Queen's University Belfast - Belfast An exclusive Guide by - Shiksha.com

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Queen's University Belfast - Belfast An exclusive Guide by - Shiksha.com
Queen's University Belfast

       An exclusive Guide by
Queen's University Belfast - Belfast An exclusive Guide by - Shiksha.com
Queen's University Belfast Admissions
2022: Requirements, Fee Details & FAQs
Updated on Jul 27, 2021
A public university situated in Northern Ireland, Belf ast,
the Queen’s University Belf ast (QUB) was established in
1810 as R.B.A Institute and received university status in
1908. QUB is a member of a self -selected association
widely known as the Russell Group comprising many
research-intensive associations such as Universities
Ireland, Universities UK, European University Association,
and Association of Commonwealth Universities. In 2006,
the university made huge investments to build the McClay
library. It is one of the top UK universities f or revenue
generated f rom research commercialisation. QUB strives
to develop new technologies in the key areas of
Inf ormation Technology, Health, Peace and Justice,
Food, Security, and Energy. With a staf f of over 3,700,
the university has a student-to-f aculty ratio of 10:1,
ensuring the best of education experience to all its

 Table of Contents
  1. Courses Of f ered

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Queen's University Belfast - Belfast An exclusive Guide by - Shiksha.com
2. Eligibility & Documents Required
  3. Application & Tuition Fees
  4. Scholarships & Financial Aid
  5. Admission Process
  6. Student Diversity & Pref erred Prof ile
  7. Part Time Work While Studying
  8. Campuses & Accommodation
  9. University Contact Inf ormation

Courses Offered

What all courses are available to international

The university of f ers more than 300 in total, including
over 200 undergraduate courses, and all of them are
open to international students. There are 15 institutions
in the university associated with three dif f erent f aculties
through which these courses are of f ered.

                         Major Study Areas

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Chemistry and
  Arts, English, and              Biological
     Languages                    Sciences
                                                        Mechanical and
          Law                                             Aerospace
                                and Physics
 Medicine, Dentistry,           Natural and
                                                           Nursing and
  and Biomedical                    Built
                                                            Midwif ery
     Sciences                   Environment
                                                        Social Sciences,
      Pharmacy                  Psychology               Education, and
                                                          Social Work
                                      Electronics, Electrical
                                    Engineering, and Computer
   Philosophy, and

INTO Queen’s University Belf ast

QUB has a pathway option f or international students
known as the INTO Queen’s University Belf ast. It helps
international students get entry to their pref erred courses

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on completing this pathway programme. INTO academic
programmes are f or those students whose academic
scores are slightly lower than the minimum required
score. INTO English courses are f or students whose
English prof iciency test scores are below the minimum
requirement. The completion of these pathway courses
by an international student guarantees direct admission
to their pref erred course or programme.

Eligibility & Documents Required

What are the eligibility requirements?

The university has programme, course, and country-
specif ic requirements. For instance, the eligibility criteria
f or Indian aspirants are:

Undergraduate Admissions
  An average of 70-85% or higher in the best of f ive
  academic subjects in Grade 12, awarded by CISCE,
  CBSE, any state board, or equivalent is required.

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Additionally, a minimum percentage of 75% in every
  essential subject is necessary.
  JEE Mains and JEE Advanced marks are also
  considered. In such cases, students’ percentage in
  class must not be below 60%.
  For Medicine and Dentistry, students are required to
  have a minimum of 90% overall, with 90% in Chemistry
  and Biology.

Indian-UK Marks Equivalency
Grade 12 marks received by Indian aspirants are
equivalent to:

      Indian %                             UK Equivalency
         85%                                 AAB at A-level
         80%                                 ABB at A-level
         75%                                 BBB at A-level
         70%                                 BBC at A-level

Postgraduate Admissions

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Indian PG aspirants should hold a bachelor’s degree with
average equivalent to UK Upper Second Class Honours
or UK Lower Second Class Honours.

   Indian              UK Upper
                                                   UK Lower Second
  Grading            Second Class
                                                    Class Honours
  System               Honours
                      4.0 on a 6.0                 3.5 on a 6.0 point
   Grades           point system or              system or an average
                    an or B or Good                      of C+
                       7.5/10.0 or                  7.0/10.0 or 6.0 to
   CGPA                  6.5/10                          6.5/10
                         (good)                      (above average)
                    A minimum f inal                A minimum f inal
                    average of 60%                average of 55 % or
                       or second                 second division pass
                     division pass                    is required

English Language Prof iciency Requirements
For most bachelor programmes, excluding Pharmacy,
Dentistry, and Medicine, QUB accepts 70% in Core

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English subject in Grade 12 of f ered by the f ollowing
  Higher Secondary Certif icate (HSC) by state boards of
  West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and
  Indian School Certif icate (ISC) by Council f or Indian
  School Certif icate Examinations (CISCE).
  All India Senior School Certif icate Examination
  (AISSCE) by Central Board of Secondary Education
Apart f rom this, international UG and PG students can
submit any one of these exam score:

              Linguistically Less
 English                                         Linguistically More
  Exam                                           Demanding Courses
                    Overall: 80                          Overall: 95
                    Writing: 17                          Writing: 17
                   Speaking: 20                         Speaking: 20
                   Reading: 18                          Reading: 18
                   Listening: 17                        Listening: 17
                   Overall: 6.0                        Overall: 7.0
  IELTS          Each element: at                    Each element: at

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least 5.5                           least 5.5

What all documents are needed f or application?

International applicants need to submit the f ollowing
supporting documents with their application f orm:

                                        Postgraduate Admissions
                                           English prof iciency test
                                           All academic transcripts
   English prof iciency test
   All academic                            Copy of immigration
   transcripts                             documents, including
                                           passport and visa
   Copy of immigration
                                           Passport photograph
   documents, including
   passport and visa                       Ref erence letters
   Passport photograph                     Statement of Purpose
   Ref erence letters
   CV/Resume, if                           CV/Resume
   applicable                              Research proposal,

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UCAS Essay                              portf olio, audio/video
                                           auditions (as required)
   Financial documents
                                           Financial documents

Application & Tuition Fees

Is there any application f ees?

The undergraduate application f ee f or Queen’s University
Belf ast is GBP 20 f or a single course and GBP 26 f or
multiple courses (as per UCAS). There is no application
f ee f or postgraduate courses.

What is the f ee structure of courses of f ered by the

The tuition f ees payable by international applicants
depends on the programme and course type. Fee rates
depends on criteria like:
  Classroom-based courses

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Lab-based or courses with workshop component
  Pre-clinical elements involved in medical courses
  Clinical elements involved in medical courses
  BDS Dentistry composite f ee per annum (over 5 years)
In general, international applicants can expect their
tuition f ee to f all between these ranges as per their
chosen programme and course:

Tuition fee is subject to a 2% increase each year along

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with some additional charges. It is recommended that the
students visit official website for current academic year fee

Scholarships & Financial Aid

Is there any scholarship or f inancial aid available f or
international students?

Yes, a f ew scholarships and grants are of f ered by the
university, such as:
  International Of f ice Undergraduate Scholarship:
  This isonly f or new or f irst-year undergraduate
  students. The amount of scholarship ranges f rom GBP
  3,445 to GBP 4,135.
  India Academic Excellence Award: Specif ically f or
  Indian students studying at the university. Students
  must have 85% or more in Grade 12and must be f ull-
  time undergraduates at the university to avail this
  benef it. The amount of the scholarship will be around
  GBP 10,337.
  Early Bird Rewards: Awarded to those who pay 90%

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of the f irst year f ees by June 30, and save the proof of
  payment on email. Such students receive a 10%
  discount on f ees that can be combined with other
  Vice-Chancellor’s International Attainment
  Scholarships: Students will have to apply and submit a
  video f or this scholarship. A 50% discount on tuition
  f ees every year f or a maximum of f our years is

Admission Process

When do the admissions start?

Admissions are of f ered in the Spring and Fall sessions.
Undergraduate applicants need to f ollow the UCAS
timelines and submit application as per its deadline.

                  Deadline Type                                  Deadlines
    Medicine and Dentistry courses
        Deadline f or most courses

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     Last deadline f or international

There are no application deadlines f or most postgraduate
courses. However, international students must apply at
least nine to ten months bef ore the beginning of their
pref erred sessions. Students can also visit the website
f or detailed inf ormation on their courses of choice.

What is the UG application process?

To apply f or an undergraduate course at Queen’s
University Belf ast, students will need to visit the
Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).
International applicants should register on the UCAS
application portal with their personal inf ormation and add
the required inf ormation to complete the application.
Applicants can f urther review and track all their
applications online.

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What is the PG application process?

International applicants can apply f or a postgraduate
course at Queen’s University Belf ast through its online
application portal. You can f ollow the steps given below
to f ill your QUB Application.
Portal Link: dap.qub.ac.uk/portal/user/u_registration.php

Step 1: Create an account as a new user.

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Step 2: Verif y your account and log in again. Create your
application by f irst entering all your personal details in the
My Details section.

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Step 3: Enter education and other details.

Step 4: Select programme and course.

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Step 5: Add ref erence details. Upload other relevant

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Ensure to complete all sections of the application f orm
bef ore submitting. You will get a conf irmation email upon
the successf ul submission of your application.

When will I hear f rom the university af ter I submit my

For undergraduate courses, applicants receive their
admission decision two to three week af ter the UCAS
deadline. Postgraduate applicants can expect to hear
f rom them within two weeks of application submission.

Student Diversity & Preferred Profile

What are the chances to get into this university?

Queen's University Belf ast has an acceptance rate of
35%, thus, it is quite competitive. This low acceptance
rate of the university makes it one of the very selective
universities in the UK. All the applications are considered
individually based on merit, personal statement, and

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ref erences. The majority of the applications are
assessed based on academic scores and qualif ications.
The university ensures that all the assessment methods
are f air, reliable, and transparent. Some specif ic courses
might require interviews, auditions, and aptitude tests.
For Architecture, a portf olio interview is required.
Experience, commitment, and motivation of the students
f or a chosen course or programme are also considered
during selection.

How many Indian/international students are studying
at the university?

Queen’s University Belf ast is a university of global
importance with students f rom over 85 countries. The
university has a total of 24,000 students and about
3,000 international students, including 908 students f rom

Part Time Work While Studying

Can I work while studying here?

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QUB does allow international students to work while
studying. Students with Tier 4 Visa are allowed work 10
to 20 hours a week during the term. These working hours
vary, depending on the school and course students have
opted f or. During vacations, students are allowed to work
f ull-time. However, certain schools extend classes f or a
f ew days, even during vacations. During this period,
students will not be allowed to work f ull-time.

There are various on-campus jobs available at the
university, such as lab assistants, research assistants,
helpers, administrative workers, etc., depending on a
student’s school. Apart f rom these, students can also
work outside of the campus in any f ield of their choice.

Campuses & Accommodation

How many colleges and campuses does the
university have?

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QUB is a single-site campus institutions with three major
academic f aculties, which are f urther divided into 18
dif f erent schools.

                                                               Faculty of
                                  Faculty of
  Faculty of Arts,                                              Medicine,
                                Engineering and
  Humanities and                                               Health, and
  Social Sciences                                                 Lif e
                                    School of
   School of Arts,                                              School of
                                  Chemistry and
    English, and                                                Biological
     Languages                                                  Sciences
                                   School of
                                                               School of
  School of History,              Electronics,
    Anthropology,                  Electrical
                                                              Dentistry and
   Philosophy, and              Engineering, and
       Politics                    Computer
                                   School of                    School of
   School of Law                Mathematics and                Nursing and
                                    Physics                     Midwif ery

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School of Social                 School of
     Sciences,                   Mechanical and                 School of
   Education, and                 Aerospace                     Pharmacy
    Social Work                   Engineering
     Queen's                   School of Natural
    Management                    and Built                            -
      School                     Environment
   Institute of Irish                School of
        Studies                     Psychology
    The Senator                   Institute of
  George J. Mitchell              Electronics,
 Institute f or Global          Communications                         -
 Peace, Security and            and Inf ormation
        Justice                   Technology

Is on-campus housing available?

QUB of f ers both on and of f -campus housing
accommodation to its students. There are more than
3,400 places in the student accommodation houses,
including Elms BT1, Elms BT2, Elms BT9, and Queen’s

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House. The apartments include modern en-suite housing,
shower rooms, f urniture, study rooms, f ull kitchen, chairs,
TV, cable, Wi-Fi connectivity, desk with lamp, and more.
All the housing f acilities are saf e and have 24-hour
service f or students.

  Accommodation Type                        Weekly Cost (in GBP)
           Elms BT1                                        124
          Elms BT2                                         124
          Elms BT9                                         110
      76 Malone Road                                        85
        Grant House                                        110
       Mount Charles                                        85
        Willow Walk                                        125

Source: QUB
The rates are subject to change. Students can check the
university website for the exact cost of the academic year.

University Contact Information

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Whom should I contact in case of any doubts?

International students can contact the university to clear
any doubts or queries:

Website: www.qub.ac.uk/
Address: University Road, Belf ast, Northern Ireland, BT7
Telephone: +44-(0)-28-9024-5133 or +44-(0)-28-

Admission Process

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