HOLIDAY MARKETING GUIDE 2019 - Marketing Idea Exchange

Page created by Eva Jacobs
HOLIDAY MARKETING GUIDE 2019 - Marketing Idea Exchange
HOLIDAY MARKETING GUIDE 2019 - Marketing Idea Exchange
The holidays are among the most magical times           What is magical about the holiday season is
of the year. For shoppers, the holidays centers         the amount of opportunity to be found within
around finding the perfect gifts for loved ones.        the season. The holidays are a great time to
This means marketers must obtain the right              introduce your brand to new shoppers and
insights and employ the right tools in order to         attract new buyers in volume. The season also
make this possible.                                     presents the perfect opportunity to increase
                                                        engagement with your existing customers and
The perfect gift may seem magical, but in               boost their lifetime value.
hindsight there’s never any real magic involved.
That “aha moment” came courtesy of a direct             So how can you create this kind of magic for
conversation on Messenger. That present                 your business?
Grandma loved? Not unearthed by elves, but
rather discovered on Instagram. And that gift for       Just keep reading. We’ve created this practical
dad? Found its way under the tree following a           Holiday Marketing Guide to help make you the
seamless social check­out.                              hero this festive season.

Though the holidays may appear to be dusted             You can also learn more about an
with magic, behind the scenes a different story is      insights based holiday season on our site.
being told. The truth is, all kinds of businesses are
using Facebook to get the right products to the
right customers throughout the holidays and year    
round in all the moments that matter.

HOLIDAY MARKETING GUIDE 2019 - Marketing Idea Exchange
Global Holiday Trends                    4

           Christmas Planning Calendar              9

TABLE OF   Holiday Phases

CONTENTS      Build Momentum

              Maximise Sales
              Post-Christmas Sales and Retention   42

           Peak Insights and Tactics               46
Six global trends from Facebook IQ
to watch out for this holiday season
  1 Holiday shoppers are going bigger, earlier

  2 Shoppers won’t tolerate bad buying experiences

  3 Window shopping is shifting to Stories

  4 People are purchasing in-store

  5 Major shopping events have gone global

  6 Messaging is fueling loyalty

1. Holiday shoppers are going
   bigger, earlier

    In 2018
                             43%                          of shoppers started
                                                          shopping for the holidays
                                                          in November or earlier1

The whole of Q4, and into Q1, is now a shopping season. Last year,                                                          “...we absolutely see an uptick in traffic
conversions visible to Facebook starting to increase as early as October.2                                                   and retailer promotional activity that
By late-November, nearly 1 in 10 holiday shoppers had finished shopping.3                                                    starts November 1.”4
                                                                                                                             —Marissa Tarleton, CMO of RetailMeNot

Source: 1. Facebook Global Holiday Study—A Facebook IQ commissioned online study by Ipsos, Jan 2019, 2. Facebook Internal
Data, May 2019, 3. A Facebook IQ commissioned online study by Ipsos, Jan 2019, 4. eMarketer, “Holiday Shopping 2018”,
October 2018.                                                                                                                                                            4
“Global shoppers buy earlier throughout                                                                                 2. Shoppers won’t tolerate bad
 Black Week*—50% of holiday shopping was                                                                                   buying experiences
 complete by Monday, December 3 2018.”1
   —Kate Walters, Executive Planning Director and Head of Strategy                                                      Shoppers are engaging with brands across multiple channels before
    at digital agency Swirl McGarryBowen                                                                                making purchases and are less willing to suffer any inconvenience,
* Black Week: Monday before Black Friday–Cyber Monday.                                                                  or friction, when it comes to getting what they want. This is
                                                                                                                        especially true during the holiday season which, for many, is the
                                                                                                                        busiest time of year. Though mobile experiences may be improving,
                                                                                                                        businesses still have a long way to go: 85% of global holiday
                                                                                                                        shoppers have experienced at least one problem while seasonal
      When people start and finish                                                                                      shopping on their mobile devices.3
      their holiday shopping2

                                                                                                                              70%                 of consumers say
                                                                                                                                                  technology has made it
                                                                                                                                                  easier than ever to take
                                                                                                                                                  their business elsewhere4

         Before October       October       Early November    Mid November     Late November     Early December
                                                                                                                        “Convenience gave mobile shopping the
                                                                                                                         edge in 2018; brands and retailers are finally
                                   Start Shopping                Finish Shopping
                                                                                                                         removing the friction between inspiration and
                                                                                                                         purchase on the small screen.”5
                                                                                                                          —Kate Walters, Executive Planning Director and Head of Strategy
                                                                                                                           at digital agency Swirl McGarryBowen

Source: 1,3. Facebook internal data, May 2019, 2,4. “Facebook Global Holiday Study”—A Facebook IQ commissioned online
study by Ipsos, Jan 2019, 5. eMarketer, “Holiday Shopping 2018”, October 2018.
3. Window shopping is
   shifting to Stories
During the 2018 holiday season, 63% of shoppers either watched or                                                     4. People are
posted videos in Stories across platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook or                                                purchasing in-store
Snapchat. In that same time period, more than a third of both millennials
and parents said videos created by social media “influencers” helped them                                             Even though global eCommerce grew by 18% last year,
choose what to buy.1                                                                                                  the $3 trillion made in online sales is slightly above 15%
                                                                                                                      of the total retail market.3

                                                                                                                      The top reason for shopping in-store during the holiday
                                                                                                                      period was to see products in person, but brick-and-
           69%                          of people find Stories on Facebook and
                                        Instagram to be a great way to discover
                                                                                                                      mortar stores also provide emotional benefits that are
                                                                                                                      hard to reproduce online: 42% of US holiday shoppers
                                        and become familiar with new products
                                        or services2                                                                  said they shopped in-store for the holiday ambiance, and
                                                                                                                      27% of US holiday shoppers said they shopped in-store
                                                                                                                      to spend time with family.4

           62%                          of people become more interested
                                        in a brand or product after seeing it
                                                                                                                      “Brick-and-mortar retail sales
                                        in Stories2
                                                                                                                       strengthened throughout 2018 and
                                                                                                                       continued to thrive during the holidays,
                                                                                                                       especially for those that invested in a
“Social is the new shop window: the place                                                                              better customer experience.”5
 that consumers browse to find ideas                                                                                    —Kate Walters, Executive Planning Director and Head of Strategy
 and inspiration.”                                                                                                       at digital agency Swirl McGarryBowen

   —Deloitte Retail Trends 2019

Source: 1. “Facebook Global Holiday Study”—A Facebook IQ commissioned online study by Ipsos, Jan 2019,
2. Facebook IQ, ‘Facebook Stories’ conducted by Ipsos Oct, 2018, 3., “Global eCommerce sales
grow 18% in 2018” Jan. 2019, 4. eMarketer, “Mobile Commerce Is Trending” Sept 2018, 5. eMarketer, “US 2018 Holiday
Season Review and 2019 Preview” Feb. 2019.                                                                                                                                                6
5. Major shopping events
   have gone global
Globally, shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday grew by 9% and
15%, respectively, between the 2017 and 2018 seasons. Singles’ Day,
which started in China and is now known as 11:11, grew by 25% in the
same period. The promotional season is spreading over a wider period,
with 11:11 growing across Europe (e.g. Turkey saw 6% growth yoy),
meaning brands risk missing out if they focus only on one or two
holiday peaks.1

To put these numbers in context, over $6.6 billion was spent in the US
alone on Cyber Monday in 2017, despite it globally being the smallest of
the three main holiday peaks.2 (11:11, Black Friday and Cyber Monday).

“There may well be room for a (fourth)
 manufactured shopping holiday in the US, and
 Singles’ Day (11:11)—with its spirit of treating
 yourself—fits nicely with other behaviors we
 see from millennial audiences.”3
   —Kate Walters, Executive Planning Director and Head of Strategy
    at digital agency Swirl McGarryBowen

Source 1. “Facebook Global Holiday Study”—A Facebook IQ commissioned online study by Ipsos, Jan 2019, 2. eMarketer:
“Shopping Holidays Around the World” Nov 2018, 3. Adweek: “Singles” Day Is the World’s Biggest Shopping Day, Nov, 2018.
6. Messaging is
fueling loyalty
More and more customers have begun reaching out via
messages. In fact, 20B messages are now being sent every
month between people and businesses on Messenger.1 That’s
a tenfold increase in just three years. And, 65% of holiday
shoppers who used Facebook messaging apps indicated they’d
be more likely to buy from a business if they could contact it
through a messaging service.2

The top reasons why global holiday shoppers
message business2

                                  find out more details
            48%                   about a product

            43%                   purchase a product

                                  find out store
            37%                   information

Source: 1. Source, Facebook internal data, April 2019, 2. “Facebook Global Holiday Study”—A Facebook IQ commissioned
online study by Ipsos, Jan 2019.                                                                                       8
Keep key dates in mind and mark your holiday campaign flight dates with this calendar.

November 2019

Sunday                                Monday                   Tuesday   Wednesday       Thursday       Friday    Saturday
 27                                    28                      29        30              31              1         2

 3                                     4                       5         6               7               8         9

 10                                    11                      12        13              14              15        16

 17                                    18                      19        20              21              22        23

 24                                    25                      26        27              28              29        30
                                       Start Black                                       Thanksgiving    Black     Shop Local
                                       Friday Campaigns                                  (US)            Friday    Saturday (US)

                                           Black Week
*On shipping day mentions. ** Shipping day vary by location.                                                                       9

December 2019

Sunday                                Monday                   Tuesday          Wednesday           Thursday           Friday               Saturday
 1                                     2                       3                4                   5                   6                    7
                                                               Giving Tuesday                       St. Nicholas Eve
                                                               (US)                                 (Netherlands)
                                        Cyber Monday

 8                                     9                       10               11                  12                  13                   14
                                                                                                                        Last standard       Free Shipping
                                                                                                                        International       Day (mostly US,
                                                                                                                        post shipping day   some UK & NL)
                                                                                                                        for Christmas

 15                                    16                      17               18                  19                  20                   21
                                                                                Last standard                           Last express         Super Saturday
                                                                                post shipping day                       post shipping day
                                                                                for Christmas                           for Christmas

 22                                    23                      24               25                  26                  27                   28
 Hanukkah                                                      Christmas Eve    Christmas Day       Boxing Day Sales
 Starts                                                                                             (UK, Canada,

 29                                    30                      31               1                   2                   3                    4
                                       Hanukkah                New Years        Sales
                                       Ends                    Eve              Official Start

*On shipping day mentions. ** Shipping day vary by location.                                                                                                  10
PHASE 1                   PHASE 2                 PHASE 3                    PHASE 4
Prepare                   Build                   Maximize                   Post-Christmas
                          momentum                sales

Start planning            Kick off branding and   Kick off sales campaigns   Sales and Retention—
and prep for the          acquisition campaigns                              Gear up your cross-sell
holiday season                                                               and up-sell campaigns
  June–August             September–October

                   Pre-holiday                     Peak holiday                          Post-holiday

Start planning and prep for the holidays
              •   Prep your tech
PHASE 1       •   Think mobile-first
June-August   •   Partner up

              •   Deep dive into measurement
              •   Build your audience
              •   Test your creative
              •   Build your catalog

              The key to a successful Christmas season is to get set up early.
              In fact, we recommend you begin laying your foundation as early
              as June or July. This means making sure you have implemented
              the necessary tools you’ll need for measurement and optimization,
              beginning to think about your creative journey and assuring your
              audience strategies are in place. Holiday shoppers are going big
              and earlier—you should do the same.

              We also recommend that you do a thorough review of last year’s
              performance in order to ensure everything you learned is being
              applied to this year’s peak planning.

PREP YOUR TECH                                                        Implement Offline
Give your tech
                                                                      If you have physical stores, Offline Conversions will help you
a health check                                                        measure when transactions occur in-store after people have seen
                                                                      or engaged with your campaign ads. By connecting your in-store
•   Ensure your Pixel and SDK integrations are working correctly
                                                                      sales to Facebook, you can also build targeted Custom Audiences.
    Learn more
                                                                      This enables you to reach specific in-store shopper segments—for
•   Implement Offline Conversions Learn more                          example, those who are your highest in-store spenders, your most
                                                                      recent purchasers of a specific product category or even audiences
•   Develop a strategy and establish your presence on Messenger
                                                                      that are similar to those—with lookalike targeting. This can become
    Learn More
                                                                      particularly useful for measuring and optimizing campaigns for store
•   Build toward a frictionless future Learn more                     sales as you go into November and December.
                                                                      Learn more

Pixel and SDK                                                         Establish your presence
integrations                                                          on Messenger
When someone visits your website or app and takes an action           Providing a personalized messaging experience for your customers
(such as buying something), the Facebook Pixel or SDK reports         in Messenger has the potential to set your brand apart this festive
this action. This enables you to know when customers take action      season. Beyond answering frequently asked questions, creating
after having seen your Facebook ad, and allows you to reach           a guided shopping experience in Messenger can help educate
individual customers again with Custom Audiences. As more and         customers on seasonal offerings through a series of automated
more conversions begin to happen on your website, Facebook            questions and prompts. Encourage purchases by sending coupons
gets better at delivering your ads to people who are more likely to   or offers and or share the location of your local store to drive foot
take valuable actions.                                                traffic. Start talking to holiday shoppers at scale by partnering with a
                                                                      platform developer who can build your Messenger experience.
                                                                      Learn more

Build toward a
frictionless future
Removing friction is no longer a nice-­to-­have option—it’s a must for every
business. Your ability to provide seamless experiences is what keeps you
relevant to today’s mobile­-first consumer, who has not only increased
expectations but demands value, speed and ease at every stage of the
journey. Businesses that successfully identify friction and remove it will
gain a competitive edge. Visit Facebook IQ Zero Friction Future to learn                                    Think mobile-first
how you can lay the foundation for seamless shopping. Learn more

With mobile holiday research and shopping on the rise, you want to                                           Mobile holiday
ensure that your marketing, measurement and shopping experiences are                                         shopping has
fully optimized for mobile.                                                                                  increased globally
                                                                                                             year on year by1
Customers’ paths to purchase are increasingly complex and now span
multiple channels.

The world is now omni­channel, which means your campaigns need to
follow suit. Omni-­channel campaigns allow you to deliver your message
consistently, over a variety of channels. So, if you’re shooting a holiday
campaign for TV, why not adapt assets for mobile News Feed and
                                                                                                             From the 2017 to the
                                                                                                             2018 holiday season,
                                                                                                             mobile-first shoppers,
                                                                                                             grew by2
Stories? Expanding your reach into these types of placements will enable
you to reach millions of people on Facebook and ultimately give them
the opportunity to discover your work. It doesn’t have to be hard. Our
automatic cropping tool crops non­-vertical video to the aspect ratio of
the advertiser’s choice (e.g., 1:1, 4:5, 2:3)—all at the push of a button and
within minutes. Learn more

Source: 1, 2. “Facebook Global Holiday Study”—A Facebook IQ commissioned online study by Ipsos, Jan 2019.                                    14
PARTNER UP                                          Consider Facebook Marketing
                                                    Partners for
You can choose from a range of partner
platforms to help you work on a variety of          •   Campaign management—scale and optimize your
specific areas. Everything from optimization and        Facebook ad campaigns
creative automation, to adding scale and reaching
new audiences, to buying media more efficiently.    •   Collaborative ads merchants—run ads that drive sales of your
Learn more                                              products on a merchant partner’s website or app, then measure impact
                                                    •   Community management—help manage your community via Pages
                                                        and conversations
Deep dive into                                      •   Creative platforms—help with creating, curating or delivering content
                                                    •   Feeds and integrations—simplify the integration of your product
Whether or not you’re working with a partner, we        catalogs or feeds for use in ad products like Dynamic Ads
recommend taking the time to familiarize yourself
                                                    •   Lead ad platforms—store and manage first-­party consumer
with our measurement basics. Particularly how
                                                        information from lead ads in order to cultivate relationships
(and why) we use Sales, Brand and Audience
                                                        with customers
outcomes to help you measure the effect of your
campaigns on real people across all devices and     •   Measurement—track performance of your Facebook campaigns
channels. Learn more
                                                    •   Messaging—manage conversations with your customers at scale
Leverage Facebook Analytics for insights into       •   Offline Conversions—connect your transaction data to Facebook in
consumer behavior across your website and app.          order to easily enable Facebook Offline Conversions
Use this to help you optimize your campaigns in
later phases. Learn more                            •   Website platforms—build and maintain the pixel directly on the
                                                        platform that houses your website
                                                    •   Tag Manager—install the Facebook Pixel and events on your website,
                                                        then select and deselect various pixels in your site’s code

Identify audience segments
Determine who you want to reach during the
holidays, and how you want to connect with           •   In order to assure optimal
them. For example, you may want to set up
                                                         performance, include some site
different campaigns for potential customers
                                                         visitors in your audience configuration
versus existing high value customers or
category purchasers. Once you’ve properly            •   Combine male and female audiences;
segmented your audience, you can tailor                  our system will optimize accordingly
your ad campaigns, creative and messages to
                                                     Consolidate audiences across multiple
resonate with each group. Consider leveraging
                                                     languages (leverage dynamic language
last year’s sales data to build an audience likely
                                                     optimization to automate language
to be interested in hearing from your brand.
                                                     selection across a multilingual audience.)
This can be used as an initial seed for this
                                                     Learn more
season’s prospecting campaigns. Learn more

                                                     Build your CRM audiences via
                                                     other channels. Learn more
Automated audiences
                                                     Use the marketing API to add these to
Dynamic Ads for Broad Audiences (DABA)               your Custom Audiences. Learn more
targeting allows you to reach people who’ve
expressed an interest in your products even
if they haven’t yet visited your website or app.
When you target a broad audience, people in
this segment will automatically see products
from your catalog that are likely to be of
interest to them. Learn more

Create Lookalike Audiences
•   Chances are, you already have campaigns running on our platforms.
    We recommend you look to your current campaigns in order to gain
    further consumer insights that you can use to enhance your upcoming
    holiday campaigns.
    ––   The Facebook Pixel can help you with this by enabling you to understand what
         good conversions look like for you, based on customer behavior. Consider using
         these insights to build Lookalike Audiences based on high value purchases, so that
         you can broaden the targeting of your holiday campaign. Learn more

    ––   By connecting your in-store sales to Facebook, you can also build targeted
         Custom Audiences to reach specific in-store spenders, and also create Lookalike
         Audiences to target, including those that spend above a certain threshold or on a
         particular product category. Learn more

Cross border business

Don’t limit yourself to regular markets. Holiday peaks are global events,
with potential clients everywhere. The Facebook IQ Cross Border Insights
Finder is a great tool for targeting potential new markets. Learn more

•   Use Lookalike Audiences to sell anywhere in the world. Learn more
•   Advertise to people in more than one language and create one
    campaign in multiple languages. Dynamic language optimization
    automatically optimizes your budget, enabling you to deliver your
    ads to the right people, in the right language, at the right time.
    Learn more
Commit and book
Use the Campaign Planner to build and test your media plan and reserve
your core audiences in advance with Reach and Frequency buying. Unlike
bidding in the auction, Reach and Frequency can help you secure a fixed
price that’s not likely to change, even as demand rises in the run up to the
holidays. Minimum audience sizes apply. Learn more
PREPARE YOUR CREATIVE                                                                      Video ads

Design mobile-first holiday branding and performance campaigns

    Know your ads

    Video ads
                                                                                              retain          95%               of a message delivered
                                                                                                                                via video compared to
                                                                                                                                10% delivered via text1

•   Video creation kit

                                                                                           The rise of cameras on phones means that communicating
Know your ads                                                                              with video has never been easier. However, the abundance of
                                                                                           content also means that attention has never been so scarce.
Our platforms allow you to both create and run campaigns using
                                                                                           We understand this paradox and have designed our video
simple self-service tools and track their performance with easy-to-read
                                                                                           advertising options to reflect the way people actually consume
reports. Facebook ads can be as simple or sophisticated as you want
                                                                                           video. We can help you with everything from bite-sized videos
them to be. However, no matter what you choose to do, the important
                                                                                           watched on the go to longer, ‘lean-back’ video styles meant for
thing to remember is that over two billion people use Facebook every
                                                                                           the sofa.
month. So, no matter what kind of audience you want to reach, you’ll
find them there. Learn more
                                                                                           Try it out by testing new videos, images and overlays. Be sure
                                                                                           to refine your creatives with each holiday peak in mind, keeping
                                                                                           them both fresh and appealing. Learn more

Source: “How To Incorporate Video Into Your Social Media Strategy” July 2017.                                                                      18
Video doesn’t have to be complicated                                        Video creation kit
•   Creative tips Learn more
•   Optimize for mobile Learn more                                                       Campaigns using static plus
                                                                                         lightweight motion video achieved a

                                                                                                              higher conversion
                                                                                                              lift vs. static
                                                                                                              images alone1

                                                                            The Video Creation Kit is designed to allow advertisers to quickly and
                                                                            easily adapt images and text into mobile optimized videos. Learn more
                                                                            We’ve recently launched some new features, including holiday and
                                                                            event-specific stickers and an Auto Cropping tool, which optimizes
                                                                            videos to different aspect ratios with a single click.

Split testing

•   Optimization is key to campaign performance. Split testing ad formats
    and strategies allows you to identify your best performers, which
    in turn can influence your budget allocation. (Ensure they meet
    guidelines with Creative Hub). Learn more

Source: 1. “Create to Convert MetaAnalysis” by Facebook, Mar 2018.                                                                                   19
Uploading your product catalog enables us to pull product information like images, price or supply
levels automatically from your catalog into News Feed ads on Facebook and Instagram. This enables
you to be sure that you’re showing the right products to your audience and is especially helpful
when using Dynamic ads for retargeting or Collection ads for prospecting with broad audiences.
Learn more

Upload your
holiday catalog

   Tips                                                 Tips

   •   Maximize performance by including                •   For up-to-date product information,
       product category information, rich                   consider updating your catalog based
       product images and descriptions                      on recent pixel fires (this requires
                                                            microdata tags) Learn more
   •   Check which products outside of your
       holiday offerings have resonated with            •   Bring your holiday catalog to life on
       your audience and be sure to include                 mobile. Target shoppers who receive
       these too                                            your holiday catalog by connecting
                                                            your CRM data to Facebook. Use the
   •   Make sure your Pixel and SDK are set
                                                            collection ad format with Tabs for
       up to capture key shopping signals
                                                            Canvas so that you can introduce your
       on your site/app and have the correct
                                                            holiday catalog to mobile shoppers
       content ID as included in the catalog
   •   If you would like to update your feed
       based on recent pixel activity, add the
       correct microdata tags

Kick off branding and
                    acquisition campaigns
                    •   Ignite discovery
September-October   •   Scale your audience

                    •   Final health check
                    •   Know your Instagram

MOMENTUM            •   Campaign templates

                    Take advantage of the change in season to begin laying
                    down the tracks for success. The end of summer can be
                    a great time to grow your customer base by introducing
                    your brand and products to early shoppers who have
                    already begun to make their gift-giving lists. This can
                    help you increase your remarketing audiences during
                    the peak holiday shopping months.

Ignite discovery with
holiday shoppers

•   Kick off omni-channel branding campaigns              Tip
    in order to stay top of mind in the run up
    to the holiday season. Branding campaigns             In general, most organizations begin
    on Facebook also feed into your Custom                their advertising efforts around Black
    Audiences and prime consumers for                     Friday, the holiday season’s kickoff at
    conversion further down the funnel.                   the start of November. This causes
                                                          a jump in most key cost metrics.
    ––   Create buzz around your brand online in the
                                                          However, by beginning prospecting
         build up to Christmas
                                                          campaigns at an earlier time (for
    ––   A video-first focus will engage and wow your     example, late September) it may be
         audiences. Be sure to use engaging content for   possible to keep relevant costs (CPM,
         better brand recall
                                                          CPC, etc) lower, while still increasing
•   Holiday shoppers do not fit typical audience          the size of your prospecting pool.
    demographics as many of them are gifting.
    Ensure your branding drives awareness for
    uninitiated audiences.
•   Use mobile to drive store traffic. People love
    to shop in-store, but not all digital ads provide     Tip
    the information shoppers need to find and
    visit a store. The Store Traffic objective helps      Take over the new storefront.
    shoppers discover new products and find the           Stories ads are incredibly valuable
    nearest store to purchase them. Learn more            because they allow you to reach
•   Influencer marketing is a great way to increase       your audience in a fullscreen,
    brand awareness. Engage influencers to help           vertical environment where they’re
    spread your brand message.                            already highly engaged, immersed
                                                          in content and ready to shop.
                                                          Today, Stories ads are available on
                                                          Facebook and Instagram, and on
                                                          Messenger for select objectives.

Scale your audience

 •   Use back-to-school campaigns to help build Custom
                                                                    Final health check
     Audiences for your holiday campaign.
                                                                    Avoid unnecessary downtime by giving
 •   Use Dynamic Ads for Broad Audiences to reach people that       your website a pre-peak health check
     are interested in products similar to yours.
                                                                     •   Check that your Pixel and SDK’s are
 •   Build Lookalike Audiences based on (a) purchasers and (b)
                                                                         working correctly
     high value purchasers. These audiences will dynamically
     update in real time based on pixel, offline events and app      •   Verify that your Facebook API
     event activity.                                                     integrations are up to date
 •   Increase investment in prospecting to build Custom              •   Ensure capacity meets predicted
     Audiences. Prospecting campaigns will have a lower ROAS;            demand, as site speed and traffic
     however, this will lead to overall lower costs with a higher        volumes are essential over the
     ROAS when retargeting closer to the holiday peaks.                  holiday season
 •   Remind people about the products that they’ve browsed           •   Make sure you have enough liquidity
     on your website or in your mobile app but didn’t purchase,          to meet needs over Black Week
     with retargeting for Dynamic ads. When you retarget
                                                                         ––   Campaigns stalling over the holidays can be
     people with Dynamic ads, they’ll automatically see the
                                                                              disastrous. Check that your account is up to
     products (or similar products) that they saw on your                     date and that contingency funds are available
     website or in your app.                                                  so you can scale and adapt to demands over
                                                                              the holiday peaks.

Know your Instagram                                                          Shopping on Instagram
Instagram is the best place for brands to turn inspiration into              From the moment of discovery to making a purchase,
action. The festive season is the ideal time to do this, with                every part of the mobile shopping experience should
the percentage1 of Instagrammers who say the platform is                     be seamless. Enable easy discovery, consideration,
influential for the holiday season increasing from 39% last year             saving and purchase of your products on Instagram
to 45% this year.                                                            through product tags and stickers in Feed and Stories.
                                                                             Doing this means that once a shopper finds the right
                                                                             item, they are just a few taps away from being able to
                                                                             make a purchase.

                39%                          45%
                                                                             Shopping on Instagram gives
                                                                             people a simpler way to shop
                  2017                         2018

Ready your Instagram assets for maximum
impact by ensuring that you include Stories
in the mix
                                                                                130M                           Instagram users click
                                                                                                               on a shopping story
                                                                                                               every month2

With 500M accounts using Stories daily, Instagram is the perfect place to
reach a huge holiday audience2. Learn more

Instagram Stories Ad templates automatically transform your images into
attention-grabbing vertical ads for Instagram Stories. This means you can
reach your audience on Instagram Stories without having to invest a lot of
time and effort in designing new ads. Learn more

                                                                              Source: 1. Facebook internal date, May 2019, 2. Instagram data, March 2019.
Campaign name                         Campaign goal

Objective                             Ad format                                           Placements

   Brand Awareness                         Video ads                                        Facebook Feed
   Reach                                   Stories                                          Facebook Marketplace
   Video Views                             Collection (Facebook, Instagram Feed only)       Instagram Feed
                                           In-stream (Facebook and/or Audience Network)     Stories
                                           Carousel                                         Messenger
                                                                                            Audience Network
                                                                                            In-stream video

Target audience                       Optimisation goal                                   Measurement plan

                                           Video views

Campaign launch date                  Campaign end date                                   Estimated budget

Buying type          Reach and frequency            TRP (Applicable markets only)

Campaign name          Campaign goal

Objective              Ad format                                       Placements

   Traffic                Video ads                                      Facebook Feed
   Messages               Stories                                        Facebook Marketplace
                          Collection (Facebook, Instagram Feed only)     Instagram Feed
                          Carousel                                       Stories
                                                                         Audience Network

Target audience        Optimisation goal                               Measurement plan

                          Landing page views
                          Message replies

Campaign launch date   Campaign end date                               Estimated budget

Kick off sales campaigns
                                                                               Remember that conversions happen on Facebook year-round
                                                                               but may accelerate in Q4. Since the holidays are a major
                                                                               focus for retailers, this is a highly promotional period on our
                                                                               platforms. To help maximize holiday sales and make the most of
                                                                               your holiday marketing budget, consider switching your focus
                                                                               to sales campaigns at the beginning of Q4.

PHASE 3                                                                        To help maximize sales this festive season, we have six primary
                                                                               levers you can pull when setting up campaigns and improving
November-December                                                              performance.

MAXIMIZE                                                                       •


                                                                                    Targeting                                Tip

SALES                                                                          •


                                                                                                                            Tick the box for
                                                                                                                            Placement Optimization.
                                                                                                                            When combining
                                                                               •    Creative                                Facebook and the
                                                                               •    Campaign template                       Audience Network, some
                                                                                                                            advertisers have seen,
                                                                                                                            on average, 11% more
                                                                                   Crunch time is approaching for
                                                                                                                            conversions and 16%
                                                                                   demand generation and acquisition
                                                                                                                            more video views.
                                                                                   campaigns. If you have your final
                                                                                   creative, schedule time to get it        Learn more
                                                                                   uploaded into Ads Manager.

Source: Facebook Audience Network internal data, ‘Analysis on the difference
between adding/removing Audience Network’, March 2018.                                                                                                27
Build flexible campaigns to increase ‘supply’ for delivery.
Fewer constraints allow the delivery system to explore more opportunities and
find the best value according to the advertiser’s optimization and bid strategies.

We offer three key products that provide
flexibility for your campaign
Automatic placements.                                  Lowest cost bidding.
When you enable automatic placements                   Our most flexible bid strategy type that offers
during campaign set-up, you elect to run ads           the most scale. This strategy will always bid the   Top tips to prevent
across the entire Facebook Family of Apps              amount to minimize your cost per result while       underdelivery
and Services. This enables you to deliver ad           maintaining your budget. This allows us to get
content on the platform most likely to drive           the most results for your budget, even as costs     •   Consolidate into fewer ad sets.
campaign results at the lowest possible cost at        may rise through the duration of the campaign.          Meet the minimum conversion
any given time. Furthermore, it gives you more                                                                 optimization requirement of 50 ad
opportunities to reach more people while at            CBO and automatic placements                            sets per week.
the same time maximizing your results.                 work together.
                                                                                                           •   Add more placements or switch
                                                       CBO works by giving Facebook the flexibility to
                                                                                                               to automatic placements. Consider
Campaign budget optimization.                          let each pound of your campaign flow to the
                                                                                                               using Marketplace, Messenger
Campaign budget optimization (CBO) asks                ad set that’s providing the best outcome at any
                                                                                                               or Stories.
you to set one central campaign budget                 given moment in time. Automatic placements
and then allows our system to continuously             work the same way but at the placement level.       •   Choose a longer
distribute budget to the top performing ad             Within each ad set, the delivery system doubles         conversion window. Improve
sets in real-time.                                     down on the winning placements. In some                 average costs per conversion for the
                                                       cases this means relatively little delivery on a        same budget or drive more delivery.
Without campaign budget optimization, your             given placement. That’s fine, and in many cases,
campaign-level budget is spent evenly across           to be expected. The goal isn’t equal spend, it’s
                                                                                                           •   Use accelerated delivery.
ad sets. However, if you choose to enable this         best possible spend. The key here is that by            Spend a full budget quickly
feature, Facebook will allocate the campaign           enabling both CBO and automatic placements              without any cost constraints.
level budget to the best performing ad set in          you’re allowing Facebook the most flexibility to    •   Please note: costs can be higher than
real-time, thus maximizing your value.                 move your advertising spend to where it will            standard delivery.
                                                       provide the most value.
Maximize audience size, but balance with quality.
Similar to inventory, larger audiences remove
constraints and allow our system the flexibility to
find the best opportunities.

Use broad audiences

With broad audience targeting, you can reach          By scaling your campaign through the
people who’ve expressed interest in your              implementation of a broad audience,
products, even if they haven’t visited your           you’ll gain
website or app. When you target a broad
audience, people in your audience segment             •   Higher intent. Reach people with intent,
automatically see products from your catalog              even if they have not yet visited your website
that are likely to be relevant to them. Target            or app.
people beyond your usual client base and go           •   Ability to scale across borders.
even further by employing Dynamic ads with
                                                          Broad audiences will find potential
broad audiences (DABA). DABA helps your
                                                          customers across different regions.
products find consumers, instead of the other
way round. Combine male and female audiences          •   Effortless audience creation. Facebook
and our system will optimize accordingly.                 will do the heavy lifting in order to determine
                                                          who is most likely to convert.

Use value-based lookalikes from your                                 Optimize retargeting campaigns
web, app, catalog or offline events
                                                                     By now, you should have rich audience insights and strong intent
Value-based Lookalike Audiences are powered by the Facebook          signals from the campaigns you ran earlier in the year, as well
pixel or Offline Conversions. While setting up your campaign,        as from the retargeting campaigns you ran in the first phase
tell us the value of each desired action or event. We’ll use these   of holiday activity using Custom Audiences and Dynamic ads.
values plus Facebook Pixel signals and your offline conversion       We recommend that you constantly optimize these campaigns
data to calculate the LTV (lifetime value) of your customers and     based on recency windows and bidding strategies. Learn more
to create new audiences. These new audiences will be made up
of people who resemble your most valuable existing customers.
Your value-based Lookalike Audiences are continuously updated
based on new transactional data supplied by the Facebook Pixel
and Offline Conversions.
                                                                          Top tips to prevent
By implementing a value-based Lookalike Audience to                       under-delivery
scale your campaigns, you’ll gain
                                                                          •   Expand existing targeting. Use expanded
•   Higher ROAS. Get more for your ad spend by reaching people                interests and increase the size of your interest
    who are most likely to spend more with you, both online and               based audience.
    in-store.                                                             •   For Website Custom Audiences, leverage
•   Effortless audience creation. Facebook does the heavy lifting             detailed targeting (if WCA targets
Under bidding can limit our algorithm’s ability to maximize your
exposure, engagement and return on investment. By bidding the true
value (what you earn from an average order for a particular item) of
a conversion from the beginning of the campaign, our system will be
able to connect your product with the right audience at scale.

An important step in maximizing your results is properly combining
your customer signals and brand content with our insights. This allows
you to reach the right audience across the Facebook Family of Apps
and Services.

Bid higher than in non-holiday seasons

•   Conversion rates increase—so do CPMs
•   Bid higher to win the auction at key peaks
•   Increased conversion rates will likely offset higher CPMs

Maximize delivery at any cost

•   Lowest cost (no bid cap) allows our system to bid as
    needed to spend full budget
    ––   Although bidding is flexible, there is a ceiling to the internal bid
         so as to prevent unreasonable pricing

•   Highest value (for value optimization only)

Achieve maximum delivery with
minimum ROAS goal

•   Set minimum ROAS at least 25% below historical average ROAS.
    Delivery will stop if we can’t achieve this.
•   Achieve predictable delivery at a specified cost.
•   Target cost. Maintain a stable average CPA as costs increase.

        Top tips to prevent

        •   If using lowest cost with a bid cap, switch to a
            lowest cost bid strategy without a bid cap. This allows
            for more flexibility to spend the full budget
        •   If using lowest cost without a bid cap, it is
            possible our internal auto bid is not high enough. We
            recommend switching to a bid cap with a ‘high’ value
        •   If using a bid cap, increase it. This is likely to increase
            delivery—it will allow us to bid more
        •   If using minimum ROAS, adjust it. This provides
            a degree of control to ensure we meet or exceed
            specific business objectives

OPTIMIZATION                                                               Choose the right optimization to
                                                                           help you hit your goals
Meet minimum conversion requirements and optimise for your
success metric. The delivery system needs a minimum amount of              It’s important to weigh the considerations of each ad
data to reliably predict conversion rate and maximize value. The more      delivery optimization to ensure you’re selecting the
closely correlated the optimisation goal is to the actual business goal,   right one for your business goals. App event, value,
the better performance the system can deliver.                             conversion and Store Sales optimizations are all
                                                                           powerful tools; however, they differ in the outcome
                                                                           they are trying to achieve.

  Targeting            + Optimization = Audience
                                                                           •   App events optimization is best suited for app and
                                                                               game goals such as installs, inapp purchases, or
                                                                               driving more use
Once you have shared your objectives and targeting preferences,            •   Value optimization is best suited for marketers
our machine learning algorithm factors your inputs along with the
                                                                               seeking to maximize their return on ad spend or
engagement and actions of people on Facebook in order to deliver
                                                                               value per purchase
your message to the audiences most likely to take your desired actions.
                                                                           •   Conversion optimization seeks to drive more volume
                                                                               without regard to transaction value
                                                                           •   Store Sales Optimization helps your Facebook
                                                                               campaigns reach people more likely to
                                                                               convert in-store
                                                                           •   Store Visits Optimization helps your Facebook
                                                                               campaigns reach people more likely to visit your
                                                                               stores (to use when Store Sales Optimization is
                                                                               not available)

                  App Events                 Conversions                    Value                     ThruPlay                Store Sales                   Store Visits
                                                                                                   (completed view)

                 Drive volume for the        Maximize volume of      Maximize ROAS or             Allows advertisers to    Reach people around         Reach people around your
                 in-app actions you          website or offline      highest purchase value       optimize and choose      your store locations and    store locations and optimize
                 care most about at the      actions you care most   per sale                     to pay only for ads      optimize towards people     towards people more likely
                 lowest possible cost        about at the lowest                                  that are watched to      more likely to purchase     to visit your stores
                 per outcome                 possible cost per                                    completion, or for at    in-store
                                             outcome                                              least 15 seconds

                 Requires mobile SDK,        Requires Facebook       Requires Facebook            Video content            Requires that business      Requires that business
                 large target audience       Pixel                   Pixel or mobile SDK.                                  locations be setup,         locations be setup, and
Requirements                                                         2M+ audience size or                                  and store sales data is     businesses are eligible for
                                                                     ~3% Lookalike                                         shared through Offline      Store Visits reporting (speak
                                                                                                                           Conversions                 to your Facebook partner)

                 Higher CPI/CPM and          Easier to scale than    Eligibility requirements     Available for feed/      When joined with Pixel      If data can be passed back
                 lower volume. Consider value optimization           for VO. Consider             stories/In-stream. Likely and SDK, provides cross-   via Offline Conversions, then
                 testing for eComm,                                  testing for eComm,           will have higher VTRs,   device visibility           optimize for Store Sales
                 gaming, retail, or travel                           gaming, retail, or travel.   but lower reach and
                                                                     Higher cost                  higher CPMs
                                                                     per outcome

Case Study
Driving Holiday sales in-store with
Store Sales Optimization

Ashley HomeStore wanted to drive incremental sales
by attracting more shoppers to its physical locations         increase in
and enticing them to make a purchase. Learn more        35%   sales among

                                                              higher return

                                                              on ad spend

                                                              increase in
                                                        13%   sales among

Source: Ashley HomeStore, April 2019, Case Study.                             35
Top tips to prevent

•   Change the conversion event. Start with
    the conversion event closest to the true KPI
    and move up the funnel as needed.
•   Consider landing page optimisation.
    This optimization is ideal if website visits
    are a key objective, and requires a base
    pixel code and “page view” event to
    decrease the drop off rate from clicks.

Danish luxury footwear brand Roccamore
                                                                                  ran a conversion campaign using the highly
                                                                                  engaging collection ad format.
CREATIVE                                                                          Learn more

Make content that is relevant to the people you want to reach in order
to achieve your desired outcome. Creative can have a significant impact
                                                                                  It increased sales by
on conversion rates, and a low conversion rate may result in campaigns

                                                                                         3.7x                   3.6x
Create to convert
                                                                                     at around a third         increase in
                                                                                      of the cost per         revenue from
Adding lightweight motion to static assets creates more compelling
                                                                                       acquisition of         in-store sales
and effective performance ads                                                      previous campaigns

•   Campaigns using static plus lightweight motion achieved a higher
    conversion lift vs. static images alone
•   Campaigns that combine both static and video assets achieved a
    higher conversion lift vs. static images alone

Custom assets for placements

Select ‘edit placements’ to ensure your ad displays where and how
you want it to appear, according to your strategy across placements.

Advertisers who choose to manually select their placements can use asset
customization to specify which ads are shown in specific placements as well as
to ensure that their ad displays in the manner they desire. Asset customization
allows organizations to easily choose the ideal image or video for specific
placements within one ad set. This option may also work best for them if they
have a particular content strategy that requires particular assets to appear in
specific placements.
Instant Experiences

Give people immediate access to your catalog through Instant
Experiences within Facebook and Instagram. This format captures
people’s attention by virtue of being fullscreen, easy to create,
immersive and fast loading. Learn more

       •   Use Instant Storefront to showcase products in
           a grid layout so people can browse more of your
           products in one place
       •   Add a store locator card and relevant
           call-to-actions such as “get directions” to make
           it easy for people to find your nearest stores
           when using the Store Traffic objective

Promote a product      Describe a product
                                                                                   or service

Holiday templates

We are introducing a set of four holiday specific
templates. Whether you want to promote a product,
describe a product or service, show product benefits
or highlight a message, our holiday templates help
you create mobile-optimized videos—all with a
holiday twist.

Stickers. Stickers are a great way to quickly add
visually impactful messages and call-to-actions
within your video.

                                                       Show product benefits   Highlight a message

  Top tips to prevent

  •   Add new creative to ad sets.
      When a new ad is uploaded, our
      system will explore it and assign a
      predicted conversion rate, possibly
      one that is higher than the existing one.
      This allows the ad set to spend
      more budget.
  •   Try a new creative approach.
      Try mixing video or different images
      or play around with the copy.

Estimated budget                                                         Poland’s leading online fashion platform
                                                                         successfully ramped up its marketing activity
                                                                         after Facebook Marketing Partner ROI Hunter
End-to-end solution
                                                                         helped it automatically create dynamic ads for
                                                                         a prospecting campaign.
Use Dynamic ads to promote relevant items from your holiday              Learn more
catalog by either retargeting your recent website visitors or reaching
new shoppers with broad audience targeting.

                                                                                      9.5%         increase in
                                                                                                   conversion rate

      •   Create holiday-themed ads and highlight
          limited-time offers in order to create the
          urgency to buy
      •   Set your budget to account for anticipated
          conversion rates during the peak shopping days

Campaign name          Campaign goal

Objective              Ad format                                                     Placements

   Conversions            Video ads                                                    Facebook Feed
   Catalog sales          Collection (Facebook, Instagram Feed only)                   Facebook Marketplace
                          Carousel                                                     Instagram Feed
                                                                                       Audience Network

Target audience        End-to-end solutions            Optimisation goal             Measurement plan

                                                           Conversion optimisation
                                                           Value optimisation

Campaign launch date   Campaign end date                                             Estimated budget

DRIVE CHRISTMAS SALES IN-STORE                                         Tip
Campaign name          Campaign goal                                   Add a store locator card and relevant call-to-actions
                                                                       such as “get directions” to make it easy for people
                                                                       to find your nearest stores when using the Store
                                                                       Traffic objective.

Objective              Ad format                                       Placements

   Store traffic          Video ads                                       Facebook
                          Collection (Facebook, Instagram Feed only)      Instagram
                          Carousel                                        Audience Network

Target audience        Optimisation goal                               Measurement plan

                          Store sales optimisation

Campaign launch date   Campaign end date                               Estimated budget

Keep the offers coming

                                                                               While the holiday shopping frenzy may be over, your
                                                                               opportunities aren’t. This gives you an opportunity to boost sales
                                                                               among your holiday customer base.

                                                                               Many customers will continue to shop into the first month of the
PHASE 4                                                                        year to take advantage of seasonal sales, with 44% of the people
                                                                               citing these deals as their main reason for shopping in January.1

January                                                                        Highlight your product lines for the new year and use special
                                                                               offers to entice people to visit your website as well as your

                                                                               physical stores. Facebook offer ads are a great way to create and
                                                                               extend timely discounts and promotions to the people who you
                                                                               want to reach and encourage.

HOLIDAY                                                                        Stay connected to customers with

SALES AND                                                                      •

                                                                                   Related offers

                                                                                   Post-purchase-only discounts on related products

RETENTION                                                                      •

                                                                                   Customer feedback services

                                                                                   Branding campaigns
                                                                               •   Messenger

                                                                               Gear up for your cross-sell and up-sell campaigns (Post-holiday)

                                                                               •   Keep the offers coming

Source: 1. “Facebook Global Holiday Study”–A Facebook IQ commissioned online
study by Ipsos, Jan 2019.                                                                                                                           43
Case Study
Driving Holiday sales in-store with
Store Sales Optimization

Ashley HomeStore wanted to drive incremental sales
by attracting more shoppers to its physical locations         increase in
and enticing them to make a purchase.                   35%   sales among

                                                              higher return

                                                              on ad spend

                                                              increase in
                                                        13%   sales among

Source: Ashley Homestore, April 2019, Case Study.                             44
Campaign name          Campaign goal

Campaign objective     Ad format                                       Placements

   Conversions            Stories                                        Facebook
   Catalog sales          Video ads,                                     Stories
   Store Traffic          Collection (Facebook, Instagram Feed only)     Marketplace
                          Carousel                                       Instagram Feed
                                                                         Audience Network

Target audience        Optimisation goal                               Measurement plan

                          Conversion optimisation
                          Value optimisation

Campaign launch date   Campaign end date                               Estimated budget

The holiday season now stretches from late October all the way through
           to the January sales. And, while it’s true that the season is a time of fierce
           competition, it can also be an incredibly lucrative period—if you’ve plan
           well and start early. As the season has grown, so have the main holiday
           shopping peaks. These peaks give us new and exciting ways to reach people
           and influence their holiday shopping habits.

PEAK         Online Conversion Data Visible to Facebook
             During the 2018 Holiday Season (internal data)

                                                      Black Friday

                                             11:11             Cyber Monday

                                                                                 Last shipping day



























































              Peak             Dates        Region     Priority

              11:11             11 Nov       Global      High

           Black Monday         25 Nov       Global      Low

           Black Friday         29 Nov       Global      High

        Shop Local Saturday     30 Nov       Global      Low

          Cyber Monday          2 Dec                    High

          Giving Tuesday        3 Dec        Global      Low

         Last Shipping Day      16 Dec      Regional     Mid

          Christmas Eve       23–24 Dec      Global      Low

            Boxing Day          26 Dec      Regional     Mid

           New Year Day       1 Jan, 2020    Global      Low

              3 Kings         6 Jan, 2020   Regional     Low

           January Sales       1–31 Jan      Global      High

The percentage of people
who shop on the holidays


Source: 1. “Facebook Global Holiday Study”—A Facebook IQ commissioned online study by Ipsos, Jan 2019.       48
•   Extend each peak as much as possible by                      •   Loyalty
    starting early with big offers                                   ––   Use early offers for loyal and repeat customers
•   Create sense of urgency with ‘limited                            ––   Use remarketing discount code offers to entice
    time offers,’ etc                                                     Black Week shoppers to return

•   Flash Sales                                                      ––   Offer a strong returns policy to build
                                                                          customer loyalty
    ––   Massive flash sales can drive conversions and grow
         your audience for retargeting over the rest of the      •   Run campaigns through your
         holiday season                                              Messenger bot for lower costs and
    ––   Hourly item sales over peak periods help keep               a guided shopping experience
         customers coming back and exploring your                •   Tackle cross border markets
         sales offering
                                                                     (US/CA, EU, Asia): Black Friday
•   Threshold Sales                                                  is everywhere
    ––   Tiered threshold sales drive increased average order    •   Avoid frequent changes to budgets
         value (AOV). Encouraging consumers to spend a
                                                                     and strategy—everything should be
         little bit more in order to receive a larger discount
                                                                     locked down one month prior to
         on their order enables you to drive incrementality
                                                                     going live
    ––   Offer threshold free gifts or free shipping to
         encourage sales. Everyone loves ‘free’ gifts            •   Be flexible with successful offers—
         and shipping                                                continue offers past peak if they
    ––   Offer discounts on bundled products.                        are performing
         Bundle similar or complementary products                •   Keep a consistent discount message
         together to increase AOV
                                                                     across all sales channels
•   Retail                                                       •   Ensure discounts are competitive
    ––   Drive clients in-store with personalized ads focused                                                               All of the major shopping
         on each of your retail outlets                                                                                     peaks grew in popularity
    ––   Offer an extra discount for ‘order and collect’                                                                    globally in 2018.
         shopping experiences (order online, collect in-store)
         to cut down on shipping logistics

•   Switch to performance campaigns with your
    tested holiday creatives
•   Increase your budgets to maximize
    conversions over the holiday peaks
    ––   Target dates before and after main peaks for
         high ROAS

•   Ensure your creatives are reflected on
    your landing pages
    ––   Are you using dynamic language ads? Is your landing
         page localized?

Set up campaign assets for
performance objectives

•   Maximizing liquidity (CBO, AP, PAC, DLO, MMDA)
    ––   Consolidate audiences across languages (leverage Dynamic
         Language Optimization and multi-country language feeds)

    ––   Leverage all placements to gain efficiency in a crowded auction
         market place

    ––   Try to leverage Campaign Budget Optimization and use it to
         streamline targeting (easier to manage and less budgets to adjust)

    ––   Include warmed up audiences (Page engagers, Instagram engagers,
         time spent on website, Custom Audiences of discount users)

•   Bidding and optimization
    ––   Switch to 1-day click optimisation over Black Week

    ––   Optimize towards your true business goal

    ––   Value optimization can work well for driving ROAS

    ––   Avoid reach and frequency buying (auction is cheaper and much
         more reliable)

    ––   Don’t cap your bids and rely on automatic bidding

    ––   Test different funnel event optimizations to gain higher volume
         (VC vs. ATC vs. Purchase)

    ––   Run automated campaigns to personalize your marketing efforts

11th of November, previously known as Singles’ Day, originated in
China. 11:11 is about buying yourself a gift. It’s popular throughout
Asia and is growing in importance in EMEA and NA.

Alibaba start celebrating 11:11 as a shopping day in 2009, and with a
turnover of about $6 million it’s now the biggest shopping day in the
world. In 2018, Alibaba did over $30 Billion in sales, with transactions
coming from over 230 different countries.1

•    11:11 starts gaining traction at the start of November and peaks
     hard on the 11th
•    11:11 is singular in terms of the variety of goods sold; it hit records
     in everything from phone sales to powdered milk and diaper sales

                             40%                            of Alibaba’s 11:11
                                                            sales went to
                                                            international brands2

     ––   MAC sold 3,700 11:11 special edition lipsticks in one second
     ––   Buick, the US auto manufacturer, sold over 7,000 vehicles on the day

     ––   Apple iPhones outsold models from China’s major smartphone brands,
          Huawei and Xiaomi

Source: 1. Salesforce Blog: ‘ Singles’ Day Stats You Won’t See Anywhere Else ’ November 2018), 2. Forbes, ‘Alibaba’s Singles’
Day Hits Another Record: 3 Takeaways Beyond The Big Number’, November 2018).                                                    52
           Online Conversion Data Visible to Facebook
           During the 2018 Holiday Season (internal data)

          11/ 8




         11/ 8







The spikes in conversions we see globally on 11:11 are being
driven by East Asian eCommerce websites pushing the new sales
day. There were more eCommerce conversions on 11:11 than any
other peak over the season.1

11:11 strategies
•   Kick start your holiday campaigns with this important cross border
    business shopping day
•   11:11 is growing in importance; check its regional popularity and
    set campaigns to match local knowledge of the newest date on the
    holiday calendar                                                       Break from tradition
•   Leverage the popularity of 11:11 in Southeast Asia, Australia, Spain    Beat the pack with significant 11:11 creatives
    and Brazil to maximize ROI                                              and performance campaigns and bolster
                                                                            what is quickly becoming a staple peak of the
                                                                            holiday shopping period

Source: 1. Facebook internal date, May 2019                                                                                  53
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