QUEDETTE QUARTERLY Fall 2020 - Marquette University

QUEDETTE QUARTERLY Fall 2020 - Marquette University
      Fall 2020
   The Official Newsletter of the Golden Eagle Battalion
   Army ROTC Program Hosted at Marquette University

The Golden Eagle
Battalion conducted
Fall FTX at Fort
McCoy, WI from 24-
27 September 2020.
Cadets were trained
in land navigation,
weapon qualification,
STX lanes and a          The GEB concluded       fan club. The GEB
culminating force on     with a platoon          fan club always puts
force attack. The        competition where       this BBQ together
MSIIIs went through      they went through a     and it is a way for
tactical lanes where     land navigation test,   them to see their
they were evaluated      hand grenades,          son/daughter come        Inside this issue:
on their leadership in   evaluating a            back from a four-
a tactical               casualty and calling    day, intense training.   Fall Superlab          2
environment in order     in a 9-line.            This year's BBQ was
to train them for        Whichever platoon       a little different. In   Ranger Challenge       2
Advanced Camp.           completed all these     order to maintain
The MSI/IIs went         tasks in the least      social distancing,       RECONDO                3
through STX              amount of time won      parents were not
classroom                first-place.            able to come, but
                                                                          Contracting Ceremony   3
instruction with the                             Cadets were still
help of MSIVs to         Cadets returned to      able to enjoy some
prepare them for         Marquette University    well-earned food         Service Committee      4
their future in the      for a BBQ put           before being
GEB.                     together by the GEB     dismissed.               Interview with CDT     5

                                                                          Words from the PMS     6
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Fall Superlab
The Golden Eagle Battalion                                                freezing temperatures and
conducted its annual Fall Super                                           precipitation of all kinds.
Lab on a bright and dry day in
Petrifying Springs Park on                                                The GEB maintained as much
                                                                          social distancing as possible as
UW-Parkside’s campus. MSI
                                                                          well as wearing facial protective
and MSII Cadets trained in a                                              masks all throughout the event
crawl, walk, run fashion in order                                         in order to mitigate the risk of
to both retain more skills and                                            COVID-19.
apply the training they have
already conducted. They             their OPORD. They conducted
focused on battle drills,           platoon missions such as
individual movement                 movement to contact, ambush,
techniques, special team            raid, and attack and defend.
protocols for Aid and Litter and
EPW. The training focused           While moving through the
                                    forest, GEB cadets of all levels
mostly at the squad level with
                                    had the opportunity to bond with
the help of MSIV helpers. MSIII     one another and learn different
cadets applied their knowledge      leadership styles. The weather
from previous labs and class to     was advantageous as past
plan their missions and create      Super Labs have offered

Ranger Challenge
Ranger Challenge is the varsity      well this year at Task Force         Competing with schools across
sport of ROTC. It is a               Ranger Challenge.                    Wisconsin and Northern
competition that tests Cadets’                                            Michigan, the Golden Eagle
mental and physical toughness,       The Golden Eagle Battalion           Battalion came in first place in
                                     continued its tradition of putting   the 5-man Co-Ed category as
while developing leadership
                                     together a top-tier Ranger           well as the 9-man team. Both
skills in the process. Teams         Challenge team. We want to
compete through a series of                                               the 9-man and the 5-man teams
                                     recognize and highlight all of       will compete in the Brigade
events and are awarded points        the GEB’s success in Ranger          Ranger Challenge next
for their performance on each        Challenge as they continue on        semester! A win at the Brigade
event. From rope bridges to          the Road to the Sandhurst            competition will take them to the
stress shooting, the Golden Ea-      competition in Spring 2021.          Sandhurst competition at West
gle Battalion performed very                                              Point.

    GEB 9-Man Team                                      GEB 5-Man Team
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                   Golden Eagle     RECONDO sessions to interact         weapon familiarization test, and
                  Battalion         with each other tactically and       a Tactical Casualty Combat
                  Cadets who        learn how to handle a variety of     Care test. On the third day,
                  have attended     different challenges before they     ERB candidates completed a
                  the               will be evaluated on them.           12-mile, 35lb Ruck March in
                  RECONDO                                                order to complete the entire
                  extracurricular                                        competition.
                  events each
                  week prove to
                  be strong
individuals who continue to
stand out among their peers.
This semester, RECONDO took
place weekly and focused on
Tactical Combat Casualty Care,
radio usage, Call for Fire, Enter
                                    The RECONDO team also
and Clear Rooms, Battle Drills,     conducted the first Golden
and even a Shoot House event        Eagle Battalion Expert               The GEB maintained as much
conducted at Milwaukee Area         RECONDO Badge (ERB). This            social distancing as possible
Technical College which             3-day competition includes a         and wore facial protective
provided Cadets with the            fitness test, written Land           masks throughout all
experience of using force and       Navigation exam, Call for Fire       RECONDO sessions in order to
audacity. These Cadets use          and Grenade assessment,              mitigate risk of COVID-19.

Contracting Ceremony
The Golden Eagle Battalion          contracted Cadets committed to
held their contracting ceremony     serving as strong future officers.
at the Milwaukee County War
Memorial. We normally have          We had a special guest, LTC
our contracting ceremony at the     Charles Olsen, who shared
Alumni Memorial Union at            virtual remarks all about being a
Marquette University, but due to    leader. Cadets’ parents were
COVID-19, we had to switch          allowed to come to see their
things up. The PMS, LTC             son/daughter commit io the
Kiriazis, swore in twenty new       ROTC program. We also
                                    streamed the entire ceremony
                                    on Facebook Live in order for
                                    other Cadets and family
                                    members to be able to see the
                                    ceremony virtually.
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Service Committee
The Golden Eagle Battalion’s        Mask Assembly for the               Kenosha Beach Cleanup
Service Committee is a Cadet        Vulnerable
run organization dedicated to                                            The GEB Service Committee
giving back to the community by     Golden Eagle Battalion Cadets       took part in cleaning up
emphasizing the Army value of       selflessly took time out of their   Simmons Island Beach and
Selfless Service.                   weekend to serve the                Park and the promenade at
                                    Milwaukee community by              Harbor Park in downtown
The student leadership worked       assembling face masks that will     Kenosha, WI. Cadets removed
diligently to organize events to    protect vulnerable local
                                                                        enough trash from the beach
bring Cadets and the                residents from contracting or
community together to make          spreading the novel                 and parks to fill nearly 10
meaningful connections. They        Coronavirus (COVID-19). They        contractor-sized trash bags.
proudly work through outreach       successfully assembled 2,100        The GEB Service Committee is
programs, local clean up, and       facemasks.                          very appreciative of the Mayor’s
Veteran support. Recently,                                              Office at the City of Kenosha,
through the trying times of the                                         which helped to make the clean
pandemic, many Cadets have                                              -up possible.
still made the time and effort to
provide their individual talents
for the betterment of society.

We want to recognize the
efforts of the Service
Committee and share their
recent experiences with
you. The service committee          Estabrook Park Cleanup
held four events this past
semester.                           Cadets also spent the morning
                                    picking up trash in Milwaukee
World War II Memorial Set Up        County’s Estabrook Park.
                                    Estabrook Park is a commonly
                                    used training area that the GEB
                                    uses to conduct leadership
                                    labs. The park rangers stated
                                    that the Milwaukee County
                                    Parks System is severely
                                    understaffed due to COVID-

15 GEB cadets volunteered to
help set up a replica of the
World War Two Memorial that is
in Washington, DC at the
Milwaukee War Memorial.
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Interview with Cadet Douglas Machkovech
                                     know how to interact with others   The cadre did a great job of
                                     and work together to               preparing me for all the
                                     accomplish a goal. Lastly, one     challenges ROTC provided.
                                     of the biggest lessons was time    They made sure I was
                                     management. There are only 24      academically and technically
                                     hours in a day, and you have to    prepared for everything I faced
                                     figure out a way to get            whether it was a competition
                                     everything done. With proper       like Ranger Challenge or a
                                     time management, you can get       training opportunity like Jungle
                                     a lot more done in a day than      school. I think a large part of the
                                     you would think. These are         Golden Eagle Battalion’s
CDT Douglas Machkovech was           some of the most prominent         success is the quality of
named the #1 ARMY ROTC               lessons I’ve learned, but there    instruction that the cadre
Cadet in the entire nation on the    were so many more things that      provide. Other leaders that
order of merit list this semester.   helped to shape me during my       helped prepare me for success
We want to wish CDT                  time in ROTC.                      were mostly other Cadets. Part
Machkovech a big                                                        of the process is being
congratulations from everyone        What are some of your              mentored and learning from the
here at the GEB and wish him         greatest achievements while        older cadets. As a freshman or
nothing but the best in his future   in ROTC?                           sophomore those older Cadets
endeavors! Here are some of                                             are the ones who give you that
                                     Some of the greatest
CDT Machkovech’s thoughts on                                            insight and refine you in little
                                     achievements I’ve had have
his experiences in Army ROTC.                                           ways to help you succeed.
                                     come from special
Why did you ultimately               opportunities. I was able to       What was it like to balance
decide to join ROTC?                 participate in Project GO and      ROTC between your civilian
                                     study Arabic in the Middle East    life and college?
I knew in high school that I         for two months, which was a
wanted to do something with          really cool experience. I was      It was not always easy to
the military, but I also wanted to   also able to attend Jungle         balance life, school, and the
get a college degree. ROTC           Operations course and learned      Army. There were a lot of early
was the perfect option for me to     a lot about tactics and survival   mornings and late nights, but it
do both, so I tried it out as a      during that opportunity. I was     really comes down to time
freshman and really enjoyed it.      able to earn the George C.         management. At times it could
I then made a big effort to earn     Marshall Leadership award,         be challenging to balance the
a scholarship from the Army          which was a tremendous honor,      three, but I thoroughly enjoyed
and eventually did.                  and I was able to lead the         all of it, so it never seemed as if
                                     Golden Eagle Battalion for a       it was work to me.
What are some things you             semester as the Cadet Battalion
were taught while in the             Commander. It has been a           What are your plans after
program?                             great honor to achieve these       commissioning and parting
                                     significant things alongside of    from the Army ROTC
Obviously, there was a large                                            program?
                                     and with the help of my
focus on leadership; learning
                                     classmates and the rest of the
how to make decisions, deal                                             After commissioning I will be
                                     Golden Eagle Battalion.
with adverse situations, take                                           heading down to Fort Benning
care of and manage                   How did ROTC cadre and             to train as an Infantry Officer at
subordinates, and how to             other leaders prepare you for      the Infantry Basic Officer
perform under stress. Beyond         success in the program and         Leader Course (IBOLC) and
all of this, it taught me how to     Army?                              Ranger School.
work as a cohesive team and
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Words from the PMS, LTC Kiriazis
                                          place finishes in the 2020 Task         the new and large gym space into
                                          Force Ranger Challenge under the        a cross functional fitness facility to
                                          leadership of CDTs Matt Oldendorf       better prepare our Cadets to
                                          (MSIV and Team Captain) and             exceed standards in the Army
                                          CPT Dan Williams (coach) for the 9      Combat Fitness Test that has
                                          -Cadet Team. CDT Lindsay Walter         taken effect recently.
                                          (MSIV Nursing Cadet and Team
                                          Captain) and CPT Terry Battison         Unfortunately, COVID-19 has had
                                          (coach) brought another first place     some effect on the size of our
                                          finish for our 5-Cadet COED team        program. I am not as excited to
                                          as well! Both teams will compete        report that we have experiences a
Friends, Family and Alumni of the         in the regional 2021 3rd Brigade        20% reduction in the number of
Golden Eagle Battalion:                   Ranger Challenge Championship           enrolled and contracted Cadets –
                                          at the end of March 2021 at Fort        especially in our freshmen and
What a tremendous semester for            Leonard Wood, Missouri. These           sophomore classes. We attribute
our Golden Eagle Battalion! This          Cadets and Cadre have created a         this reduction to our inability to
marks my final academic year as           dynasty of winning! 4 years in a        chair open table events to promote
the Professor of Military Science. I      row! So proud!                          Army ROTC. We have been relying
am scheduled to depart in the                                                     on virtual recruitment and are
summer of 2021 after almost 5                                                     getting better at it with each
years with this incredible Army                                                   passing month. However, I would
ROTC program. I can assure you             “...This is the first territory        like to take this time to ask friends
that this assignment has been the          expansion in decades and               and family of the Golden Eagle
honored highlight in my near 25            solidifies the great                   Battalion to have a conversation
years of service as an officer in the                                             with that young man or woman that
                                           partnership between
US Army. It has been my exclusive                                                 is already in college or thinking
privilege to be part of such a great       Marquette University and our           about Army ROTC (high school) to
history, lineage and culture of all of     Golden Eagle Battalion. …”             gauge their potential service as an
our campuses and especially                                                       officer of our force.
calling the “Old Gym” home on
Marquette University’s campus and         I am also happy to report that          The Golden Eagle Battalion
will always carry the pride of            Marquette University offered Army       continues to be one of the best
having been associated with some          ROTC new and expansive space            quality programs in the country.
of the best future officers and top       by allocating a second large gym        Operational Metric Scores for our
notch cadre the US Army has to            space and the old Golf Room for         Cadets range within the top 6.5%
offer.                                    exclusive Golden Eagle Battalion        of programs across the entire
                                          use. This is the first territory        Nation in the last 4 years. Much of
                                          expansion      in    decades      and   their success is reliant on the
                                          solidifies the great partnership        tremendous amount of support
 “...for a fourth consecutive             between Marquette University and        from Family, Friends, and Alumni.
 year, the Golden Eagle                   our Golden Eagle Battalion. It also     Thank you for being an influence
                                          continues to tie our program to its     on our future leaders of the Army!
 Battalion won first place                                                        I know we all work to encourage
                                          roots in the old hallways of our “Old
 finishes in the 2020 Task                Gym” – we love it here! Cadets          our future Cadets to discover for
 Force Ranger Challenge…”                 and cadre have been applying            themselves that the Golden Eagle
                                          “elbow grease,” to making these         Battalion is the right place for them
                                          spaces usable and with your             and their aspirations.
As I reflect on the semester, it is       continued donations to the Dey
amazing that we were able to meet         Fund and Duke and Feifar
all of our training objectives in spite   Endowment are so welcomed. We
of the tremendous COVID-19                continue to thank you for your
mitigation standards we put into          donations. We strive to make the
effect. I am proud to report that,        best spaces available. We are
for a fourth consecutive year, the        converting the old golf room into a
Golden Eagle Battalion won first          Tactical Leadership Laboratory and
QUEDETTE QUARTERLY Fall 2020 - Marquette University
Marquette University
1508 West Clybourn Street
Milwaukee, WI 53233

Phone: (414) 288-7195
Email: reuben.sotolongo@marquette.edu
Web: https://www.marquette.edu/army-rotc/


         Golden Eagle Battalion - Marquette Army ROTC (@USArmyROTC)

QUEDETTE QUARTERLY Fall 2020 - Marquette University QUEDETTE QUARTERLY Fall 2020 - Marquette University QUEDETTE QUARTERLY Fall 2020 - Marquette University
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