Purpose Growing with - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Kelly Services

Page created by Marshall Ramirez
Purpose Growing with - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Kelly Services
Purpose Growing with - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Kelly Services

        INTRODUCTION                                               3         ENVIRONMENTAL                                              18         Engagement                                         47
                                                                             Environment                                               20          Social investment programs                         47
        Message from our President and CEO                         4
                                                                             Carbon emissions and climate mitigation                   20          Business continuity and risk management            51
        About Kelly Services                                       5                                                                               Kelly Relief Fund                                  52
                                                                             Energy efficiency                                          21
        Our values                                                 6
                                                                             Water consumption                                         22
        Our five specialties                                       7
                                                                             Waste management                                          22
        Kelly by the numbers                                       8
                                                                             Occupational health & safety                              23          GOVERNANCE                                         53
        Mergers, acquisitions, investments, and divestitures       9
                                                                             Employees                                                 23          Ethics and business conduct                        55
        Global coverage and value chain                            9
                                                                             Customers                                                 23          Governance structure                               55
        Recognition                                               10
                                                                             Our safety leadership journey in the industry             24          Code of Business Conduct and Ethics                57
                                                                             Our response to COVID-19                                  25          Privacy and data protection                        58
        CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY                                                                                                                   Communication and reporting                        59
        AT KELLY SERVICES                                          11                                                                              Internal communications                            59

        Message from our Corporate Sustainability Lead            12
                                                                             SOCIAL                                                     27         External communications-sustainability standards   59
                                                                             Employees and people                                      29          Transparency and integrity line                    59
        Corporate Sustainability Strategy                         14
        Kelly supports the UN Sustainable                         15         Our people                                                29
        Development Goals (SDGs)                                             Equity@Work                                               33
        Stakeholder engagement and materiality                    16         Inclusion and diversity                                   36          ABOUT THIS REPORT                                  60
                                                                             Human rights                                              42
                                                                             Supply chain and customer relations                       43
                                                                             Our supply chain                                          43          ESG DATA TABLE                                     62
                                                                             Supplier engagement and performance management            44
                                                                             Supplier risk management                                  44
                                                                             Supplier Code of Conduct                                  46

        NOTE: This report covers the 2020 fiscal year from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. We may include data and information noted from the 2019 fiscal year.

Purpose Growing with - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Kelly Services
  Message from our President and CEO
  About Kelly Services
  Our values
  Our five specialties
  Kelly by the numbers
  Mergers, acquisitions, investments, and divestitures
  Global coverage and value chain

Purpose Growing with - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Kelly Services

2020 was one of the most challenging years in memory for many of us. The COVID-19                                                                      and we’re seeing results. Our scores on several
                                                                                                                                                       external assessments and audits measuring
crisis and continued racial inequities in our society weighed heavily on people                                                                        sustainability are sequentially improving each
                                                                                                                                                       year, and we continue to reach for further
everywhere, both personally and professionally.                                                                                                        progress in the future.

                                                                                                                                                       2021 marks Kelly’s 75th year in business,
        t Kelly, the experiences of 2020         guided by a clear set of crisis principles        meaningful dent in the many long-standing
                                                                                                                                                       and it’s a year we’re focused on pursuing
        renewed our already strong passion       that we developed at the onset of the             injustices that hold back far too many people
                                                                                                                                                       our strategy as a specialty talent company
        for our purpose of connecting            pandemic. The number one guiding                  from upward mobility — disproportionately
                                                                                                                                                       while advancing diversity, equity and
people to work in ways that enrich their lives   principle is protecting the health and safety     people of color.
                                                                                                                                                       inclusion both within Kelly and in
and reminded us of just how important it         of our people, including our employees
                                                                                                   Governance (Ethics and Business                     society at large. Thank you for joining
is for us to fulfill our purpose in a way that   on assignment and our full-time staff.
                                                                                                   Conduct; Communication and                          us as we grow with purpose.
creates positive, lasting change for people      We quickly transitioned to a remote work
                                                                                                   Reporting): Operating with integrity and
and our planet.                                  environment for employees able to conduct
                                                                                                   doing the right thing has been the Kelly
                                                 their assignments remotely. And for those of
Our ongoing sustainability approach at Kelly
                                                 us on the front lines, we adhere to science-
                                                                                                   way since our founding. Our board of                Peter W. Quigley
continues to be closely tied to our purpose                                                        directors, responsible for leading effective        Peter W. Quigley
                                                 based mitigation strategies carefully
— a strategic program clearly focused on                                                           governance at Kelly, is inclusive: 44% of the       President and Chief Executive Officer
                                                 recommended by our cross-functional
positive environmental and social impact                                                           board is comprised of women or ethnically
                                                 Emergency Management Team.
within an effectively governed framework                                                           diverse members. And in 2020, each of our
based on integrity and ethics.                   Social (Employees and People; Supply              board committees — Audit; Compensation
                                                 Chain and Customer Relations;                     & Talent Management; and Corporate
As a leader and person, I’ve found it helpful
                                                 Engagement): As a talent company, we              Governance and Nominating — became
to reflect on some of the silver linings from
                                                 believe we can and should do more to              fully independent.
the past year, and our continued progress on
                                                 champion for those who aren’t given a fair
our Environmental, Social and Governance                                                           This report provides additional details
                                                 opportunity to secure meaningful work.
(ESG) goals within our sustainability strategy                                                     about what Kelly has accomplished on
                                                 In 2020, we launched our Equity@Work
is one of them. I’ll take a moment to share a                                                      our sustainability journey thus far. Part of
                                                 initiative that sets a course to upend systemic
single highlight from each ESG area:                                                               the path toward continual improvement is
                                                 barriers to employment and make the labor
                                                                                                   aligning our initiatives to the principles of the
Environmental (Occupational Health               market more equitable and accessible.
                                                                                                   UN Global Compact. We’re pleased to sign
& Safety and Environment): Kelly’s               We’re energized by the incredible interest
                                                                                                   and support this collaborative global effort
actions during COVID-19 have been                in this platform and will apply sustained,
                                                                                                   now adopted across nearly 200 countries,
                                                 ongoing effort over the long-term to make a

Purpose Growing with - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Kelly Services

As founder of the staffing industry, Kelly has been
connecting great companies and great people for more
than seven decades.

        mall and large businesses alike trust our expertise in providing solutions that span the spectrum
        of specialty staffing, outsourcing, and consulting. We’re always thinking about what is next in the
        evolving world of work, and we help people adopt new ways of thinking while embracing the value
of all styles of work.

We have progressed from a traditional office staffing company into a workforce solutions leader,
delivering expertise in a portfolio of specialty services. As talent management has become more
complex, we have developed innovative solutions to help many of the world’s largest companies plan
for and manage their workforce through outsourcing, consulting, recruitment, talent advisory, career
transition, and supplier management services.

We offer innovative outsourcing and consulting services, as well as staffing on a temporary, temporary-
to-hire, and direct-hire basis. We also provide a suite of talent fulfillment and outcome-based solutions,
delivering integrated talent solutions on a global basis. In doing so, we enable companies to access
skilled talent that can move their businesses forward.

Purpose Growing with - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Kelly Services

OUR VALUES                                            OUR VISION
                                                      To be the most creative, insightful, and agile talent
                                                                                                                                   OUR NOBLE
                                                      company, committed to uniting vital talent with great
                                                                                                                                   We connect people to work in ways that enrich their lives.
                                                      organizations where, together, we thrive.
Our values are built upon a
tradition of integrity, quality,
and service excellence, which                         EMPLOY A                              RELENTLESSLY                         GROW THROUGH                          ACT LIKE
                                                      TALENT-FIRST                          DELIVER FOR                          DISCIPLINE                            OWNERS
are keys to longstanding                              MENTALITY                             CUSTOMERS                            AND FOCUS                             Inspire efficiency and
relationships we create with                          Consistently consider What’s          Build trusted relationships          Manage the company as a               effectiveness in all that
                                                                                                                                                                       we do. Fiercely protect
                                                      Next for our talent (both those       with our customers by                portfolio of businesses, each
customers, employees,                                 we place and those who are            demonstrating depth of               defined by clear strategies           the capital that will be
                                                      direct employees of Kelly).                                                                                      necessary to continue
suppliers, and the communities                        Be their advocate always,
                                                                                            expertise and solving for
                                                                                            their most complex
                                                                                                                                 and measurable targets
                                                                                                                                 that drive prioritization of          investing in Kelly’s future.
in which we live and work.                            and in ALL ways.                      talent needs.                        resources throughout Kelly.

   e are personally responsible for our actions,     WE ACT WITH                                       WE ARE OBSESSED                                   WE KNOW
  outcomes, and reputation.                           URGENCY AND AGILITY                               WITH GROWTH                                       WHO WE ARE
   e build strong relationships and create Kelly     Speed is key, and so we favor practicality        We are relentlessly driven toward profitable      We are committed to integrity and ethics,
  advocates for life.                                 over perfection. We flex and adapt                growth; it is each of our responsibility to       doing what’s right for our talent, living our
                                                      quickly to changes, both externally               grow the business, our skills and the             noble purpose and courageously holding
   e own and resolve customer and candidate issues   and internally.                                   careers of ourselves and others.                  each other accountable.
  with urgency.
   e treat every customer, employee, and supplier
  with respect and integrity.                         WE COLOR OUTSIDE                                  WE WIN THROUGH                                    WE EXECUTE WITH
                                                      THE LINES                                         OUR PEOPLE                                        CONVICTION
   e continuously seek opportunities to innovate
  and improve the Kelly experience.                   We are fearlessly forward-looking, unafraid       We strive to build diverse,                       We are decisive and take intelligent
                                                      to upset industry norms, and willing to           high-performing teams who are                     risks, rooted in process and
                                                      bring forward bold, innovative and creative       wired to perform at their best.                   data-driven decision-making.
                                                      ideas at all levels of the organization.

Purpose Growing with - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Kelly Services
INTRODUCTION / OUR FIVE SPECIALTIES                         Bringing our specialty vision to life.

OUR FIVE                                                     KELLY                                                           SCIENCE,                   Building on more than seven decades
                                                                                                                                                        of industry leadership, it’s even more

                                                                                            PROFESSIONAL                     ENGINEERING,
                                                             OPERATING                      & INDUSTRIAL                     TECHNOLOGY &               important right now to sharpen
                                                             MODEL                                                           TELECOM                    Kelly’s focus on specialty talent and
                                                                                                                                                        customer needs.

The modern workforce
is more empowered and
mobile than ever, requiring                                                  EDUCATION                    KELLY OCG                       INTERNATIONAL

an equally responsive and
agile talent partner.

        ur business strategy is focused on five business    PROFESSIONAL                    SCIENCE,                           EDUCATION                      KELLY OCG                          INTERNATIONAL
        units organized around specialties that will        & INDUSTRIAL                    ENGINEERING,                       Talent Specialties             Managed Service                    Talent Specialties
        unleash our potential to grow and address the       Talent Specialties              TECHNOLOGY &                       Substitute Educators           Provider (MSP)                     Local Niche Talent
                                                                                                                               Teacher Placements             Contingent Labor                   Life Science Practice
urgent needs of ever-changing market challenges. This
                                                            Contact Center                  TELECOM                            Paraprofessionals              Direct Sourcing
                                                                                            Talent Specialties                 Special Education              Human Cloud
framework allows our leadership to accelerate value while   Finance & Accounting
                                                                                                                               Early Childhood                Identity Management
                                                            Industrial                      Engineering
achieving our mission of becoming a specialty talent                                        Technology                         After-School Programs          Independent Contractors
                                                                                            Telecom & Digital Connectivity     Adjunct Professors             Payroll Outsourcing                  STAFFING
company that delivers results for clients, talent, and      Office
                                                                                                                                                              SOW/RFxManagement                    OPTIONS
                                                                                            Science & Clinical
shareholders.                                               KellyConnect®                                                      Talent Specialties                                                   Temporary Talent
                                                                                            Government Solutions
                                                            Contact Center Outsourcing                                         Non-Instructional              Recruitment Process
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Temporary to Hire
                                                            Customer Support                Managed Business Services          Custodial                      Outsourcing (RPO)
Kelly has adopted a technology-enabled delivery model,                                                                                                                                              Direct Hire
                                                            Technical Support               Centralized Admin Solutions        Food & Nutrition               End-to-End Programs
                                                                                                                               Healthcare                     Project Hiring                        Payroll Service
where we are positioned to expand our outreach and          Remote Agent                    Computer Aided Design &
                                                            Customized Programs             Drafting                           Information Technology         Modular Programs
meet specialty talent wherever they are, connecting                                         Engineering Support Solutions      Office Administration                                                 Delivery
                                                            Managed Business Services                                                                         Talent Advisory Services              On-Site Management
them more seamlessly to our customers.                                                      Functional Service Provider
                                                                                                                               Scope                          Talent Strategy
                                                            Centralized Admin Solutions     Lab Management Solutions
                                                            Engineering Support Solutions                                      Pre-K –12                      Governance
                                                                                            Field Services
                                                            Field Services                                                     Early Childhood                Workforce Research
                                                                                            Manufacturing & Logistics
                                                            Manufacturing & Logistics                                          Higher Education               Career Transition
                                                            Solutions                                                                                         Executive Coaching
                                                                                            Project Services
                                                                                            Technical Writing                                                 Integrated Talent Solutions
                                                                                                                                                              Total Talent Solutions
                                                                                                                                                              Guided Work™
Purpose Growing with - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Kelly Services

                KELLY BY THE NUMBERS
                                 Worldwide coverage in                       Leading staffing provider             Delivering staffing, outsourcing,
                                 51 countries                                in targeted U.S. specialties.         and advisory services across Americas,
                                 (with the ability to support KellyOCG MSP                                         EMEA and APAC.
                                 programs in 8 additional countries)

                                 2020 revenue of                             Principal provider of K-12            Supported by 4,600+ supplier
                                 $4.5 billion                                educational staffing.                 partners globally.

                                 Gross profit: $827.60                       Top 5 scientific, engineering and     90% of Fortune 100™ companies
                                 (In millions of USD)                        office workforce solutions provider   use our services.
                                                                             in the U.S.

                                 Kelly has approximately 7,100               Leading managed services provider     Helping people adopt new
                                 corporate employees worldwide.              with $8.9 billion spend under         ways of thinking.

Purpose Growing with - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Kelly Services

MERGERS, ACQUISITIONS,                                                       GLOBAL COVERAGE AND VALUE CHAIN
INVESTMENTS, AND                                                             Our value chain consists of two categories: talent supply chain services and third-party vendors and suppliers.
                                                                             Our talent supply chain offers workforce solutions for suppliers, mainly through Managed Service Providers (MSP),
DIVESTITURES                                                                 while also supporting Staffing Solutions, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO/Perm) solutions, and Business
                                                                             and Professional Services (BPS). Up to one percent of our supply chain enables a wide variety of solutions — the
                                                                             majority once again are MSP.

 n January 2020, Kelly acquired Insight Workforce Solutions LLC              KELLY GLOBAL FOOTPRINT
 (“Insight”), an educational staffing company, to help expand our
                                                                             Americas                              EMEA                                                      APAC*
 leadership position in the U.S. educational talent solutions industry.
                                                                             Argentina                     ● ●     Angola             ●     Libya                      ●     Australia                                                   ● ●
In November 2020, Kelly announced the acquisition of Greenwood/              Brazil                     ● ● ●      Armenia            ▲     Lithuania                  ●     British Indian Ocean Territory                              ▲
Asher & Associates, a premier specialty education executive search firm      Canada                  ● ● ● ●       Austria            ●     Luxembourg             ●   ● ●   China                                            ● ● ● ●
based in Miramar Beach, Florida. This acquisition will expand Kelly’s
                                                                             Colombia                      ●       Belgium        ●   ● ●   Netherlands            ●   ● ●   Hong Kong                                        ●          ●
leadership position beyond K-12 and higher education.
                                                                             Costa Rica                    ●       Croatia            ▲     Norway                 ●   ● ●   India                                            ●          ● ●

                                                                             Mexico                                Czech Public             Oman                             Japan
Investments                                                                                          ● ● ● ●                          ●                                ▲                                                                 ●

                                                                             Puerto Rico             ● ● ●         Denmark        ●   ● ●   Poland                 ● ● ● ●   Indonesia                                        ● ● ▲ ●
We continue to make investments in technology, particularly those
                                                                             Trinidad & Tobago             ●       Estonia            ●     Portugal               ● ● ● ●   Malaysia                                         ● ● ● ●
which support greater efficiency in finding talent to answer customer
                                                                             United States                         France                   Russia                           New Zealand
needs. In 2020, we implemented a front office platform in the U.S. and                               ● ● ● ●                      ●   ● ●                          ● ● ● ●                                                               ●

Canada and will be gradually deploying its outreach to other regions.                                              Georgia            ●     Saudi Arabia               ▲     Niue                                                        ▲
This platform will streamline the processes and workflows associated                                               Germany        ● ● ● ●   Spain                      ●     Philippines                                           ● ●
with recruiting, onboarding, and reassigning workers.                         KEY
                                                                                                                   Hungary        ●   ● ●   South Africa               ●     Singapore                                        ● ● ● ●
                                                                              ● Temporary Staffing
                                                                                                                   Iceland                  Sweden                           South Korea
In 2019, in order to improve geographic coverage and operations               ● Business & Professional Services                      ●                                ● ●                                                    ● ● ● ●
                                                                              ● Managed Service Provider
efficiency, we reorganized the commercial staffing operations that were                                            Iraq               ●     Switzerland            ●   ● ●   Taiwan                                           ●          ● ●
                                                                              ● Recruitment Process Outsourcing
delivered by our U.S. branch network. The new structure will allow us to                                           Ireland        ● ● ● ●   Turkey                     ▲     Thailand                                         ● ● ● ●
                                                                              ● MSP Current Locations
refine our focus on specialties within the commercial staffing portfolio,     ▲ MSP Former Locations               Israel             ●     United Arab Emirates       ●     Vietnam                                          ●          ● ●
including light industrial, electronic assembly, office professionals, and
                                                                                                                   Italy          ● ● ● ●   United Kingdom         ● ● ● ●
                                                                                                                                                                             *Delivered through PERSOLKELLY Joint Venture partnership with

contact center staffing.                                                                                                                                                      PERSOL Group

Purpose Growing with - SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2020 - Kelly Services

  Forbes’ list of America’s Best Recruiting          International Association of Outsourcing
   Firms for 2020. Kelly earned the third spot on      Professionals (IAOP) 2020. KellyOCG
   Forbes’ 2020 list of America’s Best Professional    was named to the International Association
   Recruiting Firms.                                   of Outsourcing Professionals 2020 Global
                                                       Outsourcing 100 List.
  FlexJobs 2021 “Top 100 Companies for
   Remote Work” List. Kelly named No. 5 on the        Best Use of Online Recruitment by a
   Top 100 Companies for Remote Jobs list by           Recruitment Agency 2020, OnRec. Kelly
   FlexJobs for 2021.                                  Services recognized by OnRec in London for
                                                       its recent achievement in supplying staff to a
  Kelly® named to Staffing Industry Analysts          customer using Pixid recruitment technology.
   (SIA) Largest Global and US Staffing Firms
   and Largest US Direct-Hire Firms 2020 lists.       Great Place to Work® Certification. KellyOCG
                                                       in India was recognized as one of the Best
  EcoVadis Silver Supplier Status 2020. Kelly®        Workplaces in the country, as certified by the
   earns Silver Supplier status for business           Great Place to Work® Institute through a rigorous
   sustainability from EcoVadis.                       work culture assessment process.

  Leader for Services Procurement by Everest         HR Vendor of the Year by Human Resources
   Group 2020. Everest Group, a top research           Online 2020. For the fifth year in a row, KellyOCG
   analyst in the market, has named KellyOCG a         in Singapore received the Gold award for Best
   Leader for Services Procurement.                    Recruitment Process Outsourcing Partner.

 Message from our Corporate Sustainability Lead
 Corporate Sustainability Strategy
 Kelly supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
 Stakeholder engagement and materiality


    Without a doubt,
                                                he health crisis wiped out the           sustainable development, even and
                                                universal status quo and caused          despite the global crisis.
                                                us huge setbacks on economic,
   2020 represented                      environmental, social, and humanitarian         In the current context in which post-
                                         issues. In this context, corporate              pandemic reconstruction is at the
     one of the most                     responsibility, integrity, and sustainability   center of the debate, the role of private
                                                                                         companies is essential to recover the
                                         were challenged like never before,
     challenging and                     positioning private companies as a              path towards a balanced coexistence
                                                                                         between the people, resources, and
                                         generator of well-being and demanding
                                                                                         services that we consume.
      uncertain years                    their solidarity and response capacity
                                         in the face of the global pandemic.             The good news is that we have solid
       humanity has                      Additionally, the social unrest caused
                                         by increased inequalities, racism and
                                                                                         strategies and guidelines to maintain
                                                                                         our commitment to sustainable
                                         discrimination have made 2020 a year to
          ever faced.                    redesign ourselves more than ever.
                                                                                         development and the SDGs. Today, we
                                                                                         reaffirm our corporate ethics because we
                                         In this new reality, maintaining good           are certain that a new world is not only
                                         practices related to our sustainability         possible but essential for development
                                         and corporate social responsibility             and continuity. Through the challenges
                                         strategy was an immense challenge               of the year, we continued to push
                                         for the company and also needed                 through and work responsibly and
                                         more than ever. It is precisely for that        sustainably. 2020 is a year to be proud     Belen Benitez
                                         reason, Kelly’s efforts must be valued          of Kelly and our efforts.                    Belen Benitez
                                         more than in past years, as they also                                                        Corporate Sustainability Lead,
                                                                                         We invite you to reaffirm and strengthen
                                         guarantee our employees, shareholders,                                                       Kelly Services
                                                                                         your commitment to sustainable
                                         stakeholders and community in general,          development, together with us and learn
                                         the transparency in our work and                through our 2020 Sustainability Report
                                         the continuity of our commitment to             how we work and thrive.


Sustainability is a guiding principle for our operation which drives our
relationship with our global workforce, suppliers, and customers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           GOVERNANCE        ENVIRONMENTAL

        s a leading global workforce                                      outreach and impact, incorporating an                                   In early 2019, we adhered to the principles              Communication     Occupational Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                            and Reporting       & Safety and
        solution provider, our sustainability                             interdisciplinary perspective. We also                                  of the United Nations Global Compact
        strategy embodies our mission of                                  aim to guide our worldwide subsidiaries                                 to report on our commitment to the
connecting people to work opportunities                                   and collaborators in planning, managing,                                United Nations Sustainable Development
that enrich their lives, making a difference                              and implementing responsible and                                        Goals. Kelly also participates in external
in the communities in which we live and                                   sustainable business practices for                                      assessments such as EcoVadis, CDP,
work, and strengthening our relationship                                  creating meaningful and impactful                                       Human Right Campaign Foundation’s
with our stakeholders … where together                                    shared value for all stakeholders.                                      Corporate Equality Index (CEI),               GOVERNANCE
we thrive.                                                                                                                                        Responsible Business Alliance (RBA),            Ethics and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    COMMITMENTS              SOCIAL
                                                                          Given the global outreach of our                                        and ISS Corporate Solutions (ICS). These         Business         BUILT AROUND            Employees
Kelly’s approach to sustainability falls into                             business, we take public accountability                                 platforms provide us an opportunity to          Conduct           SIX PILLARS             and People
three main categories: Environmental,                                     seriously. Our sustainability strategy                                  analyze our performance and identify
Social, and Governance. It is strategically                               is supervised by the sustainability                                     enhancement opportunities, while
built upon six key pillars that are aligned                               governance committee, which is                                          providing a consistent and transparent
to the United Nations Sustainable                                         represented by executive leaders and                                    measurement for the impact of our
Development Goals (SDGs). As we                                           overseen by the Board of Directors.                                     sustainability strategy.
continue developing and monitoring our                                                                                                                                                                      SOCIAL
                                                                          Since 2018, Kelly has adopted                                                                                                   Supply Chain
sustainability strategy, we work closely                                                                                                                                                                                        SOCIAL
                                                                          international sustainability reporting                                                                                          and Customer
with cross-functional areas to assess our                                                                                                                                                                   Relations         Engagement
                                                                          standards to communicate performance1.

    The content of this report is informed by the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI), The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board’s (SASB), and the U.N Global Compact.


               MISSION     Connect people to meaningful employment opportunities and make a difference in the communities in which we live and work

                                      ENVIRONMENTAL                                                           SOCIAL                                                       GOVERNANCE

                   OUR              Occupational Health & Safety
                                                                                  Employees and People
                                                                                                           Supply Chain and
                                                                                                                                                                 Ethics and                 Communication
                PILLARS                  and Environment                                                  Customer Relations                                  Business Conduct               and Reporting

                                                                                      Talent Attraction      Supplier Risk
                                   OH&S; Employees and Customers                                                                     Social Investments          Governance             Internal Communications
                                                                                       and Retention         Management

                    OUR           GHG emissions and energy efficiency                and
                                                                                                           Supplier Diversity         Engage Program
                                                                                                                                                               Code of Business         External communications
                                                                                                 @Work                                                        Conduct and Ethics       and sustainability standards
             INITIATIVES                                                          Diversity

                                                                                                            Supplier Code                                      Privacy and Data               Transparency
                                        Resource Conservation                          Human Rights                                  Business Continuity
                                                                                                             of Conduct                                           Protection                and Integrity Line

                OUR                            Global Policies, Standards and Scope                         Stakeholder Engagement                         Communication, Evaluation and Reporting



                                                                    KELLY SUPPORTS THE UNITED
                                                                    NATIONS SUSTAINABLE
                                                                    DEVELOPMENT GOALS
                                                                    The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals             Our commitment to contributing to the UN Sustainable
                                                                    (SDGs) represent the world’s pressing challenges for         Development Goals is more relevant than ever. Since
                                                                    the planet and its people by 2030. It represents a           2019, Kelly Services has adhered to the Ten Principles of
                                                                    collaborative global effort, setting 17 global goals and     the Global Compact, and has regularly communicated its
                                                                    189 targets to reduce inequality, end poverty, combat        progress toward these principles. We are committed to
                                                                    climate change, and contribute to a sustainable,             making these principles part of our strategy and business
                                                                    peaceful, and thriving future. Despite its adoption by 193   culture. We have also aligned our Corporate Sustainability
                                                                    countries as well as significant progress that has been      Strategy to 6 SDGs and have conducted a self-assessment
                                                                    made on reducing poverty in some countries around the        analysis in order to identify opportunities to contribute
                                                                    world in recent decades, both climate change and the         toward the achievement of these goals. In 2021, we will
                                                                    coronavirus pandemic have threatened this progress           release our revised Human Rights policy, and freedom of
                                                                    and have increased the worldwide gaps that the SDGs          association commitment, and will adopt measurement
                                                                    are intended to address.                                     indicators to assess our contribution toward these goals.

                                                                    Our commitment to contributing to the United Nations Sustainable
                                                                    Development Goals is more relevant than ever. Since 2019, Kelly Services
                                                                    has adhered to the Ten Principles of the Global Compact, and has regularly
                                                                    communicated its progress toward these principles.


    STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT                                                                                                                                  MEMBERSHIPS AND
    AND MATERIALITY                                                                                                                                         ENGAGEMENT
    We continually engage with our stakeholders in order to better understand their concerns,                Community and non-
    enabling us to deliver a more effective and valuable Corporate Sustainability Strategy. In addition      governmental organizations                     1. SOCIAL IMPACT PARTNERS
    to engaging with our stakeholders through a variety of initiatives and activities directed toward        Kelly has a tradition of giving back and       2. E
                                                                                                                                                                XTERNAL INSTITUTIONS AND MEMBERSHIPS
    our customers, suppliers, and communities where our offices are located, we conduct a formal             engaging employees in causes that have
    materiality assessment every two years in order to identify and prioritize our response to the issues                                                    American Staffing Association   Nasdaq Annual Report
                                                                                                             a social impact which empowers them
    of greatest relevance to both our internal and external stakeholders. We expect to conduct our                                                            (ASA)                           OSHA temporary worker
                                                                                                             to be leaders for change within their
    second materiality assessment in the second semester of 2021.                                            communities. We have developed local            Business Leaders for Michigan    initiative
                                                                                                             partnerships to provide volunteering            CDP                             Responsible Business Alliance
    Key Stakeholders                                      the highest level of business ethics and           opportunities for our employees as well         CEO Action for Diversity         (RBA)
                                                          operational standards across the worldwide
    Kelly leadership and employees                                                                           as contributing financially to social causes     and Inclusion                   Society of Human Resource
                                                          Kelly network. Our suppliers are a critical part   aligned to the core values of our business.     Corporate Equality Index —       Management Foundation
    We maintain continuous engagement with                of our organization who enable the placement
    our employees through two main channels:                                                                                                                  Human Rights Campaign           The World Employment
                                                          of third-party labor for our customers in a        Shareholders
    Kelly Intranet and Automated Virtual                  variety of specialty services. We strive to                                                         (HRC) Foundation                 Confederation-WEC
                                                                                                             We engage with our investment
    Assistant system. Our company Intranet                guarantee compliance with our Code of                                                              Detroit Regional Talent         The Conference Board
                                                                                                             community through direct meetings,
    facilitates the sharing of and access to              Conduct by our suppliers and the promotion                                                          Compact                         UK Modern Slavery
                                                                                                             annual reports, financial statements, and
    information, connecting different work teams          of these standards within their supply chains.                                                     EcoVadis                         Transparency Act Statement
                                                                                                             investor conferences.
    with employee affinity groups, upcoming
                                                          Government and regulators                                                                          General Data Protection         UN Global Compact
    events, as well as topics that are trending in                                                           Industry associations                            Regulation
    the company, and the industry. Our portals                                                                                                                                                U.S. Americans with
                                                          We advocate for public policy issues               We engage with industry associations,
    include Kelly News; Industry News, and a                                                                                                                 IPSE — U.S.                      Disabilities Act U.S. Foreign
                                                          that are significant to our business               actively participating in staffing-industry
    message from leadership that communicates                                                                                                                Lumina Foundation                Corrupt Practices Act
                                                          and our ability to serve our customers             events and meetings in order to exchange
    information from top management to all                and workforce. We actively monitor                 information on best practices, raising
    employees, along with need-to-know                    new employment as well as labor laws               standards within the industry, identifying
    messages that provide the latest information          and regulations that are proposed or               trends and opportunities within the
    on policies, best practices, and initiatives.         adopted at the local level which may               industry while advocating for policy issues
                                                          increase employers’ potential exposure             that are significant to our business.
    Partners and suppliers                                to employment-related claims within our
    Our KellyOCG team works closely with                  worldwide network.
    our customers and suppliers to ensure


          Materiality                                     Our materiality assessment analyzed an
                                                          exhaustive list of sustainability issues
          The materiality matrix was revised in order     that cover all aspects of our business,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Employees and
          to define the six principles that guide our     taking into consideration ESG issues                                                                                  Communication             working conditinos
                                                          related to external standards such as GRI,                                                                            and Reporting
          Corporate Sustainability Strategy and the

                                                                                                        ///////// STAKEHOLDERS' EXPECTATIONS
          content of its reporting. The six pillars are   EcoVadis Assessment, CDP, Sustainable                                                                                                                Market
                                                          Development Goals, UN Guiding                                                         Engagement: community                                          presence
          defined as follows:                                                                                                                  outreach and social impact
                                                          Principles of Human Rights, UN Global
          1. Employees and people
                                                          Compact, and the World Employment                                                                                                  Customer relations
          2. Ethics and business conduct                  Confederation. In this process, we identify                                                                                        and supply chain
          3. Engagement                                   stakeholders’ expectations and prioritize
                                                          the most relevant topics on which we
          4. O
              ccupational health & safety and
                                                          established our strategy.
             environment                                                                                                                                                            Human rights
          5. Supply chain and customer relations
          6. Communication and reporting
                                                                                                                                                                                         Ethics and business
                                                                                                                                                                                                   health and safety

                                                                                                                                                                            ///////// BUSINESS IMPORTANCE

  Carbon emissions and climate mitigation
  Energy efficiency
  Water consumption
  Waste management

  Occupational health & safety
  Our safety leadership journey in the industry
  Our response to COVID-19

  Our sustainability strategy supports the following SDGs:


                          We have reduced our corporate             Scope 3 emissions from                   Our Kelly Anywhere platform
                          campus building’s carbon                  employee business travel fell to         allowed employees to transition
                          footprint by 26% over the last            682 metric tons of CO2e due to           to remote working rapidly and
                          7 years.                                  global COVID-19 travel restrictions.     effectively, ensuring business
                                                                    This represented a 75% reduction         continuity as well as the health and
                                                                    from last year.                          safety of our employees during the
                                                                                                             response to COVID-19.
                          Between 2013 and 2020, energy
                          consumption in our offices has
                          decreased by 19%.                         We held our first virtual carbon
                                                                    neutral event, where we
                                                                    avoided an estimated 28 tons of CO2      We deployed our Emergency
                                                                    emissions into the atmosphere and        Management Team to rapidly
                                                                    engaged our suppliers and internal       respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
                          Scope 1 direct emissions from             network to plant 3,200+ trees in
                          natural gas accounted for 762 metric      Sydney, supporting local reforestation
                          tons of CO2e, remaining consistent        initiatives from Australia wildfires.
                          with last year’s emissions.

                          Scope 2 indirect emissions                70.13 tons of waste was recycled         Our Absolute Zero program
                          from the purchase of electricity in our   in our corporate campus.                 recorded the lowest recordable
                          operations accounted for 4,149 metric                                              incident rate in our history.
                          tons of CO2e, reduced by 17% from
                          emissions last year.


          Kelly is committed to protecting and maintaining our planet for future generations.
          We have a responsibility to properly           We report our environmental impact                                         Scope 1 and 2: Direct and Indirect             metrics for employee commuting, and will
          manage the environmental footprint of          metrics following the CDP climate change                                   GHG emissions                                  will co-manage our emission reductions in
          our operations, drive energy efficiency        disclosure, regarding measurements of                                      In 2020, our GHG emissions in Scope 2 and      collaboration with the new facility owner.
          across operational offices, and promote        energy usage, GHG emissions of direct and                                  Scope 3 were reduced significantly due to
          internal practices that foster a culture of    indirect operations, Scope 1 and 2, as well                                                                               Scope 3: GHG emissions
                                                                                                                                    COVID-19 disruptions that forced employees     from business travel
          preservation, conservation, and waste          as Scope 3 emissions from air and rail travel                              to work from home and stop business travels.
          reduction.                                     of employees.                                                                                                             Our Scope 3 emissions are calculated
                                                                                                                                    Our baseline emissions from Direct-            from business travels made by employees
                                                                                                                                    Scope 1 GHG from stationary combustion         via air and rail in global operations. In
                                                         Global GHG Emmisions by Scope (MT CO2e)
                                                                                                                                    have been estimated at 700 MTCO2e in           2020, Scope 3 emissions accounted for
          Carbon emissions and                                                                                                      2017. Our goal has been to not exceed this     682 MTCO2e, which represents a reduction
          climate mitigation

                                                                                                                                    baseline target. Still, in 2020, our Scope 1   of 75% from 2019. Air travel emissions
          Our climate action is focused on reducing                     5,722                                                       emissions accounted for 762 MTCO2e.            accounted for 681 MTCO2e and rail
          the greenhouse gas emissions associated        5,000
                                                                                              4,994                                 Our Indirect Scope 2 emissions, associated     emissions 0.591 MTCO2e.
          with our operations as well as prioritizing                                                                               with energy purchases used to power our
                                                                                                                                    offices, have been estimated at a baseline     Kelly has implemented the Rocketrip
          energy efficiency in our Corporate             4,000

                                                                                                                                    5,400 MTCO2e in 2017 have decreased to         Travel Rewards Program as a corporate
          Headquarters; adopting green building                                 2,962
                                                         3,000                                        2,749
                                                                                                                                    4,149 MTCO2e during 2020.                      benefit initiative for U.S. and Puerto Rico
          procedures in our facilities; and supporting
                                                                                                                                                                                   full-time employees, to promote and
          our customers in understanding and             2,000
                                                                                                                                    In December 2019, we sold our Lindsey          reward smart business travel decisions.
          adopting their own environmental
                                                                                                                                    and Annex buildings at the headquarters        Employees can earn Rocketrip points by
          sustainability goals. Our impact on carbon                                    771                    762            682
                                                                                                                                    campus, entering into a definitive             choosing less expensive flights, staying
          reduction has been impactful. Over                 0
                                                                        2018                  2019                    2020          agreement to sell and lease back our           with a friend, increasing online meetings,
          the last 7 years, we reduced our direct
                                                                           Scope 1      Scope 2          Scope 3                 Corporate Headquarters in Troy for the         and others. This program is expected to
          environmental footprint by 26%.
                                                                                                                                    next 15 years. In 2021, we will adjust our     continue guiding employees on making
                                                                                                                                    greenhouse gas emission targets to our         smart choices in travel once they return to
                                                                                                                                    new facilities, including GHG emission         business as usual.


           Energy efficiency                             and adopt energy-efficient green-building
                                                                                                      Energy Usage Index (EUI) per Building by Year

           Kelly measures energy consumption based                                                    200,000

           on the electricity and natural gas used for   Since 2013, we have reduced energy
           operations at the corporate campus in Troy,   consumption in our headquarters campus
           Michigan. Although 2020 energy usage          by 19 percent. This reduction has been       150,000

           decreased due to COVID-19 restrictions        partly due to IT services’ transition from
           on working from our offices and the selling   on-premise to cloud technology and the
           of two of our corporate buildings, our        adoption of green building standards
           efforts to operate in more environmentally    and technologies that reduce our
           friendly office spaces have helped us find    environmental impact.


                                                                                                                                                      Headquarters        Annex      Kirts     Lindsey
                                                                                                                     2013             2014            2015              2016           2017            2018            2019              2020
                                                                                                                  2007      2008    2009      2010     2011      2012      2013     2014      2015    2016     2017      2018     2019     2020
                                                                                                                                                      Headquarters        Annex      Kirts     Lindsey
                                                                                                      We measure our energy efficiency based on the Energy Usage Index (EUI) which measures the energy consumed per building per year,
                                                                                                      rather than its total dollar cost. This metric takes the different types of energy used by the building per square foot and considers occupant’s
                                                                                                      habits, building energy efficiency technologies, tightness of the building’s outer surface, and local weather.

                                                                                                               Anywhere: Kelly’s adoption of                                        working every day at the office. Other
                                                                                                      information technology systems and                                            environmental benefits are related to people
                                                                                                      policies for employees seeking consistent                                     using less paper and printing services.
                                                                                                      and    flexible remote work arrangements have

                                                                                                      enabled the successful adoption of the Kelly                                  The program has turned out to be extremely
                                                                                                      Anywhere program. Although we have not                                        beneficial during 2020, as the majority of
                                                                                                      estimated     the environmental footprint for                                 our workers — previously enrolled or not
                                                                                                      working remotely, we estimate that pollution                                  into the Kelly Anywhere program — have
                                                                                                      from    employee commuting, traffic, and                                      been able to perform nearly all essential
                                                                                                      energy usage to power the lighting and                                        functions remotely. As part of our response
                                                                                                      other equipment in our corporate campus                                       to COVID-19, we have worked with some
                                                                                                      are significantly reduced with fewer people                                   customers to implement remote work plans —
                                                                                                                                                                                    when possible — for temporary employees.


          Water consumption                             Waste management                                  ● W
                                                                                                             e have adopted a hardware disposal
                                                                                                            policy and procedures for the proper
                                                                                                                                                             ● I n partnership with vendors, Kelly has
                                                                                                                                                               implemented standardized procedures
          We only use water in our offices for          Kelly provides office-based operations              disposal of electronic waste (e-waste)             for proper separation and recycling of
          domestic purposes, landscape irrigation,      in which waste is mainly generated                  throughout our operations. The creation of         IT assets and equipment2. We also work
          and operational processes. Although we        from the use of paper and other                     a recycling center at our corporate campus         with our vendor, Staples, to reuse and
          are not a water-intensive user, we have       office-related activities. In 2020, we              guarantees the final disposition of electronic     guarantee the final disposition of toner
          adopted green building practices to           recycled 70.13 tons of materials from our           equipment, including phones, batteries,            cartridges from printers and copiers in
          minimize the amount of water usage in         corporate campus and have continued                 cables, PCs, laptops, and other items.             our office buildings.
          our everyday operations by implementing       implementing recycling initiatives to
                                                                                                                                                             ● W
                                                                                                                                                                e have implemented responsible
          water conservation practices.                 reduce our waste impact:
                                                                                                                                                               procurement guidelines for the
          ● I n the HQ offices, we installed smart-                                                                                                           acquisition and use of office products
            sensor and low-flow fixtures in faucets                                                                                                            made from 100-percent recycled
            and toilets.                                  OUR FIRST CARBON NEUTRAL EVENT.                                                                      content and environmentally friendly
          ● O
             utside our campus, we use controlled        Due to COVID-19 global restrictions on business                                                      materials.
            irrigation systems that reduce water use      travels, we decided to conduct our 25th Supplier                                                   ● I n 2020, our corporate campus recycled
            and have impermeable brick pavers to          Awards event virtually, extending the invitation to                                                  125,235 lbs. of waste through the Shred-
            mitigate stormwater runoff.                   our global network of suppliers. This virtual event                                                  it program. According to the Shred-it
          ● O
             ur external gardens feature grass and       avoided the addition of an estimated 28 tons of                                                      program, this recycling initiative saved
            plants that consume less water, requiring     CO2 emissions to the environment. The event                                                          188 cubic yards of landfill space and
            less irrigation during the summer, and        received generous donations from our Kelly                                                           250,470 Kilowatts of energy and helped
            allowing more growth in the spring.           internal stakeholder and supplier partners for                                                       preserve approximately 1,000+ trees,
                                                          planting over 3,200 trees in Sydney, Australia                                                       thus helping to balance gas emissions in
          ● I n 2020, the Shred-it program
                                                          in support of local reforestation initiatives in the                                                 the atmosphere.
            contributed to saving approximately
                                                          wake of the devastating wildfires of 2020, more
            438,323 gallons of water. According to
                                                          than doubling our goal.
            Shred-it, each ton of recycled paper
            reduces water demand by 58 percent,           We chose One Tree Planted as the organization to support this initiative in the New
            which also reduces air pollution              South Wales area due to the devastation of the wildfires, following our first supplier
            and the need for lumber and other             forum in Sydney in October 2019. We decided to introduce this initiative to our
            manufacturing resources.                      suppliers during the award event. The response was incredible, helping us to surpass
                                                          our initial goal of planting 1,325 trees as a carbon offset to compensate for carbon               2
                                                                                                                                                                  endors are responsible for deleting information from machines in
          Kelly does not currently track water
                                                          emissions from the event.                                                                              order to remarket the devices or ensure the final environmentally
          withdrawals or recycled and reused water in                                                                                                            friendly disposal of assets and all their components.
          its campus facilities.


          As a global workforce solutions provider, our         standards. Our safety handbook and safety           DART – Days away restricted and transferred rate Incidence per 200,000 work hours
          human capital is our most important asset.            orientation program are critical elements            2.5

          We are committed to the highest standards             for all new employees. We also conduct                                                                         Staffing Industry Average*       Kelly Services Employees
          of safe and healthful working conditions              regular training to support employees in             2.0

          in order to guarantee our employees zero              becoming familiar with customer’s workplace
          accidents or occupational hazards. Employee           environments, safe work practices, emergency         1.5

          safety has been an integral part of our culture       procedures, protective equipment, while
          and a key to our continued success with our           reporting safety issues and near misses in a         1.0

          customers and our global workforce.                   timely fashion to on-site management.


                                                                                                                            2011       2012       2013       2014       2015          2016       2017         2018      2019       2020

          Our Absolute Zero program provides a                  Our health and safety workplace commitment
          framework for operating under the highest                                                                 TRIR – Total recordable incidence rate Incidence per 200,000 work hours
                                                                extends to our customers. Kelly’s Global Safety
          safety standards and proactive initiatives in order   and Health Program ensures our highest

          to identify, mitigate, and prevent occupational       safety standards in customer’s workplaces.
                                                                                                                                                                           Staffing Industry Average*          Kelly Services Employees

          illnesses and injuries at workplaces. The Kelly       It provides pre-assignment risk assessment,

          Safety Team leads this program through                worker training, and analysis of incident reports   1.5
          internal processes, training, and companywide         in order to assess customers’ commitment
          guidelines that go beyond ensuring                    to safety standards. This program provides          1.0

          compliance with health and safety legislation         practical recommendations for determining
          while monitoring our promise of maintaining           what conditions may exist in the workplace,         0.5

          excellence in our safety standards, solidifying       which hazards may be encountered, preparing
          our commitment to zero accidents, zero injuries,      employees to complete their work while
                                                                                                                           2011       2012       2013       2014       2015          2016       2017         2018      2019       2020
          and zero harm. Our safety standards are aligned       following safety and health protections. All        *2020 BLS staffing industry average not available at time of printing.
          with the ISO 45001 and OSHA standard.                 customers are assessed prior to servicing
                                                                                                                    The Global Safety and Health Program is aligned with Occupational Health and Safety Assessment (OHSAS
          Across our operations, managers, employees,           and are regularly monitored through our             18001) and is analyzed in accordance with two measurements: Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), and

          and customers are accountable and                     performance evaluation metrics and safety           Days Away Restricted and Transferred (DART) rate. This program also leads a Health & Safety committee in
                                                                                                                    which our temporary employees actively participate.
          responsible for understanding, leading, and           committees. Temporary workers receive
          upholding our commitment to our safety                general safety guidelines from Kelly and site-
                                                                specific safety training from our customers.


          Our safety leadership                           Kelly participated            Participation in the        Kelly achieved the mark     Kelly adopted a

          journey in the industry                         in the development
                                                          and implementation
                                                                                        OSHA Temporary
                                                                                        Worker Initiative — We
                                                                                                                    of excellence by the
                                                                                                                    Safety Standard of
                                                                                                                                                COVID-19 response
                                                                                                                                                and risk mitigation plan,
          Kelly has played a leadership role in driving   of Employee Safety            launched this initiative    Excellence Program,         including a pandemic
                                                          Best Practices, by            to help staffing agencies   provided by the American    planning and business
          safety across the staffing industry. We         the American Staffing         and host employers          Staffing Association and    continuity plan, to
          actively collaborate with industry peers        Association — Employee        understand and manage       National Security Council   ensure the health and
          and government agencies to design               Safety Committee. The         OSHA compliance, safety     to encourage staffing       safety of our employees,
          and share best practices that provide           guidelines have helped to     program obligations         companies to adopt          temporary workforce, and
          recommendations to help other staffing          improve industry’s safety     through specific            safety best practices       support our customers
                                                          record, analyze impacts on    enforcement and             and measure continuous      on best practices and
          firms and their customers ensure a              productivity, turnover, and   compliance tools.           improvement.                information during the
          culture of health and safety in their work      insurance cost.                                                                       outbreak.

                                                                                                                             2018                    2020
                                                                   2011                        2013


          Our response to                              and safety of our employees and workers
                                                       have been a priority in our plan response.
                                                                                                      readiness. We also made counseling
                                                                                                      sessions available to our employees and
                                                                                                                                                             plans and benefits during the outbreak,
                                                                                                                                                             waiving the financial costs of COVID-19
          COVID-19                                     We have implemented protocols to avoid         created a follow-up plan for those directly            treatment and telemedicine services, as
          Since the Coronavirus outbreak was first     the unnecessary risk of transmission while     impacted by the pandemic.                              well as providing free testing and facilitating
          reported in December 2019, Kelly has been    providing information and responsive                                                                  access to prescription medications,
                                                       actions, helping employees and employers       To ensure the health and safety of all our             thus guaranteeing that patients do not
          carefully monitoring the situation through
                                                       with best practices for balancing work and     members, we also worked with our health                experience shortages or difficulties when
          its risk management and crisis response
                                                       personal lives, promoting wellness, and        care providers to offer special medical                receiving these services.
          team. Our industry and its valuable
          temporary workers have been actively         connecting people with work opportunities
          serving health care, science, technology,    during this unprecedented time.
          and education organizations on the front
          lines of fighting the Coronavirus.                                                            BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN & RESPONSE
          We have implemented a specific
                                                       Resources for employees and
          business continuity plan for preparing
                                                       employers to stay #InThisTogether                             Emergency                                            Communications
          and responding to pandemics. This plan       Kelly is committed to supporting the                          Management Team                                      A comprehensive protocol which
                                                       health and resilience of our employees,                       Global, interdepartmental group                      leverages a variety of methods,
          includes infectious control measures,
                                                                                                                     is empowered to quickly make                         including e-mail, audio calls,
          communication, education, and other          communities, and customers during this
                                                                                                                     strategic decisions in response                      and text messaging, to maintain
          operational procedures for all our global    time. We launched a dedicated page on                         to critical events that affect our                   communication with employees,
          networks, following guidelines and           our website to stay connected with our                        employees and facilities.                            clients, and vendors/suppliers.
          recommendations from the World Health        workers and collaborators while providing
                                                       updated information and responsive actions                    Continuity of Operations                             Business Continuity
          Organization (WHO), the U.S Center for
                                                                                                                     The depth and breadth of our                         Plan Testing
          Disease Control (CDC), and the European      for balancing their work and personal lives
                                                       during the crisis. The Kelly Cares Hotline                    field network and our shared                         Kelly’s Business Continuity and
          Center for Disease Prevention and Control.                                                                 services operations allow us to shift                IT Disaster Recovery programs
                                                       (855-Kelly-06) was launched to connect                        business operations to alternate                     are tested at least annually. Most
          The Emergency Management Team has            more rapidly with employees and help them                     sites to support customers from a                    recently, the Business Continuity
          been developed as a cross-functional         find out what’s next.                                         remote location.                                     Plan was tested in February 2020,
          group responsible for coordinating                                                                                                                              and the Disaster Recovery Plan in
          crisis management for the organization,      With a keen focus on personal well-being,                     Pandemic Planning                                    October 2019.
          including containment measures, policies,    Kelly made training available through the                     Specific Business Continuity
          procedures, communications, and              Kelly Learning Center (KLC) on topics                         planning for pandemics includes
                                                       such as health and safety, wellness, stress,                  infections control measures,
          resources for employees and customers                                                                      communication, education, and
          during the COVID-19 crisis. The health       anxiety management, and remote work                           travel safety mechanisms.


                     Large Events                                           Inquiry Management
                     Large events and conferences have                      Internal resources have been tasked with
                     been cancelled to minimize the risks                   managing all questions and providing
                     of transmission. We continue to                        guidance to our internal employees,
                     emphasize the use of technology to                     including those working with customer
                     communicate to large audiences.                        specific requirements in managing our
                                                                            temporary workforce.

                     Headquarters and Facilities
                     Kelly is screening all non-essential                   Ongoing Monitoring
                     visitors to our headquarters and                       Kelly’s Emergency Management team is
                     facilities. Staff have been provided                   continuing to monitor the latest changes
                     with additional sanitizing materials                   to WHO and CDC guidance. We also
                     and additional cleaning staff have                     are monitoring best practices across our
                     been added to clean high-touch areas                   customer base to ensure our employees
                     at our headquarters.                                   are not subject to unnecessary risks of

                    Social Distancing
                    As suggested by the World Health Organization (WHO)
                    and U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC), Kelly is
                    urging all personnel to use technology to manage
                    meetings virtually wherever possible.
                    To avoid unnecessary risk of transmission, employees
                    are instructed not to engage in traditional practices
                    such as handshakes.

Employees and people
Our people
Inclusion and diversity
Human rights

Supply chain and customer relations
Our supply chain
Supplier engagement and performance management
Supplier risk management
Supplier Code of Conduct

Social investment programs
Business continuity and risk management
Kelly Relief Fund

Our sustainability strategy supports the following SDGs:

             KEY MILESTONES
             Kelly’s CEO, Peter Quigley signed        Approximately $59,000 USD                We formalized five Affinity Groups
             the CEO Action for Diversity             contributed towards social               in 2020. The Affinity Groups promote     COVID-19 response:
             and Inclusion pledge, the largest        development initiatives.                 a culture of inclusion by celebrating    ● W
                                                                                                                                           e partnered with
             CEO-driven business commitment to                                                 differences, creating an environment       health care providers
             advance diversity and inclusion within                                            where everyone feels encouraged to be      to offer special
                                                      The Kelly Relief Fund provided
             the workplace, standing with almost                                               their authentic selves, and supporting     medical plans and
                                                      financial support to 41 of our
             2,000 other CEOs.                                                                 the professional development of            benefits to our
                                                      employees affected by natural or
                                                                                               employees.                                 employees during the
                                                      human-made disasters, contributing
                                                                                                                                          outbreak; some benefits included:
             We launched Equity@Work, a               more than $26,000 USD through
                                                                                               We established an Inclusion                waiving COVID-19 treatment costs,
             bold initiative aimed at breaking down   grants and donations.
                                                                                                                                          providing testing at no cost, and
             barriers that prevent people from                                                 Council, a cross-functional group
                                                                                                                                          facilitating access to medications.
             having access to meaningful work.                                                 to support the development of our
                                                      KellyConnect engaged                                                              ● D
                                                                                                                                           eveloped a specific page on
                                                                                               inclusion and diversity strategy.
                                                      200+ new leaders, all of whom
                                                                                                                                          our website, launching the Kelly
             Our new program Kelly Discover           were promoted internally.
                                                                                                                                          Cares Hotline to facilitate and stay
             serves as an engagement                                                           Our Diverse Global
                                                                                                                                          connected through providing
             platform solution that strives                                                    Supplier Network                           updated information while
             to create a more equitable                                                        connected approximately
                                                                                                                                          communicating actively with all
             and accessible labor market                                                       450 certified small and diverse
             for underrepresented talent.                                                      suppliers to our Kelly network.
                                                      In 2020, Kelly’s Leadership in                                                    ● T
                                                                                                                                           he Kelly Learning Center extended
             It will reduce the gap by creating
             opportunities for neurodiverse and
                                                      Action (LIA) program had 1,005                                                      well-being training on topics such as
                                                      participants, representing 622 females   4,700+ volunteer hours
             opportunity talent.                                                                                                          stress, anxiety management, remote
                                                      and 383 males.                           contributed from employees towards
                                                                                                                                          work readiness, and others, to all
                                                                                               social impact initiatives.
             4,700+ veterans
             hired on behalf
             of our clients.


          Our people                                                Benefits                                           ● E
                                                                                                                          ducational assistance — The Peanut
                                                                                                                         Butter Program provides options to help
                                                                                                                                                                             Personal time and family support:
                                                                    The health and financial well-being of                                                                   ● P
                                                                                                                                                                                aid time-off — holidays; personal time off,

                                                                                                                         tackle student debt.                                  bereavement; volunteer day; birthday; and
                      e provide employment                          our employees and their families is an
                      opportunities for approximately               important part of Kelly’s culture. We              ● S
                                                                                                                          upplemental plans — Business travel                 sick days.
                      7,100 individuals worldwide. Our              provide competitive benefits to our full-            accident plan; employee discount              ● Short-term disability for new parents.
          responsibility hinges on providing inclusive,             time and part-time employees3 in the U.S:            program; group home and auto program;         ● Flexible work schemes.
          fair business practices and working                                                                            transportation spending; vacation purchase;
          conditions that guarantee labor and safety
                                                                    Medical and health programs:                                                                      Return
                                                                                                                                                     Return to Work and        to Work
                                                                                                                                                                        Retention       and Retention Rates
                                                                                                                         voluntary legal plan, among others.
          compliance, adherence to international                    ● M
                                                                       edical insurance — health care, vision,                                       Male     Female      Male      Female
          laws and standards, and ensuring human                      and dental; health savings account;
          rights for all our employees in the global                  health care spending, and dependent
                                                                      care spending.                                   Short-term disability
          workforce across our supply chain.
                                                                                                                       for new parents
                                                                                                                                                              2%                                                         98%
          Kelly has implemented formal policies                     ● L
                                                                       ife and Disability insurance — group            In 2020, our employees benefited
          and procedures in our Code of                               term life; disability; accidental death                                              100%
                                                                                                                        from our short-term disability for new                    100%                          88%            88%
                                                                                                                        parents program in the U.S.                 m Male m Female
          Business Conduct and Ethics to ensure                       and/or dismemberment; outpatient
          non-discriminatory practices, equal                         physician’s treatment; disability
                                                                                                           to Work andReturn
                                                                                                                               to to Rates
                                                                                                                                  Work    and  Retention      Rates
                                                                                                                        Return        work   and    retention   rates
          employment opportunities, and welfare                       (basic and supplemental),and Male more.
                                                                                                             Female   Male     Female
                                                                                                                       m Male m Female
          in our workplace as well as across our
                                                                    ● E
                                                                       mployee Assistance Program — offers
          customers’ network through our Supplier
                                                                      access to counselors, wellness, and
          Code of Conduct. We are proudly ranked
                                                                      mental health programs and resources;
          in the top five percent in the supplier
                                                                      discount programs; life advisor coaching                                                      Male    Female
          assessment of fair business practices
          by EcoVadis.
                                                                      services, and others.           100%                 100%                        88%
                                                                                                                                                         100%                 88%
                                                                                                                                                                                100%                            82%            82%
                                                                    Financial security:
                                                                    ● R
                                                                       etirement plans — In 2020, we
                                                                      introduced a new fund option that
                                                                      considers ESG criteria in investment                    Returned to work after taking                            Retention rate (still employed)
           Part-time employees working 20 hours or more per week.     plans: Parnassus Core Equity.                        short-term disability for new parents

                                                                                                      100%                 100%                        82%                    82%
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