2016 EMHS Discovery Project Catalog - East Mountain High School

Page created by Jill Walton
2016 EMHS Discovery Project Catalog - East Mountain High School
EMHS Discovery
Project Catalog
2016 EMHS Discovery Project Catalog - East Mountain High School
2016 EMHS Discovery Project Catalog - East Mountain High School

East Mountain High School embraces the importance of experiential learning and unique educational
opportunities. Discovery Projects are cornerstones of this philosophy. They encourage student learning
through exposure to fascinating topics that lead to both academic success and the pursuit of life-long
learning. The significance of discovery-based learning is an important part of the charter of EMHS and
further emphasized in the graduation requirements of all of our students.

Final exams for freshmen, sophomores and juniors will be given May 11 and 12. There will be no school for
students on Friday, May 13. Discovery Projects begin Monday, May 16 and end Thursday, May 26. On
Thursday, May 26, students will present their Discovery Projects to the entire school community. Parents
are invited to attend this event and to celebrate the end of the school year with us in a school-wide BBQ.
Students will be dismissed after the BBQ ends.

Discovery Project descriptions will be available from the school website beginning Friday, November 20 at
www.eastmountainhigh.net under the Discovery tab. Please use the link to download the PDF catalog. If
you do not have internet access and need a copy of the packet, please stop by the EMHS Front Office.
Students will also be able to look at the packet during advocacy.

Registration for 2015 Discovery Projects will be held online. On Thursday, January 21, a link for Discovery
Project registration will go live at 6:00am and will be closed at 8:10am. It will be emailed to both parents and
students who have provided an email address to the school and a reminder using School Reach will also
provide families with the registration link. The link will also be placed on the home page of the school
website: http://www.eastmountainhigh.net. Any device with Internet access including a mobile phone can be
used to complete the registration online.

Online registrations will be time-stamped automatically with the time that they are received and students will
be placed into projects on a first-completed, first-placed basis, with juniors taking first priority, then
sophomore and then freshmen. All registrations received on registration day between 6:00am and 8:10am
will be placed into projects before placing students into projects who do not complete the online registration
during that time period, irrespective of grade level.

If a student does not have internet access at home, he or she is welcome to come to East Mountain High
School on the registration day in order to complete online registration between 6:00am and 8:10am. Please
report to the Student Guidance Center in Building 1.

Students will find out their Discovery Project placement as soon as possible on the day following
registration. Please understand that we do our best to enroll students in Discovery Projects fairly and
without prejudice. Clearly we cannot accommodate every student’s first choice due to higher demand for
some projects. Requests for changes of enrollment after registration is completed must be made in writing,
explaining the reason for the change, and submitted to the Principal for consideration.

In the case of expensive Discovery Projects costing more than $500.00 per student, a pre-registration
process may be required. In the pre-registration process, students must bring in a deposit to demonstrate
their commitment to this project before the official registration day. Students who commit to an expensive
project before Registration Day will be placed into the project they have paid a deposit for and DO NOT
2016 EMHS Discovery Project Catalog - East Mountain High School
need to participate in the online sign-up process. Your Discovery Project teacher will communicate with you
about this process.

All Discovery Projects have associated fees due to the costs of supplies and off-campus travel. These fees
are due in two installments. Half of the payment is due Thursday, February 18 and the second half of the
payment will be due Thursday, March 17. Please make checks payable to “EMHS.” Students will meet
with their Discovery Project teachers on these dates during Advocacy to turn in their payments.

Financial Aid
We understand that participating in a Discovery Project can be financially difficult for families. Should your
child require financial aid to participate in a Discovery Project, he or she should obtain a scholarship
application from the Front Office. This application should be completed and returned to the Principal by
Tuesday, February 2. Please note that we will rank the costs of all Discovery Projects (excluding out of
state trips), and that no scholarship will be awarded for more than the median amount (approximately
$200.00). No scholarships are available for out-of-state trips. Most scholarships will be partial.

Students Who Do Not Register, Pay or Participate
All students must participate in a Discovery Project. Students who choose not to register will be placed in a
project with openings. The student will be required to pay the project fee and/or apply for financial aid. Any
student who does not pay will be dropped from the project and receive an incomplete (failing) grade for the
project which is a half credit. This impacts a student’s GPA and is reflected in his or her transcripts.

Students who do not pay for the projects for which they registered or who do not attend Discovery Projects
will be removed from the project and will receive an incomplete (failing) grade for the project. Students who
are not participating in or have been removed from projects are not to be on campus after the last day of
regular classes.

Student Discipline
Students are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct published in the Student Handbook at all times
during Discovery Projects, whether on or off campus, during or outside of regular school hours, at all times
and locations where school based activities occur. Parents / guardians will be called upon to assume
responsibility for any and all damages that may result from a prohibited action of a student, will be
responsible for retrieving the students and/or paying for the return trip due to prohibited action by the
student and will forfeit all remaining money, deposits or fees paid for the Discovery Project because of
prohibited actions by the student. Additionally, a student may be disallowed from participating in any off-
campus travel called for by a Discovery Project due to prohibited actions by the student. The parent or
guardian will forfeit all money, deposits or non-refundable fees in the case of prohibited actions by a student.
Please the Student Handbook for a list of prohibited actions.

Parental and Family Involvement
Many Discovery Projects cannot happen without parent and family participation. Please consider joining
your child in this learning experience and gain volunteer hours at the same time. Some trips may require
parent drivers. Parent volunteer drivers must show proof of liability insurance of $100,000 per person and
$300,000 per accident for bodily injury and $50,000 per occurrence for property damage. Volunteer drivers
will need to provide the declaration page of their policy, a copy of their current registration, and a current
driver’s license. They will be asked to sign a form giving EMHS permission to check their driving record.
Also, parent volunteer chaperones must have completed a background check. Please see the EMHS
website at http://www.eastmountainhigh.net for information about completing a background check or contact
Gwen Brown at gbrown@eastmountainhigh.net. Thus, drivers’ license check forms and background checks
must be completed by Tuesday, April 5.
2016 EMHS Discovery Project Catalog - East Mountain High School
Independent Projects
In some cases, students have the opportunity and the independence required to conceive of and complete
an independent Discovery Project. Proposals for independent projects must be from sophomores or juniors
who have already completed a Discovery Project at EMHS and must be turned in by Friday, January 15.
Students interested in an independent project must complete a project proposal that includes learning
objectives linked to New Mexico Common Core Standards and Benchmarks and secure a faculty advisor.

In order to meet required hours for a credit bearing class, students may not miss more than 8 hours of a
Discovery Project and still receive credit for the class.

For More Information
For more information about Discovery Projects or with questions about the information in this catalog,
please contact Discovery Project Committee Chair Lori Webster at 281-7400 x. 168 or
2016 EMHS Discovery Project Catalog - East Mountain High School
2016 EMHS Discovery Project Catalog - East Mountain High School
Filmed in New
Teacher: Ms. Berlin

Project Description: Come check out the movie industry in New Mexico! This project is geared
toward exploration of the major employment opportunities available in live action filming in our state.
Students will work with a casting agent, develop a resume and headshot, speak with a representative from
the Screen Actors Guild, tour the campus of the University of Santa Fe film school, and visit Garson Studios
stages, which houses the filming of Longmire, a Netflix original show. Take the Breaking Bad Tour (on the
RV,) which is conducted by actors who were on the show Breaking Bad. Students will also watch movies and
shows which were filmed in New Mexico in the recent and distant past. Some of these viewing opportunities
will be R-Rated. Parental permission will be required for all activities and viewing opportunities.

Activities and Exciting Features:
1. Work with and take an acting course from a local casting agency.
2. Develop a resume/head shot for potential use in casting.
3. Santa Fe Film School/ Garson Studios Tour
4. Breaking Bad RV Tour

Supplies or Skills Needed:
Bring an open mind and a willingness to try all things film related, including acting!

Schedule         5/16                5/17                5/18                  5/19               5/20
                 Intro to the        Headshots           Create                Speaker from       Breaking Bad
                 movie industry/     taken in the        headshot/resume the acting               Tour/ Lunch
                 Screen Actor’s      morning/casting     for submission/       industry/watch     provided from
                 Guild               agency in the       Practice audition movies, shows          Los Pollos
                 Representative      afternoon           skills/Watch          and analyze        Hermanos
                 Talk                                    movies shows
                                                         and analyze
                 5/23                5/24                5/25                  5/26               5/27
                 Creating and        Santa Fe            Prepare               Last Day of
                 audition tape/      University Film     Presentation/         Discovery /
                 Movie and show      School/Garson       Rehearse/Reflect/ Presentations
                 viewing and         Studios Tour        Viewing and
                 analysis                                Analysis
Costs:                                                     Donations or Parent Help Needed:
Transportation per student: $100                           Parent chaperones will be needed for all off campus
Supplies per student: $30                                  fieldtrips (3-4). Any parents with special knowledge
Fees per student:$100                                      or expertise in film or acting should contact Laura
Food per student:$40                                       Berlin to discuss other volunteer opportunities at
                                                           lberlin@eastmountainhigh.net. Thanks a million!!!
TOTAL: $270.00
2016 EMHS Discovery Project Catalog - East Mountain High School
                                                                                 TRAINING FROM
                                                                                MEXMIGS JIU JITSU
                                                                                  FIELD TRIPS TO
                                                                                CROSSFIT GYM AND
                                                                                NINJAPARK IN ABQ
                                                                              NUTRITION AND MENTAL
                                                                               FOCUS CHALLENGES
                                                                               COMPETE IN 1ST EMHS
                                                                                CROSSFIT GAMES

                                                                              Costs (per student):

                                                                              Transportation: $32.00

                                                                              Supplies: $20.00

OH MY                                  SCHEDULE:
                                       5/16: INTRO; MEX MIGS JIU JITSU; MMA
                                                                              Fees: $130.00

                                                                              Food per student: $10 for
                                                                              afternoon healthy snacks.
                                                                              Bring your own lunch.
                                       5/17: FIELD TRIP-NINJA PARK
MODERN FUNCTIONAL                                                             TOTAL: $195.00
                                       MIGS WOD
The world of obstacle races and
                                       5/19: FIELD TRIP- CROSSFIT GYM
functional fitness are driving a new
era of athleticism. We will explore    5/20: BEGIN BUILDING OBSTACLES;
new fitness training and sports such   MOBILITY
                                                                                 Teacher: Ms. Booth
as CrossFit, Spartan races, MMA,
                                       5/23: MORNING WOD; COURSE PREP;        Current physical required.
Ninja Warrior and more!
                                       WATCH CROSSFIT GAMES                      Mandatory vigorous
DONATIONS and PARENT                                                            activities and training.
HELP NEEDED:                           5/24: EMHS CROSSFIT GAMES
                                                                              Work-out gear- sunscreen,
Chaperones to go with us to Ninja
                                       5/25: PRESENTATION PREP                 shoes, extra clothes, etc.
Park and CrossFit gym– need
background check, $22.                                                          Bring your own lunch.
                                       5/26: LAST DAY/PRESENTATIONS
Scrap lumber, nails, power tools and
assistance for building obstacles.
2016 EMHS Discovery Project Catalog - East Mountain High School
Teacher: Ms. Dorwart

Project Description:
Do you like the water? Do you like to build things? Do you value our natural resources? If so, let’s make
a kayak out of water bottles and duct tape and go paddling. Plus, we will paddle REAL kayaks, too!
Activities and Exciting Features:
    Paddle REAL kayaks in the Rio Grande
    Paddle homemade water bottle kayaks in pool and lake
    Volunteer for National River Clean Up Day
    Visit UNM Civil Engineering labs plus see the concrete canoes used for college competitions
    Research San Juan Chama River Project, tour facility at Alameda
    Watch the movie "DamNation"
Supplies or Skills Needed:
    Strong swimming skills and enthusiasm to maintain our natural resources.
    Backpack, sack lunch and snacks, sunscreen, hat, appropriate swimming suit, river shoes or river
        sandals, fleece pants and jacket for paddling. (Life jackets will be provided and worn at all times
        while in the water.)
    LOTS OF WATER BOTTLES to make our kayaks.
Schedule:      5/16                 5/17             5/18              5/19                 5/20
               -Build boat          -Paddle Rio      -UNM Civil        -Build boat          -Build boat
               -Boater safety       Grande           Engineering
               certification online -Quiet Waters -Paddle
                                    Paddling         Lake
                                                     -New Mexico
               5/21                 5/23             5/24              5/25                 5/26
               Saturday             -Build boat      -Finish           -Prepare             -H2O Presentation
               -National River      -Pool            building          presentation         and Picnic
               Clean Up                              boat              -San Juan
               -Quiet Waters                                           Chama Project
               Paddling                                                -Paddle Lake
                                                                       -New Mexico
Costs:                                                        Donations or Parent Help Needed:
Transportation per student: $80                               Parent drivers/chaperones are necessary and
Supplies per student: $20                                     APPRECIATED! (Background check and
Fees per student: $145                                        driving paperwork needs to be done well in
Food per student: $30                                         advance. Reimbursement is available for your
TOTAL: $275.00                                                background check) Chaperones can
                                                              participate in the activities with us for free!
2016 EMHS Discovery Project Catalog - East Mountain High School
                                The Camera & the Print
                                               Teacher: Flake
Project Description:
This Discovery Project will highlight technical aspects of the camera, going far beyond point & shoot. Creative
techniques such as narrative, documentary, and created environment will be explored. We will utilize our group
of students to its fullest capacity, encouraging group work, group modeling, and group storytelling. Students will
learn the basics of Photoshop software in order to create extraordinary prints, which they can keep and display in
the hallways of EMHS campus.
Activities and Exciting Features:                                Printing on a large-scale printer
      Field trip to Tent Rocks Monument                         Display of student work during 2016-2017
      Field trip to downtown Albuquerque                           school year
      Field trip to Madrid, NM                                  Professional artist guest speakers
      Field trip to Tinkertown Folk Art Museum
Supplies or Skills Needed:
Students must be able to access an SLR camera (film or digital) every day during the two weeks. EMHS has
limited access to SLRs that students can check out. Please talk to Ms. Flake BEFORE signing up for Discovery if
you will need to check out a camera or if you are not sure if your camera is an SLR. If you don’t talk to Ms. Flake
before signing up, you risk your spot in this Discovery.
Schedule          5/16                 5/17              5/18                   5/19                5/20
                  Intro to camera      Field trip to     Field trip to          Night-shoot:        Printing/shooting
                  and                  downtown ABQ Tinkertown.                 Class meets from day at school.
                  contemporary                           Printing/shooting 3:00—9:30 pm             Guest Speaker
                  photography                                                   on this day.        from UNM.
                  5/23                 5/24              5/25                   5/26                5/27
                  Field trip to Tent Printing/shooting Field Trip to            Presentations/BB No School—
                  Rocks.               day at school.    Madrid. Last day Q                         Memorial Day
                                       Guest speaker.    to print.
Costs:                                                     Donations or Parent Help Needed:
                                                           If you have any supplies related to photography,
$150.00                                                    lighting, tripods, camera bags, printers, paper, etc,
                                                           please consider donating! We need light bulbs, black
                                                           velvet, extension cords, water bottles, snacks, etc.
            Leather Working, Costume Construction, & Creative Nonsense
                      Your Airship Captains: Carmen Healy & Tucker Janes
                    Adventurers, Alchemists, Pirates, Duelists, and Scoundrels!
                       In a world of steam and leather, brass gears and occult
                    mysticism, one never knows what’s around the corner: Tea
                     with the Archduke, a submarine battle with a giant squid,
                             uncovering the dusty secrets of lost cities.
                    Be prepared for whatever might come your way, and equip
                      yourself with all of the accessories, tools, and knowledge
                              you’ll need to survive in Steampunk 101.

Activities and Exciting Features:
1. Learn about the exciting and weird subculture(s) of Steampunk!
2. Build your own custom costume pieces, including goggles, hat, leather armor, nerf blaster, steampunk magnets
   & jewelry, and quick-draw teacup holster.
3. Learn about and participate in the genteel art of Tea Dueling
4. Group interest will determine other areas of exploration, which could include Victorian literature and history,
   steampunk films, character development, costuming/cosplay, Murder Mystery Scavenger Hunt, and
   Steampunk sub-genres.
Supplies or Skills Needed:
Students will need to bring a lunch each day. Students will also need a signed permission slip to work with sharp
hand tools and solvents, and to view films rated PG-13. All other necessary supplies will be provided, although
students may wish to bring additional tools, supplies, or costume pieces, including thrift-store finds.
            5/16                  5/17                5/18                 5/19                  5/20

            Intro to              Individual          Individual           Individual            Individual
            Steampunk/            Projects/           Projects/            Projects              Projects/
            Individual Projects   Steampunk Film      Steampunk Panels     Steampunk Film        Tea Duel
            5/23                  5/24                5/25                 5/26                  5/27
            High Tea @ St.        Finish individual   Madrid Trip!         All-School            NO SCHOOL!
            James Teahouse/       projects &          Photoshoot and       presentations and     HAPPY
            Thrift-a-palooza      costume pieces      Murder Mystery       picnic                SUMMER!!

Costs:                                                     Donations or Parent Help Needed:
   Supplies per student: $160                              Parent help is welcome! Loans or donations of
   Transportation & Fees per student: $40                  tools, time (chaperoning) and expertise will be
   Food per student: $50                                   graciously accepted. Experience with time-travel
                         TOTAL: $250.00                    and/or interdimensional shifting preferred.
Exploring Northern New Mexico Water and Ancient Seas

Teacher: Ms. Holmen

Project Description:
Learn how water shaped and is shaping the New Mexican landscape and culture all while hiking, horseback
riding, and relaxing in mineral hot springs. We will explore some of the oldest geological features in the
United States which were formed by an ancient inland sea. We will study how water shaped the culture of
natives and early settlers in New Mexico. We will look at how current water engineering projects continue to
shape the landscape of New Mexico. We will stay in a beautiful lodge in the Chama area for three nights.

Activities and Exciting Features:
1. Hike and explore the Puye Cliff dwellings.
2. Hike to the Brazos water falls
3. Horseback ride in the Brazos Cliffs area
4. Soak in the beautiful hot springs at Ojo Caliente
5. Enjoy the wildlife around a beautiful lodge in the woods for 4 days.
6. Community service on Rio Grande.
Supplies or Skills Needed:
Students will need to bring daypack, clothes and shoes for hiking and horseback riding, and swimsuit for the
hot springs. Students will also need to pay for lunch for 4 days while traveling.
Schedule         5/16                   5/17                5/18                    5/19                5/20
                 Prepare for trip and   Drive to Chama      Horseback ride and      Explore water       Spend the morning
                 do research at EMHS    stopping at Puye    hike at Brazos Cliffs   diversion project   at Ojo Caliente and
                                        Cliffs              and Falls.              and reservoirs in   return to school
                                                                                    Chama area.
                 5/23                   5/24                5/25                    5/26                5/27
                 Hike the Rio Grande    Community service   Prepare for             Last Day of
                 trails and tour of                         presentations           Discovery /
                 Chama Diversion                                                    Presentations
Costs:                                                      Donations or Parent Help Needed:
Transportation per student: $110                            Please contact me at mholmen@eastmountainhigh.net
Fees per student: $90                                       for more information about how parents can get
Food per student: $40 (Dinner and breakfast while           involved and help.
traveling to Chama. Students buy lunch.)
Lodging per student $110

TOTAL: $350.00
Xenophilia: An ethnographic approach to                                                            )
Teacher: Ms. Hostetler
Project Description: Xenophiles love learning about people from other cultures. We know that by
learning about others, we learn about ourselves. As Americans, we have the potential to meet people
from distinctly different backgrounds from our own. We also have the responsibility to decide how to
approach these differences.

For this class, we will study and reflect on what culture really is. Then, we will listen to people from
various backgrounds speak for themselves. Join me in my quest to learn more about the diversity of
people of international backgrounds here in our local communities!

Activities and Exciting Features:
1. Guest speakers from target cultures
2. Field trips to the Santa Fe School for the Deaf, the Islamic Cultural Center, the Indian Pueblo Cultural
   Center, Talin Market, and several restaurants
3. Service work with the Refugee Resource Village of Albuquerque
4. Cooking, reading, watching movies, lots of reflection and discussion
Supplies or Skills Needed: An open mind and curiosity about different life experiences.

Schedule    5/16              5/17                5/18                 5/19               5/20
            Defining          Russia & China      Japanese             Indonesia,         Visit to Islamic
            culture &                             restaurant, Talin    Turkey, &          Center & Indian
            analysis of our                       Market, & the        Pakistan           Pueblo Cultural
            own culture                           Refugee Resource                        Center
                                                  Village of
            5/23              5/24                5/25                 5/26
            Kenya &           Santa Fe School     Argentina,           School
            Ethiopia          for the Deaf        Europe, &            presentations
                              (Sign Language      Australia
                              Restaurant          Reflection &
                                                  synthesis of
Costs:                                                 Donations or Parent Help Needed:
Transportation per student: $48                        Chaperones needed for the three field trip days.
Supplies per student: $7
Fees per student: $10                                  Guest speakers from various cultural
Food per student: $40 (Includes 3-4 lunches)           backgrounds are welcomed!

TOTAL: $105
Teacher: Michael Jamison

Project Description:
“War is hell” (William Tecumseh Sherman). This project will examine war in a variety of ways. We will spend
extensive time learning about recent wars of the United States: the war on Terror, the Iraq War, Afghanistan, the
Gulf War, and Vietnam. We will read the definitive book on war, Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Members of our
nation’s military branches will visit to discuss their programs, career opportunities and benefits, and lead
activities. Veteran guest speakers will share the stories of their experiences of combat and/or their life in the
armed services. In addition to classroom learning and guests, we will take a field trip to bow shoot at Hit or Miss
Archery and Hinkle’s for paintball and laser tag. We’ll also play Real Time Strategy games like Civ 5, Age of
Empires, and Mount and Blade and board games like Settlers of Cataan and Risk. We’ll have an EMHS
sleepover with a night of Capture the Flag and other fun war games. Indoors and outdoors, day and night, this DP
has a variety of excitement to keep you engaged for two weeks.

Activities and Exciting Features:
1. learn about the United States’ most modern wars through lecture and video
2. visits from military branches with hands-on activities, UNM AFROTC, and veteran guest speakers
3. field trip for archery shooting, paintball, and laser tag (equipment will be provided)
4. Overnight outdoor game night at EMHS- capture the flag, etc.
5.play Real Time Strategy games on PC and board games

Supplies or Skills Needed:
Signed parent waiver required for paintball. Paintball equipment and archery equipment will be provided. Some
war violence, images, and language in movies. Video games rated Teen or Everyone for action violence.

Schedule:                      5/16             5/17             5/18              5/19             5/20
With students and guests
we will create a more
detailed calendar at a later   5/23             5/24             5/25               5/26             5/27
time.                                                                               Last Day of
                                                                                    Discovery /
Costs:                                                      Donations or Parent Help Needed:
Bus trip, archery, Hinkle paintball and lazer tag,          Military parents and/or contacts willing to help would
insurance, The Art of War book, videos, RTS PC games        be awesome. At least one parent to help chaperone on
and board games.                                            field trip day and at Night Time Capture the Flag
Food NOT included.                                          extravaganza required.
Total Cost: $120.00
Climbing the Rock
                                           Lead Rope Certification Discovery
Teacher: Mr. Keller
Project Description:
If you like climbing, bouldering, and have no fear of heights, this is project for you!! Our goal is to climb as often as
possible to become the best climbers all while having some fun.

This project is for those with some climbing experience (or willingness and time to spend time at Stone Age improving) to
advance and become lead rope certified. Students will get training during the spring semester and be required to climb over
the spring semester at Stone Age to improve skills. Then, during the Discovery Weeks, we will get outside and climb the
rocks, improving even more. The project will cumulate with a 2 day overnight camping trip to Jemez Springs area.
Activities and Exciting Features:
1. Stone Age Indoor Climbing Gym
2. Outdoor Climbing at Palomas Peak, Secret Garden, Terrace, Big Block
3. Bouldering Indoors and Outside – U-Mound
4. Camping at Jemez Springs
Supplies or Skills Needed:
Students should have some climbing experience and a lack of ‘fear’ when it comes to climbing and heights. They will need
to be confident in belaying skills and can help others. Experience can be limited, as students will be trained, but some
experience and confidence is required.

Students will be outside most days and need to be prepared. This includes, lots of water, snacks, packed lunch, sunscreen,
etc. Clothing for outside activity is also required, including hiking shoes, flexible, breathable, layered clothing. Many
climbing spots will require a 2-3 mile hike, so a backpack to carry all your food, water, and gear for the day is also a must.

The group as a whole will also need gear for camping. This includes tents, sleeping bags, overnight gear, etc. When we get
closer to the camping trip, we will do much more intensive planning.

In order to save on transportations costs, all but the overnight trip will require the student to provide transportation to the
climbing or bouldering location for the day. The ONLY day a bus will be provided will be for the overnight trip on Tue
5/24 through Wed 5/25.
Schedule – may change slightly:
First Deposit ($325) BEFORE Winter Break – Fri 12/18/15
Second ½ of Fee Due by Wed 1/20/15.
Wed 1/27 – 6:30-7pm – Parent Meeting, 7pm – 9pm – Intro to Climbing Class @ Stone Age
Wed 1/27 – 6:30-7pm – Parent Meeting, 7pm – 9pm – Intro to Climbing Class @ Stone Age
**Students must log 20 hours of climbing before 4/6                                           Meeting on Tue
Mon 2/15 (Presidents Days) – 11-2pm – U-Mound Bouldering (end of Copper in foothills)          12/8 at 6pm at
Wed 4/6 – 6:30-9:30pm – Lead Rope Class @ Stone Age                                                 EMHS!
Wed 4/13 – 6:30-9:30pm – Lead Rope Class @ Stone Age
**Students should log 10 hours before Mon 5/16
Discovery Weeks:
Mon 5/16 – 10am-3pm @ Stone Age
Tue 5/17 – 8am-3pm @ Palomas Peak (off of Crest Road)
Wed 5/18 – Rest Day
Thur 5/19 – 8am-3pm @ Secret Garden (Sandia Crest)
Fri 5/20 – 8am-12noon @ Terrace
Mon 5/23 – 8am-12noon @ Big Block
Tue 5/24 – Leave at 7am for Overnight @ Las Conchas
**Camp @ Jemez Springs
Wed 5/25 – Return to EMHS @ 5pmish
Thur 5/26 – Presentations
Costs per student:                                                  Donations or Parent Help Needed:
*$575 – Stone Age fee for Instruction and Guides, Spring Semester
Membership to Stone Age, & Equipment Rental                         WE NEED ONE FEMALE PARENT TO
*$20 – EMHS Insurance Fees                                          CHAPERONE THE OVERNIGHT TRIP!
*$32 – Transportation for Overnight Trip
*$23 – Extra Supplies and Background Checks for Volunteers          We need help with transportation/carpooling.
TOTAL: $650.00
Remembering Jane Austen:
                               A Reading Seminar
Teacher: Ms. Kuehne
Project Description:
We will read Jane Austen through a 21st century lens and attend modern events with a
19th century flair. Bring your parasols, your book, and your straw hat, because we have
much to discuss!

Activities, Field Trips, or Exciting Features:
   1. Make straw hats, as women of the late 1800s might
   2. Attend an Isotopes game in period costume
   3. Attend the Botanic Gardens for a day of reading and talking…in period costume
   4. St. James Tearoom…in period costume

Supplies or Skills needed: Books you will need to purchase in advance:
   1. Pride and Prejudice
   2. What Jane Austen ate and Charles Dickens knew

Schedule:   5/17             5/18             5/19               5/20           5/21

            Make hats        Isotopes game    Botanic Gardens    St. James      Seminar at
                                                                 Tearoom        Edgewood
            Period costume   Meet at the      Meet at the
                                                                                Library and
            making           park             Gardens            Meet in ABQ
                                                                                Soccer Field

                                                                                Meet in

                             5/25             5/26               5/27           5/29
            comparison       Book party in    Putting together   Presentation   NO SCHOOL
            Pride and        period costume   a presentation     Day
Costs:                                  Donations or Parent Help Needed: Parent
Transportation: Students are            donations of time (as chaperones or as advisors)
responsible for meeting at              and of straw hats, ribbons, feathers and cotton
locations, depending on date and        skirts/dresses are welcome.
activity. More information to come.
Supplies and Insurance:$50
Admissions/Fees: $50
Total: $100
Tennis Camp

Teacher: Mr. Langan

Project Description:
Two weeks of tennis! If you are a beginner this is a tremendous way to learn the basics, so
you can enjoy the game of tennis. If you already play, this can only help you improve. We will
have the benefit of a Level 1 professional tennis instructor with more than 40 years of
experience. We will meet each day at the Jerry Cline Tennis Center in Albuquerque and
transportation is not offered, so please make sure you can drive or carpool there, or be picked
up and dropped off.

Activities and Exciting Features:
1. Hitting drills, forehands, backhands, serve and volley.
2. We will play, play and play some more!
3. Singles and doubles

Supplies or Skills Needed:
A tennis racket is necessary, but if you don’t have one we will arrange for a loaner. You also
must provide your own lunch and plenty of water.

Schedule      5/16             5/17             5/18             5/19            5/20
              Tennis court     Tennis court     Tennis court     Tennis court    Tennis court

              5/23             5/24             5/25             5/26            5/27
              Tennis court     Tennis court     Tennis court     Presentation
Costs:                                            Donations or Parent Help Needed:
Transportation per student: None.                 Students will need to be dropped off and
Supplies per student: None.                       picked up from the Jerry Cline Tennis
Fees per student: $205.00                         Complex at Louisiana and Constitution in
Food per student:                                 Albuquerque. Carpooling or students
                                                  transporting themselves will also work.
TOTAL: $205.00
Illustrated Book of Poetry
and Short Stories

Teacher: Mr. Naylor

Project Description:
Pairing up with printing apprentices and retired professional printers, students will learn and utilize a variety or
printing techniques to illustrate and create a book of student poetry and short stories. Whether it is screen
printing, relief, intaligo, or poly plate printing—students will learn all processes, and combined with their artistic
hand and writing, place a finished product into a book that they will also make as part of the project to keep for
Also in the works (but not fully fleshed out as of yet) would be to include a CD recording of each student reading
their work and creating the artwork for the slipcase to accompany the book.

Activities and Exciting Features:
1. Learning Printing, of all types…
2. Research current poets and story tellers of all genres…
3. Write their own literary piece, either a poem, essay, or story
4. Illustrate their piece in an appropriate, reproducable fashion
5. Create a book of all the combined works of those involved in the project, and print

Supplies or Skills Needed:
A strong desire to pair a narrative writing with illustration/art. Bringing some ideas ahead of time that you have
been thinking about or working on may help get the juices flowing. No real previous printing experience
required. Oh yeah, a willingness to learn…
Schedule          5/16                5/17                 5/18                 5/19                5/20
                  Write, print,       Write, Print,        Write, Print,        Write, Print,       Print, Write,
                  repeat              Repeat               repeat               repeat              repeat
                  5/23                5/24                 5/25                 5/26                5/27
                  Compilation and     Compilation and      Compilation and      Last Day of
                  recording           recording            recording            Discovery /

Costs:                                                       Donations or Parent Help Needed:
Transportation per student: 0                                If you have any expertise in printing and book
Supplies per student: Perhaps an older book to use for       making, that would be great. We will have some
our shell. We will see what we can get.                      extremely knowledgeable people assisting most days.
Fees per student: $350.00
Food per student: None, students will provide daily
lunch, snacks, and drinks.

TOTAL: $350.00
"Sir, Yes Sir!"
Teacher: Mrs. Naylor
Project Description:
Literally, a condensed and mini version of the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Academy. Students will be engaged
in daily p.t. (physical training) in addition to a variety of activities geared towards the career of law
enforcement such as: accident investigation, defensive tactics, basic law, gun safety, team-building, as well as
verbal and written communication including, but not limited to: verbal judo, de-escalation tactics and crisis
Activities and Exciting Features:
1. daily p.t. and beginning/ending p.t. tests to measure growth in abilities and strength
2. E.D.P - emotionally disturbed person(s) scenarios
3. K9 and S.W.A.T presentations
4. OMI (Office of the Medical Investigator) interactive presentation and field trip to CSI lab/ballistics/finger-
5. Tour of downtown academy, interaction with drill instructors, M.I.L.O firearms simulator putting the
participant(s) in a position of having to decide whether or not to use deadly force.
6. Accident investigation and D.W.I. scenarios with "drunk goggles" and obstacle course.
7. Investigation scenarios at P.A.L. (Police Assistance League) warehouse
1. Minimum 2.5 GPA. (a typical requirement for any junior sheriff/police academy)
2. Having a general level of physical fitness would be in your best interest as daily p.t. will be physically and
mentally challenging.
Schedule:            5/16                   5/17                   5/18              5/19                 5/20
Lunch will take      -am P.T. test          -am P.T.               -am P.T.          -am P.T.             -field trip to BCSD
                     -note taking/          -use of force          -field trip to    -field trip to CSI   Academy
place daily from     report writing/10-     -lunch                 E.Sub-station     lab/ballistics       -tour
about 11:30am -      codes                  -APD Rappel            -S.W.A.T.         -lunch               -M.I.L.O
12:00pm              -body language         & Obstacle Course      -bomb squad       -finger-printing     -introduction to drill
(Students must       -mock                  -survival attitudes    -K-9 plant &      -mock crime scene    instructors
come prepared        interrogation                                 search            investigation        -defensive tactics
                     -lunch                                        -lunch            -OMI interactive
with their own       -E.D.P. scenarios                             -history of law   presentation
sack lunch daily.)
                     5/23                   5/24                   5/25              5/26                 5/27
                     -am P.T.               -am P.T.               -am P.T. test     Presentation Day
                     -traffic pres. & in-   -constitu-tional law   -portfolio        & BBQ - LAST
                     vestigation            -10-code test          organization      DAY OF
                     protocol               -lunch                 and prep for      SCHOOL
                     -SFST                  -begin project         presentation
                     -patrol                                       -certificates
                     -dwi scenarios
TOTAL: $91.50                                              Daily Requirements:
                                                           1. Personal sack lunch
Cost Breakdown:                                            2. Project t-shirt
                                                           3. Notepad and pen/pencil
Transportation per student for 4 field trips:
$64.00 (includes accident insurance)
Fees per student: $27.50
Raspberry Pi Computing

Teacher: Mr. Robertson

Project Description:
Each student will own and learn to program their very own, fully functional minicomputer. The Raspberry
Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a
standard keyboard and mouse. It’s capable of doing everything you’d expect a desktop computer to do,
from browsing the internet and playing high-definition video, to making spreadsheets, word-processing, and
playing games. We will explore computing, and learn how to program in languages like Scratch and Python.
Each student will make an infrared bird house to observe the maturation process from eggs to chicks. At
the midway point of the Discovery we will take a break from the classroom and spend a day at Cliff’s to
observe how computers are used to operate the rides.

Activities and Exciting Features:
1. Assemble and set up the Raspberry Pi
2. Learn the basics of the Linux Operating System
3. Program animations using Scratch
4. Build an infrared birdhouse and stream video to the internet
5. Field trip to Cliff’s

Skills Needed:
Interest in computers, electronics and fun!
                       5/16                 5/17               5/18                5/19               5/20
                   Assemble and        Learn the basics      Program             Infrared         Trip to Cliff’s
                     setup PC             of Linux          animations          birdhouse
                        5/23                 5/24               5/25               5/26              5/27
                      Continue             Continue         Put together       Last Day of         No school
                     working on           working on        presentation       Discovery /
                       project              project                           Presentations

Costs:                                                    Note: Students will be responsible for bringing their
Supplies per student: $200                                lunch each day. On Friday, May 16th we will meet at
                                                          Cliff’s Amusement Park in Albuquerque. Students will be
                                                          responsible for providing their own transportation.
TOTAL: $200
                                                       Cooking and Thinking About Food

YOU WILL NEVER BE THIS COOL                                                                  -Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
Teachers: Schuette and Schwebach

Project Description:
                                                            iety. After all, we live in a culture obsessed with speeding
up all things, including the preparation and consumption of our food.
little regard to where it comes from or how it is produced. As a class, we will be taking several steps away from the
drive through window and frozen dinners of our world to learn to speak the most universal language: food. We will
explore new flavors, master cooking fundamentals, and appreciate some of the more abstract ideas behind
preparing a well-rounded and delicious meal.

Besides cooking and eating, we will be doing some reflection upon our own personal relationship with food. There
will be a fair amount of reading and thinking, too!

Activities and Exciting Features:
1. Cook delicious food with a professional chef       Schuette and Schwebach (not professional chefs!)
2. Explore the chemical processes at the core of making food edible
3. Travel to food outlets to consider its production processes
4. Plan and cook your own meal to compete with other groups for interesting prizes
5. Explore unique, interesting, and possibly weird dining experiences in the Albuquerque area

Supplies or Skills Needed:

Schedule                  5/16                5/17               5/18*                5/19                  5/20*
                          Food safety intro   Magic of eggs      Cooking on a         Dorm room             Santa Fe food
                                                                 budget               cooking               tour
                          Chemistry           Getting saucy
                                                                 Farmers Market       Thinking about
                          Flavor profiling    Basics of olive                         sustainability
                          with cheese         oils               Dinner at
                          5/23                5/24*              5/25                 5/26                  5/27
                          Recipe inquiry      Chef demo          Cooking              Final day: share      No school!
                                                                 competition          out & wrap up
                          Food aesthetics     Food truck tour
                                                                 Clean up
                                              Grocery shop for
                                              group meals
Costs:                                                            Notes:
Transportation per student: $50                                   The * denotes days that we will be off campus.
Supplies per student: $50                                                th

Food per student: $100                                            May 18 will be a late arrival day (12:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m.).

                                                                  Plates, forks, aprons, and bowls should be labelled with
TOTAL: $210.00 (+25.00 spending cash)                             name and brought on the                .
Yard Games
Teachers: Ms. Salazar and Mr. Schulke
Project Description:
Did you know that you can kick patootie at games like croquet? Well you can! And how about smashing your
opponent at tether ball? Never seen Competitive Four Square? Check out Youtube! Yard games have been
played by humans for hundreds of years, children and adults alike, until very recently. As modern life became
more complicated (40 hour work week, TV, video games, internet) yard games have mostly become the realm of
children, and even more so the realm of elementary school children while at school. Even this is becoming a
threatened form of play as many elementary schools are eliminating recess. Yet, deep down inside, when given
the chance (or permission) many people still enjoy playing games. Join us while we play, build, and learn
strategies on how to kick patootie and increase the fun factor of the EMHS campus for years to come!

Activities and Exciting Features:
   1. Play, play, play!
   2.   Build a giant Jenga set
   3.   Build a Cornhole game set
   4.   Build a tether ball court
   5.   Yard Chess/Checkers?
   6.   Carnival!
   1. An attitude for fun. 2. An attitude for fun. 3. An attitude for fun.

Schedule:             5/16            5/17               5/18              5/19               5/20
                      Build and       Build and Play!    Build and      Build and Play! Build and Play!
                      Play! Croquet   Horseshoes         Play!          Four Square and Giant Jenga
                                                         Yard           Hopscotch
                      5/23            5/24               5/25              5/26               5/27
                      Build and       Build and Play!     Carnival!        Presentation Day
                      Play!           Cornhole                             & BBQ - LAST
                      Tetherball                                           DAY OF

Costs:                                            Daily Requirements:
Game Equipment $35.00                             Bring your own lunch and water bottle
Building Materials $25.00                         We’ll be outside a lot…so, sunscreen, hat, etc.
Craft Materials $15.00                            Clothes that can get messy…paint, stain, sawdust, dirt, etc.
T-shirts and Paint $10.00
Pizza Day $10.00
Attitude for Fun $0.00

TOTAL: $95.00
Teachers: Trey Smith and Michael Wood

Project Description:
A select group will soon be undertaking an impressive challenge: the full production of a short horror
film. This group will carry out every part of the process: writing, acting, filming, editing, marketing, etc.
We will secure all necessary equipment to carry out the production and form partnerships with experts
in the local film industry. The final film running time should be about 20 minutes. Students will be
divided into specific teams to carry out each aspect of the movie: writers, actors, editors, and crew. We
plan to schedule an opening screening of the film at a theater in Albuquerque.

This project will require a substantial amount of time for meeting and planning prior to May. Only
students with a real commitment should consider joining. By the end of this project, students will have a
tangible product that could be showcased on resumes and college applications.

Activities and Exciting Features:
1. Writing, directing, acting, and editing a 20 minute film
2. Marketing and publicizing the film and premiere
3. Learning from industry leaders
4. Attending the movie premiere night

Supplies or Skills Needed:
An open mind and a commitment to excellence.

Schedule:        5/16              5/17               5/18               5/19               5/20
                 Filming           Filming            Editing            Editing            Editing

                 5/23              5/24               5/25               5/26               5/27
                 Marketing         Marketing          Film Screening     Last Day of        No school
                                                                         Discovery /

Costs:                                                  Donations or Parent Help Needed:
Transportation per student:                             Any parent with film experience or connections.
Supplies per student: $150
Fees per student:
Food per student: $50

TOTAL: $200.00

Teacher: Mrs. Wilvert
Project Description:
What do motorcycle racing, back country skiing, Nascar, flying jet planes, and carving a turkey have in
common? They all require practice, knowledge, and safety awareness. If you watch extreme sports or
racing on TV and think, “Wow, I would love to do that!”, then this discovery is for you. Learn about the
equipment, training, and SAFETY issues involved with racing, skiing, and flying, and experience them first
hand. You will, however, have to learn how to carve a turkey on your own.
Activities and Exciting Features:
1. Attend a 3 day Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) class on riding motorcycles (motorcycles and
helmets provided, certification for street riding earned upon satisfactorily completing the course)
2. Fly jet planes and helicopters on the US Air Force simulator
3. Attend a 1 day course on team building with ropes course
4. Attend a 1 day outdoor safety course at Camp Oro Quay
5. Visit the Unser Racing Museum
6. Experience your own race at Albuquerque Indoor Karting.

Parent Permission is a must!!!! Students must be UNDER the age of 18. If you sign up for this
project, please print the permission page and have it signed to bring to school on the day of the sign
up!!!! No prior experience is needed. Bring your curiosity, willingness to learn and experience new
things. Long pants, long sleeves, gloves, and closed toe shoes are necessary for the motorcycle class and
the ropes course. Students must bring lunch, snacks, and water every day.

Schedule         5/16              5/17              5/18               5/19              5/20
Activities may MSF Course          MSF Course        MSF Course         Unser Racing      Kirkland AFB
change           Students will     Students will     Students will      Museum and        Flight simulators
                 meet in           meet in           meet in            Go-Karts
                 Albuquerque       Albuquerque       Albuquerque
                 5/23              5/24              5/25               5/26              5/27
                 Camp Oro          Camp Oro          Guest Speakers Presentations
                 Quay              Quay              and                BBQ
                 Ropes Course      Outdoor Safety    Presentation       1:00 dismissal
                 Team Building                       Preparation
Costs:                                                 Donations or Parent Help Needed:
Transportation per student: $56.00                     Parents, please volunteer to drive to help keep
(reduced if parents or students drive)                 the cost down. Background checks are necessary
Supplies per student: $12.00                           and will be paid for by EMHS, but must be done
Fees per student: $225.00                              ahead of time.
Insurance per student: $12.00                          If you have racing or sports experience to share,
                                                       guest speakers are welcome.
TOTAL: $ 305.00
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