Full-Time Courses 2020/21 Further eduCation & training - open day - Limerick College of Further Education

Full-Time Courses 2020/21 Further eduCation & training - open day - Limerick College of Further Education
& training

             open day
               thursday 23rd
                January 2020
Full-Time Courses 2020/21 Further eduCation & training - open day - Limerick College of Further Education
Full-Time Courses 2020/21 Further eduCation & training - open day - Limerick College of Further Education
“Many challenges lie ahead       Principal’s Message
      for the sector but we at LCFE
                                      Tugann se an-phleisiur dom ár                   We take pride in providing our learners
      are embracing change and        Réamheolaire Chláracha Lánaimseartha            with a valuable insight into the world
                                      anseo ag Coláiste Breisoideachais Luimnigh      of work supported by a comprehensive
      positioning the College to      (LCFE) a chur I láthair duit don bhliain        career guidance and learner support

      provide the highest standard
                                      acadúil 2019/20. Tá cáil thar na beartaibh      service. Our close links with local industry,
                                      ar an gColáiste ardoideachas a sholáthar        research agencies and higher education

      of education and training       sa réigiún seo le blianta fada anuas agus ag
                                      dul ó neart go neart atáimid ag freastal ar
                                                                                      in developing courses ensure that
                                                                                      learners have excellent job prospects and

      possible to our learners.”      riachtanais ár mic léinn I saol an lae inniu.   opportunities for furthering their education.
                                                                                      LCFE supports its teaching and learning
                                      Más mian leat tairbhe a bhaint as oiliúint      with state-of-the-art resources reflecting
    – Pat Maunsell                    de hardchaighdeán agus do dheiseanna
                                      fostaíochta a fheabhsú, bheadh fáilte is céad
                                                                                      industry standards and local industry needs.
                                                                                      However, our greatest asset is our staff. They
                                      romhat anseo linn. Le hatmaisféar cairdiúil,    are dedicated, professional and committed
                                      ranganna beaga agus seirbhísí tacaíochta        to the learners who join us.
                                      den scoth, táim cinnte gur féidir le LCFE
                                      cabhrú leat barr do chumais a bhaint amach.     We have set out an ambitious strategy for
                                                                                      LCFE over the coming years whereby we will
                                      It gives me great pleasure to introduce         continue to strive for excellence in teaching
                                      you to our full-time courses available at       and learning, in course development, in
                                      Limerick College of Further Education           quality assurance, in continuous professional
                                      (LCFE). The College, which is in existence      development, in ICT, in the physical
                                      for 55 years, has provided the highest          infrastructure and in support for our learners.
                                      quality education and training to the
                                      people of Limerick and beyond. What             The Further Education and Training
                                      started out as a second-level ‘College of       landscape has changed significantly in
                                      Commerce’ in 1963 is today a thriving and       recent years with the establishment of
                                      successful College of Further Education         the ETB’s, SOLAS and the QQI. Further
                                      and Training in the Mid-West Region.            Education is now rightly recognised as a
                                                                                      distinct sector achieving parity of esteem
                                      We specialise mainly at Level 5 and Level 6     with primary, secondary and third-level
                                      of the National Framework of Qualifications     education. Many challenges lie ahead for
                                      and offer a wide range of quality assured       the sector but we at LCFE are embracing
                                      courses in a wide variety of disciplines. Our   change and positioning the College to
                                      purpose is to provide a quality education       provide the highest standard of education
                                      and training experience to our learners so      and training possible to our learners.
                                      that they can gain employment or progress
                                      to higher education.                            Pat Maunsell, Principal

2   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                     Realising New Futures                   3
Full-Time Courses 2020/21 Further eduCation & training - open day - Limerick College of Further Education
Contents                                                                School of Business
                                                                            & Information
                                                                            Technology       48
    Principal’s Message          3    The Sole Factory                33    LCFE
                                                                            Code        course name
    10 Reasons to come to LCFE   8    Open Day                        34   Business Department                      IT Department
    Our Locations                10   Equality & Diversity            35   AFXX Accounting & Taxation          51   CSN1 Computer Systems &            76
                                                                                Studies with Information                  Networks
    General Information          12   LCFE Learner Creativity         36        Technology                          CSN2 Advanced Computer             78
                                                                           ATIX Accounting Technician          52         Systems & Networks
    How to Apply                 21   TV & Film - Creative Engagement 37        Ireland (ATI)                       SD1X Software Development          79
    QQI Links Scheme             22   LCFE Erasmus Plus Programme     38   ACHX Arts Culture & History         53   SD2X Advanced Software             80
                                                                           BAXX Business Administration        55         Development
    LCFE and LIT                 24   Enterprise Engagement in LCFE   39
                                                                           BCEX Business Communications        56   ASDX App & Software                81
    Progression Opportunities    25   Graduation                      40        with English as a Second                  Development
                                                                                Language (ESL)                      CGPX Computer Games                82
    Life in Limerick             26   Sport                           41   BSXX Business Studies               57         Programming
    Students Union               27   Vision, Mission + Values        43   CSOX Customer Services Operations   58
                                                                           LIBX Liberal Arts (Pre-Arts)        59    School of Childcare
    Library/Learning Hubs        28   FAQ                             44   CAXX Computer Applications          60    & Healthcare     83
    Study Skills Course          30   Our Experience                  46        (Mornings)                           LCFE
                                                                                                                     Code       course name
                                                                           EBXX Economics with Business        61   Childcare Department
                                                                           ESFX European Studies with          62   ECCE Early Childhood Care &        87
                                                                                French                                   Education (with Montessori
                                                                           LAXX Legal Administration           63        & Special Needs)
                                                                           MLXX Marketing                      64   ACSN Advanced Certificate in       88
                                                                           PAXX Pharmacy Assistant             65        Early Childhood Care &
                                                                                                                         Education with Special
                                                                           MAXX Medical Administration         66        Needs
                                                                           RNXX Reception/ Office              67   Healthcare Department
                                                                                                                    APSS Applied Social Studies        89
                                                                           PHAX Payroll and HR                 68
                                                                                Administration                      HSMX Health Services Supervisory   90
                                                                                                                         Management Skills
                                                                           RSXX Retail Studies                 69
                                                                                                                    ECPX Emergency Care Personnel      91
                                                                           TTSX Travel & Tourism Services      70
                                                                                                                    HSXX Healthcare Support            92
                                                                           AAXX Advanced Certificate in        71
                                                                                Administration                      NSXX Nursing Studies               93
                                                                           ABXX Advanced Certificate in        72
                                                                                Business (Enterprise,
                                                                                Marketing & Management)
                                                                           PSAX Property Services              73
                                                                           BCXX Business with Computing        74
                                                                           CSXX Culinary Skills                75

4   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                 Realising New Futures           5
Full-Time Courses 2020/21 Further eduCation & training - open day - Limerick College of Further Education
School of                           School of Creative                          Fashion Design Department                ATVX Advanced Film & TV Studies 137
     Beauty & Hair                94     Media & Visual Arts 101                     CDTX Costume Design for
                                                                                           Theatre, TV & Film
                                                                                                                        112   PASX Performing Arts            138
     LCFE                                 LCFE                                                                                MPPX Music Performance &        139
     Code      course name                Code        course name                    FDTX Fashion Design and Textile    114        Production
    Beauty Department                   Art + Design Department                            Portfolio
    BTXX Beauty & Complementary    97   ADAI Art & Design Portfolio with      105    DMXX Dressmaking (Mornings Only)   115    School of Sports,
         Therapies                             Animation and Illustration            FSVX Fashion Styling, Visual       117    Science +
    Hairdressing Department             ADXX Art & Design Portfolio           106          Merchandising & Buying              Engineering       140
    HDXX Hairdressing              98   ADGX Art and Design Portfolio         107    FDKX Knitwear Design for           118    LCFE
                                                                                                                                             course name
    EEXX Eyelash Extensions &     100          with Illustration & Graphics                Fashion & Textiles
                                                                                                                              SPORTS Department
         Beauty Therapy                 ADMX Art, Craft & Design              108    CTXX Creative Textiles             119
                                               (Mornings)                                                                     SRXX Sports, Recreation & Exercise 143
                                                                                     ACTX Advanced Creative Textiles    120
                                        CCXX Creative Craft                   109                                             SREX Advanced Sports, Strength 144
                                                                                     interior Design Department                    and Conditioning
                                        AAXX Advanced Art                     110    IDXX Interior Design Skills        121   SIMX Sports Injury Management 145
                                        ADXX Art, Design and Three             111         and Portfolio                              (with Community Health Services)
                                               Dimensional Studies                   PHOTOGRAPHY Department
                                               Portfolio                                                                      PSTX Pre Physiotherapy/Sports              146
                                                                                     LBPX Lens Based Art                122        Therapy
                                                                                           (Photography & Video)              SCIENCE Department
                                                                                     PH1X Photography                   123   ASLX Applied Science/                      147
                                                                                     PH2X Advanced Photography          124        Laboratory Techniques
                                                                                     Multimedia Department
                                                                                     MPAX Animation and Digital Media   125    Cappamore Campus 148
                                                                                     MAXX Multimedia, Animation &       126    LCFE
                                                                                                                               Code          course name
                                                                                           Games Design
                                                                                                                              CTCC    Construction Technology            151
                                                                                     CGDX Computer Games Design         127
                                                                                                                              ETCC    Engineering Technology             153
                                                                                     media Department
                                                                                                                              BACC    Business Administration            154
                                                                                     DMPX Creative Digital Media        128
                                                                                                                              ECCC    Early Childhood Care &             155
                                                                                     BJMS Broadcast Journalism          129
                                                                                                                              HSCC    Healthcare Support                 156
                                                                                           & Media Studies
                                                                                                                                      (Mornings Only)
                                                                                     EMTV Event Management with         130
                                                                                                                              NSCC    Nursing Studies (Pre-Nursing)      157
                                                                                           TV Studies
                                                                                                                                      (Mornings Only)
                                                                                     PJXX Print Journalism              131
                                                                                                                              ACCC    Animal Care                        158
                                                                                     RBMMRadio Broadcasting &           132
                                                                                                                              BICC    Blacksmith & Iron Craft            159
                                                                                           Music Management
                                                                                                                              HSCC    Horticultural Studies              160
                                                                                     TFPX TV & Film Production/         133
                                                                                           Film Studies                       CSCC    Creative Sewing & Knitting         161
                                                                                     JWMX Journalism (Writing Skills    134
                                                                                           with Radio) (Mornings)
                                                                                     ABMP Advanced Broadcasting &       135
                                                                                                                               Evening Courses 162
                                                                                           Media Production                    College Staff                        168
                                                                                     MTXX Music Technology and          136
                                                                                           Sound Production

6   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                            Realising New Futures                   7
Full-Time Courses 2020/21 Further eduCation & training - open day - Limerick College of Further Education
10                        Reasons                               to come to lcfe

                              1   SUCCESS
                                  LCFE is the largest provider of
                                  further education and training
                                                                    5    ASSISTANCE WITH LEARNING
                                                                         We have a group of people who can improve your basic
                                                                         skills, revision techniques and who can help if you have
                                  in the Mid-West region.                dyslexia, hearing or sight impairment or any other type of
                                  The college is a dynamic               learning or physical difficulty.
                                  and thriving educational
                                                                    6    FUN STUFF
                                                                         You can get involved in clubs and societies, sports, go on trips,

                              2   EQUALITY +
                                                                         events and much more to make your time at college fun.

                                  You will be studying in a
                                  safe and secure environment
                                  where everyone is equal. We
                                                                    7    TECHNOLOGY + RESOURCES
                                                                         We have a fully stocked library, computer rooms and well
                                                                         equipped workshops to help you learn. You can also use
                                                                         Moodle, our online learning platform.
                                  actively promote diversity and

                                  respect for different cultures.
                                                                         WORKING WITH EMPLOYERS

                                                                         We are proud to say that we work with hundreds of
                                  WITHIN REACH                           employers every year through our work experience
                                  We are a multi-purpose
                                                                         programme which provides opportunities for our learners.
                                  campus college with

                                  connections to main rail and
                                  bus routes.
                                                                         TEACHING AND LEARNING
                                                                         LCFE has excellent learner results and a well established

                                                                         reputation for excellence in teaching.
                                  RANGE OF
                                  We have courses at level 5 & 6
                                  on the NFQ with choices from
                                                                    10   FACILITIES
                                                                         We have purpose built studios with state of the art equipment,
                                                                         iMac Lab, Hair and Beauty Salons, Media Suite and Radio
                                  over 80 different courses and          Station, Learning Resource Centres and much much more.

8   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                   Realising New Futures          9
Full-Time Courses 2020/21 Further eduCation & training - open day - Limerick College of Further Education
Our Locations               LCFE @ FET Centre,
     LCFE Main Campus            Kilmallock Road Campus
     Mulgrave Street, Limerick   Kilmallock Road, Limerick

                                                                               LCFE @ FET CENTRE,
                                                                            KILMALLOCK ROAD CAMPUS

                                 LCFE @ FET Centre Cappamore Campus
                                 Cappamore, Co. Limerick

                                                      LCFE @ FET CENTRE,
                                                     CAPPAMORE CAMPUS

10   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                               Realising New Futures     11
Full-Time Courses 2020/21 Further eduCation & training - open day - Limerick College of Further Education
Further Education Provision
                               provide opportunities to gain
                               employment or to access higher level
                               courses in a number of Institutes
                               of Technology or Universities.
                               For further information on any of our
                               courses visit www.lcfe.ie
                               Limerick College of Further Education      Layout of this Prospectus
                               is the largest provider of Further         LCFE is divided into five Schools. These
                               Education and Training courses in the      are: the Schools of Business & Information
                               Mid-West region. We offer more than        Technology; Childcare & Healthcare;
                               80 courses over a diverse range of         Hairdressing & Beauty; Creative Media
                               disciplines. The College is a dynamic      & Visual Arts and Sports, Science &
                               and thriving educational environment,      Engineering. Information on day-time
                               with a significant increase in             courses is part of this prospectus. There is
                               enrolments in recent years.                a separate section for courses we deliver
                                                                          in our Cappamore Campus. There is also
                               The college is administered by Limerick
                                                                          some brief information about Evening
                               and Clare Education and Training
                                                                          Courses at the back of this publication.
                               Board, the state education and training
                                                                          If you wish to obtain further information
                               authority for the Limerick and Clare
                                                                          about Evening Courses, check out our
                               region. The authority is responsible
                                                                          website www.lcfe.ie, or contact the College
                               for the delivery of Further Education
                                                                          on 061 414344, extensions 122 or 123.
                               and Training provision to over 24,000
                               learners at almost 300 locations each      Course information is provided in the
                               year. With its enrolment figures, LCFE     following order: starting with Business
                               is the largest of the authority’s FET      and Information Technology; Childcare

                               centres in the region. The campi being     and Healthcare; Hairdressing and Beauty;
                               up to date and well equipped means         Creative Media and Visual Arts; Sports,
                               the settings lend themselves to the        Science and Engineering; Cappamore
                               smooth acquisition of Awards for those     Campus and finally, Adult Education

                               willing to make the required effort.       (Evening Courses). Each section begins with
                               These Awards are designed to prepare       QQI Level 5 courses. NB - The Accounting
                               holders for progression to higher-level    Technician (ATI) is NOT a QQI Award.
                               awards in Institutes of Technology
                                                                          Limerick College of Further Education
                               (IOTs), Universities and other Colleges.
                                                                          will only use the data supplied for the
                               Awards can also lead directly into the
                                                                          purposes it was intended.

12   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                       Realising New Futures                 13
Full-Time Courses 2020/21 Further eduCation & training - open day - Limerick College of Further Education
Use of your personal data will be subject      Why choose Cappamore?
     to our stringent policies and terms on         Although based in a rural setting it’s still
     personal data use and protection.              only a 15 minute drive from Limerick city
                                                    centre; while it also serves the other areas
     Limerick                                       in East Limerick and South Tipperary.
     Limerick, the capital of the Mid-West,
                                                    The campus boasts ample free and safe
     has dramatically changed in recent
                                                    parking on its grounds. A range of niche
     years. Regeneration of the city centre
                                                    full time courses are on offer including
     and docklands has made Limerick a
                                                    Animal Care, Construction Technology
     vibrant and exciting city, made livelier
                                                    and Blacksmithing. Also on offer are full
     by the vast number of learners attending
                                                    time Healthcare and Childcare courses.
     the many Colleges in and around the
                                                    Due to its’ small nature in a rural setting,
     city. The city boasts numerous sporting
                                                    we strive to provide an excellent education
     and cultural events and is renowned
                                                    and training experience for our learners.
     for its cheerful and welcoming cafés,
                                                    Our dedicated, helpful and professional
     restaurants and clubs.
                                                    staff here ensures that qualifications
     Location                                       and experiences gained will expand
     Learners can choose the individual locations   our learners ‘employment and higher
     of LCFE’s three campi as they offer a great    education opportunities.
     study/life balance. Each Campus has been
     developed to offer the Learner a positive
                                                    Our Learner Profile
                                                    Limerick College of Further Education
     learning experience at a location that is
                                                    offers a wide range of courses to meet
     convenient to their individual needs.
                                                    the needs of school leavers and mature
     LCFE Main Campus                               learners. The vast majority of courses
     Mulgrave Street, Limerick                      are QQI (Quality Qualifications Ireland)
     Limerick College of Further Education’s        accredited. QQI is the national awarding
     main Campus is situated on Mulgrave            body for further education and training.
     Street which is a 10 minute walk both          Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is
     from the city centre and Limerick Bus and      acknowledged in line with QQI guidelines.
     Rail Station. It is the largest of our three   Learning Support is also available.
     campuses offering courses in a variety of
     areas such as Business and Childcare.          Range of Courses
                                                    QQI courses at Limerick College of
     LCFE @ FET Centre, Kilmallock                  Further Education are offered at Levels
     Road Campus
                                                    5 and 6. These courses are part of the
     The second LCFE location is based at
                                                    National Framework of Qualifications
     the FET Centre, Kilmallock Road. It is a
                                                    (NFQ). Entry requirements are the
     modern building offering courses in the
                                                    Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate
     area of Science.
                                                    Applied (LCA), QQI Level 4 or
     LCFE @ FET Centre Cappamore                    equivalent. Mature learners are normally
     Campus                                         exempt from entry requirements and
     Our third campus is a vibrant Further          so are eligible to apply for all College
     Education and Training centre situated         courses, once they have reached 23 years
     in the heart of East Limerick.                 of age, or 21 years for the ATI Course.

14   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                       Realising New Futures   15
Full-Time Courses 2020/21 Further eduCation & training - open day - Limerick College of Further Education
Other awarding bodies include City &          LCFE Progression
                               Guilds, Accounting Technicians Ireland,       Agreements
                               CIBTAC and ITEC. Holders of QQI Awards        Under the terms of a Progression
                               may use their QQI CAO points to progress      Agreement with LIT, LCFE learners who
                               to higher education. Please contact           achieve a major Award may now progress
                               the Admissions Office or current HEI          to Year 1 of any level 6 or level 7 course
                               literature of any College you plan to apply   at LIT. Entry to Level 8 courses at LIT
                               to as a QQI applicant. They will be able to   require a Major Award with 3 Distinctions.
                               provide you with up to date information.      Portfolio requirements where applicable
                               You may also refer to the CAO website         remain unchanged. Application is through
                               www.cao.ie to check QQI information.          CAO. LCFE also has a bilateral agreement
                                                                             with Mary Immaculate College for
                               Quality and                                   learners from Media courses to progress
                               Qualifications Ireland                        to MI002 Bachelor of Arts. Application
                               Since its establishment in November           is through the CAO. In addition, LCFE
                               2012 Quality and Qualifications Ireland       has also negotiated advanced entry
                               (QQI) has operated as the sole agency to      progression opportunities for holders of
                               assure the quality of qualifications and      QQI Level 6 Awards with various IOTs.
                               of learners’ experience of education and      Details of these arrangements are on the
                               training at all levels. It makes it easier    relevant course pages.
                               for employers and others to comprehend
                                                                             Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT)
                               Irish qualifications, including within
                                                                             offers preferential entry to learners who
                               a global context. QQI focusses on high
                                                                             successfully complete a linked QQI FET
                               quality learning experiences across
                                                                             course in partner Colleges of Further
                               all education and training provision
                                                                             Education. LCFE is one such partner
                               nationally. The strength of current
                                                                             college. (WIT Further Education Progression
                               qualifications continues to grow,
                                                                             Scheme; see www.wit.ie/progression)
                               opening up new opportunities for people
                               to engage and succeed in learning.            Guidance Counselling
                               Fees                                          LCFE offers learners a comprehensive
                               Note that an Application Administration       Guidance Counselling Service, including
                               Fee of €20 now applies to all applications.   advice on higher education options
                               This is a non refundable payment.             and personal counselling. The College
                                                                             Guidance Counsellors are available for
                               QQI Points                                    appointments with all registered learners.
                               The CAO score QQI applicants on
                               their best 8 modules from a Major             Learners with
                               Award where applicants are eligible for       Additional Needs
                               consideration. Please see section on QQI      LCFE makes every effort to facilitate
                               links scheme in this prospectus for more      applicants with Additional Needs.
                               specific information. Applicants should       Applicants should contact the Guidance
                               consult HEI literature to establish           Counselling service at the time of
                               specific QQI level 5 and 6 requirements.      registration.

16   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                          Realising New Futures                17
The counsellors will facilitate the       specifies that all persons who wish
     processing of applications for funding    to undertake certain work, services
     to the Higher Education Authority         or activities relating to children or
     (HEA). The College is fully accessible    vulnerable adults must have a Garda
     to wheelchair users and there is a lift   Vetting Disclosure. Since 29th April
     to all floors.                            2016, it is a criminal offence to work
                                               with young children and vulnerable
     Learning Support                          adults without this disclosure.
     LCFE endeavours to provide learning
     support for those experiencing            If you are over 18 years and have resided
     difficulties with specific modules,       outside of the Republic of Ireland and
     subject to resource availability.         Northern Ireland for a period longer
                                               than 6 consecutive months, many work
     Garda Vetting                             placements in Childcare and Healthcare
     LCFE/ Limerick & Clare ETB is             require original Police Vetting Clearance
     committed to practices which              from the country/countries that you
     safeguard the welfare of learners,        have lived or worked in.
     young people and vulnerable adults.
                                               If you are under the age of 18 years,
     Limerick & Clare ETB is registered
                                               parental consent will be required
     with the Garda Central Vetting Unit
                                               before the Garda Vetting process can be
     and will be conducting Garda Vetting
                                               carried out.
     on learners attending courses where it
     is identified that possible interaction   In order to obtain work placements,
     with children and vulnerable adults       Garda Vetting is mandatory for some
     is a feature of the course. Any           specific vocational areas. It is necessary
     information disclosed by the Garda        to pass the work experience module in
     Central Vetting Unit may be shared        order to obtain a full award.
     with the appropriate decision making
     personnel in prospective work experie     English Language
     nce organisations. It is the learner’s    Assessment
     responsibility to ensure that all         All applicants whose first language is
     information is correct, as any omission   not English will be asked to complete
     will mean a delay in the processing       an English Language Assessment. This
     of the application. Garda Vetting         assessment takes place in May and
     Application must be completed at          again in August. The purpose of this
     Induction stage. You will be required     assessment is to ascertain the applicant’s
     to bring in two forms of ID. One          competence level in relation to the
     photographic ID such as an up-to-date     course requirements.
     Passport or Drivers Licence. The other
                                               This may assist referral and progression
     ID must show proof of address such as
                                               for learners. NOTE: Applicants who
     CAO Application or Bank Statement
                                               have completed or are currently taking
     (within six months).
                                               Leaving Certificate English are exempt
     The National Vetting Bureau Children      from this assessment. A copy of their
     & Vulnerable Persons Act, 2012            Leaving Certificate must be provided.

18   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                Realising New Futures   19
Further Education Grants                      within the policies and procedures
                               Means-tested Maintenance Grants are           of the College, it is an independent
                               available to qualifying learners. These       voice for learners. It has its own office
                               grants are administered by Student            within the campus and organises many
                               Universal Support Ireland (SUSI)              social and cultural events throughout
                               through www.learnerfinance.ie.                the academic year.
                               All applications must be made online.
                               A member of the college staff will advise     Open Day
                               applicants, where necessary.                  The best way to find out what LCFE
                                                                             has to offer is to visit on our Open
                               Students’ Union                               Day on Thursday 23rd January 2020.
                               LCFE has a vibrant Students’ Union            Come along and meet with academic
                               which was established to represent            staff and existing learners and
                               the interests of the learners and to          enjoy viewing our Art/Ceramics/
                               advance their rights. While it works          Photography and Fashion exhibitions.

                               How to Apply
                               It is a fast, user-friendly procedure         Applicants applying for Visual Arts
                               and your application will be processed        courses are required to bring some
                               quickly. You must select 3 courses of         samples of relevant personal work to
                               your choice. Please do not omit your          the interview.
                               Mobile Phone Number, PPS Number
                                                                             Equally, those interested in Childcare,
                               or email address. Receipt of your
                                                                             Healthcare, Hairdressing or Beauty
                               application will be acknowledged by text
                                                                             Therapy, are advised to try to gain some
                               message and email. Interviews will be
                                                                             relevant work experience and perhaps
                               held in May and places will be offered at
                                                                             bring references along to interview. Any
                               that stage. Interviews will also be held in
                                                                             other evidence of relevant work done is
                               late August to fill any remaining places.
                                                                             well worth bringing along.
                               Therefore, early application is advisable.

                               You may also download an Application Form
                               from our website www.lcfe.ie
                               Applicants are strongly encouraged
                               to APPLY ONLINE

20   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                          Realising New Futures              21
QQI Links Scheme
     National Framework of Qualifications
     All QQI Awards have been placed on the       Institutes of Technology from September
     National Framework of Qualifications. It     2017, all QQI level 5 and QQI level
     is easy to see at a glance where the Award   6 awards will be scored to deliver a
     you wish to pursue stands on the 10-Level    maximum of 390 CAO points.
     Framework. All QQI course content            Scoring: A minimum of 120 credits
     information in this Prospectus is correct    must be presented. Points will only be
     at the time of going to press. Limerick      calculated if the required awards and/
     College of Further Education accepts         or modules are presented. Starting with
     no responsibility for any changes which      Distinctions, then Merits, then Passes,
     occur and affect any existing course.        add all the credits until a cumulative
                                                  value of 120 is reached. Ignore any
     QQI Links Scheme Progression to
                                                  credits above 120. For the credits that
     Institutes of Technology, Universities
                                                  you are including, multiply the credit
     and Other Colleges
                                                  value by the grade weighting, i.e.
     QQI: Further Education and Training          multiply by 3 in the case of a Distinction,
     Awards Council - Quality and                 by 2 in the case of a Merit, by 1 in the
     Qualifications Ireland.                      case of a Pass. Add these scores. Multiply
     HETAC: Higher Education and Training         the total by 13, then divide the answer by
     Awards Council.                              12. If you get a decimal place, round your
                                                  result to the nearest whole number.
     Note: Progression to Universities and
                                                  For further details, visit www2.cao.ie/
     other Colleges from QQI courses is
                                                  fetac/FETAC_scoring.pdf. Please refer to
     possible through the Higher Education
                                                  relevant HEI literature and CAO website
     Links Scheme (HELS). For entry into
                                                  for specific requirements.

22   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                    Realising New Futures   23
LCFE continues                                                                         Progression
     to create                                                                              Opportunities
     pathways for
                                                                                            Higher Education                            Links to Nursing
                                                                                            Links Scheme                                Programmes
                                                                                            A large number of higher education          Learners are eligible for consideration
                                                                                            institutions including Universities,        for entry to Nursing programmes when
                                                                                            Institutes of Technology and private 3rd    they achieve the QQI Level 5 Award
                                                                                            Level Colleges offer places to QQI CAO      5M4349 (Nursing Studies), 5M4468
                                                                                            applicants.                                 (Community & Health Services),
                                                                                                                                        5M4339 (Health Care Support), 5M3782
                                                                                            In addition to the Higher Education
                                                                                                                                        (Health Service Skills) and obtain a
                                                                                            Links Scheme (HELS), which links
                                                                                                                                        Distinction in 5 modules in the QQI
                                                                                            specific QQI Level 5 Certificates and
                                                                                                                                        Level 5 programme, which must include
                                                                                            some Level 6 Advanced Certificates to
                                                                                                                                        a Distinction in 5N0749 (Anatomy and
                                                                                            a number of reserved places on higher
     LIT enrols a very significant number of                                                                                            Physiology), 5N4325 (Nursing Theory &
                                                                                            education programmes, the Institutes of
     learners from LCFE every year based                                                                                                Practice), and 5N1279 (Human Growth
                                                                                            Technology and some higher education
     on course links to each LIT course. This                                                                                           and Development) or 5N2746 (Biology).
                                                  courses. Currently, LIT learners coming   Institutions operate admissions criteria
     number has grown significantly since                                                                                               A quota of reserved places are allocated
                                                  from LCFE are attending a diverse range   and scoring system for non-specific QQI
     LIT and LCFE formalised their links                                                                                                to applicants presenting with QQI
                                                  of courses across all disciplines and     Levels 5 and 6 Certificate applicants.
     across all courses, which helps to create                                                                                          qualifications. Places are allocated
                                                  these discipline areas have grown under
     smooth and seamless pathways for                                                                                                   on a competitive basis. The best eight
                                                  the collaboration agreement.              Note: Applicants are advised at all times
     learners. Such pathways operate through                                                                                            modules, generally at a single sitting,
                                                                                            to confirm linked Awards, any additional
                                                  This collaboration agreement follows                                                  are considered for scoring purposes.
     the CAO for learners entering first year.                                              module requirements, application
                                                  from a wider Memorandum of
     Learners successfully completing QQI                                                   processes and scoring systems with the
                                                  Understanding between Limerick
     Certificate Level 5 with LCFE are offered                                              Admissions Offices of the participating
                                                  & Clare ETB and LIT was signed in
     entry to LIT courses based on the                                                      higher education institutions, or visit
                                                  February 2015. Close collaboration
     collaboration agreement. Learners who                                                  www.cao.ie
                                                  between LCFE and LIT is the
     complete Advanced Certification Level        cornerstone of this wider agreement       Further information may be obtained
     6 with LCFE can apply for advanced           with Limerick and Clare Education         from the CAO website www.cao.ie or the
     entry straight into second year for linked   and Training Board.                       QQI website www.qqi.ie

24   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                                    Realising New Futures              25
Life in Limerick                                                                        Students’ Union
     The College’s main campus is located      We understand that the time you spend
     in the heart of Limerick City and         with us is not only about education,
     this allows the learners to enjoy the     but also about socialising and time for
     atmosphere and activities of city life.   personal development. Here at LCFE
     Within walking distance from the          you can have it all - a warm caring
     College, learners can access every        environment where you will meet new
     amenity available. There is a vibrant     people and make new friends.
     café culture and cuisine from every
                                               Studying in LCFE is not just about the
     ethnic origin. The Hunt Museum, King
                                               qualification and skills you graduate with.
     John’s Castle and the home of Munster
                                               Sometimes, it is the experiences along the
     Rubgy, Thomond Park are all within
                                               way. LCFE has a vibrant community of
     walking distance from our Mulgrave
                                               over 1,200 learners from all over the
     Street Campus.
                                               Mid-West region and beyond.

                                                                                             Get involved
                                                                                             and take your college
                                                                                             experience to the next level!
                                                                                             Limerick College of Further Education         of Management to ensure students have
                                                                                             Students’ Union is a democratically           their say in the operation of the college
                                                                                             elected SU made of learners from every        and how it will develop in the future.
                                                                                             course across the campi. LCFESU
                                                                                                                                           In addition to regular meetings and
                                                                                             represents the student’s voice, working
                                                                                                                                           working with classes to improve
                                                                                             with staff and management to ensure all
                                                                                                                                           college services, the SU organises
                                                                                             learners get the best possible experience
                                                                                                                                           and participates in numerous events
                                                                                             from their time at the college. The SU
                                                                                                                                           throughout the college year. The SU is
                                                                                             assists learners with issues such as
                                                                                                                                           also responsible for clubs and societies
                                                                                             welfare, timetables, advice, events and
                                                                                                                                           on campus. Clubs and Societies give
                                                                                             works in shaping the future of the college.
                                                                                                                                           students and staff the opportunity to
                                                                                             The SU is made up of class                    explore their interests, find new ones
                                                                                             representatives, with each class group        and make a wide circle of friends within
                                                                                             electing two students to represent            the college community.
                                                                                             them on the Union and the Executive
                                                                                                                                           So what are you waiting for? Get
                                                                                             Committee; President, Vice-President
                                                                                                                                           involved and take your college
                                                                                             and Secretary. Two members of the
                                                                                                                                           experience to the next level!
                                                                                             executive hold seats on the LCFE Board

26   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                                        Realising New Futures              27
     Learning Hubs
     The Library is a central and essential     providing access to the internet, printing   Learning Hubs                         Learning Hub Two is located directly
     part of the learner’s academic             and photocopying facilities and wireless     Our Learning Hubs have recently       beside the Library and includes
     experience. It provides a service that     internet access.                             been updated and refurbished.         individual stations with the most up to
     supports teaching, learning and research                                                Learning Hub One is a large room      date technology and makes for a quiet,
                                                The aim of the library service is to
     activities of the LCFE community,                                                       with individual stations containing   productive working space
                                                respond to the varying needs of the
     including:                                                                              the most up to date software and
                                                college community, learners and staff.                                             Active Learning = Real Results!
     • An atmosphere of research & study        Every effort is made to provide all titles   hardware. It has a central docking
     • Well-trained, service-oriented staff     recommended by the tutors to supplement      area for Learners to use their own
                                                the courses of study being taught.           devices or recharge them (BYOD).
     • Technology for easy information access
                                                Learners are assisted in the selection of    This room also has round tables to
     Members of the library can borrow books    appropriate additional reading.              accommodate Study Groups or Team
     for a period of 7 days. Membership is                                                   Learning and a suite of iMACs. This
     free. The learner ID card serves as a      Opening Hours                                is also where our Drop in Study
     library membership card. Resources         8.00am - 5.00pm                              Service is located.
     include computer workstations              6.45pm - 8.45pm

28   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                               Realising New Futures             29
     Skills Course                                                                            iMix Studio
                                                                                              The College houses a state of the art
                                                                                              broadcast media suite doubling as
                                                                                                                                        the world the chance to listen to the
                                                                                                                                        college station.
     Self-Directed Learning is encouraged          key sections designed to further enable
     and Promoted within LCFE. We                  success among Learners. It can be          LCFE’s very own radio station; iMix,
                                                                                              LCFE Online Radio. The station            The station and its studios provide real
     provide every opportunity for                 usedvia desktop/browser or in the form                                               hands on experience with all elements
     Learners to select, manage and assess         of the Moodle app.                         hosts both live and pre-recorded
                                                                                              programming throughout the academic       of broadcast production, writing scripts,
     their own learning.                                                                                                                editing and producing content and
                                                   Each section contains:                     year. Everything you hear on the
     We have had a Drop in Study Skills                                                       station is planned, written, produced     broadcasting live on-air. This learner
                                                   • Lessons that are graded (Learners may
     Service available in the College for a                                                   and presented by the learners on the      radio environment prepares Level 6 and
                                                      re-take/review) lessons as required.
     number of years; the Study Skills Course                                                 QQI Level 6 Advanced Broadcasting         Level 5 students to work in industry while
     complements this service.                     • Associated (optional) activities        and Media Production course. The          fostering a sense of community on and
                                                                                              station consists of a media production    off air at the LCFE Mulgrave St. campus.
     The development of our Online Study           • Completion of the course is tracked
     Skills Course in its new interactive             automatically                           office simulating an industry working
                                                                                                                                        In addition, the station acts as a source
     format is a valuable tool that is now                                                    environment as well as two Studios.
                                                   • Digital Badges are awarded upon                                                   of information for all students and staff
     freely available to all registered Learners                                                                                        with iMix broadcasting real and relevant
                                                      completion of the course.               The ‘iMix’ stream can be heard 24 hours
     within the College.                                                                                                                issues and news from within the college
                                                                                              a day online and through apps like
     The Study Skills course consists of 8         Active Learning = Real Results!            TuneIn Radio giving audiences across      to all who tune in.

30   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                                     Realising New Futures               31
iMac Lab
                                                                                        The Sole
     The College has a state-of-the art iMac
     Lab on the College campus. These 21.5
     inch iMacs have 16 Gigabytes of RAM
                                               standard products. The College’s iMac
                                               Lab will expose learners to the latest
                                               technology and software available.
                                                                                        The academic year 2019/2020 will see the        at its peak in the 1950s and 1960s.
     and 1Terabyte of Storage. Each has        Industry experts say that colleges
                                                                                        launch of LCFE’s latest exciting new state      Owned by the City Tannery people, the
     an i5 Processor with a 500 Megabyte       utilising Mac facilities have the edge
                                                                                        of the art facilities. Located on the site of   O’Callaghan’s, Squadron Shoes were the
     Video Card. The installation also         when it comes to training learners in
                                                                                        the old Limerick shoe factory adjacent          market leader for many years. Sold to an
     includes a RAID Storage system with       order to meet workplace demands.
                                                                                        to its Mulgrave Street campus LCFE              English company, the factory was closed
     Backup. The software installed on         LCFE learners from Art & Design,
                                                                                        has invested significantly in developing        in the 1970s. It was subsequently taken
     the iMacs includes Adobe® Creative        Fashion, Media, Multimedia, IT and
                                                                                        media/ multimedia photography editing           over by the Department of Post and
     Suite® 6 Design Premium software          Photography are enjoying using this
                                                                                        suites and a recording studio used              Telegraphs (PT) and later Bord na gCon.
     which bring rich designs to life on       facility.
                                                                                        primarily by the music, radio, broadcast
     smartphones and tablets, including                                                                                                 LCFE choose the title “The Sole Factory”
                                               Opening Hours                            and TV Department.
     the iPad, Motorola XOOM™, also                                                                                                     to reflect the link with the location’s
                                               8.00am - 5.00pm
     installed are Final Cut Pro X, Logic                                               The Shoe Factory in Mulgrave Street             past and to look forward to a brand new
                                               6.45pm - 8.45pm
     Studio and numerous other industry                                                 employed several hundred people                 chapter in creativity and expression.

32   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                                     Realising New Futures             33
Open Day
                        Our Open Day is on
                        23rd January 2020
                               Visit www.lcfe.ie for details

                                        LCFE holds an annual Open Day. The
                                                                                     Equality &
                                        highly successful event attracts large
                                        numbers of people interested in learning
                                        more about the College’s courses and
                                        facilities. Teaching staff will be on hand
                                                                                     LCFE is very proud of it’s multicultural    feels welcome, comfortable and a valued
                                        to provide all the information required
                                                                                     campi, hosting learners from all over the   part of the College.
                                        to prospective learners, parents and
                                                                                     world every year.
                                        guidance counsellors. Details are also                                                   Every year the college encourages
                                        provided on maintenance grants as well       The college is committed to providing       staff and learners to participate in
                                        as social welfare information.               an environment that promotes and            an Intercultural Day; an event that
                                                                                     develops a positive approach to learning.   celebrates all of the cultures in the
                                        The Open Day also features an exciting
                                                                                     All learners can expect to learn and        college. The event is an opportunity for
                                        Visual Arts Exhibition (Art and Design,
                                                                                     study in a space free from discrimination   all our learners to experience different
                                        Fashion, and Photography). Produced by
                                                                                     and harassment.                             cultures, languages, customs, and live
                                        LCFE learners and staged by academic
                                                                                                                                 entertainment and to taste a variety of
                                        staff, the high-quality exhibition can be    LCFE strives to create an open and
                                                                                                                                 foods from all over the world.
                                        enjoyed by all visitors.                     friendly atmosphere where each learner

34   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                              Realising New Futures             35
LCFE Learner                                                                            TV & Film -
     Creativity                                                                              Creative
                                                 “I am a past student of
                                                   LCFE. After finishing
                                                   my City and Guilds
                                                   certificate in Fashion
                                                   and Textile Design in
                                                   2008 I went on to do a
                                                   BA in Fashion Design
                                                                                                   Each year the Level 6 Advanced TV
                                                   at UCA Rochester.
                                                                                                   & Film s engage with the Creative
                                                   I now live in London where I work as a
                                                                                                   Engagement programme to develop,
                                                   costume maker/designer.
                                                                                                   script, produce, film, edit and promote
                                                  The technical training I received                a short film. learners are encouraged to
     Learner focused integration of course
                                                  at LCFE played a vital role in my                participate at all stages of the project and
     content allows LCFE to collaborate
                                                  current career path as I found I had             gain an insight into the process of apply
     with local businesses and industry with
                                                  great interest not solely in the design          for funding for their own future projects.
     various projects which enhances college
                                                  element but also the development and
     experience.                                                                                   The Creative Engagement programme
                                                  construction of pattern making and
                                                                                                   affords the college the ability to draw
     The Creative Engagement programme,           clothing. I have no average day in my
                                                                                                   on industry talent to mentor the
     has kindly supported the Fashion and         line of work and the diversity of my
                                                                                                   Level 6 students across all aspects of
     Costume Department to bring back             jobs has spanned from Hollywood
                                                                                                   producing a short film. It culminates
     past graduates who have succeeded in         film, working for the likes of Warner
                                                                                                   in a screening of the finished piece
     their professional careers working with      Brothers and 20th Century Fox to
                                                                                                   with members of the production
     Hollywood films such as Star Wars,           working on much smaller productions
                                                                                                   crew, families, friends and industry
     working as luxury head designer for          where it may be a one man/woman
                                                                                                   spokespersons all attending.
     Pucci and Max Mara in Milan and as           play. Each job teaches something new
     make-up artist for Stella McCartney,         and the roles are always interesting.            The Creative Engagement programme
     Ted Baker and All Saints. Again Creative     The work always poses challenges but             is co-funded by the Department of
     Engagement programme allows LCFE             the rewards by far outweigh these. It            Culture Heritage and the Gaeltacht,
     to work on exciting projects and give        was a fantastic opportunity for me to            the Department of Education and Skills
     motivational guidance to the learners.       come back to LCFE and spend time                 and the Heritage Council. The aim is
     This helps to provide a framework            with the current students aspiring to go         to encourage creativity, initiative and
     for extending their course work into         into the world of fashion and costume            expression in students. It is facilitated by
     realistic projects for business and gives    and I hope that they benefited from the          the National Association for Principals
     departments an opportunity to showcase       time we had together.”                           and Deputy Principals Association
     talent to a broad audience and industry.    – Annette, Past Fashion Design Student            (NAPD) and Limerick & Clare ETB.

36   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                Realising New Futures                 37
                                                                                           in Lcfe

     Lcfe Erasmus
     Plus Programme                                                                        Enterprise Engagement at LCFE has
                                                                                           always been a key priority. LCFE’s
                                                                                                                                     • Developing and supporting Enterprise
                                                                                                                                        Engagement activities in LCFE
     Building Educational Partnerships · Building
     on Enterprise Engagement · Building on Work                                           Enterprise Engagement Strategy is         • Developing and maintaining strong
     Experience in Another EU State · Building Confidence                                  informed by the Limerick and Clare           relationships with local employers
                                                                                           Education and Training Board’s
                                                                                           (LCETB) FET Enterprise Engagement         • Managing work experience for learners
     Erasmus Plus is the EU’s programme       LCFE also welcomes students and staff
     to support education, training, youth    from EU countries to Limerick on Erasmus     Framework (2017 – 2020). The college      • Updating an employers’ database for
     and sport in Europe which is open to     Plus programmes. In doing so, the college    works collaboratively with LCETB             the region
     individuals and organisations.           has formed partnerships with EU colleges.    Enterprise Engagement Support
                                                                                                                                     • Marketing and promoting the college to
                                                                                           Service, and LCFE staff are represented
     Currently, LCFE is involved in learner   The programme is not just limited                                                         new and existing employers
                                                                                           on the LCETB’s Enterprise Engagement
     and staff Erasmus funded programmes      to learners. Staff mobility is also an       Steering Committee. Additionally,         • Advising learners on CV writing,
     in a number of European destinations.    important element of the initiative.         there is an active in-house Enterprise       interviews and recruitment
     The opportunity to spend a period        Erasmus also looks at improving and          Engagement team, whose core               • Managing the job placement service in
     of time living in a different country    modernising the quality of teaching across   functions are as follows:                    the College
     affords the learners the opportunity     Europe. Funding is provided for staff to
     to experience and appreciate different   participate in a mobility in a different     • Carrying out an annual audit of LCFE   LCFE enjoys very productive relations
     cultures, as well as gaining valuable    country, participating and shadowing            Enterprise Engagement activities       with local employers and other bodies in
     work experience.                         teaching practices in the host country.                                                Limerick.

38   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                                  Realising New Futures              39
                                                                                          Sport is a vital part of Limerick life and     and FUTSAL teams participate in the
                                                                                          this is reflected in the vast number and       national College & Universities Football
                                                                                          variety of sports clubs in the city. Joining   League. LCFE has been very successful

     Graduation                                                                           and participating in sports at LCFE not
                                                                                          only provides you with the opportunity
                                                                                          to remain fit and healthy but also offers
                                                                                          lifelong memories of the camaraderie,
                                                                                                                                         year to date and we hope to continue
                                                                                                                                         this in the future. Our women’s FUTSAL
                                                                                                                                         team took part in the national colleges
                                                                                                                                         and universities FUTSAL competition as
     The College Graduation takes place      learners’ achievements. It also gives past
                                                                                          the competition and the celebrations           the only college of further education and
     annually in October and the numbers     learners an opportunity to catch up with
                                                                                          involved in taking part.                       were very successful at the event. LCFE
     attending is indicative of the growth   classmates and exchange stories about
                                                                                                                                         hope to continue to grow and develop
     in the College over the last number     their chosen career paths. Through its       As part of our Freshers week, LCFE hold
                                                                                                                                         sport at the college and continue to
     of years. It has become the highlight   five schools, the College offers an ever-    an annual Induction Soccer Tournament
                                                                                                                                         compete at the highest level.
     of the College’s academic year, as it   expanding range of full-time day and         which takes place in the University of
     bestows official recognition on our     part-time evening courses.                   Limerick Arena. The college Soccer team

40   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                                      Realising New Futures              41
Vision, Mission
                                                        & Values
                                                                                  To be recognised as an outstanding College of Further Education
                                                                                  and Training in Ireland and abroad. LCFE will be a leader nationally
                                                                                  and internationally in the Further Education and Training sector.
                                                        Vision                    The College is not only interested in best practice but in next
                                                                                  practice. LCFE wishes to invent a new future for itself in the new
                                                                                  further education and training landscape which is emerging.

                                                        Mission                   To add value to our learners, our staff and to the communities we
                                                                                  operate in by providing a first class education and training experience.

                                                                                  The values of the College have developed over a period of time and
                                                        Values                    have had input from the staff, management and learners in LCFE.

                                                        Professionalism                                            Innovation and Creativity
                                                        • We will undertake our work, engage and                   • We will be open, aware and responsive to new
                                                          collaborate with our learners, colleagues and              ideas and flexible in our approach to change;
                                                          partners with honesty and integrity;                     • We will contribute to a culture of continuous
                                                        • We will strive for quality and excellence in our work;     improvement, supporting learners and
                                                                                                                     colleagues in realizing their full potential;

                               It’s a simple equation
                                                        • Continuous learning will be an integral part
                                                          of our work;                                             • We will promote creativity and innovation in our
                                                                                                                     work with learners, colleagues and partners;
                                                        • Self-Leadership with be encouraged

                                                          throughout the College.                                  • We will take responsibility to find solutions to
                                                                                                                     problems and empower others to do the same.
                                                        • We will show respect for all in our
                                                          communication and interaction with others;               • We will promote equality, transparency and
                                                        • We will lead by example and actively demonstrate           fairness in LCFE;
                                                          high standards of personal responsibility;               • We will be learner-centred and transparent in
                                                        • Show respect for the needs and views                       our work;
                                                          of every individual through our                          • We will foster and celebrate diversity and
                                                          communications and actions.                                promote LCFE as an equal opportunities College.

42   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                  Realising New Futures                     43
What entry requirements
                                                                                         do I need?
                                                  Your Questions,
                                                                                                                                     people of all ages and backgrounds who
                                                                                         For details please refer to the entry       are interested in the same things. There
                                                  Our Answers                            requirements section on all of courses in
                                                                                         this prospectus. If you are still unsure,
                                                                                                                                     are no bells or uniforms and there are
                                                                                                                                     free sports clubs and societies that you
                                                                                         come along to our open day where you        can get involved in.
                                                                                         can find out what courses are available
     What are the course fees                     How do I choose                        and speak to people who can help such       As a mature learner I am
     and how do I pay?                            which course?                          as career guidance, admissions staff,       nervous going back to
     There are no tuition fees payable to         When choosing what to do, you should   course tutors and previous Learners.        education?
     the College by EU nationals. However,        ask yourself a number of questions     How different is                            At Limerick College of Further
     learners are liable for registration fees,   such as:                                                                           Education we have courses for people
     examination fees, and for some courses,
                                                                                         college to school?                          of all ages and abilities. We have a very
                                                  - What am I interested in and what
     materials fees. Registration fees vary         do I enjoy studying?                 Limerick College of Further Education       diverse community of learners. With 50
     depending on course choice. Applicants                                              offers a more adult environment than        years experience we feel we can provide
                                                  - What do I want to do in the future
     will be informed of individual course fees                                          school. You get to study the things that    an environment where all learners can
                                                    and what do I need to get there?
     and possible exemptions at interview.                                               really interest you and you will meet       thrive and achieve their goals.

44   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                                                  Realising New Futures              45
5 Schools
                                                                                             across 3
     Our                                                                                     Campuses
     Limerick College of Further Education        of the staff who have passed through
                                                                                             School of Business & Information
     (LCFE) has transformed itself over the       its doors supported by a progressive
     last 56 years. It started out in 1963 as a   and equally hard-working Limerick &
     second-level vocational school known         Clare ETB.                                 School of Childcare & Healthcare               83
     as the ‘School of Commerce’ and is
                                                  The Further Education and Training
     now a thriving College of Further
                                                  landscape has changed with the             School of Beauty & Hair                        94
     Education with three campuses in
                                                  establishment of SOLAS and QQI. The
     the Mid-West Region. We have grown
     from humble beginnings in the 1960s
                                                  spotlight is now on this sector because    School of Creative Media & Visual Arts        101
                                                  never before has the value of education,
     to one of the largest colleges of further
     education in the country with up to
                                                  training and upskilling been more          School of Sports, Science & Engineering       140
                                                  important. Whether you’re leaving
     4000 enrolments each year between
     part time and full time enrolments.
                                                  school, unemployed or wish to upskill,
                                                  LCFE can play a vital role in your
                                                                                             Cappamore Campus                              148
     This transformation did not happen
                                                  education and training and help you
     by accident. It happened because of
                                                  achieve your full potential.               Evening Courses                               162
     the dedication and sheer hard work

46   Lcfe PROSPECTUS 2020-21                                                                                               Realising New Futures   47
Level 5 qualification from
                                                                                                another institution is eligible to apply
                                                                                                for Level 5 or Level 6 courses.             Fees
                                                                                                                                            Courtesy of NDP-funding, there are

     School of
                                                                                                As the nation’s economy emerges from        no tuition fees. Learners, however, are
                                                                                                the recession and the economy improves      liable for registration and examination
                                                                                                apace, there is significant growth in       fees (exceptions apply to the latter).

     Business &
                                                                                                the services sector, with more and          Learners are expected to supply their
                                                                                                more employment being created all           own, prescribed study materials. Grants
                                                                                                the time. Multi-National Corporations       are available, but are means tested.
                                                                                                (MNCs) employ more people than

                                                                                                                                            Please refer to www.susi.ie and for
                                                                                                Irish-owned businesses. With the            mature learners, the Back-to-Education
                                                                                                uncertainty surrounding Brexit in the       Initiative may provide funding to
                                                                                                UK, more MNCs have, or intend to,           eligible applicants.

                                                                                                set up in Ireland, thus creating further
                                                                                                employment. The government constantly       Work Experience
                                                                                                emphasises the need for entrepreneurship    Work Experience is a mandatory
                                                                                                and having a qualification in Business/IT   module for all level 5 and 6 courses.
     The School of Business & Information Technology                                            can empower people to set up their own      All learners are required to participate
                                                                                                                                            in this and are assessed based on their
     is dynamic, progressive and creative. It’s courses offer                                                                               work performance. This experience
                                                                                                Business courses are offered in the
     learners QQI qualifications at both Levels 5 and 6.                                        areas of administration, law, reception,
                                                                                                                                            is invaluable to participants who can
                                                                                                                                            further develop their skills set and gain
                                                                                                accounting, tourism, marketing, business
                                                                                                                                            an understanding of the workplace.
     The School of Business and Information        All programmes offer employment              studies, retail, pharmacy assistant, arts
     Technology is thriving. Courses have          opportunities and links to Higher            and culture and liberal arts. The list      European work placement is another
     been running successfully for many            Education, depending on what learners        is not exhaustive; please refer to the      possibility. This is available and made
     years now. There are new courses and          plan to do once they receive awards          following pages.                            possible by availing of the Erasmus+,
     any course that is no longer relevant is      here, be they at Level 5 or Level 6. Level                                               EU programme for Education, Training,
                                                                                                IT courses enable learners to acquire the
     replaced by a more market driven one.         5 is the entry level and we offer some                                                   Youth and Support. This is just another
                                                                                                knowledge and skills to work in key areas
                                                   courses at Level 6 for those who wish                                                    exciting prospect for our learners.
     We welcome school leavers and mature                                                       such as web development and software
                                                   to progress in the context of the Irish
     learners. It is our experience that mixed-                                                 development. These and other courses        Explore our website and consider
                                                   National Qualifications Framework.
     age groups can prosper here, with strong                                                   are designed to educate and train people    applying www.lcfe.ie and click on the
                                                   Anyone who holds a relevant Level 4 or
     results being a direct consequence of this.                                                to work in dynamic and exciting areas.      green icon ‘FULL TIME APPLY’.

48   SCHOOL OF Business & Information Technology                                                                                                     Realising New Futures              49
Accounting & Taxation Studies with
                                                   Information Technology
                                                   Course Code              Award(s)

                                                   AFXX                     QQI Level 5 Business Studies 5M2102

                                                   Course Overview                                 Entry Requirements
                                                   This is a 1 year, full-time course. It is       • Applicants must have Leaving
                                                   designed to meet the growing demand in            Certificate, LCA or equivalent.
                                                   the market place for staff with practical       • Holders of a QQI Level 4 Award are
                                                   accounting skills, knowledge of taxation          also eligible to apply.
                                                   and relevant computer experience. This          • Mature learners (over 23) may be
                                                   course will give participants experience          exempt from the above academic
                                                   with computerised accounting systems.             requirements.
                                                   Successful course participants can              • In addition applicants will have to
                                                   progress to Advanced Accounting and               undertake an interview.
                                                   Finance with IT QQI Level 6.
                                                                                                   Employment Opportunities /
                                                   Typical Modules                                 Progression
                                                   • Accounting Manual and Computerised           • Learners can pursue careers in the
                                                   • Applied Economics                               areas of office administration, payroll,
                                                   • Business Administration Skills                  assistant accountants, taxation and
                                                   • Communications                                  other business related environments
                                                   • Work Experience                               • Institutes of Technology and other
                                                   • Spreadsheet Methods                             Colleges around the country may
                                                   • Taxation                                        be offering opportunities for further
                                                   • Business Law                                    studies. Please check with the
                                                   • Mathematics                                     individual Admissions Offices of
                                                   • Statistics                                      any institution you are interested in
                                                   • Payroll – Manual & Computerised                 attending or visit www.cao.ie

50   SCHOOL OF Business & Information Technology                                                             Realising New Futures              51
Accounting Technician Ireland (ATI)                                                          Arts, Culture & History
     Course Code               Award(s)                                                           Course Code               Award(s)

     ATIX                      Membership of Accounting Technicians Ireland {ATI}
                               QQI Level 5 Component Certificate Spreadsheet Methods 5N1977 &
                                                                                                  ACHX                      QQI Level 5 Cultural and Heritage Studies 5M2154

                               Information & Communication Systems 5N1952

     Course Overview                                 • Mature learners (over 23) may be           Course Overview                                  Employment Opportunities /
     This 2 year, full-time course is for those        exempt from the above academic             This is a course for those who wish to           Progression
     aspiring to become members of the                 requirements.                              acquire an in-depth knowledge of local           • Positions in tourist attractions, in
     Accounting Technicians Ireland (ATI),           • In addition applicants will have to        history, European folklore, ethnology,             research and many other areas.
     a professional body sponsored by the              undertake an interview.                    culture and heritage. Writing skills for         • Institutes of Technology and other
     Institute of Chartered Accountants.                                                          journalism are all taught, topped off with         Colleges around the country may
     Accounting Technicians work in                  Employment Opportunities /                   word processing skills. Employment                 be offering opportunities for further
     accountancy firms, the corporate sector         Progression                                  opportunities would arise in the tourism           studies. Please check with the
     or the public sector. The ATI Course is         • Assistant Accountant, Credit Controller,   industry and beyond.                               individual Admissions Offices of
     an ideal preparation for the pursuit of a         Cost Assistant, Accounts Supervisor,                                                          any institution you are interested in
     career in professional accountancy.               Audit Assistant, Payroll Administrator,    Typical Modules                                    attending or visit www.cao.ie
                                                       etc.                                       • Customer Service                                 This qualification may entitle learners
     Typical Modules                                 • Exemptions from certain modules            • Local History                                    to apply for Arts Degree programmes at
     YEAR 1                                            of Professional accountancy bodies         • Archaeology                                      3rd Level.
     • Financial Accounting                            are available. Apply directly to these     • Communications
     • Taxation                                        professional bodies for exemption          • Folklore and Ethnology
     • Law and Ethics                                  details. Members may also apply for        • Writing Skills for Journalism
     • Business Management                             admission to Year 3 of the Accounting      • Word Processing
                                                       and Finance - Bachelor of Business         • Work Experience
     YEAR 2                                            Studies (BBS) Degree Programme at
     • Advanced Financial Accounting                   Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT).
     • Advanced Taxation                                                                          Entry Requirements
                                                     • Institutes of Technology and other
     • Management Accounting                                                                      • Applicants must have Leaving
                                                       Colleges around the country may
     • Integrated Accounting Systems (IAS)                                                          Certificate, LCA or equivalent.
                                                       be offering opportunities for further
                                                                                                  • Holders of a QQI Level 4 Award are also
     Learners also take QQI modules in                 studies. Please check with the
                                                                                                    eligible to apply.
     Spreadsheet Methods and ICS in year one.          individual Admissions Offices of
                                                                                                  • Mature learners (over 23) may be
                                                       any institution you are interested in
                                                                                                    exempt from the above academic
     Entry Requirements                                attending or visit www.cao.ie
     • Applicants must have Leaving                                                               • In addition applicants will have to
       Certificate, LCA or equivalent.                                                              undertake an interview.
     • Holders of a QQI Level 4 Award are also
       eligible to apply.

52   SCHOOL OF Business & Information Technology                                                                                                             Realising New Futures             53
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