    • Principal notifies Superintendent School Level Personnel and Facilities Services.
    • Teachers assemble class team to cover windows and air leaks around doors, and vents.
    • Close all exterior doors and windows.
    • Turn off any ventilation leading outdoors.
    • Use public address system for communicating instructions to staff and students.
    • Principal warns students and staff to assemble in safe areas. Take all persons inside building(s).
    • Teachers take class roster to safe area.
    • Crisis Team Management contacts cafeteria manager.
    • Cover up food not in containers or put it in refrigerator.
    • If advised, cover mouth and nose with handkerchief, cloth, paper towels, or tissues.
    • Teachers should account for all students after arriving in the safe area.
    • All persons must remain in safe areas until notified by Principal or emergency responders,
        law enforcement issues an “All Clear” code.
    • Crisis Team Management completes Crisis Documentation
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