Information . Entertainment . Exercise . Chat - Our ...

Page created by Juanita Moody
Information . Entertainment . Exercise . Chat - Our ...
Kilkenny   | 10th - 13th October 2019

Information . Entertainment . Exercise . Chat
   Our Community - Our Positive Mental Health
Information . Entertainment . Exercise . Chat - Our ...
Information . Entertainment . Exercise . Chat - Our ...
‘Craic’d – Letting the Light In’ is Lifelinkk’s fourth   ‘Craic’d– Letting the Light In 2019’ is a celebration
annual celebration of World Mental Health Day            of positive mental health with something for all
which takes place each year globally on October          ages and communities. The hub for the week is
10th. It is a day to celebrate positive mental health    Market Cross Shopping Centre where information
and promote the organisations that offer solutions       from all the organisations will be to hand and talks
to those who need support in improving theirs.           and workshops will take place. The ‘Beat Your
Lifelinkk is an umbrella group for all organisations     Own Drum’ youth project will be on display for the
in County Kilkenny, State, Voluntary and                 duration of the festival and on Saturday October
Community, with a mental health remit. Our aim           12th the concourse of the centre will vibrate to
is to forge and strengthen relationships between         music and poetry. Have a look through our event
community and statutory organisations and to be          schedule and come along and join in as many
a collaborative voice on issues relating to suicide,     activities as possible.
mental health and wellbeing.
                                                         As always our sincere thanks goes out to all
This year for World Suicide Prevention Day on            organisations and individuals that are hosting
September 10th we launched our Wellbeing                 events and the volunteers that make those events
Leaflet which lists all the supports and services        possible. Nothing in life is free so a particularly
available on line and in Kilkenny that those in          heartfelt thanks to our sponsors without whom the
need of support can self-refer too. The Wellbeing        week would not be possible: The Taxback Group,
Leaflet is available in the libraries and in Market      The Lions Club, Kilkenny LEADER Partnership,
Cross during Craic’d – Letting the Light In. If your     Market Cross Shopping Centre, Kilkenny Public
organisation, community or workplace wish to             Participation Network and Connecting for Life;
have some please contact us on lifelinkkilkenny@         Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide .                                              2015-2020.

‘Craic’d – Letting the Light In’ runs from October       We hope you enjoy the week.
10th to 13th and it is a truly collaborative project.
There is something in the week for everyone of           Best Wishes,
all ages. All of us at some stage in our lives go
through emotional distress that can lead to              Trish Finegan
debilitating illness, whether it is the stress of day    Chairperson Lifelinkk- Stronger Together for
to day living, bereavement, physical ill health of       Mental Health
ourselves or someone close to us, caring for our
loved ones young and is true to say that we     for and on behalf of everyone who has made this
will all suffer from mental ill health at some point.    week possible.
Information . Entertainment . Exercise . Chat - Our ...
HEAD HACKERS & LIFE HACKERS                                             EVENT INFO
    Feeling anxious is something that affects us all at different
                                                                                Mondays & Saturdays
    times, but when anxiety starts to affect our enjoyment of life
    on a continuous basis this might be a time when a little bit of         
    extra help could do the world of good.                                      Ossory Youth, Desart Hall,
    ‘Head Hackers’ is a 6 month Programme at Ossory Youth                        New St, Kilkenny
    run on a Monday after school and is aimed at young people                   www.
    in secondary school who are experiencing anxiety. It looks
    at what anxiety is and how it affects us, shares coping
    strategies and identifies what steps we can take together to
    manage it better.
    There will be plenty of fun and interesting activities, all in
    a relaxed environment. We also run ‘Life Hackers’ which
    supports people in similar situations and is an on-going
    group run on Saturdays. If this sounds like something you or
    a young person you know might benefit from and you would
    like to find out more then give us a call.
    These groups are provided completely free of charge.

                                                                                Ossory Youth, Desart Hall,
     ORGANISATION INFO                                                           New St, Kilkenny
     Ossory Youth is a voluntary, non-profit youth work organisation            Eilis 087 9442112
     working with and for young people within the Diocese of Ossory,             Marie 0870673681
     covering Kilkenny and parts of Laois and Offaly. We were officially
     established in 1985 and have operated out of Desart Hall since then.
                                                                                www.

    BEAT YOUR OWN DRUM                                                      EVENT INFO
    A project for young people around their Mental Wellbeing
                                                                                Thursday 10 th - Sunday 13th October
    that will be on display in Market Cross Shoppping Centre for
    the duration of Craic’d - Letting the Light In                          
                                                                                Market Cross Shopping Centre

                                                                                       SPONSORED BY:

    POP UP SALE OF UPCYCLED FURNITURE                                       EVENT INFO
    All the items have produced on site in The Recovery Project,                Thursday 10 th - Sunday 13th October
    and all proceeds from the sale will go directly back into the
                                                                                10am to 4pm (Sunday 2pm to 5pm)
    project. Inside the building there will be an exhibition of Art
    Work produced by the Studio Artists based in the Auxiliary.                 Auxiliary Building and Grounds,
                                                                                 Wolfe Tone Street

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COFFEE AND CHAT                                                         EVENT INFO
Come and join us for International Mental Health Day. Drop
                                                                              Thursday 10 th October
in for a cuppa and a chat to Kilkenny Café, to find out more
about what's available in your community to support mental                    9.30am to 3pm
health and wellness for all. This day is observed on 10th                     Kilkenny Café Market Cross
October every year to raise awareness of Mental Health                         Shopping Cntre
issues around the world and collectively working together                 
to support wellness and recovery from Mental Health and
Addiction challenges. The day provides an opportunity for all
of us involved in working on mental health issues, to share
information and talk about what more needs to be done to
support Mental Health and Wellness for everyone in our

 The Recovery College South East is a new innovative educational initiative, covering the areas of Carlow, Kilkenny,
 South Tipperary, Waterford & Wexford.
 The primary goal of the College is to develop and deliver educational workshops in Recovery and Wellness in
 Mental Health and Addiction. All our workshops are co-produced and co-delivered in partnership with the person
 with the lived experience, their family and supporters and the professionals working in the sector of Mental
 Health and Addiction. Courses are designed to help develop and
 build skills and understanding. We believe that education offers new      Recovery College South East,
 hope and opportunity for us all to learn more about Mental Health             Greensbridge, Kilkenny
 and Addiction challenges, personal recovery journeys, coping skills,         056 7703666
 practical skills and how to get the best from Living every day.

KINESIOLOGY DEMONSTRATIONS                                              EVENT INFO
Kinesiology demonstrations and practical advice on the
                                                                              Thursday 10 th October
benefits of positive thinking.
                                                                              10.00 am to 12.00 pm

                                                                              Natural Health Store,
 ORGANISATION INFO                                                             Market Cross Shopping Centre
 Complementary therapist Breda Gardner runs Insight                           087 2025753 / 056 7724429
 Natural Healing Centre in Kilkenny. A native of Galway,
 Breda qualified and worked as a nurse for many years
 before studying a range of complementary therapies,
 including homeopathy, iridology, muscle–testing and

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SLEEP HYGIENE FOR CHILDREN &                                              EVENT INFO
                                                                                   Thursday 10 th October
    Making sure your child is getting enough sleep can be a real
    struggle for lots of parents. This workshop aims to increase                   10.00 am to 1.00 pm

    parental understanding around sleep,                                           Primary Care & Child Psychology
    why it is important? What things may                                            Service, Community Care HQ,
                                                                                    James Green
    be getting in the way of a good nights
    sleep? Tips to help improve sleep.                                             056 778 4613
    Book your place at this workshop with
    Psychology Admin at 056 778 4613

    ‘A BELLY FULL OF LAUGHTER’                                                EVENT INFO
    IMPROVISING IN A MODERN WORLD                                                  Thursday 10 th October
    This workshop facilitated by actor Peter Byrne returns after
                                                                                   11:00 am
    it’s very successful run during last year’s festival. The event
    is free, a donation box will be available to those who wish                    Teac Tom, Ormonde Road

    to make a contribution. Booking is essential as places are                     086 338 2244
    limited.                                                                   


     Teac Tom is part of The Tommy Hayes Trust set up in 2014 by Angela Hayes following the death of her husband
     and son by suicide. The aim of the Thomas Hayes Trust is to provide support to individuals and families/friends
     who are affected by loss, through suicide, or those considering suicide and to contribute to the prevention of
     suicide in the community. The THT undertakes this objective through the provision of free counselling, education,
     a drop in support service in the Teac Tom Centre on the Ormonde Road, and a public awareness campaign and to
     promote positive mental health. The trust’s goal is to offer free and immediate counselling, in a safe and nurturing
     environment to those directly affected, and their families, who suffer from suicidal ideation and emotional distress.

                                                                                   Teac Tom, Ormonde Road, Kilkenny

                                                                                   056-7796592


    AFTERNOON TEA DANCE FOR THE                                               EVENT INFO
    YOUNG AT HEART                                                                 Thursday 10 th October
    Lifelinkk’s annual afternoon of music, dance and food for
                                                                                   3:00 pm
    the Young at Heart will take place in Hotel Kilkenny at 3pm.
    This event is organised in conjunction with the Community                      Hotel Kilkenny
    Gardaí of Kilkenny who will be on hand to sell raffle tickets                  087 7565376
    for some amazing prizes. Dancing will take place to the tunes         
    of musical maestro Dan the Man.
    Tickets are €3 per person and booking is essential. Book your
    place with Trish at
    or text/phone her on 087 7565376.

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SAFETALK TRAINING                                                         EVENT INFO
safeTALK Training: Takes place in Seville Lodge Kilkenny
                                                                               Thursday 10th October
from 6.30pm. safeTALK is a 3.5 hours training programme
that prepares participants over the age of 18 to identify                      6.30pm to 10pm
persons with thoughts of suicide and connect them to a                         Seville Lodge, Callan Road, Kilkenny
suicide first aid resource. Booking is essential with Leighann                  051 874013
Ryan Culleton of the Regional Suicide Resource Office Phone
or email to book your place or for further information.

 The Resource Office delivers a range of trainings in suicide and self-harm prevention and intervention as well as
 suicide bereavement support, these programmes include:

 •   esuicideTALK                                            • Bereavement workshop for professionals and
 •   safeTALK                                                  key contact people providing support to those
 •   ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)      bereaved by suicide
 •   Understanding Self-Harm                                 • Guidance for communities on supporting people
                                                               bereaved through suicide

 The Resource Office also provides the HSE Bereavement Counselling Service for Traumatic Deaths for those aged
 16 years and over that are bereaved by suicide, homicide, road traffic accident, industrial, domestic and agricultural
 accident or drowning. Referrals are taken via referral form from a relevant health professional. The team in the
 office can support other organisations working in the area of mental health/suicide prevention with advice, training
 and information and signposting to services.
 For further information visit or
 All training queries can be directed to                                                          Seville Lodge, Callan Road, Kilkenny
                                                                               051 874013



OPEN DOOR                                                                 EVENT INFO
Open Door is Kilkenny’s only group for young LGBTI+ people                      Thursday 10 th October
and their allies. It is a gay/straight alliance so is open to all
                                                                               6.30 pm to 8.00 pm
young people aged between 12 and 18 regardless of their
sexuality or gender identity. We get involved in campaigns to                  Ossory Youth, Desart Hall, New St
make life better for young LGBTI+ people, raise awareness
                                                                               Mick Greene 085 1668149
and have lots of fun in a safe and supportive environment.
                                                                                Rebecca Carbery 087 7677556
 ORGANISATION INFO                                                             www.
 Ossory Youth is a voluntary, non-profit youth work organisation
 working with and for young people within the Diocese of Ossory,
 covering Kilkenny and parts of Laois and Offaly. We were officially
 established in 1985 and have operated out of Desart Hall since

Information . Entertainment . Exercise . Chat - Our ...
    Family Carers Ireland is a registered charity a company
                                                                      Thursday 10 th & Friday 11th October
    limited by guarantee, emerging from the coming together
    of two long standing charities of over 25 years in 2016 –         10 am

    The Carers Association and Caring for Carers. The merger          Market Cross Shopping Centre
    brings the best of both charities together                         056 7721424
    whilst broadening the range of services
    and supports to family carers and giving
    one national voice to represent fairness                      
    for carers. The Kilkenny branch is in The
    Springhill Clinic on the Waterford Road.

    WE CAN ALL BE BETTER LISTENERS -                              EVENT INFO
    FOLLOW THE SHUSH TIPS                                              Friday 11th, Saturday 12 th & Sunday
    S.H.U.S.H - Exploring coping and supporting skills.
                                                                      13th October
    One to one chats with Samaritan representatives about how     
    to follow the SHUSH Tips.
                                                                      Market Cross Shopping Centre

    UNDERSTANDING & SUPPORTING                                    EVENT INFO
    YOUNG PEOPLE WHO SELF -HARM                                       Friday 11th October
    Self harm is a term used when someone injures or harms             10am to 1pm
    themself on purpose. This can be a frightening and
                                                                       Primary Care & Child Psychology
    worrying experience for parents. This
                                                                      Service Community Care HQ,
    workshop aims to equip parents with                                James Green
    the knowledge and skills required to
                                                                      056 7784613
    support their child to find better ways
    of coping with their emotions.
    Book your place at this workshop with
    Psychology Admin at 056 7784613

    PHYSICAL EXCERCISE &                                          EVENT INFO
    YOUR MENTAL HEALTH                                                Friday 11th October
    Learn more about physical exercise and the positive effects
                                                                      11:00 am
    it can have on your mental health.
                                                                      Market Cross Shopping Centre

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‘HANDPRINTS: EACH HAND MATTERS’                                      EVENT INFO
A celebration of the Traveller community coming together to
                                                                          Friday 11th October
create an art piece with ‘Handprints: Each Hand Matters’. To
launch and celebrate this piece of work a free coffee morning             10.30 - 12.30
will take place. The symbol of the Handprints are used to                 O’Loughlin Court, Hebron Road
remind individuals of ‘Take 5 to Minding my Mind’ and also
the community working together as one.

 The All Ireland Traveller Health Study found that suicide accounts for 11% of all deaths within the Traveller
 community which is six times the national average, with the rate being almost seven times higher for Traveller
 men compared to the general male population. This study indicated that 56% of
 Travellers said that poor physical and mental health restricted their normal daily
 activities compared to 24% of the general population. In Connecting for Life, the
 national strategy for suicide prevention (Department of Health 2015), Travellers have
 been identified as a ‘priority group’ who are more vulnerable to suicide. The Kilkenny
 Traveller Health Project and the HSE Social Inclusion work together to support the
 traveller community promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.

LAUNCH OF CRISIS CAFÉ FEASIBILITY                                    EVENT INFO
REPORT                                                                    Friday 11th October
A Crisis Café would be a community peer led response
                                                                          3:00 pm
to those presenting with a mental health crisis during out
                                                                           St Canices Neighbourhood Hall,
of hours that is open to all. It would be complimentary to                The Butts, KIlkenny
existing services provided by the HSE and other voluntary
and community groups and would open in the evenings and
weekends. The café would have information and contacts
for those looking for support and/or back up services. The
vision is for the café to be community led as a safe space for
vulnerable people. The establishment of a crisis café would
build on the resources already in Kilkenny that cultivates a
spirit of collaboration and mutual ownership of mental health,
recovery and community. A study on the feasibility of such
a Café was commisioned by Lifelinkk and undertaken by
Workhouse Union in Callan with financial aid from Kilkenny
LEADER Partnership and the HSE. It is this report that is
being launched today.

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BALANCE, ENERGISE & PROTECT YOUR                                       EVENT INFO
     BODY                                                                         Friday 11th October
     This one and a half hour workshop asks the question Why
                                                                                 7pm to 9.30pm
     does the body go out of balance? It will provide answers
     and show techniques on how to energise and protect the                      Insight Natural Health Clinic
     body. €10. Please book your place as spaces are limited.                    087 2025753 / 056 7724429


      Complementary therapist Breda Gardner runs Insight Natural Healing Centre in
      Kilkenny. A native of Galway, Breda qualified and worked as a nurse for many
      years before studying a range of complementary therapies, including homeopathy,
      iridology, muscle–testing and nutrition.

     ZEN CAFÉ                                                               EVENT INFO
     Drop In Sessions for 3rd - 6th years. Young people can
     spend as long as they want in the centre during these times                 Friday 11th & Saturday 12 th October
     and avail of a snack, use the computers, play games or just                  Fridays 4 - 6pm and Saturdays
                                                                                 3 - 5pm
     sit, relax and have a chat.
                                                                                  The Drum, MacDonagh Shopping
                                                                                 Centre

      Foróige DRUM Youth Centre enables young people to involve themselves consciously and
      actively in their own development and in the development of society. All our work is designed
      to achieve this in a developmental and fun way by Building self-esteem and confidence through
      challenging experiences: Developing the ability to manage personal and social relationships:
      Providing learning opportunities which enable youth to gain knowledge and develop new
      skills: Building young people’s capacity to consider risks and consequences, make informed
      decisions and take responsibility.

     BEING MINDFUL                                                          EVENT INFO
     BEING IN THE PRESENT                                                         Saturday 12 th October
     • Mindful Walking with Cathal 9.30 am
                                                                                 9.30am to 12.30
     • Gentle Yoga with Gráinne 10.30 am
     • Mindfulness Meditation with Rose 11.30 am                                  St Canice’s Neighbourhood Hall,
                                                                                 The Butts, Kilkenny
     Please arrive a little early as all events will start on time.
     All welcome & events are free.                                              Jenny 087 954 6368
     Some mats available.
     Tea & Coffee available all morning.

ON THE MALL AT MARKET CROSS                                            EVENT INFO
Music, Song, Rhythm and Poetry: Krisztina Dragouman of
Kilkenny Sound Therapy with provide Sound, Music and          Saturday 12th October
Rhythm to enhance your harmony, wellbeing and healing:        12 noon to 4pm
Performance by Hallie – Golden Busker winner and Market
                                                              Market Cross Shopping Centre
Cross ambassador for Mental Wellbeing. Hallie suffers with
anxiety and depression and is an advocate for mental health
via her song writing and singing. Lesley Cleere, manager of
Market Cross SC will interview Hallie about her story. Poems
from Rhyme Rag Emsemble. The Rhyme Rag is an on line poetry
publication featuring the work of young Kilkenny writers.

KINESIOLOGY DEMONSTRATIONS                                             EVENT INFO
Kinesiology demonstrations and practical advice on the
                                                                             Saturday 12 th October
benefits of positive thinking
                                                                             10am to 12noon
 ORGANISATION INFO                                                       
                                                                              Natural Health Store Market Cross
                                                                              Shopping Centre
 Complementary therapist Breda Gardner runs busy natural
 health clinics in Kilkenny and Waterford. A native of Galway,               087 2025753 / 056 7724429
 Breda qualified and worked as a nurse for many years before        
 studying a range of complementary therapies, including
 homeopathy, iridology, muscle–testing and nutrition.

MINDING MY BABY’S MIND                                                 EVENT INFO
This workshop will offer some short mindfulness exercises
                                                                             Saturday 12 th October
that can be easily applied in daily life and an opportunity to
experience mindfulness in a relaxed setting.                                 3:00 pm

                                                                             Natural Health Store, Market Cross
 Lorraine OB Madden C. Psychol., Ps.S.I. M6672 is a Chartered
 Psychologist with the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) qualified in the area of Educational Psychology,
 carrying out research on social, emotional and behavioural difficulties in children. In recent years, Lorraine has
 begun to specialise in Early Intervention and Infant Mental Health, co-founding the Kilkenny/Carlow Infant Mental
 Health (IMH) Group in 2016. This is a voluntary group which supports, drives and informs IMH initiatives and
 projects in the Kilkenny/Carlow Region.
 Lorraine has worked in a full time capacity with the HSE but since 2019 has dedicated herself fully to her private
 practice - The Education, Psychology and Therapy (EPT) Clinic, Kilkenny. She is a guest lecturer in UCD on the
 Doctorate Program for Educational Psychology and is a member
 of a specialist PSI committee revising professional guidelines for
                                                                           056 7771383
 psychologists on the assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders in
 Ireland. She is also mum to two energetic little boys.                   

FAMILY WORKSHOP FOR PARENTS /                                            EVENT INFO
     CAREGIVERS                                                                      Saturday 12 th October
     Family Workshop for parents/caregivers and their children
                                                                                    12.30 pm
     aged 5 yrs to 10 yrs. This will be a fun and informative
     workshop where Parents/caregivers will have the opportunity                    Natural Health Store, Market Cross
     to interact and connect with their child while learning a
     variety of tools and techniques designed to increase calm
     and relaxation.

      Gillian Coady is the Relax Kids Coach based in Kilkenny. Her Relax Kids class includes
      warm up and movement, fun drama-based games, relaxing mindfulness games, stretching
      and breathing exercises, massage, affirmations and visualisations. Classes take children
      from high energy to low energy and encourage them to relax while developing their
      creativity and imagination. Sessions support children’s mental & emotional well-being
      and give them the tools to manage stress and to be more resilient, calm and confident.

     MINDFULNESS WORKSHOP                                                     EVENT INFO
     Though many of us want to slow down and relax we often
                                                                                    Saturday 12 th October
     find that doing so is not so easy. Mindfulness is a simple
     practice that connects us to the present moment. Through                       2:00 pm

     this awareness we can learn to relate more skillfully to                        Natural Health Store Market Cross
                                                                                    Shopping Centre
     whatever is happening in our lives. It is particularly useful if
     you have a tendency towards worry and overthinking. It also                    087 290 7550
     helps to undermine self criticism and harsh self judgement.                
     The workshop will offer some short mindfulness exercises
     that can be easily applied in daily life and an opportunity to
     experience mindfulness in a relaxed setting.

      Cecilia Shefflin is a certified Mindfulness Teacher and has been teaching mindfulness since 2014 in Kilkenny and
      Tipperary. Cecilia has seen the benefit that mindfulness has brought both to her own life and to those of her clients
      and is passionate to share it with others.


A CRAIC’NG GOOD DAY                                                       EVENT INFO
FREE FAMILY FUN DAY!                                                            Sunday 13th October
Free entertainment for all - music, face-painting, kids
                                                                                2pm - 5pm
treasure hunt, sale of books, CD’s and DVD’s, pizza, tea,
coffee, apple pressing (please bring apples for pressing, and                   Old Auxiliary Hospital,
                                                                               Wolfe Tone St.
containers). Art Exhibition and sale of up-cycled furniture
on the day

 TASK (Training & Support Kilkenny) is a rehabilitative programme for adults with Mental issues,
 under the auspices of Kilkenny Mental Health Services (HSE). People who participate have to
 be referred through the services. We offer a variety of activities between our base in the Abbey
 Business Centre and the old Auxiliary Hospital, where there is furniture up-cycling, gardening,
 sewing and Art on offer.

 The Involvement Centre is a peer-led support service for people with mental health
 issues, their families, friends and supporters. It is based in a house in Collier’s
 Lane (just off High St.). The centre is supported by the HSE, but is run entirely by
 volunteers. Anyone is welcome to call to the centre and participate in activities – no
 referral is needed.

 GROW is a community-based mental health organisation – meetings are held each
 week in communities across Ireland. Groups provide mutual help and support to
 anyone experiencing mental health difficulties or struggling with any aspect of their
 mental wellbeing. Meeting are free, confidential and provide a safe, non-judgemental
 environment. GROW is about breaking social isolation and promoting social
 connectedness. GROW centres on the idea that ‘you alone can do it, but you can’t do
 it alone’ and CHIME concept of recovery – Connectedness, Hope, Identity, Meaning,
 Empowerment. GROW website: GROW InfoLine: 1890 474 474

 The Mens Shed is a workshop where men can come together to; share their experiences,
 have a cuppa & a laugh and work together. We meet in Church Lane on the grounds of
 The Good Shepherd Centre Contact: 085 838 1653 Tuiscint Day Care Services: Kilkenny
 Mental Day Services catchment caters for population of approximately 95,000. Website:

 Tuiscint Day Service provides comprehensive individual and group therapeutic interventions for people with
 acute and enduring mental health needs. All interventions are recovery focused and facilitated by members of
 the enhanced Community Mental Health Team (CMHT). In order to access services in Tuiscint you need to be
 referred by your GP to the Kilkenny Mental Health Services, assessed by a Psychiatrist and if appropriate referred
 to Tuiscint as part of your care plan.

 The Recovery Hub @ The Brook Centre is located on the grounds of St. Canices Complex Kilkenny. We are part
 of the Kilkenny Rehabilitation & Recovery sector and we offer our recovery programme through three strands:
 Creativity - Education - Social Engagement. This service is accessed by those who currently attend the Kilkenny
 Mental Health Adult and Older Adult service

Our Community
                                                            Our Positive Mental Health

OCTOBER 2019                               EVENT                                                                T

Mondays & Saturdays                        Head Hackers & Life Hackers

Thursday 10th to Sunday 13th               Beat Your Own Drum

Thursday 10th to Sunday 13th               Pop Up Sale of Upcycled Furniture

Thursday 10th                              Coffee and Chats with the Recovery College                           9

Thursday 10th                              Kinesiology demonstrations                                           1

Thursday 10   th
                                           Sleep Hygiene for Children & Adolescents                             1

Thursday 10   th
                                           ‘A belly full of laughter’ improvising in a modern world             1

Thursday 10th                              Afternoon Tea Dance for the Young at Heart                           3

Thursday 10th                              safeTALK Training                                                    6

Thursday 10   th
                                           Open Door                                                            6

Thursday 10th & Friday 11th                Information Stand Family Carers                                      1

Friday 11th, Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th   Samaritans: We can all be better listeners - follow the SHUSH tips

Friday 11th
                                           ‘Handprints: Each Hand Matters’                                      1

Friday 11th                                Physical Excercise & Your Mental Health                              1

Friday 11th                                Launch of Crisis Café Feasibility Report                             4

Friday 11th
                                           “Balance, Energise & Protect Your Body”                              7

Friday 11th & Saturday 12th                Zen Café

Saturday 12th                              Being Mindful - Being in the Present:                                9

Saturday 12th                              ON THE MALL at Market Cross                                          1

Saturday 12th                              Kinesiology demonstrations                                           1

Saturday 12th                              MInding My Baby's MInd                                               3

Saturday 12   th
                                           Family Workshop for parents/caregivers                               1

Saturday 12th                              Mindfulness Workshop                                                 2

Sunday 13th                                A Craic'ng Good day                                                  2
Information . Entertainment . Exercise . Chat

    TIME                  VENUE

                          Ossory Youth, Desart Hall, New St, Kilkenny

                          Market Cross Shopping Centre

    10am - 4pm
                          Auxiliary Building and Grounds, Wolfe Tone Street
    (Sunday 2pm - 5pm)

    9.30am - 3pm          Kilkenny Café Market Cross Shopping Centre

    10am - 12pm           Natural Health Store Market Cross Shopping Centre

    10am - 1pm            Primary Care & Child Psychology Service, Community Care HQ, James Green

    11am                  Teac Tom, Ormonde Road

    3pm                   Hotel Kilkenny

    6.30pm - 10pm         Seville Lodge, Callan Road, Kilkenny

    6.30pm to 8pm         Ossory Youth, Desart Hall, New St Kilkenny.

    10am                  Market Cross Shopping Centre

s                         Market Cross Shopping Centre

    10.30am - 12.30pm     O’Loughlin Court, Hebron Road

    11am                  Market Cross Shopping Centre

    4pm                   St Canices Neighbourhood Hall, The Butts, KIlkenny

    7pm - 9.30pm          Insight Natural Health Clinic, Patrick Street, Kilkenny

    Fridays 3pm - 6pm &
                          The Drum, MacDonagh Shopping Centre
    Saturdays 3pm - 5pm

    9.30am - 12.30pm      St Canice's Neighbourhood Hall, The Butts, Kilkenny

    12pm - 4pm            Market Cross Shopping Centre

    10am - 12pm           Natural Health Store, Market Cross Shopping Centre

    3pm                   Natural Health Store, Market Cross Shopping Centre

    12.30pm               Natural Health Store, Market Cross Shopping Centre

    2pm                   Natural Health Store Market Cross Shopping Centre

    2pm - 5pm             Old Auxiliary Hospital, Wolfe Tone St.
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