Ramadan 2019 - Jericho Walls
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Ramadan 2019 Prayer Guide 6 May - 4 June Pray for the Muslim World Since 1992, millions of Christians have prayed during the month of Ramadan for breakthroughs in the gospel amongst Muslims worldwide. With hundreds of thousands of other Christians worldwide, we are also engaging in prayer for Muslims for 30 days. The prayer information in this Prayer Guide enables us to pray for Muslims during Ramadan in an informed and focussed way. Our prayers are an act of love for Muslims - sharing their burdens, understanding their concerns, and petitioning God on their behalf. Pray for Muslims to have a revelation of the love of God the Father for them. Ask for them to realise that Jesus Christ shed His blood for them also, so that they too can be cleansed from sin and know God will accept them as His children and be reconciled with them. You can use the information and daily prayer points in this Jericho Walls Ramadan Prayer Guide or find these prayer points daily on the free Jericho Walls Prayer App. You can also purchase the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World Prayer Guide, which is available in different languages. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com Page | 1
Day 1 - Sheikhs and Imams 6 May A sheikh is the leader of a community, village, town or tribe. An imam is the leader of a mosque. They are influential people and usually exert much influence over their communities. You may have read of sheikhs or imams who became Jesus-followers, sometimes secretly, and who started to preach the gospel radically and with great effect? One such example was the leader of an Imam Training School. Over a period of three weeks, Jesus appeared to him 19 times! He was converted and shared his new faith with his students, many of whom also became Christians and went out to spread the gospel! Pray: • For more sheikhs and imams to meet Jesus, especially radically Islamic ones. • That they will proclaim Christ as the only Saviour, with the same intensity as they preached when they were Muslim. Day 2 - Turkmenistan, Central Asia 7 May Turkmenistan is a country with great oil and gas reserves, but it is one of the most isolated and consolidated authoritarian regimes in the world. It lacks basic freedoms, judicial independence, accountable institutions, and it discriminates against ethnic minorities. Turkmenistan’s dictator seeks to control every aspect of life. The government justifies its tough methods by saying that they are attempting to prevent the escalation of radical Islam and avoid security threats posed by the Taliban and the Islamic State (Daesh). Though Turkmenistan has a persecution ranking of only 19, the country is still one of the world’s most oppressive regimes. Christians are often labelled as ‘extremists’, and they face persecution from authorities and local communities. Population: 5,231,000; Chief of State: President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow; Evangelical Christians: 0.1%; Dominant Religion: Sunni Islam; Persecution Ranking: 19th; Life Expectancy: 69.78 Years; Literacy Rate: 98.8%; Population Below Poverty Line: 30%; Refugees Living in Turkmenistan: 7,546; Pray4Turkmenistan Facebook Page Pray: • There are very few registered house churches in this nation, but we praise God that the Church continues to grow! Pray for registered house churches that have a vision to expand, and bless those who seek to register new house churches successfully (Isaiah 43:11). • According to Human Rights Watch, "Turkmenistan is one of the most repressive countries in the world". Pray for an end to the totalitarian regime of President Berdimuhamedov (Psalm 75:7). • The government refuses to acknowledge its economic crisis, unemployment is now at 50%, and many people experience food and gas shortages (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). • Pray that many people will become aware of their spiritual poverty and become hungry for God in these uncertain and seemingly bleak times (Matthew 5:6). JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com Page | 2
The Five Pillars of Islam Shahada: A profession of belief in the one true God. The declaration is usually, "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his prophet and servant". Salat: Praying five times a day facing Mecca. Muslims must practice ablution before prayers. Zakat: Giving charity to the poor and needy. Sawm: Fasting during the month of Ramadan. Hajj: A pilgrimage to Mecca that each Muslim must make at least once in their lifetime. Image source: https://www.apnews.com/dec215bfc1184d6d8e9b21ebaa9bc091 Day 3 - Human disaster in Yemen 8 May Sometimes situations arise where there are seemingly no answers. Yemen is such a case. Many describe what is happening in Yemen as the biggest humanitarian disaster of our time: War, famine, illness, lack of basic human needs, lack of education for children, the psychological devastation of war, poverty, and the lack of a peace process, etc. Constant bombings from the Saudi-coalition, and fighting among rival groups in this nation, kill or maim many citizens. The devil is the destroyer of human lives. We need to see the forces that lay behind what is visible, resist the evil one and cry to God for mercy. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19b). Pray: • For intervention by the international community into Yemen’s political situation. • Yemen, traditionally a nation very closed to the gospel, has a small group of believers who are among the few that have ‘good news’ to share in an otherwise desperate situation. One believer said, “Our faith is growing because, as Christians, we seem to have lost our fear. Through the crisis and the war, God has empowered us to share the gospel wherever we are”. Pray for the small group of Yemeni believers who are boldly attempting to share their hope in Christ. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com Page | 3
• Pray that in spite of all the suffering and hardship, Yemenis will be open to hear about the love of God and the salvation that is in Jesus Christ. • For humanitarian aid – food, clothes, education, medical services, trauma counselling services, etc. Day 4 - The Hausa in Nigeria 9 May The Hausa are the largest people group in Africa's most populous nation, having converted from tribal religions to Islam over many centuries. Boko Haram arose in northeast Nigeria in 2002, in violent opposition to rampant corruption in the South. Boko Haram's atrocities deeply affect the Hausa in the North. The resulting maelstrom of evil and rural poverty, however, provides opportunities for neighbouring believers to bless the Hausa in practical and self- sacrificial ways. Ministry obstacles The Hausa have long been taught that the Bible has been changed and is unreliable. There is also much mistrust and hostility between the Muslim tribes of northern Nigeria and the more generally Christian tribes to the south. The perception of Christianity as the religion of their enemy hinders Hausa families and communities from considering the gospel. Pray: • Pray for believers in southern Nigeria to bring the gospel to Hausa households more effectively. • Pray for the few believers among the Hausa to be fruitful in loving their families and sharing Bible stories. • The Hausa have strategic influence in several nations. Ask God for a gospel movement among this dear people to spill over in God's blessing to many neighbouring peoples. • Pray for peace and the evils of Boko Haram to multiply gospel opportunities. Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name. (Romans 1:5). Day 5 - Salvation... and increasing persecution 10 May While increasing numbers of Muslims are becoming followers of Jesus, persecution against Christians is still severe, and in some places, even worse than ever. Most Muslims that become followers of Jesus experience immediate hostility, rejection and death threats. Very often, they are killed or are forced to flee or return to Islam. A friend told me a while ago, how he recently led three young men to the Lord in separate incidences. Within a few weeks, all three were killed! Losing one’s family also means losing one’s support during times of sickness or personal crisis. Pray: • For the salvation of whole families and extended relatives. When whole families become followers of Jesus, their chance of survival is much bigger. • For more safe houses for Christians that have to flee for their lives. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com Page | 4
• That new believers, who are chased away by their families, will find new friends, jobs and lodging amongst Christians, and that the Church will be their new family. Day 6 - Spiritual awakening among the Druze 11 May The Druze are a unique ethnic and religious group of 1,5 million people who live primarily in four countries: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel. The Druze departed from Islam in the 11th Century. They developed a religion that combines doctrines from various other religions. They are a notoriously secretive and close-knit community, sceptical of outsiders. The Druze people group has endured 74 genocides since forming a separate religious group in 1009. They do not proselytise, so the only way to become a Druze is to be born into a family of two Druze parents. Pray: • The Church among the Druze is still very young and much discipling is needed. Pray for strong Spirit-filled leaders to lead the Church among the Druze. • Pray for missionaries and Druze believers to be faithful and wise witnesses as they work in situations where it is difficult and dangerous to acknowledge that one is a believer. Pray for them to have wisdom and joy. • Pray for resources. The Druze believers are working with very little by way of resources. They are a poor, oppressed and neglected people group. Pray for God’s provision of food, clothing and basic resources so that they can minister to others without fear for the well- being of their own families. Day 7 - Justice and imprisonment 12 May Many Christians in Muslim-majority nations are imprisoned or have court cases against them. They are accused of criminal behaviour, espionage, being a threat to peace in the country and JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com Page | 5
many other accusations. The truth is that there is often a ploy to put Christians into prison to force them to become Muslims, or to put pressure on Muslim background believers to recant and become Muslim again. Countries like Sudan, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia and Algeria are often in the news for imprisonment of Christians. Injustice and imprisonments are however not limited to these nations. Pray: • For persecuted and imprisoned Christians to stand firm and not deny Christ. • For judges in court cases to be guided by the Holy Spirit. • For the families of persecuted men and women that are falsely accused. • Pray that God will open doors inside prisons for Christians to share the gospel, and that He will prepare the hearts of other prisoners to receive the gospel. Day 8 - Arabs in Morocco 13 May In 670 AD, the Umayyads of Damascus completed their first Islamic conquest of the North African coastal plain and settled in what is now Morocco. Arabs have ruled this region ever since, including the original Berber tribal groups of North Africa, some of whom were Christian before the Arab invasion. This cultural mix is honoured for its scholarly advances in science, mathematics, astronomy, geography and medicine. Ministry obstacles Although Morocco allows religious freedom, the king of Morocco has declared that all native Moroccans are Sunni Muslims, and thus, it is considered a betrayal of family and heritage to worship Jesus as God. Pray: • Pray for Christian businessmen to apply the Matthew 10 and Luke 10 pattern for finding persons of peace and blessing whole households among the Arab/Berber peoples. • There is a long history of many labourers working in Morocco to this day. Pray for unity amongst diverse Moroccan believers, and for believers to be effective in sharing Christ with their households, so that the gospel is seen as a blessing; rather than a curse. Pray for reproducing households of faith. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com Page | 6
• Pray that, as Moroccan Arabs read the Qur'an – which honours Jesus (Isa al Masih) as a great prophet born of a virgin - whole families will have dreams and visions of Jesus the Messiah, be drawn to Him, and study the Bible to learn more about Him. Pray for a strong gospel movement to overcome the Islamic teaching that the Bible has been corrupted, and bring whole Moroccan Arab families and communities, and even many other peoples, into a rich experience of God's blessing. …that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God; there is no other. (1 Kings 8:60). Day 9 - The Horn of Africa 14 May The Horn of Africa encompasses Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Eritrea. The gospel is often challenged in all these countries. Of all the countries in East Africa, only Somalia has Sharia Law. Although other countries do not practise Sharia Law officially, groups of extreme Islamists have rule in certain places. For instance, in North-Eastern Kenya, the terrorist group, Al- Shabaab, rules as if they are the elected government. Christians in Somalia and North-eastern Kenya are terrorized by this Islamic group, and many are killed or seriously injured because they are followers of Jesus. Al-Shabaab has been known to divide people into Muslim and Christian groups and execute the Christians. In March 2015, Christian students of the university in Garissa were killed in this way. Similarly, in December 2016, Christian passengers travelling on the Mandera-Nairobi bus were also killed in this fashion. Pray: • Pray for Christians in these countries to remain faithful and true to the Lord and continue their good works. • Pray for the Spirit of the Lord to raise up a standard against all opponents of Christ so that they will come to a knowledge of the truth and be set free from the bondages of lies which they believe. • Pray for the Church to grow, numerically and spiritually. Strong and Spirit-filled leaders are necessary. • Pray, especially, for salvation of the leaders of the Al-Shabaab radical Islamist group. Day 10 - Pray for the spreading of the gospel in the Muslim world 15 May 1. Father, I ask for open doors to spread the gospel. Devote yourself to prayer that God may open a door to proclaim Christ. (Colossians 4:2-3). 2. Father, I ask for open minds to receive the gospel. I am sending you to them [the lost] to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light. (Acts 26:17). 3. Father, I ask for open hearts to embrace the gospel. For God made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of God. (2 Corinthians 4:6). 4. Father, I ask for open heavens, that the gospel may run swiftly. Open up, O heavens, and pour out your righteousness. Let the earth open wide so salvation and righteousness can sprout up together. (Isaiah 45:8). JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com Page | 7
Day 11 - The Turks in Turkey 16 May The Turks originated in Turan, a region that lies between the Caspian Sea and the Mongolian Desert. They arrived in Anatolia, Turkey in the 11th Century as conquering warriors and ruled much of the world as part of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire continued until the nation of Turkey was formed in 1923. Turkey is a secular republic, and it sits symbolically between the ‘Christian’ West and the Muslim world. Growing political unrest and division between Turks and Kurds threatens the peace of this region. Ministry obstacles Turks perceive Christianity as a threat to their community and identity, and thus miss the blessing of God's love expressed in Jesus. Islamic tradition teaches that the Bible has been corrupted, in contradiction to what the Qur'an teaches. Pray: • Pray for a gospel movement to multiply God's blessing rapidly through Turkish households. • There is a long history of many labourers working in Turkey to this day. Ask the Holy Spirit to work powerfully amongst them, and for Him to lead and empower Turkish believers in engaging their families and communities effectively through sharing Bible stories and their personal experiences of God's blessings. • Pray that as Muslim Turks read the Qur'an, they will hunger to learn more about Jesus the Messiah ("Isa al Masih" in the Qur'an). Pray for dreams and visions of Jesus to stir a gospel movement of households studying the Bible (which the Qur'an presents as God's Word). Ask God to pour out such blessing on the Turks that it overflows to many other lives. Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6). Day 12 - Crisis and opportunity 17 May The constant stream of refugees to Europe is creating a crisis and resistance is mounting in Europe. Thousands of refugees are still trying to get to Europe, completely unaware of the JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com Page | 8
emotional state of Europeans. It is simply impossible to accommodate so many people in Europe, which has its own challenges in terms of employment and the already great number of asylum seekers and refugees. However, this situation does create an opportunity for the Church to reach out to refugees, whose salvation we have been praying for over decades. Now they are in a place geographically where it is easier to evangelise them, but the problem is the weak Church in Europe. Pray: • Let us pray for an awakening in the Church in Europe so that she is enabled to reach out to the hundreds of thousands of refugees and immigrants. • Pray that outreach will be more than just the giving of food and blankets. People need to hear about Jesus and be born again. Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”. (John 3:3) Day 13 - Fulani herdsmen 18 May Thousands of Nigerian Christians are killed every year by Fulani herdsmen. The Fulani have a very strong resistance to Christianity, and they believe that their existence is threatened by different social and economic factors. In one incident, Fulani herders attacked Christians in two northern villages, for no apparent reason! While women and children ran for their lives, the men stayed to try and defend their village. An estimated 50 Christians died, and the villagers lost most of their property as the attackers set light to the village. One survivor, 36-year-old Comfort Obida, lost her husband in such an attack. She says,.“I received a call from my in-laws, who told me, ‘Baba is gone. They have killed him’”. Now, Comfort must find a way to provide for her four children. Many Christian women have been widowed and their children left fatherless in the wake of such attacks. CBN Nigeria Director, Felix Oisamoje, explains "I think one of the things we need the most is prayer… whatever is going on right now has some kind of spiritual underpinnings, and I believe if we begin to deal with it from that point, it makes it easier. After all, the Bible tells us that we do not war against flesh and blood, so we know there are spiritual issues, so we need to pray." Pray: • Pray for God’s protection for Nigerian Christians living in the same areas as the Fulani herdsmen. • Pray for provision for those who have lost family members, businesses, homes and any form of income. Pray also for emotional and spiritual restoration from the trauma of such loss. • Pray for Christians to be prudent witnesses towards the Fulani. • Pray for spiritual breakthroughs amongst the Fulani, and that all violence will cease, when through dreams, visions, miracles and Godly intervention, they meet the Prince of Peace. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com Page | 9
Day 14 - The Hui in China 19 May The Hui are the largest and most widespread of China's Muslim minorities and are widely scattered throughout the country. Their ancestors are largely Arabs, Persians, and Mongols. One of the worst genocides in history occurred when one million Hui were massacred between 1855 and 1873. Although there are a few scattered believers, this may be the largest people group in the world without a single known fellowship of believers. Ministry obstacles The Hui have a long history of a strong commitment to Islam. In recent years, an increasing number of Hui have travelled to Mecca for the annual Hajj pilgrimage. In contradiction to the Qur'an, Islam teaches that the Bible has been corrupted. Pray: • Pray for the Holy Spirit to stir many strong Han Chinese believers to lovingly share the gospel with other Hui households. • Pray for the few Hui followers of Jesus to become effective and fruitful in sowing God's Word among their families and communities, to fuel a movement of God's blessing, spreading from household to household. • As the Hui read the Qur'an, pray for them to be drawn to Jesus the Messiah (Isa al Masih in the Qur'an). Pray for dreams and visions of Jesus to stir Hui households with a hunger to study the Bible together, and apply what they learn. Pray not only for a gospel movement among the Hui, but for the Hui to birth gospel movements among other Chinese minority groups. And He will destroy on this mountain the surface of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is spread over all nations. He will swallow up death forever, and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces; the rebuke of His people He will take away from all the earth; for the LORD has spoken. (Isaiah 25:7-8). Day 15 - Increase of radicalism 20 May There are clear indications of an increase in animosity towards Christianity in several nations, such as Indonesia, Pakistan, Somalia, Algeria and Egypt. Christian businesses, churches and homes are being burned down, believers are being beaten, and women (and especially young girls) are being forced into marriages with Muslim men. As Christian suffering increases, believers are forced to operate deeper underground. However, due to the violence and death caused by radical Islam, more Muslims and radicals are walking away from Islam because they are disillusioned with it. Pray: • Pray that laws will be implemented and enforced to give Christians more freedom to worship and live in peace. • Pray that Muslims will analyse their faith critically, as Christians react in love and continue to present the gospel to them. • Pray for the protection of Christians, and that persecution will not silence their witness for Jesus. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com P a g e | 10
Day 16 - Ministry leaders under attack 21 May Leaders of foreign missionary organisations and Christian NGO workers in the Muslim world are under constant physical, emotional and demonic attacks. Islamists make it difficult for Christians to work, and they seize every opportunity to harm them and their families. Many ministry leaders and Christian workers are physically, psychologically and spiritually exhausted, and they are not coping well under such numerous attacks and intense resistance. The same is happening to imams, sheikhs, jihadists and other Muslims that have accepted Christ and who are suffering heavy persecution. Pray: • Let us build a hedge with our prayer around spiritual leaders, missionaries and spiritual workers in Muslim countries. • Pray for wisdom and divine guidance as they go about their daily work. • Pray for discernment when people with evil intentions come to their homes or offices pretending to seek the Lord. But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31). Day 17 - The Ansari in India 22 May According to legend, the Ansari were inhabitants of Medina, and ‘Ansari’ is the title of honour given to those who sheltered and helped the prophet Mohammad in his war against Mecca. In recent years, the Tableeghi Jamat has renewed fervour for Islam among the Ansari. Ansari literacy is low, and girls discontinue their studies due to social pressure. The Ansari are honoured for their beautiful tapestries and other artistic products. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com P a g e | 11
Ministry obstacles The Ansari see Jesus the Messiah (Isa al Masih in the Qur'an) as only the Saviour of the Christians. Furthermore, Islamic tradition contradicts the Qur'an by teaching that the Bible has been corrupted. Pray: • Pray that international opportunities to market beautiful Ansari handwork will provide the context for the Ansari to encounter loving believers who will share the gospel with them and their families. • There are few followers of Jesus among the Ansari. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead and empower these Ansari believers in living and applying God's Word within their families and communities, to fuel a gospel movement, multiplying God's blessing among Ansari households. • Pray that as Ansari families read the Qur'an, they will have dreams and visions of Jesus the Messiah (Isa al Masih in the Qur'an), be increasingly drawn to Him, and study the Bible to learn more about Him. Pray for a gospel movement among the Ansari to spread to many other people groups in India. And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me'. (Matthew 25:40). Day 18 - Mauritania 23 May A new law was passed on 27 April 2018 by the Mauritanian National Assembly saying that there will no longer be any mercy shown towards anyone convicted of apostasy. Previously, a Mauritanian who committed blasphemy or left the Muslim faith had three days to repent before they were punished. Penalties included prison time or even a death sentence. With the new law, the three days to repent disappears; everyone is to be punished! Even if one does repent, he will still be punished. In addition, in the case of blasphemous remarks or sacrilegious acts, the death penalty is now mandatory. The Minister of Defence said, "What we had before was actually contradicting official Sharia code, the official Sharia law. We want to be as close to the real Sharia law as possible, so we needed to eliminate that discrepancy between the two”. Mauritania is a Muslim nation and, while no Christian has been given a death sentence yet, the new law seems to be targeted mainly at Christian converts. A death sentence for apostasy would cause someone considering following Jesus to think twice before making this decision. Although the CIA World Factbook reports that Mauritania is officially 100% Muslim, there is an underground Church presence. The Holy Spirit is not hindered by laws and borders, and Mauritanian believers are living out their faith in secret. Pray: • A Christian’s biggest needs are for fellowship with other believers, to be discipled, to have the comfort of their familiy and to be able to express their beliefs. • Pray for Christian material, like the JESUS Film (available in different formats and languages) and Bibles to be taken into the country. • For Mauritanian Christians to discover Internet resources that are available to help them. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com P a g e | 12
Day 19 - Child soldiers 24 May Tens of thousands child soldiers are used by rebel groups. They are normally taken from their families forcefully and against their will. Through severe indoctrination and physical abuse, they are brainwashed and forced to be soldiers. These young boys have no respect for life, and they are used for all kinds of violence: Rape, killing, torture and terror. They become deadly and extremely ruthless soldiers. Pray: • For ways for children to escape these horrible situations. • For the Holy Spirit to awaken their consciences, and that they will stop participating in these atrocities. • That they will meet with Christians who can help them work through the trauma of their past lives. Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish. (Matthew 18:14). But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven”. (Matthew 19:14). Day 20 - The Arain in Pakistan 25 May The Arain are Muslims of Arab origin, who migrated to the subcontinent with Muhammad Bin Qasim and then did not return due to fear of persecution by the rulers in Damascus. When the British wanted land developed in the Punjab after its annexation, the Arain were brought in to cultivate the land around the cities. The Arain are honoured for their hard work, frugality and sense of discipline. Ministry obstacles Pakistan, meaning ‘Land of the pure’, sees itself as a Muslim country, so Arain families are shamed in their communities when family members become believers. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com P a g e | 13
Pray: • Pray for the widespread use of smartphones and social media to provide gateways for the gospel to bypass the barriers of shame and lead to family discussions. Pray for Arain clans to experience God's blessing through a gospel movement of family Bible studies. • There are no known believers within the large Arain community. Pray for labourers to have wisdom in applying the pattern Jesus gave in Matthew 10 and Luke 10 for blessing Arain households. • Pray for Arain families to be drawn to Jesus the Messiah (called Isal al Masih in the Qur'an), to have dreams and visions about Him, and to study the Bible to find out more about Him. Pray for a gospel movement of Arain families experiencing God's blessing to overflow and bless many neighbouring people groups. When they heard these things they became silent; and they glorified God, saying, "Then God has also granted to the Gentiles repentance to life". (Acts 11:18). Day 21 - Halaal tax 26 May South Africa has become a world leader in producing and exporting Halaal products. To produce Halaal products, businesses must pay Halaal tax to do business with Muslims. Millions of dollars are earned this way and are used to further the cause of Islam. Large amounts end up in the hands of Muslims with connections to the more radical militant side of Islam. Pray: • Pray that what these funds are used for will be exposed, and that funding for Islamization of nations will cease. • Pray that Christian farmers and people that handle food in any form (even food franchises) will understand the danger of trading with Muslims and refuse to pay the Halaal tax. • Pray for laws that will prohibit the addition of Halaal tax to food products. Day 22 - Apologetics 27 May There are many ministries that engage Muslims with apologetics (debate). This is an important ministry, as it helps Muslims to understand the truths of Christianity and exposes the lies that have been spread about Christians. It also helps Christians to understand Muslims, and guides them on how to answer them from the Bible. In the last two decades, there is a clear trend to help Muslims understand what the Qur’an says about Jesus (Isa). It is usually a great eye- opener for Muslims and paves the way for the gospel to be presented. However, the danger of apologetics is that one can get involved in quarrels and negative arguments. It is not always easy to proclaim the truth with wisdom, patience and love! Christians are often ridiculed, threatened and misunderstood. Pray: • For apologists to explain the truths and core message of the gospel to Muslims in ways that can be easily understood. • Pray for opportunities to speak to Muslims and share the gospel with them. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com P a g e | 14
• Pray for Muslims to realise the lies they believed about the message of the Bible. • Pray for more Christian apologists to explain the essence of the gospel with great care, wisdom and love so that they will be able to point out clear contradictions contained in the Qur’an. Day 23 - The Jat in Pakistan 28 May Speculations concerning the origin of the Jat community abound, but they have been in Pakistan for hundreds of years. Current research suggests that they migrated from Central Asia. They were speakers of the languages of the Indo-Aryan language family. They are a landowning community. Most likely, ‘jat’ is derived from ‘jatta’, a generic term for cattle-grazers and camel- raisers. Ministry obstacles Islamic tradition contradicts the Qur'an by teaching that the Bible has been corrupted. Pray: • Pray for Jat families to experience God's blessings through a gospel movement. Pray for unprecedented access to Scripture through mobile devices to lead families to discuss the Bible together. • There are few, if any, followers of Jesus among the large Jat community. Pray for these believers to be fruitful and effective in applying God's Word, blessing their own families, and sharing God's blessing with other Jat households. • Ask Father God to pour out His blessing on Jat families and communities, healing and strengthening broken families and multiplying His grace throughout the Jat people. Pray for Jat families reading the Qur'an to have dreams and visions of Jesus, to be drawn to Jesus the Messiah (Isa al Masih in the Qur'an), and to the Bible to learn more about Him. Pray for a gospel movement among the Jat to bless many other peoples of Pakistan. To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ. (Ephesians 3:8). Day 24 - Continual displacement 29 May While it is true that ISIS appears on the surface not to be such a big threat anymore, war, violence and persecution in the Middle East and North Africa is still ongoing. There are many JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com P a g e | 15
different political and jihadist groups that will keep the war going for a long time. People are constantly displaced because of the ongoing violence (political and religious) between warring factions, as well as because of disunity, greed and centuries-old wounds that ‘demand revenge’. This is happening in Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and several other nations. Some displaced persons move around in their own nation, but many do leave, often under dire circumstances. Some refugees are contained in prison-like camps; others live in extreme poverty, their dreams of finding a better life shattered. Many refugees are sexually- and financially abused and are made to feel very unwelcome in the places they try to find shelter (inside or outside their country). Let us not see displaced persons as inferior to us or view them as an unwelcome burden. They are simply people who are victims or war, and who desperately need help from their fellow human beings. Pray: • For safe places for internally displaced people and refugees, where they will be protected, find support and are offered ways of building new futures for themselves. • Normally, refugees and displaced people simply have no means to care for themselves, so they are easy targets for people who want to take advantage of them. Please pray for their protection. • Pray for long-term solutions for the refugee crisis. • Pray for an end to the wars, and for safe conditions to prevail so that people can return to their homes. In many cases, their dwellings will have been destroyed or ransacked. • Pray for relief agencies and Christian NGO’s to continue to support refugees and displaced persons and for the funding necessary to do the work. Day 25 - Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh 30 May On Saturday, 25 August, Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh held demonstrations and prayer gatherings to mark the one-year anniversary of their flight from Myanmar’s Rakhine state, when violence broke out between the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) and Myanmar’s armed forces. An estimated 700,000 Rohingya fled the conflict, and many testified of killings, rapes and arson carried out by security forces, in what the UN says seems to be a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing”. Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi’s government has denied allegations of atrocities made by the refugees, saying that security forces lawfully suppressed Muslim militants in Rakhine. However, a report presented on Monday, 27 August 2018 by a fact-finding team, under the auspices of the UN-backed Human Rights Council, has found that top Myanmar military leaders should be prosecuted for genocide against Rohingya Muslims. International pressure on Myanmar has been growing. In a statement ahead of the anniversary, 132 sitting parliamentarians from five other countries in Southeast Asia issued a statement calling for Myanmar officials to face trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Despite the trauma faced by the Rohingya refugees, some express a desire to return to Myanmar, but only if there is change. One refugee said: “We want to go back to Myanmar, but only with citizenship and our rights. We will never accept repatriation without the rights the Myanmar government snatched from us a long time ago”. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com P a g e | 16
Pray: • Please join us in praying for this persecuted people group – for those still in Myanmar, and for those displaced in neighbouring Bangladesh – that they may receive justice and compassion. • For justice to be served. • For political breakthroughs and solutions, as well as pressure from the international community to deal with the issue swiftly and thoroughly. • For Rohingya refugees to encounter Christ and for believers and Christians NGOs to reach out to them. Day 26 - Syria 31 May Adults and children in Syria have witnessed the unthinkable. Many children have lost the carefree childhood they once had and are missing out on school because they need to work to feed their families. Boys and girls are growing up without mothers and fathers. Imagine what living like this for years does to a person! Don’t let this dishearten you, though. Use the compassion you feel to fuel your prayers, and be encouraged by the truth of Scripture. In 1 Chronicles, David said, “Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually! Remember the wondrous works that He has done, His miracles and the judgments He uttered…” (1 Chronicles 16:11-12; ESV). This is as true today as it was in David’s time. Let us join this significant time of prayer and pray specifically for: • Syrians who have completely lost hope. Pray that in their despair they would seek the Lord God and take their needs to Him. Pray that they would cry out to Him, and that He would meet them in a powerful way. • Pray specifically for children. Lift up those who have been traumatised, orphaned, or who have lost loved ones. Pray for moments of normal childhood – times of laughter and play. Pray for seeds of hope to sprout. • Lift up the Christian communities of Syria. May our brothers and sisters be a source of light and hope for others. May they continue to trust in the Lord and glorify Him. • Pray for clear signs that the war is finally coming to an end. Ask God to pour out wisdom and humility on those who need it most. • Finally, pray for some groups of Druze and Kurds who have come to faith and who are being mentored. We see that the Spirit is doing something new among these peoples! Day 27 - The Night of Power 1 June Great is our Lord, and mighty in power; His understanding is infinite. (Psalm 147:5). The 27th day of Ramadan is the holiest day of Ramadan: The Night of Power or Destiny. Muslims believe that the Qu'ran was first revealed to Mohammad during the last week of Ramadan. Many have chosen the 27th day as a special day to commemorate this event. Therefore, millions of Muslims around the world will be praying in mosques all night long for Allah's special favour, they pray extra prayers; they recite more of the Qu'ran, they make special requests and they believe that their sins can be forgiven on this night. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com P a g e | 17
Pray: O Lord of all power and might, on this night of power, would You reveal Yourself in dreams and visions to the millions of Muslims who will be praying and seeking Allah. They want to experience Your power but are looking in the wrong places. Reveal Yourself to them in dreams and visions of Jesus. Lead them to Christian believers and to the Bible that can explain what they see. We ask for many conversions on this night! May we hear testimonies later of Muslims who first encountered you on this night. Show Yourself as the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25). What is the Night of Power? Although there is debate amongst Muslim clerics as to when The Night of Power actually occurs, it is commonly commemorated during the last ten days of Ramadan. According to Sura (chapter) 97 of the Qur'an, Muhammad received his first revelation of the Qur'an on this night. Muslims, thus, believe that prayers offered on this night are particularly well received and may compensate for any omission of daily prayer. Many clerics believe The Night of Power is on the 27th day of Ramadan. Each day begins at sunset, so tonight is the start of the 27th day. READ MORE Day 28 - Pashtun in India 2 June The Pashtun are not a single tribe, but a collection of many tribes. They are said to be elegant, colourfully attired, hospitable, considerate, fierce in hatred and kind in friendship. Though they are very dedicated to their religious beliefs, they are also fond of pleasure. They are known for their marksmanship and their love of honour. They live by the Pashtun code known as Pashtunwali (‘the way of the Pushtun’). Ministry obstacles: The Pashtun fear that Christianity will turn individuals from their communities and bring shame upon their family. Pray: • Beg God to raise up labourers and lead them to households of peace, where the gospel will be welcomed. • Pray for the daftari (men well respected in tribal councils and the greater Pashtun society) to embrace the gospel and open the way for many Pashtun households and communities to hear God's Word and experience His blessing. Day 29 - Five reasons 3 June Studies show that the five main reasons why Muslims become followers of Jesus are: 1) Through dreams and visions (in some places, this figure could be as high as 95%). 2) Contact with Christians that showed them the love of Jesus. JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com P a g e | 18
3) Reading the Bible. 4) Christians that helped the poor and needy when they had social and practical needs. 5) Different forms of electronic media (JESUS Film, SD cards, Internet, Facebook, chat rooms, Internet courses, etc.). Pray: Pray for dreams and visions of Jesus to continue. Ask that Christians will demonstrate the love of God to them. Pray that Christians will reach out to help to meet the needs of Muslims practically. Ask for effective ways to reach Muslims through electronic media. Day 30 - End of Ramadan 2019 4 June Today is the last day of Ramadan. Many Muslims will be strengthened by the 30-day fast, but others will be disillusioned by it. Some Muslims will seek a deeper relationship with God at this time, but many will end the fast still feeling dry spiritually. Pray: • Pray for such people to seek for God in new directions, and for the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus as Saviour to them. • Ask that they will meet God as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is only in the Fatherhood of God that we as human beings can come to rest. Eid al-Fitr Festival 5 June Eid is an Arabic word meaning 'festivity'. Fitr means 'to break the fast'. Eid al-Fitr begins on the first day of Shawwal, the month that follows Ramadan, and it is celebrated today. Rice, barley and dates are donated to people in need so that everyone can enjoy a holiday meal. This donation is known as 'Sadaqah al-Fitr' (charity of fast-breaking). In the morning, Muslims gather at outdoor locations or mosques and perform the Eid prayer. For three days thereafter, they visit family and friends to exchange gifts, they call distant relatives to wish them luck and prosperity, and they feast. In most Muslim countries, this 3-day period is a public holiday. Please pray for Muslims to be saved during the three days of Eid al-Fitr. READ MORE JERICHO WALLS INTERNATIONAL PRAYER NETWORK www.jwipn.com P a g e | 19
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