RALPH ENGELSTAD ARENA - Suite Manual 2022-2023

Page created by Grace Lloyd
RALPH ENGELSTAD ARENA - Suite Manual 2022-2023
  Suite Manual 2022-2023
RALPH ENGELSTAD ARENA - Suite Manual 2022-2023
    to   Ralph Engelstad
          Arena                      where you and your guests can sit
                                     back and experience the best in
                                     sports and entertainment.

     We are delighted you have chosen our suite level to entertain your
     clients, employees, family and friends. We take great pride in our
     venue and especially in our service. You may count on our experi-

     enced staff to do everything possible to ensure your entertainment
     needs are met each and every time you visit.

     The Suite Department is devoted to your continued satisfaction. We
     are ready to assist you in any way we can. Please call or e-mail us
     with any questions or problems you may have. Our goal is to make
     your suite experience as enjoyable as possible.
                                                                                                                             4   Policies & Procedures

                                                                                                                             6   Suite Holder Services

                   Suite Operations                                                                                          8   Ticketing Information

                                                                                                                             10 Catering & Hospitality
                                                                                                      Ticket Hotline
                                                                                                      701.777.4689           12 Menu
                                                                                                                             22 Little Caesars
                                                                                                      Suite Operations       24 Red Pepper
                                                                                                                             25 Beer & Hard Seltzers

                                                                                                                             26 Spirits & Mixers
    Jody Hodgson                      Julie Frey                           Rob Peterson
    General Manager                   Manager of Suite                     Catering Kitchen Manager
    Ralph Engelstad Arena             & Catering Operations                Ralph Engelstad Arena
                                      Ralph Engelstad Arena
    701.777.6633                                                           robp@theralph.com
    jodyh@theralph.com                701.777.0836
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RALPH ENGELSTAD ARENA - Suite Manual 2022-2023
Policies                              and

    Security                                           Guest Policy                                   Alcohol Management                                   Hours of Operation
    Inform your suite attendant or a Concierge if      • Admittance to a suite is limited to those    • Suite holders must monitor and control             Doors open one hour prior to the start of each
    you need assistance of any kind.                     who hold designated suite tickets.             alcohol consumption in the suite.                  event unless otherwise noted.
    • During and after events there is a suite level   • Suite holders may request up to 10           • Ralph Engelstad Arena reserves the right
      security guard available to escort suite
      holders and guests to vehicles upon request.
                                                         guests to be put on their list, per event.
                                                       • Only the suite administrator will be
                                                                                                        to refuse liquor to intoxicated guests.
                                                                                                      • Minors, under the age of 21, by law, are not
      Contact Julie Frey to make arrangements            allowed to authorize additions to the          permitted to consume alcoholic beverages.          Suite holders are responsible for proper
      prior to the event.                                guest list during an event.                  • Beer must be poured into a plastic cup. No         conduct of their guests in the suite.
                                                       • Guests must have an arena ticket and be        glass bottles are allowed off of suite level.      • If you encounter security problems, please
                                                                                                                                                             contact your suite attendant or a concierge.
    First Aid and Emergencies                            on the pre-approved guest list or
                                                                                                                                                           • Minors will not be allowed in the suites
    • Complete first aid services are provided by
                                                         escorted by a suite owner.
                                                       • Guests must show a photo I.D. to access
                                                                                                      Smoking                                                without the supervision of an adult 21
      staff trained in emergency procedures and is       the suite level.                             • Guests are not permitted to smoke inside             years of age or older.
      available for all Ralph Engelstad Arena          • Suite guests must use the designated           Ralph Engelstad Arena nor are guests               • No lights, signs, or banners may be hung
      events. In case of an emergency, contact your      entrance for access to the suite level.        allowed to smoke within 25 feet of any               over the suite balcony.
      concierge and they will immediately contact        Please inform your guests to use               door on the exterior of the building.              • Suite holders are responsible for damages
      the necessary personnel to assist you.             the following entrance:                      • Guests are not allowed to exit and re-enter          to the suite.
    • There are clearly identified emergency exits       SE guest entrance for suites 201-212           for the purpose of smoking. The policies           • It is the responsibility of the suite owner to
      on every level of the Ralph Engelstad Arena.       SW guest entrance for suites 213-224 & 254     outlined above apply to electronic cigarettes,       ensure that no minors or intoxicated guests
      Your concierge staff and other staff               NW guest entrance for suites 225-236 & 255     smokeless cigarettes, and/or vapor cigarettes,       consume alcoholic beverages in their suite.
      members are able to direct you to the              NE guest entrance for suites 237-248           as well as traditional cigarettes. Violators may
      nearest exit during evacuation.                                                                   be subject to removal from the facility and/or
                                                                                                        denied admittance into the facility.

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RALPH ENGELSTAD ARENA - Suite Manual 2022-2023
Suite Holder
    Services Access for Events                                Suite Attendants                                   Suite Brokerage Services
             Suite ticket holders may enter the building      • Suite attendants are stationed at                If you are unable to use your suite for a partic-
             through the main entrance, Southwest entrance      approximately every 8 suites to serve            ular event, please contact the suite department
             or Northwest entrance of the Ralph Engelstad       you during an event.                             with at least a 30 day notice and we will make
             Arena one hour prior to the start of the event   • Suite attendants will ensure that your           every effort to lease it to a third party. Suite
             for UND hockey home games. Entrance                suite is properly set-up and food                holders will be compensated a percentage of
             locations for other events may be limited to       is attractively displayed.                       the agreed upon rental fee with a confirmed
             the main entrance.                               • Suite attendants will assist you with any        rental agreement. If we are not successful in
                                                                additional orders or special requests.           leasing your suite to a third party, the suite
                VIP entrance - Suite holders may access
                                                              • If there is anything additional that you may     would be returned to the suite holder two
                the suite level through the VIP entrance
                                                                need, just ask.                                  weeks prior to the event. Suite holders are pro-
                located in the main lobby, one and a half
                                                                                                                 hibited from renting their suite to a third party.
                hours prior to the start of all UND men’s
                hockey home games. Entry times and            Concierge Service                                  All third party rentals must be made through
                                                                                                                 the suite department. Contact Julie Frey at
                access may vary for other events.
                                                              • Concierges greet you and your guests and         julief@theralph.com for more information.
                                                                can assist you with any questions/concerns
             Parking                                            you may have.
                                                                                                                 Non-Event Day Suite Access
                                                              • Concierges direct you and your guests
             You will receive the number of parking passes
                                                                to your suite.                                   You can utilize your suite on non-event days to
             equal to one pass per every four seats in your
                                                              • Concierges monitor pre-approved                  host gatherings and meetings during business
             suite or as stated in your contract. This pass
                                                                guest lists.                                     hours with advanced notice. Please contact
             may be utilized for all UND home hockey
                                                              • Concierges assist you if you require first aid   suite services to make arrangements.
             events, family shows and concerts at Ralph
                                                                or security during events.
             Engelstad Arena. If the pass is misplaced a
             replacement fee of $300 will be required to
             issue a new pass. If you have any questions
             about your parking pass, please call Julie
             Frey at 701.777.0836.

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RALPH ENGELSTAD ARENA - Suite Manual 2022-2023
Suite Holder

     Information                                                                                              UND Hockey Home Game Schedule and Ticket Prices

    Ordering Tickets                                                                                            10/1/22    Manitoba		         Saturday   $25 Adult/ $15 Youth
                                                                                                                10/7/22    Holy Cross		       Friday		   $25 Adult/ $15 Youth
    • Additional tickets may be purchased for
      up to half of what your suite holds (ex. If                                                               10/8/22    Holy Cross		       Saturday   $25 Adult/ $15 Youth
      your suite has 20 tickets, you may                                                                        10/14/22   Quinnipiac		Friday		$25 Adult/ $15 Youth
      purchase 10 additional standing room
      only tickets to your suite).                                                                              10/15/22   Quinnipiac		       Saturday   $25 Adult/ $15 Youth
    • Order by phone from the box office:                                                                       11/11/22   Denver			Friday		$39 Adult/ $25 Youth
      701.777.4689, or suite operations:                                                                        11/12/22   Denver			Saturday             $49 Adult/ $29 Youth
                                                                                                                11/18/22   Miami			Friday		$39 Adult/ $25 Youth
    • Orders received less than seven working           Arena Tickets
      days prior to an event will be held at “VIP                                                               11/19/22   Miami			Saturday              $49 Adult/ $29 Youth
      Will Call.” A picture ID is required when         If you are interested in purchasing additional
                                                        arena tickets for events, you may order by              11/26/22   Bemidji State		    Saturday   $49 Adult/ $29 Youth
      picking up tickets.
    • Orders will be processed and ready for            calling the box office at 701.777.4689 or               12/31/22   US Under 18		      Saturday   $25 Adult/ $15 Youth
      pick-up the day of the event, unless              at Ticketmaster.com.                                    1/6/23		Lindenwood		Friday		$25 Adult/ $15 Youth
      otherwise requested.
                                                                                                                1/7/23		LIndenwood		Saturday             $25 Adult/ $15 Youth
    • Tickets must be paid for before                   Away Ticket Information                                 1/13/23    Western Michigan   Friday		   $39 Adult/ $25 Youth
      being distributed.
    • Tickets are non-refundable once they              Away game requests may be made by
                                                                                                                1/14/23    Western Michigan   Saturday   $49 Adult/ $29 Youth
      have been printed.                                emailing tickets@theralph.com. Please include
                                                        your name, telephone number, series and                 1/20/23    Duluth			Friday		$39 Adult/ $25 Youth
    • Ralph Engelstad Arena reserves the right
      to change prices at any time.                     night(s), number of tickets requesting, and             1/21/23    Duluth			Saturday             $49 Adult/ $29 Youth
                                                        Champion’s Club membership level, if
                                                                                                                2/17/23    St. Cloud		        Friday		   $39 Adult/ $25 Youth
    To protect everyone’s investment, Ralph Engel-      applicable. Not all requests are guaranteed as
    stad Arena will not permit suite tickets to be      tickets are subject to availability. If we are able     2/18/23    St. Cloud		        Saturday   $49 Adult/ $29 Youth
    resold or sold by a third party. License agree-     to fulfill your request for your tickets, a ticket      3/3/23		   Nebraska Omaha     Friday		   $39 Adult/ $25 Youth
    ment provisions allow for strict penalties if the   office representative will contact you closer to
    resale of tickets is found to be taking place.      game time with confirmation details.                    3/4/23		   Nebraska Omaha     Saturday   $49 Adult/ $29 Youth

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RALPH ENGELSTAD ARENA - Suite Manual 2022-2023
Catering                                  and

     Catering                                            Special Menu Requests
     Office catering personnel are available during      Should you have any special catering needs,
     regular business hours and during events to         please call Julie Frey at 701.777.0836 at least
     consult with you regarding catering needs.          seven days in advance.
       • All food and beverage orders must be
     		 made through Ralph Engelstad Arena.
       • Ralph Engelstad Arena reserves the right
                                                         Special Functions and Services
     		 to change prices at any time.                    The Ralph Engelstad Arena catering
                                                         department can assist you in planning special
                                                                                                              Personalized Service                               North Dakota law prohibits the consumption of
                                                                                                                                                                 any alcoholic beverages by any person under
                                                         functions hosted in your suite. Given advance        For your convenience, the Ralph Engelstad          the age of 21. It is the responsibility of the suite
     Ordering in Advance                                 notice, the staff can arrange special requests       Arena catering department provides suite           holder to insure that no minors or intoxicated
     In order to coordinate and execute the delivery     such as celebration cakes or a birthday              attendant service throughout the entire event.     persons consume alcoholic beverages in their
     of the highest quality products and services to     greeting on the big screen. Please call Julie        Their responsibilities are to ensure that your     suite. Ralph Engelstad Arena reserves the right
     your suite, orders must be placed in advance,       Frey at 701.777.0836 for more information.           suite is completely set-up and all food is prop-   to check for proper identification and refuse
     no later than three business days (excluding                                                             erly displayed. Throughout the event, they will    to serve persons under age 21 or those who
                                                                                                              assist you with the Event Day Menu orders and
     Saturday, Sunday or holidays) prior to the event.   Food and Beverage Delivery                           special requests. Finally, the suite attendants
                                                                                                                                                                 appear to be intoxicated.
       • All menu items listed in our suite menu
                                                         All cold beverages and snacks will be delivered      will restock your beverages at your request.
     		 are available for preordering up until the
                                                         to your suite up to 30 minutes prior to event time   Please note that each suite attendant cares for    Final Billing/Payment
     		 Wednesday prior to the event at 4 PM.
       • All special orders for wine also need to        or at the time you have requested. To ensure         additional suites. Requests for a specific suite   Procedure
     		 be placed by 4 PM on Wednesday prior             freshness, all other food orders will be delivered   attendant cannot be guaranteed for every
                                                                                                                                                                 Ralph Engelstad Arena will bill suite holders
     		 to the event.                                    at the time specified. Please allow a 15-20 minute   event; however, we will make every effort to
                                                                                                                                                                 after each weekend series or event. The suite
       • You may place your order via the Ralph          window from the delivery time for all food orders.   accommodate your requests.
                                                                                                                                                                 holder will receive an itemized invoice out-
     		 Engelstad Arena website,                         If you will be arriving later than anticipated,
                                                                                                                                                                 lining all charges in detail. No prepayment is
     		 theralph.com/users, emailing your                please let us know so we can ensure that your        For an added touch, we suggest a personal
                                                                                                                                                                 necessary if you have an established direct
     		 order to julief@theralph.com, calling Julie      food is delivered at the appropriate time.           suite attendant be assigned to your suite
                                                                                                                                                                 billing credit card account with Ralph Engel-
     		 Frey 701.777.0836 or by faxing your                                                                   exclusively. The charge of $75 per suite
                                                                                                                                                                 stad Arena. Invoices will be charged to your
     		 order 701.777.6651.                              Special Event Catering                               attendant will be added to your bill. We do
                                                                                                              require a five day notice prior to the event       house account after each event.
       • Ralph Engelstad Arena catering can assist
                                                         The Ralph Engelstad Arena provides an ideal          for this service.
     		 you in customizing a menu for any event.
                                                         setting for your next corporate event,                                                                  Tax and Service Charge
                                                         meeting or social celebration. Contact Julie Frey
     Ordering During Events                              at 701.777.0836 for additional information.          Alcoholic Beverage Service                         Your invoices will reflect a 7.5% tax on all food
                                                                                                                                                                 and non-alcoholic beverages, a 9.5% tax on all
     During an event, you may place an order from                                                             Ralph Engelstad Arena holds the liquor license
                                                                                                                                                                 alcoholic beverages and a 15% service charge
     the suite menu located in your suite, by giving     Service Ware                                         for the suite level and is responsible for the
                                                                                                                                                                 on all food and beverages.
     your order to your suite attendant. Event day                                                            administration of the sales and service of
                                                         All suites will be provided with the necessary       alcoholic beverages in accordance with the laws
     menu items are marked with an asterisk. Some
     items may not be available on event day.
                                                         service items. An adequate supply of dispos-
                                                         ables will be provided at no additional charge.
                                                                                                              and regulations of North Dakota. Therefore, in     Exclusivity
                                                                                                              compliance with state law, all beer, liquor and
                                                         Should a suite holder desire to entertain with                                                          Due to exclusive contracts with our vendors,
     Complete beverage service is available during                                                            wine must be supplied by Ralph Engelstad Arena.
                                                         china and silverware, we would be happy to                                                              outside food and beverage (e.g. birthday cake)
     events, with the exclusion of special orders as                                                                                                             is not permitted in your suite.
                                                         arrange this at a charge of $20.
     designated in the menu.

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RALPH ENGELSTAD ARENA - Suite Manual 2022-2023
Suite Menu                                                                                                         Loaded

                                                                                                                              Cheese Ball

     & Dips
     Loaded Pepperoni Cheese Ball
     Served with sliced baguettes.
                                                                                    Nachos                                        Flat Breads                                        Quesadillas
     .......................................................... $42     Tricolored tortilla chips smothered                                                                  Filled with flavor and served with
                                                                                                                        *Philly Cheese Steak
                                                                          with your choice of meat, nacho                                                                          sour cream and salsa.
                                                                                                                        Beef, bell peppers, mushrooms,
     Strawberry Basil Cream Cheese Dip                                   cheese sauce, shredded cheese,
                                                                                                                        onions, drizzled with cheese sauce.
     Served with assorted crackers                                      onion, tomato, black olives, diced                                                                *Chicken Avocado Quesadilla
     .......................................................... $42            peppers and jalapeño.                    *Chicken & Sweet Chili                            Grilled chicken, cilantro, cumin,
                                                                            Garnished with our creamy                   Tangy sweet chili sauce, seasoned                 and avocado crema.
     Pretzel Bites with Beer Cheese Dip                                cilantro-lime ranch dressing. Served             chicken, and bacon, smothered with
                                                                                                                                                                          *BBQ Chicken and
     Soft baked pretzel bites served with                                   with sour cream, and salsa.                 a blend of cheeses.
                                                                                                                                                                          Bacon Quesadilla
     a creamy beer cheese dip.                                                                                          *Italian                                          BBQ shredded chicken with bacon
     Four dozen....................................... $46            Deep Dish Nachos                                  Pepperoni, Canadian bacon,                        and cheese.
                                                                      Choose from, BBQ shredded                         sausage topped with Gorgonzola
     Corn Dip & Corn Chips                                            chicken, taco seasoned beef,                                                                        *Philly Cheese Steak Quesadilla
                                                                                                                        and mozzarella cheese.
     Creamy Mexican corn dip served                                   or beef brisket.                                                                                     Beef, bell peppers, onions, cheese.
                                                                                                                        Approximately 20........................... $39
     with crunchy corn chips.                                         Half order serves ten...................... $39                                                     8 piece.............................................. $26
     .......................................................... $42   Full order serves twenty................. $70                                                       16 piece........................................... $48

     *Seven Layer Dip                                                 Hat Trick Nachos
     Refried beans, sour cream, shredded                              Pile on all three meats!
     cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, and                              Half order serves ten...................... $42
     diced jalapeños, served with                                     Full order serves twenty................. $78
     tricolored tortilla chips.
     Small platter................................... $32
     Large platter.................................... $59

     *Ripple Chips & Choice of Dip
     Choose French onion, or
     dill pickle dip.
     .......................................................... $35

     *Tortilla Chips and Salsa
     Tricolored tortilla chips,
     served with salsa.                                                                 Strawberry
                                                                                        Basil Cream                                                                                                       * Menu items that are
     .......................................................... $32                     Cheese Dip                                                                                                        available on game day.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          All other items must be or-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          dered prior to game day.

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RALPH ENGELSTAD ARENA - Suite Manual 2022-2023
Hot                                                                                                                  Cheese

     Hors d’Oeuvres
     Brat Bites                                                    *Chicken Drummies
     Sliced brats with caramelized                                 Deep fried to a golden brown and
     onions, served with French rolls,                             served with ranch and bleu cheese.
     stone ground mustard and relish.                              Two dozen....................................... $38
     Two dozen....................................... $78          Four dozen....................................... $68

     *Deep Fried Shrimp                                            *Boneless Chicken Wings
     Fan tail breaded shrimp served with                           Choose from Sriracha Honey, BBQ,
     cocktail and tartar sauce.                                    Asian or Flamin’. Served with your
     Two dozen....................................... $48          choice of ranch, or bleu cheese.                           Spinach Dip and Bruschetta Bite                                  Pinwheel Platter
                                                                   Two dozen....................................... $36       Tartlets filled with creamy spinach                              20 ham and turkey and 20
     Cocktail Meatballs                                            Four dozen....................................... $68      dip and bruschetta.                                              turkey bacon ranch.
     Choose from Bordelaise,                                                                                                  24 piece........................................... $46          .......................................................... $40
     BBQ , or Asian.
     40 piece........................................... $45                                                                  Italian Caprese Skewers                                          Cheese Tray
                                                                                                                              Tortellini, tomato, olives, mozzarella,                          Garlic and herb cheese spread and
                                                                                                                              and summer sausage.                                              assorted sliced cheeses.
                                                                                                                              24 piece........................................... $42          Serves 15......................................... $46

                                                                                                                              Shrimp Cocktail                                                  Meat & Cheese Platter
                                                                                                                              Served with homemade cocktail                                    Turkey, ham, salami, garlic and herb
                                                                                                                              sauce and lemon.                                                 cheese dip, and assorted cheese.
                                                                                                                              40 piece........................................... $78          Served with assorted crackers.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Serves 15......................................... $56
                                                                                                                              Fresh Fruit and Chocolate Dipped
                                                                                                                              Strawberries                                                     Vegetable Platter & Relish Tray
                                                                                                                              Assorted fresh fruits and fruit skewers.                         Assorted vegetable crudités and
                                                                                                                              .......................................................... $58   relishes served with ranch dip.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Serves 15......................................... $38

                                                                                                                                      Hors d’Oeuvres
                                                                   Spinach Dip                                              * Menu items that are available on game day.
14                                                             and Bruschetta Bites                                         All other items must be ordered prior to game day.                                                                                  15
RALPH ENGELSTAD ARENA - Suite Manual 2022-2023
Combo Packages                                                          Carving Boards                                     Gluten Free
     French Roll Slider Combo
                                                                                 Please order carving boards                     Suggested Menu
                                                                                    four days in advance.
     Four of each flavor. Served with
     garlic herb cheese dip and assorted
                                                                           Gourmet Roast Beef                                         We have prepared a list of
     cheese and crackers.
                                                                           Tender slow cooked roast beef                         suggested menu options based on
     • Beef and Swiss
                                                                           served with five dozen fresh                              the most current ingredient
     • Beef and Cheddar
                                                                           baked rolls, sliced Swiss cheese,                    information from our food suppliers
     • BBQ chicken & chipolte ranch sauce
                                                                           and creamy horseradish.                               and their stated absence of wheat/
     One dozen....................................... $98
                                                                           Approximately 10 pounds........... $225                    gluten within these items.
     Cuban Combo                                                                                                               Although we take precautions against
                                                                           Prime Rib of Beef                                      cross-contamination, we cannot
     Cuban sandwiches and ripple chips
                                                                           Prime rib of beef, slow roasted and                   guarantee a non-gluten item will
     with dill pickle dip.
                                                                           served with five dozen fresh baked                  not come into contact with an item
     One dozen....................................... $78
                                                                           rolls, au jus and horseradish.                          containing gluten, during the
     Two dozen..................................... $149
                                                                           10-12 pounds................................ $325      manufacturing process or during
     Grinder Combo                                                                                                                  normal handling procedures.
     • Everything Grinder Platter
                                                                              Chef assistance for carving and                  • Shrimp Cocktail
     • Pretzel Bites with Beer Cheese Dip
                                                                           serving must have a three day notice.
     • Tortilla Chips and Salsa                                                                                                • Vegetable Platter and Relish Tray
                                                                                 $75 (two hour maximum)
     Small – serves 10............................. $95
                                                                                                                               • Fresh Fruit and Chocolate
     Large - serves 20........................... $180
                                                                                                                                 Dipped Strawberries
     Frito Pie in a Bag                                                                                                        • Meat and Cheese Tray with
     Fritos corn chips & chili, FANtastic                                                                                        Gluten Free Crackers
     combo. Served with diced onion,                                                                                           • Cheese and Cracker Tray with
     shredded cheese, sour cream.                                                                                                Gluten Free Crackers
     10 Bags of Fritos............................ $65
                                                                                                                               • Gluten Free Tortilla’s available
     18 Bags of Fritos........................... $115
                                                                                                                                 with advanced notice
     Taco Bar
     Build your own tacos, 12 flour
     tortillas and 12 corn tortillas with
     your choice of seasoned ground
     beef or chicken. Served with lettuce,
     shredded cheese, sour cream, and
     tricolored tortilla chips and salsa.
     Two dozen....................................... $98

                                                             French Roll
                                                            Slider Combo

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RALPH ENGELSTAD ARENA - Suite Manual 2022-2023
                                                                                      Pretzel Bites with
                                                                                      Beer Cheese Dip

     All you can eat food packages

       The menu packages listed below are
        based on “all you can eat” servings
                                               Fiesta Buffet                  $350
       for 18 guests. Additional charges of    • 7 layer dip with
        $19 per person will apply for suites     tricolored tortilla chips
       with more than 18 guests. Your suite
         attendant will replenish your food    • Pretzel Bites with Beer Cheese Dip
                 items as needed.              • Everything Grinder Platter
                                               • Chicken Avocado Quesadillas
       Tailgater                        $350
                                               • Dessert
       • Kettle chips and French onion dip
       • Loaded pepperoni cheese ball
       • Boneless Asian wings
       • BBQ boneless ribs
       • Brat bites with French rolls
       • Brownies & assorted cookies

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                                                                                                   Brownie Bites
                                                                                                   Stuffed with chocolate whipped
                                                                                                   cream and strawberries.

                                                                                                   Twenty four...................................... $49

                                                                                                   *Mini Stuffed Cream Puffs
                                                                                                   20 mini filled cream puffs, stuffed
                                                                                                   with strawberries and drizzled
                                             Chocolate                                             with chocolate.
                                               Dipped                                              Twenty.............................................. $30
                                                                                                   *Cookie Platter
                             Mini Stuffed
                             Cream Puffs                                                           Two dozen assorted, macadamia nut,
                                                                                                   chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin.
                                                                                                   Two dozen....................................... $36

                                                                                                   Chocolate Dream Brownies
                                                                                                   One dozen brownies topped with
                                                                                                   chocolate fudge frosting.
                                                                                                   One dozen....................................... $30

                                                                                                   Chocolate Dipped Strawberries
                                                                                                   36 berries......................................... $45

                                                                                                   French Silk Pie
                                                                                                   8 pieces............................................ $30

                    Bites                                                                          Real Good Cookies
                                                                                                   Made in Grand Forks with North
                                                                                                   Dakota grown flours and sugars.
                                                                                                     “THE OG” 3.5 ounce salted bitter
                                                                                                     sweet chocolate chip cookies, two
                                                                                                     per package.
                                                                                                   6 packages - one dozen................ $30

     French Silk

                                              * Menu items that are available on game day.
20                                            All other items must be ordered prior to game day.                                                              21
Specialty Pizzas                                         Pepperoni Cheese Bread
                                                                                                                          Thirty pieces of freshly baked
                                                                   • Ultimate Supreme!                                    bread covered with melted
                                                                 		 Pepperoni, Italian sausage,                           cheese and topped with Parmesan
                                                                 		 mushroom, green pepper, onion.                        cheese and pepperoni. Served
                                                                 		 Deep Deep Dish....................... $28             with crazy sauce.
                                                                 		 Thin Crust.................................. $24      Thirty pieces.................................... $30

                                                                   •   Meatsa!                                            Caesar Wings – 3 Varieties
                                                                 		    Pepperoni, bacon, ham,                             Twenty-four chicken wings -
                                                                 		    Italian sausage.                                   choose from 3 flavors of BBQ, Buf-
                                                                 		    Deep Deep Dish...................... .$28          falo, or oven roasted. Served with
     Whole Pizzas                                                		    Thin Crust.................................. $24   ranch dressing.
     Little Caesars® uses only the finest                                                                                 Two dozen....................................... $30
     ingredients to provide top-quality                            • Meatsa Heatsa!
     products, including freshly baked                           		 Pepperoni, Italian sausage,                           Little Caesars Italian Cheese Bread
     dough, a tangy tomato sauce, and                            		jalapeños.                                             Thirty pieces of freshly baked
     a blend of 100% real cheeses.                               		 Deep Deep Dish.................. .....$26             bread covered with melted cheese,
                                                                 		 Thin Crust.................................. $22      topped with Italian spices. Served
     Toppings: cheese, pepperoni,                                                                                         with crazy sauce.
     bacon, ham, sausage, green peppers,                           •   3-Meat Treat!                                      Thirty pieces.................................... $26
     onions, jalapeños, mushrooms,                               		    Pepperoni, Italian sausage, bacon.
     pineapple, black olives.                                    		    Deep Deep Dish.................... ...$26          Cinnamon Crazy Bread
                                                                 		    Thin Crust.................................. $22   Twenty-four freshly-baked bread
     1 – Topping Pizza                                                                                                    sticks topped with the flavor of
                                                                   • Hula Hawaiian!                                       butter, sprinkled with cinnamon and
      Large Thin Crust                                           		 Double ham, double pineapple.                         sugar. Served with white icing.
      Cut into a Party Cut square.                               		 Deep Deep Dish..................... ..$26             Two dozen....................................... $26
      ................................................. $20.00   		 Thin Crust.................................. $22
                                                                                                                          Crazy Bread
      Large Deep Deep Dish                                         • Sweet-n-Spicy                                        Twenty-four freshly baked bread
      ................................................. $24.00   		 Pepperoni, pineapple, jalapeños.                      sticks topped with the flavor
                                                                 		 Deep Deep Dish.................. .....$26             of butter and garlic, sprinkled
      Each Additional Topping                                    		 Thin Crust.................................. $22      with Parmesan cheese. Served
      (Extra cheese is an                                                                                                 with crazy sauce.
      additional topping)                                          •   Veggie! Veggie!                                    Two dozen....................................... $24
      ................................................$3 extra   		    Mushrooms, onion, green
                                                                 		    pepper, black olive.                               *Additional Crazy Sauce
                                                                 		    Deep Deep Dish.................... ...$28          		............................................$2 Each
                                                                 		    Thin Crust.................................. $24

22                                                                                                                                                                                23
Grinder platter
                                           Ham, turkey, or salami. Includes 10                Beer                           and                              Anheuser-Busch
                                           half grinders served with white sauce
                                           and hot sauce.
                                           10 half grinders..........................$73.00                                                              Budweiser
                                           Add taco meat ..........................$25.00                                                                Bud Light

                                           Add Colby cheese.....................$20.00                                                                   Busch Light
                                                                                                                                                         Michelob Golden Light
                                           Everything Grinder Platter                                                                                    Select 55
                                           Ham, turkey, salami, taco meat, lettuce,
                                           Swiss cheese and Colby cheese.                                                                                12 pack............................................. $49
                                           Includes 10 half grinders served with                                                                         Case.................................................. $98

                T   HE RALPH
                                           white sauce and hot sauce.
                                           10 half grinders........................$110.00           Premium Beer                                        Bud Light Chelada
                                                                                                                                                         Michelob Ultra
                                                                                              Goose Island 312                                           12 pack............................................. $52
                                                                                              Lemonade Shandy                                            Case................................................ $104
                                                                                              Lemony, juicy, refreshing.
         Red Pepper                                                                           Kokanee
                                                                                                                                                                  Hard Seltzers
       Grinder Platters                                                                       Lager that is smooth, clean
                                                                                              and lightly hopped.
     The “home of the grinder!” is right                                                                                                                 Bud Light Black Cherry
                                                                                              12 pack............................................. $49
     here inside Ralph Engelstad Arena.                                                                                                                  12 ounce
         Enjoy a sub sandwich made                                                                                                                       12 pack............................................. $56
                                                                                              Goose Island IPA
        with our famous white sauce,                                                          Hoppy, citrus w/grapefruit, pine and
      lettuce, hot sauce, your choice of                                                                                                                 Nütrl VODKA Seltzer Variety
                                                                                              floral notes.
      ham, salami or turkey, and Swiss                                                                                                                   12 ounce Mango, Lime, Pineapple,
                                                                                              Kona Bigwave                                               Watermelon
       cheese. Add Colby cheese and
                                                                                              Golden ale.                                                12 pack............................................. $72
       taco meat and now you’ve got
           yourself a real grinder.                                                           Kona Light
                                                                                              Light blonde ale.
                                                                                              Omission Light
                                                                                                                                                           Non-Alcohol Beer
                                                                                              Citrussy and refreshing.                                   Budweiser Zero
                                                                                              Rhombus Guys 1883                                          6 pack............................................... $28
                                                                                              North Dakota golden ale.
                                                                                                                                                         Stella Liberte
                                                                                              Stella Artois
                                                                                                                                                         6 pack............................................... $30
                                                                                              .      aroma, balanced malt
                                                                                              Stella Cidre
                                                                                              Subtle crisp apple sweetness
                                                                                              balanced w/a delightful dryness.
                                                                                              Summit EPA                                                                   Beer Special
                                                                                              Caramel and biscuit malts, balanced
                                                                                                                                                            Purchase any ten cases of beer
                                                                                              w/juicy citrus hop.
                                                                                                                                                            and receive one case (24 pack)
                                                                                              Breckenridge Vanilla Porter                                      of Domestic beer of your
                                                                                              Roasted malts with notes of vanilla.                                 choice for FREE!
                                                                                              12 pack............................................. $59

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                    25
Spirits                                     and                                                                                                 Sodas

      Mixes                                                                                                                       12 Ounce Cans
                                                                                                                                  Diet Coke
                                                                                                                                  Caffeine Free Diet Coke
                                                                                                                                  Sprite Zero
                        Spirits                                                        Mixes                                      Mello Yello
                                                                                                                                  Dr. Pepper
     Vodka                                                         Lemon Sour                                                     Diet Dr. Pepper
     Smirnoff............................................ $38      1 liter...................................................$6   Fanta Orange
     Titos.................................................. $49                                                                  Minute Maid Lemonade
     Grey Goose..................................... $84           Club Soda                                                      12 pack soda................................... $23
                                                                   1 liter...................................................$6   Case of soda................................... $46
     Bombay Sapphire........................... $59                Tonic Water                                                    Dasani Water (20 oz.)
     Tanqueray ....................................... $68         1 liter...................................................$6   12 pack............................................. $36

     Rum                                                           Bloody Mary Mix..............................$8
     Bacardi............................................. $42
                                                                                                                                                   Soda Special
     Bacardi Limon................................. $42            Roses Lime Juice
     Malibu.............................................. $49      1 liter...................................................$8           Purchase your choice of
     Captain Morgan.............................. $52                                                                                   five cases of soda or water
                                                                   Juice (6 pack of 6 oz. cans)                                       and receive the sixth case FREE.
     Whiskey                                                       Cranberry............................................$9              Free case must be of equal
     Windsor............................................ $32       Grapefruit...........................................$9                    or lesser value.
     Crown Royal ................................... $74           Pineapple............................................$9
     Crown Royal Apple......................... $74                Tomato................................................$9

     Scotch                                                        Clamato (32 oz.).............................. $10             Hot Beverages
     Johnny Walker Red........................ $59                 Orange (6-12 oz. bottles).............. $16                    Coffee (service for 10).................... $18

     E&J.................................................... $32

     Jack Daniels.................................... $68

     Jose Cuervo Silver.......................... $46
     Don Julio Blanco ............................ $84

     Kahlua.............................................. $64
     Bailey’s Irish Cream........................ $74
     Disaronno Amaretto....................... $65
     North Dakota Sweet Crude........... $56

26                                                                                                                                                                                           27


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