READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - Roaring Stories Bookshop

Page created by James Osborne
READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - Roaring Stories Bookshop
June 2021

new fiction + non-fiction + children’s + YA

                               Who Gets to Be
                               Bri Lee

                               The best-selling
                               and award-
                               winning author
                               of Eggshell Skull
                               asks ‘who gets to
                               be smart?’ in this
                               forensic and hard-
                               hitting exploration
                               of knowledge,
                               power and
READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - Roaring Stories Bookshop
June 2021

     Animal                       Should We Stay Or
     Lisa Taddeo                  Should We Go
     $32.99                       Lionel Shriver
     Out 8 June 2021              $29.99
     In a haunting, visceral      Out 2 June 2021
     novel of women surviv-       By turns hilarious and
     ing men, Lisa Taddeo         touching, playful and
     has produced one of          grave, Shriver’s latest
     the most compelling          novel is a a rollicking
     anti-heroines in fiction.    page-turner that por-
     ‘A fever dream of a          trays twelve parallel
     read’ (Stylist).             universes, each explor-
                                  ing a possible future for
                                  an ageing couple.

     Heaven                       One Hundred Days
     Mieko Kawakami               Alice Pung
     $32.99                       $32.99
     Out 25 May 2021              Out 1 June 2021
     A dazzling testament         A fractured fairytale
     to Kawakami’s literary       exploring the faultlines
     talent, she asks us to       between love and
     question the fate of         control between a
     the meek in a society        mother and daughter.
     that favours the strong,     At times tense and
     and the lengths that         claustrophobic, it brims
     even children go in          with humour, warmth
     their learned cruelty.       and character.

     Still Life                   Still
     Sarah Winman                 Matt Nable
     $32.99                       $32.99
     Out 2 June 2021              Out 26 May 2021
     From the author of           An evocative,
     When God was a               page-turning thriller
     Rabbit and Tin Man,          that begins with a body
     Still Life is a big-heart-   being dragged out of a
     ed story of people           Darwin river. If you loved
     brought together by          The Dry and Scrublands,
     love, war, art and the       you will love this book.
     ghost of E.M. Forster.
June 2021

The Other Half of You        Palace of the Drowned
Michael Mohammed             Christine Mangan
Ahmad                        $32.99
$32.99                       Out 8 June 2021
Out 26 May 2021              Set in the days before
In this moving and timely    and after Venice’s
novel, Ahmad balances        devastating 1966 flood,
the complexities of          this is an electrifying
modern love with the         and enticing new novel
demands of family,           from the author of the
tradition and faith. A       bestselling Tangerine.
powerful, insightful and
unforgettable new novel
from the Miles Franklin
shortlisted author of The

Voyeur                       The Other Black Girl
Francesca Reece              Gabriela Garcia
$32.99                       $29.99
Out 8 June 2021              Out 1 June 2021
A propulsive, vivid          Editorial assistant Nella
and witty debut set          Rogers is tired of being
over a French summer         the only Black employ-
that tackles the pull        ee at Wagner Books.
between desire and           She’s thrilled when
power, introducing a         Hazel starts working
brilliant new voice in       next to her…until things
fiction. For readers of      change. A whip-smart
Anna Hope and Naoise         and dynamic thriller
Dolan.                       and sly social commen-

Hard Like Water              The Union of
Yan Lianke                   Synchronised Swimmers
$32.99                       Cristina Sandu
Out 16 June 2021             $34.99
An irresistible tale about   Out 4 May 2021
sex and revolution, and      It’s summer behind the
a compelling drama           Iron Curtain, and six girls
about the nature of          are about to swim their
political power—by           way to the Olympics —
one of China’s greatest      and a new life. A book
contemporary writers.        in translation from the
Translated by Carlos         Helsinki author, and
Rojas.                       winner of the Toisinkoin-
                             en Literary Prize.
June 2021

     The Heartbeat of Trees     Welcome To Consent
     Peter Wohlleben            Yumi Stynes
     $29.99                     $15.99
     Out 1 June 2021            Out 1 May 2021
     Bestselling author and     An inclusive, frank
     forester Peter Wohlle-     and funny guide to
     ben reveals the hidden     navigating consent for
     interactions between       tweens and teens of
     humans and trees, and      all genders, from the
     how reconnecting with      award-winning authors
     the natural world is the   of Welcome To Your
     key to our survival.       Period.

     Care                       Languages of Truth
     Brooke McAlary             Salman Rushdie
     $32.99                     $35.00
     Out 1 June 2021            Out 1 June 2021
     With unwavering            Gathering writing
     compassion and             between 2003 and
     understanding, Brooke      2020, this book presents
     McAlary takes us on a      Rushdie’s most piercing
     journey to rediscover      views on the evolution
     the small pleasures that   of literature and culture
     create large ripples,      even as he takes us
     reminding us that no       deep into his own
     one needs to do it all     exuberant and fearless
     by themselves.             imagination.

     Rememberings               Acknowledgments
     Sinead O’Connor            Becky Lucas
     $45.00                     $29.99
     Out 28 Apr 2021            Out 2 June 2021
     From renowned social       From critically ac-
     research experts Mark      claimed comedian
     McCrindle and Ashley       Becky Lucas comes a
     Fell come the insights     funny, consoling and
     and answers we need        very candid collection
     to help our switched-      of stories and essays
     on, 21st-century kids      about friends, enemies
     thrive.                    and figuring it out.
June 2021

Alexandria                    Fully Human
Edmund Richardson             Steve Biddulph
$29.99                        $34.99
Out 1 June 2021               Out 25 May 2021
A wild journey through        Steve Biddulph draws
19thc India and Af-           on deeply personal
ghanistan, with im-           stories from his own
peccably researched           life, as well as those of
storytelling that shows       his clients, and from
us a world of espio-          the frontiers of thinking
nage and dreamers,            about how the brain
ne’er-do-wells and            works with the body
opportunists, extreme         and the wisdom of the
violence, and bound-          ‘wild creature’ inside all
less hope.                    of us.

China Panic                   Latitude
David Brophy                  Nick Crane
$32.99                        $32.99
Out 1 June 2021               Out 1 June 2021
Australia is in the grip      By knowing the shape
of a China Panic. How         of our earth we can
did we get here and           create maps, survive
what’s the way out? A         the oceans, follow
historian and lecturer        rivers, navigate the
better way to think           skies, and travel the
about foreign influ-          globe. This is the story
ence and the nation’s         of our world, of how we
future.                       discovered what no
                              one thought possible -
                              the shape of the earth.

Spring Cannot be              Rewilding the Urban
Cancelled                     Soul
Martin Gayford, David         Claire Dunn
Hockney                       $35.00
$50.00                        Out 1 June 2021
Out 8 June 2021               We’re a famously na-
David Hockney reflects        ture-loving nation, yet
upon life and art as he       86 per cent of Austra-
experiences lockdown          lians call the city home.
in rural Normandy. ‘A         Amid the concrete and
springboard for ideas         the busyness, how can
about art, space, time        we also answer the call
and light. It is scholarly,   of the wild?
thoughtful and provok-
ing.’ – The Times
June 2021

     PICTURE BOOK               PICTURE BOOK
     Ciao, Sandro!              Kafka and the Doll
     Steven Varni, Luciano      Larissa Theule
     Lozano                     $29.99
     $17.99                     Out 1 June 2021
     Out 8 June 2021            Inspired by a true story,
     Follow the adventures      Kafka and the Doll
     of a lovable Venetian      recounts a remarkable
     dog as he explores         gesture of kindness
     the streets and canals     from one of the world’s
     of his beloved city on     most bewildering and
     a special mission. In-     iconic writers.
     cludes a glossary of
     Italian words and a
     pronunciation guide.

      PICTURE BOOK               PICTURE BOOK
     Where is Claris in New     Comparrotives
     York                       Janik Coat
     Megan Hess                 $15.99
     $19.99                     Out 8 June 2021
     Out 2 June 2021            In this oversize board
     Claris, the chicest        book, young readers
     mouse in Paris, is         will learn about com-
     setting off on an excit-   parative adjectives
     ing adventure through      via a very humorous
     the Big Apple! Look        parrot, features sur-
     inside and find her!       prising touch-and-feel
                                novelty elements

      NONFICTION                NONFICTION
     Walking in Gagudju         The Book of Australian
     Country                    Trees
     Diane Lucas, Ben Tyler     Inga Simpson
     $29.99                     $26.99
     Out 1 June 2021            Out 26 May 2021
     Walk through one of        Trees tell stories about
     the Top End’s magnifi-     places, and Australia
     cent monsoon forests,      has some of the tallest,
     in Kakadu National         oldest, fattest and
     Park, learning about       most unusual trees
     the plants, animals and    in the world. Inga
     Kundjeyhmi culture         Simpson’s first book for
     along the way.             children.
June 2021

Survivors of Land, Sea      Kunyi
and Sky                     Kunyi June Anne
Ben Hubbard                 McInerney
$19.99                      $27.99
Out 1 June 2021             Out 1 June 2021
Fifteen amazing stories     A collection of tender
of survival against the     and honest stories that
odds, focussing on          will educate children
positive outcomes of        on our nation’s history
natural disasters and       and remind adult
accidents from recent       readers of the real
history.                    impact of the Stolen

 NONFICTION                 The Right Way to Rock
Earth’s Aquarium            Nat Amoore
Alexander Kaufman           $14.99
$44.99                      Out 1 June 2021
Out 2 June 2021             When Principal Keiren
Explore 15 real-life        plans to cut all arts
water worlds and meet       classes, there’s no way
the wildlife that makes     me and my new mate
each one unique. An         Flynn are gonna let
oversized gift book         that happen. We’re
with iridescent gold foil   dragging our secret
cover.                      Broadway apprecia-
                            tion society into the

Twitch                      100 Remarkable Feats
M. G. Leonard               of Xander Maze
$18.99                      Clayton Zane Comber
Out 2 June 2021             $19.99
The internationally         Out 2 June 2021
bestselling author of       Xander Maze loves lists,
Beetle Boy writes a         and his grandmother is
thrilling mystery adven-    #1 on his list of People I
ture about friendship,      Love Most in the World.
bravery and the won-        But now that Nanna
derful world of birds,      has stage 4 cancer,
starring a birdwatching     can a new list of 100
detective called Twitch.    Remarkable Feats
                            really save her?
June 2021

Lolita in the Afterlife
Jenny Minton Quigley
A vibrant collection of sharp and essen-
tial modern pieces on the perennially
controversial Lolita, by a wide range of
celebrated writers, edited by the daughter
of Lolita’s original publisher.

Checkmate in Berlin            Building for Hope             Sitting in the Shade
Giles Milton                   Marwa Al-Sabouni              Hugh Johnson
$34.99                         $39.99                        $39.99
A compulsive                   The follow-up to Marwa        Hugh shares with the
page-turner about the          al-Sabouni’s dramatic         reader through his
battle for Berlin and          memoir, in which the          easy, evocative writing
control of the Western         Syrian architect explores     an eclectic mix of
world in the aftermath         how cities and buildings      thoughtful, topical and
of the Second World            might be rebuilt in the       whimsical insights that
War from ‘the master of        aftermath of conflict,        will delight not only gar-
narrative history’.            crisis or financial depres-   deners but anyone with
                               sion.                         an interest in nature.
June 2021

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         (02) 9810 5613

     Mon – Sat: 9am –6pm
       Sun: 9am – 4pm

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