THE SMIB MAG 2019 2020 - 10 YEARS AFTER - ESSEC Business School

Page created by Roy Reeves
THE SMIB MAG 2019 2020 - 10 YEARS AFTER - ESSEC Business School
2019 - 2020
THE SMIB MAG 2019 2020 - 10 YEARS AFTER - ESSEC Business School
                                                                                                               RANKINGS BUSINESS                                #7                #3                  #5                #8
                                                                                                               EDUCATION 2019                                   European          Master in           Master in         Executive
                                                                                                                                                                Business School   Management          Finance           Education


THE PIONEERING SPIRIT                                                                                          Key figures

                            ESSEC is a graduate school with           ESSEC is a school with French Roots
                            programs ranging from Bachelor            that trains responsible leaders.
                            to PhD, a wide range of Masters           Being a responsible leader means

                                                                                                                        6O,OOO                                                        6,66O
                            programs including our flagship Master    being able to see beyond business
                            in Management and Global MBA              as usual. Responsible leaders are
                            programs. ESSEC also offers executive     able to value long-term benefits
                            education and custom training             over short-term profits; they are able
                            designed and developed on-demand          to blend corporate performance                         graduates worldwide                                  students in full-time undergraduate
                            for our partners from the private         with employees’ well-being. To                                                                                    and graduate programs
                            sector. ESSEC holds the “Triple crown”    prepare its students for the world of

                                                                                                                          4                      +1                                34%                    1O2
                            of accreditations for global business     tomorrow, ESSEC’s pedagogy seeks
                            education: EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA.         to awaken and develop creative
                                                                      and critical thinking, together with
Vincenzo Esposito Vinzi     At the core of the ESSEC learning         the learning-by-doing method.
                                                                                                                     campuses in              augmented                           international         nationalities
Dean and President          experience is a combination of            Responsible leaders are those who         Cergy, Paris-La Défense,        digital                             students            represented
of ESSEC Business School    excellence and distinctiveness.           can see the broader picture.               Singapore and Rabat           campus
                            ESSEC’s unique educational model

                            is based on education by experiences,     ESSEC is a full ecosystem at the

                            that foster the acquisition of            crossroad of rigorous and relevant                    partner universities
CREATED IN 19O7, ESSEC      cutting-edge knowledge with the           research, innovation, business and                    in 45 countries
                            development of know-how and life          society. At ESSEC we believe in                                                                                   student organizations
BUSINESS SCHOOL TODAY       skills. At ESSEC, we aim to empower       bringing research and companies into
IS A WORLD-SCHOOL WITH      students and give them the keys           the classroom, we also believe that

                            to imagine, create, lead and have a       learning doesn’t end with a degree:                         degrees awarded each year,
FRENCH ROOTS. ITS PURPOSE   positive impact in the business world     learning at ESSEC means becoming                            including 1,600 at graduate level
                            of tomorrow that will be more complex     a life-long learner and joining a
IS TO GIVE MEANING TO THE   and changing ever more rapidly.           close-knit community of more than
LEADERSHIP OF TOMORROW                                                60,000 Alumni all across the globe.
                            ESSEC is a world-school. Our
AND HAVE A GLOBAL IMPACT.   International campuses in Asia-Pacific
                            and Africa are dual gateways that

                            allow students to really immerse

                            themselves into different cultures                                                                learning and research chairs
                            worldwide and develop genuine
                            expertise about business in those
                            regions. They allow our school to build
                            deeper alliances with academic, private

                                                                                                                              double degree programs                               managers in executive education
                            and public partners in those regions
                                                                                                                              (26 international, 6 national)
                            that are growing at an accelerated

                            pace and will be leaders of economic
                            growth in tomorrow’s world. ESSEC
                            has built a network of alliances with

                            academic partners worldwide so                                                                    permanent faculty of 37 nationalities                 partner companies in education
                            that its students’ learning journey                                                               including 21 emeriti professors                               and recruitment
                            is a true international one.
THE SMIB MAG 2019 2020 - 10 YEARS AFTER - ESSEC Business School
              10 Years after, from SMIB students to …
                                                                                                                                                              EDITO SMIB
              EDITO SMIB............................................................................................................................5

              NADA ACHENANI CHIEF EDITOR.................................................................................6                                           I remember when I was a SMIB student this
                                                                                                                                                              Strategy professor telling us that you build strategy over
              THE SMIB JOURNALISTS..................................................................................................7                         10 years, and tactics over 10 months. While the SMIB
                                                                                                                                                              was created in 1996 so 24 years ago, this SMIB Mag
              STRATEGY CONSULTING IN NEW YORK...................................................................8                                             was first released in 2010, so it worth an effort to try to
                                                                                                                                                              understand how our alumni who were featured in the
              BUSINESS MANAGER IN LONDON............................................................................10                                        magazine have strategically managed their career!
                                                                                                                                                              They were happy to share their insights about how the program
              A BIG FOUR SENIOR MANAGER................................................................................. 13                                   made them different and turned them into proud members
                                                                                                                                                              of the SMIB family sharing important values aligned with
              C-LEVEL:                                                                                                                                        the program and school values: Open-mindedness, Boldness,
              CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER (COO)..........................................................................14                                       Authenticity/Trust, Responsible and Business-oriented.
                                                                                                                                                              We’re happy to share with you their stories and
              C-LEVEL:                                                                                                                                        recommendations to current and future SMIBs!
              CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER (CFO)............................................................................ 16                                    You’ll also be happy to learn that SMIB is growing like
                                                                                                                                                              a tree with many branches but with solid roots. This
              A FRESHER POINT OF A VIEW.................................................................................... 17                                made us reach #3 position worldwide as Best Master in
              About Industrial Strategy.......................................................................................................... 17          Management (QS Ranking) in 2020. Thank you all for your
              about entrepreneurship............................................................................................................. 19          involvement in the program, and let’s keep building a strong
              About Banking Inspection........................................................................................................ 21             SMIB Family with fresh graduates (Class of 2018-2019)
                                                                                                                                                              and graduates-to-come (Class of 2019-2020)!
              SMIB LIFE............................................................................................................................. 22
              stratngo Consulting.................................................................................................................... 22
              SMIB For Smiles........................................................................................................................... 24
              Focus on the Asian Strategy Challenge (ASC) at ESSEC, Asia-Pacific Campus............... 25
                                                                                                                                                              Anne-Flore Maman Larraufie (Ph.D)
              A WORD FROM PROFESSORS................................................................................... 28                          
                                                                                                                                                              Academic Director of MS SMIB
                                                                                                                                                              (Cergy - La Défense - Singapore)

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THE SMIB MAG 2019 2020 - 10 YEARS AFTER - ESSEC Business School
                            SYLVAIN DELAUNAY
                        GHISLAIN DE LA BRETESCHE
                        ANA RAQUEL SILVA SANTOS
                              SHILPI BANSAL
                           JACQUES DELAPLACE
THE SMIB MAG 2019 2020 - 10 YEARS AFTER - ESSEC Business School
STRATEGY                                            developed were suddenly becoming very real          & Procurement function and the COO. In
CONSULTING                                          to us. This context also changed the way we
                                                    apprehended our post SMIB opportunities,
                                                                                                        this project, we had to support a merger
                                                                                                        of equal size companies which brought
IN NEW YORK                                         namely internships in industries suffering
                                                    such as banking and consulting to a certain
                                                                                                        additional complexity in the strategic
                                                                                                        recommendations we could provide in
By Sylvain Delaunay                                 extent. In my case, I had to compromise on          terms of organization and operating model
                                                    my initial ambition to join M&A and had to          design. Our teams were also supporting
                         Pierre-André               develop alternatives such as Consulting.            in parallel the identifications of synergies
                         Pancaldi                   While many consulting firms temporarily             that were critical for the deal success.
                         Senior Manager at          stopped hiring or even internships, smaller
                         Accenture Strategy,        fast-growing firms were still looking for talents     Consulting in the United States
                         New York                   to support their secured pipeline of work.          I have had the opportunity to work
                                                    Overall the consulting sector did not suffer        both in France, many west European
                                                    much from the financial crisis as companies         countries and in the United States, and
                                                    were more than ever looking for support to          the work culture is quite different.
                                                    further reduce their operating costs and pivot      It is going to sound very “cliché” although
After my engineering studies, I started my          their business in those decisive moments.           I find that Americans have overall a strong
career in the Purchasing department of                                                                  business sense and extreme rigor in managing
Bouygues Construction group. My objective,            Joining the consulting sector                     business operations. French business
typical for student with technical background,      There are many ways to join a consulting            culture focuses towards more creativity,
was to shift to a more business-oriented track      firm after the SMIB and my best advice is           agility and pragmatism. With that, mixing
while leveraging the technical background           to stay open to several career options and          both is very interesting: I learn to be a solid
I have acquired through my studies. Those           understand how this could benefit in building       business operator, and I encourage my
first two years were eye-opening for me             your overall story of “why consulting”.             teams to think out of the box, not take any
and confirmed my willing to pursue a true           For my part, I joined Factea - a small Strategy     processes for granted and work differently.
business career across different industries.        boutique in Paris right at the end of the SMIB      The lifestyle that comes with consulting is also
I, therefore, decided to join the ESSEC SMIB        and was then hired by Accenture in Paris after      not the same. Indeed, even though consulting
program, which gave me the opportunity down         2 years to join their Supply Chain practice.        firms are established in all major American
the line to join consulting in both a small         My previous experience in the industry,             cities, forming a critical size team in a specific
boutique firm and a global consulting giant.        even short, was highly valuable for my              field of expertise usually requires gathering
Joining the SMIB was undoubtedly one of             consulting career take- off as it allowed           staff from other offices. That’s why employees
the best decisions and no-regret moves              me to rapidly establish credibility with            travel to their client’s location in another city
I have made in my career life so far, for           clients. This is something to consider when         from Monday to Thursday evening, whereas
two main reasons: the diversity of profiles         thinking about consulting: when is the              in France, most of the strategy consulting
I had the chance to live and work with,             right timing to move and should I benefit           work happens in Paris. With this lifestyle
but also the wide range of professional             from an operational experience before?              on the move, more flexibility is allowed and
opportunities and options offered.                                                                      working from home on Fridays is common.
I met student peers with so many different            My work as a consultant
backgrounds and objectives, creating a              I am working now as a Senior Manager at
fantastic emulation among us to push                Accenture Strategy New York, within the
ourselves into finding the right track and career   Supply Chain Operations & Sustainability
choices to fully leverage our SMIB formation.       Strategy practice. Most of my time is spent
                                                    on managing strategy projects related to
  The economic situation 10 years ago               profitability improvement for C-Suite clients in
2008 was a unique year to be at the SMIB.           the Consumer Goods and Life Science industry.
With the global financial crisis unveiled,          I recently completed a successful post-
we were all much more focused on our                merger integration for a major Beauty
finance courses as concepts and theories            company, supporting directly their Sourcing

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THE SMIB MAG 2019 2020 - 10 YEARS AFTER - ESSEC Business School
BUSINESS                                              de quitter l’entreprise avec laquelle j’étais         protection des données. Nos équipes de            différence est plus grande que ce que l’on
MANAGER IN                                            et j’ai intégré Kantar ou j’ai découvert une
                                                      discipline que je ne connaissais pas du tout,
                                                                                                            statisticiens vont ensuite pouvoir élaborer des
                                                                                                            modèles qui permettront d’anticiper l’impact
                                                                                                                                                              pourrait croire. En passant de Paris à Londres,
                                                                                                                                                              je pensais partir d’une grande ville à une
LONDON                                                les sondages et les études de marché. Après
                                                      9 mois, j’ai quitté Kantar pour intégrer une
                                                                                                            de différents évènements tels que la survenue
                                                                                                            d’une vague de froid en Octobre par exemple.
                                                                                                                                                              autre ce qui fut loin d’être le cas. Comparé
                                                                                                                                                              à Paris, Londres est une « Superville » !
By Molka Boujbel                                      boîte d’études de marché spécialisée dans             Moi en tant que Manager, j’ai plus un             L’adaptation a été compliquée même pour
                                                      l’industrie pharmaceutique, Vivactis. J’y             rôle de superviseur. Ayant déjà été à             moi qui suis habituée au tumulte parisien. Et
                          Lauren                      suis restée pendant 3 ans ou j’ai beaucoup            leur place quelques années auparavant,            puis les tempéraments sont complètement
                          Hiribarne                   évolué et grandi car nous étions une petite           je suis à même de savoir les difficultés          différents, nous sommes plus méditerranéens,
                          Business Manager at         équipe ce qui me donnait l’opportunité de             qu’ils peuvent rencontrer et les aider à          les anglais sont plus germaniques, tout sera
                          Imperial College Health     faire beaucoup de choses et me procurait              les résoudre. Je m’occupe également de            naturellement plus structuré et personne ne
                          Partners, London            l’autonomie dont j’avais besoin pour avancer.         l’aspect financier et RH ainsi que d’organiser    sera complètement direct, non par hypocrisie
                                                      Le mauvais côté des petites structures, c’est         des évènements pour mon équipe, avec              mais c’est juste comme ça que ça se passe
                                                      que l’on a vite fait le tour. Au bout de trois ans,   l’aide de mon assistante, car « une équipe        de ce côté de la manche ! Évidemment
                                                      j’ai donc commencé à chercher de nouvelles            heureuse est une équipe performante » !           on y est confronté au quotidien dans la
                                                      opportunités, et c’est là où j’ai été contactée                                                         vie professionnelle. Par exemple, à mes
   Parcours                                           par un recruteur anglais. J’ai été embauchée            êtes-vous les seuls à avoir acces à             débuts ici, j’avais du mal à comprendre les
Je suis diplômée de l’Ecole Nationale                 dans Cello Health, toujours dans les études de        ces donnees ? quid de la protection               directives vagues de mes managers. Ici pour
Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier en 2008           marché en pharma, mais j’avais l’opportunité          des donnees des patients surtout suite            te demander de faire quelque chose ou de
en ingénierie chimique avec une spécialité            de travailler à l’échelle internationale avec         à la rentree en vigueur du rgpd ?                 modifier ton travail on te dira souvent « A ta
en biochimie. Pendant ce diplôme, j’ai décidé         de plus gros clients. Une autre dimension !           Je dirais oui et non ! Ces données que nous       place je ferais comme ça », ce qui peut paraître
que je n’allais pas rester dans le secteur            Aujourd’hui, après cinq ans, je suis business         exploitons appartiennent aux hôpitaux et          comme une option, mais ça ne l’est pas en
à proprement parler car cela me dirigeait             manager à « Imperial College Health                   nous somme justement dédiés à ces hôpitaux,       réalité ! Après en passant moi-même à des
surtout vers des postes en laboratoire, dans          Partners (ICHP) », une entreprise qui s’occupe        c’est pour cela que nous y avons un accès         postes de management, j’ai dû encore une fois
la chaîne de production ou encore dans la             d’implémenter des innovations dans le                 privilégié. D’autres personnes ou entreprises     m’adapter. En me reprochait souvent d’être
recherche, ce qui ne m’intéressait pas trop.          système de santé anglais. Je manage une               peuvent y avoir accès en passant par un           trop directe, et en même temps, lors de mes
J’ai donc rapidement décidé de me diversifier         équipe de 12 personnes qui fait des analyses          process assez complexe, notamment un panel        passages à Paris, mes proches trouvaient que je
en optant pour un master en marketing ou              de données et des projections économiques.            qui va décider de la pertinence de l’usage        tournais trop autour du pot. Compliqué tout ça !
en business international. J’ai candidaté à                                                                 qui en sera fait. Ce panel peut par exemple       Finalement, je dirais que le « Mindset » est
plusieurs écoles et j’ai été acceptée à l’ESSEC          Pourriez-vous nous parler plus                     rejeter un projet s’il estime qu’il ne présente   complètement différent, que ce soit dans
et à HEC. J’ai ensuite choisi l’ESSEC car j’avais     de votre poste actuel ?                               pas de bénéfice pour la structure hospitalière    l’éducation ou dans le monde professionnel.
eu un meilleur feeling avec les personnes avec        L’Imperial College Health Partners est une            ou le système de santé en général, ou encore      Pour t’aider à te développer, ici on va plus te
lesquelles j’ai passé l’entretien. J’ai été séduite   entreprise financée par le gouvernement               s’il représente un danger pour la protection      pousser, te donner des outils et des directives
par l’ouverture à l’international du programme        anglais qui a pour objectif d’aider à intégrer        des données ou la santé des patients. De          pour t’améliorer tout en étant porté sur le
et de l’ESSEC, que je n’ai pas retrouvée dans         l’innovation dans le système de santé et les          notre côté nous devons aussi passer par ce        bien-être et le développement. En France,
les autres écoles. J’ai été attirée par le fait       hôpitaux anglais. Un exemple de ce que nous           process, mais de par nos relations privilégiées   on sera plus porté sur la performance
que l’on puisse choisir de faire un semestre à        faisons : étudier le fonctionnement d’un service      avec les hôpitaux et le gouvernement, nous        et le bien-faire, on aura tendance à
l’étranger. J’ai donc passé un semestre un à          dans un certain hôpital et implémenter les            sommes plus efficaces et efficients. Nous         « t’enfoncer » pour t’aider à avancer.
l’ESSEC à Cergy et un semestre à Thunderbird          nouveaux modes de gestion du personnel                pouvons mieux savoir quels sont les projets
School of Global Management en Arizona.               ou encore intégrer au sein de l’hôpital une           qui seront acceptés ou non par exemple. Pour         Pour finir, aujourd’hui, dix années plus
Je suis ensuite rentrée à Paris où j’ai intégré       nouvelle application qui permet aux patients          résumer, je dirais que nous avons un accès        tard, que vous a apporté le SMIB ?
Factea, un cabinet de conseil qui n’existe            de suivre leurs résultats. Mon équipe est             privilégié mais non exclusif à ces données.       Beaucoup de choses positives ! Après une
plus aujourd’hui suite à son acquisition par          focalisée sur l’analyse des données et nous                                                             formation scientifique, le SMIB m’a permis
Karistem Consulting. Je me suis spécialisée           avons la chance de bénéficier d’une base                Vous avez travaillé en France et ensuite        d’élargir mon socle de connaissances.
dans les hôpitaux puisque l’objectif était de         de données correspondant à 2,5 millions               à Londres, quels sont les differences             Que ce soit durant mon semestre à
concilier mon background scientifique avec            de patients. Ces informations permettent              que vous avez perçu que ce soit sur le            l’ESSEC ou à Thunderbird, j’ai pu m’ouvrir
ma formation en management et stratégie.              de faire des analyses très poussées et sont           plan personnel que professionnel ?                à des notions proches de la réalité de
À la suite de mes six mois de stage, j’ai décidé      évidemment très encadrées par les lois de             Bien que les deux pays soient proches, la         l’économie et de la société grâce aux

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THE SMIB MAG 2019 2020 - 10 YEARS AFTER - ESSEC Business School
différents cours que j’ai pu suivre.                de rencontrer des personnes intéressantes.   A BIG FOUR                                           (seulement 10 % avaient déjà travaillé avant).
Sur le plan professionnel, avoir l’ESSEC sur
son CV aide beaucoup. Que ce soit via le
                                                    Sur le plan personnel, j’ai fait la
                                                    connaissance de beaucoup de personnes        SENIOR MANAGER                                          Comment compareriez-vous la
                                                                                                                                                      situation économique d’il y a 10
réseau et les initiatives de l’école ou les         desquelles je suis encore très proche        By Ghislain de La Bretesche                          ans à celle d’aujourd’hui ?
Alumnis, les opportunités sont multiples.           aujourd’hui. Deux de mes meilleurs amis                                                           Il y a 10 ans, tous les secteurs étaient
Le réseau ESSEC Alumni est aussi actif              étaient avec moi durant l’échange à                               Nicolas                         assez frileux suite à la crise de 2008.
à Londres. Plusieurs événements sont                Thunderbird. Je suis allée au mariage de                          Calvet                          L’embauche dans le domaine de la finance
régulièrement organisés. C’est une bonne            l’un d’entre eux la semaine dernière !                            KPMG Advisory,                  avait diminué. Aujourd’hui, on sent que la
occasion d’entretenir le lien avec l’école et                                                                         Paris                           situation s’est détendue, bien que depuis
                                                                                                                                                      1 ou 2 ans, certains secteurs comme le
                                                                                                                                                      consulting se resserrent de nouveaux.

                                                                                                                                                        Quels sont vos conseils pour les étudiants
                                                                                                                                                      qui veulent intégrer un cabinet de conseil ?
                                                                                                   Parcours                                           Tout d’abord, il est très important d’avoir une
                                                                                                 Avant d’intégrer le SMIB, j’ai été diplômé           grande motivation et de s’être bien renseigné
                                                                                                 de l’école Centrale Nantes en 2008. J’ai             sur ce secteur. Postuler dans le conseil demande
                                                                                                 dans un premier temps hésité à m’orienter            beaucoup d’investissement (notamment pour
                                                                                                 dans la finance ou dans le consulting. La            les études de cas lors des entretiens). Ce sont
                                                                                                 crise de 2008 ayant diminué le nombre                uniquement les gens bien préparés qui passeront.
                                                                                                 de postes proposés en sortie d’école, J’ai           Pour les anciens ingénieurs, avoir réalisé un
                                                                                                 finalement décidé de m’orienter dans le              stage dans l’industrie peut être un atout lors
                                                                                                 consulting à partir de ma 3e année.                  des entretiens et permet de se différencier.
                                                                                                                                                      Je pense qu’il est préférable de débuter dans le
                                                                                                 J’ai éprouvé, à la fin de mes études d’ingénieurs,   conseil dès la fin du mastère, mais le choix du
                                                                                                 le besoin de m’ouvrir à de nouveaux sujets           Cabinet est également important, car il peut
                                                                                                 et de nouvelles matières et ainsi suivre le          constituer une carte de visite très valorisante.
                                                                                                 Mastère spécialisé SMIB de l’ESSEC.

                                                                                                 J’ai par la suite commencé ma carrière chez
                                                                                                 Orga Consultants (devenu Sopra Steria) en
                                                                                                 conseil en management où j’y suis resté pendant
                                                                                                 2 ans et 8 mois. Tout m’intéressait dans ce
                                                                                                 cabinet en termes de missions, mais j’avais
                                                                                                 la volonté de rejoindre un cabinet d’envergure
                                                                                                 internationale et l’envie de travailler sur des
                                                                                                 projets plus grands. Je suis donc parti chez KPMG
                                                                                                 France, cabinet dans lequel je suis toujours.

                                                                                                   Pourquoi le SMIB vous a-t-il plus ?
                                                                                                 J’ai véritablement apprécié l’ouverture
                                                                                                 que ce mastère m’a apportée. En effet, j’ai
                                                                                                 beaucoup travaillé en groupes avec des
                                                                                                 personnes de nationalités différentes et cet
                                                                                                 aspect multiculturel me sert encore dans
                                                                                                 mon travail d’aujourd’hui. J’ai également
                                                                                                 aimé le fait de pouvoir « networker » avec
                                                                                                 des étudiants de formations différentes

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C-LEVEL:                                              What was the reason of your inclination             What are the challenges faced by                  Why did you decide to join ESSEC Masters

CHIEF OPERATING                                     towards pursuing a discipline in strategy,
                                                    management and international business
                                                                                                        oil & gas sector today? What kind of
                                                                                                        strategies are being adopted by these
                                                                                                                                                          in Strategy & Management of International
                                                                                                                                                          Business? How did you find that the program
OFFICER (COO)                                       specifically in oil & gas sector? Please
                                                    tell us the story of how you realized
                                                                                                        companies to cope with these challenges?
                                                                                                        Or what do you see happening in the
                                                                                                                                                          aligns well with your professional goals?
                                                                                                                                                          It was at the time when I moved to Paris
By Aysha Basharat                                   it to be your sector of choice.                     world of oil & gas in the future?                 and wanted to gain stronger educational
                                                    Strategy is the main skill in oil & gas because     There are several challenges:                     skills. As I explained the SMIB Program fits
                          Tahereh                   it is linked to geopolitics and international       • In most of the oil & gas producing             exactly to what I have been seeking.
                          Amirzadeh                 relationships. Oil & Gas is an international           countries, civil or even military conflicts      You are often invited as a guest
                          COO at Netoil Inc,        business since oil & gas producers are mostly          can happen anytime. The ongoing                speaker at ESSEC for some professional
                          Paris                     the US, Russia and CIS, the Middle East, Africa,       happenings today in Iraq, in Libya and in      seminars as a part of the course. As
                                                    Latin America and Australia. As a manager of           Venezuela are some of the examples.            the theme of our magazine this year
                                                    an international oil company, I found the SMIB      • Although the demand is still growing, the      is “10 years of SMIB Mag”, how do you
                                                    Executive Program as the perfect choice for me.        offer is becoming increasingly important.      think MS SMIB has evolved over these
                                                                                                           For instance, US has difficulties to find      years? What aspects of the program you
                                                      What kind of challenges one                          buyers for its future LNG which in turn        consider have been the most valuable
  Could you please tell us about your               has to deal with while working                         impacts the prices of Oil & Gas and on the     that contributed immensely towards
educational and professional background?            in oil & gas/energy sector?                            financing of the oil & gas projects. Oil &     your professional or personal growth?
I hold a M.Sc. in International Management          I would like to mention few challenges here:           Gas is no longer so attractive for banks and   I think the way SMIB has always adapted
with a specialization in Oil & Gas from             •A cultural one: Oil & Gas producing                  capital markets. A lot of Oil & Gas services   in accordance with the economic, financial,
University of Liverpool Management School, an         countries, Oil & Gas importing countries             companies have gone bankrupt in the US.        technological and business needs of the
Advanced Master in Strategy & Management              as well as banks and capital markets              • There competition for clean and green energy   times has been a great aspect of this
of International Business (SMIB) from ESSEC           all have various cultures. As a result,              is becoming more and more intense.             program. I consider it is the reason that it
Business School, an Advanced Master in                it is very important to be familiar with                                                            has been able to maintain a top ranking
Leading International Industrial Projects (LIIP)      these cultural differences, to respect                                                              in the best Master programs worldwide.
from École Polytechnique (L’X) and ESSEC              them and to deal with them.
Business School. I also have a certificate of       •A financial one: Oil & Gas implies large
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from IFP School,          amount of funds to be raised and structured.
a certificate of Industry 4.0 from TUM and a        •A political one: Most of the oil &
certificate in Combating Money Laundering             gas producing countries are under
and the Financing of Terrorism & Proliferation        dictatorships and/or in wars.
(AML/CFT) in Banks from Riga Business School.       •A geopolitical one: Some projects
I am the Chief Operating Officer of Netoil which      are excellent on paper but will never
has just acquired 51% of Petrel Resources, a          happen for geopolitical reasons, i.e. the
company listed on the London Stock Exchange           relationships between some countries,
and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. I am                some tribes, some ethnic groups, etc.
looking forward to be a part of the board of
directors by end of the year. Before joining        That’s why one needs to have strategic insights
Netoil, I was Vice President for Marketing and      in this huge (by the large financial resources to
Business Development in Middle East at Swiss        be mobilized) business, which is international,
Forfait, a private company specialized in trade     dealing with so many cultures, etc.
finance and forfaiting worldwide, working with
commercial insurance companies providing
credit insurance and state-owned insurance
companies – ECAs (Export Credit Agencies).

14   ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL - SMIB MAG 2019 - 2020                                                                                                                  ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL - SMIB MAG 2019 - 2020   15
C-LEVEL: CHIEF                                      much them to be their own version, pushing          A FRESHER POINT                                      How did the SMIB at ESSEC

FINANCIAL                                           them for a great performance while always
                                                    keeping the hunger for excellence.                  OF A VIEW...                                       impact your career?
                                                                                                                                                           By the SMIB at ESSEC, I developed several
OFFICER (CFO)                                       Gilles really kept this lesson as it moved him to   About Industrial Strategy
                                                                                                                                                           skills such as accounting, finance, marketing,
                                                                                                                                                           strategy etc. These skills were very helpful to
By Ana Raquel Silva Santos                          continuously start something new and improve                                                           understand projects during my internship.
                                                    himself such as the MBA he recently enrolled in.    By Shilpi Bansal                                   I also developed certain soft skills such as
                          Gilles                                                                                                                           how to give a good report and presentation,
                          Gaucher-Cazalis           After the end of the program and working                                Arnaud                         how to behave in the global company, and
                          CFO at PHILIPP PLEIN,     all over the world from NYC to Paris to                                 Gaab                           how to interact with the people. These skills
                          Ticino, Switzerland       Hong Kong to Switzerland on some of                                     Intern at Total,               helped me to groom my personality, which
                                                    the greatest companies in the Fashion                                   Paris                          is an essential part of the corporate culture.
                                                    industry, Gilles always kept updated about
                                                    the whereabouts of the SMIB program.                                                                     How can you explain that what is the role
                                                                                                                                                           of strategy in the oil and gas industry?
                                                    One thing is for sure: The program pushed                                                              Market of the fuels is declining but the
“It was an intense experience”                      him beyond his limits and was a big time                                                               energy markets for electricity and gas are
                                                    on his career. It makes one see other                 Background                                       developing gradually. So, the strategy to
Mr. Gilles Gaucher-Cazalis, today CFO of Philip     possibilities and what one could achieve,           I am a SMIB alumni from 2019 batch                 develop new markets and to be the main actor
Plein, was a consultant when he first joined        while being able to be put in practice in real      and by nationality I am French. I studied          in the domain of mobility is a big challenge
the SMIB, managing to take the courses              life afterwards. Having some broad subjects         engineering in chemistry and physics in            for the oil and gas sector. Strategy is also
while working on a project in parallel, which       during the courses, including topics such as        Strasbourg with specialization in polymers         important for any company to do competitive
meant long nights and weekends of hard              Finance and Operations, Inventory, Logistics,…      and materials. During engineering, I did an        analysis to define business and corporate
work to keep everything on track. However,          makes one able to discuss proactively               internship at ECPM, Germany, consisting of         unit strategy, market analysis, define and
Gilles is very passionate about the SMIB            several topics in professional life meetings        20000 people in Research & Development.            execute technology strategy, manage portfolio,
and is all praises about his time at ESSEC          while being knowledgeable and not just              The internship confirmed the choice that I         resource and risk, improve production,
and describes it as an amazing experience           being hostage of other’s information.               did not want to contribute to technical role       construct environmental strategy etc.
to share knowledge and receive feedback                                                                 in future. This was the precise reason for me
from colleagues coming from all types of            When it comes to the Digital World, Gillles         to choose SMIB program at ESSEC which can            The Total’s slogan is “committed to
backgrounds and industries, especially the          is categoric, fashion business is more and          help to open fresh opportunities for me.           better energy”, how far is it contribute
professors that were, in fact, professional         more about digitalization, e-commerce,                                                                 towards climate protection?
lecturers mostly with a large path to share.        consolidation of online payment and data              You worked as a competitive analyst              If we talk about fuels, it emits more gas than
That was the main difference from the boring        usage. Companies need to be aware of this           at Total, for this position what are               petrol. Gas is cheaper and more efficient
curriculum of usual college and master courses.     and make the switch. Business is not done           your roles and responsibilities?                   than oil, has low carbon effect and thus
                                                    in the same way anymore: all processes              As a competitive analyst at Total, I contribute    less effect on pollution. Electricity will be
He has no specific memory that comes out            are online especially daily-life activities.        in the marketing front. The work is integrated     the energy of the 21st century. To meet
rather the gatherings with the colleagues,          Innovation is in everone’s minds and figuring       to marketing, logistics and supply chain           the increasing demand, Total is targeting
during classes or working cases, he has             out the next breakout is the key to success.        department. To be precise, it is more about        25 GW of renewable electricity generation
been very happy getting out of the daily                                                                the strategic analysis of logistics and            by 2025. It could be achieved by investing
routine and learning something new – it             He has just one advice for present                  performance of Biofuels. I also worked on          heavily on solar energy as it is fast- growing
helped him on thinking outside the box.             and future SMIB students:                           development of competition observatory for         source with boasting advantages: it is clean,
                                                    “Be aware of your core competencies and             the gasoline market. On top of that, I also        abundant, flexible, & efficient. To diversify
One of his fondest memories was this one            find new challenges, you have to remain             created new tools for off reporting of the         the energy mix, company is also investing
professor of strategy, who had perfect              yourself while focusing on what makes you           activities. I designed some innovative reporting   in bio energies, hydraulic and wind energy.
English, was fluent in French and often             different. Bring new ideas to the market,           system in excel format from the data in SAP,       They also focus on distribution of electricity
shared words in Russian and Mandarin. He            have an element of differentiation but always       it reduced the time by a factor of four.           by gas and distribution energy for car.
also spoke 7 other languages (Greek and             remain yourself. But most of all: Give time to
Latin included). This professor encouraged          network, exchange and share experience.”

16   ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL - SMIB MAG 2019 - 2020                                                                                                                    ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL - SMIB MAG 2019 - 2020   17
If I ask to give an advice to the students,                                                   about entrepreneurship                             est pour moi un gage d’assurance et de
what it should be?                                                                                                                                 familiarité avec les principes professionnels.
“My advice to the students would be to              to expand their domain and had technical
enjoy the adventure of life and SMIB to the         background will have great opportunities.                       Robin                          Fort de cette double compétence Business/
maximum. In addition to that, try to grab           They can leverage their technical skills                        Frohlich                       IT je gère pour le compte de Thales la
all the opportunities to make contacts and          and business acumen by exposure through                                                        structure d’avant-vente pour les projets de
leverage ESSEC alumni network.                      SMIB to get more options to work”.                                                             transformation du système d’information
After SMIB, for the students like me who want                                                                                                      du ministère des Affaires Sociales. Ces deux
                                                                                                                                                   années après la diplômation (2018) m’ont
                                                                                                                                                   surtout permis d’avoir un regard intéressé
                                                                                                                                                   sur les changements qui s’opèrent dans le
                                                                                                                                                   monde IT et de voir à quel point les travaux
                                                                                                   Parcours                                        qui sont entrepris ou en passe de l’être sont
                                                                                                J’ai commencé mon parcours professionnel           structurants pour le futur des entreprises. Le
                                                                                                comme ingénieur en informatique et                 principe de la digitalisation vers l’efficience
                                                                                                automatique des systèmes. J’ai pu travailler       n’est plus à discuter, il est en revanche moins
                                                                                                pendant près d’un an au Royaume-Uni sur            évident à mettre en œuvre concrètement
                                                                                                l’automatisation des designs des satellites.       en termes de profitabilité immédiate,
                                                                                                C’était un job génial en termes de découvertes     d’autant plus dans la transformation et
                                                                                                et d’apprentissage, mais il me manquait            la modernisation des infrastructures.
                                                                                                quelque chose, je ne souhaitais pas m’orienter
                                                                                                vers une carrière de développeur. C’est            Ce constat ensuivant et la volonté de créer
                                                                                                pourquoi j’ai rejoint l’ESSEC, je souhaitais       me poussent aujourd’hui, avec trois associés,
                                                                                                aligner mes envies d’évoluer vers des              à entreprendre la mise à disposition d’une
                                                                                                postes à mon sens plus « business » et             telle solution. Sans pouvoir détailler le
                                                                                                relationnels au sein d’une entreprise.             modèle, nous souhaitons aider à concentrer
                                                                                                                                                   d’autant plus les entreprises à la création
                                                                                                Résumer mon aventure SMIB à cette seule            de valeur sur leur système d’information,
                                                                                                envie serait finalement difficile car c’est au     qu’elles puissent s’affranchir des limitations
                                                                                                final bien plus qu’ajouter une top school sur un   techniques (devenues parfois un vrai casse-
                                                                                                CV. Nous partageons notre passage avec des         tête tant financier qu’intellectuel) à travers
                                                                                                personnes tant intéressées qu’intéressantes        une nouvelle maîtrise, tout en leur ouvrant
                                                                                                dans leurs convictions et l’opportunité nous est   la porte de nouvelles sources de profit.
                                                                                                donnée de rejoindre une famille issue de tous      Avec un design finalisé pour notre produit,
                                                                                                les horizons du globe (cela s’applique encore      les prémices de cette aventure sont en
                                                                                                plus pour ceux qui ont choisi comme moi un         place. Quant à la question pourquoi
                                                                                                parcours à l’étranger durant le cursus), c’est     devenir entrepreneur, je ne pense pas que
                                                                                                sans doute ce qui, au-delà de la formation         ce soit l’affaire d’un statut, d’une volonté
                                                                                                de qualité, me ravit le plus. La réussite n’est    d’émancipation du salariat, pour moi toute
                                                                                                jamais acquise mais je reconnaîtrais volontiers    personne qui se pose la question « comment
                                                                                                que le SMIB m’a donné la capacité et le recul      faire mieux » et qui essaye d’y répondre est
                                                                                                nécessaire pour évoluer rapidement au fil de       un entrepreneur. J’ai sans doute attrapé le
                                                                                                mes premières missions, là où j’aurais sans        virus en école d’ingénieur quand on créait une
                                                                                                doute mis bien plus de temps pour arriver au       société autour d’une solution de paiement par
                                                                                                même constat sans cela. Je ne compte même          empreinte digitale. À l’époque je n’avais pas
                                                                                                plus les fois où j’applique certaines méthodes     la situation qui me permettait de poursuivre
                                                                                                ou certaines anecdotes professionnelles            au-delà de l’idée mais l’esprit est resté,
                                                                                                échangées sur les bancs de l’école. Le SMIB        la volonté de créer et d’apporter quelque

18   ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL - SMIB MAG 2019 - 2020                                                                                                            ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL - SMIB MAG 2019 - 2020   19
chose est toujours intacte. J’ai retrouvé cette      des infrastructures et des personnes présentes   About Banking Inspection                               Why did you choose to start your career
ouverture d’esprit dans les murs de l’ESSEC.         quotidiennement pour approfondir bien plus                                                            as an Inspector?
On me pose d’ailleurs souvent la question            les domaines qui me plaisent. Alors à tous les                                                        • I never thought I would work in the banking
« mais faire le master spé à l’ESSEC, ça valait le   SMIB actuellement à l’école, profitez-en un                           Anna                               sector... I discovered the job of Inspector
coup ? » Ou le coût ? Je ne sais jamais vraiment     maximum, gardez cette ouverture d’esprit qui                          Sardarian                          during the Career Day thanks to a SMIB
duquel ils parlent, cependant ma réponse est         fait notre marque de fabrique et préparez-                            Inspector at Banque                alumni, which made me want to take the
toujours la même : « vraiment ». Cela dit si         vous à réfléchir au-delà de cette phrase que                          Postale, Paris                     entrance exams for different banks’ General
j’avais un regret à exprimer, j’irai sans doute      vous haïrez sans doute tout autant : « On a                                                              Inspection. I found in the profession of
voir l’étudiant que j’étais pour lui dire d’en       toujours fait comme ça ». Bon courage à tous.                                                            Inspector several characteristics that I was
profiter encore plus, profiter des concepts                                                                                                                   looking for: a regulatory aspect, analytical
présentés, des modèles, des enseignements,                                                                                                                    and writing skills to use, group work, regular
                                                                                                                                                              changes in the topics covered and work
                                                                                                        Background                                            teams, and also a work-life balance. This
                                                                                                      My academic career took place in two phases:            last point is not specific to all banks and
                                                                                                      I first joined the University of Paris II               is one of the reasons why I chose to join
                                                                                                      Panthéon-Assas where I completed my first               the General Inspection department of La
                                                                                                      four years of law studies. I also studied a             Banque Postale. Other reasons are mainly:
                                                                                                      semester in Milan at Bocconi University                 the values of the bank in which I find
                                                                                                      during my third year of my bachelor’s degree,           myself, as well as the quality supervision
                                                                                                      in the context of an Erasmus program. This              and benevolence that I felt from the staff
                                                                                                      experience reinforced my attraction for the             during my recruitment interviews.
                                                                                                      international. I therefore decided to take
                                                                                                      a Master 2 at the University Panthéon-                 What’s your advice for SMIB students?
                                                                                                      Sorbonne, specializing in international              My advice to students who want to
                                                                                                      and European business law, which was                 become an inspector is, firstly, not to be
                                                                                                      completely relocated to Bucharest.                   afraid to take the entrance exams, and
                                                                                                                                                           secondly, to choose a bank that suits
                                                                                                      • After this Master 2, although the legal           them! It’s important because the working
                                                                                                         subject I had studied for 5 years was of great    environment has a real daily impact.
                                                                                                         interest to me, I had difficulty projecting
                                                                                                         myself into the legal profession. So I wanted
                                                                                                         to study in a business school in order to
                                                                                                         open myself to other opportunities and
                                                                                                         that’s when I became a SMIB student.

                                                                                                        What did you like most about the SMIB?
                                                                                                      • I liked several things of the SMIB advanced
                                                                                                         master: first of all, I was obviously attracted
                                                                                                         by the international aspect of the master’s
                                                                                                         degree, all classes taught in English, and the
                                                                                                         diversity: meeting students from all over the
                                                                                                         world. I also appreciated a lot the fact that
                                                                                                         this specialized master provides a broad and
                                                                                                         very professional (partly practical) teaching.

20   ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL - SMIB MAG 2019 - 2020                                                                                                                    ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL - SMIB MAG 2019 - 2020   21
SMIB LIFE                                                                                                 Have you been to any of our events?             Join us in 2020!! All you have to do is apply
                                                                                                        If you have not been around lately, we have       in September 2020 to the consultant or
                                                                                                        you covered! We are also excited about the        board member position of your choice. The
stratngo Consulting                                                                                     rest of the events coming up in 2020. You         current team will be contacting you shortly
                                                                                                        might have missed the very popular and            to know about your motives, preferences
                                                                                                        first edition of Stratngo Case Challenge          and provide you with further information.
                                                                                                        which took place during three evenings in         Find out more about our latest events and
                                                                                                        November and December 2019. During the            activities by following our facebook and/
                                                                                                        events, twenty-five teams tackled real-           or linkedin page. Now that you know us,
                                                                                                        world issues in the field of NGOs. Although       our team will be happy to know more
                                                                                                        the competition was fierce, the case              about you and answer all your inquiries.
                                                                                                        challenge was mainly the opportunity to get
                                                                                                        a deeper understanding of the skills tested         Continuing the legacy
                                                                                                        in a business challenge. Being confronted         “Stratngo Consulting was created in 2015.
                                                                                                        to a professional jury and getting one step       At this time, we were looking for ways to
                                                                                                        closer to real world tasks of a consultant, was   put in application what we were learning
                                                                                                        a great first experience for the participants.    at ESSEC as student. It wasn’t possible to
                                                                                                        The event was not particularly targeting          apply to the Junior Essec or Essec Initiative
                                                                                                        any field of studies and any student ESSEC        association. We noticed that NGOs however
                                                                                                        was eligible to take part in the battle.          have real needs and few budgets for hiring
                                                                                                                                                          consultants. With friends (Hamza, Marie-
                                                                                                        Our second event of the year is HELP, EAT,        Pierre and Aymane), we thus decided to
                                                                                                        SMILE’N GO, a Christmas crowdfunding              create Stratngo Consulting which aim is
                                                                                                        planned in early December. We joined              to provide strategic consulting services to
  Introducing Stratngo Consulting in                advice from external consultants. In fact,          our efforts with SMIB for Smiles to               non-profit organizations (growth strategy,
few words                                           a team configuration was put in place to            organize the food sale and tombola.               performance improvement, cost structure,
Stratngo Consulting is an international pro         make sure the NGOs’ needs are fulfilled in                                                            development of new offers, international
bono association that provides consulting           due time: a team of four consultants is led         Internally, Stratngo Consulting preserves the     development, strategic marketing, etc.).
services to NGOs, in the field of financing         by a project manager. At the beginning of           college spirit by organizing regular parties      Since the creation, the association is
strategy, communication improvement,                each mission, our consultants define a clear        and team building activities. A weekend           growing each year thanks to members
project management and much more. It                timeline for the project steps and deliverables.    getaway is even planned in February 2020 for      and alumnis. From now, almost 20 projects
was created in 2015 by SMIB students and                                                                all members. We cannot wait for the second        have been launched in a large number
has not stopped to evolving since. Today,           The association seeks motivated, self-driven        edition of the Stratngo Case Challenge in         of countries and more than 100 students
Stratngo Consulting has built a strong team         students who would like to gain work experience     March 2020 and let us not forget about the        already contributed to the association.”
of forty members including eight board              and build capacity in the undeserved NGOs.          study team presentation in May 2020, a highly
members, coming from three different                Therefore, we make sure our consultants are         interesting event where the final research        Jacques Delaplace,
advanced master programs, with an aim to            enthusiastic about their daily routine. The         outcomes are shown in front of a whole            co-founder of Stratngo Consulting
fulfill seven missions and one research project     eight board members play a crucial role in          audience of alumni, students and NGOs.
this year. Our team is also culturally diverse      the development and sustainability of the             What’s next?
in order to support our partnerships with the       association by coordinating the work driven by      As we work for positive and sustainable
different NGOs located in France or abroad.         the different teams, looking for partnership with   outcomes, we count on students’ eagerness
                                                    new NGOs, taking care of other activities like      to drive the association further! Want to
  What are our objectives?                          financing, communication and event planning.        work on real-life missions of an NGO, or
Stratngo Consulting has three main objectives.      Furthermore, our main objective is to               even gain experience in management,
                                                    support the research team in their study            marketing, communication, finance…?
The association’s first aim is to help NGOs         report about the use and analysis of                Keep reading and learn about some of our
improve their performance by gaining skilled        unprocessed data by governmental bodies.            partner’s missions in amazing locations.

22   ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL - SMIB MAG 2019 - 2020                                                                                                                   ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL - SMIB MAG 2019 - 2020   23
SMIB For Smiles                                      realization that the world is in a dire need for   Focus on the Asian Strategy Challenge (ASC)
                                                     individuals who possess a willingness to share
                                                     and motivation to contribute towards the
                                                                                                        at ESSEC, Asia-Pacific Campus
                                                     greater cause of human solidarity. A team of
                                                     25 compassionate MS SMIB students, including       This 6-month consulting mission is the best way to put in practice all soft and hard skills needed
                                                     5 members constituting board positions for the     to become a qualified consultant. Students have to act as a real consulting team, under the
                                                     year 2019-2020, we make a robust community         supervision of an ESSEC coach, on a mission that is proposed by a company or an economic
                                                     striving to help social organizations for          cluster located in APAC. Both the company and the coach grade the students and can eventually
                                                     execution of their goodwill missions. We share     pursue the collaboration through an internship or job offer... This mission is complimentary from
                                                     a profound sense of involvement to support the     the school side, with companies invited to give whatever they want, to contribute to the SMIB
                                                     charitable missions aiming to ease the plight      development. This year’s projects are diverse and reflect students’ field of interests.
                                                     of underprivileged strata of the society.

                                                     From providing access to children deprived          The DHL Team:
                                                     of education to uplifting living conditions        Topic: Ideation on robotics to disrupt the
L’esprit pionnier – The pioneering Spirit! This      of those fighting the ordeals of hunger and        supply chain
mascot of ESSEC Business School substantiates        homelessness, SMIB for Smiles has planned
its constant urge to stay at the forefront with      partnerships with NGOs and associations                                                                Ellabane Yassine, Théophile Le Bizec and Yu
a pursuit for global excellence. The worldwide       working on the same missions. Our very first                                                           Zhang’s mission is to help DHL to implement
presence of notable managers and exceptional         activity for this year consisted of assisting Le                                                       a new service that they want to provide to
business leaders is a vivid manifestation of         Maillon, a social grocery store based in Cergy,                                                        their clients who sell robots. DHL enjoys its
some core founding values upon which this            in their food collection drive at Auchan.                                                              worldwide logistic network and sustainable
pioneering spirit has been strengthened.                                                                                                                    client’s relationships to become a sales
                                                                                                                                                            assistant and distributor for robotic companies
It has enabled the school to produce dynamic                                                                                                                who want to expand their business in APAC and
professionals who are not only well-acquainted                                                                                                              overseas.
with business & managerial prowess but are
also driven by a strong sense of responsibility                                                                                                             This consulting project has the huge advantage
towards social causes prevailing across the                                                                                                                 to be very open which let us some liberty of
globe. In order to fulfil this purpose, the                                                                                                                 thinking and acting.
school has disseminated Humanism and
Responsibility as its fundamental values which                                                                                                              Our involvement in this mission goes from
have been a springboard for some ambitious                                                                                                                  market research, data analysis, pricing
humanitarian ventures led by its students.                                                                                                                  strategy to the creation of a support that will
As we celebrate “10 years of SMIB Mag” by            Through collaboration with Stratngo- a pro-bono                                                        convince the potential customer. We had the
acknowledging the achievements of SMIB               consulting association of SMIB, we arranged                                                            opportunity to visit the DHL Innovation Center
Family over the course of last decade, it is         Christmas charity events “Help, Smile’n Go” &                                                          and we will attend some clients meeting to sell
imperative to highlight a charitable on-campus       “Eat, Smile’n Go” that included a food sale and                                                        this service. it is definitely a very interesting
initiative, “SMIB for Smiles” inspired by the very   tombola. With an enthusiastic participation                                                            experience that allows us not only to better
same values of humanism, responsibility and          from both teams and a keen interest shown                                                              know the robotics industry but also to network
compassion.                                          by ESSEC students, it turned out to be a quite                                                         with the major players in this field.
                                                     eventful day enabling us to achieve great
Propagating happiness by alleviating                 results. In addition to that, partnerships with
sufferings of the dejected and bringing smiles       associations such as Enfants du Mode, Défi
on their faces has been a driving force behind       Plaquettes, Secours Populaire along with a
the formation of SMIB for Smiles in 2013 and         volunteer activity with an NGO during SMIB
all of its proceedings over these years. We          Business Trip to New York City are some
completely understand this objective with a          examples of forthcoming projects for the year.

24   ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL - SMIB MAG 2019 - 2020                                                                                                                     ESSEC BUSINESS SCHOOL - SMIB MAG 2019 - 2020   25
The Dior Team (Perfumes & cosmetics)                                                                      The DECATHLON Team
Topic: Chinese Traveler’s Customer Journey                                                               Topic: Improving the efficiency and
                                                                                                         effectiveness of the offer range for Climbing
                                                                                                         and Mountaineering in Decathlon South East
                                                                                                         Asia and Australia

                                                    analysis and extract best-practices. The team                                                        Quentin Dauplais, Grégoire Leclercq and Louis
                                                    will finally present an action plan for Dior to                                                      Charlet : We are three students from business
                                                    enhance its engagement with Chinese travelers                                                        and engineering backgrounds. We chose
                                                    making the best use of the numerous digital                                                          this project because we like sports and the
                                                    touchpoints present in the customer journey.                                                         values supported by the company. Moreover,
                                                                                                                                                         the topic interested us, and we felt that our
                                                    Chinese travelers are in fact becoming a key                                                         work will bring to them a real answer to their
                                                    segment to seduce for many industries as they                                                        need. Indeed, after the first meeting with the
                                                    make about 80% of travel retail, therefore it                                                        company, we understood that the climbing
                                                    is interesting to make a deep dive into their                                                        market is not well-known by SIMOND, the
                                                    complex customer journey. However, it comes                                                          climbing brand of DECATHLON. We began
                                                    with challenges: first we must understand who                                                        our study market in Singapore: competitors,
                                                    are the Chinese travelers? Data constraints                                                          locations to practice climbing, competitors,
Pauline Glever, Léopold Mathieu and Rebecca         make it difficult for both brands and us to                                                          climbing events, survey, etc. The aim of our
Mosseri’s mission was to understand the             know exactly who they are, where they go                                                             study is to do this kind of work for all the Asian
behavior of Chinese travelers and how to            and so on. Then, we must understand what                                                             countries and Australia. At the end of the
leverage on digital tools to effectively target     their journeys looks like, keeping in mind                                                           project, we are going to be able to advise them
them during pre-travel. To begin with, the team     that the Chinese customer journey is way                                                             in their strategy to increase their market shares
must ensure that a luxury brand like Dior is        more complex than any other consumer in                                                              and create a real community of climbers.
present at keys digital touchpoints of Chinese      the world in terms of touchpoints, contents                                                          Thanks to this consultant assignment, we
travelers. To do so, the team must make             and expectations. It is valuable to understand                                                       can have an overview of what are the tasks
an in-depth study of the Chinese traveler’s         the specificity of their journey but also which                                                      entrusted by consulting firms, we are improving
different consumer journeys with a focus on         current trends are shaping the future of their                                                       our way to work in group, and we have a
their complex digital ecosystem. Moreover,          ecosystem and experiences. Moreover, we find                                                         privileged relationship with the company. It is
Dior wishes to understand how to stand out          it very interesting to analyze how luxury brands                                                     a real opportunity for us to understand how a
amongst the rest in this digital environment        can express themselves using digital without                                                         company can work and the issues they must
whilst ensuring overall brand image. Thus, the      jeopardizing their brand image. Finally, it is                                                       deal with.
team will analyze how others luxury perfumes        also a great learning journey about travel retail,
& cosmetics brands advertise on digital media       a promising industry.
and how they engage with Chinese travelers.
The team will also conduct a competitive

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