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2020 AFP® LIQUIDITY SURVEY REPORT Underwritten by Comprehensive Results This marketing document is exclusively for Professional Clients, Qualified Investors and Qualified Clients/Sophisticated Investors only (as defined in the important information at the end). It is not for consumer use, please do not redistribute
TABLE OF CONTENTS KEY TAKEAWAYS............................................................................................................ 4 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 5 CASH AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS/SECURITIES....................................... 6 INVESTMENT POLICIES.................................................................................................11 CURRENT ALLOCATIONS............................................................................................18 MONEY MARKET FUNDS ........................................................................................... 27 LIBOR TRANSITION...................................................................................................... 33 CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................. 35 ABOUT SURVEY PARTICIPANTS...............................................................................36 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 2
Dear Corporate Practitioner/Financial Professional: Invesco is proud to partner with the AFP and sponsor the 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey. This year’s survey marks the 15th annual exploration of trends affecting financial professionals’ cash management practices. It is an interesting time in our history as the COVID-19 global pandemic has effectively shut down the world economy as companies and individuals currently try to understand the real impact to their respective businesses and lives. We have seen quick and extensive action by the U.S. Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Government has implemented numerous fiscal programs to support households and businesses. Over a two-month period during March and April 2020, investors turned to cash and pumped over $1 trillion in assets into U.S. money market funds. The industry also saw inflows into government money funds at unprecedented levels and, to a smaller degree, offshore funds witnessed an increase in AUM during this same period. The decisive and unprecedented actions of global central banks have been very supportive in restoring market functioning for higher quality assets, acknowledging that there remains stress in certain industries and sectors. We believe focus could shift to longer-term stimulus and support for a broader economic recovery as local, regional and national entities attempt to reestablish the “new normal” in our post-COVID-19 world. Liquidity and cash management has taken on a heightened level of importance in the face of uncertainty. At the time this survey was conducted (March 2020), the full impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic had yet not been realized. However, in our view, the consistency of the findings in this annual survey also highlights the heightened importance of reliable practices and planning in uncertain environments. Notably, safety and liquidity consistently outweigh yield when financial professionals are asked about the importance of investment objectives. I hope you find the 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey insightful as you plan your priorities for the coming year. We look forward to partnering with you to support your efforts. And most importantly, we hope in these times, you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. Sincerely, Laurie Brignac CIO, Global Liquidity, Invesco 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 3
KEY TAKEAWAYS The share of companies holding their short- term investments in banks increased slightly to 51 percent, up from the 46 percent reported in 2019 and 49 percent in 2018, reflecting increased bank utilization due to concerns over the economy and possibly The percentage of companies in response to the pandemic. The overall with written investment relationship with a banking partner is the policies has declined, even main driver in bank selection. at a time when policies and procedures are paramount in mitigating risk through the COVID-19 pandemic. Safety continues to be the most-valued short-term investment objective for 62 percent ESG has not caught on in of organizations, operating cash: only 18 percent slightly lower than the of respondents consider ESG 64 percent reported investment parameters when last year. Liquidity 52 percent of offshore cash is in U.S. managing operating cash, 68 timing is more dollars and in bank products, mirroring percent do not consider ESG important than ever. a domestic approach to investing. and 14 percent are unsure about taking ESG parameters into account. 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 4
INTRODUCTION This—the 15th AFP Liquidity Survey—was conducted in March 2020. During that time, the COVID-19 virus was just beginning to impact the U.S. After China was first to be hit by the virus in late 2019, the disease made its way through Europe and then arrived in the U.S., infecting and killing thousands. Leaders and decision makers in governments around the world realized the only way to “flatten the curve” of the virus and ease pressure on overwhelmed health systems was to implement lockdowns and mandate social distancing. In addition, the Federal Reserve lowered its target interest rate to near zero. All of this was just before short-term liquidity programs were implemented to break the logjam in the short- term liquidity market—where U.S. government Even before the pandemic, financial leaders relatively quickly, the impact on others will be felt debt was trading in negative rate territory, further were concerned about a probable recession in longer—especially among those which are capital- exacerbating fears that the health pandemic could the U.S.—despite historically low unemployment intensive with very limited revenue prospects. The become a financial pandemic. The Commercial figures during the previous 12 months and a strong last time treasury professionals saw this kind of Paper Funding Facility and the Money Market stock market. The U.S. Federal Reserve had also upheaval was the financial crisis. Now, more than Funding Facility were two primary programs put in lowered interest rates, signaling reasons to be a decade later, the rear-view mirror provides a place as tools for funding during the financial crisis cautious. Treasury and finance professionals were glimpse on how best to remain resilient in order to a decade ago for the short end of the yield curve. dealing with the unknown and needed to rely on survive and thrive in this new normal. The short-term liquidity programs were announced their experience from the previous financial crisis in early March and began operating in early April. To examine current and emerging trends in in order to manage in a unique environment. It is organizations’ cash and short-term investment The stock market reacted harshly and declined probable that any progress made over the years holdings, investment policies and strategies, the precipitously during the pandemic. Industries with organizations looking to optimize liquidity with Association for Financial Professionals® (AFP) around the globe were affected including airlines, their investments will be rebuilt in the next couple conducted its 15th Annual Liquidity Survey in March retail firms, leisure companies and hotels; after a of years. Organizations are likely to take extremely 2020. The survey generated 375 responses, which are couple of weeks few organizations were spared. conservative postures with their investments. the basis of this report. Results from this survey will Revenue streams declined at many companies and Managing liquidity is going to be key for treasury provide treasury and finance professionals with critical business leaders were compelled to implement and finance professionals. Creating a liquidity benchmarks on short-term investment holdings and strategies that included hiring freezes, making staff buffer will be important as there is tremendous strategies. AFP thanks Invesco for underwriting the redundant and delaying capital expenditures—to uncertainty regarding when there will be a return 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey. The Research Department name a few—in order to preserve cash. to any semblance of normalcy. Additionally, it is of AFP designed the survey questionnaire, analyzed When this survey was conducted, however, panic challenging to forecast when to expect an uptick in the survey results and produced the report, and is arising from the pandemic had not fully set in. the economy. While some industries may rebound solely responsible for its content. 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 5
CASH AND SHORT-TERM INVESTMENTS/SECURITIES At the time this survey was conducted (March Change in Cash and Short-Term Balances Over the Past 12 Months: U.S. and Non-U.S. Cash Holdings 2020), the full impact of the global COVID-19 (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) pandemic had not been realized. This quickly changed, and with social distancing measures in 5% 10% 5% 9% place, nation-wide lockdowns, travel restrictions Much Smaller Much Larger Much Smaller Much Larger and a severe health crisis emerging, the global 11% 11% economy is currently facing dire challenges and a Somewhat Somewhat Smaller Smaller recession seems very likely. 21% 19% In the past year, prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, Within Somewhat Outside Somewhat the U.S. economy was looking strong, the the U.S. Larger the U.S. Larger unemployment rate was at historic lows and the stock market was on the rise. Still, concerns of an impending recession were looming in the 53% 56% No Significant No Significant background. Despite all the positive indicators, Change Change organizations signaled cautious optimism. Thirty-one percent of corporate practitioners report an increase in their organizations’ cash holdings within the U.S. in the past 12 months, 53 percent indicate there has been no significant change and 16 percent report a decrease. These results are comparable to those in the 2019 survey in which 30 percent of treasury and finance professionals reported an increase in U.S. cash holdings and 50 percent indicated cash balances had not changed significantly. The share of those reporting a decrease in their companies’ cash holdings within the U.S. decreased by four percentage points from that reported last year (20 percent) and closer to the 15 percent reported in 2018. Fifty-six percent of respondents indicate that in the past 12 months their organizations’ investment outside the U.S. was unchanged, 28 percent report an increase in cash and short-term balances and 16 percent report a decrease. These figures are unchanged from those reported last year. 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 7
Sixty-nine percent of organizations hold some amount of cash outside of the U.S.—higher than the 63 percent reported last year. The share increases to 79 percent for publicly owned organizations. Thirty-six percent of these companies hold at least half their cash outside the U.S. Sixty-nine percent of large organizations— those with at least $1 billion in annual revenue— hold cash outside the U.S. compared to 59 percent of firms with annual revenue less than $1 billion that do so. These findings suggest that larger and publicly owned organizations are more likely to invest outside the U.S. than are others. Percentage of Organization’s Cash and Short-Term Investments Currently Outside of the U.S. (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) Percentage of Organization’s Cash and Short-Term Investments Currently Outside of the U.S. for Specific Currencies The majority of cash and short-term investments held outside the U.S. is in U.S. dollars (52 percent). 18% 24% Euros are the second-most popular currency held by organizations outside the U.S. (25 percent). 31% The Canadian dollar is third at 24 percent. Twenty-three percent of organizations’ cash and short- 36% term investments outside the U.S. are held in “other” currencies including Danish krone, Turkish lira, UAE dirham, Egyptian pound, Nigerian naira, Indian rupee and Mexican pesos to name a few. 10% 9% 16% Percentage of Organization’s Cash and Short-Term Investments Currently Outside of the U.S. 10% for Specific Currencies 10% 7% 17% (Mean Percentage Distribution) ALL ALL RESPONSES RESPONSES Zero percent Less than 10 percent U.S. Dollar- denominated offshore 52% Hong Kong Dollar 9% 10-24 percent Euro 25% Singapore Dollar 4% 25-49 percent Canadian Dollar 24% Swiss Franc 4% 50-74 percent Pound Sterling 13% Japanese Yen 4% At least 75 percent Renminbi 16% Other 23% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 8
Drivers of Changes in Cash Holdings over the Past 12 months Changes in cash holdings were impacted by various Impact of Drivers on the INCREASE in Organization’s Cash Holdings in the Past 12 Months factors. Increased operating cash flow appears (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) to have played a significant role in increasing 35% Significant impact cash holdings among organizations in the past 12 Increased operating cash flow 42% Some impact months: 77 percent of survey respondents report 23% No impact that increased operating cash flow had either a significant or some impact on the increase in cash 12% holdings at their organizations over the past 12 Decreased capital expenditures 39% months. Other drivers contributing to increased 49% cash holdings at organizations are decreased 18% capital expenditures (cited by 51 percent of Increased debt outstanding/ 24% respondents) and increased debt outstanding/ Accessed debt markets 58% accessed debt markets (42 percent). Increased 10% debt by drawing down on revolvers was the Domestic political/regulatory risks 24% primary liquidity source accessed by financial (e.g., U.S. trade policy) 66% professionals to build a buffer, as there is no clear end-date for the current crisis. 11% Acquired company/subsidiary 21% and/or launched new operations 68% 7% Paid back/retired debt 25% 68% 6% Global geopolitical risks 17% (e.g., NAFTA, BREXIT) 76% 12% Other 12% 76% “Other” category includes COVID-19 preparedness and selling of a company, among other reasons cited 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 9
For those organizations that experienced Impact of Drivers on the DECREASE in Organization’s Cash Holdings in the Past 12 Months decreased cash holdings compared to a year ago, (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) key reasons for reduced cash holdings include: 16% Significant impact — Increased capital expenditures Increased capital expenditures 39% Some impact (cited by 55 percent of survey respondents) 45% No impact — Decreased operating cash flow 16% (49 percent) Decreased operating cash flow 33% — Paid back/retired debt (44 percent) 51% 17% Paid back/retired debt 27% 57% 16% Acquired company/subsidiary 23% and/or launched new operations 61% 8% Increased share repurchases 26% and dividends 66% 3% Issued equity/went public 10% 87% 4% Company was acquired by 6% private equity 87% 6% Other 8% 86% “Other” includes COVID-19 and reduction in working capital 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 10
INVESTMENT POLICIES Written investment policies are one method of Prevalence of Written Cash Investment Policies setting parameters for managing cash holdings. (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) They often outline the permitted investment vehicles and the percentage of an organization’s All Responses 71% 29% portfolio that may be allocated to those vehicles. Annual Revenue Furthermore, such policies can specify the Less Than $1 Billion 69% 31% maximum and the minimum credit rating required for each investment vehicle. For many companies, a Annual Revenue At Least $1 Billion 85% 15% written investment policy—in addition to providing a written investment strategy—is also a tactical Net Borrower 75% 25% approach to investing cash. Policies typically address the purpose of an investment, who can invest, who approves changes, credit-quality Net Investor 85% 15% standards, approved investments, risk parameters and escalation processes. Investment Grade 86% 14% Seventy-one percent of organizations have a written investment policy that dictates their short- Non-Investment Grade 66% 34% term investment strategy. This is nine percentage points lower than the figure reported in last year’s Publicly Owned 83% 17% survey, but well in line with results reported in surveys conducted in 2015, 2016 and 2017. A Privately Held 71% 29% vast majority of larger companies (with annual revenue of at least $1 billion) and those that are net Yes No investors, investment grade and publicly owned are more likely to have written investment policies than are other companies, although the percentage of these organizations with written policies is also lower compared to last year. 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 12
Objectives of a Cash Investment Policy Organizations are continuously working to balance their desire for safety and liquidity against a competitive rate of return. Safety continues to be the most-valued short-term investment objective for 62 percent of organizations, slightly lower than the 64 percent reported last year. Even though unemployment numbers were at all-time lows, the stock market was on an upward trend and financial professionals were gaining confidence in the economy when this survey was conducted, organizations still chose safety over liquidity. Perhaps the small decline in the share citing safety as the most important objective can be attributed to an uptick in liquidity allowing for access to funding where and when a firm needs it. Note that these shares of respondents citing safety as their organization’s primary investment objective are significantly lower than the 84 percent of financial professionals that cited safety in 2009 after the recession in 2008. Whether a vast majority of companies will opt for safety in the wake of the severe economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic this year is unclear. We do know, however, that the two crises are different: one was credit driven while the other was liquidity driven. Thirty-four percent of survey respondents indicate their organizations’ most important objective is liquidity—slightly higher than the 33 percent reported in 2019 and the 31 percent in 2018. In fact, it is the largest share of survey respondents citing liquidity as the primary investment objective since 2008 when AFP began tracking this data. As safety and liquidity remain the primary objectives for organizations, yield continues to be a distant third. This year’s results reveal that four percent of survey respondents cite yield as the most important investment objective for their organizations, slightly higher than the three percent reported in 2019. We can expect in next year’s survey data to see the percentage of financial professionals citing yield as important, drop below the current four percent. The Most Important Objective of Organization’s Cash Investment Policy (Percentage Distribution of Organizations with a Written Cash Investment Policy) Safety Liquidity Yield 62% 34% 4% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 13
Review of Cash Investment Policy Written investment policies undergo periodic review to adjust for many factors. Among them are changes in the financial condition of an organization, changes to an organization’s risk tolerance, changes in overall market conditions and evolving preference of the company’s C-suite and Board. While 71 percent of organizations maintain written cash investment policies, not all of them review or update such policies regularly. Eighty percent of organizations with written investment policies review them on a regular basis, a share unchanged from that reported in both 2019 and 2018. About half (51 percent) of all organizations review/update policies annually and 11 percent do so more frequently—either every six months or quarterly. Eighteen percent of companies review/update their policies every 2-4 years. Frequency of Review/Update of Cash Investment Policy (Percentage Distribution of Organizations with a Written Cash Investment Policy) ANNUAL REVENUE ANNUAL REVENUE ALL LESS THAN AT LEAST NET NET INVESTMENT NON-INVESTMENT PUBLICLY PRIVATELY RESPONSES $1 BILLION $1 BILLION BORROWER INVESTOR GRADE GRADE OWNED HELD ONCE A QUARTER 7% 7% 5% 7% 4% 4% 8% 3% 10% EVERY SIX MONTHS 4% 4% 5% 3% 7% 6% 3% 5% 3% ONCE A YEAR 51% 51% 50% 49% 55% 53% 48% 51% 46% EVERY 2-4 YEARS 18% 15% 20% 21% 13% 16% 18% 19% 15% NOT ON A REGULAR BASIS 20% 23% 20% 21% 21% 21% 23% 22% 26% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 14
At 47 percent of organizations, investment policies Organizations with Investment Policies that Call Out/Separate Cash Holdings call out and/or separate cash holdings used for (Percentage Distribution of Organizations with a Written Cash Investment Policy) day-to-day liquidity from the rest of the company’s cash and short-term investment holding—a five- All Responses 47% 53% percentage-point decrease from last year. Those Annual Revenue policies include guidance stipulating the amount Less Than $1 Billion 42% 58% of cash holdings that is set aside for day-to-day liquidity versus other uses. The decline in the Annual Revenue 43% 57% At Least $1 Billion percentage of companies that have policies calling out cash holdings might be correlated with the lower percentage of organizations having written Net Borrower 42% 58% investment policies. The share reported in the current survey is closer to the 45 percent figure Net Investor 45% 55% in 2018. Investment Grade 43% 57% Non-Investment Grade 42% 58% Publicly Owned 43% 57% Privately Held 48% 52% Yes No 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 15
Percentage or Dollar Limits on Short-term Investment Holdings by Asset Managers or Funds Thirty-five percent of financial professionals report their organizations have neither a percentage nor dollar limit on short-term investment holdings by asset manager or fund. Eighteen percent of companies impose dollar limits while 27 percent restrict short-term investment with percentage limits; the remaining 20 percent have a mix of both dollar and percentage limits. Note that there is a significant variation between net investors and net borrowers in terms of dollar limits and percentage limits. The disparity is even wider for percentage limits. Percentage limits allow for the changes to be proportionate to the portfolio as it grows/shrinks, while dollar limits set specific levels of risk applicable to a fund or manager. What’s interesting here is the dollar amount/balance of the fund is not taken into consideration necessarily to remove concentration of risk if a fund were to have large outflows, especially as early in the current pandemic crisis two investment managers provided liquidity/support to their money funds. Percentage or Dollar Limits on Short-term Investment Holdings by Asset Manager or Fund (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) ANNUAL REVENUE ANNUAL REVENUE ALL LESS THAN AT LEAST NET NET INVESTMENT NON-INVESTMENT PUBLICLY PRIVATELY RESPONSES $1 BILLION $1 BILLION BORROWER INVESTOR GRADE GRADE OWNED HELD YES, DOLLAR LIMITS 18% 15% 20% 20% 14% 16% 20% 24% 15% YES, PERCENTAGE LIMITS 27% 30% 27% 22% 36% 33% 20% 20% 24% YES, PERCENTAGE AND DOLLAR LIMITS 20% 5% 24% 19% 15% 16% 21% 24% 14% NO, NEITHER PERCENTAGE NOR DOLLAR LIMITS 35% 49% 30% 39% 35% 34% 39% 32% 47% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 16
Rating Requirements for Money Funds A majority (83 percent) of organizations’ investment policies requires money market funds be rated. Forty-three percent of organizations require at least one agency rating assign a AAA rating and 23 percent mandate that their money market fund earn a AAA rating from at least two agencies. Fund ratings are meant primarily to be liquidity driven and not credit driven—a major difference in credit rating methodologies. The three major rating agencies differ in their general ratings criteria, so it is important to understand how they differ; an organization’s written policy incorporates these differences. For more information, see the Institutional Money Market Funds Association’s A Comparison of Money Market Fund Rates. Rating Requirements for Money Funds (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) ANNUAL REVENUE ANNUAL REVENUE ALL LESS THAN AT LEAST NET NET INVESTMENT NON-INVESTMENT PUBLICLY PRIVATELY RESPONSES $1 BILLION $1 BILLION BORROWER INVESTOR GRADE GRADE OWNED HELD DOES NOT REQUIRE RATINGS 17% 33% 11% 21% 15% 19% 17% 15% 24% ONE AGENCY WITH AAA RATINGS 43% 37% 48% 44% 46% 39% 56% 47% 40% AT LEAST TWO AGENCIES WITH AAA RATINGS 23% 12% 24% 19% 22% 23% 13% 22% 17% ONE AGENCY WITH LESS THAN AAA RATINGS 2% – 2% 2% 1% 2% – 2% 1% AT LEAST TWO AGENCIES WITH LESS THAN AAA RATINGS 6% 10% 4% 5% 8% 7% 3% 4% 7% OTHER 9% 8% 11% 9% 9% 9% 11% 9% 11% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 17
CURRENT ALLOCATIONS In the past two years, organizations were maintaining less than 50 percent of their short-term investments Percentage of Organization’s Short-Term Portfolios in bank deposits (46 percent in 2019 and 48 percent in 2018). In this year’s survey results, however, Allocated to Specific Investment Vehicles we see an increase, with the typical organization currently maintaining 51 percent of its short-term (Mean Percentage Distribution of Cash and Short-Term Investment Holdings) investment portfolio in bank deposits. This allocation represents a five-percentage-point increase from 2019 and a two-percentage-point increase from 2018. The higher balance being allotted to bank deposit PERCENTAGE OF products could potentially be pandemic (COVID-19) driven. As interest rates dropped to zero when this SHORT-TERM PERCENTAGE OF survey was being conducted, bank relationships were called upon as companies drew down on revolvers INVESTMENTS IN BANK SHORT-TERM and accessed extra liquidity. The offset is possibly reflected in the higher balances maintained in bank DEPOSITS, MMFs INVESTMENTS products as companies look to extend their share of the wallet with safety being paramount—all else AND TREASURY BILLS IN BANK DEPOSITS being equal. Companies maintain their investments in relatively few vehicles. Organizations invest in an average of 2020 77% 51% 2.27 vehicles for their cash and short-term investments. This average is a decrease from the 2.60 figure 2019 74% 46% reported in 2019. The majority of organizations continues to allocate a large share of their short-term investment balances— 2018 75% 49% an average of 77 percent—in perceived safe and liquid investment vehicles: bank deposits, money market funds (MMFs) and Treasury securities. The allocation to Government/Treasury money market funds is 16 2017 76% 53% percent, slightly higher than the 14 percent reported last year. 2016 77% 55% 2015 77% 56% 2014 75% 52% 2013 74% 50% 2012 74% 51% 2011 78% 42% 2010 74% 51% 2009 78% 37% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 19
Percent of Organization’s Short-Term Investments Allocated to Specific Investment Vehicles (Mean Percentage Distribution of Cash and Short-Term Investment Holdings) ANNUAL REVENUE ANNUAL REVENUE 2019 ALL LESS THAN AT LEAST NET NET INVESTMENT NON-INVESTMENT PUBLICLY PRIVATELY ALL RESPONSES $1 BILLION $1 BILLION BORROWER INVESTOR GRADE GRADE OWNED HELD RESPONSES BANK DEPOSITS (DDAS, TIME DEPOSITS, CDS, ETC.) 51% 57% 44% 55% 42% 45% 56% 50% 56% 46% GOVT/TREASURY MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS 16% 11% 22% 15% 19% 14% 21% 18% 17% 14% EURODOLLAR DEPOSITS (U.S. DOLLAR DENOMINATED TIME DEPOSITS AT BANKS OUTSIDE THE U.S.) 5% 4% 5% 5% 4% 6% 3% 8% 3% 4% TREASURY BILLS 5% 4% 5% 4% 6% 7% 1% 4% 3% 6% PRIME/DIVERSIFIED MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS 5% 3% 7% 2% 9% 6% 4% 6% 3% 5% SEPARATELY MANAGED ACCOUNTS 3% 5% 2% 2% 4% 4% 3% 1% 3% 5% COMMERCIAL PAPER 3% 3% 4% 3% 3% 4% 2% 3% 3% 4% AGENCY SECURITIES 2% 3% 2% 3% 2% 4% 1% 1% 1% 4% REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 3% 1% ENHANCED CASH/ CONSERVATIVE INCOME/ ULTRASHORT BOND FUNDS (E.G., CASH PLUS) 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% – 2% MUNICIPAL SECURITIES 1% – 1% – – 1% – – – 1% MUNI/TAX-EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUNDS 1% 2% – 1% – 1% – 1% 5% 3% OTHER 6% 6% 5% 4% 6% 6% 5% 4% 5% 4% MEAN NUMBER OF VEHICLES USED 2.27 2.22 2.36 2.10 2.63 2.67 1.73 2.18 2.01 2.6 “Other” includes corporate bonds, Eurobonds, group cash pool and secured notes 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 20
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investment Parameters in Operating Cash ESG (environmental, social and governance) Investment Parameters in Operating Cash The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) is an association that defines “responsible investment as (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) a strategy and practice to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in investment decisions and active ownership. Environmental factors include climate change, resource depletion, waste, 14% 18% Unsure pollution, deforestation. Social aspects are incorporated as human rights, modern slavery, child labor, Yes working conditions, and employee relations. Governance deals with bribery and corruption, executive pay, board diversity and structure, political lobbying and donations, and tax strategy.” Only 18 percent of respondents consider ESG investment parameters when managing operating cash, 68 percent do not consider ESG and 14 percent are unsure about taking ESG parameters into account. The 68% share of those organizations that are considering ESG parameters is four percentage points higher than No that reported in last year’s report. Net investors (27 percent) and privately held organizations (20 percent) are more likely to consider ESG criteria than are other organizations. Imposition of the Same Investment ESG parameters Half of respondents impose the same investment ESG parameters globally as domestically while 34 percent Globally as Domestically do not impose them the same; 16 percent are unsure. A higher percentage of smaller organizations (those (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) with annual revenue of less than $1 billion) (64 percent) and privately owned organizations (56 percent) 16% impose the same investment ESG parameters globally as domestically. Unsure Organizations investing in ESG investments are investing in the following: — ESG Money funds (cited by 38 percent of respondents) 50% — Separately managed accounts (24 percent) 34% Yes — Individual securities (21 percent) No ESG Investments (Percent of Organizations) ANNUAL REVENUE ANNUAL REVENUE ALL LESS THAN AT LEAST NET NET INVESTMENT NON-INVESTMENT PUBLICLY PRIVATELY RESPONSES $1 BILLION $1 BILLION BORROWER INVESTOR GRADE GRADE OWNED HELD ESG MONEY FUNDS 38% 38% 45% 23% 44% 37% 36% 27% 50% SEPARATELY MANAGED ACCOUNTS 24% 31% 20% 31% 20% 22% 27% 9% 38% INDIVIDUAL SECURITIES 21% 15% 10% 8% 24% 22% 9% 36% 6% OTHER POOLED FUNDS 19% 15% 25% 15% 20% 19% 18% 9% 6% MINORITY-OWNED BROKER PRODUCTS 5% 8% 5% 8% 4% 4% 9% 9% 6% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 21
Shifts in Investment Mix Anticipated Changes in Investment Mix (Percentage Distribution of Organizations that Anticipate Changes in Investment Mix) The anticipated changes in investment mix are more likely to be observed in bank deposits, with 26 percent of respondents anticipating an increase INCREASE DECREASE NO CHANGE and 15 percent expecting a decrease. Other investments likely to be impacted by shifts in an BANK DEPOSITS (DDAS, TIME DEPOSITS, CDS, ETC.) 26% 15% 59% organization’s investment mix are Government/ GOVT/TREASURY MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS 17% 11% 72% Treasury money market funds and Treasury bills. As stated earlier, the increase in the investment TREASURY BILLS 12% 5% 83% mix towards bank deposits and Government/ COMMERCIAL PAPER 11% 7% 83% Treasury money funds not only reflects a flight PRIME/DIVERSIFIED MONEY MARKET MUTUAL FUNDS 9% 8% 83% to perceived safety, but also as money funds durations decrease, there is additional yield to SEPARATELY MANAGED ACCOUNTS 9% 2% 89% capture as rates were set to zero. REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS 7% 5% 88% AGENCY SECURITIES 7% 6% 87% ASSET-BACKED SECURITIES 6% 3% 91% MUNICIPAL SECURITIES 6% 4% 91% EURODOLLAR DEPOSITS (U.S. DOLLAR-DENOMINATED TIME DEPOSITS AT BANKS OUTSIDE THE U.S.) 5% 9% 86% MUNI/TAX-EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUNDS 5% 4% 91% ENHANCED CASH/CONSERVATIVE INCOME/ULTRASHORT BOND FUNDS (E.G., CASH PLUS) 4% 2% 93% ETF BOND OR CASH STRATEGIES 4% 2% 94% AUCTION RATE SECURITIES 1% 2% 97% VARIABLE RATE DEMAND NOTES 1% 3% 96% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 22
Allocations Outside the U.S. Those organizations with cash and short-term investment holdings outside of the U.S. manage their cash holdings similarly as they do their domestic ones. Seventy percent of non-U.S. cash holdings are maintained in bank-type investments (including certificates of deposits, time deposits, etc.). This is similar to last year’s survey result of 75 percent. Another 21 percent is held in money market mutual funds and government-type securities—10 percentage points higher than the share that reported investing in these vehicles in the 2019 survey. Percent of Organization’s Short-Term Portfolio Currently Allocated to Specific Investment Vehicles Outside the U.S. (Mean Percentage Distribution of Cash and Short-Term Investment Holdings Among Organizations with Cash Outside the U.S) 0 70% 20 40 60 80 100 Bank-type investments (DDAs, CDs, Time Deposits, etc.) 6% Other 3% Commercial paper 8% Government-type securities 13% Money market mutual funds 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 23
Banks as Major Depositories for Cash and Short-term Investment Holdings As the survey results suggest, banks are still major depositories for companies’ U.S.-based cash and short-term investment holdings. The share of companies holding their short-term investments in banks increased slightly to 51 percent from 46 percent in 2019 and 49 percent in 2018. As the crisis surrounding the pandemic unfolds, it is imperative that the relationships between organizations and their banking partners be strong and that organizations have great trust in their banks as they maintain their liquidity in these institutions during these unprecedented times. Treasurers consider several factors when deciding where to place their organizations’ cash and short-term investments. A vast majority considers the overall relationship with their banks a determinant (cited by 93 percent of survey respondents) while 73 percent indicate that the credit quality of a bank is a deciding factor. During the financial crisis, credit quality of the bank was a primary driver in bank product utilization. With the pandemic, the overall relationship with banks is a key driver, suggesting that financial professionals are heavily invested in such relationships. However, they are prudent when looking at the long term and ensure that the credit quality is up to par. Rates are the third most important consideration, and this result is in line with the principles organizations follow when investing: safety first, liquidity second, and yield a distant third. As the pandemic and its aftermath unfold, organizations are focused on being able to access credit and remaining viable. Significant Determinants for Which Banks to Use When Investing in Bank Deposits (Percent of Respondents) Overall relationship with bank 93% Credit quality of the bank 73% Compelling rates offered on deposits 52% Simplicity of working with bank 40% Earnings credit rates (ECR) 33% Regulatory considerations 23% KYC process the bank uses 14% Transparency in ECR rate to a benchmark rate 10% Ability to determine how to apply ECR 8% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 24
Organizations rely on various bank instruments for their cash and short-term investments. The most commonly used bank products are interest-bearing deposit accounts and time deposits. Interest-bearing deposit accounts are the most often-cited bank product: 62 percent of treasury and finance professionals report their organizations use interest-bearing deposit accounts. Time deposit products are being used by 46 percent of organizations, an increase from the 40 percent reported last year. The use of structured bank deposit products has decreased by 18 percentage points from 49 percent to 31 percent. The share of organizations using non-interest-bearing accounts is down from 38 percent in the 2019 survey to 22 percent. The high allocation to interest-bearing deposit accounts is perhaps a by-product of the high point of the fed funds target rate at 2.5 percent in early 2019 when the Federal Reserve was attempting to keep pace with unemployment. It was not until late 2019 and into March 2020 that we saw the tapered decline in the federal funds rate which ultimately dropped to zero. Instruments Used When Investing in Bank Deposits (Percent of Organizations that Maintain Cash and Short-Term Investment Holdings at Banks) Interest-bearing deposit accounts 62% Time deposits (e.g., CDs) 46% Structured Bank Deposit Product (e.g., MMDA products) 31% Non-interest-bearing deposit accounts 22% Structured certificates of deposit (e.g., bulk CD products) 19% Hybrid (ECR and Interest bearing) 14% Other bank products 4% “Other” includes Overnight sweeps, CDARS, ECR and Fixed Deposit 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 25
Maturity Organizations continue to place most of their short-term investment holdings in instruments with Organization’s Short-Term Investment Portfolio in very short maturities. On average, 45 percent of all short-term investment holdings are in vehicles Terms of Maturity (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) with maturities of one day or less, while 18 percent of all short-term investment holdings are in vehicles with maturities of between 8 and 30 days. Another 10 percent of short-term investments are held in vehicles with maturities between 2 and 7 days. 4% 5% 1 day 5% 2-7 days Seventy-seven percent of financial professionals anticipate their organizations will maintain the 8-30 days current maturity profile over the next 12 months. This is lower than the 82 percent reported in the 13% 45% 31-90 days 2019 survey. Only 10 percent expect to lengthen the average maturity and the remaining 13 percent 91-180 days of organizations plan to further shorten the average maturity timeframe over the next year. During the COVID-19 crisis, shorter investment maturities will be preferred keeping pace with liquidity 18% 181-365 days needs; it was early in March 2020 when the Federal Reserve intervened with liquidity programs. 10% More than a year The most often-cited reasons for the change in average maturity of holdings in the next Expectation for Change in Average Maturity of Holdings 12 months are: in the Next 12 Months Lengthening average maturity is the risk in capital markets, stock market volatility (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) (cited by 41 percent of survey respondents) and economic risk and fear of recession (35 percent) 13% 10% Shortening average maturity is primarily to manage economic risk and fear of recession (59 percent) and short-term cash needed for business (54 percent) Lengthen Maintaining the average maturity of their holdings is primarily to ensure access to short-term cash Keep the same needed for business (82 percent) Shorten 77% Reasons for Choice of Option Selected Above (Percent of Organizations) ANNUAL REVENUE ANNUAL REVENUE ALL LESS THAN AT LEAST NET NET INVESTMENT NON-INVESTMENT PUBLICLY PRIVATELY RESPONSES $1 BILLION $1 BILLION BORROWER INVESTOR GRADE GRADE OWNED HELD SHORT-TERM CASH NEEDED FOR BUSINESS 73% 70% 75% 77% 67% 73% 73% 75% 74% RISK IN THE CAPITAL MARKETS, STOCK MARKET VOLATILITY 30% 27% 31% 23% 42% 34% 24% 32% 26% ECONOMIC RISK, FEAR OF RECESSION 30% 32% 29% 27% 36% 31% 31% 26% 32% CENTRAL BANKS INCREASING POLICY RATE 7% 11% 3% 5% 9% 6% 9% 1% 13% OTHER 8% 6% 10% 7% 9% 7% 7% 8% 8% “Other” includes business model/opportunities, COVID-19, more available liquidity/more flexibility, low interest-rate environment 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 26
04 MONEY MARKET FUNDS 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 27
MONEY MARKET FUNDS Primary Drivers in Selection of Money Market Funds There are various drivers that play a role in the Importance of Primary Drivers in Selection of Money Market Fund selection of money market funds. The top three are (Ranked on a scale from 1-10, where 1 is most important and 10 least important) fixed or floating NAV, yield and counterparty risk of 2020 2019 (Percent of Respondents) underlying instruments. Fifty-six percent of survey respondents cite fixed or floating NAV as a primary 1 Fixed or floating NAV 56% 56% driver, 38 percent cite yield and 37 percent cite counterparty risk of underlying instruments. In 2019 the top three drivers were fixed or floating NAV, 2 Yield 38% 40% yield and fund ratings. The change in the mix reflects two factors: the desire for prudent safety in terms of fixed NAV and 3 Counterparty risk of underlying instruments 37% 36% diversification in times of stressed liquidity. We often see the changes in this mix from year to year, Fund sponsor as part of our overall with the one exception that fixed or floating NAV 4 bank relationship mix and support 37% 33% continues to be the primary driver in the selection of a money fund. Equal this year to counterparty risk is the relationship aspect of investing. The fund 5 Ease of transaction process 35% 30% sponsor being part of the bank relationship mix is equally important, further driving the need for treasury professionals to leverage their share of the 6 Fund ratings 34% 38% wallet across Investment manager for separately managed accounts 7 or manages other investment products for us 24% 33% 8 Accounting treatment for the fund 18% 19% 9 Gates and fees 13% 13% 10 Diversification of underlying instruments 6% 14% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 28
Resources Banks play a key role in supporting organizations in their cash and short-term investment strategies by providing them with critical information on economic indicators and trends. In the past few years, it has been challenging to accurately predict the economic environment, and organizations are more likely to look to their banking partners for sound advice. This year’s survey results substantiate this claim; 94 percent of financial professionals identify banks as resources their organizations use for cash and short-term investment holding information. Other resources used by financial professionals include: — Investment research from brokers/investment banks (cited by 40 percent of respondents) — Credit rating agencies (35 percent) — Money market portals (32 percent) — Money market funds (31 percent) Over half the survey respondents (58 percent) would prefer to receive information from the above sources via email. Forty-three percent would like to receive this information from a combination of in-person meetings and electronically. Resources Utilized to Obtain Operating Cash and Short-Term Investment Holdings Information (Percent of Organizations) Banks 94% Investment research from brokers/investment banks 40% Credit rating agencies 35% Money market portals 32% Money market funds 31% Data feeds from information sources 17% Custodians 15% Credit research firms or third party 9% Other 1% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 29
The primary rationale for investing in U.S. Domestic Prime/Floating NAV Funds is yield (cited by 69 percent of respondents) followed by fund ratings/credit quality (46 percent). For privately held organizations, 80 percent of respondents note that yield is the primary rationale for investing in U.S. Domestic Prime/ Floating NAV Funds as well. Other primary rationales respondents selected are diversification of underlying instruments (36 percent), ease of transaction process (31 percent) and fund sponsor as part of our overall bank relationship mix and support (24 percent). As noted earlier in this report, the current allocation to prime funds is five percent, so this perspective is probably more that of the opportunistic-type investor with a higher risk tolerance. Primary Rationale for Investing in U.S. Domestic Prime/Floating NAV Funds (Percent of Organizations) ANNUAL REVENUE ANNUAL REVENUE ALL LESS THAN AT LEAST NET NET INVESTMENT NON-INVESTMENT PUBLICLY PRIVATELY RESPONSES $1 BILLION $1 BILLION BORROWER INVESTOR GRADE GRADE OWNED HELD YIELD 69% 77% 65% 75% 64% 65% 74% 61% 80% FUND RATINGS/CREDIT QUALITY 46% 47% 48% 43% 50% 44% 47% 33% 53% DIVERSIFICATION OF UNDERLYING INSTRUMENTS 36% 36% 35% 30% 41% 40% 28% 24% 37% EASE OF TRANSACTION PROCESS 31% 28% 32% 33% 29% 31% 33% 30% 29% FUND SPONSOR AS PART OF OUR OVERALL BANK RELATIONSHIP MIX AND SUPPORT 24% 21% 25% 30% 19% 24% 26% 24% 29% COUNTERPARTY RISK OF UNDERLYING INSTRUMENTS 21% 26% 18% 18% 26% 24% 19% 15% 31% COMFORTABLE WITH ACCOUNTING TREATMENT FOR THE FUND 18% 15% 20% 13% 22% 14% 23% 13% 20% FNAV FUNDS DO NOT FLOAT ALL THAT MUCH 13% 13% 12% 13% 12% 10% 19% 11% 12% ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL, GOVERNANCE (ESG) REASONS 8% 9% 8% 7% 9% 6% 12% 7% 12% OTHER 8% 2% 12% 7% 10% 8% 7% 15% 6% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 30
For the 27 percent of organizations that do invest outside of the U.S. and in a Type of Funds Invested in Outside of the U.S. in a European MMF European MMF (second only to bank deposits), euro-denominated debt is the (Percent of Organizations) second-highest rated currency after USD offshore. The most often-cited type of fund invested is low volatility NAV short-term MMF (26 percent). Forty- one percent of respondents are still researching a decision; that is a large 9% Researching a decision contingency given the high allocation to euro-denominated vehicles. Nearly half 11% of non-investment grade organizations and privately held organizations (49 Low Volatility NAV Short-term MMF percent) are still researching a decision, compared to 31 percent of net investors. 41% 13% Public Debt CNAV Short-term MMF Separately managed accounts were selected as common alternative investment Standard Variable NAV MMF option that organizations consider to complement current investment selection (43 percent). Fifty-nine percent of privately held organizations also selected Variable NAV Short-term MMF separately managed accounts, while only 29 percent of publicly owned 26% organizations did so. This has been the primary alternative investment option after the establishment of Prime Funds since 2016. Extending maturities (31 percent), ultrashort funds (21 percent) and ETFs bond or cash strategies (21 percent) were other alternative investment cited by respondents. 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 31
Real-Time Payments Operating in a 24/7 Environment – Real-Time Treasury Sixty-one percent of respondents expect the money market industry to provide 24/7 liquidity while 14 percent do not. However, 25 percent are unsure if real-time payments operating in a 24/7 environment should require the money market industry to provide 24/7 liquidity. Expectations that the Money Market Industry Would Provide 24/7 Liquidity with Real-Time Payments Operating in a 24/7 Environment (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) 25% 18% 28% Unsure Unsure Unsure Annual Annual All Revenue Revenue Responses 20% Less Than At Least 56% 61% $1 Billion 14% Yes No 62% $1 Billion Yes No Yes 16% No Eighty-two percent of financial professionals indicate their organizations would consider Real-Time Money Market Fund (82 percent) and over 60 percent report their organizations would be looking at Real-Time Investment Sweep. Real-Time Earnings Credit Rate would be considered by 40 percent of organizations. It is notable that investors are looking to the money fund industry rather than their higher allocated bank deposit products to provide liquidity when real time payments are more mainstream, suggesting real time liquidity products need to be in place. Vehicles Under Consideration Assuming the Options fit with Investment Policy (Percent of Organizations) Real-Time Money Market Fund 82% Real-Time Investment Sweep 61% Real-Time Earnings Credit Rate 40% Real-Time investment options “to follow the sun” 23% Other 1% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 32
05 LIBOR TRANSITION 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 33
PREPARING PORTFOLIOS FOR LIBOR TRANSITION Sixty percent of organizations currently do not have plans to prepare operating cash and investment portfolios for the Libor transition while 32 percent are researching it. Only seven percent confirm they have established it as a part of a larger transition Libor ask force. A higher percentage of larger organizations with annual revenue of at least $1 billion, those that are net investors, non-investment grade and privately held have firm plans in place to prepare for the Libor transition than do other companies. The deadline for the Libor transition—December 2021—seems to be off in the distance, and even more so since financial professionals are currently focused on keeping their organizations viable through the crisis surrounding COVID-19. Perhaps as the deadline gets closer, we will see an uptick in preparation coupled with a higher use of SOFR in the investment landscape. Organizations that have prepared or preparing for Libor transition are doing the following: — Surveying investment managers and issuers regarding their plans (cited by 35 percent of respondents) — Establishing investment maturity prior to December 2021 (31 percent) — Reviewing provisions for Floating Rate, Note resets and fallback language (25 percent) Plans to Prepare Operating Cash and Investment Portfolios for Libor Transition (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) ANNUAL REVENUE ANNUAL REVENUE ALL LESS THAN AT LEAST NET NET INVESTMENT NON-INVESTMENT PUBLICLY PRIVATELY RESPONSES $1 BILLION $1 BILLION BORROWER INVESTOR GRADE GRADE OWNED HELD NO PLANS CURRENTLY 60% 52% 42% 44% 50% 47% 45% 43% 46% RESEARCHING CURRENTLY 32% 43% 46% 49% 37% 44% 43% 49% 41% YES, ESTABLISHED AS PART OF A LARGER TRANSITION LIBOR TASK FORCE 7% 5% 12% 7% 13% 9% 12% 9% 13% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 34
CONCLUSION As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc, liquidity planning at organizations will continue to be a key focus—definitely for the second and third quarters of 2020 and most likely through the end of the calendar year. Companies need to remain a going concern, and treasury departments are on the front lines when it comes to protecting their organizations. Treasury and finance professionals will have to maintain a liquidity buffer and ensure they have a seat at the table with their company’s CFO, as they did during the financial crisis. Over 30 percent of corporate practitioners report an increase in their organizations’ cash holdings within the U.S. in the past 12 months, while slightly over half indicate there has been no significant change. Additionally, 56 percent of respondents indicate that in the past 12 months their organizations’ investments competitive rate of return. Safety continues to be percentage-point increase from 2018. This validates outside the U.S. were unchanged and 28 percent the most-valued short-term investment objective for the view that financial professionals were losing report an increase. The little change observed in cash over 60 percent of organizations. This is significantly confidence in the economy even before the pandemic holdings signals that financial professionals were not lower than the 84 percent of financial professionals and were looking to allocate their investments in safer fully convinced that the economy was on solid footing that cited safety as their organization’s primary options. The majority of organizations continues to even before the COVID-19 pandemic. investment objective in 2009 after the recession in allocate a large share of their short-term investment Changes in cash holdings are impacted by various 2008—a level that might suggest we can expect larger balances—an average of 77 percent—in perceived safe factors. Over three-fourths of survey respondents shares of companies opting for safety in the future in and liquid investment vehicles: bank deposits, money report that increased operating cash flow had either the wake of the pandemic. The 34 percent of survey market funds (MMFs) and Treasury securities. a significant or some impact on the increase in cash respondents citing liquidity as the primary investment Banks play a key role in supporting organizations in holdings at their organizations over the past 12 objective is the highest percentage since 2008 when their cash and short-term investment strategies by months. For those organizations that experienced AFP began tracking this data. As in past years, yield providing them with critical information on economic decreased cash holdings compared to a year ago, continues to rank third at a mere four percent. indicators and trends. In the past few years, it has key reasons for reduced cash holdings include In the past two years, organizations were maintaining been challenging to accurately predict the economic increased capital expenditures and decreased less than 50 percent of their short-term investments in environment, and organizations are more likely to look operating cash flow. A few respondents indicate that bank deposits; however, this year’s survey data reflect to their banking partners for sound advice. This year’s COVID-19 was playing a role in both increasing and an increase, with the typical organization currently survey results substantiate this claim; a vast majority decreasing cash holdings. maintaining 51 percent of its short-term investment of financial professionals identify banks as resources Organizations are continuously working to balance portfolio in bank deposits. This allocation is a five- their organizations use for cash and short-term their desire for safety and liquidity against a percentage-point increase from 2019 and a two- investment holding information. 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 35
ABOUT THE SURVEY PARTICIPANTS In March 2020, the Association for Financial Annual Revenue (USD) Net Borrower or Net Investor Professionals® (AFP) conducted a survey on current (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) and emerging trends in organizations’ cash and short-term investment holdings, investment policies Under $50 million 6% and strategies. AFP received 213 responses from its corporate practitioner members and an additional 162 responses were received from corporate practitioners $50-99.9 million 4% 40% Net borrower who are not AFP members. The combined 375 Net investor responses form the basis of this report. $100-249.9 million 5% 60% AFP thanks Invesco for underwriting the annual AFP Liquidity Survey. The survey questionnaire $250-499.9 million 13% and the report were produced by the Research Department of the Association for Financial Organizations’ Credit Ratings $500-999.9 million 15% (Percentage Distribution of Organizations) Professionals which is solely responsible for the content of the report. The demographic profile of the survey respondents mirrors that of AFP’s $1-4.9 billion 32% membership. The following tables summarize the characteristics of the survey respondents where $5-9.9 billion 13% 38% organization-level demographics are provided. Investment grade $10-20 billion 7% 62% Non-investment grade Over $20 billion 6% 2020 AFP® Liquidity Survey Report | 37
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