APRIL 2020 - Barker Road Methodist Church

Page created by Ray Powers
APRIL 2020 - Barker Road Methodist Church

                                                                               MCI(P) 119/11/2019
                                                                  and beyond

                                                       Pastor's HEART

                                                    Life Together in a Post-Easter,
                                                             Mid-COVID-19 World
 APRIL   2020                                         Easter: Trial and Crucifixion

APRIL 2020 - Barker Road Methodist Church
                                                      Happy Easter from all                                              Publisher:
                                                      of us here at The Hill
                                                                                                                         Rev Dr Chiu Ming Li
                                                      and     Beyond!    Despite
                                                      COVID-19, I pray that God
                                                      will give you the greatest
                                                      Easter season that you
                                                                                                                         Editorial Team
                                                      have ever known. What
                                                      happened that Sunday                                               Editor:
                                                      morning changed the                                                Adrian Lim
                                                      world forever. Jesus shook
                                                      off death and got out up of
                                                      death in a new resurrected
                                                      body, giving us hope that                                          Adrian Lim
                                                      death is not the end. We
                                                                                                                         Benjamin Fong
                                                      live in a world that is so
                                                      filled with death, people                                          Chiu Ming Li
dying all over the world due to COVID-19 and other diseases, children are killed                                         Grace Yip
in their mother’s womb, suicide is at an all-time high around the world, and
people struggle with feelings of emotions of death all the time.                                                         Michelle Aw Yong
                                                                                                                         Nicole Andrea Tan
I pray this Easter season in your life and your family, your church and those
                                                                                                                         Philip Poh
around you; there will be a new infusion of resurrection power and supernatural
life from Jesus Christ. The Bible says that the same spirit that animated the body                                       Wendy Watson
of Jesus and that gave Him a new body in that tomb dwells in you and I. So the
spirit of life, I pray, will reign in your heart this Easter season. Jesus is alive, and
you and I can be alive as well. In fact, he promises us that if we believe in Him will
have life and will have it more abundantly.                                                                              Photographer:
                                                                                                                         Adrian Lim
May God give you a resurrection Sunday filled with the life of Jesus.
                                                                                                                         Submissions by the
Adrian Lim                                                                                                               congregation

                                                                                                              48 Barker Road, Singapore 309917
                                                                                                              Tel: 6256 429. Fax: 6255 403.
                                                                                                              Email: editor@brmc.org.sg

    The Hill and Beyond is published by Barker Road Methodist Church, Singapore for internal circulation in the congregation of BRMC and its friends.
                        Views expressed in this publication are the contributors’ and do not necessary reflect those of the Church and the Editorial Team.
APRIL 2020 - Barker Road Methodist Church

About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” When some
of those standing there heard this, they said, “He’s calling Elijah.” Immediately one of them ran and got a sponge. He
filled it with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. The rest said, “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if
Elijah comes to save him.” And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit. At that moment the
curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
                                                                                                          MATTHEW 27:46-51
                   We are still reeling from the shock              whether it is that as individuals, we care more for our
                   of the covid-19 pandemic; and for                personal enjoyment than for the welfare of another, or
                   most of us, the full impact of this              corporately as a society we have not cared for the least
                   catastrophe has not yet sunk in. Even            among us. This virus demonstrates that where one part
                   now, we do not know when or how                  of the Body is hurt, however insignificant that part, the
                   this will end. All we know is that very          entire Body will suffer the consequences. This virus
                   suddenly, everything that we had                 is no respecter of persons rich or poor, important or
                   treasured or taken for granted – family          insignificant. We are vulnerable together, we are saved
outings, church worship, school, work, business... just             together. To the extent that we fail to care for the least
about everything familiar to us has had to change or has            among us, we will reap the consequences together. And
been taken away. Just a little over two months ago when             the virulence of this disease has demonstrated how little
news of the virus began circulating, I was still making             we have cared for each other.
plans – for family holidays, for church directions, for
mundane ordinary predictable life. Having been a pastor             But suffering is never in vain. Even as Jesus breathed
for 27 years, I had learned that life was full of surprises.        his last, a miracle far greater than the pain of alienation
But as far as I had observed, there was a limit even to             from God was beginning to form. The curtain that
unpredictability: for the most part, life operated within           separated humanity from God was torn. This curtain
a range of certainty and stability. I am less certain now.          was a physical symbol of the hitherto condition of
This virus has overturned the health, economy, and                  humanity: that our sin has separated us from God. As
political systems of the world. In our struggle to even             the curtain tore, men and women could now boldly
catch up with the implications of this disaster to our              approach the throne of Grace and find God present in
lives, we raise feeble prayers and wonder where God is              our lives. The excruciating pain that Jesus experienced
in all of this.                                                     of being forsaken by God exposed our wretchedness,
                                                                    but also brought reconciliation with the Father. Because
I had often wondered why Jesus, in his anguish on the               of the immensity of our sin, the miracle of healing and
cross cried out with a question, “My God, my God, why               reconciliation had to come with great pain.
have you forsaken me?” The answer I had been offered,
was that Jesus was separated from His Father as a                   The collective sufferings from covid-19 has exposed
consequence of his bearing the sins of the world. That is           our deep alienation from God and from one another. (I
true; but why did Jesus ask the question? Did he not know           am not suggesting that each person suffers as a direct
what he was to suffer? Could it be that no one, not even            consequence of their own sin. Many suffer as a result
Jesus, could have imagined the magnitude and severity               of others’ sin). This crisis has surfaced rage, bitterness,
of the consequences of sin, until he had actually tasted            scorn, arrogance, unfaithfulness, greed, fear, despair
it? Could it be that Jesus had not fathomed the depth of            and all manner of ungodliness in us. It has shown deep
alienation from God till he personally experienced it?              fissures in our relationships with each other, and at the
                                                                    bottom of it all, it has betrayed hardened hearts that
The consequences of sin are often far more dire than                have ceased to resonate with God’s heart. It has revealed
we imagine them to be. Each hardening of hearts, each               how desperately devoid our hearts are of love for God
absolute hoarding of wealth, masks or food at the expense           and for others.
of others, every act of greed and avarice, has ramifications
that we never envisaged. This pandemic has exposed                  Discovery of our sinfulness is never in vain. As we taste
some of our structural sin, as well as individual sins.             the dregs of our collective sin, may our anguished cry
While this is not the time to point fingers, history will           be, “My God, my God, why have I forsaken you?” It is
reveal that a large part of the worldwide spread of this            at this point that the miracle of healing and restoration
virus can be attributed to our refusal to love one another:         will take place.
APRIL 2020 - Barker Road Methodist Church
                                        2   Editor's Desk

                                        3   Pastor's HEART

                                        5   Easter: Trial and Crucifixion

                                        8   Life Together in a Post-Easter,
                                            Mid-COVID-19 World: A reflection
                                            on COVID-19 and a portion of Dietrich
                                            Bonhoeffer’s Life Together.

                                       10   Hi, I’m Grace and I’m a member
                                            of BRMC’s COVID-19 Crew

                                       12   Reflections on COVID-19 by Ps Wendy

                                       13   Reflections on Jesus is Lord

                                       14   Ms Ti Siu Tsu Memorial Fund: an update

                                       16   Silence

                                       17   Obeying His Commandment
                                            to Love and Serve

APRIL 2020 - Barker Road Methodist Church

Easter: Trial and Crucifixion
The first three Gospels in the Bible tell us, Jesus    disturbances in the Temple were normally heard by
made a triumphant entry into Jerusalem, seated         the Council of the Sanhedrin (as Peter, Paul and the
on a colt. He then entered the Temple to teach, but    Apostles would be in the Book of Acts). Even more
was outraged by the commerce in the forecourt.         unusual was the decision of Caiaphas to hand Jesus
Shocking bystanders, he disrupted the money            over to the Romans for trial.
changers and freed the animals being sold to
Passover pilgrims for the temple sacrifice. This is    The Pilate Trial
probably the reason that the chief priests issued a
warrant for his arrest, since it was to be served by   The hearing occurred at the praetorium, where
the Temple Guards.                                     the Roman prefect, Pontius Pilate, had taken up
                                                       residence for the duration of the Passover (Mark
Jesus was taken in the Garden of Gethsemane            15:15-16; Matthew 27:27). According to Mark,
on the Mount of Olives. The origin of the name         Jesus remained largely silent during the brief
Gethsemane may be the word gat-shemanim                proceedings. Pontius Pilate appeared reluctant
(“press of oils”); such oil presses were usually       to condemn Jesus, but anyone claiming to be the
placed in caves to provide a cool environment for      “King of the Jews” and leader of a revolutionary
the oil-producing process. Jesus was then arraigned    group was always going to be of grave concern for
in the private house of Caiaphas, the high priest.     Roman authorities. Under Roman colonial law,
This was highly unusual. People accused of causing     any rebels with aspirations to become a king were
                                                       peremptorily condemned to the cross.

APRIL 2020 - Barker Road Methodist Church
Jerusalem in the time of Jesus

APRIL 2020 - Barker Road Methodist Church

The Crucifixion

Jesus was scourged, as was common with
prisoners condemned to death, and left to
the place of execution. The killing field –
Golgotha, or “place of the skull” in Aramaic
– was located outside the city walls. There
he was crucified. He Apostles were nowhere
in evidence; they were most likely hiding
to avoid arrest themselves. Among those
present were Mary Magdalene and Mary the
mother of Jesus.

Custom dictated that Jesus’ body be taken to
a burial ground for criminals, but one of the
Sanhedrin, Joseph of Arimathea, intervened.
He was sympathetic to Jesus’ cause, since
he was “himself waiting expectantly for
the kingdom of God” (Mark 15:43). Joseph
persuaded Pilate to release Jesus’ body to
him. He “wrapped it in the linen cloth, and
laid it in a tomb that had been hewn out of
the rock” (Mark 15:45).

It was Friday afternoon, “The day before the
sabbath” by Jewish reckoning, and no burial
rites would be permitted after sundown.
Mary Magdalene and the women therefore
resolved to return to the tomb after the
Sabbath to complete the task (Mark 15:46).
                                                 The Via Dolorosa
Jesus is Risen
                                                 The Christian song the Via Dolorosa as
When, by Jewish reckoning, three days            popularised by the singer Sandy Patti talks
had passed since Friday afternoon, Mary          about the suffering of Christ. But what is the Via
Magdalene, Mary “the mother of James,” and       Dolorosa, or Road of Sorrows? It is the presumed
a woman named Salome duly retraced their         path of Jesus on his way to Golgotha, the place
steps, bringing “spices, so that they might go   of his execution, located in today’s Old City.
and anoint him” (Mark16:1). But when they        It contains 14 Stations of the Cross, although
arrived at the tomb, they were shocked to see    the last stations, 10 through 14, are contained
that the stone covering the tomb, “which was     within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The
very large,” had been rolled away. Inside was    exact route has traditionally been subject to
a young man dressed in white robe, who told      intense debate because Jerusalem was entirely
the women that “Jesus of Nazareth, who was       destroyed in 135 BC by Emperor Hadrian. The
crucified...had been raised; he is not here”     tradition of a Good Friday procession along the
(Mark 16:6).                                     Via Dolorosa began in the Byzantine era.

APRIL 2020 - Barker Road Methodist Church
Life Together in a Post-Easter,
           Mid-COVID-19 World:
            A reflection on COVID-19 and a portion of Dietrich
            Bonhoeffer’s Life Together.
            by Pastor Benjamin Fong

            It really should come as no surprise that just as        think for ourselves first and others second, a lesson
            our church begun to take steps towards building          reinforced over and over as we read the news, trying
            deep community, a health crisis on a worldwide           to gleam how the virus is spreading in society and
            scale such as COVID -19 has come to rock the             the world.
            boat. Perhaps God in his mercy gave us a warning
            nudge to begin strengthening the foundations of          In this midst of all this I’m constantly reminded of
            community before the crisis reached our shores.          Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s words: “The Christian cannot
            It would certainly be foolish to downplay the            simply take for granted the privilege of living
            seriousness of COVID-19, but I believe that its          among other Christians.” Those are the words that
            biggest threat is not to human lives but to human        begin his book Life Together, a short but masterful
            community – expressed in our ability to love one         treatise on what real Christian community looks
            another. This is a virus that insidiously reaches into   like, and a book I consider essential reading for
            the human psyche, and demonically perverts our           any Christian. Much as we would like to think
            God-given instinct for life into a self-centred desire   that worshipping in a Christian community is an
            for self-preservation.                                   essential part of the faith, the reality is that Christian
                                                                     community remains a luxury and not a right. Soon
            This is most obvious in the panic buying sparked         after writing this, churches in Singapore have for
            off by news of an escalation in the number of            the most part suspended worship services for two
            confirmed cases, a scene mimicked consistently in        weeks. The world does not owe it to us to allow us to
            every country, particularly those that once mocked       worship together, and neither does God.
            other nations for their panic. But more subversively,
            like a master spy this virus plants seeds of doubt       Bonhoeffer is certainly not downplaying the
            in our minds, seeing every stranger in public as         importance of community – in truth the centrepiece
            a potential carrier, driving us further into self-       of his theology revolves around the importance of
            isolation. Without realising it we’re being taught to    the church-community as the manifest presence

APRIL 2020 - Barker Road Methodist Church

of Christ! He even describes the presence of other      At Easter we are given a foretaste of this reunion.
Christians as a “source of incomparable joy and         The one who died alone returns to create a new
strength to the believer”. It is not wrong to feel      community, summoning (in a typically Singaporean
a desire for physical Christian community – it          fashion) all to come join him – over breakfast. At
should be applauded even, as an affirmation of          Pentecost this new community is brought into
how God created human beings expressly to be            actuality, but even then, it is only a temporary
in community. Bonhoeffer would even argue that          reunion, for once again the body of Christ must be
this is what makes us bear the image of God – our       broken and scattered as seeds across the world. But
ability to love and be loved.                           the Risen Christ serves as the guarantee that he who
                                                        kept his word and raised Jesus to life will also one
But he also highlights that Jesus himself lived         day keep his word and gather us at his bosom.
among enemies, ultimately dying alone on the cross.
That itself is not a novel (too soon?) development—     While it may appear as though COVID-19 has
even in the beginning, the problem with the people      thrown our plans for community into disarray, we
who were building the tower of Babel was their          should not despair, because this virus does not have
desire to consolidate and remain grouped together       the last word – that belongs to God alone, and his
in community. Genesis 11 appears to suggest that        plan is to bring us into community in its fullest
God’s desire was for humanity to be scattered across    sense someday. In the meantime, the time is nigh
the earth, presumably to enact                                              for Christians to hold fast to the
their mandate of stewarding the                                             other-centred way of life Jesus
earth. Both the Old Testament                                               calls us to, to refuse to give in
and New Testament seem to attest                                            to the self-centred patterns of
that God intends for his people                                             thinking that COVID-19 entices
to be a scattered seed, sown that                                           us toward. Instead, now is the
the Kingdom of God may one day                                              time to present to the rest of the
bear its fruit.                                                             world a different narrative that
                                                                            true community still remains
This scattering thus serves a                                               possible even in the midst of
specific purpose – it’s not a scattering to be lost     the precautionary measures that require physical
forever (as the people of Genesis 11 feared), but it    separation, for what makes us true community
is a scattering that we may be like yeast, slowly but   is not our physical presence but the presence of
surely kneaded into the fabric of society in order      Christ. Can we not show the world a better way to
for the Kingdom of God to grow. Surely, Jesus did       live in this post-Easter, mid-COVID-19 world, one
not have in mind clumps of salt when he referred        that challenges the narrative of self-preservation
to his followers as the salt of the earth!              with one of self-giving?

Yet this scattering is not the end but its means.       God will have the last word, and the temporary
Bonhoeffer assures us that ultimately God desires       respites of community that we enjoy now all point
to gather his children back in his presence:            to the great reunion that will come. Until then,
                                                        Bonhoeffer writes, “God’s people remain scattered,
   “I will signal for them and gather them              held together in Jesus Christ alone, having become
   in, for I have redeemed them, and they               one because they remember him in the distant
                                                        lands, spread out among the unbelievers.” Those
   shall be as numerous as they were before.
                                                        words fuelled the hope Bonhoeffer and his fellow
   Though I scattered them among the                    German believers shared while under the shadow of
   nations, yet in far countries they shall             Nazi Germany; may those words also fuel our hope
   remember me, and they shall rear their               today as we live under the spectre of COVID-19.
   children and return.” (Zechariah 10:8–9,

APRIL 2020 - Barker Road Methodist Church

Hi, I’m
Grace and
I’m a member
of BRMC’s
COVID-19 Crew
by Grace Yip

When I first saw the recruitment notice for helpers to join
the COVID-19 Crew, I felt prompted to help, but it was not
without hesitation. First, helping out means I may have to
miss attending my usual Sunday service at URS. Secondly, I
was also concerned if they were any health risks. I thought
to myself that maybe this was not a good idea after all as
my body’s immunity is quite low.

But God gently encouraged me to step forward and serve.
Besides the notices on telegram, I was reminded of His
Word in 1 Corinthians 12: 12-27 which speaks of how
the Church is One Body with Many Parts (Verses 12-14).
In Verses 21-22, it says “The eye can’t say to the hand, “I
don’t need you!” In fact, it is just the opposite. The parts
of the body that seem to be weaker are the ones we can’t
do without.” I was reminded through these verses and
especially in verse 27 that I am part of the body of Christ
and every part ought to take care of one another. I have a
part to play in this.

So on the weekend of March 8, I reported to Station 1 -
Carpark Lift Lobby at 9.30am. I put on my surgical mask
and started taking the attendance of those who came to
church. Strangely, I enjoyed the simple blessing of hearing
the beeps of the scanner as it means that attendance was
taken successfully. 

on COVID-19
by Pastor Wendy Watson

As we all adjust to the ‘new normal’ of a sometimes             whilst travelling on the MRT and in the evening. I must
threatening and rather uncertain world, I have been             say that it has led to a dialing-down of distraction and
reminded of the need to cling to God who has promised us        stress.
His presence in trying times. My prayer is that, with God’s
help, we might fully agree with the psalmist who says that      May I encourage you to consider doing this and to pray in
God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in         its place? Leanne Payne, a powerful prayer warrior and a
trouble (Psalm 46.1).                                           woman who knows Jesus well, once said that:

At a recent luncheon, a church leader and a good friend
spoke about how he has made a conscious decision to                Prayer is the most important thing I do:
ride out this wave by trusting in God. He is doing this            praise, give thanks, intercede, make personal
by looking back on his life and remembering how God
                                                                   petitions, confess my sins, forgive others, set
sustained him in previous times of tribulation, such as
during the time of SARS. My friend is convinced that as            goals with God, and listen to His response. It is
God has done, so shall He continue to be. This, indeed, is a       the most creative “work” I do, out of which any
time when our faith is being stretched; a time for learning        and all other “making” flows.
to lean on the Lord for all things.                                         (Leanne Payne, Listening Prayer, p.15)

What my friend said impacted me, and I, too, have
decided to follow in his footsteps. In the first two weeks of   When the best of human intellect, wisdom, effort, and
COVID-19, I found myself getting sucked into a whirlpool        strength cannot control the spread and impact of an
of news updates, WhatsApp chats, planning meetings,             unseen, tiny, organism, this is a reminder that we are not
and Ministry Continuity Plans. Conversations revolved           in control, but we have a God who is. He is the one on
around the virus and ‘viral speculations’, toilet paper,        whom we should keep our focus – our ever-present help
masks, thermometers, and hand sanitizers. My attention          in trouble.
was focused purely on this tiny micro-organism that was
causing so much panic, dis-ease and distress.                   May He bless you with His Shalom peace and protection.
                                                                May He give you wisdom and strength to navigate these
I caught myself one morning sitting distractedly before the     challenging times, and see you safely through into calmer
Lord, and in desperation wrote in my journal – “Enough!         waters.
Lord Jesus, help me get off this growing addiction to phone
messages and newsfeeds. Help me come off this highway
and back to you”. I resolved then and there to check my         In His Love,
phone only once every two hours, and watch the news only        Pastor Wendy Watson


Reflections on

Jesus is Lord
Friends, in the gospel reading of Mark 2:23-28,   And the claim of the first Christians was Iesous
Jesus acknowledges that he is the Lord.           Kyrios—Jesus is Lord. This was bound to annoy both
                                                  Jews and Gentiles. The Jews would be massively put
  23 One Sabbath Jesus was going through          off by the use of the term Kyrios in describing an
  the grainfields, and as his disciples           ordinary human being. Moreover, the implication
                                                  that this man was the Messiah of Israel—when he
  walked along, they began to pick some
                                                  had died at the hands of Israel’s enemies—was simply
  heads of grain. 24 The Pharisees said to        blasphemous.
  him, “Look, why are they doing what is
  unlawful on the Sabbath?”                       And for the Greeks, this claim was subversive,
                                                  for a watchword of the time was Kaiser Kyrios—
  25 He answered, “Have you never                 the Emperor is Lord. A new system of allegiance
                                                  was being proposed, a new type of ordering and
  read what David did when he and his
                                                  lordship—and this was indeed a threat to the regnant
  companions were hungry and in need?             system.
  26 In the days of Abiathar the high priest,
  he entered the house of God and ate the         Christians should enter the public arena boldly and
  consecrated bread, which is lawful only         confidently, for we are not announcing a private
  for priests to eat. And he also gave some       or personal spirituality, but rather declaring a new
  to his companions.”                             King under whose lordship everything must fall.
                                                  If Jesus is truly Lord, then government, business,
                                                  family life, the arts, sexuality, and entertainment all
  27 Then he said to them, “The Sabbath           come properly under his headship.
  was made for man, not man for the
  Sabbath. 28 So the Son of Man is Lord
  even of the Sabbath.”

Ms Ti Siu Tsu Memorial Fund: an update
     by Dr Philip Poh

                               Ms Ti was a long time member of         The late Ms Ti’s “generous spirit” had showed
                               BRMC. Born on 12 April 1920,            in her passion to help others in need, especially
                               she was an active member of             nursing students, even after her passing; she being
                               the church until her passing on         a nurse herself until retirement as a Matron in
                               21st September 1988. She had            1970.
                               participated in many activities
                               and served in many church               On 25 November 1990, as stipulated in her
                              committees: Social Concerns,             will, part of her estate funds was distributed to
             Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS), the          13 beneficiaries that included para-Christian
             Filipino Fellowship (as it was called then), the Senior   organisations, the Boys’ Brigade and BRMC. She
             Fellowship and the Small Groups, just to name a           had also bequeathed her apartment and the balance
             few. Friends remembered her as “helpful and caring        of funds in her estate to BRMC.
             lady who had a sense of humour and a generous
             spirit” notwithstanding her suffering from cancer.        In honouring her wishes, the BRMC leadership set
             A special article was published in UPHILL (July-          up a Memorial Fund in 1991. In the years since,
             September 1991; pgs 8-9 ”We remember Ms Ti Sui            hundreds of needy students from our primary &
             Tsu”) to commemorate her life.                            secondary schools, ITE and Polytechnics, orphans


from Shalom Home, India, and COSI Orphanage,           administered by the SIT. Together with matching
Cambodia, and our own Oldham Hall boarders,            grants from the government, the Bursary will have
the Filipino Fellowship and our mission at Bukit       close to $750,000 to provide 4-5 annual bursaries
Batok have benefited from this Fund. In July           in perpetuity.
2006, bursaries were also given 6 students at Ngee
Ann Polytechnic pursuing the Diploma in Health         With this endowment to the SIT, there will still be
Sciences (Nursing).                                    about $2 million in the Memorial Fund. We will
                                                       continue to support the needy students program
In commemoration of Ms Ti’s 100th birthdate            of BRMC’s mission at Bukit Batok from this Fund.
anniversary on 12 April 2020, the BRMC leadership      We shall let you know soon of any major initiatives
has unanimously agreed to endow the Singapore          of how we plan on using this for the extension of
Institute of Technology (SIT) with $500,000 from       God’s kingdom as Ms Ti would have desired.
the Memorial Fund as the Ti Sui Tsu Bursary for
their needy students pursuing Nursing and Allied
Health degrees. Over 40% of SIT students come
from households with the monthly household per
capita income of $1,000 or less. The Bursary will be

             Many of us are eager to develop our relationship           For some of us, it might be helpful to timetable
             with God. The problem is that in busy Singapore            in time within our busy schedules to be spent in
             it is often hard to stop long enough to be silent and      silence before the Lord. Perhaps to take a break
             still before the Lord.                                     three times a day to pay to the Lord like Daniel
                                                                        did. (Daniel 6:10). Consciously give your life some
             At other times, we feel that being still is unproductive   margin instead of rushing from meeting to meeting
             and random thoughts of work often cross our mind           or to the next appointment.
             when we try to be silent. Even sacred spaces like
             within the sanctuary of BRMC, it is hard to find           Do take the time to seek continual silence. Love
             silence on a Sunday. Inadvertently the atmosphere          silence. In the beginning we have to focus ourselves
             before and after service is one of being at a Sunday       to be silent. But once you taste the fruit that comes
             social, where pleasantries are exchanged, and stories      from God through being silent, you will experience
             of the week gone by are narrated. But being silent         something special that can only be born in silence.
             once a week is not enough.                                 The ability to draw deep and commune with your
                                                                        maker on a one-to-one basis like no other.
             We are often addicted to tasks, work and doing.
             To purge themselves of addiction to the world, the         You can only know God if you are still before him. He
             desert fathers chose to spend their lives in silence in    says, “Be still and know that I am God”, Ps 46:10a.
             order to hear from God.
                                                                        It is time to spend more time with the Lord. During
             It is very hard to hear the still small voice of God in    this COVID-19 season, God has pressed the pause
             the midst of the problems and distractions that we         button on many of our social distractions. He wants
             face if we do not take the time to be silent.              us to listen to something important to prepare us
                                                                        for the future.
             Perhaps it is timely at this time when COVID-19
             has given us a time to pause and be quiet before           I wish you a wonderful journey of the discover of
             the Lord.                                                  silence.


Obeying His
to Love and Serve
Written by: Nicole Andrea Tan, Methodist Welfare Services Communications Team.
Edited by: Michelle Aw Yong, Methodist Welfare Services Communications Team.

Poverty is not just about the lack of food or decent     distressed, lost and marginalised in society. In fact,
shelter. It is also having little hope for the future,   MWS was first established in response to the plight
adults and children alike. For some, it means            of the elderly sick. While society has evolved over
struggling with illnesses while living on low wages      the last four decades, much of the challenges faced
or no income. For others, it manifests in broken and     by these segments persist and have become more
fraught relationships, and social isolation. Poverty     complex. Today, MWS’ core spirit of social holiness
is also the inability to participate in social and       remains unwavering and we continue to obey
recreational activities or to maximise educational       His commandment by recognising the inherent
potential. Individuals and families who suffer from      strengths and worth of people, and constantly
financial poverty often concurrently face relational     pursuing quality of care and exercising grace in how
poverty or poverty in health. Indeed, poverty may        we serve them.
be experienced in various forms and these are often
interlinked.                                             MWS runs 20 centres and programmes island-wide
                                                         and the breadth of our integrated care approach
At Methodist Welfare Services (MWS), we strive           aims to address the core issues of the challenges our
to lift our beneficiaries out of poverty through an      beneficiaries face. From counselling and therapy,
approach that recognises the complexity of the           medical and rehabilitative care, home-based and
issues they face and considers their total needs.        residential care, debt clearance and asset-building
                                                         scheme, we aim to empower our clients so that they
Founded in 1981, MWS is a non-profit organisation        may experience sustainable transformation.
who serves all – regardless of age, race and religion
– by providing integrated and holistic care for low-     Hebrew 6:10 (ESV) says that “God is not unjust so
income families, at-risk youths, socially isolated       as to overlook your work and the love that you have
seniors and the chronically ill, frail and destitute.    shown for His name” in the help you gave and are
                                                         still giving others.
As the social concerns arm of The Methodist Church
in Singapore, our mission is premised on God’s           Together, we can make a difference in the lives of
love for people and His concern for the poor, lonely,    others.

Our centres and programmes:

 For Chronically Ill, Frail, and Destitute                             For the Socially Isolated
 We serve mainly low-income seniors across a wide                      We serve vulnerable seniors from low to middle-income
 spectrum of frailty and ageing needs.                                 groups who may face a deepening sense of loneliness,
                                                                       depression and a low-level of self-care.
     MWS Bethany Nursing Home – Choa Chu Kang
                                                                           MWS Senior Activity Centre – Fernvale Rivergrove
     MWS Nursing Home – Yew Tee
                                                                           MWS Senior Activity Centre – GoldenLily @ Pasir Ris
     MWS Christalite Methodist Home
                                                                           MWS Senior Activity Centre – GreenTops @ Sims Place
     MWS Home Care &
     Home Hospice                                                          MWS Senior Activity Centre – Kebun Baru
                                                                           MWS Senior Activity Centre – Teck Ghee Vista
                                                                           MWS Charis ACE – Geylang East
                                                                           MWS Wesley Senior Activity Centre
                                                                           – Jalan Berseh

 An MWS staff helps a client at one of our senior
 activity centres with his financial issues and gets
 updates on the client’s medical condition.

                                                            An MWS Home Hospice patient, seen with her daughter, receiving
                                                            a regular blood pressure check in the comfort of her own home.

                           Find out more about us at:
                           Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MethodistWelfareServices/
                           Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mws.sg/
                           Youtube: http://bit.ly/youtubemws
                           LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/methodist-welfare-services/

         Scan this QR code to visit our website, https://mws.sg


                                                            At-risk Youth
                                                            We serve female teenagers and young adults
                                                            aged 15-21 who have either violated the law
                                                            or come from troubled backgrounds. Our
                                                            community-based centre provides holistic
                                                            rehabilitation while giving the girls the
For Families in Distress
                                                            opportunity of going back to school
We serve families who face complex                          or undergoing skills training.
and multiple issues that range from
intergenerational poverty, low education,                      MWS Girls’ Residence
domestic violence, illness, incarceration,
chronic debt and job insecurity.

   MWS Covenant Family Service Centre
   – Hougang and Buangkok
   MWS Family Service Centre – Tampines
   MWS Family Service Centre – Yishun
   MWS Community Services – Punggol
   MWS Family Development Programme
   MWS Family Support Programme

                                                           A staff member of MWS Girls’ Residence engages with
                                                           one of the youth residents.

How can you Partner with us?

   We are always looking for more volunteers to help out! If you feel called to make a meaningful impact
   on lives, please explore the volunteering opportunities available on https://mws.sg/volunteer.
   Your donations enable MWS to sustain our centres and critical programmes for 12,000 people
   every year and growing. Every dollar counts. You may give through PayNow by scanning
   the QR code, or visit https://mws.sg/give.
   If you like what we do, talk about MWS in your social network or organisation.

Thank you for coming alongside us to empower the people we serve to have life to the full!

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