RECONCILIATION AC TION PL AN - March 2022 - March 2024 - Renewal SA

Page created by Samuel Lloyd
RECONCILIATION AC TION PL AN - March 2022 - March 2024 - Renewal SA
March 2022 – March 2024
RECONCILIATION AC TION PL AN - March 2022 - March 2024 - Renewal SA

ACK N OWLE DG E M E NT O F CO U NTRY                                              CO NTE NTS

                                                                                                                               Renewal SA
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and
Custodians of the Lands throughout South Australia.                                 2   Acknowledgement of Country

We respect and support their spiritual relationship with Country
                                                                                    4   Our RAP Artwork
and connection to their land, waters and community.

As an organisation that is passionate about creating a better future for            6   Foreword
all South Australians, we are committed to working with First Nations
peoples to ensure Culture and Country is respected in everything
                                                                                    7   Our Vision for Reconciliation
we do and is represented through our people and projects.

                                                                                    8   Our Business

                                                                                    9   Our Values

                                                                                   10 Our Innovate RAP:

                                                                                        ^   Cultural Advisors
                                                                                        ^   Reconciliation Australia
                                                                                        ^   Urban Renewal
                                                                                            Authority Board
                                                                                        ^   South Australian First
                                                                                            Nations Communities
                                                                                        ^   RAP Working Group
                                                                                        ^   Renewal SA Executive Team
                                                                                        ^   All Renewal SA Employees
                                                                                        ^   URA People and Culture

                                                                                   16 Our Reflect RAP Highlights

                                                                                   18 Our Action Plan:

                                                                                        ^   Relationships
                                                                                        ^   Respect
                                                                                        ^   Opportunities
                                                                                        ^   Governance

                                                                                  First Nations peoples should be aware that
                                                                                  this document may contain the names and
                                                                                  images of people who have passed away.
   Allan Sumner leading the Smoking Ceremony at Lot Fourteen,
   the former Royal Adelaide Hospital site, to cleanse and pay respect
   to the land and its ancestors, reconnecting people and Country, and to
   promote the protection and well-being of visitors to the site in the future.
RECONCILIATION AC TION PL AN - March 2022 - March 2024 - Renewal SA


                                                                                               Renewal SA
                                      Our RAP artwork was created by local Ngarrindjeri,
                                      Kaurna, Yankunytjatjara artist, Allan Sumner.

                                      In 2020, 42 Renewal SA staff attended a series
                                      of co-design workshops, sharing their understanding
                                      and ideas of what they wanted our RAP artwork
                                      to represent. Allan considered this and what is
                                      important to our organisation and created
                                      “Yaltana Yarta” - Fresh Country. Yaltana meaning
                                      “Fresh or New”, Yarta meaning “Land or Country”.

                                      This artwork is about Renewal SA
                                      and First Nations people working
                                      together, learning together,
                                      sitting down at the same table
                                      together and planning the future
                                      landscape of South Australia.

                                      ^   Blue represents the water in the landscape
                                          which gives life to all things.

                                      ^   Green represents our environment
                                          and caring for Country.

                                      ^   The eight larger circular campsites
                                          represent Renewal SA’s growing
                                          organisation across South Australia.

                                      ^   The four smaller outer campsites represent
                                          First Nations communities across South Australia.

                                      ^   The bottom right campsite represents First Nations
                                          women and their voices in our communities.

                                      ^   The bottom left campsite represents First Nations
                                          men and their voices in our communities.

                                      ^   The two campsites at the top represent the
                                          coming together of Renewal SA and
                                          First Nations communities to celebrate
                                          diversity and joint achievements.
RECONCILIATION AC TION PL AN - March 2022 - March 2024 - Renewal SA

FO R E WO R D                                                                                        O U R VIS IO N FO R R ECO N CI LIATIO N

                                                                                                                                                                                                Renewal SA
In 2019, Renewal SA formally    We are committed to working          This Innovate RAP outlines                                       Renewal SA’s vision for reconciliation is one where
committed to reconciliation     with First Nations peoples           how we will take our                                             Culture and Country are fully interwoven with
by joining the Reconciliation   to bring the best elements           commitment to reconciliation                                     property and development; where our shared history
Action Plan (RAP) program.      of Culture and Country to            from aspiration to reality.                                      connects us to place and is a source of pride.
We undertook a Reflect RAP,     the fore, and delivering             We recognise the significance
which was an important          those through our projects.          of the opportunity before                                        Our vision is about strengthening respect
first step to prepare                                                us, and we’re ready to act.                                      for First Nations cultures and forging
our organisation for the        We know we have the ability                                                                           genuine partnerships to create meaningful
development and delivery of     and influence to implement           We are passionate about                                          social, cultural and economic change.
meaningful and sustainable      and drive real change for the        creating a better future
                                property and development             for every South Australian                                       As the state government’s urban development
reconciliation initiatives.
                                sector, with benefits for            and we believe in leading                                        agency, we are seeking to become a leader of
At the outset, we wanted        both First Nations peoples           by example. This is true                                         reconciliation within South Australia’s property
to be part of our nation’s      and the wider community.             of how we approach every                                         and development sector. In order to do so, we
journey towards a united                                             part of our business and                                         are embedding a culture of respect within all four
future for First Nations        Reconciliation is not simply         it is fundamental to our                                         of our strategic priorities – people, partnerships,
peoples and non-Indigenous      about respecting culture.            Reconciliation Action Plan.                                      pipeline and projects – and we are committed to
peoples. Now we are ready to    For our organisation it’s also                                                                        acknowledging, celebrating and embracing First
take our commitment further;    about making it a part of our        We are determined to strive                                      Nations peoples, communities and cultures.
to be bolder and braver.        everyday operation – whether         towards becoming an exemplar
                                that be through development,         in the industry we lead.
                                affordable housing, job creation,
                                work experience, and beyond.

                                                            CO N TR AGAK I S
                                                            Presiding member

                                                                                                                          Jack Buckskin
                                                                                                                      showcasing Kaurna
                                                                                                                    culture to approximately
                                                                                                                    700 staff, stakeholders
                                                                                                                   and community members
                                      CH R I S M E NZ                                                                 at the Lot Fourteen
                                                                                                                      Smoking Ceremony.
                                            Chief Executive
RECONCILIATION AC TION PL AN - March 2022 - March 2024 - Renewal SA

O U R B U S I N E SS                                                O U R VALU E S

                                                                                                                                                                                    Renewal SA
Renewal SA is working              A constant focus on what’s       R E S P EC T                    CO U R AG E                     P RO F E S S I O NALI S M
to improve the lives of all        next is a critical part of       We all have something to        & TE NACIT Y                    A culture of excellence means
South Australians by leading,      our endeavour to attract         offer at Renewal SA, and that   At Renewal SA we understand     we hold ourselves to the
supporting, and driving            investment and create            means every member of our       that a win for one of us is a   highest standard at Renewal SA
investment and growth              property and development-        team is valued and respected.   win for all of us – and that    and we’re always looking for
through property and projects.     based jobs in South Australia.                                   means we never give up.         ways to do things better.
                                                                    TR U S T
As the state government’s          Our pipeline of new and          We’ve got each other’s          CO LL AB O R ATI O N            S U S TAI NAB I LIT Y
urban development agency,          future development projects      backs at Renewal SA. We         & E N GAG E M E NT              South Australians are at the
we are charged with leading        such as Oakden, Prospect,        share information and trust     At Renewal SA we believe        heart of everything we do at
and coordinating development       Forestville, and Aldinga is      our colleagues are making       a collaborative approach        Renewal SA and that means
and urban renewal activity to      enabling growth and attracting   decisions with the best         delivers the best results and   all decisions are made in the
ensure South Australia’s future    investment into our State.       intent and endeavour.           that’s why we’re focussed on    best interests of both current
housing needs are met. Our                                                                          creating solutions together.    and future generations.
projects include residential,      Everything we do at              HONESTY &
commercial, industrial and         Renewal SA is about driving      I NTEG R IT Y                   S E RVI CE
mixed-use developments.            economic growth and creating     We are all responsible for      We come to work at
                                   jobs for South Australians.      creating a positive workplace   Renewal SA every day to
Across our organisation, our                                        at Renewal SA – every word,     deliver for the people of
capability centres on delivering   The Renewal SA corporate         action and behaviour matters.   South Australia. We proudly
the right opportunities to         office is located in                                             serve our state government
market at the right time.          Adelaide's CBD with five                                         and our community.
This focus applies whether         satellite offices located
we are planning and future-        within greater Adelaide.                                                                                          Chris Menz (Chief Executive) and
                                   The organisation has a                                                                                        Kyran Dixon (Manager, Reconciliation
proofing developments,                                                                                                                             and Cultural Heritage) talking with
engaging with communities,         workforce of 144 people,                                                                                      Kuma Kaaru dance group at our new
                                                                                                                                                  corporate office Smoking Ceremony.
enabling opportunities for the     including three First Nations
private sector, revitalising       staff members.
communities and places or
building workforce capacity.

As Lot Fourteen, Tonsley
Innovation Precinct, Bowden,
Our Port, and Playford Alive
have shown, our projects are
not only already delivering for
the communities they serve
but also transforming the way
we do things for the future.
RECONCILIATION AC TION PL AN - March 2022 - March 2024 - Renewal SA


                                                                                                                                                                                                                Renewal SA
     Our RAP is championed by Chief
     Executive Chris Menz and Manager,
                                                In addition to this,
                                                Renewal SA is building a
                                                                             Our RAP governance
                                                                             structure has eight key
                                                                                                           CU LTU R AL                     We have engaged external First Nations Cultural Advisors
                                                                                                                                           from community to provide cultural knowledge and guidance
     Reconciliation and Cultural Heritage       network of connections       groups, made up by            ADVISO RS                       to support the implementation of our Innovate RAP.
     Kyran Dixon. Our RAP is supported          with First Nations peoples   numerous individuals
     by Renewal SA’s Executive Team             to further support the       who have contributed
     and the Urban Renewal Authority            organisation as we           to the development of
     Board, chaired by Con Tragakis.            implement change and         our Innovate RAP:
     In developing it, Renewal SA has           action as part of our
     sought input and engagement across         reconciliation journey.
     all levels of our organisation, as well
     as from external Cultural Advisors.
                                                                                                           AU NT Y                         MAR K                              JESS
                                                                                                           Y VO N N E AG I U S             KO O LMATR I E                     DAVI E S - H U Y N H

                                                                                                           Aunty Yvonne Agius is an        Mark Koolmatrie is from            Jess is a proud Kaurna woman
                                                                               I N N OVATE                 Esteemed Elder of both          the Kukabrak Tribes of             born and raised on Kaurna
                                                                                    R AP                   Kaurna and Narungga descent.    southern South Australia now       land. She has been involved
                                                                                 2 02 2 —24                                                referred to as Ngarrindjeri.       in Kaurna Native Title matters
                                                                                                           Aunty Yvonne worked as          The Ngarrindjeri Nation            from a young age, served
                                                                                                           a public servant for over       is made up of 18 family            on the Board of the Kaurna
                                                                                                           40 years and an Aboriginal      groups known as Lakinyeri.         Yerta Aboriginal Corporation,
                                                                                                           foster carer and educator of    Mark is referred to as a           and is also a representative
                                                                                                           the younger generations about   Munkanboli (a clever person        on the Aboriginal Reference
                         R ECO N CI LIATI O N                                                              the past. She has shown
                                                                  U R BAN                                                                  who is a man of wisdom             Group for the Aboriginal
                            AU STR ALIA                                                                    great commitment to the
                                                                R E N E WAL                                                                and knowledge). He uses            Arts and Cultures Centre
                                                               AUTH O R IT Y                               preservation of Aboriginal      his wisdom and knowledge           at Lot Fourteen.
                                                                   (U R A)                 SO UTH          heritage and has extensive      that has been passed
                                                                  B OAR D             AU STR ALIAN         experience representing a       down over thousands and            Jess is passionate about
                                                                                     FI R ST NATI O N S    range of community groups       thousands of years to ensure       promoting Kaurna culture,
                                                                                     CO M M U N ITI E S    that deal with heritage,        culture is strong and alive.       heritage and rights, mentoring
                                                                                                           Native Title, Nunga courts                                         young First Nations women,
                                                                                                           and the Granny’s Group,         Mark is committed to, and has      learning from her Elders and
                                                                                                           displaying a great commitment   a passion for, the preservation    community, and advocating for
                                                                                                           to reconciliation between       of Aboriginal heritage and         reconciliation in the community
                                                                                                           First Nations peoples.          culture in the Ramindjeri,         and workplace. She currently
                                                                                                                                           Tangani, Yarlde, Meintangk,        works for the Department
       R AP                                                                                                She is the Dual Chairperson     and Ngarrindjeri lands. Mark       of Treasury and Finance
    WO R K I N G                                                                                           of the City of Adelaide’s       is the current Chairperson of      as a Cultural Development
     G RO U P                                                                                              Reconciliation Committee and    the State Aboriginal Heritage      Consultant, where she
                                                                                                           previous Vice-Chairperson       Committee, founder and             provides advice and direction
                                               R E N E WAL SA                                              of the State Aboriginal         educator. Mark owns his            on diversity and inclusion
                                                E XECUTIVE                                                 Heritage Committee.             own business, The Tribal           initiatives, reconciliation,
                                                    TE AM
                                                                                     U R A P EO P LE                                       Expertise Facility, through        First Nations employment
                                                                                    AN D CU LTU R E                                        which he asserts his cultural      and cultural awareness.
                             ALL                                                  S U B - CO M M IT TE E                                   and heritage interests within
                      R E N E WAL SA                                                                                                       the Coorong, Lower Lakes,
                       E M P LOY E E S                                                                                                     River Murray, and the Sea.
RECONCILIATION AC TION PL AN - March 2022 - March 2024 - Renewal SA

                                                                                                                                                                                          Renewal SA
                                                Reconciliation Australia has both inspired and
                                                enabled Renewal SA to embark on its journey to

                                                contribute to building relationships, respect and        SO UTH                       In addition to our Cultural Advisors,
                                                trust between First Nations peoples and                                               we will also engage and consult with broader
   AU STR ALIA                                  non-Indigenous Australians. As the country’s         AU STR ALIAN                     South Australian First Nations communities,
                                                lead body for reconciliation, the organisation
                                                has provided Renewal SA with vital support and
                                                                                                    FI RST NATIO N S                  peoples and organisations. These groups are
                                                                                                                                      important voices and we will work to ensure
                                                guidance as we undertake this Innovate RAP.         CO M M U N ITI E S                they are represented through our projects.

                 U R BAN R E N E WAL
                     AUTH O R IT Y
                   (U R A) BOAR D
       Appointed by the Governor            ^   CO N T R AG A K I S
       of South Australia, our Board            Presiding Member
       of Management is subject to
       the control and direction of         ^   H E L E N F U LC H E R
       the Minister for Housing and
                                            ^   KIMBERLEY GILLAN                                              Jaylon Newchurch of
       Urban Development. A critical                                                                         the Kuma Kaaru dance
       function of the URA Board                                                                            group performing at our
                                            ^   DAV I D H U G H E S                                           new corporate office
       is to ensure our focus on                                                                               Smoking Ceremony.
       reconciliation, and the identified   ^   PHIL RUNDLE
       actions that come out of
       our reconciliation journey,          ^   ANNE SKIPPER
       is embedded in the strategic
       direction of Renewal SA.             ^   NICK READE
RECONCILIATION AC TION PL AN - March 2022 - March 2024 - Renewal SA

                                    R AP

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Renewal SA
                                 WO R KI N G
                                  G RO U P

    Chief Executive (Chair)
                               With a clear mandate set by the Executive Team, the Renewal SA
                               RAP Working Group has been responsible for initiating, implementing,
                                                                                                        R E N E WAL SA
    K Y R A N D IXO N
                               and driving all activity associated with the development of this          E XECUTIVE
                               Innovate RAP. Importantly, this group will remain in place to oversee
    Manager, Reconciliation    the continuing implementation of the developed action register.               TE AM
    and Cultural Heritage

^   S K Y E B AY N E
    Senior Director,
    Strategy, Marketing and
    Communications, is the                                                                                 The Renewal SA Executive       ^   CHRIS MENZ                      ^   C H R I S TI N E S T E E L E
    connection into the                                                                                    Team has championed the            Chief Executive                     General Manager, Business
    organisation’s Diversity                                                                               development of this Innovate                                           Systems Transformation
    and Inclusion Committee                                                                                RAP and has reaffirmed         ^   TO N Y CO L E
                                                                                                           Renewal SA’s reconciliation        General Manager,                ^   M I C H A E L WO O D
^   JED GUNN                                                                                               journey remains a priority         Major Projects and Pipeline         General Manager,
    Senior Project Manager                                                                                 for the organisation.                                                  Commercial and Corporate
                                                                                                                                          ^   TO D D P E R RY
^   EMMA NASRA                                                                                                                                General Manager, Project        ^   V Y CO L LI N S
    Manager, Procurement                                                                                                                      Delivery and Property               Senior Director,
                               *Absent from photo
    and Contract Management                                                                                                                                                       People and Culture

^   T E R E SA G E N TI L E
    Marketing Manager,

                                                                                                                                          Our URA People and Culture
    Engagement Officer*
                                                                    ALL                                      URA                          Sub-Committee is the RAP
                                                                                                                                                                              ^   ANNE SKIPPER
                                                                                                                                                                                  Chair and URA Board
^   R AY S C A N LO N
    People and Culture
                                                             R E N E WAL SA                             P EO P LE AN D                    conduit to the Board. With a            member
                                                                                                                                          focus on diversity and inclusion,
    Senior Business Partner                                   E M P LOY E E S                             CU LTU R E                      it plays a vital role from a        ^   K I M B E R LY G I L L A N

                                                                                                             SUB-                         human resourcing perspective
                                                                                                                                          and in the development of our
                                                                                                                                                                                  URA Board member

    Business Intelligence
                                                             In developing this RAP, all Renewal SA
                                                             staff have committed to taking
                                                                                                        CO M M IT TE E                    Cultural Safety Framework.          ^   CHRIS MENZ
    Developer                                                                                                                                                                     Chief Executive
                                                             action to promote respect, trust
                                                             and positive relationships amongst                                                                               ^   V Y CO L LI N S
                                                             First Nations peoples and non-                                                                                       Senior Director,
                                                             Indigenous Australians. Reconciliation                                                                               People and Culture
                                                             Australia’s vision for a just, equitable
                                                             and reconciled Australia is now a                                                                                ^   R O S E AG E R
                                                             shared vision for our organisation.                                                                                  Secretariat
RECONCILIATION AC TION PL AN - March 2022 - March 2024 - Renewal SA

                                                                                                              A member of the

                                                                                                                                 O U R AC TIO N P L AN

                                                                                                                                                              Renewal SA
                                                                                                       Kuma Kaaru dance group
                                                                                                             performing at the
                                                                                                         Lot Fourteen Smoking
                                    TO O L B OX YAR N S

                                      E STAB LI S H E D
                                    AT LOT FO U R TE E N
                                 to ensure the importance

      100%                        of First Nations cultures
                                and heritage are understood
                                   by all site contractors.
           S TAF F
     in cultural awareness

                                         OUR                                             12
 700                              R E FLEC T R AP
                                   H I G H LIG HTS
                                                                                       FO R M E D
                                                                                       the inaugural
   P EO P LE                 N OVE M B E R 201 9 – J U N E 2021                        RAP Working
  at the former
                           In 2019, Renewal SA commenced its first Reconciliation
  Royal Adelaide

                              Action Plan, our Reflect RAP. This process was an
   Hospital site,            important first step to prepare our organisation for
     known as                  the introduction of meaningful and sustainable
  Lot Fourteen,                   reconciliation initiatives. Much of what we
                                                                                        STAF F
for a ceremony to                 achieved was therefore about awareness,
                                                                                    PAR TI CI PATE D
                                           education and preparation.
 heal Country and                                                                   in RAP artwork
     celebrate                                                                      workshops with
   reconnection                                                                       Allan Sumner.

   to the Land.

                                                         FI R ST NATI O N S P EO P LE S
                                                                participated in our
                                                             Works Program through
                                                             training programs, work

                                                            experience placements and
                                                              engagement activities.

                             M I LLI O N S P E NT
                           through First Nations
                             owned businesses.
RECONCILIATION AC TION PL AN - March 2022 - March 2024 - Renewal SA

                                                                                                                                 ACTION                    DELIVERABLE                                                    TIMELINE            RESPONSIBILITY
O U R AC TI O N P L AN                                                                                                           Establish and             Meet with South Australian First Nations                       November            Manager, Reconciliation

R E L ATIO N S H I P S                                                                                                           maintain mutually         stakeholders and organisations to develop                      2022                and Cultural Heritage

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Renewal SA
                                                                                                                                 beneficial                guiding principles for future engagement.
                                                                                                                                 relationships with
It’s through connection, communication, engagement,               We therefore acknowledge and welcome diversity as              First Nations             Identify South Australia First Nations stakeholders            November            Manager, Reconciliation
and shared experiences that we can all learn                      something that can strengthen our organisation.                stakeholders and          and organisations within our sphere of influence.              2022                and Cultural Heritage
and thrive as a community – and none of that                      Our understanding of the importance of relationships           organisations.
can be achieved without relationships.                            is reflected in our focus on partnerships, which                                         Develop a partnering agreement with Kaurna Nation, in the       March 2023         Chief Executive
                                                                  is a key strategic pillar for our organisation.                                          first instance, and other traditional custodians of South
Building strong, respectful, and long-term relationships                                                                                                   Australia, as appropriate, to establish the shared values,
between First Nations peoples and non-Indigenous                  At Renewal SA, we fundamentally believe that a                                           behaviours and priorities on which the groups will work.
Australians is important for our organisation because we          collaborative approach delivers the best results,
understand how these relationships can teach us, challenge        and partnerships and collaboration can only                                              Develop and implement an engagement plan to work                March 2023         Manager, Engagement
us, and inspire us to do things differently or better.            be realised through good relationships.                                                  with First Nations stakeholders and organisations.
                                                                                                                                 Promote                   Conduct a review of HR policies and procedures to identify      May 2022           Senior Director,
                                                                                                                                 positive                  existing anti-discrimination provisions, and future needs.                         People and Culture
                                                                                                                                 race relations
                                                                                                                                 through                   Engage with First Nations staff and/or First Nations            May 2022           Senior Director,
                                                                                                                                 anti-discrimination       advisors to consult on our anti-discrimination policy.                             People and Culture
ACTION                   DELIVERABLE                                           TIMELINE                RESPONSIBILITY            strategies.
                                                                                                                                                           Develop, implement and communicate an                          October             Senior Director,
Promote                  Implement strategies to engage                        August 2022, 2023       Manager, Reconciliation                             anti-discrimination policy for our organisation.               2022                People and Culture
reconciliation           our staff in reconciliation.                                                  and Cultural Heritage
through our sphere                                                                                                                                         Educate staff on the effects of racism.                        October             Senior Director,
of influence.            Collaborate with RAP and other like-                  December 2022          Senior Director,                                                                                                    2022                People and Culture
                         minded organisations to develop                                              Strategy, Marketing                              4
                         ways to advance reconciliation.                                              and Communications         Build                     Review HR policies and procedures to remove                    April 2022,         Senior Director,
                                                                                                                                 relationships             barriers to staff participating in NRW.                        2023                People and Culture
                         Develop clear, organisational-wide positions on      December 2022            Chief Executive           through celebrating
                         important reconciliation matters with the Renewal SA                                                    National                  Circulate Reconciliation Australia’s NRW resources             May 2022,           RAP Working Group
                         Board, Executive Team and Senior Leadership                                                             Reconciliation            and reconciliation materials to our staff.                     2023                Chair
                         Group, that staff can understand and support.                                                           Week (NRW).
                                                                                                                                                           Encourage participation in external NRW events                 May 2022,           Senior Director,
                         Board, Executive Team and key staff to attend         February 2023           Manager, Reconciliation                             to all staff by promoting localised events through             2023                Strategy, Marketing
                         an event that acknowledges the Anniversary                                    and Cultural Heritage                               our internal communications channels.                                              and Communications
                         of the Apology to the Stolen Generation.
                                                                                                                                                           Members of the Board, Senior Leadership                        May 2022,           RAP Working Group
                         Provide a copy of the RAP as part of the              February 2023          Senior Director,                                     Group and RAP Working Group members to                         2023                Chair
                         standard induction process and 'New Employee                                 People and Culture                                   participate in an external NRW event.
                         Induction' checklist for all new employees.
                                                                                                                                                           Organise at least one NRW event each year at                   May 2022,           RAP Working Group
                         Explore opportunities to positively influence our       March 2023            Chief Executive                                     Renewal SA's head office and project sites where               2023                Chair
                         external stakeholders to drive reconciliation outcomes.                                                                           community and stakeholders are invited.

                         Communicate our commitment to                        March, June,        Senior Director,                                         In consultation with local First Nations                       May 2022,           RAP Working Group
                         reconciliation publicly.                             September, December Strategy, Marketing                                      stakeholders, support one external community                   2023                Chair
                                                                              2022, March 2023    and Communications                                       NRW Week event per year where practical.

                         Document achievements and learnings from              November 2023           Chief Executive                                     Register all our NRW events on Reconciliation                  June 2022,          RAP Working Group
                         engagement with First Nations communities on                                                                                      Australia’s NRW website.                                       2023                Chair
                         cultural heritage management and integration
                         of culture into project design and delivery.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Deliverables exclusive to Renewal SA are written in blue

                                                                                                                                                    Leanne Shearing working
                                                                                                                                                    at our Bowden satellite
                                                                                                                                                    office after being recruited

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Renewal SA
                                                                                                                                                    through Renewal SA's
O U R AC TI O N P L AN                                                                                                                              Works Program.

People is one of the four strategic pillars underpinning               We also know that people and respect are – and must
all activity undertaken by our organisation.                           be – inextricably linked. Respect, understanding and
                                                                       appreciation for First Nations peoples and cultures is of
With some of the most committed professionals from                     great importance to our organisation. Further educating
across the development industry working every day                      ourselves about the cultures, histories and knowledges
to drive our State and economy forward, we know                        can only increase our respect and that is something we
that our organisation is nothing without its people.                   are committed to doing as part of our RAP journey and
                                                                       as we work towards a shared goal of reconciliation.

ACTION                     DELIVERABLE                                                      TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY                             ACTION                    DELIVERABLE                                                    TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY
                       1                                                                                                                                             2
Increase                   Conduct a review of cultural learning                            April 2022         Senior Director,                 Demonstrate               Increase staff understanding of the purpose and significance   June 2022    Senior Director,
understanding,             needs within Renewal SA.                                                            People and Culture               respect to                behind cultural protocols, including Acknowledgement                        Strategy, Marketing
value and                                                                                                                                       First Nations             of Country and Welcome to Country protocols.                                and Communications
recognition                Consult South Australian Traditional Owners and/or               September          Senior Director,                 peoples by observing
of First Nations           First Nations advisors on the development and                    2022               People and Culture               cultural protocols.       Develop, implement and communicate a cultural                  June 2022,  Manager, Reconciliation
cultures, histories,       implementation of a cultural learning strategy.                                                                                                protocol document, including protocols for Welcome             (review     and Cultural Heritage
knowledge and                                                                                                                                                             to Country and Acknowledgement of Country.                     March 2023)
rights through             Create a tracking register to record and monitor                 April 2022         Senior Director,
cultural learning.         implementation of the cultural learning strategy.                                   People and Culture                                         Invite a South Australian Traditional Owner or Custodian       November     Manager, Reconciliation
                                                                                                                                                                          to provide a Welcome to Country or other appropriate           2022         and Cultural Heritage
                           Introduce artwork into Renewal SA workspaces, including          May 2022           Senior Director,                                           cultural protocol at significant events each year.
                           project offices to increase cultural awareness and                                  Strategy, Marketing
                           understanding by displaying Yaltana Yarta artwork.                                  and Communications                                         Include an Acknowledgement of Country or other appropriate     January      Chief Executive
                                                                                                                                                                          protocols at the commencement of important meetings.           2023
                           Develop, implement and communicate a formal                      September    Senior Director,
                           organisational cultural learning strategy.                       2022 (review People and Culture                     Include and          Identify opportunities and commit to work with First                December     General Manager, Major
                                                                                            June 2023)                                          integrate First      Nations communities to incorporate culture, heritage,               2022         Projects and Pipeline,
                                                                                                                                                Nations cultures     truth-telling and reconciliation into project planning,                          General Manager,
                           Provide opportunities for RAP Working Group members,             November           Senior Director,                 into planning,       landscape and built-form design, and story-telling.                              Projects and Property
                           HR managers and other key leadership staff to                    2022, 2023         People and Culture               urban design and
                           participate in formal and structured cultural learning.                                                              project development. Any masterplanning activities endorsed and resourced                May 2023     General Manager, Major
                                                                                                                                                                     under the Karrawirra Pari/Riverbank planning framework                           Projects and Pipeline
                                                                                                                                                                     will ensure Kaurna stakeholders are proactively consulted
                                                                                                                                                                     to identify planning priorities and opportunities.

                                                                                                                                                                          Assess opportunities for how the incorporation of              October      Manager, Reconciliation
                                                                                                                                                                          heritage and culture across the different project types        2023         and Cultural Heritage
                                                                                                                                                                          (residential, commercial/industrial, mixed use; greenfields,
                                                                                                                                                                          brownfields) can value-add for all stakeholders.
                                                                                     Deliverables exclusive to Renewal SA are written in blue

ACTION                   DELIVERABLE                                                     TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY                             We want to be part of our
                     4                                                                                                                       nation’s journey towards a
Develop a                Review and re-set existing cultural heritage                    December           Senior Director,
cultural heritage        management policy in conjunction with                           2022               Strategy, Marketing
management               representative heritage organisation(s).                                           and Communications               U N ITE D F UTU R E
framework based
on a co-design           Develop procedures for cultural heritage                        December           Senior Director,                 for First Nations peoples
with First Nations       management activities to apply to all projects and              2022               Strategy, Marketing              and non-Indigenous peoples.
stakeholders.            other general ground-disturbing activities.                                        and Communications

                         Provide necessary training to project staff to                  December           Senior Director,
                         ensure respectful implementation of cultural                    2022               People and Culture
                         heritage management procedures.

                         Ensure all new projects complete a cultural heritage survey     January            General Manager, Major
                         and assessment prior to detailed planning activities.           2023               Projects and Pipeline,
                                                                                                            General Manager,
                                                                                                            Projects and Property

                         Ensure cultural heritage matters are included in                January            General Manager, Major
                         the initial assessment of pipeline opportunities.               2023               Projects and Pipeline

                         For projects operated by Renewal SA and where                   February           General Manager, Major
                         heritage potential exists, develop cultural heritage            2023               Projects and Pipeline,
                         management plans (based on a co-management                                         General Manager,
                         framework), or caveat such a requirement for                                       Projects and Property
                         Joint Venture developments or land sales.
Build respect            Review HR policies and procedures to remove                     April 2022,        Senior Director,
for First Nations        barriers to staff participating in NAIDOC Week.                 2023               People and Culture
cultures and
histories by             Circulate NAIDOC resources and materials to our staff.          July 2022,         RAP Working Group
celebrating                                                                              2023               Chair
                         Encourage participation in external NAIDOC events               July 2022,         Senior Director,
                         to all staff by promoting localised events through              2023               Strategy, Marketing
                         our internal communications channels.                                              and Communications

                         Members of the Board, Senior Leadership                         July 2022,         RAP Working Group
                         Group and RAP Working Group to participate                      2023               Chair
                         in an external NAIDOC Week event.

                         Organise at least one NAIDOC Week event each                    July 2022,         RAP Working Group
                         year at Renewal SA's head office and project sites              2023               Chair
                         where community and stakeholders are invited.

                         In consultation with local First Nations                        July 2022,         RAP Working Group
                         stakeholders, support one external community                    2023               Chair
                         NAIDOC Week event per year where practical.

                                                                                                                                                                       Renewal SA staff participating
                                                                                                                                                                        in Smoking Ceremony at our
                                                                                                                                                                      new corporate office conducted
                                                                                                                                                                       by Kuma Kaaru to cleanse the
                                                                                  Deliverables exclusive to Renewal SA are written in blue                                 past for a better future.

                                                                                                                               ACTION                  DELIVERABLE                                               TIMELINE                 RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                                                                               Increase                Review and update procurement practices                    April 2022              General Manager,
                                                                                                                               First Nation            to remove barriers to procuring goods and                                          Commercial and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Renewal SA
                                                                                                                               supplier diversity to   services from First Nations businesses.                                            Corporate
O P P O RTU N ITI E S                                                                                                          support improved
                                                                                                                               economic and            Adopt the SA Government Aboriginal direct source          June 2022                General Manager,
                                                                                                                               social outcomes.        procurement process into organisational policy.                                    Commercial and
Opportunity is a theme that runs strongly through all               We believe it’s equally important that opportunities for
our projects at Renewal SA. By their very nature, our               First Nations peoples, organisations, and communities
projects signal opportunity for our State, community and            are woven into our approach and operations in a similar
                                                                                                                                                       Provide staff with access to the SA Government's           August 2022             General Manager,
future generations. Their ability to drive our economy,             way. The scale of our work represents significant
                                                                                                                                                       Aboriginal Business Directory and The                                              Commercial and
change the way people live, and lead South Australia                opportunity which, in turn, means significant change
                                                                                                                                                       Circle - First Nations Entrepreneur Hub.                                           Corporate
forward means we take these opportunities – and                     can be implemented. Employment, procurement, and
the impact they can have – very seriously.                          professional development are just three of numerous
                                                                                                                                                       Develop and implement a First Nations                      October 2022            General Manager,
                                                                    areas across our organisation where opportunity
                                                                                                                                                       procurement strategy.                                                              Commercial
                                                                    exists. We want to champion that opportunity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and Corporate
                                                                    for First Nations peoples at every occasion.
                                                                                                                                                       Develop and communicate opportunities for                 December, 2022,          General Manager,
                                                                                                                                                       procurement of goods and services from                    2023 (at least           Commercial and
                                                                                                                                                       First Nations businesses to staff.                        twice per annum)         Corporate

                                                                                                                                                       Develop commercial relationships with                     January 2023             Executive and Senior
                                                                                                                                                       First Nations businesses.                                                          Director, Strategy,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Marketing and
ACTION                 DELIVERABLE                                                      TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY                                                                                                                           Communications

                   1                                                                                                                               3
Improve                Contribute to the professional development of                    September      Chief Executive         Ensure that             Consult with or directly engage (as appropriate)           January 2023            Manager, Reconciliation
employment             young First Nations peoples through participation                2022                                   appropriate             the relevant First Nations stakeholders to deliver                                 and Cultural Heritage
outcomes by            in the SA Government's Aboriginal Traineeship                                                           First Nations           cultural heritage services, such as heritage surveys,
increasing First       Program, or an appropriate alternative program.                                                         businesses and          management plan development and monitoring.
Nations recruitment,                                                                                                           service providers are
retention and          Review HR and recruitment procedures and                         January        Senior Director,        engaged for cultural    Engage only those First Nations businesses to              December 2023           Manager, Reconciliation
professional           policies to remove barriers to First Nations                     2023           People and Culture      heritage and other      deliver land, or culture-connected services (such                                  and Cultural Heritage
development.           participation in our workplace.                                                                         cultural activities.    as training, design activities) that are endorsed by
                                                                                                                                                       the relevant First Nations (cultural authority).
                       Engage with First Nations staff to consult                       February       Senior Director,                            4
                       on our recruitment, retention and                                2023           People and Culture      Under the               Consider and consult on a dual name for the               June 2022                Senior Director,
                       professional development strategy.                                                                      Renewal SA              Works Program's First Nations initiatives.                                         Strategy, Marketing
                                                                                                                               Works Program,                                                                                             and Communications
                       Develop and implement a First Nations recruitment,               April 2023     Senior Director,        design and
                       retention and professional development strategy.                                People and Culture      dedicate work           Establish a program of opportunities (annual forecast)    August 2022,             General Manager,
                                                                                                                               experience, training    dedicated to outcomes for First Nations peoples.          2023                     Property and Projects,
                       Advertise job vacancies to effectively                           June 2023      Senior Director,        and development,                                                                                           Manager, Works
                       reach First Nations stakeholders.                                               People and Culture      and employment                                                                                             Program
                       Explore partnership with CareerTrackers or other                 September      Senior Director,        for First Nations       Monitor and track outcomes generated                       February 2023           General Manager,
                       providers to identify First Nations university students.         2023           People and Culture      peoples in              through the Works Program.                                                         Property and Projects,
                                                                                                                               Renewal SA                                                                                                 Manager, Works
                       Increase the percentage of First Nations                         October        Chief Executive         procurements and                                                                                           Program
                       staff employed in our workforce                                  2023                                   partnerships.
                                                                                                                                                       Provide targeted sponsorships to those organisations       August 2023             General Manager,
                       Build understanding of current First Nations                     February       Senior Director,                                delivering community benefit through employment,                                   Property and Projects,
                       staffing to inform future employment and                         2024           People and Culture                              training and reskilling, and addressing disadvantage.                              Manager, Works
                       professional development opportunities.                                                                                                                                                                            Program

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Deliverables exclusive to Renewal SA are written in blue

O U R AC TI O N P L AN                                                                                                    ACTION               DELIVERABLE                                              TIMELINE RESPONSIBILITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Renewal SA
G OVE R NAN CE                                                                                                            Establish and        Review RWG Terms of Reference on an annual basis.        February       RAP Working Group
                                                                                                                          maintain an                                                                   2022, 2023     Chair
                                                                                                                          effective RAP
Effective governance is vital because even the best of        This approach has underpinned the establishment of
                                                                                                                          Working group        Meet at least four times per year to drive               December       RAP Working Group
intentions can be minimised or rendered ineffective without   our governance model, with a firm focus on accountability
                                                                                                                          (RWG) to drive       and monitor RAP implementation.                          2022           Chair
direction and accountability. We believe a structured         and provision of appropriate supports to enable us to
governance model will help us to extend our reconciliation    meet out RAP commitments. As part of this, we are
                                                                                                                          of the RAP.          Maintain First Nations representation on the RWG.        February       RAP Working Group
journey in the most meaningful way as we look to              committed to regular reporting and ensuring timelines
                                                                                                                                                                                                        2024           Chair
increase both our knowledge and understanding and our         are achieved and maintained.
ability to implement impactful and sustainable outcomes.                                                                                   2
                                                                                                                          Provide              Engage our senior leaders and other staff in             October        Manager, Reconciliation
                                                                                                                          appropriate          the delivery of RAP commitments.                         2022           and Cultural Heritage
                                                                                                                          support for
                                                                                                                          effective            Define resource needs for RAP implementation.            November       Senior Director,
                                                                                                                          implementation of                                                             2022, 2023     Strategy, Marketing
                                                                                                                          RAP commitments.                                                                             and Communications

                                                                                                                                               Define and maintain appropriate systems to track,        January        Manager, Reconciliation
                                                                                                                                               measure and report on RAP commitments.                   2023           and Cultural Heritage

                                                                                                                                               Appoint and maintain an internal RAP                     February,      Chief Executive
                                                                                                                                               Champion from senior management.                         2024
                                                                                                                          Build                Investigate participating in Reconciliation              April 2022,    Manager, Reconciliation
                                                                                                                          accountability       Australia’s biennial Workplace RAP Barometer.            2023           and Cultural Heritage
                                                                                                                          and transparency
                                                                                                                          through reporting    Publicly report our RAP achievements,                    July 2022,     Senior Director,
                                                                                                                          RAP achievements,    challenges and learnings, annually.                      2023           Strategy, Marketing
                                                                                                                          challenges and                                                                               and Communications
                                                                                                                          learnings both
                                                                                                                          internally and       Complete and submit the annual RAP Impact                September      Manager, Reconciliation
                                                                                                                          externally.          Measurement Questionnaire to Reconciliation Australia.   2022, 2023     and Cultural Heritage

                                                                                                                                               Report RAP progress to all staff and                     March, June,   Senior Director,
                                                                                                                                               senior leaders quarterly.                                September      Strategy, Marketing
                                                                                                                                                                                                        December       and Communications
                                                                                                                                                                                                        2022, 2023
                                                                                                                          Continue our         Register via Reconciliation Australia’s website          July 2023      Manager, Reconciliation
                                                                                                                          reconciliation       to begin developing our next RAP.                                       and Cultural Heritage
                                                                                                                          journey by
                                                                                                                          our next RAP.

             Trevor Wanganeen of
               Kuma Kaaru dance
            group performing at our
              new corporate office
               Smoking Ceremony.
                                                                         THROUGH PROPERT Y
                                                                             A N D P R OJ E C T S

                                F U R TH E R I N FO R MATI O N

                                   For information on our RAP and
                                   journey of reconciliation contact:

                                        Kyran Dixon, Manager,
                                  Reconciliation and Cultural Heritage
                                            T 0478 949 531


Our RAP has been printed                            Published March 2022
by Print Junction, a 50%
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