READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - BOOK OF THE MONTH - Roaring Stories Bookshop

Page created by Tina Nguyen
READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - BOOK OF THE MONTH - Roaring Stories Bookshop
January 2021

new fiction + non-fiction + children’s + YA

Outlawed | Anna North |

A feminist Western set in an
alternate past – think The
Handmaid’s Tale meets Butch
Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - BOOK OF THE MONTH - Roaring Stories Bookshop
January 2021

     The Funny Thing about       The Prophets
     Norman Foreman              Robert Jones Jr.
     Julietta Henderson          $32.99
     $32.99                      Out 12 Jan 2021
     Out 5 Jan 2021
                                 Reminiscent of Toni
     An inspiring, feel-good     Morrison and James
     novel about a small         Baldwin, Robert Jones
     boy with a big heart, a     Jr. tells an unflinching
     woman who would do          story of forbidden love
     anything for her son,       between two enslaved
     and a journey that will     men in Mississippi whose
     change their lives.         relationship threatens all
                                 around them.

     Repentance                  The Frenchman
     Arlene Heyman               Jack Beaumont
     $32.99                      $29.99
     Out 5 Jan 2021              Out 1 Jan 2021

     A tale of a country         A gripping debut thriller
     town and its rhythms,       based on a real-life
     this is also the story of   French intelligence op-
     modern Australia at         erative, The Frenchman
     one of its flashpoints,     follows a spy in charge
     told tenderly through       of eliminating terror
     characters you won’t        threats and disrupting
     forget.                     weapons programs.

     Hag                         That Old Country Music
     Multiple contributors       Kevin Barry
     $29.99                      $27.99
     Out 12 Jan 2021             Out Dec 2020

     Dark folktales retold for   A brilliant story col-
     modern times by some        lection - full of love,
     of the most exciting        melancholy and magic
     women writing today,        - where we encounter
     from Daisy Johnson to       a ragbag of West of
     Eimear McBride.             Ireland characters,
                                 many on the cusp
                                 between love and
                                 catastrophe, resignation
                                 and hope.
READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - BOOK OF THE MONTH - Roaring Stories Bookshop
January 2021

               Shelter                                   One Night, New York
               Catherine Jinks                           Lara Thompson
               $32.99                                    $32.99
               Out 5 Jan 2021                            Out 12 Jan 2021

               ‘A tense thriller about                   Set over the course of a
               gaslighting, the kinds                    single night, One Night,
               of abuse people inflict                   New York is a detective
               on one another and                        story, a romance and a
               the way this abuse can                    coming-of-age tale set
               ripple through genera-                    in the nightclubs, tene-
               tions.’ –B&P                              ments and skyscrapers
                                                         of 1930s New York.
‘This is such a timely topic with such a
chilling angle, I’m both intrigued and
terrified to read it.’ – Caelli

               Memoirs and Misinfor-                     When the Apricots
               mation                                    Bloom
               Jim Carrey, Dana                          Gina Wilkinson
               Vachon                                    $32.99
               $44.99                                    Out 29 Dec 2020
               Out 17 Nov 2020
                                                         Three women confront
               A fearless, surreal                       the complexities of trust,
               semi-autobiographical                     friendship and mother-
               novel from the iconic                     hood under the rule of
               comedian and actor,                       a dictator in this debut
               which tells a story                       inspired by the author’s
               about apocalypses                         own experiences in
               within and without.                       Iraq.

               The Arrest                                Fragile Monsters
               Jonathan Lethem                           Catherine Menon
               $29.99                                    $32.99
               Out Jan 2020                              Out 5 Jan 2021

               From the author of The                    Written in vivid techni-
               Feral Detective and                       colour, with an electric
               Motherless Brooklyn                       daughter-grandmother
               comes an utterly orig-                    relationship at its heart,
               inal post-apocalyptic                     this stunning debut
               yarn about two siblings,                  novel is about the
               the man that came                         secrets fester through
               between them, and a                       generations.
               nuclear-powered super
               car.                        ‘Compared to The God of Small Things
                                           – perhaps my favourite book – I’m very
                                           intrigued to open this.’ – Kate
READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - BOOK OF THE MONTH - Roaring Stories Bookshop
January 2021

     JFK Volume 1                                The Dead Are Arising
     Fredrik Logevall                            Les Payne, Tamara
     $35.00                                      Payne
     Out 1 Dec 2020                              $59.99
                                                 Out 12 Jan 2021
     The definitive biog-
     raphy of JFK, from a                        A magisterial by a
     Pulitzer Prize-winning                      Pulitzer Prize-winning
     historian. Full of new                      journalist that affirms the
     material, JFK is the                        centrality of Malcolm X
     untold story of how                         to the African American
     the rise of President                       freedom struggle and
     Kennedy and the rise                        the story of the 20th
     of the United States                        century.
     mirror one another.

     The Quiet Americans                         The Assassin’s Cloak
     Scott Anderson                              Irene Taylor, Alan Taylor
     $34.99                                      $49.99
     Out 20 Dec 2020                             Out 1 Jan 2021

     A chronicle of the ex-                      A beautiful updated
     ploits of four spies who                    collector’s edition of the
     ran covert global op-                       world’s greatest 20th
     erations, and a parallel                    century diarists, with
     story of how the United                     entires for every day of
     States managed to                           the year – from Queen
     permanently damage                          Victoria to Andy Warhol,
     its moral standing in                       to Adrian Mole.
     the world.
                                  ‘Instantly the reader is transported by this
                                  time travel machine of a book.’ – Tim

     Monarchs of the Sea                         Atlantis
     Danna Staaf                                 Carlo Piano, Renzo
     $27.99                                      Piano
     Out 13 Jan 2021                             $29.99
                                                 Out Jan 2021
     Before mammals, there
     were dinosaurs. And                         World-famous archi-
     before dinosaurs, there                     tect Renzo Piano and
     were cephalopods.                           his son Carlo set sail
     An epic, witty history                      from Genoa one late
     about these bizarre but                     Summer day, guided
     beautiful creatures that                    by the ancestral desire
     ruled the seas - and still                  felt by many explorers
     captivate us today.                         before them: to find
READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - BOOK OF THE MONTH - Roaring Stories Bookshop
January 2021

The Virago Book Of         Culture is Life
Women Travellers           Wayne Quilliam
Mary Morris                $39.99
$35.00                     Out 20 Jan 2021
Out 29 Dec 2020
                           A modern, photo-
A collection of writings   graphic celebration
by female observers        of the diversity of
of the world in which      Indigenous Australians,
they wander – from         exploring the nuances
Gertrude Bell to Edith     of Indigenous thinking
Wharton – their prose      and identity, and how
rich in description,       First peoples view their
remarkable in detail.      place within Australian
                           contemporary culture.

The Act of Living          Intimacy and Solitude
Frank Tallis               Stephanie Dowrick
$34.99                     $29.99
Out 12 Jan 2021            Out 2014

An original account of     We make and break
psychology through         relationships routinely,
the discipline’s great     often without really
practitioners (Freud,      understanding why.
Jung etc) and their        Stephanie Dowrick
thoughts, functioning      reveals how in order
both as narrative and      to meet that desire for
sophisticated self-help    rewarding relationships,
book.                      we must first start with

Chasing Harvest            FLY: Financially Literate
Kevin O’Connor             Youth
$55.00                     Marlies Hobbs, Jai
Out 6 Jan 2021             Hobbs
A culinary wunderkind      Out 5 Jan 2021
charts his remarkable
journey from Califor-      A go-to reference
nian teen prodigy to       guide for life’s important
globe-trotting Chef-       financial decisions and
at-Large, and the          milestones, from high
incredible produce,        school and beyondjuris-
places and passions        prudence.
that continue to stoke
his love for food.
READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - BOOK OF THE MONTH - Roaring Stories Bookshop
January 2021

               PICTURE BOOK                                 PICTURE BOOK
              Stand Up! Speak Up!                          Where’s Mrs Tiger?
              Andrew Joyner                                Ingela P Arrhenius
              $32.99                                       $12.99
              Out 4 Jan 2021                               Out 4 Jan 2021

              From a #1 bestselling                        The original, award-win-
              author, a timely picture                     ning Felt Flap series
              book about a young                           – perfect for babies and
              girl’s mission to inspire                    toddlers – has a bold
              others to help the                           new jungle title! There’s
              planet.                                      friendly characters to
 ‘A productive, inspiring read to en-                      find behind colourful felt
 courage children to think about the                       flaps, including Mrs Tiger
 environment and what we can all do to                     herself.
 help it.’ – Nell

               ILLUSTRATED                                  JUNIOR FICTION
               NONFICTION                                  Little Gem
              How Life on Earth                            Anna Zobel
              Began                                        $14.99
                                                           Out 7 Jan 2021
              Aina Bestard
              Out 14 Jan 2021                              Everyone thinks Gem is
                                                           their new village witch
              Packed with illustra-                        – but Gem’s new friends
              tions, this is a wonderful                   do need her. There
              way to understand                            are tales of a terrifying
              the story of evolution,                      beast in the woods.
              from the first cells, to
              dinosaurs, to the first
              human beings.

               JUNIOR FICTION                               JUNIOR FICTION
              Robin Hood 2: Piracy,                        Amari and the Night
              Paintballs & Zebras                          Brothers
              Robert Muchamore                             B.B. Alston
              $14.99                                       $17.99
              Out 7 Jan 2021                               Out 20 Jan 2021

              Robin and Marion are                         ‘Sharp, funny and
              back! The second book                        brightly imaginative – a
              in the brand-new, ac-                        big adventure filled
              tion-packed series from                      with magic and heart.’
              international bestseller                     – Jessica Townsend
              Robert Muchamore.                            (Nevermoor series)
                                           ‘I can’t wait to read this, Amari is such
                                           a strong, sassy character, perfect for
                                           leading a magical quest!’ – Caelli
READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - BOOK OF THE MONTH - Roaring Stories Bookshop
January 2021

                      YOUNG ADULT                                    YOUNG ADULT
                     Concrete Rose                                   Influence
                     Angie Thomas                                    sara shepard, Lilia
                     $18.99                                          Buckingham
                     Out 20 Jan 2021                                 $17.99
                                                                     Out 12 Jan 2020
                     A poignant and
                     searing exploration of                          A compulsive mystery
                     Black boyhood and                               set in the fiercely
                     manhood from the                                competitive world of
                     bestselling author, revis-                      Internet stars from best-
                     iting Garden Heights by                         selling Pretty Little Liars
                     focusing on Maverick’s                          author and an actress
                     origins as he becomes                           and social media star.
                     a father.

Jan Larsen is the artist behind a series of Balmain-themed greeting cards, which are in
store at Roaring Stories. This February, her work will be featured in a joint exhibition in
Pyrmont. Read the interview with Larsen on the Roaring Stories blog.
READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - BOOK OF THE MONTH - Roaring Stories Bookshop
January 2021

She Will Soar
Ana Sampson

A stunning gift book featuring 150 poems
about wanderlust, freedom and escape
written by women – including Maya
Angelou, Carol Ann Duffy,Christina Rossetti
and Margaret Atwood.

Shakespearean                    Gorillaz Almanac           The Subterranean
Robert McCrum                    Gorillaz                   Railway
$34.95                           $39.99                     Christian Wolmar
A rich, brilliant and            A full colour, 120+ page
superbly drawn portrait          homage to the Gorillaz,    The dramatic story of
of an extraordinary artist,      jammed with exclusive      the men who made the
told through enthralling         new artwork, games,        world’s first, and still the
                                 puzzles and appear-        largest, underground
                                 ances from collabora-      passenger railway.
                                 tors past and present.
READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - BOOK OF THE MONTH - Roaring Stories Bookshop
January 2021

live + digital event                                                FREE

in conversation with
Sunil Badami

                                                        ELIZABETH FARRELLY

                                                              SUNIL BADAMI

                                                        Part-lovesong, part-
                                                          warning, Farrelly’s
                                                          hotly anticipated
                                                         book is a blueprint
                                                        for the future of our
                                                           city in a radically
                                                            changing world.

                                                        Thurs 11 FEB
Find out how more about this event by visiting
the Events page of the Roaring Stories website:   Royal Oak Balmain
                                                    & Facebook Live
READS THIS MONTH new fiction + non-fiction + children's + YA - BOOK OF THE MONTH - Roaring Stories Bookshop
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