Page created by Wanda Brooks

       독서 프로그램
                                                    We are happy to present the read-
                                                    ing list for 2019. Many thanks to the
  Education for Mission                        4    Reading Program Committee and our
  Leadership Development                       6    network of evaluators for their hard
                                                    work and commitment to bring this list
  Nurturing for Community                      8    to you.
  Social Action                              11
                                                    This year we look at the history be-
  Spiritual Growth                           13
                                                    tween The United Methodist Church,
  Children                                   17     the United States and Native people;
                                                    Alzheimer’s disease; and the impor-
  Youth                                      19
                                                    tance of wellness in body and spirit.
  Recommended Reading                        22     Of course, we continue to look at the
  Libros en Español                          23     quadrennial focuses of economic injus-
                                                    tice, the environment and exploration
  한국어 서적                                     25     of intellectual and spiritual leadership.
  About the Reading Program                  28     And, as always, we walk together on
                                                    personal journeys of spiritual growth.
  Acerca del Programa de Lectura 31
  한국어 프로그램 안내                                34     Please note that all titles labeled
                                                    “Kindle” are also available in print.
  Shipping Information                       37
                                                    You can purchase these books from
  Order Form                                 38     United Methodist Women at:
  Formulario de Pedido                       39
  한국어 주문서                                    40     (Links to books will be provided there.)
  Sources for the Visually Impaired 41
                                                    Electronic books can be read on
  Many Ways to Order                         44     any device (a computer, smart
                                                    phone or tablet) and the text can be
  Cómo Hacer Pedidos                         44
                                                    enlarged to make any Reading
  주문정보                                       44     Program book readable.

                                                    I hope you enjoy this list and continue
                                                    to read, pray and act.

                                                    Brenda Thompson
                                                    Reading Program Specialist

Suggestions, recommendations
or comments about Reading Program
books can be sent to the
Reading Program
United Methodist Women
475 Riverside Drive, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10115
Please indicate title, author, publisher, date of
publication and price.
¡ SALUDOS!                                      안녕하세요.
Nos complace presentar la lista de              2019 년 독서 목록이 준비되어서 반갑습니다.
lectura para el año 2019. Muchas                독서프로그램 위원회와 평가자들로 수고하신
gracias al Comité del Programa de               분들께 감사드립니다.
Lectura y a nuestra red de evaluado-
ras por su arduo trabajo y compro-
                                                올해 우리는 연합감리교회, 미국과 미 원주민
miso en ofrecerles esta lista.
                                                들의 역사; 치매; 그리고 온전한 몸과 영혼의
Este año analizamos la historia entre           중요성을 관찰할 것입니다. 물론, 경제 불평등에
la Iglesia Metodista Unida, los Esta-           4년간 계속해서 관심을 둘 것이며, 환경 정의와
dos Unidos y los pueblos indígenas;
                                                지적 및 영적인 지도자 개발도 탐구할 것입니다.
la enfermedad de Alzheimer y la im-
portancia del bienestar en el cuerpo            항상 그랬듯이 영적 성장을 위한 우리의 여정을
y el espíritu.                                  함께 할 것입니다.

Por supuesto, seguimos teniendo
                                                ‘킨들(Kindle)’이라고 명시된 제목은 모두
en cuenta los énfasis cuadrienales
sobre la injusticia económica, el               인쇄된 책으로도 살 수 있습니다. 이 책들은
medioambiente, y el profundizar el    
liderazgo intelectual y espiritual.             readingprogram에서 살 수 있습니다.
                                                (이 웹사이트에서 책으로 연결됩니다.)
Y, como siempre, caminamos juntas
en nuestro peregrinaje personal de              전자책은 컴퓨터나, 스마트폰, 태블릿으로
crecimiento espiritual.                         볼 수 있습니다. 읽을 수 있도록 글자를 크게
                                                만들 수 있습니다.
Tenga en cuenta que todos los
títulos que tienen la etiqueta
“Kindle” están disponibles también              이 목록을 즐기시기를 바랍니다. 계속해서
en libros impresos. Puede comprar               읽으시고 기도하시고 실천에 옮기십시오.
estos libros a Mujeres Metodistas
Unidas en:                                      브렌다 톰슨                       독서프로그램 전문가
(Allí encontrará los enlaces de inter-
net de los libros.)
Los libros electrónicos pueden leerse
en cualquier clase de equipo (orde-
nador, teléfono celular con internet o
tableta) y el texto puede ampliarse con
letra grande para facilitar la lectura de
los libros del Programa de Lectura.
Los libros sin No. de Orden no se
proporcionan a través del Centro de
Recursos Misionales.
Espero que disfruten de esta lista
y que continúen leyendo, orando
y actuando.
Brenda Thompson
Especialista del Programa de Lectura


                        ESCAPE FROM THE                          AN INSIDER’S GUIDE
                        GREEN MANSION                            TO PRAYING FOR
                        Ordinary Church Women                    THE WORLD
                        and their Extraordinary                  Brian C. Stiller
                        Rescue of San Francisco’s                Baker Publishing Group, 2016
                        Brothel Slaves                           Kindle
                        Christine Taylor               
                        2014                                     readingprogram
                              An Insider’s Guide to Praying
                        readingprogram                           for the World is a journey to see
                                                                 what God is doing in people and
                                                                 places around the world, and
                        Escape from the Green Mansion
                                                                 an invitation to join them in your
                        is a true story. In the late 1800s
                                                                 daily prayers on your own or in
                        thousands of Chinese women
                                                                 a group. The book gives brief
                        sailed to America’s West Coast.
                                                                 information about the country—
                        Many of them were enslaved
                                                                 where it’s located, its population,
                        as soon as they stepped off the
                                                                 religions practiced, and the real-
                        freighters and were forced into
                                                                 ities that impact life and spiritual
                        years of prostitution—the “green
                                                                 well-being—and offers several
                        mansion.” Many lost hope. Many
                                                                 items for prayer.
                        died. But a few of them began to
                        whisper about the “Jesus wom-
                        en.” Read about these women
                        and learn about the Methodist
                        legacy and Methodist mission
                        institution Gum Moon Residence
                        in San Francisco.

THREADING MY                            THE MISSION-MINDED
PRAYER RUG                              GUIDE TO CHURCH AND
One Woman’s Journey                     SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS
from Pakistani Muslim to                Jake McGlothin
American Muslim                         Abingdon Press, 2017
                                        174 pages
Sabeeha Rehman
Skyhorse Publishing, 2017               $16.99
                                        Stock #RP1904
Stock #RP1922
                                        The Mission-Minded Guide to
                                        Church and School Partnerships
Threading My Prayer Rug is a            offers practical steps that con-
richly textured refection on what       gregations can take to make a
it is to be a Muslim in America         difference with the children in
today. Beginning with a sweetly         their communities. Readers will
funny, moving account of her            discover how to begin two-
arranged marriage, the author           way, trusting relationships with
undercuts stereotypes and offers        schools, principals and teachers
a refreshing view of an American        and inspire your church family to
life through Muslim eyes.               embrace the power they have to
                                        change lives and make a differ-
                                        ence in your community.

                           EDUCATION FOR MISSION                 LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT

                        ONE                                    ELEANOR: A SPIRITUAL
                        Unity in a Divided World               BIOGRAPHY
                        Deidra Riggs                           The Faith of the 20th Century’s
                        Baker Publishing Group, 2017           Most Infuential Woman
                        $14.99                                 Harold Ivan Smith
                        Stock #RP1908                          Westminster John Knox Press,
                        In One, Deidra Riggs calls us to       239 pages
                        put our focus on self-preserva-        $20.00
                        tion aside and, like Jesus, make       Stock #RP1923
                        the frst move toward reconcili-
                        ation. She helps us understand         More than ffty years after her
                        that we are secure in God’s in-        death, Eleanor Roosevelt is re-
                        exhaustible love, making us free       membered as a formidable First
                        to love others lavishly—not just       Lady and tireless social activist.
                        in what we do but in what we           Often overlooked, however, is her
                        say and don’t say, what we will        deep and inclusive spirituality. Her
                        endure and what we will forgive.       personal faith was focused on
                                                               Jesus and fueled her commitment
                                                               to civil rights, women’s rights and
                                                               the rights of all people marginal-
                                                               ized in American society. Eleanor:
                                                               A Spiritual Biography provides
                                                               insight into one of America’s most
                                                               famous women, particularly the
                                                               spiritual infuences that made her
                                                               so active in social justice issues.

FRESH EXPRESSIONS                       SYNERGY
A New Kind of Methodist                 A Leadership Guide for
Church for People Not in                Church Staff and Volunteers
Church                                  Ann A. Michel
Kenneth H. Carter Jr. and               Abingdon Press, 2010
Audrey Warren                           109 pages
Abingdon Press, 2017                    $14.99
124 pages                               Stock #RP1903
Stock #RP1901                           This instructive and helpful
                                        book is for leaders who seek
Join the wave of new Methodist          to invite and energize others,
churches that are emerging to           and who seek to recruit, train
reach un-churched and de-               and develop new people for
churched people living in an            ministry. It covers topics like
increasingly nonreligious and           the inclusivity of God’s call, the
multireligious culture. These           dynamics of a healthy team,
new faith communities listen to         the art of asking, mastering
people and meet them where              meetings, and how to deal with
they are on their journey toward        confict.
Jesus. They are deeply ecu-
menical without losing their dis-
tinctiveness because they learn
fresh ways to communicate
their identity through faithful

                           LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT                NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY

                         WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR?                   BETTER
                         ¿QUIÉN ES MI VECINO?                  Waking Up to Who We
                         Learning Spanish as Church            Could Be
                         Hospitality                           Melvin Bray
                         Joyce Carrasco, MTS, et al.           Chalice Press, 2017
                         Teacher and Student manuals           169 pages
                         Kindle                                $21.99
                            Stock #RP1911
                                                               What if we could change the
                         English-speaking congregations        world by telling better stories?
                         and churches can use this re-         What if the world we have—
                         source to learn basic Spanish-        with its “ism”s, religious hatred
                         speaking skills to provide a          and ecological disregard—is
                         welcoming atmosphere to the           exactly the world we have
                         Hispanic communities surround-        spun into existence through
                         ing them. This resource covers        the stories we have told?
                         basic conversational Spanish          Better offers a spiritual path
                         and simple, easy-to-follow            for people who question many
                         worship material that can be          assumptions about God and
                         implemented in a program of           the world, so they can contin-
                         hospitality by congregations of       ue to hold onto their faith while
                         any size.                             joining others of goodwill in
                                                               seeking sustainable, coopera-
                                                               tive and courageous answers
                                                               to the persistent problems of
                                                               our time.

HOPE FOR THE FUTURE                         THE HIDDEN LIFE
Answering God’s Call to                     AWAKENED
Justice for Our Children                    Kitty Crenshaw and Cathy
Shannon Daley-Harris                        Snapp, PhD.
Westminster John Knox Press,                Cairns Resources, 2016
2016                                        221 pages
144 pages
$17.00                                      Stock #RP1918
Stock #RP1924
                                            When Betty Skinner was 42
In this time when it appears                years old her doctor told her,
our children’s future is bleak,             “You have a hole in your soul.” In
and children across our nation              the 50 years that followed, Betty,
face many challenges, Hope for              now in her 90s and clinging only
the Future brings us refections             to her faith and a glimmer of
that move us beyond what we                 hope, journeyed from desperate
know to be true about the state             clinical depression to wholeness
of our children to a place that             and profound wisdom well before
challenges how we live into our             antidepressants and mindfulness
responsibilities as children of             were mainstream. Emerging
God. This book uses stories                 science now affrms that the
that echo Scripture to inspire              organic path Betty traveled in
teachers, pastors, caregivers and           those decades has the power to
parents to look, listen and “move           heal the broken body, mind and
our feet” in order to care for all of       spirit. By changing her thought
God’s “little ones.”                        patterns, she changed her life.


                          THE SAME SKY: A NOVEL                       WHEN DID EVERYBODY
                          Amanda Eyre Ward                            ELSE GET SO OLD?
                          Penguin Random House, 2015                  Indignities, Compromises,
                          286 pages                                   and the Unexpected Grace
                          $15.00                                      of Midlife
                          Stock #RP1920                               Jennifer Grant
                                                                      Herald Press, 2017
                          Alice owns a barbecue restau-               187 pages
                          rant with her husband, Jake,                $16.99
                          in Austin, Texas. They have a               Stock #RP1916
                          loving marriage and thriving
                          business, but Alice still feels that        When Did Everybody Else Get
                          something is missing. Carla is              So Old? is Jennifer Grant’s
                          a strong-willed young girl who’s            unblinking, good-humored and
                          had to grow up fast, acting as              hope-flled look at the transi-
                          caretaker to her six-year-old               tions of middle age. Exploring
                          brother, Junior, in Honduras.               the physical, spiritual and
                          When their grandmother dies                 emotional changes unique to
                          and violence in the city es-                the middle years, this is a must-
                          calates, Carla takes fate into              read for anyone facing the fux
                          her hands and she and Junior                and fow of age 40 and beyond.
                          join the thousands of children
                          making the perilous trek across
                          Mexico to America. In this
                          elegant and touching novel, the
                          lives of Alice and Carla intersect
                          in a profound and surprising way
                          as they each search for a place
                           to belong.

                           B                                             B

NOBODY CRIES WHEN                           WALKING ON LAVA
WE DIE                                      Selected Works for
God, Community, and                         Uncivilised Times
Surviving to Adulthood                      (BONUS BOOK)
(BONUS BOOK)                                The Dark Mountain Project
Patrick B. Reyes                            Chelsea Green, 2017
Chalice Press, 2016                         279 pages
190 pages                                   $20.00
$19.99                                      Stock #RP1913
Stock #RP1912
                                            This collection of work is by turn
For people of color living each day         magical, brave, earnest and
surrounded by violence, and for             mournful, but truthful throughout.
whom survival is not a given, vo-           The authors point the way down
cational discernment is more than           a faint but still visible trail beyond
“fnding your purpose”—it’s a mat-           domination and back to our
ter of life and death. Balancing the        once and future place as humble
tension between pain and healing,           beings in love with our world.
Nobody Cries When We Die takes              We humans are in trouble, and
you to the places that make Amer-           because of us, most of our fellow
ican society finch, redefnes what           species are also in trouble. To fnd
you are called to do with your life         our way through the ruins and
and gives you strength to save lives        beyond we need more than clever
and lead in your own community.             technology and magical markets.
                                            We need an alternative to the
                                            industrial mindset. We need the
                                            kind of diverse, unfinching, eco-
                                            logically wise imagining gathered
                                            in this book.


                “WE ARE ALL FAST-FOOD                       WHERE DO WE GO FROM
                WORKERS NOW”                                HERE
                The Global Uprising Against                 Chaos or Community?
                Poverty Wages                               Martin Luther King, Jr.
                (BONUS BOOK)                                Beacon Press, 2010
                Annelise Orleck                             223 pages
                Beacon Press, 2018                          $16.00
                304 pages                                   Stock #RP1910
                Stock #RP1909                               In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
                                                            isolated himself from the demands
                This book traces the evolution of a new     of the civil rights movement, rented
                global labor movement sparked and           a house in Jamaica with no tele-
                sustained by low-wage workers from          phone and labored over his fnal
                Manila to Manhattan, Baja California        manuscript. This prophetic work,
                to Bangladesh, and from Cape Town           unavailable for more than ten
                to Cambodia. This is an up-close-           years, lays out his thoughts, plans
                and-personal look at globalization and      and dreams for America’s future,
                its costs as seen through the eyes of       including the need for better jobs,
                the workers: the berry-pickers and          higher wages, decent housing and
                small farmers, fast-food servers, retail    quality education. With a universal
                cashiers, garment and airline workers,      message of hope that continues to
                hotel housekeepers, home health-            resonate, King demanded an end
                care aides and adjunct professors, all      to global suffering, asserting that
                fghting for respect, safety and a living    humankind, for the frst time, had
                wage. In the words of the workers,          the resources and technology to
                these stories of resistance and rebellion   eradicate poverty.
                refect on hope and change as they rise
                from the bottom up.

BE STILL!                                    SPOKEN INTO BEING
Departure from                               Divine Encounters
Collective Madness                           through Story
Gordon C. Stewart                            Michael W. Williams
Wipf & Stock, 2017                           Upper Room Books, 2017
Kindle                                       109 pages                    $12.99
readingprogram                               Stock #RP1902

Be Still! echoes the call of a Na-           Everyone is a storyteller. Tell-
vajo sage and a psalmist who                 ing stories can help you make
invited their hearers to stop—               sense of your life and the world
and be still. These thought-                 around you. When you tell sto-
provoking essays zoom in                     ries, you speak a world into be-
on singular moments of time                  ing, as God did in the Creation
where the world is making                    accounts in Genesis. Spoken
headlines, drawing attention to              into Being guides you in telling
the sin of exceptionalism in its             your own stories and reminds
national, racial, religious, cultural        you that you have been spoken
and species manifestations.                  into being as part of a much
                                             larger story. Prompts at the end
                                             of each section serve as your
                                             guide to help you discover your
                                             own sacred stories and the
                                             people, places and objects that
                                             make them holy.


                   THE SOULMAKING ROOM                        WHAT WE NEED IS HERE
                   Dee Dee Risher                             Practicing the Heart of
                   Abingdon Press, 2016                       Christian Spirituality
                   210 pages                                  L. Roger Owens
                   $16.99                                     Upper Room Books, 2017
                   Stock #RP1905                              Kindle
                   In this personal story, Dee Dee            readingprogram
                   Risher weaves experiences from
                   her life with the biblical story           What happens when you stop
                   of the prophet Elisha and the              reading about God and open
                   Shunammite woman. Risher                   yourself to an ever-deepening
                   is captivated by this spiritually          relationship with God? Return
                   attuned, generous, hospitable,             to the heart of Christian spiri-
                   honest and bold woman. The                 tuality with L. Roger Owens. It
                   woman from Shunem extends                  is simple, yet complex: Jesus
                   radical hospitality to the prophet,        is enough. Jesus offers every-
                   expecting no reward. But when              thing you need to fourish in
                   disaster strikes, she does not             your life with God.
                   hesitate to hold Elisha account-
                   able or talk back. Discover how
                   life’s best and worst times can
                   shape you into your most au-
                   thentic self.

21 Days to a More Authentic            21 Days to a More Authentic
Faith – Participant Book               Faith – Leader Guide
Chris Folmsbee                         Chris Folmsbee
Abingdon Press, 2017                   Abingdon Press, 2017
127 pages                              128 pages
$14.99                                 $12.99
Stock #RP1906                          Stock #RP1907

In The Wesley Challenge, small         The Leader Guide contains
groups or whole churches will          everything needed to guide a
spend three weeks working              group through the 21-day chal-
through twenty-one questions           lenge including session plans
that engage their physical,            and discussion questions, as
spiritual and emotional lives          well as multiple format options.
and their relationship with God
and others. The challenge will
inspire readers to a new kind
of commitment, one that is
more authentic, vulnerable and
soul-shaping, resulting in a
renewed passion to discover
deeper levels of commitment to
God and others.

                          LARGE PRINT                       NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY

                   LESSONS TO NOURISH                       ALL THE COLORS WE ARE
                   THE SOUL                                 The Story of How We Get
                   Sermons to Encourage and                 Our Skin Color
                   Challenge You                            Katie Kissinger
                   Rev. Marjorie E. Palmer                  RedLeaf Press, 2017
                   Create Space, 2016                       32 pages
                   416 pages                                $16.95
                   Kindle                                   Stock #RP1921
                   readingprogram                           All the Colors We Are explains,
                                                            in simple terms, the reasons
                   The sermons found in Lessons to          for different skin color, how it is
                   Nourish the Soul are the author’s        determined by heredity, and how
                   personal favorites written during        various environmental factors,
                   her time as a United Methodist           such as the sun, affect it. Bilingual
                   pastor.                                  Spanish and English with activity
                                                            notes are included.

                        NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY

NO ONE ELSE LIKE YOU                      NOBODY!
Siska Goeminne                            Erin Frankel
Westminster John Knox Press,              Free Spirit Publishing, 2015
2016                                      $9.99
32 pages                                  Kindle
Stock #RP1925                             readingprogram

There are more than seven                 Thomas can’t escape Kyle’s per-
billion people in the world, all          sistent bullying no matter what he
represented in this book! We              does. At school, at soccer—
come in all sorts of shapes,              nowhere feels safe! Thomas’s mom
sizes and colors. Some of                 said Kyle would grow up over the
us are happy, and some are                summer and stop picking on him,
grumpy. Some live in tall tow-            but he didn’t grow up, he just
ers in the city, while others live        grew. With support from friends,
in cottages in the feld. Some             classmates and adults, Thomas
like to read, and some like to            starts to feel more confdent in
sing. And, yet, even with so              himself and his hobbies, while Kyle
many people in this world,                learns the importance of kindness
there is no one quite like you!           to others. The book concludes with
                                          “activity club” pages for kids, as
                                          well as information to help parents,
                                          teachers, counselors and other
                                          adults foster dialogue with children
                                          about ways to stop bullying.

                                LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT

           WEIRD!                                  RED
           A Story about Bullying in               Jan De Kinder
           Schools                                 Eerdmans Books for Young
           Erin Frankel                            Readers, 2015
           Free Spirit Publishing, 2012            32 pages
           $9.99                                   $16.00
           Kindle                                  Stock #RP1915
           readingprogram                          In this poignant story, a girl
                                                   fnds it funny when her class-
           Luisa is repeatedly teased and          mate starts blushing on the
           called “weird” by her class-            school playground. Her friends
           mate Sam, even though she is            laugh along with her, but one
           simply being herself—laughing           student takes the teasing too
           with her friends, answering             far. Torn between her sym-
           questions in class, greeting her        pathy for her classmate and
           father in Spanish, and wearing          her fear of the bully, the girl
           her favorite polka-dot boots.           must make a diffcult choice.
           Luisa initially reacts to the           This heartfelt book will inspire
           bullying by withdrawing and             readers to fnd the courage to
           hiding her colorful nature.             take a stance against bullying
           But with the support of her             and show compassion toward
           teachers, parents, classmates           others.
           and one special friend named
           Jayla, she is able to reclaim
           her style and withstand Sam’s


ALL AROUND US                              AHIMSA
Xelena González                            Supriya Kelkar
Cinco Puntos Press, 2017                   Lee & Low/Tu Books, 2017
32 pages                                   Kindle
Stock #RP1914                              readingprogram

Her grandpa says, “Circles are             In 1942, after Mahatma Gandhi
all around us.” He points to the           asks Indians to give one family
rainbow that rises high in the sky         member to the freedom move-
after a thundercloud has come.             ment, ten-year-old Anjali is
“Can you see? That’s only half of          devastated to think of her father
the circle. That rest of it is down        risking his life for the freedom
below, in the earth.” He and his           struggle. But it turns out he isn’t
granddaughter meditate on gar-             the one joining, Anjali’s mother
dens and seeds, on circles seen            is, and with this change will
and unseen, inside and outside             come many more adjustments.
of us, on where our bodies come
from and where they return to.
They share and create family tra-
ditions in this exploration of the
cycles of life and nature.


        DEAR IJEAWELE, OR A                         STEP UP TO THE PLATE,
        FEMINIST MANIFESTO IN                       MARIA SINGH
        FIFTEEN SUGGESTIONS                         Uma Krishnaswami
        Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie                    Lee & Low/Tu Books, 2017
        Penguin Random House, 2017                  $16.95
        Kindle                                      Stock #RP1917
        readingprogram                              This is the story of one lovable,
                                                    determined young girl’s dream
        Here are ffteen invaluable sug-             to play softball in California
        gestions—compelling, direct,                during World War II when
        funny and perceptive—for how to             Indian immigrants could not
        empower a daughter to become                become citizens or own land.
        a strong, independent woman.                It is a moving, heartbreaking
        From encouraging her to choose              and ultimately uplifting story of
        a helicopter, and not only a doll,          hope and resilience, love and
        as a toy if she so desires; having          family, and will make you laugh
        open conversations with her about           out loud and burn with anger
        clothes, makeup and sexuality;              at injustice. You might also
        debunking the myth that women               stand up and cheer.
        are somehow biologically arranged
        to be in the kitchen making dinner,
        and that men can “allow” women
        to have full careers, Dear Ijeawele
        goes right to the heart of sexual
        politics in the twenty-frst century.
        It will start a new and urgently
        needed conversation about what it
        really means to be a woman today.


                                        For sale titles from
                                        previous years
                                        please go to

                                        For available titles
                                        for hearing or
                                        visually impaired
                                        users please go to
                                        the National Library
                                        Service for the
WHAT’S YOUR STORY?                      Blind and Physically
SEEING YOUR LIFE                        Handicapped
THROUGH GOD’S EYES                      (888-NLS-READ).
How Joseph’s Story Can
Help You Tell Yours
Sarah Heath
Abingdon Press, 2017

In What’s Your Story? author
Sarah Heath leads you to en-
vision your life as an adventure
you are cowriting with God. By
exploring Joseph’s life (Gene-
sis: 37–50) and key features of
every good story, she invites
you to see your life as a grand
tale—and to see God’s hand in
it—and offers a practical guide
to exploring your own story in
the past, as well as how you can
craft the next chapters of your
life with intention. This four-
session small group study
features opportunities and
space for creative journaling.

   These books can be read for credit but are not available from
   United Methodist Women Mission Resources.

                                           Click on book below to purchase directly
                                                from the publisher for savings!
Following Your Passion and              THE ABSTRACT
Finding Your Place to Serve             Take Your Dreams from Abstract
James A. Harnish                        to Reality
Abingdon Press, 2017                    Selena Einwechter
                                        Deeds Publishing, 2016
                                        HANDS ON THE FREEDOM
How Faith and Labor Can
Overcome America’s Inequalities
                                        Personal Accounts by Women of
Joerg Rieger and
Rosemarie Henkel-Rieger
                                        Edited by Faith S. Hosaert
Chalice Press, 2016
                                        University of Illinois Press, 2010


The Issues We Can No                    The Persistence of White
Longer Ignore and the                   Supremacy in United States
Solutions We All Long For               History and Life
Wayne Gordon and John M.                David Billings
Perkins                                 Crandall, Dostie & Douglas Books,
Baker Publishing Group, 2017            2016

Julie Cantrell
Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2016

Honoring Creation,
Establishing Justice
Sharon Delgado
Fortress Press, 2017

        ACCIÓN SOCIAL                             CRECIMIENTO ESPIRITUAL

MARTÍ Y SUS VERSOS                             LA HISTORIA QUE
POR LA LIBERTAD                                HEREDAMOS
Emma Otheguy                                   Novela Familiar y
Lee & Low Books, 2017                          Trayectoria Social
30 páginas                                     Vincent de Gaulejac
                                               Del Nuevo Extremo, 2016
La autora narra la historia de                 237 páginas
José Julián Martí Pérez, quien
de pequeño presenció los                       Cuando el hijo de un obrero
abusos de la esclavitud, hecho                 sindicalista termina casándose
que sembró la semilla de su                    con la hija de un burgués, ¿se
lucha por la libertad y la                     convierte en el enemigo de su
justicia. El libro está escrito en             padre? Si un inmigrante deja su
español e inglés, en estrofas.                 país en busca de un lugar mejor
Contiene versos de Martí                       en otro y se adapta fácilmente a
intercalados e ilustraciones                   la nueva vida, ¿está traicionan-
muy coloridas que representan                  do su herencia familiar? Si bien
los pasajes biográfcos.                        no podemos cambiar la historia,
                                               sí podemos modifcar nuestra
                                               relación con la historia. Es decir,
                                               la manera en que la historia
                                               actúa en nuestras vidas.
     Sugerencias, recomendaciones o comentarios sobre los libros
           del Programa de Lectura pueden ser enviados a:
          Programa de Lectura, Mujeres Metodistas Unidas
         475 Riverside Drive, 15th Floor New York, NY 10115
        Correo Electrónico:
           Por favor, indique el título del libro, el autor, la casa editorial,
                        la fecha y el precio de la publicación.

                      CRECIMIENTO ESPIRITUAL                  DESARROLLO DE LIDERAZGO

                    EL BOSQUE ENCANTADO                      EL ARTE DE
                    Arte-Terapia para Colorear               COMUNICARNOS
                    María Rosa Legarde                       Conceptos y Técnicas
                    Ediciones Lea, 2016                      para una Comunicación
                    46 páginas                               Interpersonal Efectiva
                                                             Oscar Anzorena
                    Libro para colorear que favorece
                                                             Ediciones Lea, 2016
                    la concentración, despeja la             254 páginas
                    mente y revitaliza nuestros cuer-
                    pos y nuestros pensamientos.             Al comunicar estamos dando a
                    Desde motivos geométricos o
                                                             conocer nuestra forma de
                    abstractos hasta diseños de corte
                                                             pensar, la perspectiva desde la
                    clásico, pasando por dibujos
                                                             cual observamos y concebimos
                    inspirados en la naturaleza o
                                                             al mundo. Incluso transmitimos
                    en diferentes estilos artísticos,
                    estos libros reúnen láminas para         valores, pensamientos,
                    colorear con las que cualquier           conceptos y hasta prejuicios en
                    persona podrá dar rienda suelta a        nuestros mensajes. Para una
                    sus impulsos creativos y expresar        comunicación interpersonal
                    su personalidad.                         efectiva, necesitamos aprender
                                                             a escuchar, observar y hablar.

한국어 도서
   LIBROS PARA LA NIÑEZ Y LA                         선교 교육

POEMAS FAMILIARES                        믿음의 땅 순례의 길
PARA CADA DÍA DE LA                      한국 기독교 성지 순례 가이드
SEMANA                                   유성종, 이소윤
Francisco X. Alarcón                     두란노, 2016
Children’s Book Press, 2015              460쪽
33 páginas
                                         선교한국 130년을 기념하여 한국 기독교
Colección bilingüe de poemas
                                         역사를 전국의 성지들과 기독교인의
que nos lleva a través de la
                                         이야기를 접목하여 전해주는 책. 뒤에는
semana día tras día. Las niñas
                                         성지 순례 길 안내와 참고사항이 붙어
y los niños pasan el domingo
                                         있어서 순례자들이 들고 다니면서 참고할
visitando a sus abuelos, juegan
                                         수 있다.
con amigas y amigos de la es-
cuela el lunes, sueñan despiertos
el martes, comen palomitas de
maíz en el mercado local el miér-
coles y más, hasta que llegamos
al sábado, cuando juegan sin
parar todo el día. En el camino,
también aprendemos cómo
llegaron a ser los nombres de los
siete días. Estos poemas festi-
vos resaltan la vida cotidiana de
las niñas y los niños, y al mismo
tiempo honra las experiencias de
la familia hispana del autor.

한국어 도서
                 영적 성장                         지도력 개발

         왜 일하는가?                      리더가 리더에게
         밥벌이, 삶, 영성을 말하다              탁월한 지도력을 위한 4가지
         조정민                          핵심 원리
         두란노, 2017                    존 스토트
         239쪽                         IVP, 2016 (한국어 번역판)
         왜 일하느냐는 질문에 하나님의
         뜻에 따라 사랑하며 공동체를 세우기          성경에서 말하는 지도력의 4가지 핵심
         위해 일하는 가운데 우리의 영성이 형성        원리를 설명한 책. 낙심을 이기기 위해
         된다고 강조하는 저자는 일을 영성           복음의 능력에 의지한다. 영적 생기를 유지
         형성의 과정으로 삼으라고 부탁한다.          하기 위해 쉼과 시간 관리와 영적 훈련을
                                      한다. 관계를 위해서는 그리스도를 대하듯
                                      다른 이들을 섬기고 그리스도를 대신하여
                                      다른 이들을 섬기되 특히 남의 말을 듣기를
                                      통해 섬긴다. 권위를 지키려면 본을 보이고
                                      은사를 사용하며 일관되게 행동하되
                                      관계에 따라 적합하게 행동한다. 뒤에
                                      나오는 두 명의 간증과 부록으로 나오는
                                      짧은 충고들은 기독교 지도자들에게 꼭
                                      필요한 내용이다.

한국어 도서
         공동체 양육                                 사회 참여

언어의 온도                              태양을 건너는 아이들
말과 글에는 나름의 따뜻함과                     코번 애디슨
차가움이 있다                             (주) 미래앤, 북 폴리오, 2012
이기주                                 478쪽
말글터, 2016
306쪽                                쓰나미로 부모를 잃은 인도의
                                    아할리아와 시타 두 자매가 국제 인신
요약이 불가능한 책. 말에 대한 29개의              매매단에 팔려가 온갖 고난을 겪다가
수필과 글에 대한 29개의 수필, 그리고              미국 변호사 토마스의 도움으로 구출
삶에 대한 30개의 수필, 총 88개의               되는 이야기를 담은 실화를 바탕으로 한
글들을 직접 읽으면서 삶과 사랑과                  소설. 현재 국제 인신매매의 실상과
사람의 온도를 가슴으로 느끼게 하는 책.              끔찍함을 깨닫고 기독교인으로서 할
한 편 한 편이 완성된 생명이라 직접                일을 생각하게 해주는 이야기이다.
만지고 듣고 느끼길 추천한다. 읽을
때마다 온도가 변하는 살아 있는 생명체
이므로 자주 만나보면 좋다.

 Reading Program , United Methodist Women
 475 Riverside Drive, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10115

  Choose and follow one of the four plans. When you have read the re-
  quired number of books and magazine issues, report your completion
  to your local member in charge of program resources. Titles read from
  the 2014 list will be credited through December 31, 2019.

PLAN I                                   PLAN II
5 BOOKS PER YEAR                         10 BOOKS PER YEAR
• One book from each category:           • Two books from each category:
  Education for Mission, Leader-           Education for Mission, Leader-
  ship Development, Nurturing              ship Development, Nurturing for
  for Community, Social Action             Community, Social Action and
  and Spiritual Growth.                    Spiritual Growth.
• Selections can be from the             • Selections can be from the
  2014–2019 reading lists if not           2014–2019 reading lists if not
  included in previous reports             included in previous reports
  (including Children and Youth            (including Children and Youth
  titles).                                 titles).
• Regular reading of response            • Regular reading of response
  magazine.                                magazine.

PLAN III                                 PLAN IV
15 BOOKS PER YEAR                        20 BOOKS PER YEAR

• Two books from each category:          • Two books from each category:
  Education for Mission, Leader-           Education for Mission, Leader-
  ship Development, Nurturing for          ship Development, Nurturing for
  Community, Social Action and             Community, Social Action and
  Spiritual Growth.                        Spiritual Growth.
• Plus fve additional books from         • Plus 10 additional books from
  any category.                            any category.
• Selections can be from the             • Selections can be from the
  2014–2019 reading lists if not           2014–2019 reading lists if not
  included in previous reports             included in previous reports
  (including Children and Youth            (including Children and Youth
  titles).                                 titles).
• Regular reading of response            • Regular reading of response
  magazine.                                magazine.

United Methodist Women recommends a diverse range of books with the
intention of broadening exposure to a variety of concepts. The Reading
Program does not intend that readers accept each word or idea contained
within each book.

Promoting the Reading Program
Program resource managers or their            • Distribute copies of the Reading
equivalent will work with the local             Program Report Form so partici-
United Methodist Women leadership               pants can keep track of and report
team to promote the program. The                their reading. The Report Form is
following are some suggestions:                 available for shipping and handling
• Explain Reading Program procedures            or as a free download at
  to interested individuals and enroll
  them in the program.                          downloads

• Use the action suggestions listed in        The Bible undergirds all Christian
  this catalog as a guide for choosing        reading, including that of the Reading
  titles and mission responses.               Program. The magazine response,
                                              essential reading for understanding the
• Secure books and circulate them
                                              mission of United Methodist Women,
  among unit and circle members.
                                              is part of all four reading plans.
• Distribute copies of this catalog.

Local and District Groups
• Form an action team to address              • Honor those who participate in the
  issues discussed in one or                    Reading Program. Download Read-
  more books.                                   ing Program certifcates from
• Start a reading group for adults,   
  children or youth. Meet regularly to          downloads to present to those who
  share and discuss the books mem-              complete reading plans.
  bers are reading.                           • Display progress charts in a
• Present book reviews at United
                                                prominent place, showing readers’
  Methodist Women group meetings.               names, books read and reading
                                                plans being followed.
• Take Reading Program books and
                                              • Capture interest by attractively
  response to retirement and nursing
  homes. Read regularly to residents.           mounting quotations from Reading
                                                Program books and posting them
• Inform parents, grandparents and              throughout your church. Include
  Sunday school teachers that books             title, author name, publisher and
  for children and youth are available          year title was featured on the Read-
  through the Reading Program.                  ing Program list.
• Highlight large print books and             • Develop displays, both permanent
  book listings available for the               and portable, to encourage book
  visually impaired.                            sales, especially around holiday
                                                seasons and vacation times.

The Reading Program Leads to Action!
For 150 years, members of United Methodist Women and predecessor organiza-
tions have been involved in mission that includes prayer, study and action. The
Reading Program is a study opportunity, but it should also lead to action. Here
are a few suggestions to assist you:

Pray. Books often raise concerns the children’s list with a Sunday school
about people, countries and issues.            class. Read No One Else Like You
Bring these concerns to God during             and celebrate diversity and tolerance.
your prayer time at home and at group          Read Red and continue your discus-
meetings. Pray for those concerns.             sion around bullying.
Read Spoken into Being and think
about creating and telling your story.         Be inclusive. Continue your
                                               action on the Charter for Racial
Host a program. Read “We                       Justice Policies of The United Meth-
Are All Fast-Food Workers Now” and             odist Church. Read Where Do We Go
continue the discussion on economic            from Here: Chaos or Community?.
injustice around the world.
                                               God bless you as you pray, study,
Teach a Sunday                                 act and organize in Christ’s name.

school class. Read titles from

B      Bonus Books
       Bonus Books count as two books: either as two books in Education for
       Mission or Social Action, or as one book in either of those two categories.
       For example, Walking on Lava and Nobody Cries When We Die count as
       two books in Social Action.

  Look for the 2019 United Methodist Women mission study books to earn
  credit in the following categories:
    • 2019 Spiritual Growth Study: The Gospel of Mark and Radical
      Discipleship* (SG)
    • 2019 Special Study: United Methodist Women in Mission:
      150 Years and Beyond*
    • 2019 Youth Study: Who do you say that I am? Meeting Jesus
      through the eyes of Mark (SA)
    • 2019 Children’s Study: Marked: A Mission Journey with Jesus
      in the Gospel of Mark (SA)
    • 2019 Issue Study: What About Our Money?: A Faith Response
      (repeat from in 2018) (SA)
 *Also available in Korean and Spanish.

Elija y complete uno de los cuatro planes. Cuando usted haya
leído el número requerido de libros y de revistas, informe a la
persona de su grupo local a cargo de recursos de programa, que
ha fnalizado. Cualquier libro leído de la lista del año 2014 se podrá
acreditar hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2019.

PLAN I                                      PLAN II
5 LIBROS POR AÑO                            10 LIBROS POR AÑO
• Un libro de cada categoría:               • Dos libros de cada categoría:
  Acción Social, Crecimiento                  Acción Social, Crecimiento
  Comunitario, Crecimiento Es-                Comunitario, Crecimiento Es-
  piritual, Desarrollo de Liderazgo           piritual, Desarrollo de Liderazgo
  y Educación Misional.                       y Educación Misional.
• Selecciones pueden ser de las             • Selecciones pueden ser de las
  listas de lectura de 2014–2019              listas de lectura de 2014–2019
  que no se hayan incluido en los             que no se hayan incluido en los
  informes anteriores (incluyendo             informes anteriores (incluyendo
  títulos de Libros para la Niñez y           títulos de Libros para la Niñez y
  la Juventud).                               la Juventud).
• Lectura habitual de la revista            • Lectura habitual de la revista
  response.                                   response.

PLAN III                                    PLAN IV
15 LIBROS POR AÑO                           20 LIBROS POR AÑO

• Dos libros de cada categoría:             • Dos libros de cada categoría:
  Acción Social, Crecimiento Co-              Acción Social, Crecimiento Co-
  munitario, Crecimiento Espiritual,          munitario, Crecimiento Espiritual,
  Desarrollo de Liderazgo y Edu-              Desarrollo de Liderazgo y Edu-
  cación Misional.                            cación Misional.
• Más 5 libros adicionales de               • Más 10 libros adicionales de
  cualquier categoría.                        cualquier categoría.
• Selecciones pueden ser de las             • Selecciones pueden ser de las
  listas de lectura de 2014–2019              listas de lectura de 2014–2019
  que no se hayan incluido en los             que no se hayan incluido en los
  informes anteriores (incluyendo             informes anteriores (incluyendo
  títulos de Libros para la Niñez             títulos de Libros para la Niñez
  y la Juventud).                             y la Juventud).
• Lectura habitual de la revista            • Lectura habitual de la revista
  response.                                   response.

Mujeres Metodistas Unidas recomienda una amplia gama de libros con la
intención de expandir ideas sobre una variedad de conceptos. El programa
de lectura no tiene la intención de que las lectoras acepten las palabras o
ideas presentadas en cada libro.

Cómo Promover el                               • Iniciar un grupo de lectura para
                                                 adultos, para la niñez o la juventud.
Programa de Lectura                              Reunirse periódicamente para com-
Las encargadas de recursos de                    partir y discutir los libros que los
programa o su equivalente, trabaja-              miembros están leyendo.
rán con el equipo local de liderazgo
de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas para              • Presentar reseñas de libros en las
promover el programa. Las siguientes             reuniones del grupo de Mujeres
son algunas sugerencias:                         Metodistas Unidas.
• Explicar los procedimientos del              • Llevar libros del Programa de Lec-
  Programa de Lectura a personas                 tura y la revista response a residen-
  interesadas e inscribirlas en                  cias de jubilados y de ancianos.
  el programa.                                   Leer regularmente a los residentes.
• Utilizar las sugerencias para la             • Informar a padres/madres, abuelos/as
  acción listadas en este catálogo               y maestros/as de Escuela Dominical
  como una guía para la elección de              que hay libros disponibles para la
  los libros y para responder al traba-          niñez y la juventud en el Programa
  jo misional.                                   de Lectura.
• Asegurar libros para distribuirlos           • Destacar que hay una lista de libros
  entre los miembros de la unidad y              con letra grande disponibles para
  del círculo.                                   facilitar su lectura.
• Distribuir copias de este catálogo.          • Distinguir a participantes del Pro-
                                                 grama de Lectura. Puede descar-
• Distribuir copias del folleto del              gar en el internet los certifcados del
  Programa de Lectura para que las               Programa de Lectura en:
  participantes puedan escribir los    
  títulos de los libros o revistas que           downloads para presentar a las
  han leído e informar de su lectura.            personas que han completado los
  El folleto gratis está disponible con          planes de lectura.
  el costo de procesamiento y envío
  adicional o puede descargarlo en             • Preparar un cartel y ponerlo en un
  forma gratuita en el internet:                 lugar bien visible para mostrar el
                                                 progreso del programa, incluyendo                      el nombre de las lectoras, los libros
  downloads.                                     leídos y los planes de lectura que
                                                 se han completado.
  La Biblia es la base de toda lectura
  cristiana, incluyendo el Programa            • Capturar el interés poniendo carte-
  de Lectura. La revista response es             les en toda la iglesia, que atraigan
  una lectura esencial para compren-             la atención, con frases signifcativas
  der la misión de Mujeres Metodistas            de libros del Programa de Lectura.
  Unidas y es parte de los cuatro                Incluir el título, nombre del autor,
  planes de lectura.                             casa editorial y el año en que el
                                                 libro fue presentado en la lista del
Grupos Locales                                   Programa de Lectura.
y Distritales                                  • Tener carteles permanentes y portá-
                                                 tiles para promover la venta de los
• Formar un equipo de acción para                libros del Programa de Lectura, es-
  responder a asuntos discutidos en              pecialmente alrededor de las festas
  uno o más libros.                              y las vacaciones.

¡El Programa de Lectura Conduce a la Acción!
Durante casi 150 años, la membresía de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas y sus
organizaciones anteriores han estado comprometidas en una misión que incluye
la oración, el estudio y la acción. El Programa de Lectura es una oportunidad
de estudio, que también debería impulsar a la acción. Ofrecemos aquí algunas
sugerencias orientadoras:

Ore. A menudo los libros despiertan Enseñe una clase en la
nuestro interés y preocupación por la
gente, las naciones y diferentes
                                      Escuela Dominical.
                                               Lea los títulos de la lista para la niñez
asuntos contemporáneos. Comparta
                                               con una clase de escuela dominical.
estos intereses y preocupaciones
                                               Lea Nobody Else Like You (Nadie Es
con Dios durante sus momentos de
                                               Como Tú) y celebre la diversidad. Lea
oración en su hogar y en las reuniones
                                               Red (Rojo) y relaciónelo con sus
de grupo. Lea An Insider’s Guide to
                                               conversaciones sobre el abuso
Praying for the World (Guía Práctica de
Oración por el Mundo) y ore por estas
                                               Sea inclusiva. Continúe su
Sea anftriona de un                            acción y compromiso con el Código de
programa. Lea “We Are All                      Justicia Racial de la Iglesia Metodista
                                               Unida. Lea Where Do We Go From
Fast-Food Workers Now” (Ahora Todos
                                               Here (Adónde Vamos Ahora).
Trabajamos en la Industria de la
Comida Rápida) y continúe la conver-           Que Dios les bendiga al orar, estudiar,
sación sobre la justicia económica.            actuar y organizarse en nombre de Cristo.

B      Libros con Crédito Adicional
       Los Libros con Crédito Adicional cuentan como dos libros –ya sea como dos
       libros en una sola categoría o como un libro en dos categorías. Por ejemplo,
       Nobody Cries When We Die (Nadie Llora Cuando Morimos) y “We Are All Fast-
       Food Workers Now” (Ahora Todos Trabajamos en la Industria de la Comida
       Rápida) cuenta como dos libros en la categoría Acción Social.

 La lectura de los estudios misionales de Mujeres Metodistas Unidas para
 2019 tienen crédito en las siguientes categorías:
    • Estudio de Crecimiento Espiritual para 2019: El Evangelio de Marcos y el
      Discipulado Radical*
    • Publicación Especial para 2019: Mujeres Metodistas en Misión: 150 Años y
      Más Allá*
    • Estudio para la Juventud para 2019: Who Do You Say That I Am? Meeting
      Jesus Through The Eyes Of Mark (¿Quién Dicen que Soy? Conozcamos a
      Jesús a Través de los Ojos de Marcos), en inglés
    • Estudio para la Niñez para 2019: A Mission Journey with Jesus in the Gospel of
      Mark (Recorrido Misional Junto a Jesús en el Evangelio de Marcos), en inglés
    • Estudio sobre Temas de Interés para 2019: ¿Qué Acerca de Nuestro Dinero?
      Una Respuesta de Fe* (se repite el estudio de 2018)
 *También disponible en coreano.

한국어 프로그램 안내—
  4가지 독서계획안
  다음 4가지 계획안 중 하나를 선택하여 따르도록 한다. 각 독서 계획안별로 필요한 수
  의 도서와 잡지를 다 읽은 경우, 개체 여선교회의 독서 프로그램 담당자에게 보고한다.
  2014년도 목록에서 읽은 책들은 2019년 12월 31일까지 크레딧을 받을 수 있다.

독서계획안 I                        독서계획안 II
매년 5권의 책을 읽는다.                 매년 10권의 책을 읽는다.
•각 분야에서 1권씩 읽는다:               •각 분야에서 적어도 2권씩 읽는다:
 선교 교육, 리더십 개발, 공동체 양육,         선교 교육, 리더십 개발, 공동체 양육,
 사회 참여, 영적 성장                   사회 참여, 영적 성장
•2014-2019년 권장 도서 목록 중         •2014-2019년 권장 도서 목록 중
 이전의 보고서에 포함되지 않은               이전의 보고서에 포함되지 않은
 도서들이어야 한다.                     도서들이어야 한다.
 (청소년 및 아동 권장 도서 포함)            (청소년 및 아동 권장 도서 포함)
•정기적으로 리스판스 잡지                 •정기적으로 리스판스 잡지
 (response)를 읽는다.               (response)를 읽는다.

독서계획안 III                      독서계획안 IV
매년 15권의 책을 읽는다.                매년 20권의 책을 읽는다.
•각 분야에서 적어도 2권씩 읽는다:           •각 분야에서 적어도 2권씩 읽는다:
 선교 교육, 리더십 개발, 공동체 양육,         선교 교육, 리더십 개발, 공동체 양육,
 사회 참여, 영적 성장                   사회 참여, 영적 성장
•아무 분야에서나 5권의 도서를              •아무 분야에서나 10권의 도서를
 추가로 읽는다.                       추가로 읽는다.
•2014-2019년 권장 도서 목록 중         •2014-2019년 권장 도서 목록 중
 이전의 보고서에 포함되지 않은               이전의 보고서에 포함되지 않은
 도서들이어야 한다.                     도서들이어야 한다.
 (청소년 및 아동 권장 도서 포함)            (청소년 및 아동 권장 도서 포함)
•정기적으로 리스판스 잡지                 •정기적으로 리스판스 잡지
 (response)를 읽는다.               (response)를 읽는다.

연합감리교회 여선교회는 여러 분야의 개념들을 독자들이 이해하도록 다양의 책을 추천합니다.
독서 프로그램은 읽는 사람이 그 책에 포함된 단어나 개념을 글자 그대로 받아들여야 한다고는
생각하지 않습니다.

                                  •독서프로그램의 권장 도서와 리스판스 잡지
독서 프로그램 홍보
                                   (response)를 양로원이나 기타
독서 프로그램 담당자는 연합감리교회
                                   은퇴자들이 모여 사는 곳에 비치한다.
여선교회 리더십팀과 함께 본 프로그램을
                                   이 자료들을 그곳의 거주자들에게
홍보하고 장려한다. 다음의 일을 하도록 한다.
                                   정기적으로 읽어 드린다.
•관심이 회원들에게 독서프로그램의
                                  •부모들, 조부모들, 그리고 주일학교
 진행방식을 설명하고, 프로그램에
                                   교사들에게 독서 프로그램의 아동 및 청소년
                                   권장 도서에 대해 알린다.
•본 안내책자에 나와 있는 “행동을 위한
                                  •큰 활자체로 된 도서들과 시각장애자용
 제안”을 도서 선정 및 선교적 대응의
                                   도서들이 있다는 점을 강조한다.
 지침으로 삼는다.
                                  •독서 프로그램 참여자들을 특별히 대우한다.
•도서를 구하여 회원들 간에 돌려 읽게 한다.
•본 안내책자를 배포한다.                     downloads 에서 독서프로그램 수료증을
•독서 프로그램 안내책자를 배포하여                구입해, 독서계획안을 마친 회원들에게
 참여자들이 읽은 책에 대해 기록하고 보고            수여한다.
 할 수 있도록 한다. 안내책자는 배송료만           •프로그램 참여자들의 이름, 읽고 있는 책,
 지급하면 받아 볼 수 있다. 또는 다음             앞으로 읽을 책 등을 한눈에 볼 수 있는
 웹사이트에서 다운로드 받을 수 있다.              도표를 만들어 눈에 띄는 곳에 전시한다.        •독서 프로그램의 권장 도서에서 몇 구절을
 downloads                         적어 보기 좋게 장식한 뒤, 교회 곳곳에 붙여
 성경은 독서 프로그램을 포함해                  사람들이 관심을 갖도록 한다.
 기독교인의 모든 독서에 토대가 된다.              이때, 책 제목, 저자, 출판사, 출판연도 등
 연합감리교회 여선교회의 선교에 대한               인용 구절의 원작에 대한 정보와 함께 연합
 이해를 위해 필수적으로 읽어야 하는               감리교회 여선교회 독서프로그램의 권장
 리스판스 잡지(response)는 각 독서           도서임을 밝힌다.
 계획안에 모두 포함되어 있다.                 •특히 명절과 휴가철을 전후해서, 도서 판매
                                   및 구매를 장려하는 전시용 도서 보관함과
                                   이동용 탁자를 준비하여 권장 도서들을
개체 및 지방 여선교회                       전시한다.
•독서 프로그램 온라인 커뮤니티에 가입
 하도록 한다.
•책에서 다뤄진 이슈를 해결하기 위한
 행동팀을 구성한다.
•성인 그리고/또는 어린이, 청소년 독서
 그룹을 만들어, 현재 읽고 있는 책들에
 대해 서로 정보를 나누고 토론을 하는
 정기 모임을 하도록 한다.
•여선교회의 각종 모임과 온라인 커뮤니티에
 독서 프로그램의 권장 도서를 간략히 소개
 하는 시간을 갖는다.

독서 프로그램은 행동으로 이끈다!
연합감리교회 여선교회와 전신 기관들의 회원들은 150년 동안 기도와, 공부와 행동으로
선교에 참여해왔다. 독서 프로그램은 공부할 좋은 기회이다. 독서 프로그램은 또한
공부뿐만 아니라 행동으로 옮길 수 있도록 이끌어 주기도 한다. 여러분이 책을 읽고 난 뒤,
읽은 내용을 행동으로 옮기고 싶다면 다음과 같은 일을 해보기 바란다.

행동을 위한 제안
                                          Else Like You)를 읽고 다양성을 축복하라.
기도한다. 권장 도서들은 다른 민족이나
                                          붉음(Red)을 읽고 왕따에 관해서 토론한다.
다른 나라에 대해서, 그리고 여러 가지 당면
문제들에 관해서 관심을 불러일으키게 해준다.
집에서나 여선교회의 크고 작은 모임에서 기도
                                          포용적인 사람이 된다.
                                          연합감리교회의 인종정의정책 헌장
할 때 이런 관심사를 하나님께 고한다. 세상을
                                          (Charter for Racial Policies of the United
위한 기도를 위한 내부 지침서를 읽는다.
                                          Methodist Church)을 꾸준히 실천에 옮긴다.
                                          이제 무엇을 할 것인가 (Where Do We Go
프로그램을 주최한다. 우리                            From Here)를 읽는다.
모두는 이제 즉석식품을 만드는 이들(“We are
All Fast-Food Workers Now”)을 읽고 경제
                                          당신이 기도하고 공부하고, 행동하고 조직하는
불평등에 관해 토론하라.
                                          일을 할 때 하나님이 축복하시기를 그리스도의
                                          이름으로 기도한다.
주일학교에서 가르친다.
주일 학교에서 어린이들의 도서 목록에 나오는
책들을 읽는다. 너는 독특한 존재이다(Nobody

B    보너스 북
     보너스 북은 1권을 읽어도 2권을 읽은 것으로 간주하는 책들이다-선교 교육이나 사회적
     행동 분야에서 두 권을 읽은 것으로 혹은 두 분야에서 한 권씩을 읽은 것으로 취급된다.
     예를 들면, 우리가 죽을 때 아무도 울지 않았다(Nobody Cries When We Die)와 우리는
     이제 모두 즉석식품을 만드는 이들(“We Are All Fast-Food Workers Now”)은 사회 참여
     분야에서 두 권의 책으로 여겨지는 책들이다.

2019년 연합감리교회 여선교회 선교학교 교재를 읽고 다음 카테고리에 점수를 적립
    • 2019년 영성 훈련 교재: 마가복음과 진보적 제자 공동체*
    • 2019년 특별판: 여선교회 선교: 150년과 그 후*
    • 2019년 청소년 교재: 너희는 나를 누구라 하느냐? 마가의 눈을 통해 만나는 예수
    • 2019년 어린이 교재: 마가복음의 예수와 함께하는 선교 여행
    • 2019 사회문제 교재: 돈은 어떻게 다루나? 믿음으로 대답하기* (2018년과 같음)
*한국어판, 스페인어판 있음


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