Page created by Fernando Graves

03   Our lifesaving values                                          15   International
05   Lifesaving in numbers                                          16   Fundraising
07   Service delivery                                               17   Face-to-face fundraising
08   Data collection                                                18   Research
09   Lifeguard definitions                                          19   Equipment and infrastructure
10   Lifeguard statistics overview                                  20   Media
11	Summary of incidents attended, people aided                     22   News
     and incident actions taken by lifeguards                       24   Casualty care in action
12   Incident actions taken by lifeguards by report area and type   26   RNLI lifeguarded beaches 2020
13   Training                                                       35	RNLI lifeguard regions
14   Youth engagement and water safety programmes                        (includes both lifeguarded and non-lifeguarded beaches 2020)
                                                                                                            RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020   2
OUR LIFESAVING VALUES                                                                                                                              ‘When lockdown
                                                                                                                                                       restrictions eased,
   In a year of unprecedented challenges, RNLI lifeguards                                                                                              we saw people flock
   demonstrated once again the value of the service they
   proudly provide to their communities.                                                                                                               to the beaches to
                                                                                                                                                       enjoy our coastlines.
With exceptional bravery and resilience, our lifeguards delivered 129,344 hours of supervised
                                                                                                                                                       But that resulted in
beach patrols, performing 2,226,598 preventative actions and assisting 25,172 people                                                                   a huge number of
through everything from rescue and casualty care to searches for missing persons.
                                                                                                                                                       people getting into
Saving lives during Covid-19                                                                     2020 solutions
                                                                                                                                                       difficulty around our
Despite the obstacles and uncertainty presented by the coronavirus crisis, the RNLI continued    In early March, the RNLI set up a Covid-19            coasts, with our
to work tirelessly to keep both lifeguards and beach users safe. When restrictions were lifted   crisis team to assess and manage the impact
in May, many of us were keen to get back outside and enjoy the summer at the coast. It quickly   of the pandemic – as well as a governance             lifesavers facing
became clear that, despite the shortened season, RNLI lifeguards would be busy once again.       group and lifeguard stakeholder group – and
    By taking a proactive approach, lifeguard cover was secured on 177 RNLI beaches across       established a series of nine tests to determine
                                                                                                                                                       an incredibly
the UK and Channel Islands.                                                                      whether lifeguard services could be rolled            busy summer.’
                                                                                                 out safely. April 2020 saw work begin on
2020 challenges                                                                                  what steps could be taken to mitigate the risk      GARETH MORRISON
                                                                                                 of lifeguards not being present on beaches.         RNLI HEAD OF WATER SAFETY
A combination of new guidelines and no prior notice on the relaxing of restrictions
presented the RNLI with challenges in providing our lifeguarding service, in both the
short and medium term. These included:                                                           The RNLI also undertook a significant number of preventive measures including:

   • sourcing personal protective equipment (PPE)                                                 • launching a national beach safety campaign in May in partnership with HM Coastguard
   • difficulty in wearing PPE and social distancing while carrying out water rescue              • running local and regional social media and PR campaigns
   • limitations on lifeguard training due to social distancing measures                          • producing co-authored guidance for local authorities and operators on maintaining
   • lifeguards not qualifying for furlough and therefore seeking alternative employment             public and staff safety on beaches
   • budgetary restraints due to a decrease in donations.                                         • giving community access to rescue and first aid equipment
   • landowners or occupiers closing beaches and not requiring a service                          • organising roving patrols, first aid, and bespoke daily safety signs on unguarded beaches
   • lack of welfare facilities, such as toilets, for lifeguards                                  • reviewing beach signage with local landowners
   • difficulty in disposing of medical waste as services were not available                      • delivering leaflets to local stakeholders and partners for distribution
   • inability to get equipment to required locations                                             • checking emergency access points and noting conditions that could
   • matching timings with holiday parks                                                              hamper response, and reporting concerns to HM Coastguard
   • deteriorating or changing beach profiles.                                                    • working with local surf lifesaving clubs.

                                                                                                                                                     RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                   3

2020 results


                Peter Dawes
                Lifesaving Safety and
                Assurance Manager
                Robbie Warrington
                Head of Lifeguard Services
                Lee Fisher
                Lifeguard Client Services Manager
                Brett Shepherd
                Operations Manager (Lifeguards)
                Marina Wilson
                Lifesaving Operations Coordinator
                (Lifeguard Services)
                Tim Fallowfield
                Lifeguard Supervisor
                (Risk and Implementation)
                Contact us at: lifeguards@rnli.org.uk

               RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020              4

 Lifesaving in numbers
 The RNLI’s RISE model – Rescue, Influence, Supervise, Educate – works across all aspects of the drowning chain.
 We know that early intervention can be crucial in preventing an incident or making a successful rescue possible.
 It’s a strategy that works to save lives every day.

            Influence                               Educate                                           Supervise                               Rescue
                        Non-     Beach safety                      Number of            Contracted supervised                  Assistance                  3,386
Method           RNLI                                                                                               129,344
                        RNLI     programme                           children           bathing hours
                                                                                                                               Rescue                       2,371
Beach safety                     Meet the Lifeguards*                           0       Preventative actions       2,226,598
                  177      0                                                                                                   Lives saved                   110
assessments                      Hit the Surf                                   0
                                                                                        Casualty care and
                                 Water Safety                                                                         5,820
Signage and                                                          Over 5,000         minor first aid
                                 Wednesdays                          households
public rescue                                                           reached
                    8      0     via Facebook                                           Search                          220
audits                                                              Over 2,000
                                 Digital water safety                 educators         Near miss                      1,652
                                 resources                        reached in UK
Coastal safety                                                                          Missing/found                  1,119
                    0      0                                         and Ireland
quick scans
                                * The pandemic meant that RNLI lifeguards couldn’t      Non-aquatic assistance,
                                personally deliver youth engagement programmes          including from sandbanks
                                to schools, youth groups, and the wider communities
                                they serve in the UK and Jersey. But our Water Safety   False alarm                      46
                                Team ensured that education continued throughout
                                2020 with a combination of social media messaging,      Animals                         162
                                new initiatives like Water Safety Wednesdays, and
                                other online resources, which can be viewed here:
                                                                                        Other                             4

                                                                                                                                RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020          5
   The RNLI offers a beach safety assessment consultancy
   service to all local authorities and private beach owners.

Beach safety assessments

The assessment process is designed to help facilitate a comprehensive beach safety
management strategy by highlighting hazards and assigning ratings and suggested
control measures. A beach safety assessment is completed for each RNLI lifeguarded
beach every 5 years, with annual reviews of the full beach safety assessments.

Due to the restrictions in 2020, it wasn’t possible to carry out any assessments at
non-RNLI beaches. The total figures for non-RNLI beaches therefore remained the same.

Total figures for non-RNLI beaches as at 31 December 2020:

   • 465 non-RNLI beaches have been fully assessed
   • 276 non-RNLI beaches have benefitted from signage audit reports
   • 169 non-RNLI beaches have benefitted from public rescue equipment audit reports.

Service development

In 2020, there were 177 RNLI beach lifeguard units in total. The estimated number
of visitors to beaches covered by RNLI lifeguards was over 15 million (15,629,299).

                       RNLI BEACH
                       UNITS IN TOTAL
                                                   RECORDED NUMBER
                                                   OF BEACH VISITORS

                                                                                         RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020   7
While we continue to expand the user base of our Lifesaving
Activity Reporting system (LSAR), which captures data
electronically, incident data is collected from lifeguards
both as electronic records and paper forms.

                                                              Returns are then entered, processed, checked    the numbers of incidents and people
                                                              and validated at the RNLI Support Centre in     aided, as well as the number of actions
                                                              Poole by the Service Information Section.       our lifeguards perform.
                                                              This incident data provides the basis for           For the RNLI’s international projects,
                                                              the statistics in this report.                  project partners are responsible for collecting,
                                                                  Implemented in 2017, the LSAR system        analysing and reporting summary data.
                                                              allows us to collect incident information       Though the RNLI aims to verify this
                                                              in a structured way and enhances our            data through spot checking, the data is
                                                              ability to analyse lifeguard data more fully,   not owned by the RNLI and is not directly
                                                              enabling more detailed reporting. This means    comparable to RNLI operational statistics
                                                              we’re able to report more accurately            from the UK and Ireland.

                                                                                                                   The LSAR system,
                                                                                                                   provides more
                                                                                                                   accurate reporting
                                                                                                                   on incidents,
                                                                                                                   actions and
                                                                                                                   people aided.

                                                                                                                RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                      8

 Animals when a lifeguard rescues             False alarm when a lifeguard responds          Near miss when a lifeguard observes             Preventative action any action
or assists an animal to safety.              to an incident where a person is believed      an incident, event or condition that does       taken by a lifeguard that provides
                                             to be in difficulty but upon arrival it is     not cause death or serious injury but has       advice, guidance or direction to a
  Anti-social behaviour when a               confirmed they do not require assistance.      the potential to do so.                         person that mitigates against risk.
lifeguard takes action to deal with
anti-social behaviour.                        Incident any situation that RNLI lifeguards    Non-aquatic assistance, including               Rescue where a lifeguard
                                             are involved in.                                from sandbanks when a lifeguard assists        responds to a person at risk and
 Assistance where a lifeguard aids a                                                        a person that was not in the water, or clears   physically returns them to shore
person in the sea who is at low risk but,     Incident action the number of different       a sandbank of people who are at risk and        or transfers them to another
if left, would be at risk.                   ways that lifeguards deal with incidents.      ensures they return to shore.                   rescue craft.
                                             Any one casualty could receive multiple
 Beach visitors the number of                actions by lifeguards. Actions where no         Other anything else that does not fit into      Search an organised search,
beach visitors is assessed by recording      people are involved are also included.         the specified categories.                       with other search and rescue units,
an estimate, every 2 hours, of the number                                                                                                   for a missing person either at sea
of beach users within the lifeguard           Life saved where, if a lifeguard had           People aided the total number of people        or on land.
patrol area, those in the water between      not intervened, a life would have been lost.   that lifeguards have aided.
the red and yellow flags, and those using
surf and other craft between the black        Minor first aid where a lifeguard treats
and white flags. The highest number for      a casualty due to sickness or injury who is
each category each day is then used to       at low or no risk but who requires treatment
obtain the overall number.                   to ensure the risk does not increase.

 Body recovery where a lifeguard              Missing/found where a lifeguard
attends an incident that requires            assists in the location of children who
recovering a body. This includes             have become separated from their
those in the sea or on land.                 parents/guardians, or other people
                                             who have been found or reported
 Casualty care where a lifeguard             missing, including those who are
formally assesses and/or treats a casualty   known to be missing as a result
according to RNLI casualty care protocols.   of an incident in or on the water.

                                                                                                                                            RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020           9

 Lifeguards                                                      Number

 Incidents                                                          10,687

 Lives saved                                                           110

 People aided                                                       25,172

 Incident actions                                                   15,375

 Preventative actions                                            2,226,598

These figures are correct as of 3 March 2021.

    PEOPLE 2,226,598
    AIDED                              PREVENTATIVE ACTIONS
                                       TAKEN BY LIFEGUARDS    SAVED
                                                                             RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020   10

 Report area                                    Incidents    People aided
 Carrick and Kerrier                                1,575           2,380      2,273

 Chichester                                           276            360        332

 East Dorset                                          913           1,146      1,132

 East England                                        346             399        436

 Newquay and Padstow                                1,227           1,925      1,984

 North Cornwall, North Devon and Somerset             755           1,244      1,317

 North East England                                  1,117          1,939      1,775

 North Wales and North West England                  987           11,235      1,588

 Northern Ireland                                    225             285        290

 Penwith                                             522              712        714

 Ramsgate                                             111             113       108

 Rother and Hastings                                 294             339        344

 Scotland                                             139             261       244

 South East Cornwall                                  219            322         316

 South Wales                                          521             618       630

 West Dorset, South Devon and Jersey                1,076           1,450      1,434

 West Wales                                          384             444        458

 Totals                                           10,687           25,172     15,375

These figures are correct as of 3 March 2021.

                                                                                       RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020   11

                                                 Lives                      Casualty   Minor     Search Missing/   Non-aquatic    Near False Anti-social
 Report area                                    saved Rescue   Assistance                                                                                  Animals   Other
                                                                                care first aid            found     assistance    miss alarm behaviour

 Carrick and Kerrier                              10    422          610        103      806        17      122            82      63       11         9       17       1

 Chichester                                       3       13          28          11      135       11       50             0      77        3         1        0       0

 East Dorset                                       7      74         185         94       538       14       57             2     159        0         1        1       0

 East England                                      7      61          59         38       122       21       73             2       11       2         6       34       0

 Newquay and Padstow                              5     400          387        103       707        5       78             4     276       11        4         4       0

 North Cornwall, North Devon                       7    546          297         72       193       18      145             6       31       0         1        1       0
 and Somerset
 North East England                               5      113         324         66      640        25      128            39     359        3        57       15       1

 North Wales and North                            5       11         632         29       283       34       61            111    343        2        20       55       2
 West England
 Northern Ireland                                 6       71          78          15       84        6       14             6       3        1        0         6       0

 Penwith                                          2      187         191         24       243        4       24             5      25        0        0         9       0

 Ramsgate                                         0        1           3          4        71        1       27             0        1       0        0         0       0

 Rother and Hastings                              6       16          58         16       110       14      109             3        7       2         1        2       0

 Scotland                                         0       9            7          12       60        2       19             1     130        0        0         4       0

 South East Cornwall                              12      74          38          11      137        0        3            18      20        0         1        2       0

 South Wales                                      11     111         147         62       147       27      114             0       2        1         6        2       0

 West Dorset, South Devon                         13    183          257         80       550       12       81             6     145        8        92        7       0
 and Jersey
 West Wales                                       11     79           85          12      242        9       14             1       0        2        0         3       0

 Totals                                          110   2,371       3,386        752     5,068      220     1,119          286    1,652      46       199      162       4
These figures are correct as of 3 March 2021.

                                                                                                                                         RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020        12
   In 2020, our senior lifeguard assessors and coastal
   lifeguard trainers worked harder than ever to ensure
   the continued provision of world-class training under
   extremely challenging circumstances.

Approximately 100 lifeguard supervisors           Vital succession training – critical to future-
and 1,141 lifeguards were inducted, trained,      proof the RNLI lifeguard service in 2021
revalidated or assessed in craft, vehicle or      and beyond – was also carried out and is
multiple discipline operator qualifications.      shown in the table below.

Other highlights:

   • The introduction of an externally certified Trainer Assessor (TA) course – developed by
      the RNLI Lifeguard Assessor Trainer Team and other emergency services – to be used
      as the benchmark for high-quality training and assessment.
   • The development of condensed and Covid-secure lifeguard induction, command
      and craft, and vehicle operator revalidation packages.
   • Lifeguard assessor trainer support to the lifeboat service in its use of A class (Arancia)
      rescue boats and lifeboat station rescue watercraft.
   • New equipment trials, policy and procedural development, along with the publication
                                                                                                                                                                  Number of
      of both electronic and hard copy resources to support lifeguard operations.
                                                                                                    Course title                                                   lifeguards
   • Significant lifeguard assessor trainer support and assistance to the regions to assist
      the rapid mobilisation of an operational lifeguard service.
                                                                                                    Operational Leadership (prospective/senior lifeguards)                 32

                                                                                                    Lifeguard Trainer Assessor (TA)                                        12

                                                                                                    Inshore Rescue Boat TA                                                  4

                                                                                                    All-terrain Vehicle TA                                                 12

                                                                                                    Rescue Watercraft TA                                                   17

                                                                                                    Four-wheel Drive TA                                                    12

                                                                                                                                                RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020      13
   In 2020, RNLI lifeguards were unable to deliver our engagement and water safety programmes for young people
   in person. But vital water safety messaging was still delivered by adapting and adopting new strategies.

Reaching out to families at home
                                                                                                                     WATER SAFETY
With families living and working from home and children out of school, our Water Safety                              WEDNESDAY
Team recognised the need to develop a suite of accessible online resources.                                          REACHED OVER

    Joining forces with our Media Team, they created a weekly educational show
Water Safety Wednesdays to engage, entertain and inform. The show was broadcast live
for 6 weeks on Facebook – 1 April to 6 May – with Liam Fayle-Parr from the Water Safety
Team as its presenter. Over 5,000 households tuned in.
Developing digital resources

Following the success of Water Safety Wednesdays and ahead of the summer school term,                                       DIGITAL WATER
                                                                                                                            SAFETY PACKS
members of the team developed digital resource packages for teachers and tutors.
                                                                                                                            REACHED OVER

These are available for free on our website: RNLI.org/YouthEducationResources
    The packs – targeted to prepare young people with essential and lifesaving water
safety skills like Float to Live and Stop and Think – reached over 2,000 education                                          EDUCATORS
professionals and community partners between May and July across the UK and Ireland.                                        AND PARTNERS
    Kirsty Brunton, Water Safety Education Manager in Scotland, reached out to every
school in Scotland with the support of her volunteer team: ‘I’ve had positive replies
                                                    from primary and secondary schools.
                                                    They’re including our water safety content
                                                    on school websites, emailing information
   ‘Thanks so much Liam!                           out to parents, and including links on
    Edith watched this                              their school Facebook pages.’
                                                        Unfortunately, programmes such as
    every Wednesday                                 Hit the Surf and Meet the Lifeguards
                                                    have been put on hold in 2021 due to
    morning. She loved it!’                         changing priorities.


                                                                                                             RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020    14

SEASAFE                                          messages were developed and disseminated
                                                 across social media, community radio,
Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh                          national TV talk shows – as well as via
                                                 mobile loudspeakers – to ensure that the risk
Every day, 50 people drown in Bangladesh.        of drowning was not forgotten during the
SeaSafe, a joint initiative between              lockdown period, which coincided with the       Funding successes                             expand swim survival and community
the RNLI and the Centre for Injury               monsoon season.                                                                               engagement activities to the wider Cox’s
Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB),         In August 2020, restrictions were eased         Since 2017, the Princess Charlene of      Bazar district over the next 4 years.
was established in 2013 to change that.          allowing the lifeguard service to deliver a     Monaco Foundation have supported the
Phase 1, completed in 2019, supported the        Covid-19 adapted service for the rest of the    RNLI SeaSafe project in Bangladesh.           Next steps
centre in implementing a lifeguard service       year. Working with experts from low- and        This year, the foundation agreed to provide
on three beaches, bringing water safety          middle-income countries, we produced            unrestricted funding direct to                As the SeaSafe project transitions into the
education to schools and high-risk               a set of guidelines to help manage the          our implementing partners, CIPRB. With        larger UK Aid Direct project, the RNLI will
communities, and delivering a swim               risks associated with Covid-19 during the       the support of RNLI fundraising teams,        continue to provide technical support until
survival programme. Phase 2 is focussed          delivery of swimming lessons, with a view to    CIPRB successfully secured a UK Aid Direct    SeaSafe officially ends in December 2021.
on sustainability – ensuring that our            resuming swim survival activities in 2021.      grant worth £1.4M. This new project will
lifesaving legacy endures when we leave.

How has Covid-19 affected
                                                                                                 SeaSafe Project 2020
the project?
                                                             THE LIFEGUARD                                     COMMUNITY                                     COVID-19
During the peak of the pandemic,                                SERVICE                                       ENGAGEMENT                                    MESSAGES

schools and beaches were closed, and a

                                                                                                    5,950 2,779                                   33,558
non-essential travel ban was implemented
across the country. As a result, the lifeguard
service, water safety education and swim                                                            CHILDREN RECEIVED      CHILDREN RECEIVED
survival activities were suspended.                                                                 WATER SAFETY BEACH SAFETY
    The team in Bangladesh adapted,
                                                                                                    EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS
                                                                                                                           EDUCATION               PEOPLE IN COX’S BAZAR
working with local government stakeholders                                                                                                         AND SURROUNDING AREAS
                                                             PEOPLE                                                                                RECEIVED COVID-19
and other organisations to develop a set of                                                                                TOURISTS RECEIVED
                                                                                                                           BEACH SAFETY            AWARENESS MESSAGES
Covid-19 drowning risk reduction messages
based on guidance issued by the World                        RESCUED                                                       EDUCATION               BETWEEN JUNE AND AUGUST 2020
Health Organization (WHO). Thirteen key

                                                                                                                                                 RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                 15
   The coronavirus outbreak has tested many charities and emergency services across
   the UK and Ireland – particularly with fundraising. The RNLI Engagement Team has risen
   to the challenge by finding new ways to raise money and energise supporters.

FUNDRAISING IMPACTS                                                                                                        ONLINE SUCCESSES

2020 was a challenging year for the RNLI in many ways, impacting not only the way our crews                                    Despite the urgency and uncertainty,
and lifeguards work, but also our ability to raise the funds that sustain this lifesaving work.                            moving many fundraising activities online
With core activities like bucket collections and events cancelled – and with our shops and                                 has proven a success. Our virtual Fish Supper,
stations closed for many months – our teams in fundraising, retail and engagement applied                                  which included a live cooking demonstration
themselves to diversifying their approach and establishing Covid-safe methods to carry out                                 from former Masterchef winner Jane
their roles.                                                                                                               Devonshire, raised over £60,000 for
    A newly formed team acted quickly to adjust its focus to three key areas:                                              regional station running costs – and set a
    • Ensuring our shops and fundraising activity were safe for reopening as restrictions lifted.                         new Guinness World Record for ‘the most
    • Quickly building on our existing online fundraising activity and developing new routes                              people eating a fish and chip dinner
       for donor support.                                                                                                  simultaneously online’.
    • Maintaining important relationships with our volunteer network to keep them                                             Other virtual events included open days
       supported throughout the restrictions and wider pandemic.                                                           and quizzes to keep supporters engaged.                        A contactless donation unit: Fundraising volunteers
                                                                                                                                                                                                fully embraced this smart digital technology
                                                                                                                           And we’ve had some great success stories
                                                                                                                           from both our online shop and high street
                                                                                                                           shops, which delivered record-breaking sales
                                                                                                                           in a short period of time.
                                                                                                                                                                                        OUR VIRTUAL
                                                                                                                                                                                        FISH SUPPER
                                                                                                                                                                                        RAISED OVER
                                                                                                                                                                                        AND SET A NEW
                                                                                                                                                                                        WORLD RECORD
                                West Bridgford RNLI fundraising volunteers adopting the new Covid-19 safety measures                    Former MasterChef winner Jane Devonshire
                                            including face masks, gloves, hand sanitiser and a contactless donation unit                     joined in our virtual Fish Supper event

                                                                                                                                                                                       RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                              16
   While the pandemic impacted the Face-to-face (F2F) Team
   in 2020, you’ll see us out fundraising in a Covid-safe way in
   many areas in 2021.

Annually, our 150-strong in-house team              Over the last 5 years, our F2F Team
of seasonal face-to-face fundraisers act as     has spoken to over 850,000 children and
ambassadors for the RNLI. The teams you         adults with targeted and relevant safety
see at beaches, lifeboat stations and events    messages, to promote lifesaving behaviour
throughout the UK and Ireland have been         change. This is crucial for our drowning
thoroughly trained on what the charity does     prevention work.
on an international, national and local level       The team work collaboratively in
so that wherever the conversation flows,        the local community alongside RNLI
they can find a relevant connection with        volunteers, lifesavers and stakeholders –
everyone they speak with about the RNLI.        each supporting the other to achieve their
    The F2F Team not only aims to raise         goals. Working like this enables them to
funds for the RNLI, but also to talk            inspire new supporters, who contribute
confidently about how people can help keep      £3.5M annually to the RNLI through
themselves safer at the coast. The team has     monthly direct debits. This is important
always shared key beach safety messages,        for the RNLI and it builds on the great
and more recently has helped to support the     work of our volunteer fundraisers who
Respect the Water campaign and bring the        raise awareness of the RNLI each and
Float to Live message to life.                  every day.

     5 YEARS
     TO OVER
                                                                                             RNLI Face-to-face Fundraiser Ieuan Jeffcott (photo taken before Covid-19 pandemic)

                                                                                                                     RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                                  17
In 2020, development and trials of our online and app-based tools
was slowed by the Covid-19 crisis. But we resumed this work
towards the end of the year and look forward to further progress
in 2021.

                                   Online and app-based solutions                     The advantages were clear early on in      Quick Scan
                                                                                  the trials, as the level of detail that can
                                  We were able to move our established public     be captured is much greater than the           Following on from last year’s hackathon,
                                  rescue equipment and signage templates          traditional method. The collected data         the coastal Quick Scan Model has been
                                  to an iPad-based system in 2020. Using the      also requires much less formatting after       trialled around England, allowing various
                                  GPS functions and the ability to directly       site visits. This allows the reports to be     coastal environments to be tested
                                  link photographs contributes to a very          finalised and shared much sooner.              and categorised. The next stage of this
                                  detailed auditing tool. As the beach safety         We are hoping that – due to the level of   project is to finalise an end user report and
                                  assessment template is a larger and more        autonomy in the software – future reports      create a database showing how the coastline
                                  involved document, requiring additional         will have a high level of consistency and be   has been assessed.
                                  functions, the transition to an online format   more user-friendly. For those collecting the        Further analysis of assessed areas needs
                                  is a more challenging project, however a        data, this will reduce the need for training   to be carried out in order to gauge the
                                  prototype is under development.                 and support.                                   suitability of suggested control measures.

                                                                                                                                   RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                   18
   RNLI lifeguards rely on their equipment and facilities to help
   them save lives. The onset of the pandemic, which required
   the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), brought new
   challenges in procurement and logistics.

PPE                                            Facilities

One of our biggest challenges in 2020          RNLI lifeguards operate in a dynamic beach
was the requirement of lifeguards to           environment, so they need spaces that can be
wear PPE – and securing the equipment at       positioned anywhere from clifftops to shingle
a time of high demand. Determining what        beaches and which are capable of withstanding     PERMANENT   LIFEGUARD
equipment (and how much of it) would           the elements with minimal maintenance.
be needed was based on the number of               All equipment and facilities are designed     BUILDINGS
lifeguards at each lifeguard station and how   to support lifesaving activities and ensure
long they might be active. This was further    that lifeguard safety and wellbeing are
complicated by the expansion from 70           taken care of. Both environmental and
to 177 beaches. The logistics of delivering    aesthetic criteria also need to be satisfied
                                                                                                                         Facility type                     Number
PPE to support centres and beaches was         when integrating buildings and temporary
hampered by driver furlough. It was a huge     infrastructures within the natural and urban                              Permanent lifeguard buildings         56
task, successfully completed.                  environment in which they’re located.
                                                                                                                         Additional permanent
                                                   The RNLI has 434 lifeguard assets, 56 of                                                                   274
                                                                                                                         buildings or structures
                                               which are permanent lifeguard buildings.
                                               Each permanent lifeguard building offers                                  Transient lifeguard units            104
                                               a self-contained lookout with power, water,
                                               gas stove and storage solutions so that                                   Total                                434
                                               effective lifeguard cover can be provided
                                               on the beaches.

                                                    Additional permanent buildings include
                                               26 mobile units, 104 transient lifeguard units,                                                       ADDITIONAL
                                               26 permanent lifeguard units, 136 rescue                                                              PERMANENT
                                               board bins, 31 main support buildings,                                                                BUILDINGS OR
                                               29 ancillary buildings and 26 fixed container                                                         STRUCTURES
                                               stores, some of which are hired seasonally.

                                                                                                                          RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020               19
   Throughout a challenging 2020 season, the RNLI Media
   Engagement Team continued to raise awareness about
   lifeguards, the work they do and the importance of
   beach safety.

Between 1 January and 31 December, there were 4,179 items of print and broadcast coverage
in national and regional media. These reached over 46M people with an advertising value
equivalent of over £10.4M. Of these articles, 83% were favourable, 0.6% were unfavourable                                                                           August 2020: A BBC South Today film shows
                                                                                                                                                                  Southsea lifeguards adapting to the pandemic
and 16.4% were considered neutral.

Highlights                                                                                           Social media

   • RNLI lifeguards featured across two episodes of Saving Lives at Sea, series 5.                 Our social media followers across Facebook,   the lifeguard service towards the
   • A BBC South Today film with Southsea lifeguards on adapting to                                 Twitter and Instagram continued to            beginning of the summer.
      the pandemic – later used on the national BBC News Online website.                             show positivity towards the RNLI and our
   • RNLI Lifesavers podcast, episode 3, series 2, featured an interview with                       lifeguards. A compilation video post on
      a casualty reunited with the Perranporth lifeguards who saved her life.                        Facebook announcing the launch of the
   • An interview with Northern Ireland lifeguard, Annie Jagoe, for a Stylist magazine              lifeguard service to 170 beaches reached
      article on what her day involves while working as a lifeguard.                                 198,562 people and gained 10,040
   • Cornwall and Dorset lifeguards interviewed for Men’s Fitness magazine.                         engagements. The second most viewed
      The article included safety messaging and an insight into becoming a lifeguard.                post was the footage of an Exmouth
   • Lifeguard Ryan Jennings appeared on BBC Breakfast to give an interview on                      lifeguard rescuing a windsurfer. This post
      paddleboarding and beach safety. The show typically earns over 6M viewers.                     gained 15,972 engagements and reached
   • Our corporate partner Ford showed support for our Beach Safety campaign through its            174,762 people.
      Tide Track initiative with a selection of our lifeguards from the south east of England.
                                                                                                     Media training
                                                            Real-life footage
                                                                                                     Due to Covid-19 restrictions, face-to-face
                                                            News and radio websites used footage     media training with lifeguards was paused.
                                                            from our lifeguard Contour cameras.      However, the Media Engagement Team was
                                                            Actual footage of a lifeguard rescuing   able to offer advice and training over the
                                                            a windsurfer in difficulty was used by   phone and provide continued support.
                October 2020: RNLI lifeguards feature       East Devon News and other regional       This was particularly important during           August 2020: Our corporate partner Ford shares our beach
                      in series 5 of Saving Lives at Sea.                                                                                            safety messages in the sand through its Tide Track initiative
                                                            news outlets.                            the announcement of changes made to

                                                                                                                                                     RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                                     20

                                     July 2020: An article about being a lifeguard features in Men’s Fitness magazine

Media coverage                                        Advertising value equivalent

Media coverage was evaluated at the                 Calculating the equivalent monetary value
end of 2020 and, although not exhaustive,           of achieved PR and communications
it provides a useful snapshot of public             compared to paid-for advertising is
relations (PR) activity and media coverage          notoriously difficult. However, the advertising
secured during the year.                            value equivalent (AVE) can provide a useful
     The volume of media coverage for               benchmark. From 1 January to 31 December
lifeguards from 1 January to 31 December            2020, the advertising value of the 4,179
2020 is 4,179 items of print and                    items of lifeguard coverage was estimated
broadcast coverage.                                 at £10.4 million (£10,442,594).

                                                                                                                        RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020    21
                                                                                                                                                               8 AUGUST
   RNLI lifeguards were involved in 10,687 incidents
   and aided 25,172 people in 2020.                                                                                                                            Four children in rubber dinghy
                                                                                                                                                               are saved in RNLI rescue off
                                                                                                                                                               North Yorkshire coast

With beaches packed when Government            24 JULY                                                                                                         Whitby lifeguards spring into action after
restrictions were lifted, our lifeguards hit                                                                                                                   spotting a group of 10–13-year-old children
the water and the headlines in 2020.           Life’s a Beach: Getting a sense of the                                                                          in a small rubber dinghy being blown out
Here’s just a snapshot of some of the          fitness and fearlessness required to                                                                            to sea. It’s a busy day for the lifeguards
lifesaving rescues they were involved in       keep Britain’s coastline safe                                                                                   who later rescue two 11-year-olds on
during the pandemic, alongside highlights                                                                                                                      another inflatable.
of their critical work to raise awareness      Lifeguards Simon Davis and Harry
and share water safety messages.               Butterworth, Lifeguard Supervisor Leon                                                                          9 AUGUST
                                               Bennett and Lifeguard Operations Manager
22 JANUARY                                     Brett Shepherd give safety and fitness                                                                          Coronavirus: How lifeguarding
                                               advice in a 6-page feature.                                                                                     has changed for the RNLI
Lifeguards needed for
Sheppey Baywatch                                                                                                                                               BBC South Today and BBC News show a
                                                                                                                                                               behind the scenes film of lifeguards adapting
Keen to find new lifeguards for her local                                                                                                                      to the restrictions of the pandemic and
beaches, Lead Lifeguard Supervisor Lucy                                                                                                                        giving advice on visiting the beach.
MacGowan from Kent explains what it takes                   July 2020: An article about being a lifeguard
                                                                     features in Men’s Fitness magazine
to become a lifeguard and what people need
to do to apply.
                                               26 JULY
                                               A 1-day diary of an RNLI lifeguard
North Wales parents are urged                  from morning latte to lights out
to be ‘beach safe’ after busy return
for RNLI                                       Portrush RNLI Lifeguard Annie Jagoe is
                                               interviewed by consumer magazine Stylist
Key beach safety messaging is shared with      on what her working day as a lifeguard
readers after lifeguards at Whitmore Bay       entails. She discusses her typical routine,                         July 2020: A Stylist magazine article on
and Whitesands Beach save two lives            the requirements for becoming a lifeguard                         Northern Ireland lifeguard, Annie Jagoe,                    August 2020: A BBC South Today film shows
                                                                                                            describes what it’s like to be an RNLI lifeguard               Southsea lifeguards adapting to the pandemic
during two separate incidents.                 and beach rescues.

                                                                                                                                                                 RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                              22

18 AUGUST                                        18 SEPTEMBER

Ford’s custom tyres help the RNLI                Mum’s thanks to heroes who
spread water safety messages                     saved her from sea

In a joint campaign, Ford and the RNLI          Amanda Humble is rescued by lifeguards
launch the Tide Tracks initiative. In support   after she gets into difficulty off the coast
of our beach safety push in 2020, they use      of Cornwall. Three RNLI lifeguards rescue
custom tyres to imprint key water safety        Amanda and seven other people caught in
messages across stretches of sand.              a rip current.

23 AUGUST                                        6 OCTOBER

Exmouth lifeguard saves windsurfer               Saving Lives at Sea: Series 5,
                                                 Episode 3
In challenging conditions, RNLI Lifeguard
Dom Brown saves a young windsurfer              For the fifth series of Saving Lives at Sea,
taken out by the ebbing tide. The rescue        RNLI Lifeguards Luke Lane-Prokopiou
footage is shared with the media and            and Emily Bush recount the rescue of
used to raise awareness of the dangers          a boy with an injured back on BBC Two.
of strong currents.                             This episode received over 1.4M views.


RNLI lifeguards risk own safety
in Tresaith rescue

In extremely challenging conditions,
two RNLI lifeguards enter the water
after spotting a father and son
kayaking duo in difficulty off
Tresaith Beach. They successfully
assist the lifeboat crew and rescue
the casualties.
                                                      August 2020: Footage of Exmouth RNLI Lifeguard Dom
                                                    Brown rescuing a windsurfer appears on East Devon News   September 2020: The Daily Mirror features the rescue of bodyboarder Amanda Humble who was saved by RNLI lifeguards in Cornwall

                                                                                                                                                                                 RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                                  23
   2020 saw RNLI lifeguards carry out 5,820 medical actions
   with 752 of them being serious incidents, including full
   resuscitations. Read some of their stories below.

23 August: Lyme Regis RNLI lifeguards            of secondary drowning, Lyme Regis volunteer                       11 August: RNLI lifeguards at Towan                                 approximately 100m from the beach.
rescue boy found unresponsive in                 Lifeboat Chair Mark Houghton called for                           carry out successful CPR off the beach                              They immediately placed the chest pads
the water                                        a land ambulance. At the same time, Ben                                                                                               on the casualty and used the defibrillator
                                                 communicated with the Coastguard and                              RNLI Lifeguards Tim Fallowfield and Stuart                          to give one initial shock. Now conscious
When RNLI Lifeguard Simon Davis spotted          cleared the busy beach for the air ambulance                      Weatherley were on patrol at Towan                                  and talking, he was then transferred to
a boy who had been bodyboarding floating         to safely land. The casualty was transported                      Beach in Newquay when they were alerted                             the care of the paramedics and went on
face down in the water after a seizure –         on a spinal board to the land ambulance and                       to a casualty off the beach who needed                              to make a full recovery.
unresponsive but breathing – he knew he had      transferred into the care of the critical care                    immediate CPR. The casualty was walking                                  Lewis Timson, Lead Lifeguard
to act quickly. Simon immediately managed        air ambulance doctor.                                             to the beach for a surf lesson when he                              Supervisor for Newquay, said: ‘Our RNLI
the casualty’s airway and requested prompt             Lifeguard Supervisor Dominik Fajkiel                        dropped down suddenly, unconscious and                              lifeguards are professionally trained in
assistance from the beach lifeguard unit.        says: ‘It doesn’t take a lot of water to get                      not breathing. The instructors commenced                            lifesaving and delivering casualty care,
    After recovering the boy from the water,     into your lungs before it becomes critical.                       chest compressions and contacted the                                and they demonstrated how vital these
Simon administered oxygen from the crash         Rescues of this nature highlight the                              Towan lifeguards.                                                   skills are by helping to save this man’s life
bag supplied by RNLI Senior Lifeguard Ben        importance of swimming at a lifeguarded                               Carrying their crash bag and wearing PPE,                       on Tuesday.’
Greenslade and placed the casualty into the      beach and keeping an eye on your family.                          Tim and Stuart ran to the scene,
recovery position.                               If it wasn’t for the lifeguard’s quick reaction
    Realising that the boy could have            on Sunday, the outcome could have been
swallowed a lot of water and be at risk          totally different.’

                                             RNLI Lifeguards Simon Davis (centre) and Ben Greenslade (left) with
                                         Lifeboat Chair Mark Houghton whose teamwork saved a young boy’s life       The training of RNLI Lifeguards Tim Fallowfield (Left) and Stuart Weatherley (right) kicked in when called to a man who needed CPR

                                                                                                                                                                                           RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                                   24

                                                                                                                  RNLI Senior Lifeguard Ailsa MacRae (centre) with RNLI Lifeguards Amy Napier (left) and Kane Philpott
                                                                                                                            (right) on the beach where they saved a six-year-old girl after she had a seizure in the water

31 July: Kent RNLI lifeguards rescue              first aid responder bag and coordinated the
25 and resuscitate a 6-year-old girl              ambulance response. A short time later,            ‘The lifeguards showed such courage and bravery.
                                                  the girl began breathing and lifeguards
On one of the busiest weekends for call           administered oxygen and monitored her                You have to be so confident in yourself and your
outs in 4 years according to HM Coastguard,
RNLI lifeguards at Botany Bay were called
                                                  vital signs until handover to the paramedics.
                                                  She was taken to hospital where she
                                                                                                       first aid skills to do something like this. It says
into action after a 6-year-old girl paddling in   recovered from her ordeal.                           a lot about their training that they felt entirely
the sea suffered a seizure, fell unconscious           Lifeguard Supervisor Ellie Hopper says:
and stopped breathing.                            ‘You have to be so confident in yourself and         comfortable working alongside a clinical lead GP
    Off-duty GP, Dr Shankari Maha, began          your first aid skills to do something like this.     to help save this young girl’s life.’
CPR, which was then taken over by RNLI            It says a lot about RNLI lifeguard training
Senior Lifeguard Ailsa MacRae and RNLI            that the lifeguards felt entirely comfortable      ELLIE HOPPER
Lifeguard Amy Napier. Newly trained RNLI          working alongside a clinical lead GP to help       LIFEGUARD SUPERVISOR
Lifeguard Kane Philpott arrived with the          save this young girl’s life.’

                                                                                                                                                             RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                                     25

                                RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020   26
Mullacott Support Centre                                                      Burnham-on-Sea



                                             Westward Ho!

                                                                                                                                                                                          SOUTH WEST (1)

Bude Support Centre

                  Crackington Haven

                                                                                                          Sandy Bay
                                                                                                    Exmouth                               Lyme Regis

                                                                                                                                                              West Bay
                                                                                         Dawlish Warren
                                                                                      Teignmouth North        Dawlish Support Centre                                                  Weymouth Support Centre

                  Saltash Support Centre
                                                           Kingsbridge Support Centre
                                           Tregonhawke                                                                                                                        Grève de Lecq

                                                                      Sedgewell Cove

                                                                                       Blackpool Sands
                                                                                                                                                       St Ouen’s Bay
                                                         Bantham                                                                                                               Jersey Support Centre

                                                                                                                                                            Le Braye

                                                                                                                                                                              St Brelade’s Bay

                                                                                                                                                            RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                    27
Trebarwith Strand

                                                                                             Booby’s            Trevone
                                                                                                                       Padstow Support Centre

                                                                                                       Mawgan Porth
                                                                                                                                                                SOUTH WEST (2)
                                                                                                 Watergate Bay


                                                                        Holywell                 Newquay Support Centre
                                                                 Perran Sands                    Fistral
                                                                                                 Crantock River
                                            Perranporth Support Centre
                                                                            St Agnes
                                                                    Chapel Porth
                           Gwithian                                Porthtowan
                           Beach View
                           Upton Towans                     Portreath

                           Hayle Towans

                                          Hayle Support Centre


                                             Praa Sands    Helston Support Centre

                                                             Poldhu Cove

                                                                                                                                       RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020               28
                                                                                                                                                            Formby Support Centre
                                                                                                                                     Crosby                     New Brighton (Perch Rock)
                                                                                                       Wirral Support Centre
                                                                                                                       Prestatyn                                Harrison Drive
                                                                                                                                                                Leasowe Bay
                                                                                                                                                                West Kirby

                                                                                                                                              St Asaph Support Centre

                                                                                                                                                                                            WALES AND WEST


                                                                                                  Aberystwyth North
                                                                           Aberystwyth South

                                                                  New Quay Harbour
                                                      Poppit Sands
                                               Newport Sands
                                                                           Cardigan Support Centre
                                               Newgale North
                                                 Newgale Central
                                Nolton Haven
Haverfordwest Support Centre                                       Saundersfoot
                                Broad Haven                                                    Swansea Support Centre

                               Freshwater West                                                                          Trecco Bay
                                                                                                                        Coney/Sandy Bay
                                                                   Tenby Castle                                         Rest Bay
                                                    Tenby South
                                                                          Three Cliffs
                                                                                                                      Bridgend Support Centre
                                                                                  Port Eynon

                                                                                                             Ogmore                Whitmore

                                                                                                                                                                        RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020          29

                       Portrush East Strand
                      Portrush West Strand

                  Portstewart Strand
Benone Strand                Ballymoney Support Centre




                                                                     RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020   30

           RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020   31
Whitley Bay North
                                                Whitley Bay
            Tynemouth Longsands North                 Sandhaven (Centre Beach)
                       King Edward’s Bay
                 Boldon Support Centre

                                                                            Runswick Bay

                                                                                        Scarborough North Bay

                                                       Scarborough South Bay                Filey

                                            Scarborough Support Centre

                                                                   Bridlington North           Bridlington South

                                                                                                                   RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020   32

Skegness Support Centre          Skegness


                                               Sheringham West

                                                                                           Cromer East


                                                                                                         Sea Palling
                                                                 Catfield Support Centre

                NORTH EAST (2)
                                                                                 Lowestoft South


                                                                                                                        RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020   33
Minnis Bay
                                                                                                                                                             Margate Main
                                                                                                                                                                 Botany Bay
                                                                                                                                         Leysdown                  Joss Bay
                                                                                                                                                                   Stone Bay

                                                                                                                                   Ramsgate Support Centre         Broadstairs/Viking Bay

                                       Southsea Central                                                        Hastings Pelham
                                                                                                     Hastings Support Centre
                                        Southsea East
                                                                                                               St Leonards               Camber Central
  Bournemouth East                                                       Littlehampton East (East)
      Durley Chine Boscombe West          Chichester Support Centre                                                                      Camber West
 Branksome Chine
     Shore Road      Southbourne
Poole Support                                                   Littlehampton East (West)

                       Avon Beach
                    Fisherman’s Walk
                   Boscombe East
                 Bournemouth West
                Alum Chine

                                                                                                                                         RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020                  34

                         RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020   35

Report area    Support centre   Beach name               Report area           Support centre            Beach name
                                Greenhill                                                                Tregonhawke
               Weymouth                                  South East Cornwall   Saltash                   Sharrow
                                West Bay
                                Lyme Regis                                                               Seaton
                                Sandy Bay                                                                Gyllyngvase
                                                                                                         Polurrian Cove
               Dawlish          Dawlish Warren           Carrick and Kerrier   Helston                   Poldhu Cove
                                Teignmouth North                                                         Gunwalloe

                                Teignmouth South                                                         Porthleven
                                                                                                         Praa Sands
                                Blackpool Sands
West Dorset,                    Slapton Sands                                                            Marazion
South Devon
                                Hope Cove                                                                Porthcurno
and Jersey
               Kingsbridge      Bantham
                                Sedgewell Cove
                                Bigbury-on-Sea North                                                     Porthminster
                                Challaborough            Penwith               Hayle                     Carbis Bay
                                St Brelade’s Bay
                                                                                                         Hayle Towans
                                Le Braye                                                                 Mexico Towans
                                Watersplash, St Ouen’s                                                   Godrevy
                                St Ouen’s Bay                                                            Gwithian North
                                                                                                         Gwithian South
                                                                                                         Upton Towans
                                Grève de Lecq                                                            Beach View

                                                                                                RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020       36

Report area           Support centre   Beach name          Report area       Support centre            Beach name
                                       Portreath                                                       Crackington Haven
                                       Porthtowan                                                      Black Rock
                                       Chapel Porth                                                    Widemouth
Carrick and Kerrier   Perranporth      St Agnes                              Bude                      Summerleaze
                                       Perranporth                                                     Crooklets
                                       Perran Sands                                                    Northcott
                                       Holywell            North Cornwall,                             Sandymouth
                                                           North Devon
                                       Crantock                                                        Westward Ho!
                                                           and Somerset
                                       Crantock River                                                  Sandymere
                                       South Fistral                                                   Croyde
                                       Fistral                               Mullacott                 Millrock
                                       Towan                                                           Woolacombe
                      Newquay          Great Western                                                   Burnham-on-Sea
                                       Tolcarne                                                        Berrow
                                       Lusty Glaze
Newquay and Padstow                    Watergate Bay
                                       Mawgan Porth
                                       Trebarwith Strand

                                                                                              RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020       37

Report area   Support centre   Beach name        Report area          Support centre           Beach name
                               Whitmore                                                        Newport Sands
                               Llantwit Major
                                                                                               Poppit Sands
              Bridgend         Ogmore
                               Rest Bay                                                        Tresaith

                               Coney/Sandy Bay                                                 Llangrannog
                                                 West Wales           Cardigan
                               Trecco Bay                                                      New Quay Harbour
                                                                                               Aberystwyth South
                               Swansea Bay
                                                                                               Aberystwyth North
South Wales                    Caswell                                                         Clarach
                               Three Cliffs                                                    Borth
                               Port Eynon
                               Pembrey                                St Asaph
              Swansea                                                                          Prestatyn
                               Pendine Sands
                               Amroth                                                          West Kirby
                               Saundersfoot                                                    Moreton
                               Tenby North                                                     Leasowe Bay
                               Tenby Castle                           Wirral
                                                 North Wales and                               Harrison Drive
                               Tenby South
                                                 North West England                            The Plateaux
                               Freshwater West
                               Broad Haven                                                     New Brighton (Perch Rock)
                               Nolton Haven                                                    Crosby
                               Newgale South
West Wales    Haverfordwest                                                                    Formby
                               Newgale Central                        Formby
                               Newgale North
                               Whitesands                                                      Southport

                                                                                       RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020         38

NORTHERN IRELAND                                            SCOTLAND
Report area        Support centre   Beach name              Report area   Support centre            Beach name

                                    Cranfield                                                       St Andrews West Sands

                                    Murlough                                                        St Andrews East Sands

                                    Tyrella                                                         Elie Harbour
                                    Ballycastle             Scotland                                Leven

                                    Whiterocks                                                      Burntisland

                                    Portrush East Strand                                            Aberdour Silver Sands
Northern Ireland   Ballymoney
                                    Portrush West Strand                  Eyemouth                  Coldingham Bay

                                    Portrush West Harbour

                                    Portstewart Strand


                                    Downhill Strand

                                    Benone Strand

                                                                                           RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020       39

Report area          Support centre   Beach name                  Report area    Support centre         Beach name
                                      Whitley Bay North                                                 Mablethorpe
                                      Whitley Bay
                                                                                                        Sutton on Sea
                                      Tynemouth Longsands North                  Skegness               Ingoldmells

                                      Tynemouth Longsands                                               Skegness
                     Boldon           King Edward’s Bay
                                      Sandhaven (Centre Beach)
                                                                                                        Sheringham West
                                      Sandhaven (Mowbray)
                                      Seaburn                                                           Sheringham East
                                      Cats and Dogs                                                     West Runton
                                                                                                        East Runton
                                      Saltburn                                                          Cromer West
North East England                                                East England
                                      Runswick Bay                                                      Cromer East
                                      Scarborough North Bay                      Catfield               Sea Palling

                                      Scarborough South Bay                                             Hemsby
                     Scarborough      Cayton Bay
                                                                                                        Great Yarmouth
                                      Limekiln Lane                                                     Gorleston

                                      Bridlington North                                                 Lowestoft North
                                      Bridlington South
                                                                                                        Lowestoft South
                                      Withernsea                                                        Southwold South

                                                                                                  RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020       40

Report area           Support centre    Beach name                 Report area   Support centre            Beach name
                                       Sheerness                                                           Highcliffe
                                       Minster-on-Sea                                                      Friars Cliff
                                       Leysdown                                                            Avon Beach
                                       Minnis Bay                                                          Southbourne
                                       West Bay
                                                                                                           Fisherman’s Walk
                                       St Mildred's
                                                                                                           Manor Steps
Ramsgate              Ramsgate         Westbrook Bay
                                                                                                           Boscombe East
                                       Margate Main
                                                                                                           Boscombe West
                                       Botany Bay
                                                                                                           East Cliff
                                       Joss Bay                    East Dorset   Poole
                                       Stone Bay                                                           Bournemouth East

                                       Broadstairs/Viking Bay                                              Bournemouth West
                                       Ramsgate                                                            Durley Chine
                                       Camber Central                                                      Alum Chine
                                       Camber West                                                         Branksome Chine
                                       Hastings Pelham                                                     Canford Cliffs
Rother and Hastings   Hastings
                                       Hastings Pier                                                       Shore Road
                                       St Leonards
                                       Littlehampton East (East)
                                       Littlehampton East (West)
                                       Bognor Regis
Chichester            Chichester       Southsea East
                                       Southsea Central
                                       Southsea West

                                                                                                  RNLI LIFEGUARDS REPORT 2020       41
Royal National Lifeboat Institution
West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 1HZ
Email: info@rnli.org.uk

Photos: BBC, BBC South Today, Leon Bennett, Daily Mirror, Dominik Fajkiel, RNLI/(Harrison Bates, Jersey Lifeguards, Rhyl Lifeguards, Nigel Millard, Nathan Williams),
Mike Lavis, Men’s Fitness magazine, Mark Priem, Callum Robinson, Stylist magazine, Kester Sheppard, Alex Wallace, West Bridgford RNLI/Wendy Jean Hurst

The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea
The Royal National Lifeboat Institution, a charity registered in England and Wales (209603), Scotland (SC037736), the Republic of Ireland
(CHY 2678 and 20003326), the Bailiwick of Jersey (14), the Isle of Man (1308 and 006329F), the Bailiwick of Guernsey and Alderney
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