Read ,Set, TAKE ONE FREE Vancouver's Family Fun Guide - - Mom Im Bored Magazine Kids

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Read ,Set, TAKE ONE FREE Vancouver's Family Fun Guide - - Mom Im Bored Magazine Kids
                              Family Fun Guide

2021/2022     Read�,Set,
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Read ,Set, TAKE ONE FREE Vancouver's Family Fun Guide - - Mom Im Bored Magazine Kids
Hi, my name is Nelson Cardoso and I’m
                                          here to introduce you to Vancouver‘s new
                                          family fun guide magazine, Mom, I’m
                                          Bored. My vision for this magazine is to
                                          make parents and kids lives easier and
                                          way more fun. A go to trusted source of
MOM,I’M BORED                             info where you make it a habit to seek out,
FAMILY FUN GUIDE                          find and read Mom I’m Bored. So if you like
Do you have an event?                     what you see, like us on all of our social
Text or email us to put your event on     media outlets and look for us each month
the magazine.
                                          at over 250 locations in Vancouver.
Due to space limitations not all events
are listed free. To secure your listing
call us.

     @momimboredvancouver                 Features
                                          THINGS TO DO
     778-808-0891                         Top 5 Local Hills                        8        Polar Bear Swim                         13                   Polar Express 4D Experience             13
DISCLAIMER                                Lights WIth Heights!                    13
Mom, I’m Bored, provides event            Lower Mainland Farmers Markets          15
information as a complementary
service. Events listed or mentioned       Pasteis de Natas                        31
have been compiled from sources
considered to be reliable. While          PARENTS PAGES
reasonable efforts are made to            10 Parenting Tips for Preteens and
ensure event information is accurate,
please contact event/activity             Tweens (written by Juliann Garey)        4
organizers/venues for confirmation.       Do You Know the History of
No responsibility is taken for
omissions or errors in event listings     Christmas?                              10
or articles.                              Mini Yarn Hats Ornaments                20
                                          Hanukkah. The Festival of Lights        22
                                          Holiday Baking                          25
Read ,Set, TAKE ONE FREE Vancouver's Family Fun Guide - - Mom Im Bored Magazine Kids
Winter’s                                              ≤≥
Must Do’s                                      Hello, I. Nelson Cardoso, publisher
                                                 of this magazine, would like to
                                                  personally apologize for the
                                              derogatory term used in one of our
                                              word search puzzles last edition. We
                                               here at Mom, I'm Bored stand for
                                               diversity and inclusion and will do
                                              better in the future to see this never
                                               happens again. To all those who I
                                               offended, my sincerest apologies.

         NOW PLAYING
                         PAGE 16-17        November 28 – Hanukkah begins and
                                           ends in the evening of December 6.
                     IS SCREEN TIME
                      YOUR CHILD’S
                         VISION?           December 24 – Christmas Eve
                     Dr. Sherman Tung      December 25 – Christmas Day
                     OD, FAAO, Fiaomc      December 26 – Boxing Day
                                           December 31 – New Year's Eve
                                           January 1 – New Year's Day
                                           January 6 – Epiphany Day
                                           January 1 – Orthodox Christmas
                                           January 14 – Orthodox New Year
                                           January 14 – Martin Luther King Day
                                           January 25 – Robbie Burns Night
Portuguese Puff Pastries. See page 31      January 27 – International Day of
     for a deal. Order yours today!        Commemoration in Memory of the
                                           Victims of the Holocaust History

               PAGE 13
the world-famous bridge will be lit, end
               to end.

Read ,Set, TAKE ONE FREE Vancouver's Family Fun Guide - - Mom Im Bored Magazine Kids
10                          Parenting
     How to stay close as kids move into adolescence
                                                      FOR PRETEENS
                                                      AND TWEENS

Juliann Garey. Journalist, novelist and       What they may not know is that they
clinical assistant professor at NYU.          need you as much as ever, because a
                                              strong parent-child relationship now
It’s typically between the ages of nine       can set the stage for a much less
and twelve that our cute, cuddly little       turbulentadolescence. But it won’t be
children, once so willing to climb into our   easy, because you as a parent need to
laps and share their secrets, suddenly        respect your child’s need for greater
want little or nothing to do with us. A       autonomy in order to forge a successful
child in preadolescence is not the same       relationship with this “updated” version
person they were just a year or two           of your kid.
ago. They have changed—physically,            We asked some experts for parenting
cognitively, emotionally, and socially.       tips to help you keep the channels of
They’re developing new independence           communication open between you and
and may even want to see how far they         your pre-teen—and have a smoother
can push limits set by parents.               transition into the teen years.
Read ,Set, TAKE ONE FREE Vancouver's Family Fun Guide - - Mom Im Bored Magazine Kids
1. Don’t feel rejected by their                 interpersonal skills that are going to be
newfound independence                           crucial in the future. “That quality time
It’s appropriate for kids this age to start     is really key,” Dr. Kirmayer says,“ and
                                                it’s something that we might overlook
turning away from their parents and relying
                                                because our kids might be saying they
more and more on friends, but parents
                                                don’t want it and be pulling away. And
can take their pre-teen’s withdrawal as
                                                we might unintentionally collude with
rejection. “All too often parents personalize
                                                that tendency.”
some of the distance that occurs and
misinterpret it as a willful refusal or maybe   3. Try the indirect approach
oppositional behavior,” says Catherine
                                                When they were younger you could ask
Steiner-Adair, a Harvardpsychologist,
                                                direct questions. How was school? How
schools consultant, and author of The
                                                did you do on the test? Now, the direct
Big Disconnect.
                                                approach — carpet-bombing them with
Beware of trying to force information out       questions about school and their day —
of a resistant tween. “This is a time when      doesn’t work. Suddenly that feels
children really start to have secrets from      overwhelming and intrusive. And it’s
us,” says Dr. Steiner-Adair, “and parents       going to backfire.
who have a low tolerance for that transition
                                                If anything, says Dr. Kirmayer, you have to
— they want to know everything —
                                                take the opposite approach and position
can alienate their children by being too
                                                yourself as mostly just a listener: “If you
                                                actually just sit down, without questions,
2. Set aside special time                       and just listen, you’re more likely to get
with your child                                 the information about your child’s life
                                                that you’re wanting.” Dr. Kirmayer says
It’s often tough to get pre-teens to open
                                                this approach gives kids the message
up and talk. Laura Kirmayer, a clinical
                                                that “this is a place where they can come
psychologist, suggests establishing a
                                                and talk, and they have permission to say
special period of one-on-one time once
                                                anything that they’re thinking or feeling.”
or twice a week that you spend with your
                                                Sometimes you’ll be able to help and give
tween, where you’re providing undivided
                                                advice—but don’t try to step in and solve all
attention, and you’re not working or texting
                                                their problems. Other times you’ll just be
at the same time.
                                                there to empathize with how hard it is to
In doing this you’re not only improving         deal with whatever they’re going through.
your relationship, you’re also teaching
                                                4. Don’t be overly judgmental
                                                “At this age your children are watching you
                                                very astutely to hear how judgmental you
                                                are,” advises Dr. Steiner-Adair. “They are
                                                taking their cues on how you talk about other
                                                people’s children, especially children that get
                                                into trouble — how that girl dresses, or that
                                                boy has good manners or bad manners.
                                                And they are watching and deciding whether
                                                you are harsh or critical or judgmental.”
Read ,Set, TAKE ONE FREE Vancouver's Family Fun Guide - - Mom Im Bored Magazine Kids
She gives the example of the parent            She recommends books like The Boy’s
who says, “‘I can’t believe they posted        Body Book (by Kelli Dunham) and, for
this picture on Facebook! If we were           girls, The Care and Keeping of You (by
their parents we’d be mortified.’ Or ‘I        Valarie Schaefer) to introduce sexual
can’t believe they sent that YouTube           development and Ten Talks Parents Must
video around!’ They are commenting on          Have With Their Children About Drugs and
behaviors that need commenting on,             Choices (by Dominic Cappello) to bring
but the intensity and the rigidity of their    up the subject of drugs.
judgment is what backfires.”                   “They are going to be exposed to this stuff
                                               through their peer group,” she says. “You
5. Watch what they watch                       want to provide them with information
with them                                      that is accurate, but you want to do it in
Beginning in middle school, watching the       a way that isn’t overwhelming. Let them
stuff that your child wants to watch with      have the book on their bookshelf so that
them and being able to laugh at it and talk    they can look through it and come to you
about it is an important way to connect        with questions.” Dr. Steiner-Adair’s book
and to be able to discuss subjects that        The Big Disconnect also offers scripts
would otherwise be taboo. “Don’t get too       and advice about how to talk to your
intense in how you critique the values,”       children about sex.
says Dr. Steiner-Adair.
It’s our job as parents, she adds, to help     7. Don’t overreact
both boys and girls recognize how the          Dr. Steiner-Adair warns against being the
media instills the gender code — the           mom or dad who, in a bad situation, makes
barrage of cultural messages that tell kids    things worse. She gives this example:
what it “means” to be a boy or a girl—and      “Your child comes in crying; they weren’t
to help them identify when something           invited to a sleepover. They see a photo of
crosses the line from teasing to mean.         it on Instagram or Snapchat. The parent
But tread lightly and use humor.               says, ‘Oh my god, I can’t believe you
                                               weren’t invited! That’s horrible! I’m going
6. Don’t be afraid to start                    to call the mother.’” The crazy parent
conversations about sex and                    amplifies the drama, throwing fuel on the
drugs                                          pre-adolescent’s already hyper-reactive
The unfortunate reality is that kids are       flame. They make their kids more upset.
starting to experiment with drugs and
alcohol as early as 9 or 10. And according
                                               8. Don’t be “clueless” either
to Dr. Kirmayer, “Sexual development is        At the other extreme, don’t be a parent
a big part of this age, and it’s when we       who “just ignores stuff,” says Dr. Steiner-
first start to seeeating disorders arise, so   Adair. You risk seeming oblivious or
these are key years for us to be building      unconcerned to kids.
a strong foundation and giving them            When a teenager is caught hosting a party
developmentally appropriate information.”      with alcohol, the clueless parent might
Dr. Kirmayer suggests providing your           say, “‘Oh, that’s just kids getting drunk at
tween with information and resources           a 10th grade party.’ So kids watch their
on sexuality without the pressure of a         older siblings getting away with everything
big “talk.”                                    without consequences and they think,
Read ,Set, TAKE ONE FREE Vancouver's Family Fun Guide - - Mom Im Bored Magazine Kids
‘Great, why would I tell them anything?       to be sensitive and vulnerable at home,
Why would I turn to them?’”                   while at the same time acknowledging
                                              the reality that those traits might not go
9. Encourage sports for girls                 over well at school. “You can tell him,” Dr.
Girls’ self-esteem peaks at the tender age    Steiner-Adair explains, “that at 15 or 16,
of 9 and then drops off from there, but       when he wants to have a girlfriend, this
research shows girls who play on teams        is going to serve him really well.”
have higher self-esteem. Girls on sports
                                              Finding just the right balance with your
teams also tend to do better academically
                                              tween probably won’t be the easiest
and have fewer body image issues.
                                              parenting job you’ve ever had. It will take
Anea Bogue, creator of an empowerment         some trial and error, but keeping the
program for girls called REALgirl, notes,
                                              channels of communication open during
“There’s a very common correlation, in
                                              these years is well worth the work you’ll
my experience, between girls who play
                                              have to put in.
team sports and girls who suffer less
with low self-esteem because they are         If you develop trust with pre-teens you
looking within and to other girls for their   can offer them a safe place to come
value, as opposed to looking to boys for      back to no matter what happens in the
validation.”                                  new world they’re inhabiting, and in doing
                                              that you’ll also be setting the stage for a
10. Nurture your boy’s                        smoother adolescence.
emotional side
“One of the really hard things for boys
at this age is that the messages from
the culture about their capacity for love,
real friendships, and relationships are so
harmful to them,” says Dr. Steiner-Adair.
“They say that anything to do with real
feelings — love, sadness, vulnerability —
is girly, therefore bad.”
At the very least parents should do                 For more articles visit our website
everything they can to encourage boys           

Read ,Set, TAKE ONE FREE Vancouver's Family Fun Guide - - Mom Im Bored Magazine Kids
              Merry Christmas       Happy Holidays            Happy New Year

French        Joyeux Noël           Joyeuses fêtes            Bonne Année

German        Frohe Weinachten      Frohes Fest               Gutes Neues Jahr

Spanish       Feliz Navidad         Felices fiestas           Feliz Año Nuevo

Italian       Buon Natale           Buone Feste               Felice Anno Nuovo

Portuguese    Feliz Natal           Felizes Festas            Feliz Ano Novo

Dutch         Vrolijk kerstfeest    Fijne feestdagen          Gelukkig nieuwjaar

Romanian      Crăciun fericit       Sărbători fericite        Un an nou fericit

              Wesołych świąt
Polish                              Wesołych Świąt            Szczęśliwego nowego roku
              Bożego Narodzenia

Swedish       God Jul               Glad helg                 Gott nytt år

Czech         Veselé Vánoce         Hezké svátky              Šťastný Nový rok

              ਮੇਰੀ ਕਰਿਸਮਸ           ਛੁੱਟੀਆਂ ਮੁਬਾਰਕ            ਨਵਾ ਸਾਲ ਮੁਬਾਰਕ
              Mērī karisamasa       Chutī’āḿ mubāraka         Navā sāla mubāraka
              圣诞节快乐                 节日快乐                      新年快乐
              Shèngdàn jié kuàilè   Jiérì kuàilè              Xīnnián kuàilè
              メリークリスマス              幸せな休日                     あけましておめでとう
              Merīkurisumasu        Shiawasena kyūjitsu       Akemashite omedetō
              क्रिसमस की बधाई       छुटट् ियां आनंददायक हों   नववर्ष की शुभकामना
Hindi         Krisamas kee          Chhuttiyaan               Navavarsh kee
              badhaee               aanandadaayak hon         shubhakaamana
              καλά Χριστούγεννα     καλές διακοπές            ευτυχισμένο το νέο έτος
              Kalá Christoúgenna    Kalés diakopés            Eftychisméno to néo étos

Read ,Set, TAKE ONE FREE Vancouver's Family Fun Guide - - Mom Im Bored Magazine Kids

                                                                  LO C

1. WHISTLER BLACKCOMB                       Good snow-making
Known for: largest ski resort in North      and well-groomed trails.
America with the ultimate ski village.      Opening Date: Nov 21 2021.
Highlights: massive variety of incredible   Closing Date: Apr 13 2022.
terrain. Easy to access from Vancouver.
                                            4. MOUNT SEYMOUR
Full of amenities and après ski to keep
everyone well entertained.                  Known for: local mountain with a very
                                            welcoming family atmosphere.
Opening Date: Nov 25 2021.
Closing Date: May 23 2022.                  Highlights: inexpensive lift tickets
                                            Tobogganing and snowtubing available.
2. GROUSE MOUNTAIN                          High altitude which means good snow
Known for: an array of activities which     quality.
include snowshoe tours that offer           Opening Date: Dec 05 2021.
a comprehensive exploration of the          Closing Date: Apr 13 2022.
                                            5. MOUNT WASHINGTON
Highlights: night-skiing available
everyday until 10pm. It has six terrain     Known for: boutique resort experience
parks. Intermediate and advanced            and scores plenty of snowfall every
terrain is serviced by two dedicated        year.
express lifts.                              Highlights: less crowds compared to
Opening Date: Nov 20 2021.                  Whistler. Excellent beginner terrain and
Closing Date: Apr 27 2022.                  magic carpets. Opportunity to explore
                                            Vancouver Island.
3. CYPRESS MOUNTAIN                         Opening Date:
Known for: home to the 2010 Winter          Dec 10 2021.
Olympics.                                   Closing Date: Apr 08 2022.
Highlights: catered towards families
                                            Note: all open and close dates are estimated on
and beginners. Has the most terrain out
                                            historical data.
of Vancouver's Noth Shore Mountains.
Read ,Set, TAKE ONE FREE Vancouver's Family Fun Guide - - Mom Im Bored Magazine Kids
                                  DO YOU KNOW THE HISTORY OF

For many of us, Christmas truly is the most      WHEN DID CHRISTMAS BEGIN?
wonderful time of the year. According to         Officially, Christmas as a holiday most likely
the Pew Research Center, about 90 percent        began sometime around the 4th century.
of Americans and 95 percent of Christians        But let's back up a bit. According to the
celebrate Christmas each year, so it's a         History Channel, winter has always been
widely celebrated holiday centered on            a time of celebration—even before the
many much-loved traditions: decorating           arrival of Jesus. "Many peoples rejoiced
our houses and putting up a Christmas            during the winter solstice, when the worst
tree, baking Christmas desserts, attending       of the winter was behind them and they
church services on Christmas Eve, eating         could look forward to longer days and
lots of holiday foods we've looked forward       extended hours of sunlight," according to
to for ages, and exchanging gifts on the big     the History Channel. The Norse celebrated
day. The Pew Research Center's staggering        Yule, and Germans honored the god Oden.
numbers aren't necessarily surprising:           The Romans celebrated Saturnalia to honor
It feels like people start celebrating the       Saturn, the god of agriculture, and the
holiday as soon as the leaves change             holiday Juvenalia was held on December
color each fall.                                 25 for the infant god, Mithra (this was the
It's no secret that Christmastime is busy. So,   most sacred holiday for some Romans
with all of the excitement around the holiday,   at the time).
have you ever stopped and wondered where         But when Christianity first began, Jesus's
it all started? Well, we've done the research    birth wasn't celebrated—Easter was the
on the history of Christmas for you to help      main holiday. The Bible doesn't even
you truly understand its backstory. As you       mention a specific birth date for Jesus,
probably guessed, the holiday has changed        but it was thought to have taken place on
a lot since its inception.                       January 6, not December 25. That date still
This year, when you're taking part in            belonged to the Juvenalia holiday.
Christmas traditions like putting up your
Christmas tree, whipping up a Christmas          4TH CENTURY — 17TH CENTURY
ham for your family, or even singing carols,     All of that changed in the 4th century
you'll have a better grasp on the history        when Pope Julius I selected December
of Christmas and a grander appreciation          25 as the official date when Christians
for the most wonderful time of the year.         would celebrate the birth of Jesus. Why

the change? The reasons are still debated,     Americans would go on to embrace and
but the generally accepted belief is that      update the Christmas traditions brought
December 25 was chosen to increase the         to the United States by immigrants, such
likelihood that the celebration would be       as the Dutch families who honored the
embraced by Christians around the world        now-very-well-known Saint Nicholas, and
over pagan traditions that were already        welcome new traditions from abroad,
celebrated at the time.                        such as the Christmas tree, molding the
By 432, Christmas had spread to Egypt,         holiday's traditions into what we know
and by the Middle Ages, the practice           and love today.
of celebrating Christmas had spread
                                               WHY DO WE CALL IT CHRISTMAS?
around the globe and replaced pagan
festivities, and it would continue to spread   Most of us would assume it originates
in the following centuries, too. Christ's      from the word Christ, as the whole idea
birth was celebrated on December 25,           of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of
and January 6 became the date that             Jesus (no, it's not just about the presents).
people marked the Feast of the Epiphany,       To a point that is the case - the word is
commemorating when the wise men                a shortened form of "Christ's mass", or
arrived in Bethlehem and found Jesus in        "Cristes Maesse" as it was first recorded
the manger. (The period of time between        in 1038.
both dates would become known as the           This was followed by the term Cristes-
12 days of Christmas.)                         messe in 1131, according to the The
                                               Catholic Encyclopedia.
                                               The term "Christ" - or Crīst as it originally
By the 17th century, religious reforms were
                                               read - comes from the Greek word Khrīstos,
gaining speed, and they also impacted how
                                               a translation of the Hebrew word Messiah,
Christmas was celebrated. Oliver Cromwell
                                               which means "anointed".
and the Puritans cancelled Christmas, and
it did not return until Charles II returned    The second part of Christmas - maesse -
to the throne. When the Pilgrims came          |is a version of the Latin word missa, the
to North America in 1620, they did not         celebration of the Eucharist tradition of
bring Christmas with them, and it was          eating bread and drinking wine in memory
actually outlawed in Boston from 1659 to       of Jesus.
1681. Not wanting to embrace anything          This is also called Holy Communion and
British, Americans declined to celebrate       the Lord's Supper.
Christmas after the American Revolution,
so Christmas wasn’t a federal holiday in
the U.S. until June 26, 1870.                  Source:

November 24 to January 2
Box Office: 604-251-1363

East Van Panto takes a trip through
the looking glass!
When a terribly bored Alice follows a White
Rabbit onto the Skytrain, she falls down
a hole only to find herself in a Grandview-
Woodlands Wonderland! While tracking
this elusive bunny, she encounters transit
police officers Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-
                                              Hearts, is using cookies (chocolate chip,
Dumb, a busking Cheshire Cat, gets some
                                              that is!) to secretly steal East Van-ers
questionable advice from a cannabis
                                              data, she decides to stop her before
connoisseur caterpillar, and has a heck
                                              all the local shops are priced out of
of a time at a Commercial Drive leftist
tea party.
                                              The East Van Panto has never been so
Once Alice discovers that the dastardly
                                              upside down. Hope we all come out of
online mega-store owner, The Queen of
                                              this trip in one piece!

                                              MADE IN ITALY
                                              By Farren Timoteo
                                              January 13 to February 13, 2022
                                              Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage

                                              A musical coming of age in 1970s Alberta.
                                              Meet Francesco Mantini, a second-generation
DOLLY PARTON'S SMOKY                          Italian teen struggling to find his place in
MOUNTAIN     CHRISTMAS                        Jasper, Alberta. Inspired by pop culture icons
CAROL                                         Rocky Balboa and John Travolta, he reinvents
November 18 to January 2                      himself as Frank Martin: crooner and ladies’
Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage             man. As buoyant and bubbly as a glass of
                                              prosecco, Made in Italy is a celebration of
Set during the 1930s in the Smoky             music, food, and family that’s so delightful
Mountains of East Tennessee, this             you won’t soon fuhgeddaboudit.
heartwarming musical reimagines
Ebenezer Scrooge as the owner of
a mining company town, where his
callous greed blinds him to the joys of
the season. Dickens’s classic characters
and Parton’s one-of-a-kind songwriting
expertise make this the holiday event to
share with friends and family.

                                                 January 1 2022, 2:30 PM
                                                 Engllish Bay
                                                 Want to try something extraordinary
                                                 on the first day of the New Year?
                                                 Every year, on the 1st of January
                                                 thousands of brave people plunge
                                                 into the cold waters of English Bay
                                                 and swim a 295-ft (90-m) race.
                                                 Participants usually wear some fancy
                                                 costumes and the first three that
                                                 finish the race are even rewarded
                                                 with trophies.
                                                 Be at English Bay 2.30 pm to enjoy
                                                 the spectacular show or to have a
POLAR EXPRESS                                    fantastic experience swimming in
4D EXPERIENCE                                    this race. Don't forget to bring along
November 14 to January 3                         some warm clothes!
Vancouver Aquarium
You are invited on an extraordinary 4D
adventure this holiday season on THE
POLAR EXPRESS™. When a doubting young
boy takes an extraordinary train ride to the
North Pole, he embarks on a journey of self-
discovery that shows him that the wonder
of life never fades for those who believe.

                                               New this season – the world-famous
                                               bridge will be lit, end to end, with a multi-
                                               colour changing display, adding to the
                                               magic of crossing the canyon above
                                               the illuminated Capilano River. Journey
                                               into the rainforest and walk high above
                                               the forest floor between the eight tallest
                                               Christmas trees in the world on Treetops
                                               Adventure. The mesmerizing “Arc de
                                               Lumina” light tunnel will once again
                                               wrap its way along a portion of Cliffwalk.
                                               Perfect Instagram moments galore! Enjoy
  November 20 to January 23
                                               live festive tunes and explore the Park in
  Capilano Suspension Bridge Park              search of lit snowy owls in the popular
  Phone: 604 985 7474                          Snowy Owl Prowl scavenger hunt to                            win a grand prize Canadian Rockies trip.

Open 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. daily | Phone: (604) 659-3474

Vancouver Aquarium
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 3, 2022                  Card, or an equivalent for those
Dive into the spirit of season Scuba       visiting outside of BC; along with a
Claus (until Dec. 24), the jelly snow      valid government ID for entry into the
globe, THE POLAR EXPRESS™ 4D               Vancouver Aquarium. As of Sunday,
Experience® and more!                      October 24th, guests must have at
Scuba Claus will be diving daily at        least TWO vaccination shots.
11:00am and 2:00pm.                        Masks continue to be mandatory
All guests 12 years of age and older       for all guests 5 years of age and up,
are required to show their BC Vaccine      regardless of vaccination status.

  It was great!                One of                     Well done!
  Congrats on the              the best visits            The re-opening was
  reopen ~ appreciate                                     a good experience
                               This was a very good
  the extensive care                                      overall. Well organized,
                               experience, one of the
  and safety measures                                     clean and felt safe. The
                               best we have had at
  that your team has                                      one way flow of the
                               the Aquarium. We did
  put in place for                                        exhibit was a great way
                               not feel rushed, and
  guests to continue                                      to focus on each area
                               we were able to see
  to visit and allow to                                   with the kids. Well done!
                               everything, even the
  stay entertained and
                               outdoor exhibits.

                                                                         Satur n
Lower Mainland
Farmers Markets
No matter where you live in the Lower     October at Vancouver’s John Hendry
Mainland, chances are pretty good that    Park near the intersection of 13th
there’s a farmers market near you on a    Avenue and Lakeview Drive.
Saturday. Check them out!                 WEST END
BURNABY ARTISAN                           The West End Farmers Market occurs
The Burnaby Artisan Farmers Market        on Saturdays from 9 am until 2 pm
can usually be found year-round in the    between late May and around the third
parking lot of Burnaby‘s City Hall at     weekend in October. It’s located on
4949 Canada Way every Saturday.           Comox Street by Nelson Park between
RILEY PARK                                Bute Street and Thurlow. In 2021 the
                                          market runs from May 22nd until
Operating on Saturdays between 10
                                          October 30th.
am and 2 pm, Riley hosts over 60
vendors each week in the parking lot      Note: Market details such as times, dates and
                                          venue addresses are subject to change. Check
of Nat Bailey Stadium at 4601 Ontario     each market’s website for exact details.
The Trout Lake Farmers Market is a
large and vibrant market that takes                   Check our
place between 9 in the morning and 2                 website for
                                                    more details!
in the afternoon from early May to late
 Grab your Toboggans,
 Sleds, Magic Carpets, and
 Yes, Even Garbage Bags
 and Have Some Snow Fun.


CLEVELAND PARK, NORTH                        VANCOUVER:
VANCOUVER                                    West Point Grey Academy (Trimble Park)
This North Vancouver park is located on      4125 West 8th Avenue
Nancy Green Way at Prospect Avenue           Kensington Park
near the Cleveland Dam. It has a good hill   Knight Street and East 37th Avenue
by the soccer fields.                        Falaise Park
                                             3434 Falaise Avenue
VANCOUVER                                    Queen Elizabeth Park
                                             4600 Cambie Street at West 33rd Avenue
Queen Elizabeth Park is one of the
                                             Douglas Park
highest spots in Vancouver, so it has
                                             801 W 22nd Avenue @ Heather Street
lots of great hills for tobogganing. In
fact, the hill it sits on is nicknamed       Sutcliffe Park
“Little Mountain”. The park is near the      1318 Cartwright Street @ Granville Island
intersection of 33rd Avenue and Cambie       Park Walk
Street.                                      China Creek Park
                                             1255 E 10th Avenue @ Clark Drive
CHINA CREEK NORTH PARK,                      Vancouver Aquatic Centre
VANCOUVER                                    1050 Beach Avenue
Head to China Creek North Park in East       Coal Harbour Hill
Vancouver to sled down a steep, but          1525 Coal Harbour Quay
short hill. This park is located on Great    Rupert Park
Northern Way at Glen Drive. It’s just a      3402 Charles Street
block away from VCC-Clark Station on
the Millenium Line of the Skytrain.          NORTH VANCOUVER:
                                             Cleveland Park
BURNABY MOUNTAIN PARK,                       5200 Nancy Greene Way
BURNABY                                      Mount Seymour
One of the best places to sled is Burnaby    1700 Mount Seymour Road
Mountain since its higher elevation gives    Cypress Mountain
it a bit more snow. The park is located      6000 Cypress Bowl Road
in North Burnaby on Centennial Way off       Carisbrook Park
Burnaby Mountain Parkway.                    Lonsdale Avenue & Osborne Road East
Chrr istmas            WORD SEARCH


Ornaments   Mini Yarn Hats

                                    DIY Christmas Ornaments
If you are looking for the cutest DIY    Once you get started with these you just
Christmas ornament ever you just have    won’t be able to stop. Not to mention
to give these mini yarn hats ornaments   they look fancy as doll hats too!
a go. Super easy to make and they look

WHAT YOU NEED:                                    6. Rinse and repeat until you have all the
                                                  paper roll covered with yarn.
•       paper rolls (toilet paper roll, kitchen
        paper towel rolls,…)                      7. Once all is covered you will need to
•       yarn in many colors                       push the yarn through the paper roll.
•       scissors                                  8. I found the easiest way to do that is
•       tissue paper                              to “twist” all threads and just push them
                                                  9. Roll a small ball out of tissue paper.
1. Start by cutting yarn into threads.            10. Push it into the paper roll – this will
You’ll need plenty of threads, all with           help you get the perfect hat shape and
equal length, the length depends on the           keep the yarn in place.
width of your paper roll – so you’ll have to      11. Now all that is left to do is to tie a
find the perfect length for yourself.             knot around the threads to get a nice hat
2. You can start with cutting 1 thread and        shape
trying it out.                                    12. Trim the pom pom to get a nicer
3. Cut the paper roll, you only need a thin       shape.
                                                  Have fun crafting!
4. “Fold” the yarn thread in half and push
the “loop” side through the paper roll.
5. Now take the other end and “fold” it
over the paper roll and into the loop. Pull             Scan for video
to get a knot.                                           instructions!

    1                         2                   3                       4

    5                         6                   7                       8

    9                         10                  11                      12
Also known as the “Festival of Lights,” Hanukkah is an eight-day Jewish
holiday celebrating the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in the
Second Century B.C. Hanukkah is the Hebrew word for “dedication.”

The history of the holiday is tied to the time     take place between “sunset and until
when Israel was struggling for existence.          there is no wayfarer left in the street.”
It is believed that after a successful             The lamp should be placed outside the
revolt against a tyrannical monarch, the           entrance of the house. If a person lives
victorious Jewish community could find             in an upper story, it should be set on the
very little pure olive oil to light the Menorah,   window nearest the street. This placement
only enough for one day. However, the              it to publicly affirm the Hanukkah miracle.
oil lasted for eight days, long enough to          The entire Hallel (a verbatim recitation
purify more oil!                                   from Psalms 113-118) is said on each
Jewish people light a candle on each of            of the eight days. The reading of the law
the eight evenings in remembrance of               is from the portion of the Torah which
God’s provision. They also play games,             describes the sacrifices brought by the
exchange gifts, have family dinners and            princes at the dedication of the sanctuary,
attend plays and concerts at synagogues            and the kindling of the candelabrum or
and schools.                                       menorah (Num. 7:1-8:4).
                                                   Maoz Tzur Yeshuati (“Mighty Rock of my
                                                   Salvation”), a hymn composed in Germany
The lighting of the Hanukkah lamp is to            by a 11th-13th Century poet, is usually
                                                      sung in the Ashkenazi ritual after the
                                                      kindling of the lights. The melody of
                                                      this hymn is a little later than the lyrics
                                                      and was adopted from a German
                                                      folksong popular in the middle of the
                                                      15th century. This hymn extols God as
                                                      Israel’s deliverer, which is the precise
                                                      theme of this holiday. The Sephardim
                                                      recite Psalm 30.

                                                      WHY 9 CANDLES?
                                                      The eight cups that hold the Hanukkah
                                                      candles are arranged in a row, one
                                                      for each night of the holiday. Every
                                                      menorah has one additional cup, a

The Festival of Lights
ninth cup, which is located in the center or      little tops, or dreidels. If a Greek came
to one side and is usually slightly elevated.     by, they quickly put away their books and
The ninth candle is called “the shammash,”        pretended to be playing the dreidel game.
or, “one who serves.” Jewish tradition            The dreidel saved many lives.
says the purpose of the shammash is               A “dreidel” is a four-sided spinning top,
that “Judaism gives light to the world.” At       made of wood, clay or plastic. A Hebrew
Hanukkah we light an additional candle            letter is written on each of its four sides.
on each day. We use the shammash to               The four letters on the dreidel include the
light the other candles until all the candles     nun, gimmel, hey, and shin. These letters
give off their light. So, on the first night of   represent the Hebrew phrase, “Nes Gadol
Hanukkah, after sundown, the shammash             Hayah Sham” (A Great Miracle Happened
candle is lit, which in turn is used to kindle    There). Dreidels in Israel change one
one candle of the Menorah. The second             letter to read the phrase “A Great Miracle
night, the shammash again is lit and              Happened Here” (“Nes Gadol Hayah Poh”).
is used to light two candles, etc. The
appropriate number of candles is placed           CHRISTMAS AND HANUKKAH
in the menorah from right to left, yet they       Both Hanukkah and Christmas originated
are lit from left to right.                       in the same land, by the same people
                                                  (Israel and the Jews). Both commemorate
THE DREIDEL                                       a historical event. The Servant is prominent
The Israelites were not allowed to worship        in both holidays.
during the Maccabean struggle for                 In modern Israel, Hanukkah symbolizes
freedom to serve YHWH. If the Greeks              the victory of the few over the many.
caught them studying the Torah or praying         Throughout history God has worked in
they would be put to death. The Hebrews           the past on behalf of Israel, so He will
thought up a plan to enable them to               continue to work for their future. God
        worship and serve YHWH. Next              has promised to bless those who bless
                     to their Holy books,         the Jewish people and curse those who
                                they kept         curse them (Genesis 12).
                                                            Text compiled by David Brewer

AWARD-WINNING                                                              1876 W 1st Ave

PIZZA RESTAURANT                                                             604 730 0321

Rocky Mountain Flatbread has this         A fun and delicious ways to connect
credo at the forefront; we have come      with family, friends & colleagues!
a long way since 2004. As a result,
we pride ourselves on incorporating
                                          Always featuring lots of local &
local into everything we do. Only local
                                          organic produce, free range organic
Canadian organic flours, produce
                                          meats & Ocean Wise seafood on our
and meats, are used to handcraft
                                          forno pizzas, pastas & salads.
everything fresh on site. Creating a
culture of empathy and sustainability     •   Meat Lovers Options
has helped us grow into more than         •   Gluten Wise Options
just a restaurant.                        •   Vegan Options
HELLO PIZZA LOVERS                        •   Nut Free Kitchens
The Rocky Mountain Flatbread team         •   Try our new Pizza Pan Kits
is excited to introduce our Frying Pan
Pizza Kit. We have designed a pizza
kit with that replicates a forno-fired
pizza in your kitchens in minutes –
you will be blown away how it tastes
just like a pizza from our restaurant
forno fired oven!
Each Frying Pan Pizza Kit includes
fresh ingredients from our restaurant
kitchens & step by step cooking
instructions. Oh – and you can also
order your kit vegan, gluten wise, and
we have a pizza kit for kids too!

BANANA                                     EGGNOG
 PANCAKE                                    COOKIES
SNOWMEN                                  INGREDIENTS
                                         • 1 cup butter, softened
                                         • 2 cups sugar
                                         • 1 cup eggnog
                                         • 1 teaspoon baking soda
                                         • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
                                         • 5-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
                                         • 1 large egg white, lightly beaten
                                         • Colored sugar, Vanilla frosting
                                         1. Cream butter and sugar. Beat in
                                            eggnog, baking soda and nutmeg.
INGREDIENTS                                 Gradually add flour and mix well.
• 1 cup complete buttermilk pancake         Cover and chill 1 hour.
  mix                                    2. On a lightly floured surface, roll
• 3/4 cup water                             out half of the dough to 1/8-in.
• 1/3 cup mashed ripe banana                thickness. Using floured 3-1/2-in.
                                            cookie cutters, cut into desired
• 1 teaspoon confectioners' sugar
                                            shapes; place on ungreased baking
• Pretzel sticks, chocolate chips,          sheets. Repeat with remaining
  dried cranberries and/or halved           dough. Brush with egg white;
  banana slices                             sprinkle with colored sugar.
DIRECTIONS                               3. Bake at 350° until edges are lightly
1. In a small bowl, stir the pancake        browned, 6-8 minutes. Cool on
   mix, water and banana just until         wire racks. If desired, decorate
   moistened.                               with frosting.
2. Pour a scant 1/2 cup batter onto a
   greased hot griddle, making three
   circles to form a snowman. Turn
   when bubbles form on top. Cook
   until the second side is golden
   brown. Transfer to a serving plate.
   Repeat with remaining batter.
3. Sprinkle with confectioners' sugar.
   Decorate snowmen with pretzels,
   chocolate chips, cranberries and/
   or banana if desired.

All r
                                                                        or ab ated 4.2 S
VANCOUVER’S TOP                                                               ove o     t
                                                                                    n Goo ars

Nana Licensed Daycare          Nanook YMCA Child Care           Hudson Child Care Society
Address: 518 E 59th Ave        Address: 1255 E 10th Ave         Address: 1502 Maple St
Phone: (604) 367-5728          Phone: (604) 872-7011            Phone: (604) 731-1618

Storybook Buddings             Sunshine Corner Daycare          Learning Tree Day Care
Address: 1438 Cedar Cottage    Address: 215 E 18th Ave          Address: 4103 Brant St
Mews                           Phone: (604) 876-9722            Phone: (604) 874-4921
Phone: (604) 559-8494
                               Harbour View Daycare Centre      Children's World Child Care
Les Petits Artistes Montessori Address: 540 N Penticton St      Centre
Centre                         Phone: (604) 254-5233            Address: 475 Alexander St
Address: 3146 Ash St #3150                                      Phone: (604) 254-2551
Phone: (604) 569-1206          Mount Pleasant Child Care
                               Address: 960 E 7th Ave           Harbour View Daycare Centre
Little People Preschool        Phone: (604) 718-5844            Address: 540 N Penticton St
Address: 5600 Balaclava St                                      (604) 254-5233
Phone: (604) 261-2219          Montessori Day Care Society
                               Address: 2005 W 10th Ave         Les Petits Artistes
Wesbrook Parent Participation Phone: (604) 731-6917             Montessori Centre
Preschool                                                       Address: 3146 Ash St #3150
Address:4405 W 8th Ave         South Hill Child Care            Phone: (604) 569-1206
Phone: (604) 224-3112          Address: 508 E 45th Ave
                                                                Marpole-Oakridge Day Care
                               Phone: (604) 327-8622
Little Munchkin Daycare                                         Center
Address: 319 W 52nd Ave        Shannon Day Care Society         Address: 990 W 59th Ave In
Phone: (604) 655-1895          Address: 1200 W 73rd Ave         Oak Park
                               In Office Suites at Airport      Phone: (604) 325-5516
Blackbird Academy
Occasional Daycare                                              CEFA Early Learning
                               Phone: (604) 263-3421
Address: 1019 Cambie St                                         Vancouver
Phone: (604) 801-6699          Benjamin Child Care              Address: 2946 Commercial Dr
                               Address: 6294 St Catherines St   Phone: (604) 879-2332
Bright Beginning Childcare
Center                         Quadra Day Care Centre           Boat Day Care
Address: 266 E 55th Ave        Address: 4315 W 6th Ave          Address: 2908 Victoria Dr
Phone: (778) 378-8470          Phone: (604) 224-5911            Phone: (604) 423-3074

Sunset Child Care Society      Kiddy Junction Academy -         YWCA Emma's Early Learning
Address: 8064 Buscombe St      Division I                       Address: 3839 Carolina St
Phone: (604) 325-3817          Address: 8860 Hudson St          Phone: (604) 879-1121

West Point Grey Daycare        Phone: (604) 558-2552            Kids At Heather Child Care
Address: 1708 W 16th Ave                                        Address: 710 W 12th Ave
                               Piccola Casa Family Childcare
Phone: (604) 568-9002                                           Phone: (604) 873-9011
                               Address: 133 W 1st Ave
Little Beach YMCA Child Care   Phone: (604) 306-5303            Mini Scholars Child Care
Address: 1475 Burrard St                                        Address: 3429 Oxford St
                               Kiddy Junction Academy -
Phone: (604) 683-3417                                           Phone: (604) 336-0609
                               Division I
Extra Steps Preschool          Address: 8860 Hudson St          Day Care Centre Echelon
Address: 726 W 16th Ave        Phone: (604) 558-2552            Address: 575 W 8th Ave
Phone: (604) 569-0388                                           Phone: (604) 874-4010
                               Buddings Broadway
Komel's Daycare                Address: 950 W Broadway          Smiling Stars Daycare
Address: 1431 W 53rd Ave       #203                             Address: North Vancouver
Phone: (604) 655-1895          Phone: (604) 569-3951            Phone: (604) 986-3380

True Neapolitan pizzas are made
     with double zero flour, San Marzano
     tomatoes from the Campania region,
     and fior di latte (milky fresh mozza-
     rella). In Naples (as well as according
     to VPN guidelines), basil is placed on
     top of the pizza prior to cooking. The
     dough must be hand stretched with
     no added mechanical support (no
     rolling pin or stretcher) and must be
     cooked in a woodfire oven.
     Neapolitan pizza will have minimal
     toppings for a balance of flavour and
     the crust is expected to be lightly
     charred, slightly chewy, and soft in
     the centre. In true Neapolitan style,
     our pizzas are brought to the table
     uncut and can be enjoyed with a
     knife and fork or by hand. Come join
     us soon to experience la Vera Pizza

Word Scramble

1. Heaven Is A Place On
   Earth by Belinda Carlisle

2. (I've Had) The Time Of
   My Life by Bill Medley &

                                    We Were
   Jennifer Warnes
3. Faith by George Michael

4. Should've Known Better
   by Richard Marx
5. Is This Love by
                                     DECEMBER 1987
6. Shake Your Love by
   Debbie Gibson
6. We'll Be Together by
8. So Emotional by Whitney
9. The One I Love by R.E.M.
10. Don't You Want Me by
   Jody Watley
                                 QB (New York)               7. Masters Tournament
                                                                Larry Mize
1.Three Men and a Baby         2. World Series –             • U.S. Open
2. Throw Momma from the           Minnesota Twins won           Scott Simpson
Train                             4 games to 3 over the      • British Open
3. Eddie Murphy: Raw              St. Louis Cardinals. The      Nick Faldo
4. Planes, Trains &               Series MVP – Frank         • PGA Championship
Automobiles                       Viola, Minnesota              Larry Nelson
5. Wall Street
6. Fatal Attraction            3. NCAA Men's Basketball      8. Stanley Cup
                                  Championship                  Edmonton Oilers won
7. Cinderella
                                  Indiana won 74-73 over        4 games to 3 over the
8. *batteries not included
                                  Syracuse.                     Philadelphia Flyers
9. Nuts
                                  NBA Finals
10. Broadcast News                                           9. Grand Slam in men's
                                  Los Angeles Lakers won
TOP 10 TV SHOWS                   4 games to 2 over the         tennis
                                                             • Australian Open
1. The Cosby Show                 Boston Celtics
                                                                Stefan Edberg
2. A Different World
                               4. April 6                    • French Open
3. Cheers
                                  Sugar Ray Leonard             Ivan Lendl
4. The Golden Girls
                                  beats Marvin Hagler        • Wimbledon championships
5. Growing Pains
                                  for boxing's world            Pat Cash
6. Who's the Boss?                                           • US Open
7. Night Court                                                  Ivan Lendl
8. 60 Minutes
9. Murder, She Wrote           5. Grey Cup                   10. Horse Racing United
10. ALF, The Wonder Years         Edmonton Eskimos won         States Triple Crown
                                  38-36 over the Toronto       Races:
TOP 10 SPORTING EVENTS                                       • Kentucky Derby
1. Super Bowl XXI                                              Alysheba
   the New York Giants         6. World Figure Skating       • Preakness Stakes
   (NFC) won 39–20 over           Championships Men's          Alysheba
   the Denver Broncos             champion                   • Belmont Stakes
   (AFC) MVP: Phil Simms,         Brian Orser, Canada          Bet Twice

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