Amazing. Start something - Industrial Placement Programmes - Aldi Recruitment

Page created by Adrian Pratt
Amazing. Start something - Industrial Placement Programmes - Aldi Recruitment
Start something
                  Manager &
Industrial Placement  Programmes
  Industrial Placement Programmes
Amazing. Start something - Industrial Placement Programmes - Aldi Recruitment
1913                                                                   1954

                        It's 1913 and a small grocery store                                       By now, Karl and Theo have already
                    opens in Essen, Germany. There at the                                       taken over the business. In 1954, they
                            counter stands Anna Albrecht.                                          make history by opening their first
                                 Over time, she’s joined by                                 self-service store in Essen-Schonnebeck.
                        her two little boys Karl and Theo.                                                       It’s a first in Germany.

                                                      1930s                                                          1961
                                                      By the 1930s, the family business                              The brothers now own
                                                      is well established but the Great                              300 stores, and decide to split
                                                      Depression makes things                                        the operation into Aldi Nord
                                                      extremely difficult. Time for                                  and Aldi Süd (which now
                                                      some Aldi bold thinking.                     S                 operate independently).

                    WHERE WE’VE COME FROM.
                                                     In a smart move, the
                                                     Albrechts acquire a liquor
                                                                                                 They decide to think
                                                                                                 of a name and come                BRECHT
                                                     licence, gaining an advantage
                                                     over their competitors.
                                                                                                up with ‘Aldi’, short for
                                                                                                   Albrecht Discount.              SCOUNT
                        They also let their customers
                          buy goods on account and
                             pay later. This results in                                                              1999
                              huge customer loyalty.
                                                                                                                     In 1999, the business arrives
                                                                                                                     in Ireland. Customers are amazed
                                                                                                                     to see a true example of ‘no frills’
                                                     1947                                                            shopping. Because overheads
                                                     Aldi reveal another string                                      are kept low, customers can benefit
                                                     to their bow: liquid soap which                                 from amazing quality at low prices.
                                                     doesn’t need a ration coupon.
                                                     (They were the only retailers
                                                     for miles who stocked this.)

                                                                                                 This business model
                                                                                          continues to work brilliantly.
                            The business wasn’t just                                             With award-winning
                           surviving now – all these                                        products and astonishing
                               strategies send their                                        growth, we’re going from
                                   turnover soaring.                                             strength to strength.

Amazing. Start something - Industrial Placement Programmes - Aldi Recruitment
Let’s be honest. You’ve heard plenty of campus gossip about
Aldi. ‘It’s really hard work. You’ll have loads of responsibility.’
Well, these things are true, but you need to check out the
other half of the story. We’re a responsible employer who
thrives on giving graduates unparalleled exposure, training
and support. We challenge our graduates because we want
them to do well, but we’ll be with you every step of the way.
So, if you’re willing to put the effort in, you can absolutely work
your way to the senior levels of Aldi. Which is an incredible
place to be. It’s worth knowing that most of our Directors
(even our CEO) started out as Area Managers.

Amazing. Start something - Industrial Placement Programmes - Aldi Recruitment
UK and Ireland                                                            America

                        We’ve got opportunities all over the                                      In 1976, one year after our 500th
                        UK and Ireland, with 50 to 100 stores                                     Aldi South store in Germany
                        in each region. Once you’re online,                                       opened, Aldi US officially launched.
                        you can choose the region you’d                                           It’s fair to say it’s going pretty well.
                        prefer to be based (although we                                           After a recent expansion into
                        do ask for a bit of flexibility over the                                  California, we now have over 1,800
                        locations you cover).                                                     stores across the United States.



                                                                            Bolton            Goldthorpe

                                                                            Neston      Atherstone

                                                                           Cardiff                   Chelmsford

                                                                                      Swindon     Sheppey

                                WHERE COULD YOUR
                                CAREER TAKE YOU?
Amazing. Start something - Industrial Placement Programmes - Aldi Recruitment
Germany                                      China                                     Australia

                                                                                                                             EVERYDAY AMAZING
Back in 1961, the Albrecht brothers          Not many people know we’re in Asia,       91% of Aldi Australia’s fresh
split the business into two groups           but here we are. And in 2012, we          fruit and veg are grown within
– Aldi Nord (North) and Aldi Süd             opened the Corporate Responsibility       the country. Now that’s some
(South). Aldi Ireland is actually part       Unit Asia in Hong Kong. Not only          sustainable sourcing.
of the Aldi South group.                     does it realise our CR goals both in
                                             the continent and across the whole
                                             business, it also helps us forge closer
                                             relationships with our suppliers.

                                   Aldi is a discount retailer with global presence. We have
                                   over 6,400 stores across 10 countries, and employ 138,800
                                   people. So, we must be doing something right.

Amazing. Start something - Industrial Placement Programmes - Aldi Recruitment

                                       I came to use my skills.

                                       I left with
                                       even more.
Amazing. Start something - Industrial Placement Programmes - Aldi Recruitment

                                                                                              INDUSTRIAL PLACEMENT PROGRAMMES
INDUSTRIAL                                                     GENERAL          08
PLACEMENT                                                      PLACEMENT
PROGRAMMES                                                     CORPORATE BUYING 13
Our Industrial Placement programmes have really                WHAT ARE THE     16
taken off. We’ve always offered placements within our
stores for aspiring Area Managers. But now there’s             BENEFITS LIKE?
also the opportunity to join our Corporate Buying
department in Naas, Co. Kildare.
                                                               HOW CAN I APPLY?  17
We need to be crystal clear about one thing though.
If you fancy a year off college, don’t apply to Aldi. These
placements are for passionate, brave, inquisitive students
who want to prove their worth. You’ll have done your
homework on Aldi and the retail challenges we face.
You’ll want to be part of our business from day one,
and you believe you can make it even better.
Whichever placement you choose, we’ll invest real time
in you. Throughout your placement, you’ll experience early
responsibility, intensive training and rare exposure to the
internal workings of Aldi. We’re a big fan of rotating our
students across different teams; it really demonstrates
how different operations fit together to ensure
a smooth-running business.
Just like everything at Aldi, the more you put in, the more
you’ll get in return. We want our managers to feel how
indispensable you are. We want you to go back to college                   YOU’LL GAIN
feeling like you’ve made a valid contribution to a thriving                INSIGHT AND
global retailer. Together, we’ll make sure you have all the                EXPERIENCE
opportunities you need to learn and showcase your skills.                  FROM THE
Yes, it’ll be demanding – but we reward our people extremely               VERY BEST.
well. And, of course, you’ll have the chance to apply
for a permanent role after you graduate.

Amazing. Start something - Industrial Placement Programmes - Aldi Recruitment
DAY ONE                      WEEKS 1-3                   WEEKS 4-13                 WEEK 14                    WEEK 15                   WEEKS 16-23
     You’ll settle into           The Area Manager will       Time to roll up your       Working alongside the      A chance for              You’ll shadow the
     Aldi, sign your contract     walk you through our        sleeves and see exactly    Area Manager, you’ll       a breather on             Store Manager
     and meet the Store           fast-moving operation       what happens in our        demonstrate your           a well-earned,            and experience
     Operations Director who      and why we’re doing so      stores, from stacking      new-found skills. You’ll   one-week                  their challenging,
     will take you through        well in the marketplace.    shelves to serving         see stores from a fresh    holiday. Enjoy…           rewarding and
     your induction.                                          customers.                 perspective and what                                 stimulating role.
                                                                                         goes into multi-site                                 It’s about learning
                                                                                         management.                                          to lead a successful
                                                                                                                                              team and creating an
                                                                                                                                              environment where
                                                                                                                                              people feel really

     WEEK 24                      WEEK 25                     WEEKS 26-32                WEEK 33                    WEEK 34                   WEEK 35
     You’ll be out and about      Feet up and relax.          More Store                 Holiday time already?      Back to working with      Logistics time. Efficiency
     with an Area Manager,        You deserve it.             Management. It’s great     Time flies at Aldi,        the Area Manager          has always been the
     experiencing their day                                   to be on the front line,   particularly when you’re   to gain insight and       name of the game at Aldi
     and all the different                                    seeing how things          learning so much.          experience from the       and a cornerstone of our
     skills you need to do                                    need to be run in such                                very best.                success. At this point in
     a great job.                                             a fast-paced team                                                               your programme, you’ll
                                                              environment.                                                                    learn everything from
                                                                                                                                              streamlining distribution
                                                                                                                                              to vehicle tracking and
                                                                                                                                              routing. This is one of the
                                                                                                                                              key pillars of retailing.

     WEEK 36                      WEEKS 37-42                 WEEK 43                    WEEKS 44-48                WEEK 49                   WEEKS 50-52
     Financial Administration.    Now’s the time to put       Kick back on another       You’ll complete more       Your last week with       Well done, you’ve nearly
     We’ve built our business     all your knowledge          holiday as you             project work, but this     the Area Manager will     made it. Your final
     on delivering quality        together. You’ll be given   reflect on how much        time across Property       help you fit all the      project work will focus
     products at low prices,      a project brief that will   you’ve learned and         and Administration.        pieces together. You’ll   on Store Operations.
     so who better to give        outline proposed areas      experienced so far.        It’s another golden        see how everything        You’ll show us how
     you advice and special       for improvement across                                 opportunity to             works as a complete       you can apply your
     training on balancing        Trading and Logistics.                                 showcase your talents.     (and extremely busy)      knowledge in different
     the books? It’s essential    You can see your work                                                             business.                 business situations, and
     you understand the           have a long-lasting                                                                                         present your ideas to
     fundamentals if you          impact on regional (or                                                                                      the Directors.
     want to make a name for      even national) decisions.
     yourself at Aldi. And this
     is an invaluable part of

     your training.

                                                                                              INDUSTRIAL PLACEMENT PROGRAMMES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             INDUSTRIAL PLACEMENT PROGRAMMES
                                                                                                                                     Darragh, General
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             You take each day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             as it comes and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             being able to react
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A good work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ethic is imperative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to becoming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to whatever pops                                         an Area Manager.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             up is vital.
                                                                                                                                     Placement                                                                                                                                                        I was hugely impressed by how well structured
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the programme was, and I was also taken aback
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      by the positive culture within the company.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The store training is the best foundation for this
                                                                                                                                     • University of Limerick                                                                                                                                         I received sufficient help from two friendly

A placement like no other.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             role. Because you get to see how challenging the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             work is, you can empathise with the store staff while    and experienced teams while in-store, and had
                                                                                                                                     • Bachelor of Business Studies

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             gaining a vast amount of knowledge. The level of         workbooks and an online interface to support
                                                                                                                                     • 2018                                                                                                  responsibility exceeded my expectations, especially      my learning. I was also given a mentor who was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             when you’re responsible for running a store on           more than happy to answer any questions I had.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             your own. It’s challenging, rewarding work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and you never know what the day will bring.”

                                                                                                                                 ‘‘  Aldi gave me the
                                                                                                                                                                      When you do an Industrial Placement at Aldi, you get
                                                                                                                                                                      a real insight not just into everyone’s work ethic, but also

           GENERAL                                                                                                                   most amazing
                                                                                                                                                                      of the whole business itself. Now I’ve finished, I feel that I have
                                                                                                                                                                      a much greater knowledge of the retail industry, and picked

         MANAGEMENT                                                                                                                  insight into how
                                                                                                                                                                      up some vital management skills – which I don’t think I would
                                                                                                                                                                      have got anywhere else. It’s really helped me become a lot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Emer, Area Manager
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • University College Cork
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Seán, Area Manager
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • University College Cork

                                                                                                                                                                      more confident in my own ability and decision making.                                                                           • Masters in Management
                                                                                                                                     they operate.                    I’d definitely recommend the Industrial Placement
                                                                                                                                                                      programme. It really develops you as a person,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Commerce Degree
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Former Industrial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and Marketing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      • Former Industrial
    This is a fast-paced introduction into the reality                                                                                                                while also giving you the skills to potentially become                    Placement student,                                       Placement student,
    of Aldi: how we tick, what we’re made of, how                                                                                                                     an Area Manager someday.”                                                 joined Aldi in 2015                                      joined Aldi in 2016
    we’ve transformed into one of the world’s most
    successful retailers. The placements can vary
    in duration across 6, 9 or 12 months depending
    on the relevant degree discipline, but this is
    roughly what you can expect. Ready?

                                                         09 22                                                                  10                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11

                                   Darragh, General
                                   • University of Limerick
                                   • Bachelor of Business Studies
                                   • 2018

                                   You have to                      On top of the responsibility, Aldi gave me a real,
                                                                    in-depth view of what it takes to manage one of

                                   be proactive
                                                                    Ireland’s fastest-growing retailers. But what stood
                                                                    out to me most during my placement were the
                                                                    structured reviews with my mentor. It just shows
                                   about learning.                  how supportive Aldi are. I also noticed how crucial
                                                                    working as part of a team is to the smooth running
                                                                    of the day-to-day business. It gives everyone from
                                                                    stores to Head Office great motivation, which sets
                                                                    such a great example. And as new targets had to
                                                                    be met every day, I was fortunate enough to exercise
                                                                    my management and leaderships skills throughout
                                                                    my placement.”

 24 12
 (Based in Naas, Co. Kildare)

From source
                                This isn’t just about ‘Buying’. You’ll experience a large corporate
                                environment that touches every aspect of the product lifecycle:

to shelf.
                                Corporate Responsibility (CR), Quality Assurance, PR &
                                Marketing, Merchandising and Category Management. All
                                areas link closely together, so you’ll get to see them all before
                                specialising in one. Take CR, for example, and you’ll work with
                                the team that’s involved in coming up with new processes and
                                business change, inspired by making a difference to the planet.
                                It’s real-life business experience that will stretch your thinking
                                and question your lifestyle choices as you help a global business
                                implement social and environmental solutions. Corporate Buying
                                is a busy environment with rapidly changing priorities, lots of
                                juggling and plenty of problem-solving. We’ll provide you with
                                great opportunities and responsibilities and, as a high-calibre
                                student (from a Food Science related discipline), you’ll apply your
                                knowledge to real-life business situations. Ideally, you’ll be the
                                kind of person who gets themselves noticed by building strong
                                relationships and by being confident in your fresh ideas.


                                       Corporate Buying
                                       • University College Cork
                                       • Food Marketing &
                                       • 2018

                                   ‘‘  Aldi made me feel           My Industrial Placement was really challenging, but also
                                                                   extremely rewarding. Immediately I could see that I was

                                       so welcome from
                                                                   surrounded by likeminded, hardworking people. Aldi also gave
                                                                   me huge responsibility from the outset, and the freedom to use
                                                                   my own initiative. I love that there’s never a shortage of people
                                       my very first day.          to turn to for help or advice. And the regular one-to-one sessions
                                                                   with my team leader always made sure I was on track. I’ve had
                                                                   some amazing experiences throughout my placement. I got to
                                                                   attend and organise multiple events, participate in sampling
                                                                   sessions, take part in the staff summer event, travel all over
                                                                   Ireland to visit multiple stores… the list just goes on! One of the
                                                                   main things I’ve learnt this year is to strongly believe in and
                                                                   pursue my ideas. For any hard-working student who wants to
                                                                   develop and prepare themselves for the ‘real business world’,
                                                                   I couldn’t recommend Aldi highly enough.”

 Corporate Buying
 • University College Cork
 • Food Marketing &
 • 2018

 The experience
                             My time in Aldi’s Head Office was so invaluable. From
                             corporate buying, to logistics and store operations, I got

 I gained in this
                             an amazing insight into how the whole organisation
                             operates. And I learnt the external workings of the
                             business world, which only experience can teach you.
 rapidly growing             From day one, I had an intense training programme
                             that helped me properly prepare for my role. I was then

 family-run                  assigned a number of different projects throughout
                             the six months. The responsibilities and tasks I was

 business has                given allowed me to showcase my teamwork and
                             management skills in a real business environment.

 been amazing.               However, one of the most rewarding parts of my
                             placement was having the chance to apply my
                             knowledge from university. It’s really given me what
                             I need for my final year at university.”

There’s always a bit

                                                   of give and take.
                                                                    In return, you’ll receive…

                                       €30,000 per annum,                   The chance to apply                            4 weeks’ 
                                       pro rata for the time               for a permanent role                      holiday allowance,
                                        you spend with us.                    after graduation.                      pro rata for the time
                                                                                                                      you spend with us.

                                     Let’s get the basics right.

                                                                    HOW TO APPLY
                                    You’re working towards a

                                                                    We offer one of the best programmes
                                                                      around and things can get quite
                                                                    competitive. But if you’re right for our
                                                                     business, you’ll see this as your first
                                                                       challenge. Please contact your
                                                                      Careers Service for information                  You have the right
                                    (in any degree discipline for             on how to apply.                        to work in Ireland.
                                      the General Management
                                       placement programme).
                                      (For the Corporate Buying              General Management applicants will
                                  placement, you’ll be studying a           need to be able to travel to the stores
                                   Food Science related degree.)               in which they will be training.

 26 16

Step one                                      Step two
You can apply through your Careers Service,   The final stage is an assessment
but be warned, this is a very competitive     which could be one-to-one or as part
scheme. Positions are filled quickly,         of a group. So make sure you’ve done
so the sooner you apply, the better.          your homework.
For more information please visit,


                                       Give it everything.

                                       We’ll give
                                       you more.


                                                                                                GRADUATE AREA MANAGER PROGRAMME
GRADUATE                                                       WHERE WILL I FIT IN?   20
AREA MANAGER                                                   WHAT WILL I BE DOING? 21
                                                               WHAT CAN I EXPECT      22
                                                               IN MY FIRST YEAR?
All of our graduates follow the stores route and join
our Area Manager Programme. It’s the perfect introduction
                                                               WHAT HAPPENS           24
to our business and a superb foundation for your future
success. You’ll get to know exactly how we operate,
                                                               IN YEAR TWO
how the team works, and how your actions will contribute       AND BEYOND?
to Aldi. And the best bit? You’ll receive incredible support
throughout your training with a dedicated mentor
and regular one-to-one sessions with some really               HOW CAN I DEVELOP      26
talented colleagues.
                                                               AFTER THAT?
                                                               HOW ABOUT AN           28
                        YOU’LL GET STUCK                       WHAT QUALITIES      30
                        INTO STORE LIFE.
                        IT’S THE BEST WAY                      ARE WE LOOKING FOR?
                        TO UNDERSTAND
                        YOUR COLLEAGUES
                        AND THE CHALLENGES                     WHAT ARE THE           32
                        THEY FACE.                             BENEFITS LIKE?
                                                               HOW CAN I APPLY?       33

                                                                                                           As an Area Manager,
                                                                into                                          you’ll report to the
                                                            twelve                                    Store Operations Director

                                                                       Each region has
                                                                       its own Head Office
                                                                       led by:
                                                                                                      and look after the people,
                                                                                                  processes, efficiencies and targets
                                       a Managing                 a Group
                                          Director             of Directors

                                                                       an Administration team.
                                                                                                     of three or four stores.

                                        WHERE WILL I FIT IN?
                                                                                                 The Store Managers (and their
                                                Each region has its own Regional
                                                                                                  team of Assistant and Deputy
                                                Distribution Centre (RDC) which
                                                                                                 Managers plus Store Assistants)
                                                 takes care of the flow of goods.
                                                                                                   will look to you for leadership.

                                           We also have our
                                           Corporate Head
                                        Office, based in our                                        You’ll be the link between
                                         Atherstone region.                                      these stores and the warehouse
                                                                                                      teams back at the RDC.

      It’s just you, your ambition

      (and some
WHAT WILL                                                      to taking control of processes and identifying ways to hit

                                                               ambitious targets. There’s an awful lot to learn and you’ll
                                                               adapt to new situations on a daily basis.

                                                               The whole time, you’ll experience mind-stretching
The Area Manager Programme’s gained a reputation               retail challenges that will sharpen your commercial edge
for being challenging. And rightly so. We’ll give you an       and turn you into a brilliant leader. We see ourselves as a
enormous amount of responsibility very early on.               family, so there’s always someone around to offer a helping
So while the first few weeks are spent getting to know your    hand or useful advice. The important thing to remember is
colleagues, our business model and the ins and outs of         we want you to do well. And with the training from a global
store life (and yes, you will be stacking shelves), by week    retailer, you’ll be equipped to conquer any challenge.
15 you’ll have had the keys to at least one store. You’ll be   In fact, you’ll be ready to start a rewarding and
in charge: that means everything from motivating a team        long-lasting Aldi career.

DAY ONE                         WEEKS 1-2                    WEEKS 3-13                      WEEK 14                       WEEKS 15-24
        You’ll meet your                An experienced               Time to roll up your sleeves.   You’ll have a week’s          We’ll give you the keys
        Directors and your new          colleague will help you      You’ll be stacking shelves      holiday to relax, absorb      to a store. Once the
        boss. They’ll outline exactly   get to grips with the Area   with colleagues, getting        all that knowledge and        detailed training’s done,
        what’s expected from you        Manager role and they’ll     to know our products,           think about the great         you’ll take ownership
        and prepare you for the         become your mentor           finding out about customer      start you’ve made at Aldi.    over a set list of
        year ahead.                     throughout your training.    service and learning our                                      responsibilities. Then it’s
                                                                     unique approach to store                                      time to put theory into
                                                                     management. With a                                            practice within the store
                                                                     week’s holiday squeezed                                       environment.
                                                                     in. Phew.

        WEEKS 25-28                     WEEK 29                      WEEKS 30-34                     WEEK 35                       WEEKS 36-37
        Taking charge of your own       Phew. Another breather.      You’ll spend the next           Bit of a change now as        Our huge network of stores
        €multi-million business         The programme’s really       five weeks learning the         you visit workshops           relies on a range of support
        for a three-week cover,         gathering pace now           ins and outs of the Area        hosted by our regional        operations. During your
        you’ll plan the rota, order     so it’s important to         Manager role, with plenty       experts. You’ll get to        Regional Office Training,
        over 1,700 products and         re-charge your batteries     of support from your            know everything from          you’ll get to know our
        manage your own team.           and just chill out for       Aldi mentor.                    Health & Safety and HR        Accounts, Trading and
        You’ll then spend a week        a week.                                                      processes, to Ordering        Business Administration
        getting ready to present                                                                     and Availability.             teams and the kind of
        your achievements to the                                                                                                   issues they handle.
        Store Operations Director.

        WEEK 38                         WEEKS 39-45                  WEEK 46                         WEEKS 47-51                   WEEK 52
        It’s holiday time again.        During the next seven        Some more rest,                 Ready to look after an        It’s time for your final
        A chance to reflect on          weeks, you’ll be assessed    happy in the knowledge          area? This is five weeks      review and we’ll look at
        the huge amount you’ve          on a variety of technical    that you’re near the            of in-at-the-deep-end         how far you’ve come. By
                                                                     finish line.
        learned and feel very           tasks, as well as your                                       exposure to life as an Area   now, you should be full
        proud of yourself.              leadership ability. Mixing                                   Manager. You’ll cover for     of confidence as you take
                                        the two is vital for your                                    your colleagues while         responsibility for your
                                        development, so you can                                      they’re on holiday and        own group of stores.
                                        motivate and engage the                                      really put your skills to
                                        teams around you.                                            the test.

22 20

                                                                                                          GRADUATE AREA MANAGER PROGRAMME

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                GRADUATE AREA MANAGER PROGRAMME
                                                                                                                                                 WHAT HAPPENS                                                                                                  Seán, Store
                                                                                                                                                 IN YEAR TWO                                                                                                   Operations Director
                                                                                                                                                 AND BEYOND?                                                                                                   • University of Limerick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Business Degree

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Joined Aldi in 2010
                                                                                                                                                                                                     It’s critical to be organised                             • Currently on secondment in Australia
  A year like no other.
                                                                                                                                                 As a fully-fledged Area Manager, thriving in
                                                                                                                                                 a culture of pace and responsibility, you’re
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and efficient. It’s about

                                                                                                                                                 completely ready for the next challenge.
                                                                                                                                                 During years two, three and beyond, you’ll          maximising your time
                                                                                                                                                 be taking your area and running it your
                                                                                                                                                 way. Yes there are targets to meet and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     in store so you can
                                                                                                                                                                                                     look after your team

                                                                                                                                                 processes to follow but, beyond that, your
                                                                                                                                                 diary is your diary. And everything you do          and be a positive influence.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               As a business,
                                                                                                                                                 will impact on how the area performs.                                                                                                                   The Area Manager Programme’s very detailed from the very first
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         day. And the training updates play a vital role. When you’re an
                                                                                                                                                                                                     It’s a challenging, rewarding role – with really

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Aldi places a lot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         operational Area Manager, you have updates with your Store
                                                                                                                                                                                                     motivated people on every team. Results are tangible,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Operations Director each month, which are like mini Performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and there’s the freedom to make your own decisions,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Reviews and focus on development areas. But this doesn’t end
                                                                                                                                                                                                     with unwavering support from colleagues. There are all
                                                                                                                                                                                                     kinds of challenges, from monitoring KPIs and auditing    of emphasis on                            when you complete the graduate programme. Aldi’s always
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         researching and creating new programmes to ensure we deliver

 IN MY FIRST YEAR?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             training and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     functions to the ongoing recruitment and development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the best possible training in an ever-changing industry.”
                                                                                                                                                 Paul, Area Manager                                  of your store teams. Plus, we’re constantly improving

                                                                                                                                                                                                     the working environment and our customer service.
                                                                                                                                                   ational University
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Area Manager team are so experienced, and if you
So what might your first year hold in store for you? It can vary                                                                                  of Ireland Galway
                                                                                                                                                                                                     encounter a problem, it’s likely they’ve had similar
but we thought it would be helpful to show you the kind of                                                                                       • Science Degree                                    issues. So they’re always on hand to offer advice
challenges you can expect. Not to mention all the support                                                                                        • Joined Aldi in 2014                               or assistance.”
and encouragement you’ll have along the way. So, deep
breath, let’s see what you’re made of…

                                                                   23                                                                       24                                                                                                                                                                                                                             25

                                        HOW CAN
                                        I DEVELOP

                                        AFTER THAT?                                         Become the link between the Aldi Academy –
                                                                                         the team responsible for all Recruitment, Training

                                                                                           and HR Administration – and your local region.

                                        Development is all about learning, putting      PROJECT AREA MANAGER
                                        yourself in new situations and rising to any
                                        challenge. Which is why, after a few years,
                                        we offer high-performing Area Managers the           Roll out new training
                                        chance to take on a specialist secondment          initiatives nationally to
                                                                                         up-skill store colleagues.
                                        within a totally new area.
                                        You might find yourself leading people
                                        in Logistics, managing business-changing
                                        projects alongside our Academy, or heading up
                                        a team in Head Office. You could even become                               Raise your profile, while
                                                                                                                   impacting more of the
                                        an Area Manager in a different country.                                    business than ever before.

                                        Lasting 18-24 months, all of our secondments
                                        are an amazing opportunity to learn more
                                        about our business, and yourself.
                                                                                        Develop more people than
                                                                                            ever by implementing
                                                                                            training for colleagues
                                                                                           throughout the region.

                                    Move into Head Office,
                                    and lead a whole new                                 Take on a secondment
                                    team focused on                                      in Europe, the US or
                                    specialist projects.                                 even Australia.

          Start with rotations
             around different
    corporate teams, getting
    to know how Head Office
      operates and connects
         with the rest of Aldi.

CORPORATE AREA MANAGER                                        INTERNATIONAL SECONDMENT

                         Work with external suppliers,             Discover different customer
                         using their skills and expertise         habits and how it affects our
                         to bring projects to life and                         global business.
                         broaden your knowledge.

     Discover the inner workings                                                             Implement your
      of Aldi, and take on training                                                          knowledge to improve
    and development different to                                                             a whole new Area.
   anywhere else in the business.

                                      Shape the strategy of
                                      your department, and       Push yourself personally,
                                      see your ideas impact     immersing yourself into a
                                      the whole business.         completely new culture.

                                                                                  Pick up a new way of
                                                                                  working, taking on the skills
Push yourself out of your comfort
                                                                                  and knowledge of colleagues
      zone, and develop an even
                                                                                  operating in a totally
  deeper understanding of how
                                                                                  different marketplace.
      our whole business works.


                                       HOW ABOUT AN

                                       After a couple of years
                                       on the programme,
                                       you may have the chance
                                       to go on secondment
                                                                  When we expanded across all
                                                                  five states, including New York
                                                                  City and Downtown Boston,
                                                                  I was right there at the coalface.
                                                                  What an opportunity.
                                       in Europe, the US          I was seconded to ‘South Windsor’, one of the US divisional
                                                                  offices which looks after stores across five states. Aldi were

                                       or even Australia.         extremely supportive as I planned my departure, helping
                                                                  to arrange my visas and travel arrangements. They also
                                                                  offered plenty of insight into my new area. On arrival, there
                                                                  was even more support: a thorough orientation, help with
                                                                  accommodation, bank accounts and phones, plus some
                                                                  mentoring from a local colleague. Aldi was in its infancy
                                                                  in the greater New England area but experiencing huge
                                       David, Buying Director     growth. I went from working in Dundalk Co. Louth to
                                       • University of           interviewing staff for Queens, New York. Amazing.”
                                          Newcastle upon Tyne
                                       • Engineering Degree
                                       • Joined Aldi in 2006

The more I do,

the better
my future

                                          You’ll need to switch
                                          things up a gear.
                                       WHAT QUALITIES ARE
                                                                                                         or complex. You’re positive, make things happen and
                                                                                                         love working with a supportive team around you.
                                                                                                         Your academic achievements will tell us that you have
                                       WE LOOKING FOR?                                                   intelligence and commitment. Now we need you to
                                                                                                         switch into a different gear, with a practical, business-
                                       We do have a specific culture. Aldi is a well-managed,            focused mindset that’s determined to achieve results.
                                       efficient business and everyone works in harmony to achieve
                                       great things. It’s also rather refreshing as people know what’s
                                       expected of them. Wherever you’re based, you’ll have an             If you’re applying to be a Graduate Area Manager,
                                       appreciation of your role within the bigger picture.                you’ll have (or be working towards) a minimum of:
                                                                                                           • 2:1 in any degree discipline
                                       Aldi is built on the feisty determination of our people.            • An Irish driving licence
                                       It’s about never giving up; always striving for better, smarter
                                                                                                           • The right to work in Ireland
                                       and simpler ways of doing things. We’re a business with
                                       integrity: we’re fair to our partners and suppliers, and
                                       everything we do is for the benefit of the customer.
                                                                                                         Closing date for applications is November 30th 2018.
                                       You’ll need to be that person who’s happy to roll their sleeves   Positions are filled quickly so the sooner you apply,
                                       up and get on with every task, no matter how challenging          the better.

 Buying Director
 • University College Cork
 • Commerce Degree
 • Joined Aldi in 2005

 People with a strong
                             There’s a really strong work ethic at Aldi, which focuses on
                             treating people right while delivering simple solutions and

 work ethic, good
                             results on a consistent basis. It helps to make sure that there’s a
                             secure future for everyone in our business. The Area Manager
                             role offers a lot of responsibility and opportunity to learn from
 interpersonal skills        an early stage. I picked up a broad range of management skills
                             and was influenced heavily by my peers and leaders – which

 and a common sense          definitely helped develop my management skills. My career has
                             really progressed since the programme. I became the Trading

 approach to things          Director within the Mitchelstown Regional Distribution Centre,
                             and I’m now a Buying Director within the Corporate Buying team

 do well in the Aldi         based in Naas Co. Kildare.”


                                           €61,000 starting                                A fully expensed                                 Your own €multi-million
                                             salary (which                              Audi A4 (from day one,                          business. As soon as you’re ready,
                                           rises to €99,600                                so you’ll need a                               you’ll take full responsibility
                                           after four years).                            full driving licence).                              for three or four stores.

                                                        The reward is the experience.

                                          But these are
                                        rather great too.

                                           With a dedicated          Health & Lifestyle package        Learning shouldn’t end after               Opportunities
                                         mentor from day one,       including a pension scheme,      your Area Manager Programme.              to travel the world
                                       you’ll get the support you    five weeks’ holiday, private     In fact, you’ll get development           with a European
                                         need to achieve your       healthcare (after six months)       opportunities throughout                or International
                                              full potential.             and life assurance.                  your Aldi career.                  Secondment.

HOW CAN                                         Step one
I APPLY?                                        You’ll need to complete an online
                                                application and various tests that
                                                will assess your judgement and
                                                your analytical skills.
If you’re a graduate applying
for the Area Manager Programme,
it’s a five-step application and
selection process.

Step two                                        Step three
You’ll then be sent a link to complete an       Lights, camera, action. It’s all about you.
online psychometric test. This has been         This is a chance to impress us in a five-
designed to measure your core skills and        minute video called ‘Who am I?’. Show us
personal qualities, as well as to see if        you’re a determined, charismatic leader
we’re right for each other.                     who we couldn’t do without. We’ve included
                                                some helpful film clips on our website

Step four                                       Step five
Group Assessment is hard. You’ve got            If you’ve passed everything else,
to work as a team, but still let us know that   you’ll then have an interview with
you’ve done your homework about Aldi            the Regional Managing Director.
and that you’re a natural leader. It’s a fair   If successful, you will then progress
and consistent process, but make your           to a final interview with members
presence known!                                 of the Regional Director team.


                                       The training
                                       developed my skills,
                                       and made me
                                       a real leader.
 You’ve made a good start.
 But this is just the beginning.

‘‘   You learn very quickly
     how to prioritise and
     work efficiently.
     When it came to the Aldi Training Programme,
                                                            ‘‘   The skills you learn
                                                                 now will stay with
                                                                 you forever.
                                                                 You’ll need a lot of dedication and discipline
     I had to really step up. My background’s in theatre         at Aldi. Ambitious and hardworking people are
     and I had no business experience, so it was intense.        easy to find here, so the training really teaches
     Yet that worked for me. I felt we covered the kind          you to up your game. The leadership and people
     of everyday challenges we’d face in the future.             management skills I developed during those
     It also helped that I had a great mentor who                first six months have never left me, and helped
     I could bounce ideas off.”                                  me when I moved up to a Director role.”

     Aoife, Buying Director
                                                             Killian, Store Operations Director
     • University College Dublin
                                                             • University College Cork
     • Drama Studies and
                                                             • Commerce Degree
        Performance Degree
                                                             • Joined Aldi in 2010
     • Joined Aldi in 2008

We’re Aldi. And we’re like no other.
The question is, are you?
There are a lot of opportunities at Aldi. And if you’re willing to roll up
your sleeves and give it your all, the end of the programme could be
the start of a long-lasting and rewarding Aldi career. Amazing.


           Awards here, awards there. We work very hard at being a great employer
           so it’s always nice to be recognised.
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