RADIATION THERAPY front and centre at Horizon Summit

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RADIATION THERAPY front and centre at Horizon Summit
Volume 15 No 3 / June 2019

Quarterly publication of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

                                               RADIATION THERAPY
                                                   front and centre at
                                                     Horizon Summit

Also Featured                                     Phase II          2019 Australian
                           A looming
in this edition          healthcare crisis       exam tips          Federal Election
RADIATION THERAPY front and centre at Horizon Summit
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RADIATION THERAPY front and centre at Horizon Summit
Editor’s Pick
5      An agenda for the ages
                                             16         Choosing wisely                            43         Radiation Oncology
                                                                                                              Quality Corner

6      A doctor's tale

                                             17         RANZCR 2019 ASM heads
                                                                                                   45        Acquiring formal

7      New Zealand News                                 Back to the Future                                   speciality recognition –
                                                                                                             Interventional Radiology

8      Branch News/ News
       in Brief                              21         Targeting Cancer
                                                                                                  46         News from the professions

9                                                                                                 51
         Radiation therapy                              InsideRadiology - IR in focus                        Accreditation, entering
         front and center                                                                                    the final stretch
         at New Zealand
         Parliment                                                                                                Building a portfolio
                                                                                                                  investment when

11                                           27
                                                              Exploring New                                       you are time poor
              Silicosis: A looming
                                                              Assessment Tools in
              health crisis
                                                              Radiation Oncology

                                                                                                                 Uploading diagnostic

                                                                                                                 images to My Health
12     AI algorithm to compete
       in junior radiologist image
                                                              Phase II exam tips                                 Record - What you
                                                                                                                 need to know

14      Changes to your medical
        registration requirements            29        From the Faculty of Clinical
                                                                                                  57       Creative solutions to
                                                                                                           remote medicine –
                                                                                                           from the archives

15      2019 Australian Federal
        Election Update                      37        From the Faculty of
                                                       Radiation Oncology

                          If you have thoughts or comments about one                                      Have you moved
  What                     of the stories you have read in this issue, we                                 recently?
 are your                    want to hear from you. The submission of                                     Log into the MyRANZCR,
thoughts?                  letters to the editor, articles and news items                                 Portal and ensure your
                         are encouraged. Please email any submissions                                     contact details are up to
                                      to editor@ranzcr.edu.au                                             date at www.myranzcr.com

   Inside News is printed on Sovereign Silk. Sovereign Silk is produced in an ISO 14001 accredited facility ensuring
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 Editorial Staff             All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any form or
                             by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
 Editor-In-Chief             Publication of advertisements and articles submitted by external parties does not constitute
 Dr Allan Wycherley          any endorsement by The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists of the
                             products or views expressed.
 Sub Editor                  Inside News
 Mark Grzic                  © 2019 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists® (RANZCR®)
RADIATION THERAPY front and centre at Horizon Summit

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RADIATION THERAPY front and centre at Horizon Summit

                                              An agenda
                                              for the ages
                                              The President on the work
                                              of the College board

   Dr Lance Lawler

When it meets, the RANZCR Board,              intelligence (AI) and, more generally,      opposition announcements on MRI
like boards of directors the world over,      to devote increased resources to the        access and the cost to patients of
works to a prepared agenda. Yet the           College’s role as an advocate, primarily    radiation therapies for cancer. Thanks
more important job for any board is not       to government. Those key decisions are      to a cultural shift in how we represent
agenda-following, but agenda-setting,         now bearing fruit.                          our members, RANZCR is now widely
by which I mean our planning for, and                                                     recognised as the peak body for clinical
anticipation of, the bigger and longer-                                                   radiology and radiation oncology in
term issues facing our members.                                                           Australia and New Zealand, and a
                                              “The College needs a                        respected voice elsewhere.
In our working lives, almost all of us
find it hard to devote the time we            continuous approach                         Increasingly it is evident that, as the
need for long-term planning, and
for asking the big questions, such
                                              on at least two strategic                   pace of change in our professions
                                                                                          accelerates, the Board cannot allow itself
as ‘What contribution can I make to           fronts: ... 'What is the                    to over-focus on standards of education
the healthcare system’? or ‘What is                                                       and practice. These are important
the future of radiology and radiation         best we can do?' and                        functions best managed by the Faculty
oncology?’ And so it is for elected
representatives of our profession. The
                                              ...‘How do we remain                        Councils and the senior management
                                                                                          of the College. If it is to fully live up to
College has its strategic planning days       relevant?’”                                 its role as the peak deliberative body
and horizon scanning exercises, but                                                       within the organisation, I firmly believe
these are never enough. We also have                                                      the Board must be focused on the big
our Strategy to 2021 to guide us in                                                       picture, looking to the future, asking
principle but such documents are almost                                                   the harder questions and tackling the
                                              We all know AI offers many
out-of-date before the ink is dry.                                                        broader issues.
                                              opportunities in imaging and therapy,
The College needs a continuous                but it also constitutes a major threat      As for our membership, they need to
approach on at least two strategic            to patients and practitioners alike if      understand the role of their Board and
fronts: the aspirational (‘What is the best   implemented poorly. To address the          have confidence the Board is doing
we can do?’) and the existential (‘How        issues, the College has developed a         the right thing. This does not mean
do we remain relevant?’) If the Board         draft set of ethical principles for AI in   members need agree with the Board
does not tackle this task adequately          medicine and today it leads the debate      over any specific policy or decision, only
and actively seek answers to the hard         on how clinical radiology and radiation     to be confident the process is strong
questions, how can we reasonably              oncology, and healthcare generally, will    and we are headed in the right general
expect this of our members? We just           manage a digital health future.             direction.
have to do it.
                                              In government advocacy, an intensified      That’s an agenda for all our coming
Consequently, the role of the RANZCR          effort—which has included over              meetings.
Board has in recent years begun to            20 submissions in 2018 alone—has
evolve. I did not start the change but I      resulted in governments and agencies
am determined to see it continue and          regularly consulting with the College
build while President. The change began       for its expertise, insight and input on
with decisions to prioritise specific         policy-related and other matters. These
issues such as the impact of artificial       have included recent government or

                                                                                                    Volume 15 No 3 I June 2019        5
RADIATION THERAPY front and centre at Horizon Summit

                                             A doctor's tale
                                             The Chief Executive Officer
                                             discusses storytelling

     Ms Natalia

In brief: Doctors underestimate the          and, in many cases, still revered. Doctors
power of their stories. Storytelling is      must repay patients and the public for
a weapon of mass impact and doctors          this trust by recasting themselves from
must seize it for the benefit of patients,   an expert to an advocate, a storyteller,
health systems and society.                  an influencer. For many specialist
                                             doctors, this is anathema – after a
In my experience, clinicians feel more
                                             lifetime spent specialising and valuing
comfortable talking about the science
                                             technical expertise above all else, it
of medicine or its politics than about
                                             must be hard to recast yourself as a
the raw emotions of conversations with
                                             public figure. Why change, you ask? In
patients or the personal impact that
                                             my view, it is because an expert can help
they had on someone’s life. Perhaps
                                             hundreds, but an advocate can help
this unemotional approach is a way
                                             hundreds of thousands. You become
to deal with the difficulties of being a
                                             specialists, not because it is easy (as any
doctor and delivering tough news, or
                                             VIVA candidate will attest), but because
a way to show that your judgement is
                                             it is worth it. This is no different.
based on facts and science, may be
it is anachronistic - from a time when       An effective advocate combines their
medicine was a masculine field defined       expertise and facts, with powerful
by stoicism. Whatever the case may be,       stories from the frontline of healthcare.
I often find that doctors minimise the       They work with patients to help them
impact that they have on their patients’     find their own voice. Healthcare stories
lives by speaking of their work in an        are relatable – who hasn’t suffered or
impenetrable jargon-filled language.         seen a family member struggle with
                                             their health? As a trusted profession,
Storytelling is a powerful tool.
                                             a doctor’s audience is primed to be
Storytelling grabs at our imagination,
                                             impressed. Medicine, after all, is like
it is memorable, it has a chance to
                                             magic to most members of the public.
genuinely influence the listener.
                                             Clinical radiologists and radiation
And the world needs influencing.
                                             oncologists just need to work a bit
Strong, educated, ardent voices
                                             harder than other specialties to get their
are much needed now to battle the
                                             stories heard – which is why the College
rise of pseudo-science, health cuts
                                             invests so extensively in our advocacy
masquerading as health policy, and the
                                             work: with politicians, referrers and the
constant noise of the demagogues on
                                             public. If you are ready to rise to the
social media. Doctors remain one of the
                                             challenge, then find your own story           References
most trusted professions1. Where others’                                                   1 http://www.roymorgan.com/findings/7244-
                                             and become an advocate for better
perceived worthiness has been steadily                                                     roy-morgan-image-of-professions-
                                             healthcare and society.
declining, doctors are trusted, respected                                                  may-2017-201706051543

6    Inside News
RADIATION THERAPY front and centre at Horizon Summit

                                                New Zealand
                                                Branch News

   Dr Gabes Lau

Hello All. The year is now well underway        devices available to the public health       There is an often-misguided perception
and I hope this finds you well.                 system. New Zealand could fall behind        that AI may lead to the death of
                                                international best practice without the      radiology. As we did last year, the
Health and Disability Review                    availability of current technology.          College is sponsoring a booth at the
                                                                                             2020 New Zealand Medical Students
At the April NZ Branch meeting,
                                                Horizon Summit                               Association Conference. We hope to
the Health and Disability Review was
                                                                                             counteract these rumours and generate
discussed at length. The Terms of               I want to take this opportunity to
                                                                                             interest in both radiology and radiation
Reference are broad (only four areas are        congratulate our NZ radiation oncology
                                                                                             oncology amongst medical students.
excluded from the review, including ACC         colleagues on a wonderful event
                                                                                             However, College members shouldn’t
and private health insurance) but the           at Parliament to raise the profile of
                                                                                             be shy about correcting colleagues. We
scope of the review is focused on equity        radiation oncology in New Zealand.I
                                                                                             certainly expect that AI will change the
of outcome and ensuring resources are           would like to express my appreciation to
                                                                                             work we do but it will not negate the
best utilised in the future. It is expected     all involved in this landmark event, which
                                                                                             need for radiologists.
that significant changes to New Zealand’s       follows on from the Cancer Crossroads
health system will be based on the              event held earlier this year.
                                                                                             2020 New Zealand ASM
Review’s final recommendations.
                                                College accreditation                        The 2020 ASM for New Zealand is
Therapeutic Products Bill                                                                    expected to be held in Wellington. An
                                                The AMC (and MCNZ) accreditation
                                                                                             EOI is going out. I would like to extend
The Ministry of Health has been consulting      process has begun. The process will
                                                                                             an invitation to radiologists and radiation
on the Therapeutic Products Bill, which is      include site visits in New Zealand. The
                                                                                             oncologists in the Wellington region to be
proposed to replace the Medicines Act.          accreditation panel is headed by Dr
                                                                                             involved and to showcase their expertise
On the horizon is increased regulation          Andrew Conolly (a New Zealander and
                                                                                             in the region. Please email
for devices, including the technology           former Chair of the Medical Council of
                                                                                             nzbranch@ranzcr.org.nz or telephone
dear to the hearts of radiologists and          New Zealand).
                                                                                             (04) 472 6475 if you have any questions.
radiation oncologists. Members can
also look forward to the regulation of          Meeting with ACC
radiopharmaceuticals. The passing of this
                                                The Musculoskeletal Group recently met
bill into law remains a way off. The College
                                                with ACC. ACC has recently undergone
will provide further information as the final                                                  Getting involved at the College
                                                a significant restructure and staff
version of the new legislation becomes
                                                turnover so there were many new faces.
more concrete and we can better advise                                                         The College is currently seeking
                                                The focus of the meeting was to rebuild
on the impact to your practice.                                                                a Training Network Director
                                                the relationship that we have worked
                                                                                               (radiation oncology) and Branch
                                                hard to build with ACC over the last
PHARMAC                                                                                        Education Officer (radiology). This
                                                15 years. Two additional meetings are
                                                                                               is a great opportunity for some new
In other consultation news, PHARMAC,            scheduled for this year.
                                                                                               perspectives to come on board from
the New Zealand Pharmaceutical
                                                Registrar recruitment                          Fellows and Educational Affiliates in
Management Agency, is consulting on
                                                                                               the Branch. Please contact nzbranch@
PHARMAC managing medical devices
                                                As I write this, the annual recruitment        ranzcr.org.nz, telephone (04) 472 6475
in the same way it does medications
                                                round for College registrars in New            or visit the College website for more
for the public sector. During discussion,
                                                Zealand (radiology and radiation               information.
the New Zealand Branch Committee
                                                oncology) is closing. Disappointingly
was concerned about how PHARMAC
                                                this year has seen a record low in the
might rationalise available devices, as
                                                number of applications for radiology.
well as unreasonable delays making new
                                                                                                       Volume 15 No 3 I June 2019       7
RADIATION THERAPY front and centre at Horizon Summit

News in Brief                                                                          Australian
Prof David Ball published in                Attention Trainees! 2019 Varian            Queensland Branch news
Lancet.                                     Medical Systems Educational                It was a great start to 2019 with the
The former Editor-In-Chief of the           Grant application period                   Queensland Branch holding their first
Journal of medical Imaging and              extended!                                  Academic Evening on 12th February
Radiation Oncology, Prof David Ball         Each year Varian Medical Systems           at St Lucia Golf Links in Brisbane.
has had a paper recently published          offers several grants to radiation         The house was packed with nearly 70
in The Lancet Oncology pages.               oncology trainees to assist in their       members to enjoying a good meal and
Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy          attending the RANZCR ASM. Held in          listening to presentations on a range of
versus standard radiotherapy in stage       Auckland this year, these grants assist    topics including:
1 non-small-cell lung cancer (TROG          first and second year trainees with the    • Dr John Grieve - Changing role of IR
09.02 CHISEL): a phase 3, open-label,       cost of registration and other expenses.      in trauma
randomised controlled trial was             If you would like further information,
published in February.                      please refer to the Awards and prizes      • Dr Jason Zhang - Spectral CT in daily
                                            section of the College Website.               practice - Abdominal Imaging
Opportunity to take up a Clinical                                                      • Dr Patricia Deonarie - Imaging of
Fellowship in the UK                                                                      adnexal lesions and their mimics
We are very excited to announce                                                        It was a very enjoyable evening
that applications are now open for                                                     with an opportunity to network with
2020/21 Windeyer Fellowship. The                                                       colleagues, earn CPD points and to
Windeyer Fellowship enables a                                                          catch up with old friends over some
trainee (post Phase 2 Examination), or                                                 fantastic food and wine. It is great to
junior Fellow in Radiation Oncology                                                    see college members getting value out
to undertake a Clinical Research                                                       of their membership and supporting
Fellowship at the Mount Vernon Cancer                                                  the Queensland Radiologist
Centre, Northwood, London, United                                                      community.
Kingdom. The Fellowship involves
a wide- ranging clinical experience
working with a number of senior clinical
oncologists, within several subspecialty
sites. Overall supervision will be
provided by Professor Peter Hoskin.
There will be a focus on participation in
clinical research activities.
For further information, please refer
to the Awards and Prizes page of the
College website.

8    Inside News
RADIATION THERAPY front and centre at Horizon Summit

Radiation therapy front and centre
at New Zealand Parliment

                                                                                       RANZCR CEO, Natalia Vukolova and
                                                                                       several other subject matter experts on
                                                                                       issues including the need to improve
                                                                                       access, the future of radiation oncology,
                                                                                       workforce constraints and the cost
                                                                                       effectiveness of radiation treatment.
                                                                                       The Summit was highly successful,
                                                                                       with those in attendance formulating
                                                                                       a number of key outcomes. This
                                                                                       included a commitment to collaborate
                                                                                       and consult on the national cancer
                                                                                       plan, specifically the future location of
                                                                                       facilities, and a recognition of the need
                                                                                       to urgently implement and invest in a
  Dr Madhavi Chikuri with Minister                                                     new funding structure and identify and
  of Health, the Hon Dr David Clark                                                    promote solutions to workforce shortage
  and Dr Carol Johnson                                                                 issues and trainee retention. Another
                                                                                       key priority identified from the Summit
                                                                                       was to work with medical schools to
Improving access to potentially life-      groups. Participants at the Summit
                                                                                       increase medical students’ awareness
saving radiation therapy for thousands     were pleased to hear the Minister’s
                                                                                       and understanding of a career in
of New Zealand cancer patients was         commitment to equity of outcomes for
                                                                                       radiation oncology.
the key message delivered by the Royal     all cancer patients and the Government’s
Australian and New Zealand College of      aim to reduce the incidence and impact      The Horizon Summit was an important
Radiologists at the first-ever Radiation   of cancer.                                  step toward raising awareness of
Oncology Horizon Summit, on 9 May at                                                   radiation therapy in New Zealand and
                                           RANZCR has been a driving force
New Zealand’s Parliament.                                                              creating a plan to improve access for
                                           in advocating for cancer patients to
                                                                                       those that would benefit from the
Hosted by New Zealand Health Minister,     have access to the most effective
                                                                                       treatment. The College will continue
the Hon Dr David Clark, the Summit         and appropriate treatment for their
                                                                                       to work with decision makers, health
brought together stakeholders from         circumstances. The Summit was the first
                                                                                       professionals, consumer representative
across government, industry, and           event of its kind in New Zealand and
                                                                                       and the Ministry to ensure high quality,
consumer representatives to discuss        the turnout demonstrated that decision
                                                                                       safe, affordable and accessible radiation
improving access to radiation therapy.     makers are taking the need for reform
                                                                                       treatment for all who need it.
The event emphasised the current           seriously.
underutilisation of this lifesaving
                                           As cases of cancer continue to grow in
treatment and has kick-started the
                                           New Zealand, the Summit shed light on
process of developing policy that                                                         If you would like further
                                           the importance of radiation therapy in
ensures patients are always made                                                          information, please contact
                                           helping to combat the disease. Today,
aware of their choices when it comes to                                                   Steve Williams at
                                           Cancer is the most common cause of
treatment.                                                                                Steve.Williams@ranzcr.org.nz
                                           death in New Zealand, responsible
The College acknowledges Minister          for nearly a third of all deaths and is a
Clark for sponsoring the Summit and        leading cause of morbidity.
recognising the importance of radiation
                                           Speakers on the day included Chair of
therapy in the fight against cancer.
                                           the New Zealand Radiation Oncology
Cancer continues to have a huge
                                           Executive Committee, Dr Carol
impact on the lives of thousands of New
                                           Johnson, RANZCR Faculty of Radiation
Zealanders every year and outcomes
                                           Oncology Dean, Dr Madhavi Chilkuri,
are worse for Maori and marginalised

                                                                                                 Volume 15 No 3 I June 2019      9
RADIATION THERAPY front and centre at Horizon Summit
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A looming health crisis

Silicosis is caused by the inhalation         Diagnosis of silicosis                        upskilling radiologists, we plan to build
of respirable crystalline silica dust                                                       relationships with key organisations
contained in manufactured stone               There are no current imaging guidelines       and medical professionals with whom
products used to make kitchen and             for the diagnosis of silicosis. The           we can devise a collaborative, patient-
bathroom benchtops. The condition             Queensland OIR screening program              centered and ongoing strategy for
is progressive, with patients                 involved a radiograph, read by a NIOSH        the management of silicosis and other
suffering lung inflammation and               B-reader to ILO standards. The HRCT           pneumoconiosis.
fibrosis. Silicosis can be prevented          chest was included if recommended
                                              by the radiologist, if the worker was         We will be keeping our members
but there is no known cure and lung
                                              symptomatic or had an abnormal                informed as our work in this space
transplantation is currently the only
                                              spirometry. Referral to a respiratory         evolves, and we will be relying on you to
treatment option.
                                              physician or occupational physician then      provide feedback as we make proposals
Manufactured stone contains up to 95%         occurred as required.                         and develop training and educational
crystalline silica while natural stone such                                                 materials.
as marble or granite contains between         What is the College doing to                  If you have any contributions,
5 to 50% crystalline silica (WorkCover        respond?                                      thoughts or comments, please
Queensland, 2018). Manufactured stone
                                              It is paramount that the College              contact Amy Young, Standards Unit at
is much cheaper that natural stone,
                                              responds effectively and efficiently to       professionalpractice@ranzcr.com
considered easier to work with and is
subsequently used in high volumes by          provide recommendations for accurate,
the industry and tradesmen. Products          reliable and timely diagnosis of silicosis.
containing silica are readily available in    We are currently working with members
leading hardware stores across Australia      of our Professional Practice Committee
and New Zealand, exposing the home            (Please see the article on page 32
handyman to the risks associated with         of this issue) and the Australian and
the product.                                  New Zealand Society of Thoracic
                                              Radiology (ANZSTR) who are tasked
Rising incidence                              with developing recommendations
Following the identification of several       regarding training requirements for
silicosis cases in Queensland throughout      radiologists and diagnostic pathways for
2018, an audit of the stonemason              ‘at risk’, symptomatic and asymptomatic
industry in Queensland and screening          workers. The College is committed to
program of workers ensued. To date,           identifying radiologists with an interest
more than 800 workers have been               in occupation dust lung diseases and
screened, of whom 116 have confirmed          providing opportunities for them to be
silicosis diagnosis.                          educated and upskilled accordingly.

Similar incidence rates are expected in       The College is currently engaged with
other jurisdictions, with the advent of       the OIR, providing recommendations
screening. In the interim, one of the first   and support to their Silicosis Medical
workers diagnosed with silicosis died in      Working Group of which we have
March this year, aged 36 years.               representation on. Complimentary
                                              to our commitment to educating and

                                                                                                     Volume 15 No 3 I June 2019     11

AI algorithm to compete in junior
radiologist image quiz
An AI algorithm could help radiologists prioritize the review of critical cases

It’s a cold and frosty day in Vienna as      “It’s not a question about whether           That’s why clinicians are looking for
junior radiologists sit down for the         the radiologist is better than the AI        opportunities to read STAT chest X-Rays
annual junior image interpretation quiz.     or vice versa,” said Mathias Goyen,          faster and in a more prioritized manner
It’s one of the main attractions at the      chief medical officer at GE Healthcare,      to enable a quicker diagnosis. One such
European Congress of Radiology (ECR)         who presented the AI case. “If there’s       opportunity is the Critical Care Suite* on
and this year is no exception. Six experts   a patient with a pneumothorax in the         Optima XR240amx, which is designed to
in the field each present a case to the      middle of the night when there’s only a      identify cases with the critical condition
young radiologists in the room – one         few radiologists on call, each one with      of pneumothorax at point-of-care to
more complex than the other – and            their hands full, having a smart computer    enable prioritization of image review.
four possible diagnoses for every case.      that can flag that a patient is in need of
                                                                                          “I think the idea and concept about an
The audience then casts votes on the         acute care could be the difference of life
                                                                                          on-device alert really gets to the heart
diagnoses they believe to be correct.        and death”.
                                                                                          of early warning detection technology,”
But this year presented a twist. There       Today, patients who present symptoms         said Dr. Rachael Callcut, Associate
was a seventh case. One that had been        associated with the condition receive a      Professor of Surgery at the University of
assessed by Artificial Intelligence (AI),    chest X-Ray, which can take radiologists     California, San Francisco (UCSF) Medical
rather than a radiologist. The scan on       anywhere between two to eight hours          Center and Director of Data Science for
the screen showed a pneumothorax – a         to read[2]. If the condition isn’t treated   the Center for Digital Health Innovation,
collapsed lung which impacted more           fast enough, the patient can develop         who worked with GE Healthcare to
than 9,000 people in the UK in 2011[1]       tension pneumothorax, or an enlarging        develop the Critical Care Suite. “There
and can be deadly if not diagnosed           pneumothorax[3], potentially leading to      are many opportunities to use early
quickly and accurately. A lung can           fatal consequences if not treated quickly.   alerts and early warnings and it’s very
collapse if air leaks into the space                                                      clear that the sooner the clinician knows
                                             In such cases, patients would receive
between the lung and the chest wall                                                       of a potential life-threatening or major
                                             a “STAT” chest X-ray which is reserved
and pushes on the outside of the lung.                                                    finding, the more likely they are to be
                                             for potentially life-threatening
It can be caused by trauma, cigarette                                                     able to do a timely intervention that
                                             circumstances. STAT portable chest
smoking, certain lung diseases, or by                                                     could perhaps change the trajectory of
                                             X-Rays can attribute to more than 60
complications from surgery.                                                               a patient.”
                                             percent of a radiology center’s mobile
74.8% of the radiologists located the        chest X-ray volume, almost double that       Critical Care Suite will employ a suite of
pneumothorax correctly.                      of routine exams[4].                         AI algorithms, such as pneumothorax
                                                                                          detection, designed to identify this
                                                                                          potentially life-threatening condition in
                                                                                          chest X-Rays with high accuracy (>0.95
                                                                                          AUC). The AI algorithm is hosted on
                                                                                          the mobile X-Ray system – a first of its
                                                                                          kind AI-embedded imaging device –
                                                                                          designed to share the output through an
                                                                                          onscreen notification. Critical Care Suite
                                                                                          on Optima XR240amx is powered by
                                                                                          Edison – a next generation intelligence
                                                                                          platform that helps accelerate the
                                                                                          development and adoption of AI
                                                                                          technology and empowers providers to
                                                                                          deliver faster, more precise care.

12   Inside News

When a pneumothorax condition is                                                                                                            *510(k) pending at FDA. Not available for sale. Not
identified, the point-of-care notification                                                                                                  CE marked
alerts the clinical team, enabling                                                                                                          References
prioritization of image review. The AI                                                                                                      [1] https://statistics.blf.org.uk/lung-disease-uk-big-
results are sent to PACS for review of                                                                                                      picture
the critical findings by a radiologist. An                                                                                                  [2] Rachh, Pratik, et al. “Reducing STAT Portable
AI algorithm could help radiologists                                                                                                        Chest Radiograph Turnaround Times: A Pilot Study.”
                                                                                                                                            Current problems in diagnostic radiology (2017).
prioritize the review of critical cases                                                                                                     [3] Lorenz, Jonathan, and Matthew Blum.
and bring confidence when diagnosing                                                                                                        “Complications of percutaneous chest biopsy.”
difficult cases.                                                                                                                            Seminars in interventional radiology. Vol. 23. No. 2.
                                                                                                                                            Thieme Medical Publishers, 2006
“AI has the potential to transform the                                                                                                      [4] Rachh, Pratik, et al. “Reducing STAT Portable
way we diagnose and deliver care,”                                                                                                          Chest Radiograph Turnaround Times: A Pilot Study.”
said Goyen. “I think future radiologists                                                                                                    Current problems in diagnostic radiology (2017).
will have more tools like these in
their arsenal, helping them meet the
increased radiology demand and
ultimately, treat patients faster”.
by Pernilla Mello, GE Healthcare

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                                                                                                                                                          Volume 15 No 3 I June 2019                      13


     CHANGES TO YOUR MEDICAL                                                                                   Development

                                                                                                      Remediation         Wellbeing


Attention Radiation Oncology Fellows:
Are you aware that your CPD requirements
changed on 1st January this Year?
From 1st January this year, the CPD            Transition to reforms                       Resources to help you
requirements for Radiation Oncology
Fellows changed. The changes have              The Radiation Oncology Post Fellowship      The College has created a CPD Toolbox,
been instituted to accommodate                 Education Committee (PFEC) have             which holds a range of resources to
incoming reforms from the Medical              agreed to progressively adopt the new       assist radiation oncology Fellows meet
Board of Australia (MBA) and Medical           CPD requirements, to allow Fellows the      the new CPD requirements. Links to
Council of New Zealand. These                  opportunity to adapt to the reforms.        these resources are provided below;
reforms will see a shift from the              This means, that effective 1 January
                                                                                           RO Scope of Practice
usual educational activities such as           2019, all Radiation Oncology Fellows
conferences, courses and workshops to          must comply with the following CPD          •	Professional Development Plan
include multiple modalities as follows;        requirements;                                  Template
                                                                                           • Clinical Audit Tool
1.	Educational activities e.g. lectures,      •	Participate in at least one ‘Measuring
                                                                                           • Peer Review Audit Tool
    conference, courses, reading,                 Outcomes’ activity within triennium
                                                                                           • Patient Satisfaction Survey Tool
    supervision and workshops                     (2019-2021)
                                                                                           • Journal Reading Recording Template
                                               •	Participate in at least one ‘Peer
2.	Reviewing performance e.g. peer               Review’ activity in triennium (2019-
    review, performance appraisal, peer           2021)
    review of medical records, case            •	Participate in at least on Educational
    conference, multi-source feedback             activity in the triennium (2019-2021)       If you have any questions or
                                               •	Accrue a minimum of 180 points              concernsabout the upcoming
3.	Measuring outcomes e.g. Clinical                                                          changes to your Australian medical
                                                  for the triennium with the following
    audit, review of medical records,                                                         registrationrequirements, please
    review of clinical indicators/standards,                                                  send them to cpd@ranzcr.com
                                                  o	Points must be accrued from a
    comparison of comparative data
                                                     minimum of 3 or the 7 RANZCR
    sets, audit of medico-legal reports,
                                                     CPD categories
    reflection on professional outcomes,
                                                  o	Individuals much accrue a minimum
    participation in clinicopathological
                                                     of 50 points per year
    correlations meetings
                                               Further, members are being encouraged
Further information regarding the              to have an annual Professional
reforms is available on the RANZCR             Development Plan in place that outlines
website the RANZCR website and in the          the individual learning needs and
2019-2021 CPD handbook.                        demonstrates alignment to their scope
                                               of practice.

14   Inside News

2019 Australian Federal
Election Update

On Saturday, May 18, Australians went
to the polls to vote in the 2019 federal      College President Prof Lance Lawler and
election. The Coalition government            College CEO between meetings at the
under the leadership of Prime Minister        Parliament House in Canberra
Scott Morrison was re-elected to
lead the country for another three
years. The College congratulates
the Coalition on their win and looks
forward to continuing our work with the
Government and Opposition over the
next parliamentary term. Throughout
the campaign, healthcare was a
feature of each party’s platform and
as such, prior to the national vote, the
College secured a number of election
commitments from all the major parties.
For clinical radiology, the Coalition
has pledged to work with RANZCR to
develop a comprehensive strategy to
prepare Australia for the adoption of
AI in healthcare. Considered to be one
of the most influential factors on the
delivery of healthcare into the future,
we feel that RANZCR’s involvement in
this area will ensure that the College
maintains a strong voice in delivering
future outcomes. The Government also
reiterated its previous announcement
to expand MRI access by investing
$375m in Medicare covered MRI scans.
Further commitments were made by            This included modelling for the new          The College has developed strong
the Coalition, to working with RANZCR       radiation oncology schedule and the          relationships with influential decision
to evaluate the impact of its recent        radical prostatectomy guidance note          makers in the Coalition including Health
delivery of 53 new MRI machines. They       in Medicare, which encourages a              Minister Greg Hunt. This was evident in
also outlined how they had delivered        discussion of treatment options with         the strong response we received to our
indexation to 92% of all diagnostic         radiation oncologists.                       election priorities. Though there may
imaging services (commencing July                                                        be some changes in the weeks ahead,
                                            Finally, RANZCR received support from
2020), and invested $32m or MRI and                                                      RANZCR will continue to maintain these
                                            all major and minor parties for the
PET scans for breast cancer patients.                                                    relationships, seek new ones and hold
                                            development of a nationally coordinated
                                                                                         the Government to account for their
For radiation oncology, the government      plan for particle therapy, to encourage
                                                                                         commitments to the electorate during
has committed $63.4 million for radiation   strong collaboration between States and
                                                                                         the recent election and push for the best
therapy centres in regional Australia and   Territories and ensure access to eligible
                                                                                         patient outcomes possible.
supported the introduction of a national    patients. We feel that this support is a
incident reporting and learning system      testament to efforts of the College in
to improve the overall safety and quality   building our reputation as strong, clarion
of radiation therapy. The Coalition also    voice in matters of healthcare backed up
committed to working with RANZCR            with a professional team that is able to
on the implementation of several of         follow through on our promises.
the MBS Review recommendations.

                                                                                                 Volume 15 No 3 I June 2019    15

Robert “Bob” Hawke 1929 – 2019
Australian Prime Minister
                                                                                         Malcolm Fraser's government during
                                                                                         their subsequent period in office.
                                                                                         In 1979 Medicare benefits were limited
                                                                                         to the difference between $20 and
                                                                                         the scheduled fee. And in 1981 access
                                                                                         to free hospital and medical care was
                                                                                         restricted to pensioners with health care
                                                                                         cards, sickness beneficiaries, and those
 Bob Hawke gives the Inaugural Kingsley Laffer Lecture -                                 meeting stringent means tests.
 photo courtesy of the University of Sydney Archives
                                                                                         The transformation of Medibank into
                                                                                         Medicare as we know it, came into
Robert James Lee Hawke was born              served as a governor of the Reserve         operation on 1 February 1984, following
in Bordertown, South Australia,              Bank from 1973 until 1980.                  the passage in September 1983 of
on December 9 1929, the younger                                                          the Health Legislation Amendment
                                             In 1983 he toppled the then Labor
of two sons of Clem Hawke, a                                                             Act 1983. It differed from the original
                                             party leader, Bill Hayden to become the
Congregationalist minister, and his wife                                                 Medibank program only in matters of
                                             leader of the party and thirty-five days
Ellie                                                                                    detail but despite this at the time the
                                             later, led the party to an election win
                                                                                         legislation was considered a radical
In 1969, Hawke was elected ACTU              against the Fraser Liberal Government.
                                                                                         social reform that would create a health
president, receiving the left’s support in
                                             In February 1984 Hawke announced            insurance system that was simple, fair
what turned out to be a closely fought
                                             Medicare. It was an updated version of      and affordable.
contest. During the 1970s, he became
                                             Gough Whitlam’s Medibank program
a towering figure in national political                                                  It became Australia’s first affordable and
                                             which had been originally introduced
and industrial life. Hawke was also ALP                                                  universal health insurance system and is
                                             by Whitlam but partially dismantled by
president from 1973 until 1978, and he                                                   still going strong today.

Choosing                                     More isn’t always better                    Both Choosing Wisely Australia
                                                                                         and Choosing Wisely New Zealand
                                             Unnecessary tests, treatments or            provides specific resources, developed
                                             procedures can be harmful and costly.

                                                                                         with specialist colleges, including
                                             By making sure your patients are well       RANZCR, to help professionals and
                                             informed, you can make the best             health consumers alike. To access these
                                             decisions about their health care,          resources and to find out more, visit
Choosing Wisely was first launched in                                                    Choosing Wisely Australia
the United States in 2012 and has grown      Choosing Wisely campaigns are               www.choosingwisely.org.au
into a global initiative with over 20        led by clinicians, but one of their
                                             primary objectives is to engage health      Choosing Wisely New Zealand
countries and campaigns now in places
                                             consumers in making decisions about         https://choosingwisely.org.nz
such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada,
the UK and parts of Europe. Campaigns        their own medical care.
encourage health professionals and           Consumers are encouraged to consider
Consumers/Patients to engage in              and ask the following questions:
evidence-based conversations about
what tests, treatments and procedures        1.	Do I really need this test, treatment
may not benefit them and could cause             or procedure?
harm.                                        2. What are the risks?
                                             3. Are there simpler, safer options?
                                             4. What happens if I don’t do anything?
                                             5. What are the costs?

16   Inside News

RANZCR 2019 ASM heads
Back to the Future.
Embracing the classic 80’s cult movie       Radiation Oncology: In with the
Back to the Future, delegates will be       old and new!
transported back in time to look back
at the core elements of where we            With the theme this year being Back
have come from and where we will be         to the Future we have secured three
heading as Clinical Radiologists and        amazing keynote speakers Dr David
Radiation Oncologists.                      Beyer, Dr Drew Moghanaki and Dr
                                            Arjun Sahgal. Some of the key topics
The Organising Committee have been          we plan to cover include management
working on an engaging and thought-         of brain metastases, stereotactic
provoking program. Complemented             ablative radiotherapy and treatment
by insights into College activities         of oligometastases, re-irradiation, post
with input from the special interest        ablative radiotherapy imaging, artificial
groups and working committees they          intelligence, dealing with physician
promise a holistic program to engage                                                        Dr Drew
                                            burnout and social media in medicine.
members and affiliated groups. Artificial                                                   Moghanaki
Intelligence will also be a hot topic       Dr David Beyer is the past president of
addressed at the ASM.                       ASTRO and the American Brachytherapy
                                            Society. He will be sharing with
There will be a number of social            us insights into management of
program highlights in the 2019 program,     Genitourinary malignancies. Drew
but the stand out event will be the         Moghanaki requires no introduction for
RANZCR Gala Dinner, where we are            those of you who are on twitter, Drew
encouraging you to channel your inner       is an expert on lung and Genitourinary
80’s spirit and dress in theme as we        malignancies and will be sharing with
dance the night away to some iconic         us his experience on social media as
80’s music. It will be a night not to be    well as SABR for lung malignancies. Dr
missed!                                     Arjun Sahgal is an international authority
Be sure to add some extra time on your      on management of brain and spine
visit to Auckland, either pre or post       malignancies and is the director of the
ASM, to explore New Zealand and its         Sunnybrook Cancer Ablation Therapy
serenity.                                   program. He will be sharing his insight         Dr David
                                            on management of brain metastases               Beyer
                                            and spine metastases using stereotactic
                                            ablative radiotherapy.
                                            As always we will have an action packed
                                            social program and the meeting will
                                            be a great opportunity for you to
                                            network with your peers and develop
                                            new collaborations and relationships.
                                            Auckland is a great city with lots of
                                            things to do and explore, we look
                                            forward to welcoming you in October.

                                            Louis Lao & Ramesh Arunachalam
                                            2019 Radiation Oncology Co-Convenors
                                                                                            Dr Arjun

                                                                 continued over...

                                                                                         Volume 15 No 3 I June 2019   17

Clinical Radiology: Highly                   amateur and professional athletes from
regarded educators and                       a wide variety of sports across the UK.
specialists joining together in              He was involved in the development
Auckland.                                    and provision of sports imaging
                                             services for the London 2012 Olympics,
Clinical Radiology welcomes leading          Manchester Commonwealth Games and
experts from the United Kingdom and          World Indoor Athletics (Birmingham).
United States to present at this year’s      Radiology 6th Edition.
ASM including Dr Paula Woodward,
Professor of Radiology at the University     Dr David Panicek serves as Vice Chair for
of Utah and holds the David G. and           Faculty Affairs in Radiology at Memorial
Marcia R. Bragg Presidential Endowed         Hospital, and Professor of Radiology at
Chair in Oncologic Imaging. In 2014 she      Cornell University Medical College and
was given the honor of Educator-of-the-      is a recipient of the E. Robert Heitzman    Dr Paula
Year by the RSNA. Her area of research       Award for Teaching Excellence (from         Woodward
and clinical focus is pelvic and fetal       radiology residents at SUNY Health
imaging and she holds appointments           Science Center at Syracuse) and the
in both the Department of Radiology          Robin C. Watson Award for Excellence
and Department of Obstetrics and             in Radiology Teaching (from radiology
                                                                                         Dr Andrew
Gynaecology.                                 residents at New York Hospital/
                                             Cornell). He was principal investigator
Interventional Radiologist from Reading      on a National Cancer Institute multi-
Hospital, USA, Dr David Sacks has            institutional grant that compared
authored/co-authored over 120 scientific     CT and MR imaging for staging of
publications and book chapters. He           musculoskeletal tumours. Dr Panicek
has had an interest in the interventional    lectures around the world, and is a
treatment of stroke for nearly 20            two-time recipient of the Outstanding
years and created an interventional          Teacher Award in musculoskeletal
stroke treatment program at Reading          imaging courses at annual meetings of
Hospital in 2001. He has authored            the International Society for Magnetic
or co-authored numerous papers on            Resonance in Medicine.
physician training and performance
standards for carotid stenting and           Dr Michelle S. Ginsberg, is Vice
stroke interventions, and chaired an         Chair for Education and Director of
international writing group to create        Cardiothoracic Imaging in the Radiology
outcome benchmarks for intra-arterial        Department at Memorial Sloan Kettering
stroke therapy. He is currently president    Cancer Center. She is a Professor of
of the Intersocietal Commission for          Radiology at Weill Cornell Medical
the Accreditation of Carotid Stenting        College. Dr Ginsberg was named
Facilities and serves on the board of the    the 2018 New York Roentgen Society
Intersocietal Accreditation Commission.      Distinguished Radiologist and served
He also serves on the board of the           as President of the New York Roentgen
interventional stroke registry, INSTOR.      Society and has been named Castle
He was co-chair of the Society of            Connolly Top Doctors, New York Metro
Interventional Radiology CLOTS               Area for the past 8 consecutive years
interventional stroke training course,       and Top Doctors, New York Magazine
and created a stroke training course for     for the past 4 years. Dr Ginsberg’s
the Interventional Radiology Society of      research focuses on detection,
Australasia in July 2017.                    characterization and measurement of
                                             thoracic malignancies and improving         Dr David
Consultant musculoskeletal radiologist       techniques to assess tumour response.       Sacks
and Honorary Associate Professor to          She has authored more than 133 original
the University of Leeds, Dr Andrew           peer reviewed publications, invited
Grainger will also look to join us in        reviews and chapters.
Auckland. Dr Grainger works closely with
a team of seven other musculoskeletal
radiologists providing MSK imaging           Gabes Lau
services across all modalities. Within the
sub-speciality he has particular interests   Clinical Radiology Convenor
in sports imaging and imaging arthritis
and has been involved in imaging

18   Inside News

              Trainee Learning Days
Dr Michelle
S. Ginsberg   The Clinical Radiology and Radiation
              Oncology Trainee Learning Days will be
              held Saturday 19 October to encourage
              as many trainees and registrars to
              attend the day. The Clinical Radiology
              day will once again focus on VIVA’s
              and preparation for exams, whilst
              the Radiation Oncology program will
              look at Fellowships and Leadership/
              Mentoring programs as part of the day’s
              The day provides an opportunity
              for both disciplines to meet with
              fellow Trainee’s and gain insights into
              preparation for examinations and share
              experiences and networks.

              Anna Gubbins, Radiation Oncology
              Trainee Representative
              Acrane Li, Clinical Radiology Trainee

Dr David

                                                         FLINDERS MEDICAL CENTRE
                                                            PATHOLOGY COURSE

                                                            15 & 16 FEBRUARY 2020

                                          The Division of Medical Imaging at Flinders Medical Centre
                                          will offer a two day Pathology Course, consisting of
                                          lectures and “pots” sessions to be held on Saturday 15 and
                                          Sunday 16 February 2020 at the Adelaide Convention Centre.

                                          The course will be of particular value to registrars and
                                          candidates preparing for the Part II FRANZCR examination. It
                                          will also provide an overview of pathology for practising
                                          radiologists who are encouraged to attend.

                                          Closing date for registrations is: Friday 29 November 2019

                                          For registration form and further information please contact
                                          Helen Sainsbury: helen.sainsbury@sa.gov.au / (08) 8204 4405

                                                                      Volume 15 No 3 I June 2019       19
 Practice  Radiology
            Radiology   in
                            oneof ofAustralia’s
                                      Australia’s  most
 Practice Radiology
          Radiology in
                    in one
                       one of
                           of Australia’s
                              Australia’s most
                                          most stunning
                                               stunning locations
••• Outstanding
     Outstanding       remuneration
                    remuneration            •         •••environment
                                              Collegiate  Collegiate
  • Outstanding remuneration                • Collegiate environment
     opportunities                                    ••• opportunities
     opportunities                          • Fellowship
                                            • Fellowship opportunities
••• Equity
     Equity  participation
            participation   modelmodel
                                   model                  (MSK,
                                              (MSK, Breast,(MSK,  Breast,
  • Equity participation model                (MSK, Breast, NucMed)
••• Interesting
      Interesting    case
                  case  mixmix
                       case mix
                             acrossacross   • Specific••• Specific
                                                       working      working
                                                           Specific           arrangements
  • Interesting case mix across             • Specific working arrangements
     all modalities
          modalities                          negotiated negotiated
     all modalities                           negotiated
••• Full/Part
•    Full/Part
                 time andand
                   time    Locum
  • Full/Part time and Locum
      opportunities  available
     opportunities   available

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Targeting Cancer
under an Italian Sun

Targeting Cancer at the European              ESTRO/CARO/RANZCR                          With Course Director A/Prof Sandra
Society for Radiotherapy and                  Leadership Course                          Turner and Dr Lucinda Morris part of
Oncology Conference 2019                                                                 the international teaching faculty, the
                                              RANZCR, ESTRO and CARO have                College is well represented in this
The European Society for Radiotherapy         collaborated to put together an            important area. The course is being
and Oncology Conference (ESTRO) met           interdisciplinary Foundations of           presented in Sydney for the first time
in the historic, beautiful and stylish city   Leadership course for RO trainees/         this August. Find our more about it on
of Milan, Italy in late April. There was a    junior ROs, RTs and physicists. 36         page 25 of this issue.
significant Australia and New Zealand         participants from over 20 countries were
radiation oncology presence at the            in attendance. The Leadership course
conference, showcasing research from          ran for its second year at ESTRO, with
our region, our College’s contribution to     a program covering leadership theory
global leadership development and of          and styles, personal and relational
course the widely acclaimed Targeting         awareness, effective team building
Cancer campaign.                              and change management as well
                                              as skills in quality improvement and
                                              communicating a vision for change. A
                                              series of interactive teaching sessions
                                              and group activities over 3 days are
                                              tailored to the specialty of radiation
                                              oncology with relevant case studies to
                                              bring the theoretical concepts to life.

                                                                                                 Volume 15 No 3 I June 2019    21

Joint Symposium                            Targeting Cancer –                         Fun Run
RANZCR and ESTRO also collaborate by       International Reach                        ESTRO’s annual fun run buzzed with
co-hosting joint symposia in alternative   The Faculty of Radiation Oncology          excitement and featured a large New
years at our respective scientific         Dean, and clinical leads on Targeting      Zealand and Australian presence.
meetings. This year it was ESTRO’s turn    Cancer, A/Prof Turner and Dr Lucinda       Twelve relay teams made up of RANZCR
to host, with two European speakers        Morris met with representatives from       members, international friends and
and two from our region. The topic         the European Cancer Foundation (ECF),      supporters competed together under
of radiotherapeutic management of          a charity established by ESTRO to help     the Targeting Cancer banner. Branded
oligometastatic disease was chosen due     ensure that all cancer patients who need   gear and temporary transfer tattoos
to the rapid and broad acceptance of it    radiation therapy receive it. RANZCR       ensured that the Targeting Cancer
in recent years. FRO Dean Dr Madhavi       attendees provided an overview of          message was heard in Milan and was
Chilkuri chaired the session alongside     how the strategy behind Targeting          spread far and wide across social media.
Prof Yolande Lievens from Belgium.         Cancer has evolved over its first five
A/Prof. Jarad Martin from NSW              years and outlined resources that both
presented first on use of SBRT for         organisations could share.
oligometastatic prostate cancer. He        The ECF campaign focuses on removal
was followed by Dr Suresh Senan from       of barriers to treatment, including
the Netherlands who covered SBRT           perceptions or lack of awareness and
for oligometastatic non-small cell lung    adequate resourcing of care. The
cancer. Next up, Prof. Tomas Kron,         ECF last year launched the Marie
a medical physicist from Melbourne         Curie Legacy initiative with a resulting
provided an overview of challenges         white paper calling on governments,
of SBRT in physics and related clinical    policymakers, health professionals,
issues to watch out for. The final         patients and societies to help address
speaker, Prof. Ruggero Ruggieri,           the gap in radiation therapy access.
provided hints on optimal dose and
fraction number from lung SBRT.
RANZCR looks forward to welcoming            FRO members are encouraged
ESTRO to our ASM in Auckland this year       to take a look at the Marie Curie
and to the next joint symposium at the       Legacy initiative from ESTRO. If
2020 ASM.                                    consumer advocacy is something
                                             you would like to get involved in
                                             locally, please contact Phil Munro
                                             of the Targeting Cancer team at

22   Inside News
You can also read