Recent Legislative Successes, 8 - SPRING 2022 - National Onsite Wastewater Recycling ...

Page created by Jimmie Reese
Recent Legislative Successes, 8 - SPRING 2022 - National Onsite Wastewater Recycling ...
                                    Successes, 8

              A Case Study in High Strength
SPRING 2022   Wastewater Treatment, 12
Recent Legislative Successes, 8 - SPRING 2022 - National Onsite Wastewater Recycling ...
Recent Legislative Successes, 8 - SPRING 2022 - National Onsite Wastewater Recycling ...
NEW Emerging
Professionals Committee
We are pleased to announce the
formation of a new committee within
NOWRA - the Emerging Profession-
als Committee. This committee was
                                         INSIDE THIS ISSUE
formed after interest and discussions     Executive Director’s Message...........................4
with young professionals at the 2021
Onsite Wastewater Mega-Confer-            A Note From The President..............................5
ence. NOWRA defines an Emerging
Professional as a student, a young        State Affiliate News..........................................6
professional, or a new professional       Legislative Update............................................8
to the onsite wastewater treatment
field.                                    2022 Backhoe ROE-D-HOE® Championship....10
The Mission of the committee is as        Corporate Members.......................................11
follows:                                  Feature: Onsite Adaptability...........................12
NOWRA's Emerging Professionals            NOWRA Board of Directors............................22
Committee is dedicated to work-
force development, recruitment,
and advocacy on behalf of young
and early career professionals in the
                                         ADVERTISER INDEX
onsite wastewater treatment sector.       Polylok........................................................................................ 2
                                          Hiblow, Inc.................................................................................. 5
If you are interested in finding out      BioMicrobics, Inc........................................................................ 7
more, or joining this committee,          Presby Environmental................................................................ 9
please contact the Chairperson,           Jet, Inc...................................................................................... 11
Robert Bair, at
                                          Salcor, Inc................................................................................. 13
For more information on any of
NOWRA's Committees, check out             Eljen Corporation..................................................................... 15
our Committee web page or email           Roth Global Plastics, Inc.......................................................... 17
the NOWRA office at info@nowra.           Infiltrator Water Technologies ................................................ 19
org.                                      American Manufacturing Company ...................................BACK

                            PUBLISHED FOR THE NATIONAL ONSITE
                            WASTEWATER RECYCLING ASSOCIATION

National Onsite Wastewater                              For Advertising Inquiries:
Recycling Association                                   Editor/Publisher: Amy Wobbema
Thomas Groves, Executive Director                       (701) 947-2417
P.O. Box 982, Westford, MA 01886              
Phone: 978-496-1800
Fax: 703-997-5609                                       ©2022. All rights reserved.
Email:                      Contents may not be reproduced by any means,
                                                        in whole or in part, without prior written permis-
Published by Transcript Publishing                      sion from Transcript Publishing or the National
817 Central Avenue; PO Box 752                          Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association.
New Rockford, ND 58356
Recent Legislative Successes, 8 - SPRING 2022 - National Onsite Wastewater Recycling ...
                                       members holding over 50 in-per-        also excited that we secured the
Thomas Groves, Exec. Director          son ZOOM meetings over the             location of our 2024 Mega-Con-
Wow, I can’t believe that a year       two days. For more on NOWRA’s          ference for Spokane, Washing-
has gone by since I have taken         Legislative activities, please read    ton, and believe it or not, work is
the helm as Executive Director of      the Legislative Update on page 8       beginning on 2025.
this great organization. A lot of      inside.
progress has been made in the                                                 Our Online Learning Academy
last 12 months, but there is still     As we are returning to our normal,     had an extremely successful
much more work to do.                  pre-COVID routines, we are start-      year, as many professionals used
                                       ing to gather once again in indus-     NOWRA’s online courses to help
We concluded 2021 with the             try trade shows and conferences.       them achieve the training hours
exciting news of the President’s       NOWRA kept a strong presence           that they need for their license or
signing of the Infrastructure Bill     at many of our affiliate organiza-     certification. We plan to continue
that creates a Decentralized           tion events in early 2022 by either    to roll out NOWRA courses as
Wastewater Grant Program. But          providing an update of our activ-      well as some of our state affiliate
unfortunately, our work has just       ities, and/or attending the events     courses to enhance the portfolio
begun, as now we need to do            in person. In late February, I         of courses that are available.
our part to make sure that Con-        attended the WWETT Show in In-
gress appropriates enough mon-         dianapolis where NOWRA hosted          Thank you for allowing me to
ey to properly fund the program        the 2022 Backhoe Roe-D-Hoe®            serve as Executive Director of
so EPA can begin it’s develop-         National Championships. Check          this organization. I am looking
ment. The Bill included language       out some of the action from the        forward to another great year
that authorized the Decentralized      Roe-D-Hoe on page 10. We are           here at NOWRA.
Wastewater Grant
Program at the level
of $50M per year for
five years.
                                                                                          SAVE THE DATE!
NOWRA held our
annual Legislative
Fly-In on April 5 and
6, and like 2021, we                                                                                      A collaboration of the
conducted the Fly-In                                                                                      following organizations:
in a virtual format.
NOWRA members
met with staff mem-
bers of their congres-
sional delegation to
discuss the need for
adequately funding
the Decentralized
Grant Program, along
with several other        Onsite Wastewater Event of 2022 OCTOBER 30 –
                                                                             NOVEMBER 2
messages related
to our industry. The      CALL FOR ABSTRACTS                                 University Plaza Hotel and
                                                                             Convention Center
meetings were very                   Now open until June 17                  Springfield, Missouri
successful, with 25

  4     The Onsite Journal Spring 2022
Recent Legislative Successes, 8 - SPRING 2022 - National Onsite Wastewater Recycling ...
I do not know about you, but I am     state to state there is much to learn
ready for spring! This winter has     from each other. Networking is not
been a real one in the Midwest        about just connecting with people.
and it is good to know that warmer    It is about connecting people with
temperatures are on the way.          people, people with ideas, and
                                      people with opportunities. Here
It was fabulous to get to attend      are highlights of the opportunities
several state affiliate shows this    NOWRA has been working on to
year including Washington, Texas,     expand our industry over the last       Sara Heger, President
Minnesota and be involved with        few months:
training in Ohio, Pennsylvania,           1) Updating our by-laws to as-         4) Developing design training to
Indiana, Alberta, British Columbia    sure we are current and relevant to     train more designers, engineers,
and Iowa. Being at these events       the membership we represent.            and regulators on the design of
reminded me the value of net-             2) Publishing Research Needs to     septic systems.
working. I personally think the       further the knowledge base of our
networking opportunities through      industry.                               With these and the many other
NOWRA and your state affiliates           3) Planning a virtual Legislative   activities going on at the nation-
are the #1 benefit of being part of   Fly-in to meet with federal repre-      al and local level, we are making
an organization focusing on septic    sentatives to assure septic systems     good progress in making a differ-
system design, installation, and      are kept in mind when federal           ence which is ultimately what we
management. Even though things        resources are being allocated and       should all be striving for.
may vary from county to county or     policies developed.

                                                                        The Onsite Journal Spring 2022        5
Recent Legislative Successes, 8 - SPRING 2022 - National Onsite Wastewater Recycling ...
NEBRASKA ONSITE WASTEWATER                                 our industry in Washington State! There were 575
ASSOCIATION (NOWWA)                                        people in attendance at this year’s conference and
                                                           trade show, which also included more than 40 of the
The 2022 Nebraska Water Industries Convention &
                                                           industry’s leading exhibitors. It is always encouraging
Trade Show was a resounding success!
                                                           to see the investment that businesses and employers
                                                           are willing to make in the education of their work-
During February 15-17, 2022, Orton Management
                                                           force. SEPTIC-CON provided an incredible 43 distinct
and Associates put on the Nebraska Water Industries
                                                           industry training sessions. Smart business owners see
Convention and Trade Show at the newly christened
                                                           education as an investment in an employee’s future
Crowne Plaza & Younes Convention Center in Kear-
                                                           and their own. We have already begun planning for
ney, Nebraska. The Nebraska Well Drillers and the
                                                           SEPTIC-CON 2023 and it’s going to be BIG. Be sure
Nebraska Onsite Waste Water Associations were
                                                           to mark your calendars for January 27 & 28, 2023.
excited to finally have all their constituents, members,
and exhibitors face-to-face again after the pandemic
                                                           SEPTIC-CON 2022 was full of incredible achieve-
hiatus. Fifty-six exhibitors and over 500 attendees
                                                           ments. At this year’s conference, we awarded William
spent three days reconnecting and gaining Profes-
                                                           Stuth the second ever WOSSA Lifetime Achievement
sional Development Hours and Continuing Education
                                                           Award. Not only did he receive the award, but the
Credits for certification of Nebraska’s Water Well
                                                           name of the award was changed to the Stuth and
Drillers and Onsite contractors. These attendance
                                                           Stonebridge Award in honor of both William Stuth
figures were at near record numbers and we expect
                                                           and Jerry Stonebridge. The WOSSA Scholarship and
the statewide attraction of this annual event to contin-
                                                           Legislative Fundraiser was epic to say the least. The
ue growing.
                                                           auction and raffle raised a record setting amount of
OHIO ONSITE WASTEWATER                                     money … topping a mind-blowing $126,000!
ASSOCIATION (OOWA)                                      Through both Federal and State grant funding sourc-
Greetings from the Buckeye State! The Ohio Onsite       es, WOSSA continues to partner with organizations
Wastewater Association (OOWA) held their annual         throughout the US to deliver industry specific safety
conference January 4-5 at the Nationwide Confer-        training for on-site professionals. WOSSA has been
ence Center in Lewis Center. Mike Stiger of Stiger      awarded its 10th safety specific training grant for
Precast Inc. was awarded the Trent Lydic Memorial       workers in the on-site industry, titled: “Workplace
Ohio Onsite Wastewater Association Distinguished        Safety and Health Training on Infectious Diseases,
Service Award.                                          Including COVID-19 for On-Site Septic Profession-
                                                        als.” Funding for this grant is provided by OSHA’s
Board nominations for OOWA recently took place          Susan Harwood Training Grant Program. WOSSA has
and the following individuals will be holding a leader- already had the privilege of providing no-cost safety
ship position in 2022. Zak Sherman of Infiltrator Water training for NOWWA, NEKES and TOWA in 2022.
Technologies is President, Chris Mandich of Jet, Inc.
is Vice President, Mike Rogich of Delaware General
Health District is Past President, Clermont County      Wisconsin ONSITE WATER recycling
Public Health’s Robert Wildey is Treasurer, and Jason    ASSOCIATION (WOWRA)
Menchhofer with the Mercer County Health District is WOWRA held its Joint Winter Conference on Janu-
Secretary. Dominic Dowell with Jet, Inc. and Ed Nolan ary 13 and 14 in Wisconsin Dells, WI. Session topics
with Proformance Fields & Landscape were appointed included Pharmaceuticals in Septic Systems; Driving
to the board. The OOWA Board of Directors is excit- Safety + CDL Changes + Substance Abuse Testing;
ed for the upcoming year!                               Contracts - Material Shortages and Delays; Septic
                                                           Systems Around the World; PFAS/PFOS – What You
                                                           Need to Know; Pooper Bloopers; Soils; and POWTS
WASHINGTON ON-SITE SEWAGE                                  and High Water/Flood Plain. An exhibitor show was
ASSOCIATION (WOSSA)                                        also held, along with the annual meeting of the asso-
SEPTIC-CON 2022 was an enormous success and                ciation.
we couldn’t be more excited about the strength of

  6     The Onsite Journal Spring 2022
Recent Legislative Successes, 8 - SPRING 2022 - National Onsite Wastewater Recycling ...
The future of an existing POWTS replacement
program was a hot topic at the Conference,
as was the state’s allocation of staff resources
to help reduce plan review times during peak
season. Funding for a septage characterization
study was approved, and that study will be com-
pleted by Fall 2022. The association will need to
prepare for possible opportunities and/or threats
that may result from the survey.

Overall, the number of systems installed in the
state is on the rise and 2022 is expected to be
another big year.

YOWA remains committed to providing training
opportunities, available to both members and
non-members. Our latest offering occurred on
March 22. Onsite system professionals from the
Massachusetts Alternative Septic System Test
Center (MASSTC), including George Heufelder,
presented on the following topics:
  • Title 5 Setbacks: How far is far enough?
    The experts share their experience with
    respect to regulation-driven setback require-
    ments involving property lines, foundations,
    wells and groundwater, and wetlands as
    well as their expertise in dealing with other
    challenging site situations.
  • Layer Cakes: Are they still on the dessert
    Continuing research on so-called “layer
    cake” systems will be discussed with a focus
    on assessing whether treatment perfor-
    mance increases or decreases over time.

YOWA also welcomes Alyssa Rusiecki as its new
President. Alyssa has taken the reins following
three years of active leadership provided by
outgoing President Dan Ottenheimer. She has
been involved with YOWA since its inception in
the mid-1990s and has been active in advancing
educational opportunities provided by YOWA.
Presently, Alyssa is the Assistant Director for the
environmental health program at the University
of Massachusetts, where she oversees public
health issues on the campus. She is looking
forward to leading YOWA for the next several

NOWRA conducts bimonthly calls with our state
affiliate organizations. For more on NOWRA’s
affiliate state organizations, visit our web site at:
Recent Legislative Successes, 8 - SPRING 2022 - National Onsite Wastewater Recycling ...
                                     communication with our partners        the environment. The PIPES Act
                                     at the Agency throughout the           would require the EPA to estab-
                                     process to ensure the program          lish standards for the flushability
                                     best serves homeowners who rely        of disposable wipes and would
by Tracy Hammond, Polsinelli         on decentralized wastewater sys-       impose serious, yet reasonable,
The NOWRA Board of Governors         tems; as well as those who serve       financial penalties on companies
and our government relations         and supply them.                       who are knowingly not in com-
team in Washington continue to                                              pliance with these standards.
work with congressional champi- While H.R. 3684 authorizes up               NOWRA supports this measure
ons, the Senate Environment &          to $50 million annually for the      and would like to thank the bill’s
Public Works Committee and the Decentralized Wastewater Grant               sponsors, Rep. Lisa McClain (R-
House Transportation & Infra-          program, Congress must still ap- MI) and Rep. Alan Lowenthal (D-
structure Committee in order           propriate the money each year to CA) for their efforts in developing
to secure millions of dollars in       the EPA. It is now up to NOWRA’s this much-needed legislation.
funding for decentralized waste-       members and our team in Wash-
water system grants in the Build       ington to work with congressional Finally, NOWRA’s Board of Gov-
Back Better economic recovery          appropriators to secure funding      ernors and our team in Wash-
package. The House approved a          for this new program through the ington conducted several dozen
version of this legislation last fall, annual appropriations process        meetings with our Congressional
but progress has slowed in the         beginning this spring.               representatives on April 5 and
Senate.                                                                     6. Like last year, these meetings
                                       At the same time, NOWRA and          were held virtually because of
The Build Back Better Act (H.R.        allied stakeholders will keep        COVID-19 and increased security
5376) approved by the House            advocating for funding for De-       on Capitol Hill due to the events
of Representatives would direct        partment of Agriculture’s Decen- last January 6. We will use these
money to the EPA this year to          tralized Water Systems program.      discussions to further educate
provide grants to states, munic-       This program received $5 million members of Congress on the im-
ipalities and nonprofits to dis-       in the current 2022 fiscal year, the portant role onsite systems play
burse to homeowners for the con- same amount it received in 2021. in America’s water infrastructure
struction, repair, or replacement      NOWRA is coordinating with           and push for increased support
of their individual decentralized      other groups and congressional       and resources for our customers
wastewater treatment systems.          allies to increase this funding up   and our industry through the
NOWRA sent a letter to Speaker         to $20 million in the coming year 2023 appropriations process.
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Major-         to provide additional assistance
ity Leader Chuck Schumer (D-           to those in rural areas who need
NY) detailing the importance of        assistance to install, repair or     Tracy Hammond is a Senior Policy
this funding and expressing our        replace decentralized treatment      Advisor with Polsinelli’s Public
support for the inclusion of this      systems.                             Policy Group in the firm’s Wash-
funding in any final package that                                           ington Office. He advises clients
can be enacted.                        In February, NOWRA formally en- on federal legislation and regula-
                                       dorsed H.R. 6591, the Protecting tion in the areas of infrastructure,
The EPA is now beginning the           Infrastructure and Promoting En- water and environmental policy
process of drafting new rules and vironmental Stewardship (PIPES)           and serves as one of NOWRA’s
regulations to implement the           Act. The PIPES Act would provide lobbyists in Washington, DC.
similar Decentralized Wastewater consumers with a flushability
Grant program that was enact-          standard and the information
ed in the bipartisan Investment        they need to properly dispose of
in Infrastructure and Jobs Act,        wet wipes. This will both better
H.R. 3684. NOWRA will remain in protect their onsite systems and

  8     The Onsite Journal Spring 2022
Recent Legislative Successes, 8 - SPRING 2022 - National Onsite Wastewater Recycling ...

Passive Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems

         Combined Treatment and Dispersal
• Treats and disperses                                                Tabs                    Ridges
  wastewater in the same
• No electricity, replacement
  media or maintenance
  required.                                                                                Geotextile
• Flexible configurations for
  sloped or curved sites.

                                                                      Plastic Fiber Mat


                    • • (800) 473-5298
Presby Environmental, Inc.                     An Infiltrator Water Technologies Company
Recent Legislative Successes, 8 - SPRING 2022 - National Onsite Wastewater Recycling ...

In February, NOWRA rep-
resentatives attended the
WWETT Show in Indianapolis
and crowned the Backhoe
Roe-D-Hoe® champion of
2022. Josh Reading of Illinois
outlasted over 150 contes-
tants from all over the U.S.
(and Australia) to become
the NOWRA Roe-D-Hoe®
champion. The Roe-D-Hoe®
is a backhoe operator’s test of
speed, agility, and accuracy.
Contestants must traverse an
obstacle course of basket-
balls, bowling pins and golf
balls. Congratulations to Josh
who not only got to wear
the NOWRA Roe-D-Hoe®-
Championship Belt, but more
importantly, won bragging
rights over his competitors
and $1,000 cash. Watch for
NOWRA’s Roe-D-Hoe® at your
state show and at the 2023

 10      The Onsite Journal Spring 2022
                                      Diamond Level:

                                   Gold Level:
          American Manufacturing Co.                        Norweco, Inc.
                   Jet, Inc.                                 Salcor, Inc.

         Silver Level:                   Bronze Level:                     Copper Level:
      Bio-Microbics, Inc.             Hoot Systems, LLC                 Ashland Water Group
       Ecological Tanks                  Netafim USA                      Hiblow USA, Inc.
       Orenco Systems                 Roth Global Plastics          Residential Sewage Treatment
            Polylok                 WaterColor Management                     Company

To learn more about or to join NOWRA’s Corporate Membership program, please contact us at (978) 496-
1800, by email at, or on our website at

                                                               The Onsite Journal Spring 2022    11
                  Treatment of high strength wastewater
                      from a small rural slaughterhouse
                              and meat processing plant
By Dominic Mercier, P.E.               Enviro-STEP Technologies, a Que-     make the authorities (regulators)
Decentralized Wastewater appli-        bec based company specializing       realize that these types of small
cations and challenges come in         in onsite and decentralized tech-    operations do not follow the same
different sizes and shapes. But        nologies engaged in accompany-       design criteria and hypothesis
when it comes to tackling high         ing the owner in finding a solution  as their larger industry counter-
strength sewage from slaughter-        while meeting the regulatory         parts. Guidelines and handbooks
houses, it is often referred to as     requirements and staying within      on slaughterhouses and meat
the “king of sewage challenges.”       the owner’s financial and technical  processing plants exist, but they
In other words, if not approached      capacities.                          suggest theoretical water use that
and engineered properly, all the                                            greatly overestimate flow rates
ingredients for failure are present.   Obstacles were clearly visible       compared to the reality of smaller
This case study gives some in-         from day one. The most important micro-operations. The only way to
sights on how one should ap-           one was to educate the owner in      demonstrate the lower water use
proach this type of project even       understanding the impacts of day- and consequently smaller waste-
when stringent effluent quality is     to-day operations and wastewater water flow rate was to undergo a
required.                              management practices performed thorough monitoring of the water
                                       by him and his employees on the      usage and use real data gathered
A small rural privately-owned          quality  and  quantity of his pro-   from several wastewater character-
slaughterhouse located in Eastern cess wastewater. For this type of         ization studies. A water meter was
Canada (Photo 1) has been on the endeavor to succeed, the owner             installed on the water well and
radar of the Ministry of Environ-      and his staff must adopt best        flow data collected every day for
ment for some time for its failing     management practices reducing        several weeks.
septic system discharging untreat- the variability of the waste stream
ed effluent towards a river. The       and the organic load discharged.     A log of the number of animals
owner hired a couple of different      For example, they implemented        slaughtered was also taken for
engineering firms over a 5-year        rigorous   practices for the recu-   correlating water use with the
period to identify what were the       peration of the blood and large      number of animals killed. Two
best options to repair the failing     solids. Blood is sold to a company such wastewater characterizations
system. The main obstacle was          producing animal food. Blood has were done, first in 2011 by anoth-
that this type of business, regard- a chemical oxygen demand (COD) er firm and second in 2017/2018
less of its size, falls under specific of 375,000 mg/L. It is by far the    by Enviro-STEP as shown in Fig-
regulation pertaining to industrial greatest contributor of the waste- ure 1. Data were compared with
applications. In other words, the      water organic loading. Any mea-      literature values and appropriate
requirements for effluent quality      sured   taken to reduce   discharge  design criteria were developed.
are the same as mega-indus-            of blood into the wastewater flow These values were accepted by
tries processing thousands of          will yield huge benefits in terms of the ministry of Environment (per-
pounds of meat per day. This site cost of treatment and final effluent mitting authority) since they were
is slaughtering once a week and        quality.                             the most representative of the
consequently had limited techni-                                            operation.
cal and financial resources.           Another major challenge was to

 12     The Onsite Journal Spring 2022
One interesting aspect clearly
                            Water use during slaughter day vs number of animal killed                              seen in the Figure 1 is that there is
                                                                                                                   a minimum volume of wastewater
                                                                                          Year 2017 / 2018
          6000                                                                                                     needed in the cleaning process
                                                                                                                   that is independent of the number
          5000                                                                                                     of animals processed and that the
                                                                                                                   water use increases rather slowly
          4000                                                                                                     with the number of animals pro-
                                                                                                                                         Thanks For
                                                                                                                   cessed. The difference   between
                                                                                                                                         Visiting Us
                                                                                                                   one and 45 animals slaughtered
                                                                                                                   was less than 1,500 liters. For this
                                                                                                                   type of operation, the wastewater
                                                                                                                   volume was generally under 3,000
                                                                                                                   L/d with an average around 2,500
                                                                                                                   L/d. (Note: 3.785 liters = 1 gallon)
                  1 3 4 5 5 6 6 9 9 101111111214141515161718191920202021222223232324252627282929303232363945
                                                                                                                   Looking at the wastewater charac-
                                                                                                                   terization data, we observe signif-
          Figure 1: Water use vs the number of animal slaughtered study done
                                                                                                                   icant variations. These variations
        by Enviro-STEP.
                                                                                                                   concurred with the wide range
        The last but not least of the chal-                   climate that sees outside tem-                       of concentration reported by the
        lenges was to comply with the                         peratures ranging from -20°F to                      literature. As explained earlier, the
        effluent quality requirement, which                   90°F. If succeeding with this task,                  cleaning and blood recuperation
        was to pretreat the wastewater to                     the pretreated effluent would be                     practices play a huge role in the
        values comparable to domestic                         authorized to be discharged to a                     wastewater strength. Consequent-
        sewage. This needed to be done                        subsurface treatment and disper-                     ly, the design values were taken
        consistently all year long in a                       sal system.                                          with a certain level of safety factor.

                 SALCOR “3G”
                   UV UNIT
                                                                                            Since 1997, “3G” UNIT
                                                                                           ONSITE UV DISINFECTION
                                        SINCE 1997, ONSITE UV DISINFECTION
                                                                      A WASTEWATER
 off.                                                   A         WASTEWATER
                                                                      WORLD LEADER
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                                              • DESTROYS DEADLY “SUPERBUGS” & VIRUSES
                                                • WITHSTANDS
                                            • DESTROYS DEADLY30-DAY UNDERWATER UL TEST & MOST DISASTERS

                                                     • •ENABLES REUSE
                                                         WITHSTANDS    OF DISINFECTED
                                                                    30-DAY UNDERWATER WASTEWATER
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up        SALCOR “3G” UV UNIT
                                                         • LOW COST  - EASYDISINFECTED
                                                                • ENABLES  INSTALL & O&M - 2 YR. WARRANTY
                                                                                       WASTEWATER   REUSE

                                                              • SAVES HEALTH• &LOW COST • EASY INSTALL AND O&M
                                                                                PRISTINE ENVIRONMENTS
                                                                                                                                 Effective Against
                                                                                                  • SAVES HEALTH & PRISTINE ENVIRONMENTS
                                                                                                                                          COVID-19 Virus

             12 UNIT UV ARRAY                                         A UV DISINFECTION COMPANY SINCE 1978
                                                                 SALCOR www.Salcor.World
                 “3G’S” IN PARALLEL/
                   SERIES ARRAYS
                   TO 100,000+ GPD                                             
                                                    Made in
                 9,000 GPD GRAVITY
                   FLOW PER UNIT                    the USA                760.731.0745 F: 760.731.2405
                                                                       A UV WORLD LEADER

                                                                                                               The Onsite Journal Spring 2022        13
Treatment Strategy and Results
                                      traditional septic system.             consisting of 42 biofiltration GSF
                                                                             modules over a 65 m² (700 ft²)
                                      The treatment system installed         subsurface dispersal area. (See
                                      in this case has the following two     Photo 3)
                                      treatment trains:
                                                                             The system, referred here as
                                      Train #1: Pretreatment of the high     “Phase I,” was installed and
                                      strength wastewater                    commissioned late 2017. Table 1
                                          • Two 5,000-liter (1,320-gallon)   shows the effluent quality mea-
                                      grease interceptor in series. Last     sured in the septic tank of the
                                      tank equipped with an effluent         final treatment train. This is re-
                                      filter with alarm.                     ferred to as the combined effluent
                                          • One 12,000-liter (3,170-gal-     (pretreatment effluent + domestic
                                      lon) dual compartment tank. First      sewage inflow). We observed that
                                      compartment is a 4,000-liter com-      BOD and TKN concentrations
                                      pletely mixed bioreactor called        were higher in the combined
                                      BIO-REDOX followed by 8,000-li-        effluent than in the pretreatment
                                      ter settling and sludge holding        effluent, suggesting that the low
                                      compartment. (See Photo 2)             domestic flow was in fact de-
  Photo 2: Pretreatment system                                               creasing the quality of the pre-
installation.                         Train #2: Final combined waste-        treatment. We also confirm that
                                      water treatment system (combin-        highest effluent TKN values were
                                      ing pretreated effluent and do-        seen in the winter months. The
The strategy put forward for this
                                      mestic sewage)                         BIO-REDOX unit was perform-
project was to divide the pretreat-
                                         • One 5,000-liter (1,320-gallon)    ing very well. Data taken at the
ment system into multiple stages
                                      septic tank with effluent filter       pretreatment stage showed an
to give as much room as potential
                                         • One 4,000-liter flow equaliza-    excellent BOD and TKN removal
for flexibility and adaptability.
                                      tion tank                              around 80 to 90 percent. Phos-
For example, the use of multiple
                                         • One ELJEN GSF combined            phorus was on average higher
treatment steps would allow for
                                      treatment and dispersal system         than the target value of 10 mg/L.
better troubleshooting and iden-
tification of where improvements
should be done. It was decid-
ed that the main pretreatment
process should be a completely
mixed biological reactor. This
process is a simple technology
offering flexibility, can be easily
broken down in multiple stages
if needed, and it allows for future
modifications and enhancements.
Amongst those potential modi-
fications that we identified were
increasing aeration, introducing
recirculation, mixing chemicals for
nutrient, pH or alkalinity adjust-
ments, or eventually adding a
fixed film media to transform the
process into a moving bed bio-
reactor. Once the process waste-
water was pretreated, it would
be mixed with the remaining of
the building domestic sewage
and further handled using a more      Photo 3: Eljen Treatment and Dispersal System installation.

 14     The Onsite Journal Spring 2022
The Onsite Journal Spring 2022   15
Table 1: Effluent quality from phase I

Table 2: Combined effluent quality from phase II

Grease interceptors in series were   stage #2 in front of the existing     ent masking the real performance
doing their job well.                one strictly dedicated to BOD         of the pretreatment train. Never-
                                     removal. The intent was to assure     theless, we can definitely conclude
After analysis of the data, it was   a low BOD environment entering        that the treatment train can bring
concluded that Phase I, even         stage #2 for the nitrifier bacteria   the very high strength wastewater
though giving very encourag-         to grow.                              from the slaughterhouse down to
ing and good results, could not                                            domestic levels.
guarantee meeting the “domestic      Feature #3: Create a circulation
wastewater” quality consistently     loop between the final equalization   Regarding the fluctuating phos-
all year long especially with the    tank located just before the ELJEN    phorus, we are now helping the
negative impact coming from          GSF system back to the BIO-RE-        owner to reduce the phosphorus
the domestic portion. A phase II     DOX stage #1 to induce multiple       discharge right from the start by
was developed to boost nitrogen      passes and give the domestic sew-     adding tablets of aluminum sulfate
removal and tackle some of the       age a chance to pass through the      (alum) in the wash water drain that
phosphorus.                          pretreatment phases. Recirculation    slowly dissolve during the cleaning
                                     ratio was set at 1 to 1.              process, allowing phosphorus to
It was decided to add three fea-                                           react and precipitate in the treat-
tures to the treatment system:        Phase 2 was implemented in the       ment train. This part is still under
                                      summer of 2019. Effluent quality     investigation.
Feature #1: Retrofit of a 3,000-liter from fall 2019, 2020 and 2021
(800-gallon) flow equalization tank (Table 2), clearly show the im-
between grease interceptor #2         proved BOD removal resulting         Conclusion
and the BIO-REDOX. This mod-          from the added features as well as   The wastewater treatment from
ification would spread the high       the enhanced TKN removal which       slaughterhouses and many other
strength stream generated on a        allowed us the reach an average      high strength applications are
single day, over the entire week to concentration below the target         often some the biggest tasks for
enhance even more the pretreat-       value. We suspect again that the     onsite designers. This project
ment performances.                    low water uses from the other        clearly demonstrates an innova-
                                      “domestic sewage” generating         tive design approach for reducing
Feature #2: Add another 7,000-li- activities are causing higher con-       very high levels of organic and
ter (1,850-gallon) BIO-REDOX          centrations in the combined efflu-   nitrogen pollution using simple

 16     The Onsite Journal Spring 2022
processes and readily available equipment.

This could have not been possible without these
essential ingredients that are: adequate data acqui-
sition (flow monitoring and wastewater characteri-
zation), education and involvement from the owner
and staff, good wastewater engineering knowledge
and practices and finally the use of adaptive tech-

The cost of this entire project ended up at around
$50,000 worth of equipment and tankage plus
installation. The total cost was less than half of the
other proposed solution bid obtained initially by
the customer before starting this project. In addi-      Photo 4: Repaired system, final product
tion to the lower cost and higher performance, the
process selected still offers adaptability potential
for the future expansion. In the future, when neces-
sary, the recirculation ratio can be increased, fixed    About the Author:
film media can be added in one or the two BIO-RE-        Dominic Mercier is a Professional Engineer with over
DOX reactors stages and a coagulant can easily           25 years of expertise in the design of onsite wastewa-
be added for enhanced phosphorus removal in the          ter systems. He is the owner of Enviro-STEP Technol-
reactor.                                                 ogies, a Canadian company offering onsite wastewa-
                                                         ter treatment technologies for residential, commercial
Adaptability of simple onsite wastewater technolo-       and industrial applications. Information about onsite
gies makes compliance to stringent regulation and        treatment solutions offered by Enviro-STEP Technolo-
effluent criteria possible and accessible.               gies is available at

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                                                                      The Onsite Journal Spring 2022            17
                            EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DEC 2020 - NOV 2022
 Sara Heger, Ph.D.                 Jim King                         Allison Blodig                    Carl Thompson, P.E.
 (President)                       (Treasurer)                      (VP/Pres. Elect)                  (Past President)
 Research Engineer & Adjunct       President                        Engineering Systems               Vice President Sales & Delta
 Asst. Professor                   Eljen Corporation                Consultant                        Advanced
 University of Minnesota           Windsor, CT                      Infiltrator Water Technologies    Infiltrator Water Technologies
 Water Resources Center                                             Ozawkie, KS                       Old Saybrook, CT
 St. Paul, MN

Gary Hawkins, Ph.D.                          Claude Goguen                                  Ed Schloss
Agricultural and Biological Engineer         National Precast Concrete Association          Sales Manager
University of Georgia                        Director of Outreach and Technical Education   Jet, Inc.
Watkinsville, GA                             Carmel, IN                                     Cleveland, OH

Kate Carney, P.E.                            Josh Gunia                                     Tom Schimelfenig
Owner                                        Vice President                                 Owner
Church OWC, LLC.                             A Advanced Septic & Construction               Schimelfenig Excavating
Golden, CO                                   Services                                       Bowdon, ND
                                             Sumner, WA
Chris Chapman                                                                               Tricia Scott
Owner                                        Anish Jantrania, Ph.D., P.E., M.B.A.           Onsite Wastewater Program Specialist
Show Me Soils                                Associate Professor                            NE Dept. of Environment and Energy
St. Clair, MO                                Texas A & M University                         Lincoln, NE
                                             College Station, TX
Marcia Degen, Ph.D., P.E.                                                                   Morris Smith, P.E.
Environmental Technical Services Manager     Chris LeClair, R.E.H.S.                        Morris Smith Engineering
Virginia Dept. of Health                     Director                                       Palm Bay, FL
Roanoke, VA                                  Land & Resource Mgmt.
                                             Ottertail County
                                             Fergus Falls, MN

                                             We welcome Gary Hawkins to the                 University of Georgia. He has been
                                             NOWRA Board of Directors. Haw-                 working with UGA for 21 years in
                                             kins was appointed to the Board in             various areas covering pollution
                                             December by President Sara Heger               prevention, water management
                                             to complete the remaining term of              and alternative energy. He grad-
                                             Sergio Abit, who needed to step                uated from Clemson University,
                                             down from the Board. Gary was                  Auburn University and the Univer-
                                             the Education Committee vice-                  sity of Tennessee with degrees in
                                             chair and has also agreed to move              Agricultural Engineering and works
                                             up to be the chair of that commit-             in the Crop and Soils Department.
                                             tee. Welcome aboard Gary!                      His current focus is working with
                                                                                            water conservation in agricultural
                                             Dr. Gary Hawkins is an Associate               systems, stormwater management,
                                             Professor and the Water Resource               onsite waste treatment, but his
New Board Member                             Management and Policy Specialist               job responsibilities also covers all
     Gary Hawkins, Ph.D.                     with the College of Agricultural               aspects of water quality, quantity
     Category: Academic                      and Environmental Sciences at the              and conservation.

  18      The Onsite Journal Spring 2022
 Onsite Water Management

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