ATFORD Spring 2021 - Watford Borough Council

Page created by Julie Morgan
ATFORD Spring 2021 - Watford Borough Council

            Spring 2021
ATFORD Spring 2021 - Watford Borough Council
                            Welcome to this spring edition of About Watford. While Covid-19 is still with us and
                            we have a way to go before the infection rate comes right down and eventually
                            disappear, I wanted the magazine to focus on the positive things we have in the
                            pipeline that will get us back on our feet and thriving again in the future.

                            We have recently agreed proposals to revive the area around the Town Hall and the
                            Colosseum that we are calling our ‘Town Hall Quarter’. This project looks to revive                          Features
                            the top end of the High Street by refurbishing the iconic heritage buildings, creating
                                                                                                                                                     Council tax - What you pay and what we provide                                                              4
                            new affordable housing and looking to create an incubation hub which should bring
                                                                                                                                                     A sustainable future, leading by example - Greener homes and green spaces                                   6
                            economic benefits to the town through providing new and local businesses with space
                                                                                                                                                     Protecting our rivers - More work undertaken on the Colne and Gade                                          7
                            to grow.
                                                                                                                                                     Greener transport - Beryl Bikes and more EV charging points                                                 8
Peter Taylor
                                                                                                                                                     Waste and recycling - War on waste is working                                                           10
Elected Mayor of            We recognise the need to continue to retain and attract new business into Watford
                                                                                                                                                     Watford is open for business - Clarendon Road, Croxley Park, Watford Business Park                      12
Watford                     which is why we have been working to provide state of the art facilities for employers.
                            The Watford Business Park Development, known as ‘Greenhill Works’, provides just                                         WhatsApp Watford! - Helping Watford businesses bounce back                                              14            those opportunities. Alongside this, through the Watford Business Recovery and Growth                                    Free business support programme launched - Council teams up with Wenta                                  16
uk/electedmayor             programme and the WhatsApp High Street pilot, we are providing a range of dedicated                                      Watford Market - Improvements unveiled                                                                  17
                            support for local people and their businesses.                                                                           Major projects - Woodside playing fields, St Albans Road, Clarendon Road                                18
                                                                                                                                                     Watford Junction - Forecourt transformed                                                                20
                            The last year has proven how vital it is to have good quality parks and open spaces for                                  Town Hall Quarter - Cabinet approves plans                                                              21
                            people in our town to enjoy. That is why we are continuing to invest in a range of green                                 Covid-19 vaccination centre opened - At Watford Town Hall                                               22
                            spaces, including Woodside leisure and sports facilities. We want to make sure that                                      Something to write home about - Tackling homelessness in the borough                                    26
                            Watford has the best possible facilities so that everyone is able to stay physically and                                 News in brief                                                                                           28
                            mentally healthy. We have also continued to make progress on sustainability through                                      Your councillors                                                                                        31
                            improved recycling rates and reducing the amount of waste we send to land fill, new
                            Electric Vehicle charging points, continued use of our Beryl bike-share scheme, new
                            funding to improve the energy efficiency of homes, and plans for investment and
                            improvements to our biodiversity across the borough.

                            There have been great successes in relation to helping rough sleepers and homeless
                            families into accommodation. With the fantastic work of One YMCA, New Hope and
                                                                                                                                         WE’RE HERE TO HELP IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS
                            other charities in the borough we have got our rough sleeper figures down and
                            have been able to provide support to tackle the root causes of rough sleeping and
                            Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the volunteers who have been                         Email:
                            helping with our Town Hall vaccination hub. Getting as many of our Watford people
                                                                                                                                         Telephone: 01923 226400
                            vaccinated is a key part of our bounce back – let’s keep on going!
                                                                                                                                         Watford Borough Council, Town Hall, Watford, WD17 3EX                                    watfordcouncil
                            If you have an issue that you think I might be able to help with, please get in touch at
                   or call my office number on 01923 278371.

                                                                                                                                                          Sign up to our e-newsletter to
                                                                                                                                                     receive information of interest to you.
                     Published by Watford Borough Council. This magazine is printed on chlorine free paper, made from sustainable
                     forests and costs 22p to print and distribute. Please recycle it when you have finished with it. This magazine is
                     available on our website. It can be downloaded as a PDF document and also as an audio file.
 2 About Watford Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                     3
ATFORD Spring 2021 - Watford Borough Council
Council tax set for 2021/22                                                                                                     Where our money comes from
                                                                                                                                Total £76.4m
                                                                                                                                                               Council tax -
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Where your money goes
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Police and Crime                   Watford Borough
                                                                                                                                                               £9.1m                                         Commissioner - 11p                   Council - 14p
                                                                                                                                   Housing                                   Retained
                                                                                                                                     Benefit                                 business
                                                                                                                                Grant from                                                               Hertfordshire
                                                                                                                                                                             rates - £3m
                                                                                                                               government                                                               County Council
                                                                                                                                  - £39.3m                                Commercial                      (Adult Social
                                                                                                                                                                          rent - £12.3m                     Care) - 8p

                                                                                                                                                                         Fees and
                                                                                                                                                                         charges - £8.4m

                                                                                                                                                                         New Homes
                                                                                                                                      Interest and reserve               Bonus and other
                                                                                                                                      balances - £2.9m                   grants - £1.3m                          Hertfordshire County Council - 67p

                                                                                                                                What we spend our money on:
                                                                                                                                Total £76.4m
A message from Elected Mayor, Peter Taylor                                                                                       l Housing Benefit - £38.4m       l Waste Services, Street                 l Planning, Economic
                                                                                                                                   (99% from Housing Benefit         Cleaning, Environmental                   Development, Property                    lE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          lections -
                                                                                                                                   Grant from government)                                                      Management, Transport                     £0.2m
               2020-21 has been a really tough and            for existing businesses and start ups and we will continue                                             Health and Licensing - £7.6m
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and Parking - £7.1m
               unprecedented year for our town and we         with our Shop and Eat Local campaign.
                                                                                                                                 l Parks and Open Spaces,                                                   l Legal and Democracy,
               expect the challenges to continue – in                                                                               Cultural Services and
                                                                                                                                                                   l Housing and tackling
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Customer Services, corporate
                                                                                                                                                                      homelessness - £3.1m
               reflection of this our 2021-22 budget is       Last year we made significant progress on reducing                    community events - £4.7m                                                   and support costs - £15.3m
               prioritising initiatives to:                   homelessness and rough sleeping and we will continue to
l support the NHS through the Covid-19 pandemic              support local people by building more affordable family
l improve the wellbeing of residents and Watford’s           homes and support facilities. We know that having a home
                                                                                                                                How much council tax will I pay?
  environment                                                 is crucial to people being able to live positive lives and for
                                                                                                                                 Band                      Hertfordshire Hertfordshire                   Police & Crime                  Watford                           Total
l help local businesses to recover and thrive                children to develop and grow.
                                                                                                                                                          County Council County Council                  Commissioner                    Borough
                                                                                                                                                                               (Adult Social Care)                                        Council
The past year has been challenging financially for all        We are investing in our fantastic parks and green spaces
councils with more spending required to support residents     which we have come to value even more throughout the               A                                £879.57                    £100.85               £142.00                    £185.49                   £1,307.91
and businesses and incomes affected by the pandemic.          pandemic. This year will see the start of improvement              B                               £1,026.17                    £117.65              £165.67                    £216.41                   £1,525.90
Despite this, in Watford, we have been able to keep council   works to Woodside sports and leisure facilities including          C                               £1,172.76                   £134.46               £189.33                    £247.32                   £1,743.87
tax increases low and we have continued to deliver            a new café, play areas and facilities. We will also upgrade        D                               £1,319.36                   £151.27               £213.00                    £278.24                   £1,961.87
excellent services for our town.                              Lea Farm Recreation Ground, Cheslyn House and Gardens,
                                                                                                                                 E                               £1,612.55                   £184.89               £260.33                    £340.07                   £2,397.84
                                                              Harwoods Recreation Ground and Meriden Park.
                                                                                                                                 F                              £1,905.74                    £218.50               £307.67                    £401.90                   £2,833.81
Looking ahead we will continue to work closely with the
NHS and Hertfordshire County Council to make council          We are also investing in a Wellbeing Watford project that          G                              £2,198.93                    £252.12              £355.00                     £463.73                   £3,269.78
space and resources available to support Covid-19 testing     will play a key part in keeping the community connected            H                              £2,638.72                 £302.54                 £426.00                     £556.48                   £3,923.74
and the vital vaccination programme – we are also             through the pandemic.                                              % increase                        1.99%                         2%                 7.58 %                       1.7%                     4.03%
providing funding support for people on low income who
need to self-isolate.                                         This budget means that we can continue to deliver                 How to pay your council tax
                                                              excellent services for every resident in Watford, support
                                                                                                                                There are a number of different ways to pay your council tax.
Our business community which provides employment for          our health services and care for those who are most in
thousands of residents has been hard hit by the pandemic      need and improve public transport in the town.                             Direct Debit – Take the hassle out of paying - visiting
and we are investing in new facilities and improving key                                                                                 Online – Pay for it online using the online payment facility at
retail hubs in the town to attract new companies in and to    As ever, if you have any issue that you think I can help with,
retain the many great ones we already have. We are also       please contact me at or on my                      Telephone – Use our 24 hour payment line on 01923 278989
running a free Business Recovery and Growth programme         office at 01923 278371.                                           For more information about council tax visit

 4 About Watford Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                            5
ATFORD Spring 2021 - Watford Borough Council
CLIMATE ACTION                                                                                                                                                                                      CLIMATE ACTION



                                                                                                                                     Watford Council declared a climate

                                                                                                                                     emergency in summer 2019. Despite the

                                                                                                                                     events of 2020, we’re more committed than                                           I
                                                                                                                                                                                                               M UN
                                                                                                                                     ever to our sustainability agenda.

When it comes to a sustainable       from greener jobs, homes and         by 2050, but we’re aiming to go
future, ‘business as usual’ is a     workplaces, to transport, energy     further: we want to achieve Net
thing of the past. In summer         and water. We’re also working hard   Zero in Watford by 2030.
2019 Watford Council declared a      to improve waste and recycling,
climate emergency to underline       and enhance biodiversity in our      It’s an ambitious target. But it’s
our commitment to reducing           outdoor spaces.                      the most important legacy we
emissions and adapting to the                                             can leave behind for our future
changing climate.                    Time to go boldy                     residents, for the UK and for the
                                                                          planet. There has never been a
Our sustainability strategy covers   The UK government has set a          better time to live up to our motto:
every aspect of life in Watford,     target of reaching Net Zero Carbon   to go boldly.

                                                                                                                 Green spaces                          encouraging ancient species
                                                                                                                                                       to recover and reverse years of
                                                                                                                                                                                              For information and updates,

                                     Greener homes                        Council-supported grants and
                                                                          interest-free loan options for
                                                                                                                 A new approach for                    damage. The next five years will
                                                                                                                                                       see low-impact forestry and the

                                                                                                                 ancient woods
                                                                          insulation measures are also                                                 following works taking place:          Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter
                                     A green home is a
                                                                          available to all Watford households    The five-year restoration                                                    Taylor said: “Whippendell Wood is
                                     warm home
                                                                          through Better Housing Better          project at Whippendell Wood           l Opening up rides and glades         a real gem, enjoyed by thousands
                                     Are you concerned about the          Health, subject to conditions.         has begun. This ancient               l Creating links between larger       of people each year. However,
                                     costs involved in making your        Call: 0800 107 0044, or                woodland is designated as a             open spaces                          there is work to be done to make
                                     home more energy efficient?          visit for further          Site of Special Scientific Interest   l Identifying veteran and             it a healthy woodland. Woodlands
                                     Thanks to Green Homes Grants,        information.                           (SSSI) by Natural England, and          biologically significant trees and   need to be managed to ensure
                                     homeowners in England,                                                      is protected by law. Ancient            removing threats                     they can be enjoyed by future
                                     including landlords, can now         Keeping Watford cosy                   woodland is land recorded as          l Reintroducing coppicing as          generations. The scheme will help
                                     receive up to £5,000 towards                                                being continuously wooded               traditional management               us to keep the woods healthy for
                                     energy-saving measures, such         The council’s insulation scheme        since 1600, and a few centuries       l Retaining dead and decaying         many more years.”
                                     as insulation.                       has been helping to keep Watford       later, Whippendell Wood is in           wood to support habitats
                                                                          snug over winter. Over 850             need of some TLC.                     l Conserving historic features
                                     Low-income households can            residents on the Kingswood                                                     such as wood banks, dells,
                                     claim 100% of the costs of work      Estate in North Watford will enjoy     The project aims to support             avenues and roundels
                                     up to £10,000. It’s estimated up     warmer, smarter homes, thanks          natural diversity and wildlife,       l Improving access and signage,
                                     to 600,000 households could          to a major energy-saving scheme.       improve access and links with           including a public rights of
                                     be eligible to save up to £600 a     The energy savings, combined           the park and wider landscape. A         way project with the Ramblers
                                     year on energy bills through the     with savings to society and the        large part of the restoration work      Association and Herts County
                                     scheme. Find out more at: www.       NHS are expected to average            involves the gradual removal            Council, and a bridleway
                                   £620 per completed property, per       of non-native conifers, to allow        project with the National Horse
                                     uk                                   year.                                  light to penetrate the canopy,          Association

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ATFORD Spring 2021 - Watford Borough Council
CLIMATE ACTION                                                                                                                                                                                     CLIMATE ACTION

Helping the River Gade make the grade                                                                                Greener transport
Watford Borough Council has
been working together with
                                         The team has already started
                                         work on thinning vegetation,
                                                                              hedges and hibernation areas for
                                                                              amphibians and reptiles, creating
                                                                                                                     Happy birthday,                                 Beryl’s year in numbers:
not-for-profit organisation,             clearing collapsed trees and         new habitats and benefitting local     Beryl Bikes!
Community Connection, to                 willow roots to improve water        wildlife. There will also be regular
improve the River Gade and its           flow and the wooden debris will      monitoring of the river’s flow level   One year on, Beryl Bikes are now
habitats at Cassiobury Park.             be turned into habitat piles, dead   and litter clearing.                   part of the Watford landscape,
                                                                                                                     keeping our streets greener and
                                                                                                                     cleaner and keeping us active.
                                                                                                                                                                  82,594                    836,478km
                                                                                                                                                                    Total trips                  Total distance

                                                                                                                                                               50,316hrs                         13,635
                                                                                                                                                                  Total duration                 Unique users

                                                                                                                                                                                    live bays with 22 bays under

Rediscovering the                                                                                                                                                           59      review / pending installation
                                                                                                                                                                                    after lockdown

River Colne
Did you know that our borough is home to a
                                                                                                                     More EV charging                   Watford Borough Council
                                                                                                                                                        installed five on-street electric
                                                                                                                                                                                            Residents can charge their
                                                                                                                                                                                            vehicles for as little as 32p per
tributary of the River Thames? Work will be
starting later this year on a 10-year project to                                                                     points on the way                  vehicle (EV) charging points        kilowatt hour via the Electric Blue
clean up the River Colne and bring eight different                                                                                                      in 2020, in Bradshaw Road,          app, and top up for a maximum
sections of the river into the public realm.                                                                                                            Victoria Road, Durban Road East,    of four hours, or a full charge
                                                                                                                                                        Essex Road and Shaftesbury          overnight.
The key aim of the project is to attract the original                                                                                                   Road, as well as EV charging in
biodiversity of the area back to the river and its banks,                                                                                               Watford Business Park and at        The charge points have been
including plant life, fish, birds, insects and other                                                                                                    Cassiobury Park.                    funded by the Office for Low
species.                                                                                                                                                                                    Emission Vehicles (OLEV) and
                                                                                                                                                        Now in 2021, seven additional 7kW   Electric Blue, in partnership with
It’s not just the wildlife that stands to benefit from this                                                                                             fast EV chargers are coming to      Watford Borough Council.
ambitious project, as residents will be able to access                                                                                                  Granville Road, Stamford Road,
the river and enjoy walks and a range of water-based                                                                                                    Sotheron Road, Grosvenor Road,      Work is also being undertaken
activities and educational programmes.                                                                                                                  Sutton Road, Westland Road and      with Ringway to install 15 lamp
                                                                                                                                                        Mildred Avenue, with each site      column chargers. For more
For more information, visit                                                                                                                             allowing charging for up to two     information, visit www.watford.                                                                                                                             vehicles.                 

 8 About Watford Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                   9
ATFORD Spring 2021 - Watford Borough Council

Sustainable waste
and recycling
War on waste is                        far it has generated enough to
                                       boil 2,640,810 kettles, or power
                                                                               The waste and recycling service
                                                                               changes in September included:
working                                5,281,620 hours of TV viewing time.                                           Sponsoring Beryl Bikes in partnership with
                                       Next time you enjoy a cuppa and a       l Introduction of weekly food
Reducing waste and increasing          box set, you never know, it could be      waste collection
recycling is a key part of             fuelled by your own leftovers!          l Fortnightly collection of non-
Watford’s sustainability strategy,                                               recyclable waste
and it’s working.                      Data for the four months to             l Yearly sign-up for fortnightly
                                       December 2020 from our                    garden waste collections (£45,
Since the launch of a new              environmental services partner,           or £40 by direct debit)
waste and recycling collection         Veolia, shows:                          l Weekly recycling collection
service last September, recycling
rates across the borough have
increased and the amount
                                         ecycling rates are up by 246
                                                                               Got a question?
of waste going to landfill has         lW
                                         aste to landfill is down by          Waste and recycling collections
decreased. In fact, we’re now           559 tonnes.                            over Easter will change. Please
recycling over 50% of our waste.                                               check your collection calendar,
                                       Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter         or visit

Love your                              Taylor said: “I’m really pleased that
                                       in such a short amount of time,

leftovers                              recycling rates have increased. My      For more information on waste
                                       thanks go out to Watford residents      and recycling, visit www.watford.
Ever wondered what happens to          who have increased their levels of
your food waste? The new food          recycling, despite the difficulties
caddy collection service has already   that we are all facing during           Residents can sign up to the
picked up over 500 tonnes of food      these uncertain times. I am really      chargeable garden waste
waste from Watford households.         proud of what our residents have        collection service at: www.
The waste is sent to a biofuel plant   achieved and would ask them to
to be converted into energy – so       keep up their good work.”
                                                                               For more information on the waste
                                                                               and recycling service change, visit
                                                                      or call
                                                                               020 3567 6900.

                                                                               Did you know?
                                                                               Recycling just six tea bags can                                                    FOLLOW US...
                                                                               produce enough electricity to boil
                                                                               the kettle for your next cuppa?
                                                                               Your recycling can be turned into
                                                                               electricity and compost.
10 About Watford Spring 2021
ATFORD Spring 2021 - Watford Borough Council
BUSINESS                                                                                                                                                                                          BUSINESS

Watford means
                                                                                                                                                                                          The 30-hectare Watford Business
                                                                                                                                                                                          Park, located by Greenhill Crescent
                                                                                                                                                                                          and Faraday Close, is one of the
                                                                                                                                                                                          key employment hubs in the

                                                                                                                                                                                          town, with over 100 businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                          employing 1,000 – 1,200 people
                                                                                                                                                                                          from Watford and beyond. Whilst
                                                                                                                                                                                          a significant proportion of the
                                                                                                                                                                                          existing buildings are out of date
                                                                                                                                                                                          and not geared to current business
After the challenges of 2020, supporting our local businesses to survive and thrive                                                                                                       needs, the council has recognised
has never been so important. As we eagerly await the arrival of spring, shoots of                                                                                                         the park’s potential and the role
                                                                                                                                                                                          a more innovative development
recovery are starting to appear.
There’s no denying the pandemic    and businesses. With the             the company looks to deliver a
                                                                                                            Croxley Park                         Watford Elected Mayor, Peter
                                                                                                                                                 Taylor said: “It is fantastic to
                                                                                                                                                                                          could play in Watford’s business
                                                                                                                                                                                          profile and the local economy.
hit our local and national         redevelopment of Clarendon Road,     broader range of services outside   welcomes                             welcome three new businesses to
business and retail communities
hard. But Watford remains
                                   new businesses are being drawn in
                                   and shown the opportunities that
                                                                        London providing services for
                                                                        clients and communities in
                                                                                                            newcomers                            Croxley Park, which will provide
                                                                                                                                                 more jobs for local people. Their
                                                                                                                                                                                          Working with local partners to
                                                                                                                                                                                          redevelop the site, the council has
resilient and resourceful and,     come with working in Watford.        Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire,        Three new businesses have also       decisions to set up in Watford           secured a £5m Local Growth Fund
despite the ongoing challenges,    Clarendon Road already has a         Buckinghamshire, West London,       moved into Croxley Business          show confidence in our local             investment from Hertfordshire
our employment sector is           number of high-profile businesses    South Essex, and beyond.            Park. Vibrant Foods, connectivity    economy and that, despite the            Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
already fighting back.             and head offices, such as the                                            solutions company, CSL Dualcom       difficulties nationally, Watford         to improve the park and increase
                                   newly developed TJX building,                                            Limited, and medical devices         is an attractive place to live and       its employment capacity, with the
New businesses are joining         which will act as the company’s                                          supplier, Clinisupplies Limited,     work.”                                   potential to create an additional 180
our buoyant local business         European headquarters and bring                                          have all taken up residence in the                                            jobs in the town.
community and we’re investing in   more jobs to the town.                                                   last year.
new projects to drive employment                                                                                                                 New plans for                            The project includes the design of
opportunities for the future.      Later this year, 40 Clarendon Road                                        “Croxley Park has cemented          Watford Business                         7,100m2 of commercial premises,
                                   will see PricewaterhouseCoopers                                              its position as one of the                                                parking and landscaping, as
                                                                                                                                                 Park approved
New biz on the                     (PwC), the second largest
                                   professional services network
                                                                                                                  UK’s leading business                                                   well as a new access route. The
                                                                                                                                                                                          buildings will feature a range of
                                                                                                               parks in recent years, with
block                              in the world, move into the area.
                                                                           “I’m really excited for us
                                                                                                                 high quality workspace
                                                                                                                                                 Watford Borough Council’s plans          modern, flexible business units,
                                   They will be consolidating their         to be joining Watford’s                                              for a £20m major redevelopment           targeted at small and medium-
Despite the events of 2020,        offices from Uxbridge and St          business community at 40                 and wellness-focused           project to create a business park        sized businesses from the film, TV,
Watford continues to grow          Albans into a main office for          Clarendon Road later this               offerings like the Hive.       that’s fit for the future have got the   life sciences and manufacturing
and attract new investors          the area in Watford. It comes as      year. This premier location          More is expected of today’s        go ahead.                                sectors, amongst others.
                                                                         will provide an exceptional         workplaces, and even more
                                                                         base for us to connect with           is going to be expected as
                                                                          our phenomenal clients,              we emerge from Covid-19.
                                                                          communities and people              Croxley Park is well placed
                                                                            from across our wide-             to deliver for businesses, its
                                                                             reaching geography."            employees and clients, now
                                                                                                                and long into the future.”
                                                                               Caroline Bevans,
                                                                             Senior Partner at PwC             Paul Smith, Croxley Park
                                                                                Watford Office               letting agent Bray Fox Smith

12 About Watford Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                 13
ATFORD Spring 2021 - Watford Borough Council

WhatsApp Watford!
Watford teams up with WhatsApp to pilot a pioneering project to help local

                                                                                                              Be a part of
businesses bounce back.

Watford Borough Council is         any small businesses in Watford      “I’m delighted a global brand like

                                                                                                              Census 2021
partnering with WhatsApp to        interested in the scheme.            WhatsApp has chosen to work
create the UK’s first ‘WhatsApp                                         with us on this initiative, which
High Street’ of businesses         WhatsApp Business acts as            is the first of its kind in the UK.
running their customer             a shopfront for a company’s          We are committed to working
communications via the free        products and services, and helps     with them to ensure Watford’s
WhatsApp Business app.             businesses communicate with          economy succeeds as we open           Census day is 21 March 2021.
                                   customers, keeping them engaged      up after a difficult period of
Experts from WhatsApp provided     and informed for when they can       lockdown.”                            By taking part and encouraging others to do the
training for an initial group of   once again open their doors.
12 businesses on Market Street                                          To find out more, visit: www.         same, you’ll help make sure your community gets
and training remains open for      Elected Mayor, Peter Taylor, said:         the services it needs.

                                                                                                              Find out more at
                                                                                                                         Follow @Census2021

14 About Watford Spring 2021
ATFORD Spring 2021 - Watford Borough Council
BUSINESS                                                                                                                                                                                          BUSINESS

Free business support
programme launched for Watford
                                                                                                                  From friends to
                                                                                                                  business partners                      Watford market
                                                                                                                                                         goes upmarket
                                                                                                                  Meet the team at
Watford Borough Council has partnered with not-for-profit and social enterprise Wenta to launch
                                                                                                                  d20 café
a free business support programme tailored to the needs of local residents and businesses across
                                                                                                                                                         A facelift is on the cards for Watford Market as part of the
                                                                            the Hertfordshire support network
                                                                                                                                                         council’s continued commitment to improving the local area.
                                                                            such as Watford Chamber, Watford
                                                                            BID, Hertfordshire LEP and
                                                                            Hertfordshire Growth Hub.

                                                                            Free incubation workspace at
                                                                            Wenta’s business centre on Colne      Page Adela Costas, Michelle
                                                                            Way is also available for new         Chin and Mario Karaiskos
                                                                            businesses – ideal for anyone         set up their own business in
                                                                            wanting to work in a collaborative    2016 and are now the proud
                                                                            environment with adviser support,     owners of the popular d20 café
                                                                            as well as those unable to work       on Queen’s Road. They have
                                                                            from home.                            taken full advantage of the
                                                                                                                  free business start-up support
                                                                            CEO of Wenta, Ed Jordan, said:        offered through Wenta.
                                                                            “We’re excited to be partnering                                              The improvements will include      their signage and advertising,
                                                                            with Watford Borough Council on       Michelle said: “A few years back,      brand-new signage, renovation      to boost the awareness of their
The new programme, Business           a vital contribution to the success   this initiative. The programme will   we decided to make a change            of the containers and paths,       businesses and the market itself.
Recovery and Growth – Watford         of our town. We know how difficult    deliver a very simple, direct and     from our careers. All of us had        as well as new branding and a      Dedicated social media channels
(BRG Watford), provides free          this year has been for many of        inclusive support service to the      such a big passion for board           planting scheme to make the        have also been set up under
of charge services, including         these businesses and employees,       Watford community. A one-stop-        games. It just made sense to           market greener, more inviting,     Watford Market on Facebook and
one-to-one business advice,           with uncertainty high and             shop for helping businesses and       share our passion and open             and to bring a unique character    Instagram, and Watford Town
skills training webinars and          unemployment growing. I would         residents to adapt and strengthen     up a board game café. We just          to the space.                      Market on Twitter.
workshops, access to co-              therefore urge anyone who needs       in these challenging times.”          thought ‘yes – we’ll give it a go’.”
working, incubation space for         support to contact us as soon                                                                                      The entrances to the market        These channels will promote
small businesses and specialist       as possible and utilise Wenta’s       A list of some of the free webinars   As a first point of call, the team     will see additional improvement    what’s on in the market, and the
support. The programme                support programme. It’s free and,     and workshops are available on        sought business advice from            work and extra signage to draw     range of merchandise on offer.
is available to all Watford           most importantly, tailored to your    the Wenta and Watford Borough         Wenta. Michelle explained: “Even       in new customers and highlight     It’s hoped the project will not only
businesses as well as residents       needs!”                               Council websites. They include        though we knew about our idea          speciality stalls.                 boost business at the market and
who are thinking of becoming                                                topics such as social media,          and we could see our vision, it                                           attract new stallholders, but that
self-employed.                        For businesses looking to adapt       finance, website development and      gave us a lot of validation when       Working with Market Asset          it will become yet another reason
                                      their services and grow, the          marketing.                            a business adviser understood          Management (MAM), the council      to visit Watford.
The programme is supported by         programme also gives access to                                              our vision as well.”                   has committed £250,000 to the
the Elected Mayor of Watford,         specialist advice on areas such as    Register for FREE support at:                                                project, which is on track to be   Please follow the market
Peter Taylor: “Our small businesses   legal, ICT, finance, accounting and              The team has utilised most of          completed in spring.               on
are the lifeblood of Watford’s        marketing. Larger businesses will     recovery                              Wenta’s free business support                                             watfordtownmarket
economy, providing thousands of       be able to access mentoring and       Email:               services, from skills training         Currently occupied market stalls   and
jobs for local people and making      advice from other organisations in    Call: 01923 691363                    workshops to advice sessions.          will be offered assistance with    watfordtownmarket

16 About Watford Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                  17
ATFORD Spring 2021 - Watford Borough Council
MAJOR PROJECTS                                                                                                                                                                                                  MAJOR PROJECTS

Investing in Woodside Playing Fields                                                                                      St Albans Road revitalised
Plans to give Woodside Playing Fields - the Green Flag accredited park - a makeover have moved a                          Works to improve the look and feel of a key section of St Albans Road were recently completed by
step closer, with the first phase of the development project approved and works about to start.                           Watford Borough Council.

                                                                                                                          Working with local businesses
                                                                                                                          and feedback from the public,
                                                                                                                          the section from Brixton Road
                                                                                                                          to Balmoral Road has been
                                                                                                                          transformed into a sustainable
                                                                                                                          and vibrant local high street to
                                                                                                                          support the community and local
                                                                                                                          businesses for years to come.

                                                                                                                          Improving the
                                                                                                                          functionality of the road
The first phase focuses                   New play areas for                     A community café in a
on creating the Woodside                                                                                                  The new sustainable drainage
                                          young thrill-seekers                   historic setting
Community Sports Village,                                                                                                 system will help with irrigating the
with a range of developments              An adventurous new toddler             Bikers, sports people, walkers and       trees and alleviating some of the      pavements has had a significant          of the pavement and helping
to improve the sports facilities          and junior play area will be built!    busy parents will be able to relax       drainage issues on the street. The     impact on the feel of the area and       prevent illegal parking.
on site, promoting an active              Your little ones will be able to       with a drink and snack in the new        location of the new street trees       improve air quality. The project has
lifestyle and encouraging                 discover the play trails, swing on     park café, set in the historic stable    and planters now act as barriers to    also created new small ‘squares’         Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter
greater use of the park by                the jungle swing like a modern-        block with outside seating and           parking on the pavement.               of high-quality public realm and         Taylor said: “St Albans Road is a
residents and visitors.                   day Tarzan, roll down the grassy       socialising and event spaces.                                                   community space on Hatfield Road,        key route into and out of our town
                                          mounds, zoom down the slides                                                    Improving the look and                 Victoria Road and Bruce Grove.           centre. It is used by thousands
It will include a sports hub, providing   or just enjoy being pushed on the      The café will serve a selection of hot   feel                                                                            of people every day and is an
up-to-date cricket, football and          swings.                                and cold food and drinks, to eat in                                             Increasing cycling                       important place for businesses,
boxing facilities, changing rooms                                                or take away. On top of this, it’s set   The removal of redundant street        provision                                leisure and socialising.
for the clubs already based at the        And to make sure everyone              to feature a meeting space that can      furniture, guard-railing and
site, including Watford Town Cricket      can join in the fun, there will be     be hired out for community use.          unnecessary signage has reduced        New cycle stands have been               "One of my key manifesto
Club and Watford Amateur Boxing           equipment that is ideal for children                                            street clutter and poor sighting       installed to provide parking             commitments was to improve this
Club, as well spaces for shared           with disabilities.                     New public toilets and additional        of traffic signs. The new soft         facilities for cyclists while allowing   area and I am pleased we have
community use.                                                                   parking is also planned to cater for     landscaping and replacement of         a clear flow of movement for users       delivered on this commitment.”
                                          This includes the enhancement          increased use of the site. For more
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and Hertfordshire LEP, we’ve been
Peter Taylor, Elected Mayor of
Watford, said: “We are lucky in
                                          of the existing sensory garden
                                          with a network of paths created
                                                                                 information on the project, please
                                                                                                                          Third phase of Clarendon Road                                                   able to transform a key entrance
Watford to have so many first
class leisure facilities. One of my
                                          to link the community areas
                                          and children’s play area with the
                                                                                 As part of the council’s plan, we will
                                                                                 also upgrade Watford’s much-loved
                                                                                                                          transformation completed                                                        to our town which is used by
                                                                                                                                                                                                          millions of people every year. I
key manifesto commitments was             woodland of Albans Woods.              parks and open spaces, including         The third phase of the project –       to take around 11 months to              would like to thank our partners
to help bring a brand new family                                                 Meriden Park and Lea Farm                focusing on the Beechen Grove          complete.                                for their involvement throughout
friendly facility to Woodside Playing                                            Recreation Ground, which will both       intersection to the St Johns                                                    this process and also thank our
                                          To complete the scene, seating
                                                                                 undergo landscape improvements           Road intersection has now been         Elected Mayor of Watford Peter           residents and visitors, who may
Fields. These plans are ambitious         and picnicking spots are
                                                                                 such as tree planting, wildflower
and will give Watford residents           sprinkled throughout the play                                                   completed. Works are now               Taylor said: “This is another phase      have been inconvenienced by the
                                                                                 meadows and shrub beds, as well
some really great state-of-the-art        space.                                                                          progressing on the remaining           of our transformative plans to           works, but I'm sure who will also
                                                                                 as access improvements. For more
facilities. I can’t wait to see these                                            information, visit:                      section from St Johns Road to          improve Clarendon Road. Working          agree that the end result is worth
improvements take shape.”                                                               Station Road and are expected          together with local businesses           it.”

18 About Watford Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                                 19
MAJOR PROJECTS                                                                                                                                                                              MAJOR PROJECTS

Watford junction                                                                                          Town Hall Quarter signals
forecourt transformed                                                                                     investment in town’s heritage,
Watford Borough Council, in partnership with Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP),
Network Rail, West Midland Trains, Murrill Construction and DPQ, have transformed the forecourt
area of Watford Junction.
                                                                                                          culture and future prosperity
                                                                                                          A major transformation and improvement programme, based around Watford Town Hall has been
What was once a disjointed,      more open, multifunctional      One of the most noticeable               approved by Watford Borough Council’s Cabinet.
cluttered space is now a safe,   space that visitors and         additions is the large freestanding
pedestrian-friendly area, with   commuters can enjoy.            letters spelling out ‘WATFORD’.          The Town Hall Quarter
                                                                 This colourful and creative focal        programme will transform the
                                                                 point not only dresses the area up       area around the Grade II listed
                                                                 but is also a great spot for a selfie,   building, securing its long-term
                                                                 helping to raise the profile of our      future and that of the historic
                                                                 town.                                    Watford Colosseum, opening up
                                                                                                          the area for an attractive new
                                                                 New paving and lighting, lots            neighbourhood with homes,
                                                                 of green planting, seating and           business space and places for all
                                                                 visitor signposting, along with the      the community to enjoy.
                                                                 beginning of a heritage trail for
                                                                 visitors to follow, are some of the      The Town Hall Quarter is
                                                                 new additions that you can see.          an ambitious, far-reaching
                                                                                                          programme for the council,
                                                                 Elected Mayor of Watford Peter           combining a number of interlinked
                                                                 Taylor said: “8million people a year     projects, each of which, Cabinet
                                                                 travel through Watford Junction          was advised will need to
                                                                 station. The improvement works           demonstrate compelling benefits
                                                                 have made the station forecourt a        for Watford and the community
                                                                 more welcoming and interesting           as well as driving value for
                                                                 place and will give a much better        money and strong returns on any     and growing businesses through         “The Town Hall Quarter will create
                                                                 first impression for people coming       investment the council makes.       the creation of an incubation          an attractive and distinctive new
                                                                 to our town.                                                                 and innovation hub within              neighbourhood in this part of
                                                                                                          The scope of the programme          the Quarter, giving the town’s         the town, promoting Watford’s
                                                                 "I would like to thank Hertfordshire     reflects the council’s commitment   entrepreneurs and innovators a         fantastic cultural and heritage
                                                                 LEP for their support and                to building on Watford’s            shared base to foster ideas and        sectors and playing an important
                                                                 contribution of £300,000 towards         outstanding reputation for          collaborate.                           role in our commitment to
                                                                 the Watford Junction project.”           culture, entertainment and live                                            fostering new businesses and a
                                                                                                          performances, with plans to         Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter        strong local economy.
                                                                 A new Beryl bike-share bay is also       refurbish and enhance Watford       Taylor said: “Having the right plans
                                                                 being installed at the front of the      history.                            in place to help Watford prosper       "Now we have given the green
                                                                 station, encouraging visitors to                                             and thrive is more important than      light, I am looking forward to the
                                                                 cycle into the town centre and           The scheme will also seek to        ever as we face the challenges and     proposals taking shape so we
                                                                 commuters to use the bikes to get        boost the town’s economy and        opportunities of the post Covid-19     can work with our residents and
                                                                 around.                                  prosperity, promoting start-up      world.                                 businesses on these exciting plans”

20 About Watford Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                            21
COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                                                                 COMMUNITY

Covid-19 vaccination
                                                                                                                                                                                                    “I feel really happy to have it and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    I’m looking forward to being back
                                                                                                                                                                                                    at work in March. I’d tell anyone
                                                                                                                                                                                                    who was nervous about getting it,

centre opened at
                                                                                                                                                                                                    don’t be. The centre feels very safe
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and welcoming.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Amita Patel, who is a teacher at

Watford Town Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Garston Manor, (pictured below)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    said she felt “really great” about
                                                                                                                                                                                                    getting the vaccine.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Describing her experience, she
Watford Town Hall has opened its doors to support the Covid-19 vaccination
                                                                                                                                                                                                    said: “It’s been such an easy
programme. Hundreds of Watford residents have already received their jabs and                                                                                                                       process, the system just seems
many more have been booked in to receive theirs over the coming weeks.                                                                                                                              to flow along. I can’t wait to see
                                                                                                                                                                                                    family again, especially my dad, it’s
A new Covid-19 vaccine centre           “We will join local GP surgeries,      “I would also like to say a massive                                                                                  been so long.”
was officially launched at              pharmacies and Watford General         thank you to everyone who is
Watford Town Hall last month,           Hospital in getting this life-saving   working so hard to make this          it is on one level and has flexible   recently. Describing her experience,     The easiest way to arrange
supporting the town’s efforts to        vaccine to those who need it           vaccine programme a success,          space to accommodate the needs        she said: “This vaccination centre at    a vaccination is through the
reduce infection rates, protect         most and I would urge everyone         from the clinical staff to the        of the centre, which will have the    Watford is fabulous. It was all done     national booking service which
the NHS and save lives.                 who is eligible to book an             volunteers, everyone involved         capacity to deliver thousands of      in no time at all and there’s a lot of   can be accessed at
                                        appointment. It is the best way        should be proud of the difference     vaccines each week.                   team spirit!                             covid-vaccination.
With the Town Hall perfectly            we can protect ourselves, our          they are making.”
located for a vaccination centre,       friends and family and, hopefully,                                           Vaccinations at the Town Hall are
Watford Borough Council has             come out of this terrible              The centre is in the extension to     by appointment only and people
worked closely with the NHS to          pandemic together.                     the Town Hall, chosen because         should wait to be called before
adapt part of the building for this                                                                                  attending any vaccination centre.
new role, ensuring it is easy to
access.                                                                                                              Suzie Shakespeare, pod manager
                                                                                                                     for the Watford Town Hall
People can wait safely and the                                                                                       vaccination centre, (pictured
team administering the vaccine                                                                                       left) said: “We have a fantastic
programme has everything it                                                                                          team of staff and volunteers
needs to make it quick, easy and                                                                                     here at the new Watford Town
stress-free.                                                                                                         Hall vaccination centre who are
                                                                                                                     all working so hard. There’s no
Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter                                                                                      need for anyone to worry about
Taylor said: “I am delighted that the                                                                                coming down, we will look after
Town Hall can play such a vital role                                                                                 you and we can’t wait to see
in protecting our community. It is                                                                                   you!”
such a landmark in Watford and so
it seems fitting that it can add this                                                                                Nina Desai, who works as a donor
role to its long history of serving                                                                                  carer and team assistant for
our residents, perhaps the most                                                                                      NHS Blood & Transplant Service,
important one it has ever played.                                                                                    (pictured above) received her jab

22 About Watford Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                            23
New contactless
            donation point
to support Watford Covid Appeal charities
       Quick and simple, just tap to donate £3

Donations spent on emergency food,         Located at
supporting victims of domestic abuse,
providing shelter for the homeless, care
                                                        113 High Street,
to those bereaved and more.                             Watford, WD17 2DQ
                                                        by shopping centre entrance

COMMUNITY                                                                                                                                                                                        COMMUNITY

Something to
                                                                                                                                                  The council works closely with          In early 2020 we embarked on
                                                                                                                  “In November 2016 there
                                                                                                                                                  Watford Community Housing               a new project with One YMCA
                                                                                                                 were 233 households with
                                                                                                                                                  (WCH) and other housing                 (OY), who provide over 40 rooms
                                                                                                                 391 children in temporary
                                                                                                                                                  associations on long term               and support in their Charter
                                                                                                                 homes. In November 2020

write home about
                                                                                                                                                  affordable accommodation for            Place building for rough sleepers
                                                                                                                 there were 90 households
                                                                                                                                                  people. The Housing Team is             aimed at helping them back on
                                                                                                              with 101 children. Our success
                                                                                                                                                  working with WCH on helping             the pathway to recovery and
                                                                                                              at preventing homelessness so
                                                                                                                                                  under-occupying tenants move            independent living. This spring,
                                                                                                              fewer households need to live
                                                                                                                                                  to smaller accommodation,               the council (again with One YMCA)
                                                                                                               in temporary homes, making
Four years ago after a sharp rise in the number of homeless people nationally, Watford Borough                                                    freeing up larger sized homes for       will open a further supported
                                                                                                                   it good quality and now
Council embarked on a new four-pronged approach to tackling homelessness and rough sleeping                                                       homeless families with children.        housing scheme for single people
                                                                                                                locating it all in Watford are
in the borough. The benefits are now being realised with fewer people than ever living rough on the                                                                                       and couples without children who
                                                                                                               fantastic achievements. I am
streets and fewer homeless families in temporary accommodation while they wait for a settled home.                                                WCH also partners with the              are homeless or rough sleeping.
                                                                                                                very proud of what we have
                                                                                                                                                  council on delivering the Mayor’s
                                                                                                              accomplished in reducing the
Prevention better                   People about to become homeless      Becoming homeless is acutely
                                                                                                                trauma of homelessness for
                                                                                                                                                  manifesto promise to build new          With further government funding,
                                    from, for instance, their family     distressing but in the past, the                                         homes in the borough with lower         OY and WCH are also working
than cure                           home can also access a grant for a   council would often have to
                                                                                                                    Watford households.”
                                                                                                                                                  rents, which will become available      with us to provide temporary
                                    deposit on a new property.           place families with children            Cllr Stephen Johnson,            later this year. Hart Homes, a          self-contained studios and more
Preventing people from                                                   in temporary homes outside                                               joint council and WCH venture, is       permanent homes with support
                                                                                                              Portfolio Holder for Housing
becoming homeless in the first
place has been a key part of the
                                    Temporary and                        Watford, such as in Luton or                 and Property                building new affordable homes in        for single people who have slept
                                                                         Amersham. Parents in this                                                Holywell and near Watford General       rough for a long time.
council’s strategy. The Housing     permanent homes                      situation would have to uproot      without disruption and parents       Hospital.
team has built relationships with                                        their children from Watford         can hold on to their jobs and                                                  “In January 2021 there were
landlords in the borough so if      When people become homeless                                              any support they may have from                                                no verified rough sleepers on
tenants are struggling to pay       they may have to live in
                                                                         schools and consider giving up
                                                                                                             relatives and friends in the town.
                                                                                                                                                  Holistic support for                     Watford’s streets. This doesn’t
                                                                         their jobs too.
rent, it facilitates discussions    temporary homes for two to                                               The council also tries to make       rough sleeping                           mean we will never see rough
and payment plan options,           three years before a settled         The council has changed this so     sure that families in temporary                                               sleepers again in the town but
including sometimes helping to      home is found either with a          that all temporary homes are now    homes have enough bedrooms           Many people living on the streets         together with local partners,
pay off rent arrears, so families   private landlord or with a housing   located within Watford. Children    and are also self-contained as far   have complex needs, including poor          the council is succeeding
can stay where they are.            association.                         can then continue their education   as possible.                         mental health, substance abuse and         in putting in place the right
                                                                                                                                                  an array of other issues. Both a roof      support at the right time so
                                                                                                                                                  and providing wraparound support          no-one needs to sleep rough
                                                                                                                                                  are essential in helping rough           in Watford and can be helped
                                                                                                                                                  sleepers find a positive pathway out      back to independent living.”
                                                                                                                                                  of their situation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Peter Taylor,
                                                                                                                                                                                             Elected Mayor of Watford
                                                                                                                                                  Since 2017, the council
                                                                                                                                                  has successfully obtained                The COVID pandemic has brought
                                                                                                                                                  government funding to put the             uncertain times and you may be
                                                                                                                                                  right support in place for rough          worried about losing your home.
                                                                                                                                                                                             We’re here to help: the earlier
                                                                                                                                                  sleepers. Initially, funding was
                                                                                                                                                                                            you can contact the council the
                                                                                                                                                  used to create a street outreach
                                                                                                                                                                                            more likely we can help you stay
                                                                                                                                                  and intervention team (working            where you are or help you find a
                                                                                                                                                  within homelessness charity New          new place to live. See the council’s
                                                                                                                                                  Hope) who have daily one-to-               website:
                                                                                                                                                  one-contact with rough sleepers,           homeless-advice email us at:
                                                                                                                                                  helping them get the support they or phone
                                                                                                                                                                                                 us on 01923 226400.

26 About Watford Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                 27

Cemetery chapel to host                                  Awards and accolades for                                 Get Involved: 100 Years                                  Museum's digital archive
local creative talent                                    parks and green spaces                                   At Vicarage Road!                                        to commemorate 2020
The foyer of the 162-year-old stone chapel at                                                                     30 August 1922 was the first time the Watford FC
Vicarage Road cemetery has been adapted by the                                                                    stadium rang to the cheers of supporters as the
council and local artist Amma Gyan, to provide a                                                                  then known ‘Brewers’ took to the field for a Third
contemporary creative space called ‘Amanartis at                                                                  Division South match against Millwall.
the Chapel’ for artists and art societies in the local
area to originate and exhibit their work.                                                                         The club and a group of supporters are now planning
                                                                                                                  a whole range of activities to commemorate 100
The chapel gallery will work with artists, local                                                                  Years at Vicarage Road in 2022.
schools and community groups to host a variety
of exhibitions and sessions in mediums such as           Cassiobury Park has been voted by the public as          They are now looking for memories and items to help
painting, photography, textiles and mixed media.         one of the top 10 parks in the whole of Britain,         celebrate this important milestone and are aiming to
                                                         joining winners from across the UK who can all           develop a collection of resources about the stadium
Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter Taylor said              claim that they hold a very special place in the         through the years in various forms, from books, films,
“Amanartis will give the community a social space        hearts of their local communities.                       exhibitions at Watford Museum, stadium signage and
and help remove the feeling of isolation which is                                                                 an interactive online gallery.
essential for everyone's general wellbeing.              The poll, run by Keep Britain Tidy, was completed by
                                                         over 59,000 people who cast their vote to decide on      Please get in touch at, and
When safe to do so, they will also host artist talks     Britain’s best loved green and open spaces.              tell them what Vicarage Road means to you and the
and demonstrations, taster sessions and community                                                                 objects you’ve collected over the years! The club will
engagement events and I am really pleased to             Cassiobury and Oxhey parks were awarded Green            contact you and they may then arrange an audio or
support this great initiative for the area.”             Flags of excellence along with 10 of the town’s          video interview, or may ask to scan photos.
                                                         other parks and green spaces – a record number
To find out more, including how the space is Covid-19    in Hertfordshire. Cassiobury Park and Whippendell
secure, please email, call         Wood also recently received a Green Heritage Site                                                                 2020 was a tough year for everyone but it was
07968 783760 or visit                    Award.                                                                                                            also a year when the residents of Watford showed
                                                                                                                                                                           incredible community spirit and many positive
                                                         Herts Service to Sport Award                                                                                      things were achieved in the face of adversity.

                                                         for Oxhey Activity Park                                                                                           Watford Museum has created a digital archive to
                                                         The fantastic sport, play and leisure facilities at                                                               commemorate these things, including examples of
                                                         the recently launched Oxhey Activity Park, have                                                                   residents going above and beyond to support people
                                                         been recognised with a Hertfordshire Service to                                                                   in their community, acts of kindness by neighbours
                                                         Sport Award with judges describing it as ‘one of the                                                              and a fun mix of photos that put smiles on the faces
                                                         beacons of light that emerged during lockdown                                                                     of Watfordians in 2020.
                                                         within Hertfordshire’.
                                                                                                                                                                           The archive is available to view online at
                                                         Elected Mayor of Watford, Peter Taylor said: “The fact                                                  
                                                         it’s already won an award and is being recognised by
                                                         people across Hertfordshire and even the country, is                                                              If you have any pictures from last year that you will
                                                         testament to the great facilities on offer. One of the                                                            look back on fondly, please send them to Museum
                                                         key parts of my manifesto was to improve Watford’s                                                                curator Sarah Priestley via email to
                                                         parks and green spaces and get more people out and                                                       so they can be
                                                         about enjoying these facilities”.                                                                                 added to the Watford Museum 2020 Digital Archive.

28 About Watford Spring 2021                                                                                                                                                                      29         How your council lines up
                                                     In Watford we have an Elected Mayor, Peter Taylor, who was elected for a four-year
                                                     term on 3 May 2018. You can contact the Mayor if you wish to raise an issue with

  Polling stations will
                                                     him directly.

                                                     Watford Borough is divided into 12 wards. Each ward has three councillors whom you                                                Peter Taylor
                                                     elect to represent you for a four-year term. Councillors can be contacted on the phone                                       Liberal Democrats
                                                     numbers shown or by email and are there for you to discuss any issues or concerns you                                             01923 278371

be safe places to vote
                                                     have about your neighbourhood or the town.                                                                   

 in May, but there are
                                                     Callowland                                          Central                                                 Holywell

  other ways to vote.                                Sohail Bashir
                                                     07769 355750
                                                                       Ian Stotesbury
                                                                       07999 938202
                                                                                        Dawn Allen-
                                                                                                         Bolton (LD)
                                                                                                         07504 824042
                                                                                                                          Aga Dychton
                                                                                                                          07936 404305
                                                                                                                                           Rabi Martins
                                                                                                                                           01923 228713
                                                                                                                                                                 Nigel Bell*
                                                                                                                                                                 01923 256774
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Turmaine (Lab)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    07411 153095
                                                     sohail.bashir@    ian.             07891 914319     stephen.         aga.dychton@     rabi.martins          nigel.bell@       07535 284216     matt.
                                               stotesbury@      dawn.allen-      bolton@   @watford.       favour.          turmaine@
                                                                williamson@                                            ezeifedi@

                                                     Leggatts                                            Meriden                                                 Nascot

                     BY POST            BY PROXY

                                                     Bilqees           Richard Smith    Asif Khan*       Amanda           Jennifer         Kareen                Jane Johnson      Mark Hofman      Mark Watkin*
                                                     Mauthoor          (Lab)            (Lab)            Grimston (LD)    Pattinson (LD)   Hastrick* (LD)        (LD)              (LD)             (LD)
                                                     (Lab)             07976 350871     07931 529164     07702 815172     07515 468580     07785 528380          07815 419910      01923 239893     01923 255715
                                                     07958 566037      richard.smith@   asif.khan@       amanda.          jennifer.        kareen.hastrick       jane.johnson@     mark.hofman@     mark.watkin
                                                     bilqees.   grimston@        pattinson@       @watford.      @watford.

                                                     Oxhey                                               Park                                                    Stanborough

      Want to vote by post?
          Apply early                                Maggie Parker     Iain Sharpe      Imran Hamid      Peter Kloss      Peter Jeffree    Jessica Stiff         Keith Crout       Derek Scudder    Tim Williams*
                                                     (LD)              (LD)             (LD)             (LD) 07885       (LD)             (LD)                  (LD)              (LD)             (LD)
                                                     07958 518838      01923 440426     07451 989427     760658           07854 842669     07920 095281          07972 912711      01923 492546     01923 663436
                                                     maggie.           iain.sharpe@     imran.hamid@     peter.kloss@     peter.jeffree@   jessica.stiff@        keith.crout@      derek.scudder    tim.williams
                                                     parker@     @watford.        @watford.

                                                     Tudor                                               Vicarage                                                Woodside
 Find out more at

                                                     Stephen           Bill Stanton     Darren           Jagtar Singh     Mo Mills         Nasreen Shah          Richard           Glen Saffery     Karen Collett
                                                     Johnson           (LD)             Walford (LD)     Dhindsa (Lab)    (Lab)            (Lab)                 Wenham (LD)       (LD)             (LD)
                                                     (LD)              07545 045044     01923 336450     07803 610441     07956 212238     01923 253783          07891 138833      07939 218788     07792 522736
                                                     07929 024712      bill.stanton@    darren.          jagtar.dhindsa   mo.mills@        nasreen.shah@         richard.          glen.saffery@    karen.collett
                                                     stephen.johnson   walford@         @watford.        wenham@    @watford.

                                                                                                                                                                   * Denotes Hertfordshire County Councillor
                                                     (Lab) = Labour (LD) = Liberal Democrats                                               (plus Stephen Giles-Medhurst, County Councillor for Central Oxhey)

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